Fire protection systems at the enterprise. Fire prevention measures at the enterprise. Fire prevention plan


1. Fire safety. Main functions of the support system fire safety

2. Legal regulation in the field of fire safety.

3. Creation of a fire department and organization of its activities.

4. Implementation of rights, duties and responsibilities in the field of fire safety

5. Development and implementation of fire safety measures.



Fire safety- the state of protection of individuals, property, society and the state from fires.

Fire safety system- a set of forces and means, as well as measures of a legal, organizational, economic, social, scientific and technical nature aimed at fighting fires.

Main functions of the fire safety system:

  1. regulatory legal regulation and implementation of government measures in the field of fire safety;
  2. creation of a fire department and organization of its activities;
  3. development and implementation of fire safety measures;
  4. implementation of rights, duties and responsibilities in the field of fire safety;
  5. conducting fire prevention propaganda and training the population in fire safety measures;
  6. promoting the activities of volunteer firefighters, involving the population in ensuring fire safety;
  7. scientific and technical support of fire safety;
  8. information support in the field of fire safety;
  9. implementation of federal state fire supervision and other control functions to ensure fire safety;
  10. production of fire-technical products;
  11. performance of work and provision of services in the field of fire safety;
  12. licensing of activities in the field of fire safety and confirmation of conformity of products and services in the field of fire safety (certification);
  13. extinguishing fires and carrying out emergency rescue operations;
  14. accounting of fires and their consequences;
  15. establishment of a special fire safety regime.



The fundamental legislative acts in the field of fire safety are:

1) Federal law dated December 21, 1994 N 69-FZ "On Fire Safety", which defines general legal, economic and social foundations ensuring fire safety in Russian Federation.

2) Federal law dated July 22, 2008 N 123-FZ "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements", establishing the main provisions of technical regulation in this area and general fire safety requirements for protected objects (products).

3) Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 25, 2012 No. 390 “On the fire safety regime” approving the new rules of the fire safety regime (FPR) in the Russian Federation (previously they were called PPB fire safety rules)

4) Federal law dated 05/06/2011 N 100-FZ (as amended on 07/02/2013)"On the Voluntary Fire Department."

5) Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated December 12, 2007 N 645 (as amended on June 22, 2010) “On approval of fire safety standards “Training in fire safety measures for employees of organizations”

6) Rulebooks

And other documents.



Fire protection (from Federal Law No. 69) - a set of management bodies, divisions and organizations created in accordance with the established procedure, designed to organize the prevention of fires, extinguish them and carry out emergency rescue operations assigned to them

Types of fire protection:

  • State Fire Service (SFS);
  • municipal fire department;
  • departmental fire protection;
  • private fire protection;
  • volunteer fire department.

The main tasks of the fire department:

  • organization and implementation of fire prevention;
  • rescuing people and property during fires, providing first aid;
  • organization and implementation of fire extinguishing and emergency rescue operations.

The fire department is not involved in actions to prevent and eliminate socio-political and interethnic conflicts and mass riots.


Federal Law “On Fire Safety” dated December 21, 1994 No. 69-FZ (as amended on July 2, 2013 N 185-FZ)

Article 34. Rights and obligations of citizens in the field of fire safety

Citizens have the right to:

  • protection of their life, health and property in case of fire;
  • compensation for damage caused by fire in the manner prescribed current legislation;
  • participation in establishing the causes of the fire that caused damage to their health and property;
  • obtaining information on fire safety issues, including in the prescribed manner from management bodies and fire departments;
  • participation in ensuring fire safety, including, in accordance with the established procedure, in the activities of the voluntary fire department.

Citizens are obliged:

  • comply with fire safety requirements;
  • have in the premises and buildings in their ownership (use) primary fire extinguishing means and fire-fighting equipment in accordance with fire safety rules and lists approved by the relevant local government bodies;
  • If fires are detected, immediately notify the fire brigade;
  • before the arrival of the fire department, take all feasible measures to save people, property and extinguish fires;
  • assist the fire department in extinguishing fires;
  • comply with instructions, regulations and other legal requirements officials state fire supervision;
  • provide, in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the opportunity for officials of the state fire supervision to conduct surveys and inspections of production, utility, residential and other premises and buildings belonging to them in order to monitor compliance with fire safety requirements and suppress their violations.

Article 37. Rights and obligations of organizations in the field of fire safety

The heads of the organization have the right:

create, reorganize and liquidate in the prescribed manner fire departments, which they maintain at the expense of own funds;

make proposals to state authorities and local governments to ensure fire safety;

carry out work to establish the causes and circumstances of fires that occurred at enterprises;

establish measures of social and economic incentives to ensure fire safety;

receive information on fire safety issues, including in the prescribed manner from management bodies and fire departments.

The heads of the organization are obliged to:

comply with fire safety requirements, as well as comply with orders, regulations and other legal requirements of fire officials;

develop and implement measures to ensure fire safety;

conduct fire prevention propaganda, as well as train their employees in fire safety measures;

to include in collective agreement(agreement) fire safety issues;

provide assistance to fire protection in extinguishing fires, establishing the causes and conditions of their occurrence and development, as well as in identifying persons guilty of violating fire safety requirements and causing fires;

provide, in the prescribed manner, the necessary forces and means when extinguishing fires on the territories of enterprises;

provide access to fire officials when they carry out official duties on the territory, in buildings, structures and other facilities of enterprises;

provide, at the request of officials of the state fire supervision, information and documents on the state of fire safety at enterprises, including fire danger the products they produce, as well as about the fires that occurred on their territories and their consequences;

immediately report to the fire brigade about any fires or malfunctions of existing systems and equipment against fire protection, about changes in the condition of roads and passages;

promote the activities of volunteer firefighters;

ensure the creation and maintenance of fire protection units at facilities included in the list of facilities critical to the national security of the country, other particularly important fire hazardous facilities, and particularly valuable facilities approved by the Government of the Russian Federation cultural heritage peoples of the Russian Federation, where fire protection is mandatory (with the exception of facilities where facility, special and military units Federal Fire Service).

Heads of organizations directly manage the fire safety system within their competence at subordinate facilities and bear personal responsibility for compliance with fire safety requirements.

Article 38. Liability for violation of fire safety requirements

Responsibility for violation of fire safety requirements in accordance with current legislation lies with:

property owners;

heads of federal executive authorities;

heads of local government bodies;

persons authorized to own, use or dispose of property, including heads of organizations;

persons appointed in accordance with the established procedure as responsible for ensuring fire safety;

officials within their competence.

Responsibility for violation of fire safety requirements for apartments (rooms) in buildings of the state, municipal and departmental housing stock rests with the responsible tenants or tenants, unless otherwise provided by the relevant agreement.

Persons listed in part one of this article, other citizens for violation of fire safety requirements, as well as for other offenses in the field of fire safetymay be subject to disciplinary, administrative or criminal liability in accordance with current legislation.



dated December 30, 2001 N 195-FZ (as amended on February 3, 2014) (with amendments and additions, entered into force on February 15, 2014)

Article 20.4. Violation of fire safety requirements

1. Violation of fire safety requirements, except as provided Articles 8.32, 11.16 this Code and parts 3 - 8 of this article, -

entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one thousand to one thousand five hundred rubles; on official persons - from six thousand to fifteen thousand rubles; on legal persons - from one hundred fifty thousand to two hundred thousand rubles.

2. The same actions performed under conditionsspecial fire regime, -

entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of two thousand to four thousand rubles; for officials - from fifteen thousand to thirty thousand rubles; on legal entities- from four hundred thousand to five hundred thousand rubles.

6. Violation of fire safety requirements, resulting in a fire and destruction or damage to someone else’s property or causing slight or moderate harm to human health, -

entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of four thousand to five thousand rubles; for officials - from forty thousand to fifty thousand rubles; for legal entities - from three hundred fifty thousand to four hundred thousand rubles.

6.1. Violation of fire safety requirements, resulting in a fire and causing serious harm to human health or death, -

shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine on legal entities in the amount of six hundred thousand to one million rubles or administrative suspension of activities for a period of up to ninety days.

Article 8.32. Violation of fire safety rules in forests

1. Violation of fire safety rules in forests -

entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of one thousand five hundred to two thousand five hundred rubles; for officials - from five thousand to ten thousand rubles; for legal entities - from thirty thousand to one hundred thousand rubles.

3. Violation of fire safety rules in forests under conditions of a special fire regime - entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of three thousand to four thousand rubles; for officials - from ten thousand to twenty thousand rubles; for legal entities - from one hundred thousand to two hundred thousand rubles.

4. Violation of fire safety rules, resulting in the occurrence of a forest fire without causing serious harm to human health, -

entails the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of five thousand rubles; for officials - fifty thousand rubles; for legal entities - from five hundred thousand to one million rubles.

Article 19.13. Deliberately false call to specialized services

A knowingly false call to the fire department, police, ambulance or other specialized services shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of one thousand to one thousand five hundred rubles.


FROM FEDERAL LAW OF 07.22.2008 N 123-FZ



1. Classification of fires by complexity their extinguishing is used in determining the composition of forces and means of fire departments and other services necessary to extinguish fires. Depending on the complexity of extinguishing the fire, a number (rank) from 1 to 5 is assigned. When calling No. 1 (first rank), 1-2 fire engines go to the fire, and for a fire of rank 5 (the most complex) 15 departments (each with at least 2 cars). For example, the fire in the Fabrika shopping and entertainment complex in Kirov was assigned the fourth complexity number. According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, 24 units of equipment were involved in extinguishing the fire.

2. Classification of firesby type of combustible materialused to indicate the area of ​​application of fire extinguishing agents, such as fire extinguishers.

Here (Federal Law No. 123. Article 3) distinguishes the following classes of fires:

  1. fires of solid flammable substances and materials;
  2. fires of flammable or melting liquids solids and materials;
  3. gas fires;
  4. metal fires;
  5. fires of flammable substances and materials of electrical installations under voltage;
  6. fires of nuclear materials, radioactive waste and radioactive substances.

Table. The effectiveness of fire extinguishers depending on the class of fire and the charged extinguishing agent(ITV). The sign +++ marks fire extinguishers that are most effective in extinguishing a fire of this class; ++ fire extinguishers suitable for extinguishing a fire of this class; + fire extinguishers that are not sufficiently effective in extinguishing a fire of this class; - fire extinguishers unsuitable for extinguishing fires of this class.

Fire class

Fire extinguishers


Air emulsion

Air foam

Air-foam with fluorine-containing charge


Carbon dioxide


with spray jet

with a fine spray jet -

with spray jet

with fine spray

low expansion foam

medium expansion foam








++ *(1)











+++ *(2)


+ *(3)

++ *(3)


+++ *(4)


Note: 1 - For fire extinguishers charged with ABCE powder.2 - For fire extinguishers charged with special powder and equipped with a powder jet damper.3 - Subject to compliance with electrical safety requirements GOST R 51017 or GOST R 51057. 4 - Except for fire extinguishers equipped with a metal diffuser to supply carbon dioxide to the fire.


on fire danger(Federal Law No. 123. Article 12.)

(excluding construction, textile and leather materials)

Based on flammability, substances and materials are divided into the following groups:

1) non-flammable - substances and materials that are unable to burn in air. Non-flammable substances can be fire-explosive (for example, oxidizers or substances that release flammable products when interacting with water, air oxygen, or with each other);

2) flame retardant - substances and materials capable of burning in air when exposed to an ignition source, but unable to burn independently after its removal;

3) flammable - substances and materials capable of spontaneous combustion, as well as ignite under the influence of an ignition source and burn independently after its removal.

Groups of flammable liquids are distinguished:flammable and especially dangerous flammable liquids, the ignition of vapors occurs when low temperatures, defined by regulatory documents on fire safety.

Article 13. Classification of construction, textile and leather materials

on fire danger.

Finishing and building materials are divided into non-flammable (NG) and combustible (G).

Combustible finishing and building materials are divided into

According to flammability, there are 4 groups:
G1 - low-flammable;
G2 - moderately flammable;
G3 - normal-flammable;
G4 - highly flammable.

According to flammability, there are 3 groups:
B1 - flame retardant;
B2 - moderately flammable;
B3 - highly flammable.

According to smoke-forming ability, there are 3 groups:
D1 - small;
D2 - moderate;
DZ - high smoke-generating ability.

According to the toxicity of combustion products, there are 4 groups:
T1 - low-hazard;
T2 - moderately hazardous;
TK - highly dangerous;
T4 - extremely dangerous.

According to the spread of flame over the surface, there are 4 groups:

RP1 - non-proliferating;

RP2 - weakly spreading;

RP3 - moderately spreading;

RP4 - highly spreading.

Depending on fire hazard groups building materials

allocate fire hazard classes (KM material class):

Fire Hazard Properties

building materials

Fire hazard class of buildings

materials depending on groups
















IN 1

AT 2

AT 2

AT 2

AT 3

Smoke generating ability


D 2

D 2











Flame Spread







For example, in children's preschool institutions, schools, hospitals, theaters, sports facilities with stands, at train stations, only materials KM0-KM1 can be used for walls and ceilings, for floor coverings KM1-KM2.

Article 27. Categories of buildings and premises according to fire and explosion hazard

Fire and explosion hazardous objectsNational Economy (PVOO) are those facilities where flammable products or products that, under certain conditions, acquire the ability to ignite or explode are produced, stored, and transported. PVOO includes railway and pipelines, since they carry liquid and gaseous fire and explosive goods.

1. Based on fire and explosion hazards, industrial and warehouse premises, regardless of their functional purpose, are divided into the following categories:

  1. increased explosion and fire hazard (oil refineries, chemical plants, pipelines, petroleum product warehouses);
  2. explosion and fire hazard (workshops for the preparation and transportation of coal dust, wood flour, powdered sugar, flour mills);
  3. fire hazard (B1 - B4); sawmills, woodworking, carpentry, furniture production;
  4. moderate fire hazard (warehouses and enterprises associated with processing, storage of non-combustible substances in a hot state, as well as with the combustion of solid, liquid or gaseous fuels);
  5. reduced fire hazard (warehouses and enterprises for storing non-combustible substances and materials in a cold state, for example, meat, fish and other enterprises)

The most dangerous enterprises belong to categories A, B, C.

2. Buildings, structures, structures and premises for other purposes are not subject to division into categories.

Article 42. Classification of fire equipment

Firefighting equipment, depending on its purpose and area of ​​application, is divided into the following types:

1) ;

2) mobile fire extinguishing equipment;

3) fire extinguishing installations;

4) means fire automatics;

5) fire fighting equipment;

6) means personal protection and saving people in case of fire;

7) firefighting tools (mechanized and non-mechanized);

8) fire alarms, communications and notification.

Article 43. Classification and scope of application of primary fire extinguishing agents

Primary fire extinguishing means are intended for use by employees of organizations, personnel of fire departments and other persons to fight fires and are divided into the following types:

1) portable and mobile fire extinguishers;

2) fire hydrants and means of ensuring their use;

3) fire equipment;

4) blankets to isolate the source of fire.


The process of extinguishing a fire is divided into localization and elimination of fire. Under localization fire control means limiting the spread of fire and creating conditions for its elimination. Under liquidation Fire means the final extinguishing or complete cessation of combustion and the elimination of the possibility of reoccurrence of fire.

Fire-fighting equipmentare divided into henchmen (sand, water, blanket, blanket) and time sheets (fire extinguisher, axe, hook, bucket).

The most common fire extinguishing agent is water. It absorbs heat and cools burning substances, reduces the amount of oxygen in the air, and mechanically knocks down the flame from the burning surface. Water is applied in the form of compact jets and mist.Can't extinguish with waterflammable liquids, electrical appliances, chemicals due to the formation of toxic and explosive substances that enhance combustion.

Primary fire extinguishing agentsthese are devices, tools and materials designed to localize and (or) eliminate a fire at the initial stage. These include:

  1. all types of portable and mobile fire extinguishers;
  2. internal fire hydrant;
  3. fire shield;
  4. fire-resistant fabrics (asbestos fabric, felt, felt, etc.)

Primary fire extinguishing agentsmust always be always ready, andfire extinguisher posters,posters on the use (use) of fire extinguishers,posters about the design and purpose of an internal fire hydrant, fire shieldmust be posted in visible places.

It must be remembered that primary fire extinguishing agents are used to combat fire, but not fire, since it is impossible and even life-threatening to combat a developed fire with their help. Only fighting fires is feasible for non-specialists, but extinguishing a fire is the work of professional firefighters.

Industrial, administrative, auxiliary and warehouse buildings, structures and premises, as well as open production areas or areas must be provided with primary fire extinguishing means in accordance with current standards established by industry fire safety rules.

Primary fire extinguishing means should be located in easily accessible places and should not be a hindrance or obstacle during the evacuation of personnel from the premises. It is allowed to install fire extinguishers in cabinets or cabinets, the design of which should allow visual identification of the type of fire extinguisher and quick access to it for use in case of fire.

The use of fire equipment and other fire extinguishing means for household, industrial and other needs is prohibited. In addition to their direct purpose, it is permitted to use fire extinguishing agents in the elimination of natural disasters and catastrophes, as well as in training personnel and volunteer fire units of the facility. For violation of these provisions, officials or other persons are liable, including criminal liability, in accordance with current legislation.

Used or faulty fire extinguishers (damage to the body, socket, safety valves, absence of a seal, lack of fire extinguishing agent or gas, etc.) must be immediately removed (especially after a fire) from the protected premises, from technological equipment and production sites and replaced with serviceable ones. Malfunctions of fire extinguishers, fire hydrants and other fire extinguishing equipment identified during regular inspections must be eliminated as soon as possible.

Fire extinguisher portable or mobile device for extinguishing fires by releasing stored fire extinguishing agent. A hand-held fire extinguisher is usually a red cylindrical container with a nozzle or tube. When a fire extinguisher is put into operation, a substance capable of extinguishing the fire begins to emerge from its nozzle under high pressure. Such a substance can be foam, water, any chemical compound in powder form, as well as carbon dioxide, nitrogen and other chemically inert gases. Fire extinguishers in Russia must be located in all production premises, and the traffic rules of many countries require a fire extinguisher to be kept in every car.

There are different classifications of fire extinguishers.

According to the principle of impact on the source of fire, fire extinguishers are distinguished: a - gas (carbon dioxide), b - powder, as well as foam (chemical, chemical air-foam, air-foam, air-emulsion), water.

Powder fire extinguishers

The most widely used are powder fire extinguishers, which have good fire extinguishing efficiency and a fairly low cost. The latter indicator often prevails when choosing the type of fire extinguisher. This is especially evident when fire extinguishers are purchased promptly at the request of supervisory authorities and the fire hazard features of the facility are not taken into account. Powder fire extinguishers are the most versatile both in terms of application and operating temperature range (from minus 50 to plus 50 O WITH). They can extinguish fires of almost all classes of fires: fires of solids, flammable liquids, gases, including electrical equipment under voltage up to 1000V, as well as fires of class D (flammable metals and metal-containing substances), using fire extinguishers equipped with special barrels and special powders.

Due to the short operating time of powder fire extinguishers (powder emission time ranges from 6 to 15 seconds), good training is required to successfully work with them in extreme conditions, otherwise there will be little benefit from using a powder fire extinguisher.

You should pay attention to the fact that at the very beginning of extinguishing you should not get too close to the fire, as due to high speed powder jet there is a strong suction (ejection) of air, which only fans the flame above the hearth. In addition, when extinguishing from a short distance, scattering or spraying of burning materials with a powerful jet of powder may occur, which will not lead to extinguishing, but to an increase in the area of ​​the fire. Therefore, when choosing powder fire extinguishers, it is necessary to take into account the fire extinguishing conditions.

However, powder fire extinguishers also have significant disadvantages:

Absence of a cooling effect during extinguishing, which can lead to repeated self-ignition of already extinguished fuel from heated surfaces;

The difficulty of extinguishing a fire due to a sharp deterioration in the visibility of the source and emergency exits (especially in small rooms), significant recoil from the jet when working with mobile pumping fire extinguishers;

Hazard to human health due to the formation of a powder cloud during the extinguishing process;

Damage to equipment and materials due to significant contamination of surfaces with powder;

Possibility of operational failures due to the formation of plugs due to the ability of powders to clump and caking during storage;

The possibility of static electricity discharges occurring when operating powder fire extinguishers with a nozzle made of polymer materials, which narrows the scope of their application.

Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers

Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers have to a lesser extent the disadvantages listed for powder fire extinguishers, however, they have lower fire extinguishing efficiency and are significantly more expensive. The fire extinguishing concentration of carbon dioxide ranges from 20 to 40%. The standard value for carbon dioxide consumption during volumetric extinguishing is 0.7 kg per 1 cubic meter. protected premises. Such fire extinguishers are most widely used for extinguishing fires in electrical installations under voltage up to 10,000 V, in museums, archives, and libraries.

Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers, depending on the content of water vapor in the charge, are produced for operation in the temperature range from minus 20 to plus 50 O C and extinguishing electrical installations under voltage up to 1000 V or for operation in the temperature range from minus 40 to plus 50 O C and extinguishing electrical installations under voltage up to 10,000 V.

The disadvantages of carbon dioxide fire extinguishers include:

At fire extinguishing concentrations they are hazardous to human health;

The possibility of significant thermal stresses appearing in structures when they are exposed to a fire extinguishing agent with a relatively low sub-zero temperature and as a result, their loss of bearing capacity;

The possibility of static electricity discharges appearing on the socket when the fire extinguishing agent exits the fire extinguisher;

Danger of frostbite when coming into contact with metal parts of the fire extinguisher or the jet;

Strong dependence of the intensity of the fire extinguishing agent on temperature environment


Article 46. Classification of fire automatic equipment

Fire automatic equipment is designed to automatically detect a fire, notify people about it and manage their evacuation, automatic fire extinguishing and activation of actuators of smoke protection systems, control of engineering and technological equipment of buildings and facilities. Fire automatic equipment is divided into:

1) fire detectors;

2) fire alarm control devices;

3) fire control devices;

4) technical means of warning and fire evacuation control;

5) systems for transmitting fire notifications;

6) other instruments and equipment for constructing fire automatic systems.

Article 52. Methods of protecting people and property

From exposure to dangerous fire factors

Protection of people and property from the effects of fire hazards and (or) limitation of the consequences of their impact is ensured by one or more of the following methods:

1) the use of space-planning solutions and means to limit the spread of fire beyond the source;

2) arrangement of evacuation routes that meet the requirements for the safe evacuation of people in case of fire;

3) installation of fire detection systems (installations and systems fire alarm), warning and management of evacuation of people in case of fire;

4) the use of collective protection systems (including smoke protection) and personal protective equipment for people from the effects of dangerous fire factors;

5) the use of basic building structures with fire resistance limits and fire hazard classes corresponding to the required ones;

6) the use of fire retardant compounds and building materials (cladding) to increase the fire resistance limits of building structures;

9) use of primary fire extinguishing means;

10) use of automatic and (or) autonomous fire extinguishing installations;

11) organization of activities of fire departments.

Article 53. Evacuation routes for people in case of fire

1. Each building or structure must have a space-planning solution and design of evacuation routes that ensure the safe evacuation of people in case of fire. If it is impossible to safely evacuate people, their protection must be ensured through the use of collective protection systems.

2. To ensure safe evacuation of people there must be:

1) installed required amount, dimensions and corresponding design of evacuation routes and emergency exits;

2) unhindered movement of people along evacuation routes and through emergency exits is ensured;

3) warning and control of the movement of people along evacuation routes is organized (including the use of light signs, sound and voice warnings).

3. Safe evacuation of people from buildings and structures in case of fire is considered ensured if the time interval from the moment of detection of the fire to the completion of the process of evacuation of people to a safe area does not exceed the required time for evacuation of people in case of fire.

Article 54. Fire detection and warning systems

and management of evacuation of people in case of fire

1. Fire detection systems (installations and fire alarm systems), warning and management of evacuation of people in case of fire must ensure automatic detection of fire in the time required to turn on fire warning systems in order to organize safe (taking into account the acceptable fire risk) evacuation of people in conditions specific object.

Article 55. Collective defense systems

and personal protective equipment for people from fire hazards

1. Collective protection systems and personal protective equipment for people from the effects of dangerous fire factors must ensure the safety of people during the entire period of exposure to dangerous fire factors.

2. Collective protection systems for people must ensure their safety during the entire time of development and extinguishing of a fire or the time required to evacuate people to a safe area. The safety of people in this case should be achieved through space-planning and constructive solutions, safe areas in buildings and structures (including through the installation of smoke-free staircases), as well as through the use technical means protecting people on evacuation routes from the effects of dangerous fire factors (including smoke protection equipment).

3. Personal protective equipment for people (including protection of their visual and respiratory organs) must ensure their safety during the time necessary to evacuate people to a safe area, or during the time necessary to carry out special fire extinguishing work. Personal protective equipment can be used both to protect evacuees and rescued people, and to protect firefighters involved in extinguishing a fire.

Article 56. Smoke protection system

2. The smoke protection system must provide one or more of the following methods of protection:

1) the use of space-planning solutions for buildings and structures to combat smoke during a fire;

2) the use of design solutions for buildings and structures to combat smoke during a fire;

3) use of supply smoke ventilation to create excess air pressure in protected rooms, airlocks and stairwells;

4) the use of devices and means of mechanical and natural exhaust smoke ventilation to remove combustion products and thermal decomposition.

Article 57. Fire resistance and fire hazard of buildings and structures

1. Buildings and structures must use basic building construction with fire resistance limits and fire hazard classes corresponding to the required degree of fire resistance of buildings, structures and their structural fire hazard class.

Article 59. Limitation of the spread of fire beyond the source

Limiting the spread of fire beyond the source must be ensured by one or more of the following methods:

1) installation of fire barriers;

2) arrangement of fire compartments and sections, as well as limiting the number of storeys of buildings and structures;

3) application of devices emergency shutdown and switching of installations and communications in case of fire;

4) the use of means that prevent or limit the spill and spreading of liquids during a fire;

5) use of fire-retarding devices in equipment;

6) use of fire extinguishing installations.

Article 60. Primary fire extinguishing means in buildings and structures

1. Buildings and structures must be provided with primary fire extinguishing means by persons authorized to own, use or dispose of buildings and structures.

2. The nomenclature, quantity and location of primary fire extinguishing means are established depending on the type of combustible material, space-planning solutions of the building, structure, environmental parameters and locations of service personnel.

Article 61. Automatic and autonomous fire extinguishing installations

3. Type of automatic and (or) standalone installation fire extinguishing, the type of fire extinguishing agent and the method of its supply to the fire are determined depending on the type of combustible material, space-planning solutions of the building, structure and environmental parameters.

Article 62. Sources of fire-fighting water supply

1. Buildings and structures, as well as territories of organizations and settlements must have sources of fire-fighting water supply to extinguish fires.

2. Natural and artificial reservoirs, as well as internal and external water supply systems (including drinking, domestic, utility and fire-fighting) can be used as sources of fire-fighting water supply.

3. The need to construct artificial reservoirs, use natural reservoirs and fire-fighting water supply, as well as their parameters are determined by this Federal Law.

Article 76. Fire safety requirements for the placement of fire departments in settlements and urban districts

The deployment of fire departments in the territories of settlements and urban districts is determined based on the condition that the time of arrival of the first unit to the place of callin urban settlements and urban districts should not exceed 10 minutes, and in rural settlements - 20 minutes.

Article 79. Standard value of fire risk for buildings and structures

1. Individual fire risk in buildings and structures should not exceed one millionth per year when placing an individual at the point furthest from the exit from the building and structure.




2. For each object(except for individual residential buildings) head organizations ( individual entrepreneur), in whose use the objects are located on the right of ownership or on another legal basis (hereinafter referred to as the head of the organization),instructions on fire safety measures are approvedin accordance with the requirements established section XVIII of these Rules, including separately for each fire-hazardous and fire-hazardous premises for production and storage purposes.

3. Persons are allowed to work at the site only after completing training in fire safety measures.

Training of persons in fire safety measures is carried out by conducting fire safety briefings and passing the fire-technical minimum.

7. At a facility with a large number of people (except for residential buildings), as well as at a facility with workplaces on the floor for 10 or more people, the head of the organization ensures that there are evacuation plans for people in case of fire.

14. The head of the organization ensures that the requirements stipulated by Article 6 of the Federal Law “On Restricting Tobacco Smoking” are met at the facility.

Smoking is prohibited on the territory and premises of warehouses and bases, grain collection points, in grain tracts and hayfields, at sites of trade, production, processing and storage of flammable and combustible liquids and combustible gases, at production sites of all types of explosives, at fire and explosion hazards. fire hazardous areas.

The head of the organization ensures that fire safety signs “Smoking tobacco and using open fire is prohibited” are placed in the specified areas.

Places specially designated for smoking tobacco are indicated by “Smoking Area” signs.

25. More than 50 people are not allowed to stay in rooms with one emergency exit at the same time. At the same time, in buildings of IV and V degrees of fire resistance, simultaneous stay of more than 50 people is allowed only in the premises of the 1st floor.

30. The head of the organization, when holding events with large numbers of people (discos, celebrations, performances, etc.) ensures:

a) inspection of premises before the start of events in order to determine their readiness in terms of compliance with fire safety measures;

b) duty of responsible persons on stage and in the halls.

31. When holding events with large numbers of people in buildings with combustible floors, it is allowed to use only the premises located on the 1st and 2nd floors.

In rooms without electric lighting, events with mass participation of people are held only during daylight hours.

Can be used at events electric garlands and illumination having the appropriate certificate of conformity.

If a malfunction is detected in the illumination or garlands (heating of wires, blinking lights, sparking, etc.), they must be immediately de-energized.

Christmas tree must be installed on a stable base and not block the exit from the room. The branches of the Christmas tree must be at least 1 meter away from the walls and ceilings.

32. When holding events with large numbers of people in the premises, it is prohibited:

a) use pyrotechnic products,arc spotlights and candles;

b) decorate the Christmas tree with gauze and cotton wool not impregnated with fire retardants;

c) carry out fire, painting and other fire-hazardous and fire-explosive work before or during performances;

d) reduce the width of the aisles between the rows and install additional chairs, chairs, etc. in the aisles;

e) completely turn off the lights in the room during performances or performances;

f) allow violations of the established standards for filling premises with people.

33. When operating evacuation routes and exits, the head of the organization ensures compliance with design decisions and the requirements of regulatory documents on fire safety (including the lighting, number, size and space-planning solutions of evacuation routes and exits, as well as the presence of fire signs on evacuation routes security).

34. Doors on escape routes open outward in the direction of exit from the building,with the exception of doors, the opening direction of which is not regulated by the requirements of fire safety regulations or for which special requirements are imposed.

35. Locks on emergency exit doors must allow them to be opened freely from the inside without a key.

The head of the organization at whose facility a fire occurs provides fire departments with access to enclosed spaces for the purpose of localizing and extinguishing the fire.

36. When operating evacuation routes, evacuation and emergency exits, it is prohibited:

a) install thresholds on evacuation routes (except for thresholds in doorways), sliding and up-and-down doors and gates, revolving doors and turnstiles, as well as other devices that prevent the free evacuation of people;

b) obstruct escape routes and exits

f) replace reinforced glass with regular glass in the glazing of doors and transoms.

40. It is prohibited to leave electrical installations and household electrical appliances un-energized at the end of working hours in premises where there is no staff on duty, with the exception of emergency lighting, fire protection systems, as well as other electrical installations and electrical devices, if this is due to their functional purpose and (or) provided for in the operating instructions.

42. It is prohibited:

a) operate electrical wires and cables with visible insulation defects;

b) use sockets, switches, and other electrical installations that are damaged;

c) wrap electric lamps and lamps with paper, cloth and other flammable materials, as well as operate lamps with removed caps (diffusers) provided for by the design of the lamp;

d) use electric irons, electric stoves, electric kettles and other electric heating devices that do not have thermal protection devices, as well as in the absence or malfunction of thermostats provided for by the design;

e) use non-standard (homemade) electric heating devices;

f) leave electric heating devices, as well as other household electrical appliances, unattended, connected to the electrical network, including those in standby mode, with the exception of electrical appliances that can and (or) must be in 24-hour operating mode in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions;

g) place (store) flammable (including flammable) substances and materials in electrical panels (at electrical panels), near electric motors and starting equipment;

h) use temporary electrical wiring, as well as extension cords to power electrical appliances not intended for emergency and other temporary work.

43. The head of the organization ensures that theFIRE SAFETY SIGNS, including those indicating evacuation routes and emergency exits.

Evacuation lighting should turn on automatically when the power supply to the working lighting is interrupted.

55. The head of the organization ensures the serviceability of the external and internal fire-fighting water supply networks and organizes inspections of their performance at least 2 times a year (spring and autumn) with the preparation of relevant reports.

The head of the organization, when sections of the water supply network and (or) fire hydrants are disconnected, as well as when the pressure in the water supply network decreases below the required level, notifies the fire department about this.

The head of the organization ensures that fire hydrants are in good condition, insulated and cleared of snow and ice in winter time, accessibility of fire equipment access to fire hydrants at any time of the year.

56. Parking of vehicles on the covers of fire hydrant wells is prohibited.

57. The head of the organization ensures that the fire hydrants of the internal fire water supply are equipped with fire hoses, manual fire nozzles and valves, and organizes the re-rolling of fire hoses (at least once a year).

The fire hose must be connected to the fire hydrant and fire nozzle.

Fire cabinets are attached to the wall, which ensures that the cabinet doors can be fully opened to at least 90 degrees.

58. The head of the organization provides the premises of pumping stations with fire-fighting water supply diagrams and pump piping diagrams. Each valve and fire booster pump must have a sign with information about the premises being protected, the type and number of fire sprinklers.

59. The head of the organization ensures the good condition and performance checks of electrically driven valves (at least 2 times a year) installed on the bypass lines of water metering devices and fire booster pumps (monthly), with the date of the check and characteristics of the technical condition of the specified equipment being recorded in the log. .

60. It is prohibited to use for economic and (or) production purposes the supply of water intended for fire extinguishing needs.

61. The head of the organization ensures that the fire protection systems and means of the facility are in good condition ( automatic installations fire extinguishing and alarm systems, installations of smoke protection systems, fire warning systems, fire alarm systems, fire water supply systems, fire doors, fire and smoke dampers, protective devices in fire barriers) and organizesat least once a quartercarrying out an inspection of the operability of the specified systems and fire protection means of the facility with the execution of the corresponding inspection report.

When installing, repairing and maintaining fire safety equipment for buildings and structures, design decisions, requirements of regulatory documents on fire safety and (or) special technical conditions must be observed.

Must be stored on site executive documentation for installations and fire protection systems of the facility.

62. Converting installations from automatic to manual start is prohibited, except in cases provided for by regulatory documents on fire safety.

Self-closing devices for doors must be in good condition. It is not allowed to install any devices that prevent the normal closing of fire or smoke doors (devices).

63. The head of the organization provides in accordance with the annual schedule drawn up taking into account the technical documentation of the manufacturing plants, and the deadlines for implementation repair work carrying out routine maintenance and preventative repairs of fire protection systems of buildings and structures (automatic fire alarm and fire extinguishing systems, smoke protection systems, fire warning and evacuation control systems).

During the period of maintenance or repair work related to the shutdown of fire protection systems or their elements, the head of the organization takes the necessary measures to protect facilities from fires.

64. The head of the organization ensures that in the premises of the control center (fire station) there are instructions on the procedure for the actions of the personnel on duty when receiving signals about a fire and a malfunction of the fire protection installations (systems) of the facility.

65. The control center (fire station) is provided with telephone communications and working hand-held electric torches.

70. The head of the organization provides the facility with fire extinguishers according to the standards in accordance with Appendices No. 1 and 2.

Primary fire extinguishing agents must have appropriate certificates.

71. If a fire or signs of combustion are detected in a building or room (smoke, burning smell, increase in air temperature, etc.), it is necessary:

a) immediately report this by phone to the fire department (in this case, you must provide the address of the facility, the location of the fire, and also provide your last name);

b) take all possible measures to evacuate people and extinguish the fire.

Requirements for instructions on fire safety measures

460. Instructions on fire safety measures are developed on the basis of these Rules, regulatory documents on fire safety, based on the specifics of the fire hazard of buildings, structures, premises, technological processes, technological and production equipment.

461. The instructions on fire safety measures must reflect the following issues:

a) the procedure for maintaining the territory, buildings, structures and premises, including evacuation routes;

b) measures to ensure fire safety of technological processes during the operation of equipment and the performance of fire hazardous work;

c) the procedure and standards for storage and transportation of fire-explosive substances and fire-hazardous substances and materials;

d) the procedure for inspecting and closing the premises upon completion of work;

e) location of places for smoking, use of open fire, passage of vehicles and carrying out fire or other fire-hazardous work, including temporary ones;

f) the procedure for the collection, storage and disposal of flammable substances and materials, maintenance and storage of protective clothing;

g) the permissible quantity of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products;

h) the procedure and frequency of cleaning up flammable waste and dust, storing oily workwear;

i) limit readings of control and measuring instruments (pressure gauges, thermometers, etc.), deviations from which may cause a fire or explosion;

j) duties and actions of workers in case of fire, including when calling the fire department, emergency shutdown of technological equipment, turning off ventilation and electrical equipment (including in the event of a fire and at the end of the working day), using fire extinguishing equipment and fire automatic equipment, evacuation of flammable substances and material assets, inspection and restoration of all premises of the enterprise (division) to a fire and explosion-proof condition.

462. The instructions on fire safety measures indicate the persons responsible for ensuring fire safety, including for:

a) reporting a fire to the fire department and notifying (informing) the management and duty services of the facility;

b) organizing the rescue of people using available forces and means;

c) checking the activation of automatic fire protection systems (fire warning systems, fire extinguishing systems, smoke protection systems);

d) turning off electricity if necessary (with the exception of fire protection systems), stopping the operation of transporting devices, units, apparatus, blocking raw materials, gas, steam and water communications, stopping the operation of ventilation systems in emergency rooms and adjacent rooms, performing other measures that contribute to preventing the development of fire and smoke in the premises of the building;

e) cessation of all work in the building (if this is permissible according to the production process), except for work related to fire extinguishing measures;

f) removal of all workers not involved in fire extinguishing outside the danger zone;

g) providing general guidance on fire extinguishing (taking into account the specific features of the facility) until the arrival of the fire department;

h) ensuring compliance with safety requirements by workers taking part in fire extinguishing;

i) organizing, simultaneously with fire extinguishing, evacuation and protection of material assets;

j) meeting fire departments and providing assistance in choosing the shortest route to approach the fire;

k) notification to fire departments involved in extinguishing fires and carrying out related priority rescue operations, information necessary to ensure the safety of personnel about hazardous (explosive), explosive, and highly toxic substances being processed or stored at the facility;

l) upon arrival of the fire department, informing the fire extinguishing manager about the design and technological features of the facility, adjacent buildings and structures, the quantity and fire hazard properties of substances, materials, products stored and used at the facility, and providing other information necessary for the successful extinguishing of the fire;

m) organizing the involvement of forces and resources of the facility in the implementation of measures related to extinguishing the fire and preventing its development.

468.V public buildings and buildings on each floor there are at least 2 manual fire extinguishers.

472. When protecting premises with computer technology, telephone exchanges, museums, archives, etc. the specifics of interaction should be taken into account fire extinguishing agents with protected equipment, products and materials. These premises should be equippedfreon and carbon dioxide fire extinguishers.

475. Each fire extinguisher installed at the facility must have a passport and serial number painted on the body with white paint.

480. Fire extinguishers placed in corridors and passages should not interfere with the safe evacuation of people. Fire extinguishers should be placed in visible places near exits from premises at a height of no more than 1.5 meters


Standards for signal colors and fire safety signs, which are intended to regulate human behavior in order to prevent a fire and (or) perform certain actions in the event of a fire to ensure own safety and reducing the amount of losses from fire are reflected in the document NPB 160-97. Fire safety standards. Signal colors. Fire safety signs. Types, sizes, general technical requirements

Red, yellow, blue and green should be used as signal colors, to enhance the visual perception of which contrasting colors should be used - black and white. The semantic meaning of the signal color:

Red prohibition, immediate danger, fire hazard;

Yellow warning, possible danger;

Blue - prescription;

Green safety, designation of escape routes and emergency exits

Fire safety signs intended for evacuation purposes must be made in one of three designs: three-dimensional self-luminous with autonomous power supply and from an alternating current network, flat with external illumination from an emergency power source, or flat with elements (background, symbol) of phosphorescent white.

From Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated December 12, 2007 N 645 (as amended on June 22, 2010)

"On approval of fire safety standards

"Training fire safety measures for employees of organizations"

2. Responsibility for the organization and timeliness of trainingin the field of fire safety and testing the knowledge of fire safety rules of employees of organizations is carried out administration (owners) of these organizations, ..., as well as employees who entered into employment contract with the employer in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. Control over the organization of training in fire safety measures for employees of organizations is carried out by state fire supervision bodies.

4. The main types of training for employees of organizations in fire safety measures are fire safety briefing and learning the minimum fire-technical knowledge (hereinafter referred to as the fire-technical minimum).

8. Conducting fire safety training includes familiarizing employees of organizations with:

rules for maintaining the territory, buildings (structures) and premises, including evacuation routes, external and internal water supply systems, fire warning systems and management of the evacuation process;

fire safety requirements, based on the specific fire hazard of technological processes, production facilities and facilities;

measures to ensure fire safety during the operation of buildings (structures), equipment, and the performance of fire hazardous work;

rules for the use of open fire and hot work;

responsibilities and actions of workers in case of fire, rules for calling the fire department, rules for the use of fire extinguishing means and fire automatic installations.

