That's fire automatics. See what “Fire automatic equipment” is in other dictionaries

Fire automatics

Fire automatics- a set of technical means for preventing, extinguishing, localizing or blocking fires indoors. Fire automatic equipment is used to equip buildings and premises with increased fire hazard. Facilities fire automatics designed for automatic fire detection, notifying people about it and managing their evacuation, automatic fire extinguishing and smoke removal, management of engineering and technological equipment buildings and objects.

Types of systems

There are fire automatic systems that turn on automatically and operate according to a specific program - automatic fire alarm systems. fire protection(SAPS), and fire protection installations (FPZ), activated by the operator.

Elements of fire automatic system

Fire automatic equipment is divided into:

Sprayers, foam generators, and pipe nozzles are used as actuators designed to form and direct a stream of fire extinguishing agents (liquid, foam, powder, gas). Fire extinguishing agents are supplied to the fire automatic system from centralized (for example, water supply), autonomous or combined feeders.

The most widespread are water (sprinkler and deluge), carbon dioxide, aerosol and powder systems. P. a. based on sprinklers, it is a network of pipes reinforced under the ceiling of a room with water-spraying nozzles (sprinklers) screwed into them. The sprinkler outlet is closed by a valve, which is kept closed by the so-called. thermal lock. When the temperature in the room rises to the calculated value, the lock is destroyed and the valve moves away, allowing access to water.

Fire automatics based on nozzles without a thermal lock (drenchers) are activated by a valve, which is activated or by a sprinkler installed on the starting overhead line, or a cable thermal lock. Depending on the period of time after which the fire protection system is activated after the start of a fire, there are ultra-high-speed (up to 0.1 sec), high-speed (up to 3 sec) and conventional (up to 180 sec) systems. Continuous supply of fire extinguishing agents lasts from 30 seconds to 60 minutes.

Reasons that reduce the effectiveness of fire automatic systems

There is a group of main reasons that reduce the effectiveness of fire automatic systems:

Regulatory and technical documents, standards

see also



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    See what “Fire automatic equipment” is in other dictionaries:

    A set of technical means for preventing, extinguishing, localizing or blocking fires indoors. P. a. equip buildings and premises with increased fire hazard. There are PA systems that turn on automatically and... ... fire automatics in the fire prevention system - A set of permanently installed, jointly automatically operating technical means and installations fire alarm , warning and evacuation control, fire extinguishing, fire blocking, smoke and explosion protection. [RD 25.03.001 ...

    Technical Translator's Guide

    The general name for a variety of mechanical, electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic and electronic devices used to automate technological processes. Industrial automation Fire automation Relay protection and automation... ... Wikipedia A system of state and public measures aimed at protecting people’s lives, state and public property and personal property of citizens from fire; organization that fights fires. The main task… …

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia A system of state and public measures aimed at protecting people’s lives, state and public property and personal property of citizens from fire; organization that fights fires. The main task… …

    A system of state and public measures carried out to prevent fires, limit the spread of fires that have occurred, create conditions for the evacuation of people from burning buildings and successfully extinguish fires. P.p.... ... A system of state and public measures aimed at protecting people’s lives, state and public property and personal property of citizens from fire; organization that fights fires. The main task… …

    A set of technical means for detecting a fire and notifying the location of its occurrence. P.S. includes fire detectors, receiving devices, communication lines, power supplies. Fire detectors are devices for... ... This term has other meanings, see Loop. Loop (security fire alarm) is an electrical circuit connecting the output circuits of detectors, including auxiliary elements

    and connecting wires and intended ... ... Wikipedia

    Fire detector is a device for generating a fire signal. Using the term "sensor" is incorrect, since the sensor is part of the detector. Despite this, the term "sensor" is used in many industry regulations, in... ... Wikipedia Powder fire extinguisher extinguishing a fire with a fire extinguishing powder composition. In some cases, powders are the only fire extinguishing agent suitable for extinguishing ... Wikipedia

    Fire extinguishing is the process of exposure to forces and means, as well as the use of methods and techniques to extinguish a fire. Fire fighting... Wikipedia


1. Automated smoke protection systems (ASPS) are designed to provide conditions that prevent the spread of smoke throughout the facility, removing it from the fire site, and must comply with design solutions.

2. The customer, together with the design and installation and commissioning organizations, before putting the ASPDZ into operation, must ensure the development of the necessary operational documentation in accordance with the requirements of the rules fire safety and these Rules.

