What is included in the fire protection system on a ship? Fire fighting equipment and its location on the ship

The ship's active fire protection system is designed to detect and signal the occurrence of a fire or explosive situation, influence the combustion reaction automatically or with human participation, prevent or suppress explosions.

Active fire protection includes:

Systems fire alarm;

Vessel fire protection systems;

Portable fire fighting equipment.

Fire alarm systems are divided into three groups:

Fire detection systems;

Fire warning systems;

Warning systems for the activation of fire extinguishing systems.

Fire detection system designed to detect a fire at an early stage of its development and generate a signal. It uses special infrared, thermal, pressure, differential, temperature and smoke sensors. The fire warning system is designed to provide sound and light signals to command posts (CP). On modern ships, detection and warning systems are combined into a single automatic detection system and, as a rule, combined with appropriate fire extinguishing systems.

All ships stationary systems and portable facilities can be classified according to their design features. The specific design of the systems depends on the category of ship space and its location.

By way of energy use All tools and systems can be divided into autonomous and non-autonomous.

Autonomous means do not require an energy supply and use either engines or various types of batteries (electric, air, chemical) for their operation. Non-autonomous means must be connected to the ship's energy sources (electrical network, fire main, high or medium pressure air system).

According to fire extinguishing composition Fire-fighting systems and means can be divided into water, foam, gas, powder and freon (inhibitor).

Based on the extinguishing principle There are systems and means of surface and volumetric extinguishing.

General ship fire protection systems;

Protection systems for power plant premises.

To fully characterize any fire protection system, it is necessary to indicate all its classification characteristics. For example, stationary autonomous system volumetric foam fire extinguishing in a power plant.

A separate area of ​​active fire protection is the creation of the following fire fighting equipment:

Portable fire pumps;

Fire nozzles and foam generators;

Fire extinguishers;

Firefighter tool.

The development of structural fire protection elements, as well as the creation and improvement of fire fighting systems and means, is carried out on the basis of a thorough analysis of known cases of explosions and fires on ships, the actions of personnel to fight fire and a quantitative assessment of various fire protection options.

Fire extinguishing systems on a ship are the ship's structures. When designing them, many factors are taken into account: the autonomy of the vessel, the presence of flammable materials in the structure, placement of rooms with different levels of fire danger nearby, restrictions on the width of escape routes.

All of these factors only aggravate fire danger swimming facilities, special attention is paid to the introduction of various methods to ensure the safety of passengers, as well as the development of new, more effective ones.

Types of ship fire extinguishing systems

Stationary fire extinguishing systems on a ship are developed during the design of the ship and installed during its laying. Modern ships of the Russian merchant fleet are equipped with the following installations:

    • Sprinklers with manual or automatic activation;
    • Water curtains;
    • Water spray or irrigation;
  • Gas - based on carbon dioxide or inert gases;
  • Powder.

In some cases, the quality used in the same systems is medium and high density foam.

Each of fire extinguishing systems on board used to solve a specific, narrowly focused problem:

  • Water - used to protect public and residential premises of the ship and its corridors, as well as premises where solid flammable and combustible substances are stored;
  • Foam - installed in rooms where class B fires may occur;
  • Gas and powder - used for class C fire protection.

Aerosol volumetric fire extinguishing system (AOT)

It is installed mainly on passenger vessels of the river fleet.

It is located in the following places:

  • Engine room, main and auxiliary engines that run on liquid fuel;
  • In the premises of boilers and generators of main and emergency sources of electricity;
  • In places of branching of the main energy highways and distribution panels;
  • In places where electric motors are installed, both auxiliary and main – propeller motors;
  • In equipment ventilation networks.

All main workers must comply with the requirements of the technical regulations in accordance with which the classification and construction of ships is carried out. Presented equipment automatic fire extinguishing volumetric type was developed by the Flame laboratory at the Naval Engineering Institute.

Working fire extinguishing devices are autonomous modules TOP-1500 and TOP-3000 connected to a unified external control and warning network. Each module is a cylinder with a fire extinguishing agent with an optical-electronic combustion detector built into it.

Checking incoming information using several parameters significantly reduces the risk of false positives.

The cylinders are connected to the central apparatus and can be activated manually at the command of the captain or duty officer from the ship's control room.

Tests conducted in 2011 showed high efficiency installed system. She is able to extinguish burning and. In particular, during the tests, a smoldering tree was extinguished and a pan with burning diesel fuel was extinguished.

Ship water system is installed when it is laid. It can be of two types - ring and linear. The main pipes through which water flows have a diameter of up to 150 mm, and working pipes up to 64 mm. This diameter should provide a water pressure at the furthest connection point on the ship, 350 kPa on cargo ships and 520 kPa.

Pipeline sections that are exposed to external environment and may freeze are subject to piping using a drain and shut-off valve, so that when they are excluded from common system it continued to function. The distance between fire hydrants varies. Inside the vessel it is up to 20 m when equipped with 10-15 m of fire hoses. On deck, the range can be up to 40 m when each crane is equipped with a 15-20 m hose.