9. According to the nature and timing of the fire safety briefing, it is divided into: introductory, primary at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled and targeted.

10. An entry is made in the fire safety briefing logbook about the conduct of introductory, primary, repeated, unscheduled, targeted fire safety briefings with the obligatory signature of the person being instructed and the person instructing.

11. Introductory Fire safety training is carried out: with all newly hired employees...

15. Introductory fire safety briefing ends with practical training of actions in the event of a fire and testing of knowledge of fire extinguishing equipment and fire protection systems.

16. Primary Fire safety training is carried out directly at the workplace with all newly hired...

28. Target fire safety training is carried out ... during excursions to the organization; when organizing public events with students; when preparing to organize events with large numbers of people (more than 50 people).

31. Managers, specialists and employees of organizations responsible for fire safety are trained in the fire-technical minimumto the extent of knowledge of the requirements of regulatory legal acts, regulations


Fire safety rules for associations

enterprises and organizations of the Ministry

Head of the Regime Department B.I. Finogenov AGREED Chief Engineer of the Main Directorate for Design of Capital Construction and Nature Protection B.N. CherkasovDeputy Head of the Department for Operation, Equipment Repair, Industrial Energy and Communications I.V. Tsibin



1.1.1. These Rules have been developed on the basis of the Model Fire Safety Rules for industrial enterprises, approved by the GUPO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR on August 21, 1975, and establish the basic fire safety requirements for existing industry enterprises and organizations located on their territory. 1.1.2. Fire safety requirements for residential buildings, hotels, dormitories, medical and cultural and entertainment institutions, pioneer camps, children's institutions, sanatoriums, houses and recreation centers, farmsteads, construction sites and other public buildings are determined by fire safety rules approved by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR, GUPO Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR or agreed with them.1.1.3. Additional fire safety requirements for the operation of test complexes, work with beryllium, magnesium and their alloys, and composite materials are determined by special industry standards and instructions agreed upon with the Main Directorate of Industrial Production of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR.


1.2.1. In accordance with current legislation, responsibility for ensuring fire safety of enterprises lies with their managers. 1.2.2. The head of the enterprise is obliged to: a) organize the study and implementation of these Rules at subordinate facilities by all engineering and technical personnel, employees and workers; b) ensure the development and publication of fire safety instructions, based on the fire hazard characteristics of individual industries, without allowing a reduction in requirements fire safety established by these Rules; c) organize a voluntary fire brigade (VFD) and a fire technical commission (PTK) and ensure their work in accordance with the current provisions set out in Appendices No. 1 and 2; d) organize fire safety briefings at the facility and classes on fire-technical minimum in accordance with the program set out in Appendix N3; e) establish a strict fire safety regime in production, laboratory, administrative, warehouse and auxiliary premises and constantly monitor its compliance by all employees of the enterprise; f) periodically check the state of fire safety facility, the availability and serviceability of technical fire fighting equipment, the combat effectiveness of the facility fire department and voluntary fire brigade and take the necessary measures to improve their work; g) establish a procedure for fire safety inspections of premises after completion of work by persons responsible for the state of fire safety in them, and most importantly fire hazardous and storage areas - together with fire department workers. Record the results of inspections in a special journal; i) ensure timely completion fire prevention measures, proposed by state and departmental fire supervision authorities; j) ensure maintenance and constant maintenance of fire protection systems in good condition. 1.2.3. The head of the enterprise, by his orders, is obliged to determine: a) the procedure and timing of fire safety briefings and classes on fire-technical minimum; b) the composition of the voluntary fire brigade; c) the composition of fire-technical commissions; d) those responsible for fire safety of laboratories, departments, workshops, warehouses, workshops, production areas, individual premises and territory, as well as each utility network, a separate installation; e) those responsible for the technical condition and maintenance of fire automatics and fire water supply installations; f) the permissible amount of reagents, combustible materials, flammable and combustible liquids (flammable and combustible liquids (flammable and combustible liquids), oxidizers, explosives and materials simultaneously located in laboratory premises , departments, workshops and other production areas, and the procedure for their storage; g) the procedure for carrying out welding and other hot work. 1.2.4. When commissioning new and reconstructed facilities or when appointing new heads of departments and workshops, the head of the enterprise is obliged to familiarize them with the design documentation of the building (set of buildings) and the available fire protection means (systems). 1.2.5. Responsible person on duty at the enterprise in the evening and at night, and on weekends and holidays is obliged to: a) ensure control over compliance with fire safety rules in all departments, groups, experimental installations, walk around and check work shifts, make entries in the work log about all comments and instructions given; b) take measures to turn off installations and devices if necessary and other equipment in case of detection of non-compliance with technological regulations or malfunctions that can lead to an explosion and fire; c) in the event of a fire, call the fire department, take measures to ensure the safety of people, inform the head of the enterprise, organize and manage the actions of the duty shift (shifts) for extinguishing the fire until the arrival of the head of the enterprise and the fire department.


1.3.1. Responsibility for fire safety of laboratories, departments, experimental installations, workshops, warehouses, workshops and other production areas, equipment and premises lies with the heads of these departments or persons appointed by order to perform their duties. 1.3.2. Heads of laboratories, departments, experimental installations, workshops, managers of warehouses, workshops and other officials responsible for fire safety are obliged to: a) not allow persons to work who have not undergone fire safety training, as well as those who have not received a test in safe work methods; b ) conduct primary, repeated, unscheduled, ongoing fire safety briefings with subordinate engineers, workers and employees; c) ensure compliance with the established fire safety regime in the areas of work entrusted to them; d) monitor the serviceability of heating, ventilation, electrical installations, technological equipment and accept take immediate measures to eliminate detected malfunctions that could lead to a fire; e) ensure the safety, serviceable condition and constant readiness for action of fire extinguishing, communication and fire alarm equipment; f) ensure that workplaces and premises are cleaned after completion of work, the power grid was turned off, with the exception of emergency lighting, power sources for fire extinguishing installations, alarm systems, smoke removal systems, as well as electrical installations, which, according to the conditions of the production process, must operate around the clock; g) know and be able to use the available fire extinguishing, communication, alarm, and emergency warning systems fire, etc.;i) on the basis of these Rules, develop for a laboratory, department, workshop or other premises specific instructions on fire safety measures.1.3.3. The shift supervisor in a department, group, or experimental installation during shift work in the evening or at night is obliged to: a) carry out work in strict accordance with technological regulations and instructions on fire safety measures; b) monitor compliance with fire safety rules by the shift personnel on duty; c) stop, if necessary, work on installations or any of their parts in the event of a threat of explosion or fire, immediately informing the person on duty at the enterprise, the head of the department or the work manager; d) in the event of a fire, call the fire department and take measures to ensure the safety of people, inform the person on duty at the enterprise, the head of the enterprise (division) and manage the fire extinguishing until the fire department arrives.1.3.4. Instructions on fire safety measures are coordinated with the local fire department, approved by the head of the enterprise (chief engineer), studied with all employees of the department and posted in prominent places. Plans for the evacuation of people and property in the event of a fire are developed as appendices to the instructions. 1.3.5. It is recommended to entrust control over the fire safety condition of the enterprise to the deputy head of the enterprise for safety and regulations (for regime and personnel). Chief Engineer is responsible for the development and timely implementation of engineering and technical measures aimed at preventing fire. The instructions of the Department of Safety and Regime of the Ministry on fire safety are mandatory for managers of industry enterprises.


1.4.1. The deputy head of the fire safety department for fire technical service manages fire prevention work, monitors compliance with current rules, fire safety standards and the established fire safety regime at the enterprise. On fire safety issues, he reports to the head of the enterprise. 1.4.2. The deputy head of the fire safety department for fire technical service is required to develop fire safety documentation, participate in the development of fire safety instructions for the enterprise, and coordinate instructions on fire safety measures structural divisions enterprises, conduct induction training with all newly hired permanent and temporary workers, monitor the conduct of fire safety briefings and classes on the fire safety minimum, participate in the organization and manage the training of a voluntary fire brigade, participate in the work of fire-technical commissions, determine the required number of primary fire extinguishing equipment for enterprises, control the maintenance of primary fire extinguishing equipment in departments, for the safety of which the heads of departments are responsible; exercise control over the correct operation of fire automatics installations; stop violations of fire safety rules; participate in the investigation of the causes of fires; study and disseminate best practices in fire prevention work at the enterprise; conduct explanatory and educational work with employees of the enterprise on fire safety issues; develop and submit proposals to the management of the enterprise to improve the state of fire safety. 1.4.3. The deputy head of the fire safety and technical service detachment participates in the consideration of projects for construction, reconstruction, major repairs of production, administrative, warehouse and other premises in order to determine their compliance with current fire safety standards and regulations. When accepting these premises into operation after completion of construction and repair work, they check their compliance with the projects, current standards and fire safety rules.


1.5.1. Everyone working at the enterprise (regardless of their position) is obliged to clearly know and strictly implement established rules fire safety, avoid actions that could lead to an explosion and fire.1.5.2. All employees, engineers, workers and employees must undergo fire safety training in order to study fire safety rules, methods of using the fire extinguishing equipment available at the enterprise and the procedure for action in case of fire. Fire safety training of working employees includes fire safety briefings and classes on fire-technical minimum. 1.5.3 . If a fire is detected, each employee is obliged to: a) immediately notify the fire brigade; b) take measures to evacuate people and material assets; c) turn off the power to devices and equipment, turn off ventilation if necessary; d) begin extinguishing the fire with the available equipment. department or at the workplace with fire extinguishing means (fire extinguishers, internal fire hydrants, stationary fire extinguishing installations, etc.); e) take measures to call the head of the department to the place of fire. 1.5.4. Persons guilty of violating these Rules, depending on the nature of the violations and their consequences, are liable in disciplinary, administrative or criminal proceedings in accordance with current legislation.


1.6.1. Persons responsible for fire safety of associations, enterprises, organizations, laboratories, departments, workshops, warehouses, workshops and other production areas are responsible for the timely implementation of measures aimed at ensuring the safety of people in the event of a fire.1.6.2. The safety of people in the event of a fire must be ensured by: a) structural and planning solutions for buildings and premises that guarantee rapid evacuation of people in the event of a fire; b) prohibition of the use of flammable materials for cladding walls and ceilings along escape routes; c) constant maintenance in proper the condition of evacuation routes and special equipment that ensure the successful evacuation of people in the event of a fire or emergency situation(emergency warning systems, emergency evacuation lighting, safety signs); d) control by the administration over compliance with the established fire safety regime by all workers and employees; e) organization and systematic conduct of fire safety training with all categories of enterprise employees, development of evacuation plans. 1.6.3 . To notify people about a fire, the head of the enterprise must determine the circle of people who have the right to turn on the emergency warning system and establish the notification procedure. 1.6.4. Actions of the enterprise administration, heads of structural divisions, researchers, engineers, workers and employees in the notification and evacuation of people and material assets must be trained in special classes at least once a year.1.6.5. For voice warning systems, texts should be developed taking into account the recommendations of the VNIIPO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR.1.6.6. Buildings and structures (premises) with large numbers of people must be equipped with a warning system in full compliance with the requirements set out in Appendix No. 6.


2.1. The following fire safety documentation must be developed at each enterprise: 2.1.1. General facility instructions on fire safety measures for the enterprise. 2.1.2. Fire safety instructions in workshops, laboratories, workshops, warehouses, etc. 2.1.3. Instructions for servicing fire extinguishing installations. 2.1.4. Instructions for servicing fire alarm installations. 2.1.5. Operational fire extinguishing plan for enterprises, buildings, buildings or structures.2.1.6. Plan for eliminating possible emergency incidents (explosion, accident, fire) with the involvement of employees of the services of the chief power engineer, chief mechanic, chief technologist, fire and paramilitary (military) security, etc. 2.1.7. Plans and schedules for fire drills, training and testing of personnel knowledge, technical supervision of fire protection systems, as well as other documentation in accordance with the requirements of these Rules.2.2. Instructions for fire safety, maintenance of fire detection and extinguishing installations and other documents developed at enterprises must be based on the current rules and instructions of the Ministry of Defense Industry of the Russian Federation and are located in the relevant structural units. 2.3. The site-wide instructions are approved by the head of the enterprise in agreement with the site fire department. The instructions must define the following basic requirements: 2.3.1. To the maintenance of the territory, including roads, water sources, entrances to buildings and structures.2.3.2. To the maintenance of buildings, premises and structures.2.3.3. To the fire safety regime and the responsibilities of all workers at the enterprise to maintain it. 2.3.4. To the organization and permission to perform one-time and temporary work by contractors and third-party organizations at the enterprise.2.3.5. To the maintenance of water sources, fire extinguishing means, fire protection, electrical and gas welding and other flammable work, responsibility for the state of fire safety and others.2.4. Instructions on fire safety measures in workshops, laboratories, workshops, warehouses and other premises and structures are developed by the management of the relevant departments, coordinated with the fire department and approved by the chief engineer. These instructions must contain the following specific fire safety requirements: 2.4.1. The category of industrial and warehouse premises according to explosion and fire hazard, depending on the quantity and fire and explosion hazard properties of the substances and materials contained (circulating) in them, taking into account the characteristics of the technological processes of the production facilities located in them, as well as the explosive zone according to the PUE. 2.4.2. Special fire-fighting measures for production processes, non-compliance with which may cause a fire. 2.4.3. Fire safety measures at technological installations and devices during preparation for putting them into operation and after repair. 2.4.4. Procedure and standards for storage and transportation of flammable substances and materials in a workshop, laboratory, warehouse, workshop, etc. 2.4.5. The mode of use of apparatus with open fire and the organization of specially equipped areas for carrying out permanent flammable work (electric welding, gas cutting, etc.). 2.4.6. The procedure for receiving, transporting, collecting, storing and removing flammable materials from premises, maintaining household premises, storing protective clothing, etc. 2.4.7. The procedure for maintaining existing fire extinguishing equipment and the distribution of responsibilities for technical supervision of them. 2.4.8. Determining the actions of personnel in the event of a fire, how to call the fire department and members of the traffic police, as well as other measures.2.4.9. The procedure for stopping technological equipment, turning off ventilation, the rules for using fire extinguishing agents, the procedure for evacuating personnel, products and material assets, as well as flammable or other materials that can cause an explosion, create a dangerous situation or contribute to the spread of a fire. The procedure for inspecting and bringing premises into a fire-safe condition. 2.5. Instructions for the operation of water supply systems, fire detection and extinguishing installations must be developed on the basis of current instructions, standard rules for the technical maintenance of fire automatic installations, as well as design documentation and passport data for the installed equipment and approved by the chief engineer of the enterprise. The instructions must regulate: 2.5.1. Delimitation of areas of responsibility for the maintenance of fire protection and water supply installations between the relevant departments of the enterprise. 2.5.2. The procedure for technical supervision of technological equipment and its repair, supervision of automation and control systems, taking into account labor safety requirements. 2.5.3. Requirements for maintaining technical documentation.2.5.4. Requirements for personnel training, as well as responsibility for servicing fire protection and water supply installations. Other requirements may be included in the instructions, based on local operating conditions. 2.6. The operating instructions for equipment, installations, control systems, protection, telemechanics, communications and complex technical means of automated control systems must include in a separate section specific fire safety requirements and the responsibilities of personnel in the event of a fire. 2.7. It is necessary to develop operational plans for fire- and fire-explosive industries, high-rise and unique buildings (structures).2.8. Operational fire extinguishing plans are developed by the fire department of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs together with the administration of the facility, approved by the head of the fire brigade, the director (chief engineer) of the enterprise and agreed upon with the deputy director of the enterprise for the regime. 2.9. The operational fire extinguishing plan must consist of text and graphic parts. The operational fire extinguishing plan is the main document that determines: the actions of enterprise personnel in the event of a fire, the procedure for interaction with arriving fire units; conditions for introducing forces and means to extinguish a fire, taking into account labor safety requirements; rational installation of fire fighting equipment, etc. 2.10. The operational fire extinguishing plan must be reviewed or adjusted in the following cases: 2.10.1. Expansion or reconstruction of a building, structure, workshop. 2.10.2. Identified deficiencies in the intended actions of personnel and fire departments when extinguishing a fire or fire training. 2.10.3. Joint instructions of the relevant department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR and the Ministry of General Engineering of the USSR.2.11. Re-approval of operational fire extinguishing plans should be carried out when there is a change in the head of the enterprise or the head of the fire brigade.2.12. The main provisions of operational fire extinguishing plans should be communicated to enterprise employees during fire safety training and periodic briefings.


3.1.1. The territory of the enterprise must be constantly kept clean and systematically cleared of production waste, dry grass, leaves. Metal shavings, oily cleaning materials, production waste must be stored in specially designated areas. 3.1.2. All buildings and structures must be provided with free access. Driveways and entrances to buildings and fire water sources, access to firefighting equipment and equipment, as well as approaches to emergency exits and fire escapes must always be free, and in winter cleared of snow and ice. Fire breaks between buildings are not permitted to be used for storing materials, equipment, packaging containers or for parking vehicles.3.1.3. During the period of repair of roads and driveways of the enterprise, detour direction signs must be installed in appropriate places or crossings must be arranged through the areas being repaired, which must be immediately reported to the fire department. 3.1.4. Crossings and passages through in-plant railway tracks must always be free for fire trucks to pass through and have solid decking level with the rail heads. Parking of cars without locomotives at crossings is prohibited. 3.1.5. Places for making fires to warm the soil, warm up bitumen, etc. must be agreed with the fire department.3.1.6. In areas of the enterprise territory where accumulation of flammable vapors or gases is possible, the passage of cars, tractors, electric cars, motorcycles and other vehicles is prohibited. Appropriate inscriptions (indicators) must be made about this. 3.1.7. The construction of temporary combustible buildings and structures on the territory of the enterprise, as a rule, is not allowed. 3.1.8. Open storage of flammable materials and equipment in hot packaging at a distance closer than 10 m from railway lines and roads is not allowed. 3.1.9. Making fires for burning waste and garbage on the territory of the enterprise is prohibited.