3. ASPDZ must always be in a state of constant readiness to perform their functions.

4. Maintenance and scheduled preventive maintenance must be organized at each facility.

5. Heads of housing maintenance organizations in charge of buildings with ASPD systems must ensure effective control over the quality of maintenance and repair work fire protection systems, including those performed on contractual terms by specialized organizations.

6. During operation, ASPD systems must ensure:

Transmission of fire and malfunction signals to the local alarm panel;

Opening smoke exhaust valves at the location(s) of the fire;

Turning on the smoke exhaust and air supply fans;

Disabling the general ventilation of the facility;

Sending elevators, if provided for by the normative and technical documentation, to a safe floor, transferring them to work in “fire mode”.

7. Smoke exhaust valves must ensure tightness.

8. It is prohibited to disable remote and automatic starts of smoke removal and air pressurization systems.


1. Fire warning and evacuation control systems (POES) in buildings and structures are integral part complex of technical means fire protection and are intended for timely notification of people about a fire in the initial stage of its development and must comply with NPB 104-95 (SNiP 2.08.02-89).

2. SOUE must be provided for in public buildings and structures (hereinafter referred to as buildings) in accordance with the requirements of the current regulatory documents.

3. SOUE must operate for the time necessary to evacuate people, but not less than the estimated duration of evacuation.

4. Management of ASPDZ should be carried out from the premises (points) in which operational round-the-clock duty of the facility’s personnel is organized.

5. To ensure the safety of people during fires in buildings, safe zones must be identified (equipped) - rooms (areas of premises) inside buildings and space outside the building (including roof areas, overpasses and other similar elements of buildings), where exposure to hazardous fire factors on people.

6. Fire alarms (signboards, signs, beeps, bells, sirens, etc.) must always be in good condition and in standby mode.

7. Sound and voice alarms must provide the necessary audibility in all places where people are.

8. Electric wires, power supply warning devices laid through fire hazardous rooms must be protected from mechanical influences And high temperature.

9. SOUE, in addition to broadcasting a phonogram from a tape recorder, must provide for direct broadcast of voice announcements and control commands through a microphone.

10. In the emergency control system in buildings in which simultaneous evacuation of people with delayed notification in separate zones is necessary, light and sound signals Alerts and evacuation control must be different from signals for other purposes.

11. The premises of operational (duty) personnel with the control panel of the SOUE system must have a direct telephone connection with the premises in which permanent residence of people is provided.

12. In public buildings of large capacity, high number of floors or having complex space-planning solutions, devices must be provided automated systems fire alerts.

13. The control panel for warning and evacuation systems must be equipped with intercom devices with engineering services, facility administration and the police, as well as city telephone communications and fire and security alarms.

Operation log

Fire automatic systems

Name and departmental affiliation (form of ownership) of the object,

equipped with a fire automatic system

(type of system, starting method)

Address, telephone _________________

Date of installation of the system, name of the installation organization


1. Type of fire automatic system


Name of the organization (service) serving the system


telephone ___________________________________________________________________

2. Characteristics of the fire automatic system




(name of technical equipment, types, release date, start date

operation, next inspection period, etc.)

3. Fundamental or wiring diagram fire automatic systems.

4. Results of hydraulic and electrical tests

5. Acceptance and delivery of duty and technical condition of the system

6. Accounting for failures and malfunctions of fire automatic systems

Notes: 1. Analysis of timely troubleshooting

is carried out daily.

2. The journal summarizes the number of refusals every month,

malfunctions, false alarms.

3. The log is maintained by operational (duty) personnel.

7. Accounting Maintenance and scheduled preventive maintenance

fire automatic systems

8. Testing the knowledge of personnel servicing fire systems


9. Accounting for activation (shutdown) of fire automatic systems and

information from the State Fire Supervision authorities

10. Instruction of technical and operational personnel in technology

safety when working with fire automatic systems

Appendix 2



about the activation (failure) of the fire automatic system

(sent to the territorial authority

state fire supervision)

1. Name of the enterprise and its address



(type of ownership)

2. Date of activation or shutdown ________________________________________________

3. Characteristics of the controlled premises ______________________________


4. Reason for activation or shutdown _____________________________________



5. Type of control panel or fire extinguishing system _____________



(for alarm systems, indicate the type of detectors, for fire extinguishing systems

Start type)

6. Number of triggered sprinklers and detectors


7. Efficiency in detecting or extinguishing a fire by the fire system




(worked on time, late, etc.)