The living compartments are equipped with sprinkler systems equipped with fusible link nozzles with a maximum destruction temperature of 60°C. The device consists of pipeline sprayers (sprinklers) and a pneumohydraulic tank under pressure. The minimum performance of one sprinkler, regulated by regulations, is 5 liters per 1 m 2 of cabin.

Deluge systems are mainly used on cargo ships: gas carriers, tankers, bulk carriers and container ships, where cargo is placed horizontally. The main design feature is the presence of a pump, which, when an alarm is triggered, begins to draw water and supply it to the deluge pipeline. Deluge for forming water curtains in those areas of the ship where it is impossible to install fire barriers.

Gas fire extinguishing systems on ships

Gas fire extinguishing system on a ship Used exclusively in cargo compartments and in the auxiliary generator and pump rooms in the galley. In the engine compartment, both locally and locally, with the volumetric jet directed directly to the generators. Its high efficiency is combined with the equally high cost of maintaining the system itself and the need to periodically replace the fire extinguishing agent.

Recently, ships have begun to stop using carbon dioxide as a fire extinguishing agent. Instead, it is preferable to use an agent from the freon family. Type of control systems gas installation fire extinguishing depends on the operating pressure in the pipelines:

  • For devices with low pressure, starting and adjusting the flow intensity is carried out manually;
  • For medium pressure systems, redundant fire extinguishing control devices are provided.

Unlike buildings and structures, ships are constantly being improved and the use of old rules for installing fire extinguishing devices is often ineffective. Typical calculations for systems are used very rarely and only for small mass-produced vessels.

Simultaneously with the construction of the vessel, installation of stationary systems is carried out, which are of two types - ring And linear. With their help, fire extinguishing agents are quickly transported to the place of fire, fire is localized and extinguished.

The water system is installed independently of the others; it is the main one. The system consists of a main and branch lines, differing in diameter (up to 150 and 64 mm, respectively), equipped with drain valves. Total pump performance should be at the level of 140 - 180 tons per hour. They are located below the waterline, and kingstones are mounted near the pumps.

The diameter of the pipelines on the water fire system must ensure a water pressure of 350 kPa at the farthest or highest valves on cargo ships and 520 kPa on tankers. To protect against freezing, the opening of sections of the main line is ensured by drain and shut-off valves. Linear diagram It is distinguished by the presence of one main line, from which vertical and horizontal pipes extend. On tankers it is laid diametrically. Ring system represents connected parallel highways forming a ring. If a section of the highway is damaged, it is switched off, but the system continues to operate as before. In interior spaces the cranes are installed at a distance of 20 m between them, on the deck the distance can be 40 m. The length of the fire hoses accordingly ranges from 10 - 15 to 15 - 20 m.

Living quarters on ships and ferries are protected from fire using sprinkler systems. Their functional features include fire localization and temperature reduction during a fire. Sprinklers (valves with fusible links) open when the temperature rises above 60 C, and water begins to spray into the room. Sprinkler system it is assembled from several devices - a pneumohydraulic tank, a pipeline and sprinklers, a signal and control device. The minimum sprinkler power is 5 liters per 1 sq. m. cabin or other room. They are usually mounted on top of cabins and living spaces. In parallel with the activation of the sprinkler system, an alarm is activated, informing the crew about the location of the fire.

Deluge systems Fire extinguishing equipment is installed on tankers, gas carriers, and ships loaded horizontally. The main difference from the sprinkler system is that when the deluge system is turned on, the pump starts, which supplies water from overboard into the main line and then directly to the sprayers. The unit is cooling metal parts and ship decks.

In addition, ship fire extinguishing systems can operate on the principle of forming water curtains and water irrigation. The spray nozzles of the water spray system are mounted in the ceiling area of ​​the room, connecting their power to an independent pump with automatic operation or a water fire main. The water curtain is formed using slot nozzles connected to the fire main. They are used in cases where it is impossible to install fire-resistant structures on a ship. Water irrigation is installed at the exits from the engine compartments.

Alternative and additional types of fire extinguishing installations

To protect the engine and pump rooms of all ships (especially tankers) from fire, installations and foam fire extinguishing systems. Powder systems are mandatory for use on ships transporting liquefied bulk gases. For large ships, several installations are installed, each of which protects a specific area. Foam formation is carried out using a mixer, where the foaming agent is mixed with water. Foam is supplied through an ejector to the fire site. On sea vessels and oil tankers low expansion foam is used (1: 10), on bulk carriers and refrigerators - medium expansion (1:50 - 1:150), in engine compartments and cargo spaces using the horizontal loading method - high expansion (1: 1000). The thickness of the foam is 15 - 20 cm (for fuel oil and oil, gasoline and kerosene, respectively), its consumption is 150 liters per 1 m3 (15 liters of water and 0.75 liters of foaming agent).

Active ingredient in systems powder fire extinguishing are potash, alum, carbonic soda, etc., which are sprayed with nitrogen or inert gas. The systems consist of stations in which tanks with powder are installed, to which gas cylinders are connected. This type is installed in places with electrical equipment, painting compartments, on gas and chemical tankers and ships transporting dangerous goods.