3.2.1. All laboratory, production, office, warehouse and auxiliary buildings and premises must be kept clean at all times. A sign indicating the person responsible for fire safety, the telephone number of the fire department (unit) and instructions on fire safety measures must be posted in each room. 3.2.2. On each floor of production, administrative, warehouse and auxiliary buildings, plans for the evacuation of people and material assets in the event of a fire must be posted in prominent places. At the entrance to the premises of a laboratory, department, workshop, site, warehouse, etc. there must be an inscription indicating the category of the room in terms of explosion and fire hazard and the class zone in accordance with the Electrical Installation Rules (PUE). 3.2.3. Above the doors of emergency exits, white “EXIT” signs should be installed on a green field, located no lower than 2-2.5 m from the floor. In corridors, on stairwells and on doors leading to escape routes or directly outside, images of a mandatory "EXIT" sign must be installed - an open door with the silhouette of a running person and an arrow indicating the path to the exit. 3.2.4. Passages, exits, corridors, vestibules, stairs, approaches to fire extinguishing and alarm systems are not allowed to be cluttered with various objects and equipment. All emergency exit doors must open freely and easily towards the exit from the building (premises). If necessary, keys to emergency exit doors should be stored in close proximity in a pencil case and under the alarm system. In the event of a fire, the possibility of safe evacuation of people and material assets located in the industrial building must be ensured. It is prohibited to decorate escape routes with flammable materials, or to use carpets and other floor coverings that can quickly spread fire over the surface. 3.2.5. In the stairwells of buildings, it is prohibited to arrange working, storage and other premises, lay industrial gas pipelines, pipelines with flammable and combustible liquids, steam pipelines and ventilation ducts exhaust system ventilation from explosion- and fire-hazardous premises, arrange exits from the shafts of freight elevators, and install equipment. Only central heating control units and water meter units are allowed to be placed under flights of staircases on the first, ground or basement floors. 3.2.6. In basements and ground floors In industrial buildings, the use and storage of explosives, flammable and combustible liquids, cylinders with flammable gases, celluloid, film, plastic, polymer and other materials that have an increased fire hazard or emit toxic products during combustion are prohibited. Technical and cable basements must have separate exits to the outside. It is prohibited to place (arrange) production, storage and other premises in technical floors and basements. Window pits installed in basement rooms for smoke removal must be kept clean, and the windows must have proper glazing. It is not allowed to install blank metal bars on pits and windows, or to obstruct or block window openings with bricks. 3.2.7. In workshops, laboratories, and areas where flammable liquids and gases are used, including varnishes, enamels, paints, solvents and gases, it is necessary, as a rule, to provide for their centralized distribution and transportation to workplaces. In all cases, unbreakable safe containers with tight-fitting lids should be used for storing and transporting flammable liquids and flammable liquids. Maximum permissible quantities of simultaneous storage of flammable liquids and flammable liquids must be established for storage locations. At workplaces it is allowed to store materials in quantities not exceeding shift requirements. 3.2.8. The number of emergency exits from industrial buildings and premises, as well as their design and planning solutions must comply with the requirements of the current building codes and rules 3.2.9. Self-closing devices and seals in the doorways of staircases, corridors, vestibules and halls must be maintained in good condition.3.2.10. The installation of metal bars on the windows of rooms with large numbers of people is prohibited. In rooms with permanent workplaces, some of the metal bars (where they are installed according to security and safety conditions) must be sliding (hinged), removable or easily opened from inside the premises to use the window opening as emergency route for evacuating people and saving property. 3.2.11. Exits from storerooms and other premises for storing and processing flammable materials directly into elevator halls are not allowed. 3.2.12. It is not permitted to use attics and technical floors for production purposes or for storing material assets. Attics and technical floors must be permanently locked, and keys must be kept in a certain place where they can be retrieved at any time of the day. There should be a sign on the doors about the location of the keys and the telephone number of the person who holds them. Wooden structures attic spaces and coatings must be processed fire retardant composition in accordance with the requirements of the technical specifications for the composition used, but at least once every 3 years.3.2.13. Stationary fire escapes, ladders and fences on the roofs of buildings must be kept in good condition at all times.3.2.14. Cladding the surfaces of structures in corridors, staircases, lobbies, halls and foyers of buildings with flammable materials, as well as the installation of built-in cabinets made of flammable materials in these rooms is not allowed. 3.2.15. Openings in fire walls and ceilings must be equipped with protective devices against the spread of fire and combustion products. When crossing fire barriers with various communications, the gaps between them and the barrier structures (throughout their entire thickness) must be tightly sealed with non-combustible material. 3.2.16. The placement of technological equipment must be carried out in accordance with the layout approved by the administration and agreed upon by the fire department. The capacity of production, office and other premises must correspond to the estimated number of people provided for by the project. 3.2.17. It is prohibited to redevelop production and office premises without first developing a project (layout) agreed upon with the fire department and approved by the administration of the enterprise. At the same time, a decrease in the fire resistance limits of building structures and a deterioration in the evacuation of people and material assets should not be allowed. It is not allowed to attach storage rooms to enclosing structures (walls, partitions, ceilings and coverings) made of metal structures in combination with combustible polymer insulation (expanded polystyrene, polyurethane foam, etc.) , workshops and other premises with production categories A, B and C.3.2.18. In production, auxiliary and other buildings of I, II, III degree of fire resistance, install mezzanines, partitions, storerooms, desks, change houses, etc. from flammable materials is not allowed. 3.2.19. Placement of pilot and experimental installations, unique, expensive, electronic equipment , storage of documentation, reports, magnetic tapes in buildings below the III degree of fire resistance and in rooms with combustible floors, coatings, partitions is not allowed. 3.2.20. Fire protection and smoke removal systems in high-rise buildings must be in good condition. It is prohibited to glaze or seal blinds and air zones in smoke-free stairwells.3.2.21. The enterprise must be provided with primary fire extinguishing means in accordance with the instructions set out in Appendix No. In production and administrative buildings of the enterprise it is prohibited: a) to clean premises using gasoline, kerosene and other flammable and combustible liquids; b) to use electric heating devices outside specially equipped places; c) to leave unattended burning stoves, electric heating devices connected to the electrical network, televisions, radios, tape recorders, adding machines (calculators), electric typewriters, air conditioners, etc.; d) use home-made electric heating devices; e) line the walls of the premises of typing bureaus, computer centers, information processing centers, automated control systems with flammable materials; f) install and store equipment, furniture, safes and other items on evacuation routes; g) warm frozen pipes of various systems with blowtorches and any other methods using open fire. 3.2.23. Smoking in enterprise buildings is allowed only in specially designated (in agreement with the enterprise fire department) places equipped with cigarette butt bins and water containers. Safety signs must be posted in these areas. 3.2.24. Metal shavings and used cleaning materials, as they accumulate, must be stored in metal boxes with tight-fitting lids and removed from the production premises at the end of the working day. When processing special metals (magnesium, titanium, etc.), the requirements of technological instructions must be strictly observed. 3.2.25. The working clothes of workers must be washed and repaired in a timely manner. The administration of the enterprise for each division (production operation) must establish a clear procedure for replacing oily workwear with clean ones (frequency of washing, degreasing, repair, etc.). Workwear must be stored in premises specially designed for this purpose. Metal cabinets should be used to store clothes. 3.2.26. To identify workplaces within the premises, including “clean” and “extremely clean” areas, non-combustible materials should be used.

3.3.1. Electrical networks and electrical equipment used at the facilities must meet the requirements of the current “Rules for the Construction of Electrical Installations”, “Rules for the Technical Operation of Consumers” and “Safety Rules for the Operation of Electrical Installations of Consumers”. 3.3.2. All work must be carried out with working electrical equipment. If a defect is detected in the insulation of wires, malfunction of starters, plugs, sockets, plugs and other fittings, as well as in grounding and fencing, you should immediately report this to the power shop (electrical shop, department) for elimination. 3.3.3. Malfunctions in electrical networks and electrical equipment that can cause sparking, short circuits, or excessive heating of the flammable insulation of cables and wires must be immediately eliminated by the personnel on duty; the faulty electrical network should be disconnected until it is brought into a fire-safe state. 3.3.4. Persons responsible for the condition of electrical installations (chief power engineer, shop manager, engineer and technical worker of appropriate qualifications appointed by order of the head of the enterprise) are obliged to: a) ensure the organization and timely conduct of preventive inspections and scheduled preventative repairs of electrical equipment, equipment and electrical networks, as well as timely elimination of violations of the “Rules for the technical operation of consumer electrical installations” and “Safety rules for the operation of consumer electrical installations” that could lead to fires; b) monitor the correct selection and use of cables, electrical wires, motors, lamps and other electrical equipment depending on the fire class and hazardous areas and environmental conditions. Unused electrical equipment, cables and wires must be dismantled; c) systematically monitor the condition of protection devices against short circuits, overloads, internal and atmospheric overvoltages, as well as other emergency operating modes; d) monitor the serviceability of special installations and means designed to extinguish fires in electrical installations and cable rooms; e) organize a system of training and instruction for duty personnel on fire safety issues during the operation of electrical installations; f) participate in the investigation of fires from electrical installations, develop and implement measures to prevent them. 3.3.5. All electrical installations must be protected by protection devices against short circuit currents, overloads and other emergency conditions that can lead to fires. Fuse links must be calibrated with the rated current of the link indicated on the label. 3.3.6. Connections, terminations and branches of conductors of wires and cables, in order to avoid fire-hazardous transient resistances, must be carried out using crimping, welding, soldering or special clamps. 3.3.7. The construction and operation of temporary electrical networks is not permitted. An exception may be temporary illumination installations and electrical wiring supplying places of construction and temporary repair and installation work. 3.3.8. Portable lamps must be equipped with protective glass covers and nets. For these lamps and other portable electrical equipment, flexible cables and wires with copper conductors specially designed for this purpose should be used, taking into account possible mechanical stress.3.3.9. The passage of overhead power lines and external electrical wires over combustible roofs, sheds, warehouses of combustible materials is not allowed. The laying of electrical wires and cables in transit through warehouses and fire-explosive industrial premises is also not allowed. The laying of wires and cables (except for those laid in steel pipes) directly on metal panels, slabs, floorings with polymer insulation, as well as installation of electrical devices, panels, etc. closer than 1 m from the specified structures. In places where enclosing structures intersect electrical communications, metal sleeves sealed with non-combustible materials should be provided. 3.3.10. Overhead power lines must be located from fire-hazardous industrial and warehouse buildings, installations, sheds and stacks of flammable materials at a distance of at least one and a half times the height of the support.3.3.11. In production and warehouse premises with the presence of flammable materials (paper, cotton, rubber and others), as well as products in combustible packaging, electric lamps must have a closed or protected design (with glass caps), starters of fluorescent lamps must be protected from falling out. 3.3. 12. The lighting electrical network must be installed so that the lamps are located at a distance of at least 0.2 m from building structures and at least 0.5 m from combustible materials. The distance between luminaires with incandescent lamps and illuminated objects made of combustible materials must be at least the following values: Rated power P, watt Minimum distance, m 100 0.5 300 0.8 500 1.0 Distance is measured along the optical axis of the luminaire, from part of the luminaire or lamp located closest to the illuminated object. 3.3.13. Electric motors, lamps, wiring, distribution devices must be cleaned of combustible dust at least twice a month, and in rooms with significant dust emissions - at least four times a month.3.3.14. Oil-filled electrical equipment (transformers, switches, cable lines) installed in buildings must be protected by stationary or mobile units fire extinguishing in accordance with the requirements of the "Rules for Electrical Installations". 3.3.15. When operating electrical installations, it is prohibited: a) to use electric motors and other electrical equipment, the surface heating of which during operation exceeds the ambient temperature by more than 45 degrees C (unless other requirements are imposed on these electrical installations); b) to use cables and wires with damaged insulation and insulation that has lost its protective electrical insulating properties during operation; c) use electric heating devices (electric stoves, electric kettles, electric boilers, etc.) without fire-resistant stands, and outside specially designated premises, and also leave them connected to the network unattended; d) use for the purpose of heating premises, non-standard (homemade) heating electric furnaces or electric incandescent lamps; e) operate live electrical wires and cables with uninsulated ends; f) use damaged sockets, branch and junction boxes, switches and other electrical installation products; g) use electrical installation products for hanging various things and objects; h) connect to switchboard terminals power line, as well as include in the plug sockets of the lighting network devices that consume a current greater than that set for this panel; i) move switched-on devices and repair energized equipment; j) connect current collectors to electrical sockets, the total power of which exceeds the design value. 3.3.16. Any new connections of various current collectors (electric motors, heating devices, etc.) should be made only after appropriate calculations have been made that allow the possibility of such connections, with the permission of the chief power engineer or head of the electrical department. 3.3.17. Cabinets in which electrical panels are installed must be closed. 3.3.18. In the event of a power outage, all electrical appliances, electric motors and other electrical equipment must be turned off immediately. 3.3.19. Emergency and evacuation lighting fixtures must be connected to an independent power source and be in good condition at all times.3.3.20. It is not allowed to store various materials within a radius of one meter from electrical distribution boards and switches, and also to block the approaches to them. 3.3.21. The electrician on duty (replacement electrician) is obliged to carry out scheduled preventive inspections of electrical equipment, check the presence and serviceability of protection devices and take immediate measures to eliminate violations that could lead to fires. Results of inspections of electrical installations, detected faults and Taken measures recorded in the operational log.3.3.22. In all production and other premises, the installation of electrical wiring and cables directly on a combustible base, furniture, window sills, door jambs is strictly prohibited. 3.3.23. It is not allowed to store flammable materials and equipment in flammable packaging in the security zone of overhead power lines (according to the PUE and PTE).


3.4.1. All enterprise buildings, as a rule, must be equipped with central heating systems. 3.4.2. Responsibility for the technical condition and control over operation, timely and high-quality repairs heating installations for the enterprise as a whole is assigned to the chief power engineer (chief mechanic), and for workshops, warehouses, laboratories and individual enterprise facilities - to the heads of workshops, managers of warehouses and other facilities. 3.4.3. Before the beginning heating season boiler rooms, heater installations and local heating devices must be carefully checked and repaired. Faulty stoves and heating devices should not be allowed for operation. 3.4.4. Drivers, stokers and stokers must undergo fire safety training every year before the start of the heating season. 3.4.5. Conversion of furnaces and boiler rooms for gas fuel and operation of gas equipment must be carried out in accordance with the Safety Rules in the Gas Industry. 3.4.6. When a boiler room operates on liquid fuel, a tray with sand must be installed at each nozzle, and at least two valves must be installed on the fuel line, one of which is at the firebox, and the other at the tank with fuel. 3.4.7. The operation of boiler rooms, furnaces and other heating appliances that do not have fireproof cuts (derogation) from combustible building structures established by standards is not allowed. 3.4.8. Air heaters and heating devices must be placed so that they are easily accessible for inspection and cleaning. Heating devices in industrial premises with significant emissions of flammable dust must have smooth surfaces for ease of cleaning. 3.4.9. Operation of heating systems with infrared, high-temperature gas or electric emitters is permitted only in agreement with the state fire inspection authorities.3.4.10. In boiler rooms, it is allowed to install closed-type consumable fuel tanks of no more than 1 cubic meter in built-in boiler rooms and 5 cubic meters in free-standing boiler rooms. 3.4.11. Chimneys of solid fuel boilers must be equipped with reliable spark arresters and cleaned of soot at least three times a month. 3.4.12. Persons directly servicing boilers in non-automated boiler rooms are prohibited from leaving operating boilers unattended during their shift. 3.4.13. In rooms equipped with water or steam heating systems, the storage, use and use of substances and materials: a) capable of spontaneous combustion or explosion upon contact with hot surfaces of heating devices and pipelines or upon interaction with water; b) emitting upon contact with water flammable gases or vapors (calcium carbide, potassium, sodium, lithium, etc.). 3.4.14. In the premises of the boiler room it is prohibited: a) to carry out work not related to the maintenance of the boiler installation, to allow unauthorized persons into the boiler room and to entrust supervision of the operation of the boilers; b) to dry any flammable materials on boilers and steam lines; c) to allow liquid fuel to leak or leak gas from the fuel supply system; d) supply fuel when the injectors or gas burners are extinguished; e) use supply tanks that do not have devices for draining fuel into an emergency container (safe place) in case of fire; f) work with faulty automatic control of the combustion mode ;g) ignite boiler installations without first purging them with air; h) allow persons who have not undergone special training to work on boiler installations; i) use pipelines made of flammable materials to supply fuel to the nozzles; j) store fuel directly in front of the combustion openings of the furnace; l) use gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel and other flammable and combustible liquids; m) fire stoves with open doors. 3.4.15. It is not allowed to place protective clothing, oily rags, or flammable materials on heating devices and heating pipelines. 3.4.16. Screens for fencing local heating devices must be made of non-combustible materials and be kept in good condition. 3.4.17. It is not allowed to dump unslaked ash, slag, or coal near buildings. They must be removed to places specially designated for these purposes. 3.4.18. Solid fuel (peat, coal, firewood, etc.) must be stored in specially designed rooms or specially designated areas located no closer than 8 m from combustible buildings. 3.4.19. The use of household and home-made electric heating devices for heating production, office and other premises is prohibited. The use of safe electric heating devices of the RBE-1 type is permitted (with the exception of industrial premises of categories A, B; warehouses, computer centers) with the written permission of the person responsible for the condition of electrical installations , and in agreement with the fire department.3.4.20. In cases where it is necessary for enterprises to use temporary metal furnaces and gas burners of infrared radiation for drying the premises of buildings and structures under construction, one should be guided by the Fire Safety Rules for construction and installation work, approved by the Main Directorate of Industrial Production of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR on February 26, 1986.


3.5.1. Responsibility for the technical condition, serviceability and compliance with fire safety requirements during the operation of ventilation systems and emergency smoke control devices lies with chief mechanical engineer(chief power engineer) of the enterprise or persons appointed by order for the enterprise. 3.5.2. The operational and fire safety mode of operation of facility and workshop ventilation installations (systems) must be determined by instructions. These instructions must provide (in relation to production conditions) fire safety measures, terms for cleaning air ducts, filters, fire arresting valves and other equipment, and also determine the procedure for operating personnel in the event of a fire. 3.5.3. Locking devices ventilation systems with automatic fire alarm and fire extinguishing systems must be kept in good condition.3.5.4. Personnel on duty supervising ventilation units are required to carry out scheduled preventive inspections of fans, air ducts, fire-retarding devices, irrigation chambers and grounding devices and take measures to eliminate any malfunctions or violations of their operating mode that may cause the occurrence or spread of a fire. 3.5.5 . The operation of technological equipment in premises with explosion and fire hazards and production facilities with faulty hydrofilters, dry filters, dust suction and other ventilation system devices is not allowed.3.5.6. Local exhausts of ventilation systems that remove flammable and explosive substances (to prevent metal or solid substances from entering the fans that could cause sparking) must be equipped with protective grids or magnetic catchers.3.5.7. In industrial premises in which ventilation units transport flammable and explosive substances, all metal air ducts, pipelines, filters and other equipment of exhaust units must be grounded. 3.5.8. Ventilation chambers, cyclones, filters, and air ducts must be cleaned of combustible dust and production waste. Checking, preventive inspection and cleaning of ventilation equipment must be carried out according to a schedule approved by the head of the enterprise or department. Signs must be posted on ventilation systems indicating the name of the person responsible for carrying out this work, cleaning deadlines, and telephone number. The results of inspections must be entered in a special journal. 3.5.9. It is prohibited to repair ventilation systems transporting flammable and explosive substances without first cleaning them and drawing up the appropriate document. 3.5.10. The design and material from which fans, controls and other devices of ventilation systems are made for rooms where the air may contain flammable or explosive substances (gases, vapors, dust) must exclude the possibility of sparking. 3.5.11. Air containing combustible dust or combustible waste must be cleaned before entering the fan.3.5.12. Exhaust air ducts through which explosive or flammable dust, gases, vapors that can be deposited and condensed on the walls are transported must have devices for periodic cleaning (hatches, dismountable joints, etc. ).3.5.13. Storing any equipment or materials in ventilation chambers is strictly prohibited. Ventilation chambers must be locked at all times. Entry to unauthorized persons is prohibited. 3.5.14. At places where fire barriers intersect, air ducts must be equipped with automatic fire-retarding devices (dampers, scrapers, valves). 3.5.15. When operating fire-retarding devices, it is necessary: ​​a) at least once a week to check their general technical condition; b) promptly clean the sensitive elements of the valve drive from contamination by dust and other deposits (low-melting locks, easily combustible inserts, heat-sensitive elements, etc.) .3.5.16. Ventilation units, serving premises of categories A, B, C in terms of explosion and fire hazard, must have remote devices for turning them on or off in case of fires or accidents in accordance with the requirements specifically specified for each room. Ventilation air ducts must be made of non-combustible materials. 3.5.17. Ventilation systems that cannot be used due to changes in technological schemes and equipment must be dismantled. 3.5.18. Changing the designs of ventilation systems and their individual elements without prior approval from the design organization is not allowed. 3.5.19. When operating ventilation systems, it is prohibited to: a) use ventilation ducts as chimneys; b) connect to ventilation ducts gas heating appliances; c) turn off or remove fire-retarding devices; d) burn out flammable deposits accumulated in air ducts and umbrellas; e) close exhaust ducts, holes and grilles; f) leave the doors of the ventilation chambers open; g) allow the integrity of the air ducts and their connections to be violated; h) lay electrical. wires, cables inside air ducts; i) operation of ventilation systems serving premises of categories A, B in recirculation mode. 3.5.20. At facilities equipped with emergency smoke control devices, it is necessary to check at least once a month the presence of locks and seals on the automation power supply panels, the presence of protective shields (compartment on the manual start buttons, closed position floor smoke dampers, dampers, fans, as well as the readiness of smoke protection devices for operation by briefly (3-5 minutes) turning on the fan using the start buttons or by a signal from the fire detector. 3.5.21. To maintain emergency smoke control systems in in working condition It is necessary to periodically clean ventilation grilles, valves, actuators, fusible locks, limit switches from dirt and dust, and fan louvers from icing in winter. 3.5.22. The control panel of the emergency smoke protection system must have instructions on how to put it into operation. 3.5.23. The design of ventilation systems and emergency smoke protection devices must comply with the requirements of current standards and regulations.



4.1.1. At each facility, on the basis of current building codes and rules and other regulatory documents, technologists must determine the fire and explosion hazard categories of production workshops, individual premises, installations, warehouses and class zones according to the PUE. On the drawings of the technological, construction, electrical and plumbing parts of the project there must be production categories and class zones according to the PUE for all premises should be indicated. 4.1.2. Apply in production processes and it is prohibited to store substances and materials with unstudied fire and explosion hazard properties. Heads of departments, laboratories, workshops, and production sites are required to organize the study by maintenance personnel of the fire hazard characteristics of substances and materials used or produced (received). 4.1.3. Technological equipment must be fireproof under normal operating conditions, and in case of dangerous malfunctions and accidents it is necessary to provide protective measures, limiting the scale of spread and consequences of the fire.4.1.4. Technological equipment, installations, apparatus, pipelines in which substances that emit explosive vapors, gases and dust are formed or located must be sealed and remain airtight during operation, unless they are placed in special explosion chambers.4.1.5. It is prohibited to perform work on equipment, installations and machines with malfunctions that could lead to a fire, as well as when the control and measuring instruments that are used to determine the specified temperature, pressure, concentration of flammable gases, vapors and other technological parameters are turned off. 4.1.6 . The operation of technological equipment, equipment and installations, their load must comply with the requirements of passport data and technological regulations.4.1.7. The temperature of open surfaces of equipment and installations during operation should not exceed the ambient air temperature by more than 45 degrees C (in all cases it should not exceed 85 degrees C, unless other requirements are imposed on it). 4.1.8. Technological and transport equipment must be subject to scheduled preventative and major renovation in accordance with the technical conditions and within the time limits determined by the schedule approved by the manager or chief engineer of the enterprise.4.1.9. Repairing equipment under pressure, packing and tightening seals on operating pumps and compressors, as well as sealing flanges on devices and pipelines without reducing (bleeding) the pressure in the system to atmospheric is prohibited. 4.1.10. Hot surfaces of installations and pipelines in rooms where they can cause the danger of ignition of materials or explosion of gases, liquid vapors or dust must be insulated with non-combustible materials to reduce the temperature to the maximum permissible, equal to 80% of the standard value or minimum temperature self-ignition of flammable and explosive substances.4.1.11. To monitor the state of the air in production and warehouse premises in which substances and materials capable of forming explosive concentrations of gases and vapors are used or stored, automatic gas analyzers must be installed. In the absence of commercially produced gas analyzers, periodic laboratory analysis of the air environment must be carried out. 4.1.12. In fire-hazardous premises and on equipment that poses a danger of explosion or fire, signs prohibiting the use of open fire and signs warning about caution in the presence of flammable substances must be posted. The administration of the enterprise, department, laboratory, workshop is obliged to familiarize all workers with the meaning of such signs .4.1.13. The need to turn off technological equipment in rooms equipped automatic systems fire extinguishing, must be provided for by instructions agreed with the state supervision authorities.