8. Estimated fire damage


9. Material assets saved due to availability and timely

activation of the fire automatic system ___________________________________

(amount, thousand rubles)

10. If the system fails, indicate the reasons for the failure


(surname, signature official)

"__" ____________ 19__

Appendix 3



Model Regulations No. 1

maintenance of water systems

(foam) fire extinguishing

Notes: 1. The first option - maintenance schedules are given for facilities with large numbers of people.

2. On line 8. Checking system functionality with start-up fire extinguishing agent to protected premises is carried out at least once every 3 years. At gas compressor, oil pumping and pumping stations for pumping flammable liquids, gas liquids, as well as in tank farms of oil and petroleum products, tests with the launch of a fire extinguishing agent are carried out at least once a year.

Model Regulations No. 2

systems maintenance gas fire extinguishing


1. The first option is the timing of maintenance for facilities with large numbers of people.

2. On line 7. Checking the operability of the system with the release of fire extinguishing agent into the protected premises is carried out at least once every 3 years.

3. Recharging and recharging of cylinders with extinguishing agent is carried out by factories that have charging stations, under contracts. In their absence, recharging and recharging is organized by the Customer.

Model Regulations No. 3

maintenance of fire alarm systems,

systems fire alarm system

Note. Option 1 - maintenance periods are indicated for facilities with large numbers of people.

Model Regulation No. 4

maintenance of smoke control systems

protection of buildings and structures

Appendix 4

acceptance of the system into operation

City (district) _________________________________ "__" ______________ 19__

Working commission appointed by _____________________________________________



(name of customer organization)

by order dated "__" _________________________________ 19__ N __________ in

customer representative (chairman) _____________________________________

(position, full name)

installation organization _____________________________________________________

(position, full name)

state fire supervision authority _________________________________


organ private security ____________________________________________


(position, surname, first name, patronymic)

checked the quality and correctness of the work and established:

1. The installation and commissioning organization presented the fire suppression system for acceptance

automation ________________________________________________________________


(name of system)

mounted in __________________________________________________________

(Object name)

according to the project (survey report) developed by ____________________________



(name of the design organization, drafter of the act)

2. Installation work completed _____________________________________________


(name of installation organization)

estimated cost installation work _______________________________ thousand roubles.

3. Commissioning work completed ________________________________________________


(name of the organization that performed the work)

from "__" ___________________ 19__ to "__" ____________________ 19__

Estimated cost of commissioning work _________________________ thousand rubles.

4. Defects and deficiencies identified during comprehensive testing


Commission conclusion:

Fire automatic system (type of system should be specified) that has passed

comprehensive testing, including commissioning, is considered accepted

into operation since "__" _____________ 19__ with quality assessment

completed work on ____________________________.

(good, satisfactory)

List of documentation attached to the act:

1. _________________________________________

2. _________________________________________

3. _________________________________________

4. _________________________________________

5. _________________________________________

Signatures of the commission members: _________________________________________________



Fire automatics are represented by a set of technical means with the help of which a fire is detected, localized, extinguished and destroyed, as well as warning people about a fire. Automation independently (automatically) detects the source of fire, notifies people, controls the evacuation of personnel, and automatically extinguishes the fire with smoke removal. Also, “fire automatic systems” can control various types of equipment located inside objects and buildings.

The effectiveness of fire automatics installation is influenced by many factors, the main one of which is the correctly selected fire automatics. Fire automatic equipment automatically detects a fire, notifies people about a fire, etc. They are represented by fire detectors, fire control panels, fire control devices, fire technical means notification and evacuation control, fire notification transmission systems, other devices and equipment with the help of which fire automatics are built.

There is no doubt that effective fire automatic systems are one of the most important indicators of fire safety, therefore, the type of installation is also of great importance.

Types of fire automatics installations

Water fire automatics installations

They are the most common and are used in hotels, shopping centers, hydroelectric power stations, etc. Sprinkler systems are intended for local fire extinguishing, as well as for cooling structures. Often these installations can be found in rooms where there is a possibility of a fire developing, which will generate intense heat.

Main disadvantages: there is no possibility of detecting a fire at an early stage and there is a lot of work involved in restoring the original state. Installation advantages: ease of use, cheap cost and automatic operation. Deluge installations do not have thermal locks, but are equipped with fire detection devices to issue a signal to start fire extinguishing.