If the probability Uncontrolled combustion outside a special fireplace, causing material damage.

">fire is high, ships are equipped with carbon dioxide extinguishing systems, installing them in the engine and cargo rooms. This system is launched as a last resort if the measures taken are not localized fire. Gas is transported through the pipeline to liquid state, upon exiting it expands and becomes regular gas with increased density. Carbon dioxide stations consist of cylinders filled with liquefied gas, a manifold, pipelines with valves and nozzles.

In addition to extinguishing with carbon dioxide, alternative means can be used. These include chemical agents - inert gases, liquids with high degree evaporation. Inert gases (or flue gases coming from boilers) enter the scrubber, where they are cleaned and cooled. The fire extinguishing type used on dry cargo ships, refrigerators, and liquid tankers. Easily evaporating liquids in extinguishing systems are represented by halogenated hydrocarbons, mixtures of freon and ethyl bromide, which are stored in tanks with anti-corrosion coating, and supplied with compressed air to sprayers in the room where there is The location where the fire originally started.

">hearth fire.

Arrangement and equipping of vessels with fire extinguishing systems and installations

Fire extinguishing stations placed on open decks, they must have an additional entrance from the outer deck. Bulk carriers are equipped with water and foam extinguishing systems, using them alternately. Steam extinguishing is possible in holds, when the system is connected from the boiler plant (sometimes using steam ejectors). Vessels are equipped with shore connections for the water fire main, including portable or necessarily stationary ones, when carrying out international voyages.

System starting devices and signs are placed at fire stations fire alarm and fire fighting equipment. There are two types of emergency fire stations - local, where certain equipment is stored, and general ships, where multifunctional types of fire extinguishing devices are located. If the length of the vessel is more than 45 m, emergency fire-fighting equipment is stored at several posts located above the bulkhead; if the length is less than 31 m, one combined post can be used.

Depending on the occurrence of different types of possible fire (fire of solid substances, fires of classes B, C), water, foam or powder are used respectively. fire extinguisher, carbon dioxide and freon systems. To eliminate class D fires, stationary systems are not used. In addition to stationary fire extinguishing systems, they use mobile units– mechanized pumps, portable motor pumps, and other devices that are mounted on vehicles.

Proper use and qualified equipment ships fire-fighting systems reliably protect the crew and cargo of ships from possible fire. Therefore, to protect a ship from fire, it is necessary to comprehensively use the main and alternative types of fire extinguishing systems.

What fixed fire extinguishing systems are used on ships?

Fire extinguishing systems on ships include:

●water fire extinguishing systems;

●low and medium expansion foam extinguishing systems;

●volumetric extinguishing systems;

●powder extinguishing systems;

●steam extinguishing systems;

●aerosol extinguishing systems;

Ship premises, depending on their purpose and degree of fire hazard, must be equipped various systems fire extinguishing The table shows the requirements of the Rules of the Register of the Russian Federation for equipping premises with fire extinguishing systems.

Stationary water fire extinguishing systems include systems that use water as the main extinguishing agent:

  • fire water system;
  • water spray and irrigation systems;
  • flooding system for individual rooms;
  • sprinkler system;
  • deluge system;
  • water mist or water mist system.

Stationary volumetric extinguishing systems include the following systems:

  • carbon dioxide extinguishing system;
  • nitrogen extinguishing system;
  • liquid extinguishing system (using freons);
  • volumetric foam extinguishing system;

In addition to fire extinguishing systems, fire warning systems are used on ships, such systems include an inert gas system.

What are the design features of a water fire protection system?

The system is installed on all types of ships and is the main one for extinguishing fires, as well as a water supply system for ensuring the operation of other fire extinguishing systems, general ship systems, washing tanks, tanks, decks, for washing anchor chains and hawses.

Main advantages of the system:

Unlimited supplies of sea water;

Cheapness of fire extinguishing agent;

High fire extinguishing ability of water;

High survivability of modern UPS.

The system includes the following main elements:

1. Receiving seawalls in the underwater part of the vessel for receiving water in any operating conditions, incl. roll, trim, roll and pitch.

2. Filters (dirt boxes) to protect pipelines and system pumps from clogging with debris and other waste.

3. Non-return valve, which does not allow the system to empty when the fire pumps are stopped.

4. Main fire pumps with electric or diesel drives for supplying sea water to the fire main to fire hydrants, fire monitors and other consumers.

5. Emergency fire pump with an independent drive for supplying sea water in the event of failure of the main fire pumps with its own seacock, valve, safety valve and control device.

6. Pressure gauges and pressure-vacuum gauges.

7. Fire cocks (end valves) located throughout the vessel.

8. Fire main valves (shut-off, non-return shut-off, secant, shut-off).

9. Fire main pipelines.

10. Technical documentation and spare parts.

Fire pumps are divided into 3 types:

1. main fire pumps installed in machinery spaces;

2. emergency fire pump located outside the machinery spaces;

3. pumps permitted as fire pumps (sanitary, ballast, bilge, general use, if they are not used for pumping oil) on cargo ships.