4.2.1. At production sites in assembly and other workshops, storage of finished products, spare parts and equipment in combustible packaging is not allowed. 4.2.2. In the assembly shops of the main production and in fire hazardous areas with the presence of expensive or unique equipment, it should be provided for the duty of members of the DPD in work time and responsible persons from among the administration.4.2.3. In the main assembly shops, plans for the evacuation of products (finished products) in the event of a fire or accident must be developed and approved by the management of the enterprise.4.2.4. To cover expensive or unique equipment, products and finished products, it is necessary to use fireproof or difficult to burn materials, fabrics, films, covers, etc. 4.2.5. In the premises of the main production workshops, storage of technological documentation, furniture, flammable containers, clothing, as well as any instruments, equipment and accessories not directly related to the technical process is not allowed. 4.2.6. For washing and degreasing products and parts, as a rule, non-flammable compounds, pastes, solvents and emulsions, as well as ultrasonic and other fire-safe installations should be used. Only in cases where non-flammable compounds do not ensure the cleanliness of processing products required by technology, the use of appropriate flammable or flammable cleaning liquids is allowed, subject to the necessary fire safety measures.


4.3.1. Each workshop, area, and painting installation must have design documentation approved in the prescribed manner.4.3.2. Paint shops, when located in common production buildings, should be located, as a rule, near the outer walls of the building with window openings, an overhead skylight or easily removable coverings and isolated from other production shops by fire walls. 4.3.3. Painting shops and chambers are not allowed to be located directly under premises intended for simultaneous occupancy of more than 50 people.4.3.4. Placing paint shops in basements or ground floors is not permitted.4.3.5. In some cases, if it is necessary according to the conditions of the technological process, painting equipment is allowed to be located in the general production flow, without enclosing it with walls. Such premises should be considered explosive or fire hazardous within a radius of 5 m from open openings of painting and drying chambers vertically and horizontally; The environment within a radius of more than 5 m is conventionally accepted as normal. The specified area (within a radius of up to 5 m) must be provided effective means fire extinguishing and evacuation routes. Work using open fire may be carried out no closer than 15 m from the open openings of painting and drying booths, while welding areas should be protected with protective screens. 4.3.6. Departments for dry cleaning of surfaces (shot blasting, etc.) must be located in a special room, isolated from the general premises of the paint shop.4.3.7. Painting of unique large-sized products for which it is impossible to provide permanent places for painting, can be done in open areas (outside the chambers), equipped with exhaust through grates in the floor (under the product). When painting such products, workplaces are protected by lightweight fireproof partitions installed 0.5 meters above the product.4.3.8. The paint preparation department should be located in an isolated room with fireproof enclosing structures with a fire resistance limit of at least 1.5 hours. outer wall a one-story building with window openings and independent exit to the outside. Carrying out any other work in the paint preparation department is not allowed. 4.3.9. The internal surfaces of the walls of all rooms associated with painting work, to a height of at least 2 m, must be lined with tiles (ceramic, etc.) or covered with sheet non-combustible material. The upper part of the walls and ceilings of the premises can be covered with adhesive paints and lime whitewash.4.3.10. In the chemical surface preparation department, floors must be made of water- and alkali-resistant materials (asphalt concrete, ceramic tiles, acid-resistant concrete and others) and have a slope for water drainage.4.3.11. All rooms must have devices for natural ventilation (opening windows, transoms) regardless of artificial ventilation.4.3.12. Floors in rooms where paint and varnish preparation, painting and washing work are carried out must be made of fireproof materials that do not generate sparks upon impact.4.3.13. Painting work, washing and degreasing of parts should be carried out only with an active supply and exhaust ventilation with local suction from paint cabinets, baths, chambers and cabins.4.3.14. Exhaust ventilation of paint cabinets, chambers and cabins is not allowed to be operated without water sprinklers (hydraulic filters) and other effective devices for trapping particles of flammable paints and varnishes.4.3.15. Painting equipment must be cleaned of flammable deposits daily (after the end of the shift) with exhaust ventilation running.4.3.16. To make it easier to clean the chambers from deposits of paints and varnishes, their walls should be coated with a thin layer of grease or PS-40. When cleaning surfaces from nitro paint deposits, do not hit metal structures. To avoid sparking, scrapers must be made of non-ferrous metal.4.3.17. Application paint and varnish materials, enamels, solvents, washing and degreasing liquids of unknown composition are not allowed. These materials can be used only after appropriate analysis, determination of their fire hazardous properties and development of measures for their safe use.4.3.18. In paint shops, paint preparation departments, in warehouses of paint and varnish materials, in places where parts are washed and degreased using flammable and combustible liquids, it is not allowed to carry out work involving the use of open fire and spark formation (electric gas welding, sharpening, opening containers from flammable liquids and flammable liquids with non-copper tool).4.3.19. Paints and varnishes should arrive at workplaces in finished form no more than a replacement requirement in hermetically sealed containers. The composition and dilution of all types of varnishes and paints should be carried out in a specially designated, isolated room or in an open area.4.3.20. In painting booths with an electrostatic field, when the exhaust ventilation is turned off or the distance between the product being painted and the spray is reduced, the voltage must be automatically removed from the installation for generating the electrostatic field. 4.3.21. Paints and solvents spilled on the floor should be cleaned up immediately using sawdust, water and other auxiliary materials. Epoxy paints and varnishes should be cleaned with paper and then with a rag moistened with acetone or ethyl cellosolve, after which the spilled area should be washed warm water with soap.4.3.22. Containers for paint and varnish materials must be tightly closed and stored in special areas away from production premises.4.3.23. Containers, working containers and painting equipment should be cleaned and washed only in specially equipped places equipped with local forced ventilation systems.4.3.24. Air ducts of ventilation systems must be cleaned of deposits of flammable materials according to a schedule approved by the administration. It is necessary to appoint persons responsible for carrying out this work. Tightly closing hatches must be installed on exhaust air ducts for easy cleaning of their internal surface. 4.3.25. In painting booths, the exhaust ventilation and irrigation system with air supply to the paint sprayers must be blocked, which must always be in good condition. 4.3.26. The selection of electrical equipment, lamps and wires for premises and technological installations is made in accordance with the PUE and is specified in each individual case on site by technologists together with power engineers.


4.4.1. Employees of laboratories and sites are required to know the fire hazard of the chemicals and materials used and observe safety measures when working with them. Before starting work on a new topic, the work manager is required to conduct special instructions with a note in the periodic fire safety briefing log. It is prohibited to perform work that is not related to the task and not provided for in the work instructions.4.4.2. Storage of substances and materials must be carried out strictly according to the assortment. Joint storage of substances whose chemical interaction may cause a fire or explosion is not permitted. The procedure for storing chemicals and materials is given in Appendix No. Laboratory furniture and equipment must be installed so that they do not impede the evacuation of people. The width of the minimum permissible passages between equipment must be at least 1 m.4.4.4. The working surfaces of tables, racks, and fume hoods intended for working with fire-explosive liquids and substances must have a fireproof coating. To work with acids, alkalis and other chemically active substances, tables and cabinets must be made of materials resistant to their influences, with sides made of non-flammable material (to prevent liquid spillage outside the cabinet or table).4.4.5. All work associated with the possibility of releasing toxic or fire-explosive vapors and gases must be carried out only in fume hoods. Fume hoods must be made of fireproof material and be kept in good condition at all times. Use fume hoods with broken glass or faulty ventilation is prohibited.4.4.6. Air ducts from fume hoods and the walls of fume hoods should be periodically, depending on the nature of the work being carried out, at least once a month, cleaned of tar, soot and other deposits. 4.4.7. Lamps installed inside fume hoods in which work with flammable liquids and gases are carried out must be carried out in explosion-proof version. Switches, sockets, laboratory transformers should be located outside the fume hood.4.4.8. Work involving fire or electrical heating or flammable substances must be carried out only under the supervision of employees. 4.4.9. Special requirements for premises in which chemically active substances are used must be determined by enterprise laboratories. 4.4.10. Glassware containing acids, alkalis and other substances may only be transported in special metal or wooden boxes lined with asbestos. For sulfuric and nitric acids use wooden boxes, baskets and shavings are allowed provided they are treated with a fire retardant compound.4.4.11. It is prohibited to store liquid air and oxygen in the same room with flammable substances, combustible gases, fats and oils.4.4.12. Alkali metals should be stored in dehydrated kerosene or oils, without access to air, in thick-walled containers, tightly sealed. Flasks with alkali metals must be placed in metal boxes with tight-fitting lids, the walls and bottom of which are lined with asbestos.4.4.13. It is not permitted to use fire to detect gas leaks from gas pipelines and gas appliances. 4.4.14. Cylinders with compressed, liquefied and dissolved flammable gases must be installed in metal cabinets outside the laboratory building or site. Cabinets must have slots or louvres for ventilation and be installed in partitions no closer than 1 m from window openings. Providing laboratories and installations with these gases, as well as oxygen, should be carried out by centralized systems.4.4.15. The archive of photographic film and x-ray film on a flammable basis may be placed in the upper floors of the building in special rooms, separated from the main premises by fireproof walls and partitions. The archival storage facility is equipped with film stats or cabinets. Cabinets and shelves in them must be metal. The shelves in the cabinet are installed at a distance of 50 cm from each other and are divided into sections 50 cm deep and long. Each section must be closed with a metal door. The total amount of film stored indoors should not exceed 300 kg.4.4.16. Upon completion of work in photo laboratories and rooms with X-ray installations, the developed films must be deposited in the archive. In small quantities (up to 10 kg), they can be stored in a fireproof cabinet at the workplace.4.4.17. Supply and exhaust ventilation in all rooms of the laboratory must be turned on no later than 5 minutes before the start of the working day and turned off after finishing work. It is prohibited to carry out work in the laboratory or installation if the ventilation is faulty.


4.5.1. In each room, by order (instruction) of the head of the unit, persons responsible for the state of fire safety must be appointed, and signs with the name of the person responsible must be posted. 4.5.2. All premises must be equipped with automatic fire alarms.4.5.3. Heating of sealing wax or paraffin is allowed in special vessels on electric stoves with a closed spiral. 4.5.4. Emergency exits in buildings must be equipped with safety signs in accordance with GOST 12.4.026- During public events, the heads of administrative buildings appoint responsible duty officers from service personnel or the public, who must be instructed on fire safety rules.


4.6.1. Information storage facilities of computer centers (rooms for storing punched cards, punched tapes, magnetic tapes and packages of magnetic disks) should be located in separate rooms equipped with racks and cabinets. The amount of operational information stock used for work in computer computer rooms is agreed with the fire department. 4.6.2. The placement of storage facilities, fire- and explosion-hazardous production facilities above and below computer rooms, as well as in rooms adjacent to them (with the exception of information storage facilities) is not permitted. 4.6.3. The ventilation system of computer centers must be equipped with a device that ensures automatic shutdown in case of fire, as well as fire and smoke suppression devices. 4.6.4. Air supply to the computer for cooling must be provided through air ducts. The use of space under a false floor for this purpose is not permitted. Air supply to each computer must be carried out through an independent air duct. Connecting these air ducts to a common manifold is allowed only after fire and smoke dampers. 4.6.5. The computer power supply system must have a lock that ensures it is turned off in the event of a cooling and air conditioning system shutdown. 4.6.6. Repair work on computer components (blocks) directly in the computer room is not permitted. They must be carried out in a separate room (workshop). If repairs or Maintenance A computer directly in the computer room is allowed to have no more than 0.5 liters of flammable liquids in an unbreakable, tightly closed container. 4.6.7. To wash parts, as a rule, it is necessary to use non-flammable detergents. Washing cells and other removable devices with flammable liquids is allowed only in special rooms equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation.4.6.8. It is prohibited to leave unattended radio-electronic equipment connected to the network used for testing and monitoring computers, as well as computer technical devices.4.6.9. Once a quarter, all machine units and their components, cable ducts and inter-floor space must be cleaned of dust.


4.7.1. All shielded structures (buildings, premises, chambers) with biological protection, are classified as category "B" in terms of fire hazard and must be located in buildings of at least II degree of fire resistance.4.7.2. Screened rooms with an area of ​​100 m2 or more must have at least two exits.4.7.3. During the new construction of shielded structures for biological protection, fireproof radio-absorbing materials (RAM) must be used. 4.7.4. In shielded structures put into operation and lined with combustible RPM, combustible materials must be replaced with non-combustible or difficult to combustible ones. 4.7.5. The RPM must be fastened only to fireproof walls. 4.7.6. The laying of power and lighting cables and wires must be carried out in gas pipes.4.7.7. The blocking scheme for the doors of the main and emergency exits must ensure the safe evacuation of all workers from the premises in the event of a fire.


4.8.1. The arrangement of cars in premises, under canopies or on special areas for non-garage storage must be carried out in accordance with the requirements provided for by the standards for car servicing enterprises. 4.8.2. In motor transport workshops with more than 25 cars, in order to create conditions for their evacuation in case of fire, a special plan for the placement of cars must be developed and approved by the head of the workshop, describing the priority and order of evacuation. This plan should provide for the duty of drivers at night, on weekends and holidays, and also the procedure for storing ignition keys is determined. 4.8.3. Premises for car service, where more than 10 service stations or storage of more than 25 cars are provided, must have at least two gates. 4.8.4. Premises and open storage areas for vehicles must not be cluttered with objects and equipment that could interfere with the rapid evacuation of vehicles in the event of a fire.4.8.5. Places where vehicles are placed must be provided with towing ropes and rods at the rate of one cable (rod) per 10 cars. 4.8.6. In the first floors of buildings under which garages are located, premises with large numbers of people are not allowed. 4.8.7. In car garages, car parking and storage areas, it is not allowed to carry out forging, thermal, welding, painting, wood finishing work, as well as washing parts using flammable liquids. This work must be carried out in appropriate workshops, isolated from the garage. In premises intended for parking and repair of cars, as well as in car parks under canopies and in open areas, it is prohibited to: a) install cars in quantities exceeding the norm, violate the method of their placement, reduce the distance between cars and building elements, use open fire; b) keep cars with the neck of the gas tank open, as well as if there is a fuel leak; c) store fuel (gasoline, diesel fuel, gas cylinders), containers with used oil, with the exception of fuel in tanks and gas in cylinders mounted on cars; d) leave loaded vehicles in parking areas, with the exception of vehicles arriving with cargo after the end of the working day or departing on a trip before the start of the working day; e) refuel the vehicles. Refueling vehicles with fuel is permitted only at a gas station; f) store containers containing flammable and combustible liquids; g) block exit gates and driveways. 4.8.8. In vehicle repair rooms and in utility rooms, it is not allowed to carry out flammable work on repairing vehicles with tanks filled with fuel (and for those operating on gas fuel, with gas cylinders filled) and crankcases filled with oil. Upon completion of the premises and inspection holes must be cleaned of oily wiping ends and various liquids.4.8.9. In vehicle storage rooms it is not allowed: a) to heat engines with open fire (bonfires, torches, blowtorches), as well as to use open fire sources for lighting during technical inspections, repairs and other work; b) leave oiled wiping ends in the vehicle and special clothing upon completion of work; c) leave the car with the ignition on; d) entrust the maintenance and driving of the car to unqualified persons. 4.8.10. When delivering explosive substances to an enterprise, the administration is obliged to develop measures for their safe storage and notify the fire department.


4.9.1. Technological equipment of workshops, heating devices and electrical equipment must be cleaned of wood dust, shavings and other flammable materials at least once per shift, and building structures and electric lamps - at least once every two weeks.4.9.2. To remove waste, woodworking machines must be equipped with local suction. The operation of machines with the ventilation and pneumatic transport systems turned off is prohibited. 4.9.3. Dust collection chambers and cyclones must be kept closed at all times. Wood waste collected in them must be removed in a timely manner. It is prohibited to overload cyclones and pollute the area where they are located with production waste.4.9.4. When operating oil-filled equipment, measures must be taken to prevent the possibility of leakage and spillage of oil and impregnation of wooden structures with it.4.9.5. It is necessary to strictly observe the terms of lubrication of rubbing parts of equipment and bearings. These deadlines must be specified in the shop instructions. If the temperature of the bearings increases above those specified in the operating instructions, the equipment must be stopped to determine and eliminate the causes of overheating.4.9.6. The glue must be heated using steam or electrical appliances. For this purpose, it is recommended to use the safest electrical appliances with water heating. Glue dispensers must be located in an isolated room or in another safe place designated for this purpose. Adhesives based on synthetic resins and flammable solvents should be stored in fireproof pantries or metal boxes.4.9.7. When drying wood in petrolatum, it is heated in tanks to a temperature of 120-140 degrees. The tank must be filled with petrolatum in such a way that when a package of wood is lowered into it, the liquid level in the tank rises no more than 60 cm to the top edge of the tank (to avoid liquid overflow). To reduce the foaming of petrolatum, it is not recommended to lower wood into it, covered with ice or snow.4.9.8. The premises where petrolatum baths are installed are equipped supply and exhaust ventilation, and an umbrella with an exhaust pipe is mounted above the bathtub. 4.9.9. When drying wood with high-frequency currents in dryers, the electrodes must be in good working order and good contact with the wood must be ensured to avoid sparking. The doors of the drying chamber with this drying method are blocked with a device for supplying voltage to the electrodes; temperature control and regulation in dryers is carried out by automatic devices. 4.9.10. For each dryer, the maximum permissible rate of loading with materials and the maximum permissible operating temperature are established. Maintaining a given temperature regime operation of drying chambers should be carried out, as a rule, by automatic temperature controllers.4.9.11. When drying infrared rays For each dryer, the permissible minimum distance from the lamps to the surface to be dried is also established (depending on the power of the lamps and the type of material being dried). 4.9.12. All radiation-type dryers with continuous movement of dried products provide for automatic shutdown of the heating system when the conveyor suddenly stops or install an appropriate alarm system.4.9.13. Timber dryers must be equipped with stationary steam extinguishing installations or deluge systems.4.9.14. In woodworking shops it is prohibited: a) to store timber in quantities exceeding shift requirements; b) to leave finished products, shavings, sawdust, wood dust, oil, drying oil, varnishes, adhesives and other flammable liquids and materials, as well as electrical installations, uncleaned at the end of work. energized.4.9.15. Timber arriving at the warehouse is stacked according to pre-designed technological maps, which must be agreed upon with the fire department.4.9.16. When stacking and disassembling stacks of lumber, packages preparing for shipment should be installed only on one side of the working lines.4.9.17. Bases for stacks of lumber and round timber Before storage, they must be cleared of flammable waste down to the ground. In case of significant accumulations of waste, the bases for the stacks are covered with a layer of sand, gravel or earth.4.9.18. Stacks of timber and lumber must be provided with free access. IN fire breaks It is not allowed to store timber, equipment, etc. between stacks. 4.9.19. In hot, dry and windy weather, the area adjacent to the stacks and the gaps between them should be irrigated daily with water.4.9.20. Admission of diesel locomotives to the warehouse territory is permitted only if equipped with spark arresters or running on liquid fuel.4.9.21. Finishing the cabins of bridge, cantilever-gantry, tower and other cranes with flammable materials and storing lubricants and cleaning materials in them is prohibited.