Foam fire automatic systems

As a rule, they are used to extinguish flammable and flammable liquids in containers, flammable substances, as well as petroleum products located inside and outside buildings. Deluge foam installations are used in local areas of buildings, transformers, and electrical equipment. Deluge and sprinkler installations have a fairly similar purpose and design, only foam ones differ in the presence of a container with a foaming agent and dosing devices during separate storage of fire extinguishing agent elements, as well as the use of foam generators and sprinklers.

Disadvantages: difficult fire extinguishing in rooms with electrical installations, complex maintenance, dependence on water supply, large damage to the building.

Fire extinguishing with water mist

Operating principle: uniform distribution of water over the protected volume and area due to the creation of a finely dispersed flow, which makes it possible to use these sprinklers for libraries, storage facilities, etc., where water damage caused by conventional installations is no less great than the damage resulting from fire.

Fire gas automatics

Used to extinguish class A, B and C fires, as well as electrical equipment. This fire automatic equipment for buildings and structures is divided according to the extinguishing method, according to the storage method gaseous substance and by the method of turning on the extinguishing.

Powder fire extinguishing installations

They are used to extinguish fires of live electrical equipment and fires of classes A, B and C. It is possible to use such installations in premises where there is a large presence of people, for example, a theater, shopping centers. However, these installations do not completely stop combustion. Powder plants Depending on the design of the fire extinguishing element, they may or may not have a distribution pipeline. And depending on the storage of gas in the tank, they can be pumped, with gas-generating elements, or with liquefied or compressed gas cylinders.

Aerosol fire extinguishing

Used to extinguish class B and subclass A2 fires. It is possible to use these installations in rooms with flammable materials, the combustion of which can be classified as subclass A1, also for cable structures (mezzanines, collectors, shafts), provided that the electrical networks do not have automatic restart. The use of aerosol fire extinguishing installations in premises containing cables, electrical installations and electrical equipment is only possible if the voltage is not higher than the maximum permissible value specified in the technical documentation.

It is a set of processes associated with maintaining the functionality of devices during operation, standby, storage and transportation. Maintenance is represented by a set of works that ensures control over the technical condition of installations, maintaining them in good condition and prolonging their serviceability.

The maintenance of fire automatics includes organizational issues, maintenance rules and methods for checking proper operation. Responsibility for implementing rules for servicing fire automatics falls on enterprise managers.

After the fire automatics installations are put into operation, the head of the enterprise appoints persons who will be responsible for the operation of the automatics. Large enterprises create special groups and teams for maintenance. On-duty employees are hired to monitor the functionality of fire automatics around the clock. Service staff carries out repairs and maintenance of installations, maintains them in working order, and maintains operational documentation.

Installation of fire automatics is a whole complex of technical actions for timely localization, warning, blocking and extinguishing of fire.

Choosing an organization that installs fire alarm systems is very important. Installing fire safety is a complex process. The operation of fire automatics, and, accordingly, the safety of people and the safety of the building depends on how high-quality the installation was.

Before installing the automation, you must carefully study fire danger object, structural features of the building, possible ways extinguishing and evacuating people and many other indicators.

Company "Montazh-OPS Service" carries out installation of fire automatics of any complexity.

Fire automatic systems

Today there are two fire automatic systems:
  • Automatic fire protection system.
  • The system turns on automatically and operates as programmed.
  • Installation of fire protection.
  • This is an operator controlled system.

The fire automatic system serves to identify the location of a fire and signals danger using special devices notifications, takes measures for automatic smoke removal and fire extinguishing, etc. reception and control devices are used to record and process received alarm signals.

Fire automatic systems are divided into the following groups:
  • Gas system.
  • Its use practically does not harm material values, so it is widely used in museums, banks, libraries, and offices. But the installation of gas fire extinguishing means high demands for notification, evacuation of people, and sealing of the building.
  • Water.
  • This system is mainly used in large areas, such as trading floors, business centers, administrative, military or sports buildings.
  • Water-foamy and foamy.
  • When extinguishing fires, water, foam concentrates and foam generators are used. Foam is used in areas where it is impossible to extinguish fire with water. For example, at enterprises storing and processing chemical or petroleum products.
  • Powder and aerosol.
  • Powder extinguishing stops the spread of fire and eliminates it. But due to the fact that these substances are extremely harmful to humans, such a system is used mainly in non-residential or warehouse premises.