Emergency fire pump (AFP), its kingston, receiving branch of the pipeline, discharge pipeline and shut-off valves located outside the machine visit. The emergency fire pump must be a stationary pump with an independent drive from a power source, i.e. its electric motor must also be powered from an emergency diesel generator.

Fire pumps can be started and stopped both from local posts at the pumps and remotely from the navigation bridge and control room.

What are the requirements for fire pumps?

The vessels are equipped with independently driven fire pumps, in the following way:

●passenger ships with a gross tonnage of 4000 and more must have at least three, less than 4000 - at least two.

●cargo ships of 1000 gross tonnage and more - at least two, less than 1000 - at least two pumps driven by a power source, one of which has an independent drive.

The minimum water pressure in all fire hydrants when two fire pumps are operating should be:

● for passenger ships with a gross tonnage of 4000 and more 0.40 N/mm, less than 4000 – 0.30 N/mm;

● for cargo ships with a gross tonnage of 6000 and more – 0.27 N/mm, less than 6000 – 0.25 N/mm.

The flow rate of each fire pump must be at least 25 m/h, and the total water supply on a cargo ship must not exceed 180 m/h.

The pumps are located in different compartments; if this is not possible, then an emergency fire pump must be provided with its own power source and seacock located outside the room where the main fire pumps are located.

The capacity of the emergency fire pump must be at least 40% of the total capacity of the fire pumps, and in any case not less than the following:

● on passenger ships with a capacity of less than 1000 and on cargo ships with a capacity of 2000 or more - 25 m3/h; And

● on cargo ships with a gross tonnage of less than 2000 – 15 m/h.

Schematic diagram of a water fire system on a tanker

1 – Kingston highway; 2 – fire pump; 3 – filter; 4 – kingston;

5 – water supply pipeline to fire hydrants located in the aft superstructure; 6 – water supply pipeline to the foam fire extinguishing system;

7 – double fire hydrants on the poop deck; 8 – deck fire main; 9 - stop valve to disconnect the damaged section of the fire main; 10 - double fire hydrants on the forecastle deck; 11 – non-return shut-off valve; 12 – pressure gauge; 13 – emergency fire pump; 14 – clinker valve.

The system construction scheme is linear, powered by two main fire pumps (2) located in the MO and an emergency fire pump (13) APZhN on the tank. At the inlet, the fire pumps are equipped with a kingstone (4), a line filter (dirt box) (3) and a clinker valve (14). A non-return shut-off valve is installed behind the pump to prevent water from draining from the main when the pump stops. A fire valve is installed behind each pump.

From the main line through clinker valves there are branches (5 and 6) into the superstructure, from which fire hydrants and other consumers of sea water are supplied.

The fire main is laid on the cargo deck and has branches every 20 meters to dual fire hydrants (7). On the main pipeline, secant fire mains are installed every 30-40 m.

According to the Maritime Register Rules, portable fire nozzles with a spray diameter of 13 mm are mainly installed in interior spaces, and 16 or 19 mm on open decks. Therefore, fire hydrants (hydrates) are installed with D of 50 and 71 mm, respectively.

On the forecastle and poop decks in front of the wheelhouse, twin fire hydrants (10 and 7) are installed on the side.

When the ship is moored in port, the fire water system can be supplied from the international shore connection using fire hoses.

How do water spray and irrigation systems work?

The water spray system in special category rooms, as well as in machine rooms of category A of other ships and pumping rooms, must be powered by an independent pump, which automatically turns on when the pressure in the system drops, from the water fire main.

In other protected premises, the system may only be powered from the fire water main.

In special category spaces, as well as in machinery spaces of category A of other ships and pumping rooms, the water spray system must be constantly filled with water and be under pressure up to the distribution valves on the pipelines.

Filters must be installed on the receiving pipe of the pump feeding the system and on the connecting pipeline with the water fire main to prevent clogging of the system and nozzles.

Distribution valves must be located in easily accessible places outside the protected area.

In protected rooms with permanent occupancy, remote control of distribution valves from these rooms must be provided.

Water spray system in the machine and boiler room

1 – roller drive bushing; 2 – drive roller; 3 - drain valve of the impulse pipeline; 4 – upper water spray pipeline; 5 – impulse pipeline; 6 – quick-acting valve; 7 – fire main; 8 – lower water spray pipeline; 9 – spray nozzle; 10 – drain valve.

Sprayers in protected areas must be placed in the following places:

1. under the ceiling of the room;

2. in the mines of machinery spaces of category A;

3. on equipment and mechanisms whose operation involves the use of liquid fuel or other flammable liquids;

4. over surfaces on which liquid fuel or flammable liquids may spread;

5. over stacks of bags of fishmeal.

Sprayers in the protected area must be located in such a way that the coverage area of ​​any sprayer overlaps the coverage areas of adjacent sprayers.