4.10.1. Open warehouses of flammable and combustible liquids should be located on sites that have lower elevations compared to the elevations of production workshops and populated areas. Sites must have fences (embankments) to prevent the spread of liquid in the event of an accident.4.10.2. On the territory of warehouses of flammable and combustible liquids it is prohibited: a) entry of cars, tractors and other mechanized vehicles not equipped with special spark arresters, as well as fire extinguishing means; b) smoking, as well as the use of open fire to illuminate and warm frozen petroleum products, parts of shut-off valves, pipelines, etc. They should only be heated with steam. hot water or heated sand.4.10.3. In storage facilities filled with petroleum products, the barrels should be stacked carefully, with the plugs facing up, avoiding hitting each other. It is prohibited to spill petroleum products or store closures and containers directly in the storage facility.4.10.4. The territories of tank farms and open areas for storing liquids in containers must be kept clean and cleared of spilled liquids and flammable debris.4.10.5. The earth embankment and enclosing devices of tanks must always be in good condition. The areas inside the embankment must be planned. Damage to embankments and transition bridges must be repaired immediately.4.10.6. During the operation of tanks, it is necessary to constantly monitor the serviceability of breathing valves and fire arresters. When the air temperature is above zero degrees. Fire arresters must be checked at least once a month, and at temperatures below zero - at least twice a month.4.10.7. When inspecting tanks, taking samples or measuring liquid levels, devices should be used to prevent sparking from impacts. Breathing fittings and fire arresters installed on tanks must be correctly adjusted and maintained in good condition.4.10.8. In order to reliable protection tanks from direct lightning strikes and static electricity discharges, the serviceability of lightning rods and grounding devices must be monitored with a check for ohmic resistance once a year (in summer when the soil is dry). 4.10.9. Repair work on tanks is allowed, as a rule, only after they have been completely emptied of liquid, pipelines have been disconnected from them, all hatches have been opened, thorough cleaning (steaming and washing), air sampling from the tank and analysis for the absence of explosive concentrations. 4.10.10 . During unloading and loading operations, the tank must not be allowed to overflow with flammable liquid. During lightning discharges, draining and loading of petroleum products is not permitted. The supply of railway tanks for unloading and loading, as well as their removal, must be carried out smoothly, without jolts or jerks. Braking railway tanks with metal shoes in the territory of loading and unloading facilities is not permitted. For this purpose it is necessary to use wooden supports.4.10.11. If the supply for draining or loading and removal of tank cars with liquids with a vapor flash point of up to 28 degrees C is carried out by diesel locomotives, then they must be covered by two two-axle (or one four-axle) empty cars (platforms) or loaded with cargo. 4.10.12. When loading or draining liquids with a vapor flash point of 61 degrees C or lower, operating personnel must take precautions. Impacts are not allowed when closing tank lids or when connecting hoses and other devices to fuel tanks. The tool used during draining and filling must be made of metal that does not produce sparks when struck. When filling, the hose tip should be lowered to the bottom of the tank; pouring should be done calmly, without splashing the liquid. Equipment and containers with flammable liquids and flammable liquids must be reliably grounded.4.10.13. For local lighting during loading and unloading operations, it is necessary to use explosion-proof battery-powered flashlights.4.10.14. Drain and fill areas must be kept clean, spilled flammable and combustible liquids must be immediately cleaned up, and spill areas must be covered with sand.4.10.15. Drain and fill pipelines and risers must be regularly inspected. Leaks found in drainage and filling devices must be repaired immediately. If it is necessary to immediately eliminate the leak, the faulty part drain device must be disabled.4.10.16. Tankers transporting flammable and combustible liquids must be equipped with reliable grounding, and exhaust pipes must be routed under the radiator and equipped with spark arresters.4.10.17. In the premises of pumping stations, constant monitoring of the tightness of pumps and pipelines must be established. Leaks in pump seals and pipeline connections must be repaired immediately. Floors in pump rooms and trays must be kept clean.4.10.18. Technological and other openings in the walls of pumping stations must be sealed with non-combustible materials. Before pumping stations start operating, supply and exhaust ventilation must be turned on. 4.10.19. Repair of electrical equipment, electrical networks, and replacement of electric lamps is permitted only when the power supply is turned off. 4.10.20. Rooms for internal combustion engines must be separated from rooms for pumps by fireproof walls with a fire resistance rating of at least 1 hour. Shafts connecting the motor to the pump where they pass through walls must have oil seals. The use of flat belt drives in rooms where pumps for flammable liquids are installed is not permitted.


4.11.1. Warehouse maintenance personnel must know the fire hazard and safety rules when storing chemicals.4.11.2. A plan for the placement of chemicals must be developed in warehouses, indicating their most characteristic properties ("Flammable", "Poisonous", "Chemically active", etc.).4.11.3. Chemicals should be stored according to the principle of homogeneity in accordance with their physical, chemical and fire hazard properties. For this purpose, warehouses are divided into separate rooms (compartments), isolated from each other by fireproof walls (partitions).4.11.4. It is not permitted to carry out work in chemical warehouses that is not related to the storage of chemicals. 4.11.5. Potently toxic substances (STS) may be stored only in strict accordance with the special rules existing for them. 4.11.6. All work with chemicals should be done carefully so as not to damage the closure. Each container containing a chemical must have an inscription or tag with its name.4.11.7. Chemicals that are prone to spontaneous combustion upon contact with air, water, flammable substances or capable of forming explosive mixtures must be stored in special conditions, completely eliminating the possibility of contact, as well as the influence of excessively high temperatures and mechanical influences(see Appendix No. 4). Strong oxidizing agents (magnesium chlorate, calcium chlorate-chloride, hydrogen peroxide, etc.) should be stored in complete isolation from other chemicals and reagents. 4.11.8. Chemicals in small containers must be stored on fireproof racks open type or in cabinets, or in large containers in stacks. 4.11.9. Chemicals must be packaged in a special room. Spilled and scattered substances must be cleaned up and degreased. Packaging materials (paper, shavings, cotton wool, tow, etc.) must be stored in a separate room.4.11.10. In rooms where chemicals that can melt in a fire are stored, it is necessary to provide devices that limit the free spreading of the melt (sides, thresholds with ramps, etc.). 4.11.11. Bottles, barrels, drums with reagents are installed in open areas in groups of no more than 100 pieces in each, with a gap between groups of at least 1 m. Only a certain type of product should be stored in each group, about which appropriate indicative inscriptions are made. The sites must be well compacted and fenced with barriers. Bottles with reagents in open areas must be protected from exposure to sunlight.4.11.12. When storing nitric and sulfuric acids, measures must be taken to prevent their contact with wood, straw and other substances of organic origin. 4.11.13. In warehouses and sheds where acids are stored, it is necessary to have ready-made solutions of lime or soda to immediately neutralize accidentally spilled acids. Acid storage areas must be marked.4.11.14. Vehicles used for transportation, loading and unloading operations cannot be left on the territory of warehouses after completion of work.4.11.15. Empty chemical containers must be stored in a separate room.4.11.16. Chemical storage facilities must be equipped with ventilation devices - forced or natural.4.11.17. Warehouse doors must have a fire resistance rating of 0.75 hours.4.11.18. Laying in transit through warehouses electrical cables, pipelines for transporting flammable gases and liquids, as well as water vapor is not permitted. 4.11.19. Warehouse maintenance personnel are required to inform the fire department about all chemicals arriving at the warehouse for the first time and not previously used at the enterprise’s facilities.


4.12.1. Storage in warehouses various materials and products should be manufactured based on the characteristics of uniformity of extinguishing agents (water, foam, gas) and ignition of materials. 4.12.2. Warehouses must comply with the rules for the joint storage of material assets (flammable liquids and gases separately from other materials, nitric and sulfuric acids separately from other organic substances and hydrocarbons, etc.). 4.12.3. Placement of warehouses and storerooms in premises through which transit passes electrical cables, gas and oil-filled communications are prohibited. 4.12.4. Warehouses and storerooms located in basements or ground floors must have at least two hatches or windows 0.9 m wide and 1.2 m high to release smoke in case of fire. 4.12.5. Indoor shelving must be made of fireproof materials, and existing wooden structures treated with a fire retardant compound.4.12.6. Installation of gas stoves, household electric heating appliances and stoves in material warehouses and storerooms is not allowed. 4.12.7. It is prohibited to store, including temporarily, various materials in aisles, between racks, stacks.4.12.8. Storing cargo and loading mechanisms on warehouse ramps is not permitted. Materials unloaded onto the ramp must be removed by the end of the warehouse operation.4.12.9. In warehouses, goods not stored on racks must be stacked. Against doorways The warehouse must have passages equal to the width of the doors, but not less than one meter.4.12.10. Mechanisms for unloading and loading warehouses and hose cables of electric forklifts must be in good condition.4.12.11. In warehouse premises, the disconnecting device for relieving voltage (automatic circuit breaker, switch, etc.) must be located outside the warehouse premises on a fireproof wall, and for combustible and fire-resistant warehouse buildings - on a separate support. 4.12.12. Smoking and using open fire in storage areas is prohibited. Prohibition and warning signs must be installed in visible places. 4.12.13. Office premises inside the warehouse must have fire-resistant partitions of type I and type 3 floors, as well as independent exit to the outside.4.12.14. For specialized warehouses, additional rules are being developed that take into account the peculiarities of the stored materials. 4.12.15. Before closing the warehouse, the warehouse manager (storekeeper) must personally or together with a fire department worker walk through all the premises and, after making sure that they are in a fire-safe condition, turn off the power supply, close the warehouse and make an appropriate entry in a special journal.


4.13.1. Warehouses for storing flammable gas cylinders must be one-story, covered with easily removable structures and not have attics. Floor coverings and warehouse ramps must be made of materials that do not produce sparks upon impact. It is allowed to store cylinders in open areas, protected from exposure to precipitation and sunlight.4.13.2. Group cylinder installations with flammable gases up to 6 cylinders are allowed to be installed without breaking from buildings, near blind sections of walls made of fireproof materials at a distance of at least 0.5 m from the doors and windows of the first floor and 3 m from the windows and doors of the basement and basement floors. Cylinders are installed in special cabinets, protective covers or in special buildings made of fireproof material.4.13.3. Cylinders intended for storing gases in a compressed, liquefied and dissolved state must meet the requirements of the Rules for the Design and Safe Operation of Pressure Vessels, issued by Gosgortekhnadzor. The outer surface of the cylinders must be painted in the color specified for the given gas. 4.13.4. Exceeding the established norms for filling cylinders with compressed, liquefied and dissolved gases is not allowed. The rate of filling gas cylinders and control methods must be specified in the instructions. 4.13.5. Cylinders with flammable gases (hydrogen, acetylene, propane, ethylene, etc.) must be stored separately from cylinders with oxygen, compressed air, chlorine, fluorine and other oxidizing agents, as well as from toxic gases.4.13.6. When storing and transporting oxygen cylinders, do not allow grease to come into contact with them or the fittings to come into contact with oily materials. When repositioning oxygen cylinders manually, do not touch the valves. 4.13.7. In explosive premises of a liquefied gas station and in rooms for storing cylinders with flammable gases, devices must be installed to indicate the occurrence of a dangerous concentration of gases in the room. In the absence of the specified devices, it is necessary to analyze the indoor air for gas content at least once per shift. Air samples for analysis should be taken in the lower and upper parts of the premises. If a dangerous concentration of gas is detected in a room, immediate measures must be taken to ventilate the premises and establish the causes of gas contamination. 4.13.8. When storing, do not allow cylinders to hit each other, or caps and cylinders to fall onto the floor. 4.13.9. Cylinders with flammable gases in which a leak is detected must be immediately removed from the warehouse. 4.13.10. Persons wearing shoes lined with metal nails or horseshoes are not allowed into the warehouse where flammable gas cylinders are stored.4.13.11. Warehouses for storing flammable gas cylinders must have a constantly working forced ventilation, providing safe gas concentrations. It is not permitted to operate warehouses with non-functional ventilation.4.13.12. In warehouses of cylinders with flammable gases, only water, steam low pressure or air heating.4.13.13. To protect cylinders from direct exposure to sunlight, glass in warehouse window openings must be painted with white paint or equipped with sun-protection devices.4.13.14. It is not permitted to store other substances, materials and objects in gas cylinder warehouses.4.13.15. At a distance of 10 m around the warehouse with cylinders, it is prohibited to store any flammable materials and carry out work with open fire.4.13.16. Cylinders filled with flammable gas and equipped with shoes must be stored in warehouses in a vertical position. To protect against falling, cylinders should be installed in specially equipped nests, cages or protected with a barrier.4.13.17. Cylinders without shoes must be stored horizontally on wooden frames or racks. When stacked, their height should not exceed 1.5 m, all valves should be closed with safety caps and facing the same direction.4.13.18. During storage and transportation, measures must be taken to protect cylinders from falling, contamination, and damage; caps must be screwed on, plugs must be screwed onto the fittings.4.13.19. Storage of cylinders with flammable gases and oxidizers in premises that are not cylinder warehouses is prohibited.


4.14.1. Areas intended for storing coal and peat must be cleared of flammable debris and vegetation. They should not be flooded by floods and groundwater.4.14.2. It is prohibited to place coal and peat stacks above heat sources (steam pipelines, hot water pipelines, heated air ducts, etc.), as well as above tunnels for electrical cables.4.14.3. Coal of different grades should be placed in separate piles. It is prohibited to store freshly mined coal on old coal dumps that have been in storage for more than one month. Separate areas are also allocated for each type of peat (lumpy and milled).4.14.4. When laying coal and storing it, you must carefully ensure that wood waste, rags, paper, hay, and peat do not get into the stacks.4.14.5. To prevent spontaneous combustion of coal and peat in a warehouse, it is necessary to systematically monitor their temperature by installing control iron pipes and thermometers in the stack compartments.4.14.6. When the temperature rises above 60 degrees C, the stacks should be compacted in the area where the spontaneous combustion source is formed or the heated coal or peat should be removed and the area thoroughly compacted. 4.14.7. It is prohibited to accept coal and peat into warehouses with obvious sources of spontaneous combustion. Stacks of coal and peat in which a dangerous increase in temperature is observed should be used first.4.14.8. Extinguishing or cooling coal with water directly in piles is not allowed. Fired coal should be extinguished with water only after removal from the stack. When lump peat in stacks catches fire, it is necessary to fill the fires with water with the addition of a wetting agent or cover them with wet peat mass and dismantle the affected part of the stack. Burnt milling peat must be removed, and the excavation site must be filled with raw peat and compacted.4.14.9. Spontaneously ignited coal and peat after cooling or extinguishing are not allowed to be stacked again. They are subject to shipment and consumption. Transportation of burning coal or peat along transport belts and loading it into railway transport is prohibited. 4.14.10. Premises for storing coal and peat, located in the basement or first floor (if there is an overlying floor above them), must have fireproof walls and ceilings. In this case, natural ventilation of the entire space above the surface of the stacked coal or peat must be ensured.


4.15.1. At the enterprise, centralized areas must be organized for the dispensing of flammable liquids and flammable liquids. 4.15.2. Dispensing of flammable liquids and flammable liquids in centralized areas should be carried out on pallets made of non-ferrous metals, with sides at least 50 mm high, with reliable grounding. Transfusion with a freely falling stream is not allowed. 4.15.3. To carry flammable liquids and gases, you should use serviceable fireproof containers of a special design, and during transportation, specially equipped carts (electric vehicles) for these purposes, equipped with primary fire extinguishing means. Transportation of flammable liquids and flammable liquids on the territory of the enterprise and in departments must be carried out in compliance with the requirements set out in GOSTs or technical specifications for these substances, avoiding shocks, impacts or spreading of the product. 4.15.4. Transportation of spontaneously flammable organometallic compounds should be carried out in well-closed ampoules placed in a metal vessel with dry sand. Each ampoule must be buried in sand at least half its height; the sand level must be higher than the level of the liquid in the ampoule. The metal container must be tightly closed with a lid. It is recommended to carry the metal vessel carefully, without subjecting it to any shaking. During transportation, it is necessary to ensure a stable position of the vessel with ampoules. 4.15.5. Flammable liquids and flammable liquids must be supplied to departments in quantities not exceeding the replacement requirement, in serviceable containers with accompanying documentation characterizing their fire hazardous properties. 4.15.6. When performing work with the amount of flammable liquids exceeding the shift requirement, additional safety measures must be developed, coordinating them with the fire department, and obtain written permission from the enterprise management. 4.15.7. The cabinet for interchangeable storage of flammable liquids and flammable liquids in the department must be installed at a distance of at least 1 m from heating devices with a convenient approach to it. On inside cabinet doors must have a clear inscription indicating the names and general permissible norm storage of flammable and flammable liquids for this room and safety warning signs.4.15.8. 24-hour storage of flammable and combustible liquids in industrial laboratory premises is prohibited. At the end of the work, these substances must be taken out for storage in a special room (flammable liquid operational reserve chamber), located near the external walls with window openings and equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation, or put into a warehouse. 4.15.9. When working with flammable liquids and flammable liquids, cleaning rags should be made of cotton and linen fabrics. The use of rags made of synthetic material, wool and silk is prohibited.4.15.10. In places where work is carried out with flammable liquids and flammable liquids, the use of open fire is prohibited. 4.15.11. Spent flammable liquids and flammable liquids should be collected in hermetically sealed containers, which at the end of the working day must be removed from the premises for regeneration or destruction. Discharge of used flammable liquids and flammable liquids into the sewer network is prohibited.



5.1.1. Electrochemical processing machines (ECM), as a rule, are located in separate isolated rooms.5.1.2. Each ECM machine, during operation of which hydrogen is released, must be equipped with exhaust ventilation to suck hydrogen away from the places of its release and from places of its possible accumulation (usually the upper zone of the room). 5.1.3. All electrical equipment of emergency lighting systems, as well as emergency ventilation systems serving workshops and ECM areas, must be explosion-proof. The electrical wiring of machines must be protected from the action of the working fluid and from mechanical damage.5.1.4. The ventilation systems of workshops and ECM areas are equipped with an interlock that prevents the machine from being turned on when the ventilation is not working, and also turns off the process electric current when the ventilation stops. Sensors for blocking the process electric current must be triggered when the high-speed flow in the air duct stops.5.1.5. Installation of dampers in the air ducts of ventilation systems of workshops and ECM areas is not allowed. 5.1.6. The serviceability of the interlock in terms of turning off the process electric current must be checked at the beginning of each shift.5.1.7. If it is impossible to install local suction of the water supply system, as well as if there are five or more ECHO machines with hermetic chambers in one room, automatic alarms of the SGT-2 type should be installed in these rooms. These alarms must turn off the process electric current when the hydrogen concentration in the room or at the point of its release is more than 2%. In this case, air intake into SGT-2 must be carried out continuously during the shift. 5.1.8. The performance of the SGT-2 alarm in terms of hydrogen content in the air is checked at the beginning of each work shift. 5.1.9. Exhaust ventilation for hydrogen suction is turned on 5 minutes before turning on the ECM machines and turns off 20 minutes after the end of their operation.5.2. PRODUCTION OF PRINTED BOARDS AND MICROCIRCUITS5.2.1. In workshops and production areas for the production of printed circuit boards and microcircuits, flammable and combustible liquids should be used only in safe metal containers of a special design in quantities that can form explosive vapor-air mixtures, upon ignition of which the design temperature develops. overpressure explosion in a room not exceeding 5 kPa.5.2.2. Installations for drying and purifying compressed air and other gases must be located in special rooms, taking into account their safety and reliable operation.5.2.3. In production areas where multilayer boards are pressed, mechanical processing printed circuit boards, it is possible to release fine dust with varying degrees of explosiveness, which should be taken into account when developing fire safety measures. 5.2.4. Grinding and polishing machines must be equipped with local exhaust ventilation with air purification before being released into the atmosphere.5.2.5. Heating devices must have a smooth surface.5.2.6. Heating of production premises must be combined: during working hours - air, combined with ventilation; during non-working hours - the premises must be heated by central heating heating devices. 5.2.7. When manufacturing printed circuit boards and microcircuits, industry standards must be met.


5.3.1. Shops and areas for electrical discharge processing must be located in buildings of at least II degree of fire resistance and have stationary fire extinguishing installations.5.3.2. To suction vapors and gases released from flammable liquids, electrical erosive machines must have local exhaust ventilation in an explosion-proof design. To capture aerosols and soot, each machine must have a filter on the air duct.5.3.3. Local lighting fixtures must be explosion-proof and receive power supply voltage not exceeding 36 volts. 5.3.4. Control panels of electrical erosive machines must have an alarm indicating that the machine is connected to the network and that electric current is supplied to the discharge circuit. 5.3.5. All electrical wiring of machines must be protected from exposure to working fluids and mechanical damage.5.3.6. All locksmith tool must be made of non-ferrous metal.5.3.7. To avoid ignition of the working fluid when processing parts, its level in the bath should be 8-10 cm above the processing surface. 5.3.8. The machine must be equipped with an automatic device that turns off the supply of electric current to the discharge circuit when the level of the working fluid in the bath decreases. 5.3.9. The bath must have an overflow pipe connected to an emergency tank. 5.3.10. Before filling a tank or bath with working fluid, you must ensure that it complies with the requirements of GOST specified in the machine passport, as well as that there are no flammable fractions in it. 5.3.11. It is recommended when working on electrical erosive machines to use liquids with the most high temperature flashes. The cooling system must ensure that the temperature of the working fluid is maintained within limits that must be lower than the flash point of the liquid by at least 10-20 degrees. C.5.3.12. The supply of working fluid to the bath and its drainage must be done centrally. The bath can only be lowered or emptied when the machine is turned off.5.3.13. To eliminate the possibility of sparking, it is not allowed to process parts without them being securely secured on the machine table and the electrodes in electrical holders. All electrical contacts of the machine must be reliable.5.3.14. Each machine with a movable, non-empty bath must have a shield for closing the bath. The shield is made of non-ferrous metal. If the working fluid ignites, the bath should be lowered and covered with a shield that fits tightly to the edges of the bath. Non-movable baths when the machine is turned on, as well as in the event of ignition of the working fluid, must be covered with asbestos cloth. 5.3.15. After finishing operation of electric spark installations, the capacitors should be discharged.