The pump may be driven by an independent internal combustion engine, located so that a fire in the protected space does not affect the air supply to it.

This system allows you to extinguish a fire in the Ministry of Defense under the slans using lower water spray nozzles or, at the same time, upper water spray nozzles.

How does a sprinkler system work?

Passenger ships and cargo ships are equipped with such systems according to the IIC protection method for signaling a fire and automatic fire extinguishing in protected premises in the temperature range from 68 0 to 79 0 C, in dryers at a temperature exceeding the maximum temperature in the overhead area of ​​no more than 30 0 C and in saunas up to 140 0 C inclusive.

The system is automatic: when the maximum temperature in the protected premises is reached, depending on the area of ​​the fire, one or more sprinklers (water spray) are automatically opened, fresh water is supplied through it for extinguishing, when its supply runs out, the fire extinguishing will continue with sea water without the intervention of the ship’s crew.

General scheme sprinkler system

1 – sprinklers; 2 – water main; 3 – distribution station;

4 – sprinkler pump; 5 – pneumatic tank.

Schematic diagram of a sprinkler system

The system consists of the following elements:

Sprinklers grouped into separate sections of no more than 200 each;

Main and sectional control and signaling devices (KSU);

Fresh water block;

Seawater block;

Panels for visual and audio signals when sprinklers are activated;

Sprinklers – these are closed-type sprayers, inside of which are located:

1) sensitive element - a glass flask with a volatile liquid (ether, alcohol, gallon) or a low-melting Wood's alloy lock (insert);

2) a valve and diaphragm that close the hole in the sprayer for supplying water;

3) socket (divider) for creating a water torch.

Sprinklers must:

Trigger when the temperature rises to preset values;

Be resistant to corrosion when exposed to sea air;

Installed in the upper part of the room and placed so as to supply water to the nominal area with an intensity of at least 5 l/m2 per minute.

Sprinklers in residential and service premises must operate in the temperature range of 68 - 79 ° C, with the exception of sprinklers in drying and galley rooms, where the response temperature can be increased to a level exceeding the temperature at the ceiling by no more than 30 ° C.

Control and alarm devices (KSU ) are installed on the supply pipeline of each sprinkler section outside the protected premises and perform the following functions:

1) sound an alarm when sprinklers are opened;

2) open water supply paths from water supply sources to operating sprinklers;

3) provide the ability to check the pressure in the system and its performance using a test (bleed) valve and control pressure gauges.

Fresh water block maintains pressure in the system in the area from the pressure tank to the sprinklers in standby mode, when the sprinklers are closed, as well as supplying the sprinklers with fresh water during the period when the sprinkler pump of the seawater unit is started.

The block includes:

1) Pressure pneumatic hydraulic tank (HPHC) with a water meter glass, with a capacity for two water reserves equal to two capacities of the sprinkler pump of the seawater unit in 1 minute for simultaneous irrigation of an area of ​​at least 280 m2 at an intensity of at least 5 l/m2 per minute.

2) Means to prevent sea water from entering the tank.

3) Submittals compressed air in the NPGC and maintaining such air pressure in it that, after using up the constant supply of fresh water in the tank, would provide a pressure no lower than operating pressure sprinkler (0.15 MPa) plus the pressure of the water column measured from the bottom of the tank to the highest located sprinkler of the system (compressor, pressure relief valve, compressed air cylinder, safety valve, etc.).

4) A sprinkler pump to replenish the supply of fresh water, which turns on automatically when the pressure in the system drops, before the constant supply of fresh water in the pressure tank is completely used up.

5) Pipelines made of galvanized steel pipes located under the ceiling of the protected premises.

Sea water block supplies sea water to the sprinklers that open after the sensitive elements are activated to irrigate the premises with a spray jet and extinguish the fire.

The block includes:

1) Independent sprinkler pump with pressure gauge and piping system for continuous automatic supply of sea water to the sprinklers.

2) A test valve on the discharge side of the pump with a short outlet pipe having an open end to allow water flow at the pump capacity plus the water column pressure measured from the bottom of the pumping station to the highest sprinkler.

3) Kingston for independent pump.

4) A filter for cleaning sea water from debris and other objects in front of the pump.

5) Pressure switch.

6) Pump start relay, which automatically turns on the pump when the pressure in the sprinkler power system drops before the constant supply of fresh water in the NPGC is completely consumed.

Visual and audio panels about the activation of sprinklers are installed on the navigation bridge or in the central control room with a constant watch, and in addition, visual and audio signals from the panel are output to another location to ensure that the crew immediately receives a fire signal.

The system should be filled with water, but small outdoor areas may not be filled with water if this is a necessary precaution in freezing temperatures.

Any such system must always be ready for immediate operation and be activated without any intervention by the crew.

How does the deluge system work?

Used to protect large areas of decks from fire.

Diagram of the deluge system on a RO-RO vessel

1 – spray head (drenchers); 2 – highway; 3 - distribution station; 4 – fire or deluge pump.

The system is not automatic; it irrigates large areas at the same time with water from deluges at the choice of the team, uses sea water for extinguishing, and is therefore in an empty state. Drenchers (water sprayers) have a design similar to sprinklers but without sensitive element. It is supplied with water from a fire pump or a separate deluge pump.

How does the foam extinguishing system work?

The first fire extinguishing system using air-mechanical foam was installed on the Soviet tanker Absheron with a deadweight of 13,200 tons, built in 1952 in Copenhagen. On the open deck, for each protected compartment, the following was installed: a stationary air-foam barrel (foam monitor or monitor barrel) of low expansion, a deck main (pipeline) for supplying the foam concentrate solution. A branch equipped with a remotely controlled valve was connected to each trunk of the deck main. The foaming agent solution was prepared in 2 foam extinguishing stations bow and stern and supplied to the deck main. Fire hydrants were installed on the open deck to supply the PO solution through foam hoses to portable air-foam nozzles or foam generators.

foam extinguishing stations

Foam extinguishing system

1 – kingston; 2 – fire pump; 3 – fire monitor; 4 – foam generators, foam barrels; 5 – highway; 6 – emergency fire pump. Basic requirements for foam extinguishing systems. The performance of each monitor must be at least 50% of the design capacity of the system. The length of the foam jet must be at least 40 m. The distance between adjacent monitors installed along the tanker should not exceed 75% of the flight range of the foam jet from the gun in the absence of wind. Twin fire hydrants are evenly installed along the ship at a distance of no more than 20 m from each other. A shut-off valve must be installed in front of each monitor.

To increase the survivability of the system, cutting valves are installed on the main pipeline every 30–40 meters, with the help of which the damaged section can be disconnected. To increase the tanker's survivability in case of fire in the cargo area, on the deck of the first tier of the aft deckhouse or superstructure, two monitors are installed on the side and dual fire hydrants are installed to supply solution to portable foam generators or guns.

The foam extinguishing system, in addition to the main pipeline laid along the cargo deck, has branches into the superstructure and into the MO, which end with fire foam valves (foam hydrants), from which portable air-foam nozzles or more efficient portable foam generators of medium expansion can be used.

Almost all cargo ships combine two water fire extinguishing systems and a foam fire extinguishing pipeline in the cargo area by laying these two pipelines in parallel and branches from them to combined foam-water fire monitors. This significantly increases the survivability of the ship as a whole and the ability to use the most effective fire extinguishing agents depending on the class of fire.

Stationary foam extinguishing system with main consumers

1 - fire monitor (on the VP); 2 - foaming heads (indoors); 3 - medium-expansion foam generator (at the VP and indoors);

4 - manual foam barrel; 5 - mixer

The foam extinguishing station is an integral part of the foam extinguishing system. Purpose of the station: storage and maintenance of foam concentrate (FO); replenishment of supplies and unloading of software, preparation of a foaming agent solution; flushing the system with water.

The foam extinguishing station includes: a tank with a supply of software, a sea water supply pipeline (very rarely fresh water), a software recycling pipeline (mixing software in the tank), a software solution pipeline, fittings, instrumentation, and a dosing device. It is very important to maintain a constant percentage

PO – water ratio, because The quality and quantity of foam depends on this.

What are the steps to use the foam station?










1. Never direct the foam jet directly at burning oil, as this may cause burning oil to splash and spread the fire

2. The foam jet must be directed so that the foam mixture “floats” onto the burning oil layer by layer and covers the burning surface. This can be done by taking advantage of the prevailing wind direction or the slope of the deck where possible.

3. You need to use one monitor and/or two foam barrels

Foam extinguishing station fire monitor

Stationary volumetric foam extinguishing systems are designed to extinguish fires in military buildings and other specially equipped premises by supplying them with high-expansion and medium-expansion foam.

What are the design features of a medium-rate foam extinguishing system?

Medium expansion foam extinguishing uses several medium expansion foam generators permanently installed in the upper part of the room. Foam generators are installed above the main sources of fire, often on different levels MO to cover as much of the extinguishing area as possible. All foam generators or their groups are connected to a foam extinguishing station located outside the protected premises by pipelines of the foam concentrate solution. The principle of operation and design of the foam extinguishing station is similar to the conventional foam extinguishing station discussed earlier.

Disadvantages of the dyna system:

Relatively low expansion rate of air-mechanical foam, i.e. less fire extinguishing effect compared to high expansion foam;

Higher foam concentrate consumption; compared to high expansion foam;

Failure of electrical equipment and automation elements after using the system, because the foaming agent solution is prepared using sea water (the foam becomes electrically conductive);

A sharp decrease in the foam expansion rate when hot combustion products are ejected by a foam generator (at a gas temperature of ≈130 0 C, the foam expansion rate decreases by 2 times, at 200 0 C – by 6 times).

Positive indicators:

Simplicity of design; low metal consumption;

Use of a foam extinguishing station designed to extinguish fires on the cargo deck.