5.4.1. The premises of workshops and areas for the production of plastic parts must be located in buildings of at least II degree of fire resistance. The entire complex of production and utility rooms These areas and workshops must be isolated from other workshops by fire walls. 5.4.2. Permitting workshops and areas, as well as warehouses for storing raw materials in basements and semi-basements is not permitted. 5.4.3. The most fire- and explosion-hazardous operations in the production of plastics are: preparation of binders and adhesive compositions; processing of polyformaldehyde; grinding, tabletting and pressing; contact formation and mechanical processing; degreasing, impregnation of fabrics and tapes with binder material. Premises for carrying out such technological processes must be isolated .5.4.4. Walls, ceiling and others internal structures production premises must have a smooth, easily cleaned and moisture-resistant surface.5.4.5. In rooms for the manufacture of parts by contact formation, the use of open fire is not allowed. When preparing working compositions and resins, the order of additives must be strictly observed. 5.4.6. When manufacturing parts from foam plastics of the FI-20 type, storage of blowing agents should be organized in a closed container in a dry place, excluding direct sunlight. 5.4.7. Processing of polyformaldehyde should be carried out at a temperature not exceeding its melting point by more than 5-10 degrees C. Installations for processing this material must be equipped with a locking device that ensures they are turned off when the temperature rises.5.4.8. In the tableting area, tablet machines must be grounded. 5.4.9. Storerooms for press materials should be located in isolated rooms and fenced off with fire-resistant partitions. Inside the storerooms there should be boxes (compartments) for separate storage of press materials no more than daily requirements. Places for unpacking must be equipped with local exhaust ventilation.5.4.10. The air removed by ventilation systems from dust-producing process equipment must be cleaned in explosion-proof dust cleaning devices of any type before being released. Wherein dust collection devices should be placed in front of fans. Cleaning workplaces with compressed air is prohibited. 5.4.11. In the plasticization department, in addition to local exhaust ventilation, general exchange ventilation from the upper zone should be provided, providing a single air exchange.5.4.12. Metal exhaust ventilation ducts must be grounded in at least two places.5.4.13. Heating in industrial premises should, as a rule, be air, combined with forced ventilation; in areas of mechanical processing of products, crushing and injection molding, heating must be combined: during working hours - air, combined with fresh ventilation; during non-working hours, these areas must be heated with local central heating heating devices. 5.4.14. Press powders in workshop warehouses can be in supplier containers and in metal containers with hermetically sealed lids.5.4.15. The power supply for heaters of non-stationary and portable molds and heating plates must have a voltage of no more than 42 volts; the outer surfaces of such equipment must have thermal insulation covered with a metal casing.5.4.16. An analysis of dust and gas contamination should be carried out at least once a quarter, as well as after changing the technological process and repairing equipment.


5.5.1. For heat treatment in baths, it is allowed to use melts of potassium nitrate, sodium nitrate (saltpeter), sodium nitrate or mixtures thereof. The use of ammonium nitrate to avoid explosion is prohibited.5.5.2. Parts should be loaded into baths only after they have been thoroughly dried. 5.5.3. Before loading steel parts into a bath with molten salts, they must be degreased, cleaned of scale and oxides, washed, dried and heated to 125-150 degrees C. Degreasing should, as a rule, be carried out with non-flammable compounds.5.5.4. It is not allowed to treat steel parts in saltpeter baths after they have been heated in cyanide salts, since the entry of these salts into the bath can cause the melt to splash out and explode. 5.5.5. Processing parts made of aluminum, magnesium and zinc alloys in saltpeter baths is prohibited. 5.5.6. Saltpeter baths must have an emergency drain. The volume of the container for emergency drainage must be at least 30% greater than the total volume of nitrate in the bath and pipelines.5.5.7. To avoid decomposition of nitrate and a possible explosion, the temperature of nitrate at all stages of processing should be no higher than 500 degrees C.5.5.8. To eliminate local negotiations of saltpeter and its possible explosions, as well as to ensure more accurate regulation of the temperature of the saltpeter, the bath should be heated by tubular electric heaters (heating elements) placed vertically along the walls inside the bath. Bottom heating of saltpeter baths both from the inside and outside is prohibited. 5.5.9. Each saltpeter bath must have automatic temperature control and a device that ensures that the heating of the bath is turned off if the temperature regulator fails. 5.5.10. Warming up the bath from a cold state should be done gradually. To ensure a slow increase in temperature, the electrical circuit for switching on the heaters must ensure melting of the nitrate at a reduced voltage. 5.5.11. The level of molten nitrate when the bath is fully loaded must be at least 15 cm below the side of the bath. 5.5.12. The bathtub should be cleaned at least once a month. To ensure cleaning of bathtubs, it is recommended to use false bottoms made of sheet steel, which are placed at the bottom of the bathtub in the basement.5.5.13. In the event of ignition of saltpeter in the bath, it is necessary to: a) turn off the power supply to the heaters; b) close the bath with a lid; c) call the fire brigade. Upon arrival of the fire brigade, burning saltpeter can only be extinguished with dry sand. To avoid splashing of saltpeter and an explosion, extinguishing burning saltpeter with water, wet sand and foam fire extinguishers is prohibited.


5.6.1. Acetylene stations and distribution devices must be located in separate buildings of at least II degree of fire resistance. These buildings must be one-story, without attics and basements.5.6.2. Acetylene installations with a capacity of up to 15 m3/hour are allowed to be located in isolated rooms or extensions to the buildings of acetylene consuming workshops, provided that these extensions or premises are not lower than the II degree of fire resistance and are separated from other premises of the consuming workshops by blank fire walls. 5.6.3. Acetylene production buildings must be at least 50 meters away from buildings with category “G” production. In this case, acetylene production should be located on the windward side in relation to the prevailing winds. Distance from buildings and structures of acetylene stations to industrial highways and highways common use must be at least 10 and 30 meters respectively.5.6.4. In acetylene apparatus of all systems (except for high-pressure apparatus), the gas holder must be equipped with a safety tube to drain excess acetylene to the outside. 5.6.5. The water seal must operate reliably at the maximum pressure and maximum performance of a given acetylene apparatus and must always be filled with water to established level. The presence of water at this level must be checked using test taps. 5.6.6. In stationary acetylene installations, as well as when two or more welders work from one portable machine, an independent water seal must be installed for each welding station, corresponding maximum flow gas at this welding station.5.6.7. It is prohibited for two or more welders to work from one water seal at the same time. It is strictly forbidden to work without a shutter or with a faulty shutter.5.6.8. Heating of equipment rooms should only be steam or water. In winter, the room temperature should not be less than +5 degrees C.5.6.9. Repair of acetylene devices and their parts with disassembling the equipment, heating during cutting, welding, soldering and performing work that may cause sparking should be carried out after removing acetylene from all parts of the device, thoroughly washing them with water and ventilating the room. If more than one device is installed in a room, then when repairing one of them, it is necessary to remove gas from the others and ventilate the room. The use of red copper and silver when repairing acetylene apparatus is prohibited. 5.6.10. When work on mobile and stationary devices is stopped (end of a shift, temporary break, etc.), conditions must be provided that would exclude the possibility of using the acetylene device by persons not authorized to service this device. While acetylene is no longer being consumed from the apparatus, the valve on the gas outlet tube must be closed. 5.6.11. Stocks of calcium carbide should be stored in dry, well-ventilated fireproof warehouses with a light roof. Intermediate warehouses at the acetylene station may have a daily supply of calcium carbide, but not more than 3000 kg. 5.6.12. Sludge collectors and settling tanks should be located in the open air, near the generator compartment, usually closed, at a distance of at least 20 meters from electricity consumers. Open settling tanks must be fenced with railings with a protective edge made of non-sparking materials with a height of at least 25 cm. 5.6.13. Natural ventilation must be provided in all rooms of the acetylene station, and exhaust openings should be located at the highest points of the premises. Exhaust openings must be protected from rain and snow entering the room through them. 5.6.14. Lighting of the acetylene station premises should be carried out from the outside through double sealed glazing of the openings (oblique lighting). When placing lighting fixtures indoors, they must have explosion-proof fittings.5.6.15. In the production premises of an acetylene station, the installation of electric clocks, telephones and other devices related to the use of electricity is prohibited if they are not explosion-proof. 5.6.16. Storage of calcium carbide and its transportation are permitted only in hermetically sealed metal containers marked “Carbide”. 5.6.17. Laying drums is allowed in no more than two tiers for vertical storage and no more than three tiers for horizontal storage with boards laid between them, and the first tier must also be installed on boards. Between every two rows of drums there must be a passage at least 1.5 m wide. 5.6.18. It is prohibited to set up warehouses for storing calcium carbide in buildings located in low, flooded areas and basements.5.6.19. To open containers with calcium carbide, it is prohibited to use blowtorches, as well as tools capable of sparking. Opened or damaged drums are not allowed to be stored in calcium carbide warehouses. If it is not possible to immediately use calcium carbide, the opened drum must be protected by a watertight lid with folded edges.5.6.20. It is prohibited to carry out work with open fire at a distance of less than 10 m around a warehouse with calcium carbide without taking additional fire safety measures.5.6.21. The use of water when extinguishing fires in calcium carbide warehouses is prohibited. Fire extinguishing in a warehouse should be done with dry sand or carbon dioxide fire extinguishers.5.6.22. Gas tanks of constant volume with a capacity of no more than 5 m3 or gas tanks with a floating bell with a capacity of no more than 20 m3 are allowed to be placed in generator rooms. During a long break in the operation of a generator that has a gas tank with a floating bell, in order to avoid air leaks, acetylene must be left in the gas tank in an amount of at least 15% of its capacity.5.6.23. Acetylene station buildings must be located in an area protected by lightning rods and have protection from secondary lightning manifestations and from static electricity.5.6.24. At acetylene stations it is prohibited: a) smoking and using open fire; b) storing foreign objects, loading generator retorts with carbide in excess of the established norm; c) loading generator retorts with dusty carbide; d) increasing the pressure in the generator by applying weight to the bell; e) determine open fire, gas leakage from gas pipelines.


6.1. When carrying out work on protection from static electricity, it is necessary to be guided by the “Rules for protection from static electricity and secondary manifestations of lightning in industrial production”, approved by the Central Committee of the trade union on December 22, 1966. 6.2. To prevent the possibility of accumulation of static electricity charges (a potential source of ignition) on equipment, as well as on people, it is necessary to provide the following protective measures: a) removal of static electricity charges by grounding the metal parts of devices, installations, equipment, communications and containers in which it can accumulate ;b) the use of materials that increase the electrical conductivity of dielectrics (graphite, magnesium oleic acid, etc.); c) general and local humidification of air in hazardous areas of premises up to 70% relative humidity and higher or moistening the surface of an electrifying material; d) filling apparatus, containers, closed transport devices and other equipment with inert gas, mainly nitrogen; e) ionization of air or environment through the use of high-frequency discharge and other ionization sources; f) installation of floors with increased electrical conductivity and electrically conductive grounded areas to remove static electricity charges that accumulate on people. 6.3. In all cases where the equipment is made of conductive material and grounding is a sufficient means of protection against static electricity, it is recommended to resort to it as the simplest and, with proper operation of grounded devices, reliable method of protection.6.4. To protect against static electricity discharges and secondary manifestations of lightning, it is necessary to ground all metal structures, metal equipment, units, tanks, gas tanks, product pipelines, closed conveyors, drainage and loading devices, etc. structures located indoors and outdoors and intended for processing, storage and transportation of flammable liquids, flammable gases and dusty combustible products.6.5. Grounding devices against static electricity discharges must meet the requirements of the current "Electrical Installation Rules" (PUE).6.6. Floating objects should not be allowed on the surface of flammable liquids in tanks. When using float level meters, they must be mounted on metal strings so as to prevent them from being torn off while moving along the strings and approaching the walls of the tank. 6.7. Pouring liquids into tanks, barrels, bottles and other containers with a free-falling stream is not permitted. The drain pipe should reach almost to the bottom of the receiving vessel and the stream should be directed along its wall.6.8. It is prohibited to take liquid samples from the tank or other containers while they are filling or emptying. A liquid should be sampled only when it is in a calm state.6.9. When pouring dielectric liquids into glass and other vessels made of insulating materials, it is necessary to use electrically conductive material and ground them; the funnel should be connected by copper or other conductive cable to the hose and should reach the bottom of the vessel. Otherwise, the end of a grounded cable is passed through a funnel to the bottom of the vessel so that the liquid flows into the container along this cable.6.10. Mobile devices and vessels in which static electricity charges may occur are recommended to be made of electrically conductive materials and to be grounded.6.11. Rubber hoses with metal tips, intended for pouring flammable liquids into barrels, bottles and other containers, must be grounded with copper wire wrapped around the hose from the outside or passed inside with one end soldered to the metal parts of the product pipeline, and the other to the tip of the hose. Hose ends must be made of metal that does not produce a spark upon impact (bronze, aluminum, etc.). 6.12. To remove static electricity charges that accumulate on people, especially when performing certain manual operations (washing, cleaning, wiping, gluing, rubberizing) using gasoline, non-electrically conductive rubber adhesives and so on. substances, it is necessary: ​​a) to provide for the construction of floors with increased electrical conductivity or electrically conductive grounded zones, platforms and working platforms, grounding of door handles, instrument handles, machines, apparatus; b) to provide those working in these premises with special clothing and special footwear in accordance with current standards; c ) do not allow wearing clothes made from synthetic materials(nylon, perlon, etc.) and silk, which promote electrification, as well as rings and bracelets, which accumulate charges of static electricity.



7.1.1. The water supply network on which fire-fighting equipment is installed must provide the required pressure and pass the calculated amount of water for fire extinguishing purposes. If the pressure is insufficient, booster pumps should be installed at the facilities. Temporary shutdowns of sections of the water supply network with fire hydrants or taps installed on them, as well as a decrease in pressure in the network below the required level, are allowed with notification of the fire department. 7.1.2. If there are natural water sources (rivers, lakes, ponds) on the territory of the enterprise or near it, convenient approaches and piers with a hard surface of at least 12x12 m in size must be built for the installation of fire trucks and water intake at any time of the year.7.1.3. To maintain in good condition and in constant readiness for use fire tanks, reservoirs, water supply networks, hydrants, sprinklers, deluges and pumping units Continuous maintenance must be organized by persons appointed by order of the enterprise. 7.1.4. In case of repair work or disconnection of sections of the water supply network, failure of pumping stations, malfunction of sprinkler and deluge installations, leakage of water from fire reservoirs, the fire brigade must be immediately notified.7.1.5. Entrances and approaches to fire reservoirs, reservoirs and hydrants must be free at all times. At the location of the fire hydrant, a light or fluorescent sign must be installed with: the letter index PG, digital values ​​of the distance in meters from the sign to the hydrant and internal diameter pipeline in millimeters. At the location of the fire reservoir, a light or fluorescent sign must be installed with: the letter index PV, digital values ​​of the water supply in cubic meters and the number of fire trucks that can be simultaneously installed on the site near the reservoir. 7.1.6. The manhole covers of fire hydrant wells must be cleared of dirt, ice and snow, and the riser must be cleared of water. In winter, fire hydrants must be insulated to prevent freezing.7.1.7. Fire hydrants, standpipe hydrants and fire hydrants must be subjected to maintenance at least every six months (spring, autumn) and tested for functionality by running water and recording the test results in a special log. Once a year, the water supply of water supply networks is checked and a report is drawn up (Appendix No. 7). 7.1.8. The following must be posted in the premises of the fire pumping station: a general diagram of fire-fighting water supply, piping diagrams of the pumping station, diagrams of sprinkler and deluge installations of the enterprise and instructions for their operation. Each valve and fire booster pumps must have indicators indicating their purpose.7.1.9. Each pumping station must have a telephone connection or an alarm system connected to places with 24-hour duty personnel.7.1.10. All fire pumps water pumping station enterprises must be kept in constant operational readiness and checked to create the required pressure by starting at least once every 10 days (with a corresponding entry in the log).7.1.11. Fire valves of internal fire water supply in all premises must be equipped with sleeves and trunks enclosed in cabinets that are sealed. Fire hoses must be dry, well rolled and attached to valves and trunks. Linen sleeves should be rewound after 6 months with a new fold. The following must be indicated on the fire hydrant cabinet door: letter index PC, serial number of the fire hydrant, telephone number of the fire department.7.1.12. Laboratory, production, administrative, warehouse and auxiliary buildings and premises must be provided with fire extinguishing equipment and communications equipment (fire extinguishers, fire alarms, telephones for immediately calling the fire department in the event of a fire). 7.1.13. Responsibility for the maintenance and timely repair of fire fighting equipment and equipment, communications and fire extinguishing equipment lies with the head of the enterprise or heads of departments. Operation and maintenance of automatic fire extinguishing and fire alarm installations must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation (PPB-01-93 ). Primary fire extinguishing equipment and means of calling the fire department located in production premises, laboratories, warehouses are transferred for safekeeping to the heads of workshops, laboratories, warehouses and other officials.7.1.14. Fire trucks, motor pumps and equipment must be in good working order at all times. A special heated room (fire station, box, garage) must be equipped for their storage. 7.1.15. The use of fire fighting equipment and primary fire extinguishing equipment for economic, industrial and other needs not related to the training of fire brigades and fire fighting is strictly prohibited. In case of accidents and natural disasters, the use of fire fighting equipment is permitted with the permission of the state fire supervision authorities.7.1.16. To indicate the location of fire equipment and fire extinguishing equipment, directional signs must be used, which are placed in visible places at a height of 2-2.5 m both indoors and outdoors.7.1.17. To place primary fire extinguishing equipment in industrial buildings and on the territory of an enterprise, as a rule, special fire shields (stands) must be installed. 7.1.18. Day-to-day control over the maintenance and constant readiness for action of fire extinguishers and other fire extinguishing means located in workshops, warehouses, workshops, laboratories is carried out by the head of the fire department or the voluntary fire brigade of the enterprise.7.1.19. The procedure for placement, maintenance and use of fire extinguishers must be maintained in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturers, current regulatory and technical documents, as well as the following requirements: a) it is not allowed to store and use fire extinguishers with a charge, including halocarbon compounds, in unventilated areas of less than 15 sq.m; b) it is prohibited to install fire extinguishers on evacuation routes for people from protected premises, except when they are placed in niches; c) fire extinguishers must be placed at a height of no more than 1.5 m from the floor level to the bottom end of the fire extinguisher and at a distance of at least 1 .2 m from the edge of the door when opening it; d) the design and external design of the cabinet or cabinet for placing fire extinguishers must be such that it is possible to visually determine the type of fire extinguishers stored in them; e) the fire extinguisher must be installed so that the instructional inscription on its body was visible.7.1.20. Fire extinguishing means and fire equipment must be painted in colors in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12 .026-76 "Signal colors and safety signs."