This system reliably extinguishes fires on mechanisms, engines, spilled fuel and oil on floors and under them, but practically does not extinguish fires and smoldering in the upper parts of bulkheads and on the ceiling, thermal insulation of pipelines and burning insulation of electrical consumers due to the relatively small layer of foam.

Diagram of a medium volumetric foam extinguishing system

What are the design features of a volumetric fire extinguishing system with high expansion foam?

This fire extinguishing system is much more powerful and efficient than the previous medium-extinguishing system, because uses more effective high-expansion foam, which has a significant fire extinguishing effect, fills the entire room with foam, displacing gases, smoke, air and vapors of combustible materials through a specially opened skylight or ventilation closures.

The foaming solution preparation station uses fresh or desalinated water, which significantly improves foaming and makes it non-conductive. To obtain high-expansion foam, a more concentrated solution of PO is used than in other systems, approximately 2 times. To obtain high-expansion foam, stationary high-expansion foam generators are used. Foam is supplied into the room either directly from the generator outlet or through special channels. The channels and the outlet from the supply cover are made of steel and must be hermetically sealed to prevent fire from entering the fire extinguishing station. The lids open automatically or manually simultaneously with the supply of foam. Foam is fed into the MO at platform levels in places where there are no obstacles to the spread of foam. If there are fenced-off workshops or storerooms inside the MO, then their bulkheads must be designed in such a way that foam gets into them, or it is necessary to connect separate valves to them.

Schematic diagram for obtaining thousandfold foam

Schematic diagram of volumetric fire extinguishing with high-expansion foam

1 - Fresh water tank; 2 - Pump; 3 - Tank with foaming agent;

4 – electric fan; 5 - Switching device; 6 - Skylight; 7 - Foam supply blinds; 8 - Upper closure of the channel for releasing foam onto the deck; 9 - Throttle washer;

10 - Foaming mesh for high-expansion foam foam generator

If the area of ​​the room exceeds 400 m2, then it is recommended to introduce foam in at least 2 places located in opposite parts of the room.

To check the operation of the system, a switching device (8) is installed in the upper part of the channel, which diverts the foam outside the room to the deck. The supply of foam concentrate for replacing systems must be five times to extinguish a fire in largest room. The performance of foam generators should be such that it fills the room with foam in 15 minutes.

High-expansion foam is produced in generators with forced air supply to a foam-forming mesh wetted with a foaming agent solution. Used to supply air axial fan. To apply the foam solution to the mesh, centrifugal sprayers with a swirl chamber are installed. Such sprayers are simple in design and reliable in operation; they have no moving parts. Generators GVPV-100 and GVGV-160 are equipped with one sprayer, other generators have 4 sprayers each installed in front of the tops of pyramidal foam-forming meshes.

Purpose, design and types of carbon dioxide extinguishing systems?

Carbon dioxide fire extinguishing volumetric method began to be used in the 50s of the last century. Until this time, steam extinguishing was very widely used, because Most of the ships were equipped with steam turbine power plants. Carbon dioxide fire extinguishing does not require any type of ship's energy to operate the installation, i.e. it is completely autonomous.

This fire extinguishing system is designed to extinguish fires in specially equipped, i.e. protected premises (MO, pump rooms, paint storerooms, storerooms with flammable materials, cargo rooms mainly on dry cargo ships, cargo decks on RO-RO ships). These rooms must be sealed and equipped with pipelines with sprayers or nozzles for supplying liquid carbon dioxide. In these premises, sound (howlers, bells) and light (“Go away! Gas!”) warning alarms are installed to indicate the activation of the volumetric fire extinguishing system.

System composition:

Carbon dioxide fire extinguishing station, where carbon dioxide reserves are stored;

A minimum of two launch stations for remote activation of the fire extinguishing station, i.e. for releasing liquid carbon dioxide into a specific room;

A ring pipeline with nozzles under the ceiling (sometimes at different levels) of the protected premises;

Sound and light alarms warning the crew when the system is activated;

Elements of the automation system that turn off the ventilation in this room and shut off the quick-closing fuel supply valves to the operating main and auxiliary mechanisms to stop them remotely (for MO only).

There are two main types of carbon dioxide fire extinguishing systems:

High pressure system - storage of liquefied CO 2 is carried out in cylinders at a design (filling) pressure of 125 kg/cm 2 (filling with carbon dioxide 0.675 kg/l of cylinder volume) and 150 kg/cm 2 (filling 0.75 kg/l);

System low pressure– the estimated amount of liquefied CO 2 is stored in the tank at an operating pressure of about 20 kg/cm 2, which is ensured by maintaining the CO 2 temperature at about minus 15 0 C. The tank is served by two autonomous refrigeration units to maintain a negative temperature of CO 2 in the tank.

What are the design features of a high-pressure carbon dioxide extinguishing system?

CO 2 extinguishing station is a separate heat-insulated room with powerful forced ventilation, located outside the protected area. Double rows of 67.5 liter cylinders are installed on special stands. The cylinders are filled with liquid carbon dioxide in an amount of 45 ± 0.5 kg.