7.2.1. Fire automatics installations include: a) sprinkler and deluge water and foam fire extinguishing installations; b) stationary gas, powder and aerosol fire extinguishing systems, smoke protection installations; c) fire, security and fire alarm installations. 7.2.2. Based on the technical documentation of manufacturers of fire automatics installations, instructions for their operation must be developed for personnel servicing these installations. 7.2.3. To organize the operation of the installations, the following personnel must be appointed by order of the head of the enterprise: a) an official responsible for the operation of the installation, as well as for training maintenance and operational personnel; b) maintenance personnel to carry out maintenance and repair of the installation; c) operational (duty) personnel for round-the-clock monitoring of the operating condition of the installation. 7.2.4. Enterprises that do not have the ability to carry out technical maintenance of installations on their own and maintain maintenance personnel are required to enter into scheduled maintenance agreements with specialized organizations. 7.2.5. When maintenance and repair work is carried out by a specialized organization, control over the quality of their implementation is carried out by the official responsible at the enterprise for the operation of the installations. 7.2.6. The official responsible for the operation of the installation is obliged to ensure: a) maintenance of the installations in working condition by organizing timely maintenance and scheduled maintenance; b) training of maintenance and operational personnel, as well as instruction of workers and employees working in protected premises; c) acquisition of the necessary operational technical documentation for installations and control over its maintenance; d) information from state supervision authorities about all cases of failure and operation of installations. 7.2.7. Service and operational staff who discovers a malfunction of the installation is obliged to immediately notify the person responsible for the operation of the installation and take the necessary measures to eliminate the identified deficiencies. 7.2.8. Maintenance personnel, in accordance with the established procedure, are responsible for poor quality performance of routine maintenance work on the installation. 7.2.9. During the period of carrying out maintenance or repair work, the implementation of which is associated with shutting down the installation, the administration of the enterprise is obliged to ensure the fire safety of the premises (apparatuses) protected by the installation and notify the fire department.7.2.10. Reception and control equipment fire and security fire alarms should be installed in premises with constant round-the-clock presence of people (on-duty personnel), whose responsibility is to receive alarm signals and call the fire department. Personnel on duty servicing the control and reception equipment are prohibited from leaving it unattended.7.2.11. In the control center or in the room where the fire automatics receiving equipment is installed, instructions must be posted on the procedure for the actions of the personnel on duty upon receiving alarm signals about a fire and a malfunction of the installation. 7.2.12. The fire extinguishing station room, which houses the main and backup pumps, control valves and other equipment, must be locked, the keys to which must be kept by the maintenance and operational (duty) personnel. The entrance to this room must be marked with a light sign "Fire extinguishing station". 7.2.13. Employees of workshops, workshops, laboratories, sites, warehouses, etc., working in protected premises, must be trained in the rules for using stationary fire extinguishing installations and what to do when the installation is triggered. 7.2.14. During the operation of fire automatic equipment, it is prohibited: a) transfer of fire extinguishing installations from automatic control to manual. In exceptional cases, when it is necessary to transfer fire extinguishing installations from automatic to manual control, it is necessary to inform the management of the enterprise about this and agree with the state supervision authorities; b) install plugs and plugs to replace opened and faulty sprinklers; c) block the approaches to control and alarm devices and devices; d) store materials at a distance of less than 0.9 m to sprinklers and 0.6 m to detectors; e) use installation pipelines for hanging and fastening any equipment or any other items; f) connect educational equipment and plumbing fixtures to the supply pipelines of the installation; g) install shut-off valves and flange connections on supply and distribution pipelines; h) install detectors of a different type or operating principle instead of faulty ones, as well as close the blocking loop if there is no detector at the place of its installation; i) turn off fire protection installations without agreement with the fire department; j) paint fusible and sensitive elements sprinklers and fire alarm sensors, as well as cover them with any devices that prevent the inflow heat flow, smoke.7.2.15. When designing, installing, accepting into operation and servicing fire automatic systems, it is necessary to be guided by the current regulatory documents.


8.1. In the event of a fire, the actions of the administration of the facility, workshop or laboratory, the command staff of the facility fire department (chief of the fire department) must first of all be aimed at ensuring the safety and evacuation of people.8.2. Every worker or employee who discovers a fire or fire is obliged to: a) immediately report this by telephone to the facility or city fire department. b) begin to extinguish the fire using the fire extinguishing means available in the workshop, warehouse or workplace (fire extinguisher, internal fire hydrant, stationary fire extinguishing installation, etc.); c) take measures to call the head of the workshop, shift, area or other official to the scene of the fire. 8.3. The head of the workshop, shift or other official who arrived at the scene of the fire is obliged to: a) check whether fire assistance has been called; b) notify the management of the enterprise about the fire; c) lead the management of fire extinguishing until the arrival of fire assistance; d) allocate for meeting of fire departments, a person who is well aware of the location of access roads and water sources; e) check the inclusion and operation of the automatic (stationary) fire extinguishing system; f) remove from the premises, outside the workshop or danger zone, all workers and employees not involved in extinguishing the fire; g) in the event of a threat to the lives of people, immediately organize their rescue, using all available forces and means for this; h) if necessary, call gas rescue, medical and other services; i) stop all work, if this is permissible according to the technological production process, not related to the event to eliminate the fire; j) organize, if necessary, a power outage, shutdown of transporting devices, units, apparatus, shutdown of raw materials, gas, steam and water communications, shutdown of ventilation systems, activation of the smoke removal system and implementation of other measures to help prevent the spread of fire ;k) ensure the protection of people taking part in fire extinguishing from possible structural collapses, electric shock, poisoning, burns; m) simultaneously with fire extinguishing, cool structural elements of buildings and technological devices that are at risk from exposure to high temperatures. 8.4 . Upon arrival of the fire departments to the fire, the representative of the enterprise in charge of extinguishing the fire is obliged to inform the senior head of the fire departments everything necessary information about the source of the fire, the design and technological features of the facility, adjacent buildings, the quantity and fire hazard properties of stored and used substances, materials, products and other information necessary for the successful extinguishing of the fire.8.5. Depending on the situation at the fire and the number of units working to extinguish it, the head of the fire extinguishing organization will organize a fire extinguishing operational headquarters. This headquarters should include a representative of the enterprise (chief engineer, chief power engineer, chief mechanic, chief technologist, shop manager or other responsible person). The representative of the enterprise at the fire extinguishing headquarters must: a) advise the fire extinguishing manager on the technological process of production and the specific features of the burning object, as well as inform him about the presence and location of toxic and radioactive substances; b) provide the headquarters with labor and engineering personnel to carry out work related to fire extinguishing and evacuation of property; c) provide vehicles for the transportation of means that can be used to extinguish and prevent a fire; d) organize, at the direction of the fire extinguishing manager, disconnection or switching of various communications, pumping out flammable and combustible liquids from tanks and technological devices, etc.; e) correct the actions of engineering and technical personnel when performing work related to fire extinguishing.8.6. For each fire or fire that occurs at a facility, the administration is obliged to find out all the circumstances that contributed to the occurrence and development of the fire (fire) and implement the necessary preventive measures. Information about fires without material damage is submitted to the Department of Safety and Regime with an annual report, and with damage - in accordance with the letter of the Ministry dated February 4, 1986 N IP-48.

\\ Moscow

In this article we will try to answer the main questions concerning both organizational measures to ensure fire safety at an enterprise and the development of relevant internal and external documents.

Fire safety at an enterprise is one of the most important tasks of any manager. Often the process of organizing fire safety itself causes a lot of difficulties.

Fire safety of an enterprise must include:

    Company policy in the field of fire safety;

    Organization of fire safety work;

    Responsibilities of officials in the field of fire safety;

    Responsibilities of the person responsible for the fire safety of the enterprise;

    Responsibilities of employees and workers;

    Organization of fire safety training for specialists, employees and workers;

    Basic fire safety requirements.

The enterprise's fire safety policy should be aimed at achieving the following tasks:

    formation of a fire safety system that ensures the effectiveness of measures aimed at preventing and limiting the spread of fire;

    provision of enterprise facilities with the necessary means of control, warning and fire extinguishing;

    creating conditions aimed at ensuring that employees comply with fire safety requirements and maintaining the fire safety regime;

    developing the competence of administration and workers in the field of fire safety;

    do not allow deviations from standards, technical regulations, accepted practices and work procedures that could lead to a fire or fire.

Organization of fire safety work should include:

    development and implementation of a fire safety management system in accordance with the requirements guidance documents;

    general management and control over the state of fire safety at the enterprise, control over compliance with legislative and other regulations, requirements, rules and instructions on fire safety. Monitoring the performance of official duties by subordinates;

    ensuring fire safety when carrying out technological processes, operating equipment, and performing fire hazardous work;

    installation and monitoring of the condition of control, warning and fire extinguishing means;

    organizing development and ensuring allocation financial resources for the implementation of fire safety measures;

    conducting fire safety training and instruction for company employees;

    ensuring electrical safety of the enterprise.

    Development of a fire safety management system.
    The enterprise must develop basic fire safety requirements, including requirements for the safety of people, visitors (customers), requirements for production, office, auxiliary and other premises, requirements for the maintenance and operation of heating, ventilation, machinery and equipment, storage of goods and materials, ensuring electrical safety, requirements for the maintenance of vehicles and others, as well as the procedure for joint actions of the enterprise administration and the fire department when extinguishing fires.

    Management and control over the state of fire safety at the enterprise. The manager of the enterprise is responsible for organizing fire safety. Responsibility for organizing fire safety in workshops and departments lies with the heads of workshops and heads of departments. In their job descriptions rights, duties and responsibilities for compliance with fire safety rules must be spelled out. The enterprise must have completed fire safety documents (see list of documents below).
    Monitoring compliance with the requirements of governing documents and local acts on labor protection, as well as compliance with the fire safety regime at the enterprise, is carried out by the person responsible for the fire safety of the enterprise.

    Ensuring fire safety during technological processes, equipment operation, and fire hazardous work.
    Active regulations establish strict requirements for the technical condition of equipment (this includes machines, machine tools, mechanical and hand tool, elevators, conveyors and other equipment potentially dangerous to humans). There are also requirements for the fire safety condition of the equipment, and the maintenance of fire safety conditions during its operation.

    Installation and monitoring of the condition of control, warning and fire extinguishing equipment.
    The enterprise must issue an order to check fire extinguishing systems and automatic fire alarms, as well as to indicate who is responsible for their proper condition. The number of primary fire extinguishing means in premises depends on the category of these premises. This is discussed in detail in “NPB 105-95. Determination of categories of premises, buildings and outdoor installations based on explosion and fire hazards.” According to this document, premises according to explosion and fire hazard are divided into categories A, B, B1-B4, D and D, and buildings - into categories A, B, C, D and D.

    Organizing the development and ensuring the allocation of financial resources for the implementation of measures to ensure fire safety.
    We must not forget that all work to create and maintain fire safety of an enterprise begins with drawing up an annual fire prevention plan. Based on the planned activities, a proposal is being prepared for the enterprise’s budget for the next financial year. And, of course, without funding there can be no high-quality fire protection.

    Fire safety training for specialists, employees and workers includes:
    - conducting introductory, primary, repeated, unscheduled and targeted briefings;
    - organization of classes on fire safety and technical minimum;
    - conducting exercises and fire drills.

    Electrical safety.
    Ensuring electrical safety at an enterprise is important not only from the point of view of protecting people from electric shock, but also for fire safety purposes. According to statistics, about half of fires occur due to electrical safety violations. To organize work to ensure electrical safety, by order of the manager, a person responsible for the electrical equipment of the enterprise is appointed. He is entrusted with the following responsibilities: ensuring the safety of work in electrical installations, organizing systematic measurements of insulation and grounding resistance, monitoring compliance by enterprise employees with the requirements of rules, regulations, and instructions on labor protection in the field of electrical safety, organizing the development and implementation of more advanced blocking, disconnecting, and protective devices , ensuring the safety of installation, repair and maintenance of power equipment and others.

Drawing up a fire evacuation plan.

    To draw up a plan for the evacuation of people and material assets in the event of a fire, the administration of the enterprise appoints a special person or organizes a commission (for large enterprises).

    The commission includes: the chairman of the fire technical commission, the deputy head of the enterprise for administrative and economic affairs and the head of the enterprise’s fire department or fire department.

The main guarantor of fire safety in an organization is its leader, who:

  • is responsible for the list, development and approval of local documents regulating security;
  • appoints responsible persons;
  • monitors the timely conduct of briefing and training of all personnel;
  • is responsible for having a fire evacuation plan and monitoring the behavior of personnel in a fire-hazardous situation.

Fire safety officials

Quite often, the manager is responsible for fire safety at an enterprise. This is especially true for small organizations. In case we are talking about large company, by order of the manager, persons responsible for fire safety are appointed.

Need advice on fire safety?

The person responsible for fire safety must have a higher technical education and management experience. Before taking up duties, this employee undergoes mandatory training according to the fire-technical minimum program, which is evidenced by a special certificate. In the future, the person responsible for fire safety will have to conduct regular training of personnel, draw up documentation, and communicate with representatives of regulatory authorities during scheduled inspections.

Fire safety magazines

An employee responsible for fire safety in an organization, in accordance with his authority, is required to keep fire safety logs. There are several types of logs, depending on what data needs to be recorded.

Full list of fire safety magazines:

  • log of fire safety briefings;
  • a log of checking the fire safety condition of premises before closing them at the end of work;
  • logbook for monitoring the condition of primary fire extinguishing equipment;
  • fire extinguisher maintenance log;
  • fire extinguisher testing and recharging log;
  • fire hydrant log book;
  • technical inspection log of fire hydrants;
  • inspection log of fire hydrants, intake devices in reservoirs, fire pumps and panels;
  • logbook for maintenance and repair of fire extinguishing installations;
  • log of failures of automatic fire protection systems;
  • logbook for recording maintenance and preventive maintenance of fire automatic systems.

Each magazine must be sewn and sealed. All of them are under the responsibility of the responsible person. Proper completion of fire safety logs helps resolve and even prevent many controversial or conflict situations with representatives of regulatory authorities.

Fire safety briefing

The responsibilities of the person responsible for fire safety include developing a program for instructing all employees of the organization, regardless of their specialty and work experience.

Depending on the nature of the content, fire safety training can be of the following types:

  • introductory;
  • primary at the workplace;
  • repeated;
  • unscheduled;
  • target.

Upon completion of the instruction, an entry is made in the fire safety journal, which is certified by the signatures of the instructor and the person being instructed.

Actions in case of fire

The first thing every employee needs to do when they discover a fire or any signs of burning is to report it to the fire department.

Persons responsible for fire safety must:

  1. notify fire services, management and security;
  2. immediately organize the evacuation of personnel and material assets;
  3. turn off the power supply and block the operation of ventilation systems, take measures to prevent the spread of fire and combustion products;
  4. make sure that the activation of automatic fire protection systems has worked;
  5. take measures to extinguish the fire before the fire department arrives;
  6. monitor compliance with safety regulations by persons involved in firefighting;
  7. meet the fire department, provide it with unhindered and speedy access to the facility;
  8. inform firefighters about technological and design features object, the presence of specific flammable substances at the object and other potentially dangerous factors.

The safety of life and health of employees, the safety of property and material assets is one of the primary tasks of the head of any organization. Strict adherence to fire safety rules, timely instruction of personnel, taking preventive measures that take into account the specifics of the enterprise - all this can protect against fire. And it is reasonable to entrust the work of preventing fire hazardous situations to the professional expert company “Fire Equipment”.

Organization of fire safety work includes:
1. Development and implementation of a fire safety management system in accordance with the requirements of governing documents.
The enterprise must develop fire safety requirements, including requirements for human safety, requirements for production, office and other premises, requirements for the maintenance and operation of heating, ventilation, machinery and equipment, storage of goods and materials, ensuring electrical safety, requirements for the maintenance of vehicles and others, as well as the procedure for joint actions of the enterprise administration and the fire department when extinguishing fires.
2 . General leadership and monitoring the state of fire safety at the enterprise, monitoring compliance with legislative and other regulations, requirements, rules and instructions on fire safety. Monitoring the performance of official duties by subordinates. The manager of the enterprise is responsible for organizing fire safety. Responsibility for organizing fire safety in workshops and departments lies with the heads of workshops and heads of departments. Their job descriptions must specify the rights, duties and responsibilities for compliance with fire safety rules. The enterprise must have prepared fire safety documents (clause 9). Monitoring compliance with the requirements of governing documents and local acts on labor protection, as well as compliance with the fire safety regime at the enterprise, is carried out by the person responsible for fire safety of the enterprise.
3. Ensuring fire safety during technological processes, equipment operation, and fire hazardous work. Current regulatory documents establish strict requirements for the technical condition of equipment (this includes machines, machine tools, mechanical and hand tools, elevators, conveyors and other equipment that is potentially dangerous to humans). There are also requirements for the fire safety condition of the equipment, and the maintenance of fire safety conditions during its operation.
4. Installation and monitoring of the condition of control, warning and fire extinguishing equipment. The enterprise must issue an order to check fire extinguishing systems and automatic fire alarms, as well as to indicate who is responsible for their proper condition. The number of primary fire extinguishing means in premises is determined depending on the category of these premises, according to “NPB 105-95 “Definition of categories of premises, buildings and external installations for explosion and fire hazards.” According to this document, premises according to explosion and fire hazard are divided into categories A, B, B1-B4, D and D, and buildings - into categories A, B, C, D and D. Premises are also classified into explosive zones according to the PUE, in according to which electrical equipment is selected.
5. Organizing the development and ensuring the allocation of financial resources for the implementation of measures to ensure fire safety. We must not forget that all work to create and maintain fire safety of an enterprise begins with drawing up an annual fire prevention plan. Based on the planned activities, a proposal is being prepared for the enterprise’s budget for the next financial year. And, of course, without funding there can be no high-quality fire protection.
6. Fire safety training for specialists, employees and workers includes:
- conducting introductory, primary, repeated, unscheduled and targeted briefings;
- organization of classes on fire safety and technical minimum;
- conducting exercises and fire drills.
Training in fire safety measures for specialists and employees of the enterprise is carried out in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of December 12, 2007 N 645 “On approval of fire safety standards “Training in fire safety measures for employees of organizations.”
7. Ensuring electrical safety at the enterprise. Ensuring electrical safety at an enterprise is important not only from the point of view of protecting people from electric shock, but also for fire safety purposes. According to statistics, about half of fires occur due to electrical safety violations. To organize work to ensure electrical safety, by order of the manager, a person responsible for the electrical equipment of the enterprise is appointed. He is entrusted with the following responsibilities: ensuring the safety of work in electrical installations, organizing systematic measurements of insulation and grounding resistance, monitoring compliance by enterprise employees with the requirements of rules, regulations, and instructions on labor protection in the field of electrical safety, organizing the development and implementation of more advanced blocking, disconnecting, and protective devices , ensuring the safety of installation, repair and maintenance of power equipment and others.
8. Drawing up a fire evacuation plan. To draw up a plan for the evacuation of people and material assets in the event of a fire, the enterprise administration appoints a special person or organizes a commission (for large enterprises). The commission includes: the chairman of the fire technical commission, the deputy head of the enterprise for administrative and economic affairs and the head of the enterprise’s fire department or fire department. The commission or a specially designated person studies the layout of the building and territory to identify possible patterns of movement of people and vehicles during evacuation. Based on the study of the layout, routes for the movement of people from various rooms are drawn up. Based on specific traffic routes, the commission appoints those responsible for the safe evacuation of people, fire notification and meeting of fire departments, as well as the evacuation of material assets, vehicles and fire extinguishing with primary means. When establishing the procedure for evacuating transport units, the commission determines the order of duty at night, weekends and holidays, as well as the location of the ignition keys. When establishing a procedure for the evacuation of material assets, the commission specifies the storage locations for documentation and fire hazardous materials, as well as existing and alternate entrances to the enterprise territory suitable for passage of fire trucks. The evacuation plan is approved by the head of the enterprise and an order is issued to put it into effect. The time frame for studying and practicing the evacuation plan with the company’s employees is outlined. Control over the study of the evacuation plan and personnel training rests with the head of the enterprise. The head of the enterprise is obliged, as the situation changes, to promptly make changes to the evacuation plan, replacing employees who have left the enterprise. Newly assigned employees should be familiarized with their responsibilities under the evacuation plan.
9. Development of fire safety documents.
The enterprise must:
9.1. Orders are issued:
- on the appointment of a person responsible for fire safety of the enterprise;
- on approval of the Rules (instructions) for fire safety;
- on the appointment of a person responsible for electrical equipment;
- on the appointment of a person responsible for fire extinguishing means;
- on the appointment of those responsible for fire safety in departments and others;
- on the creation of the DPD;
- on the procedure according to which special training and instructions should be provided to employees, and their knowledge on fire safety issues should be tested;
9.2. To be developed:
- instructions on fire safety measures;
- instructions for the maintenance and use of primary fire extinguishing agents;
- instructions on the procedure for employees of the enterprise in the event of a fire and evacuation;
- fire safety instructions when working in a production workshop (if such a workshop exists);
- program for conducting introductory fire safety training;
- program for conducting initial fire safety training;
- a list of questions for testing knowledge on fire safety on which knowledge should be tested after initial, repeated and unscheduled fire safety briefings;
- fire prevention plan.
9.3. Conducted:
- logbook for registering briefings on fire safety issues;
- logbook for monitoring the condition of primary fire extinguishing equipment;
- fire extinguisher logbook;
- log of testing and recharging of fire extinguishers;
- log book of assignment of group I for electrical safety to non-electrical personnel;
- log book for testing knowledge of norms and rules of work in electrical installations and other documents;
- journal of registration of work permits.
9.4. To register:
- permits for the start of work of each newly created enterprise, the commissioning of new and reconstructed facilities, for the introduction of new technologies, the launch into production of new fire-hazardous machines, equipment and products, for the rental of any premises, buildings and structures;
- plans (schemes) for evacuation of people in case of fire;
- permits for performing hot work.
9.5. Available:
- certificates of conformity for all types of fire fighting equipment and fire fighting equipment;
- regulations for the maintenance of fire automatic systems, fire warning systems, fire extinguishers.

Fire safety documents
Fire safety magazines