The cylinder heads have quick-opening valves (full flow valves) and are connected by flexible hoses to the manifold. The cylinders are grouped into batteries of cylinders using a single manifold. This number of cylinders should be enough (according to calculations) to extinguish a certain volume. In a CO 2 extinguishing station, several groups of cylinders can be grouped to extinguish fires in several rooms. When the cylinder valve is opened, the gaseous phase of CO 2 displaces liquid carbon dioxide through the siphon tube into the collector. A safety valve is installed on the manifold, releasing carbon dioxide when the maximum CO 2 pressure is exceeded outside the station. A shut-off valve for supplying carbon dioxide to the protected area is installed at the end of the collector. This valve is opened either manually or by compressed air (or CO 2 or nitrogen) remotely from the starting cylinder (the main control method). Opening the valves of CO 2 cylinders into the system is done:

The valves of the heads of a number of cylinders are opened manually using a mechanical drive (outdated design);

Using a servomotor, which is capable of opening a large number of cylinders;

Manually by releasing CO 2 from one cylinder into the launch system of a group of cylinders;

Remotely using carbon dioxide or compressed air from a launch cylinder.

The CO 2 extinguishing station must have a device for weighing cylinders or instruments for determining the liquid level in the cylinder. Based on the level of the liquid phase of CO 2 and the ambient temperature, the weight of CO 2 can be determined using tables or graphs.

What is the purpose of the launch station?

Launch stations are installed outdoors and outside the CO 2 station. It consists of two starting cylinders, instrumentation, pipelines, fittings, and limit switches. Launching stations are mounted in special cabinets that are locked with a key; the key is located next to the cabinet in a special case. When the cabinet doors are opened, the limit switches are activated, which turn off the ventilation in the protected room and supply power to the pneumatic actuator (a mechanism that opens the CO 2 supply valve to the room) and to the sound and light alarm. The board lights up in the room "Leave! Gas!" or flashing lights come on of blue color, and a sound signal is given by a roar or loud chimes. When the valve of the right starting cylinder is opened, compressed air or carbon dioxide is supplied to the pneumatic valve and the CO 2 supply to the corresponding room is opened.

How to turn on a carbon dioxide fire extinguishing system for a pumpmain and engine rooms.








5. OPEN VALVES No. 1 And No. 2


Carbon dioxide extinguishing system

1 – valve for supplying CO 2 to the collecting manifold; 2 – hose; 3 - blocking device;

4 – non-return valve; 5 – valve for supplying CO 2 to the protected area

Diagram of the CO 2 system of a separate small room

What are the design features of a low-pressure carbon dioxide extinguishing system?

Low pressure system - the estimated amount of liquefied CO 2 is stored in a tank at an operating pressure of about 20 kg/cm 2, which is ensured by maintaining a CO 2 temperature of about minus 15 0 C. The tank is served by two autonomous refrigeration units (cooling system) to maintain a negative CO 2 temperature in the tank.

The tank and the sections of pipelines connected to it, filled with liquid carbon dioxide, have thermal insulation that prevents pressure from increasing below the setting of the safety valves within 24 hours during a blackout of the refrigeration unit at an ambient temperature of 45 0 C.

The tank for storing liquid carbon dioxide is equipped with a remote liquid level sensor, two control valves for the liquid level of 100% and 95% of the calculated filling. The emergency warning system sends light and sound signals to the control room and mechanics' cabins in the following cases:

When the maximum and minimum (at least 18 kg/cm 2) pressures are reached in the tank;

When the CO 2 level in the tank decreases to the minimum permissible 95%;

In case of malfunction in refrigeration units;

When starting CO 2.

The system is started from remote posts from carbon dioxide cylinders, similar to the previous high-pressure system. The pneumatic valves open and carbon dioxide is supplied to the protected area.

How does a volumetric chemical extinguishing system work?

In some sources, these systems are called liquid extinguishing systems (LEX), because The principle of operation of these systems is to supply the fire extinguishing liquid halon (freon or freon) to the protected premises. These liquids evaporate at low temperatures and turn into gas, which inhibits the combustion reaction, i.e. are combustion inhibitors.

The refrigerant reserve is in steel tanks fire extinguishing station, which is located outside the protected premises. In protected (guarded) premises, under the ceiling there is a ring pipeline with tangential type sprayers. Sprayers spray liquid refrigerant and, under the influence of relatively low temperatures in the room from 20 to 54 o C, it turns into gas, which easily mixes with the gaseous environment in the room and penetrates into the most remote parts of the room, i.e. is also able to combat the smoldering of flammable materials.

The freon is forced out of the tanks using compressed air stored in separate cylinders outside the extinguishing station and the guarded room. When the refrigerant supply valves are opened, a sound and light warning alarm is triggered. You must leave the premises!

What's it like general device and the operating principle of a stationary powder fire extinguishing system?

Vessels intended to carry liquefied gases in bulk must be equipped with dry chemical powder extinguishing systems to protect the cargo deck, as well as all loading areas at the bow and stern of the ship. It should be possible to supply powder to any part of the cargo deck using at least two monitors and (or) hand guns and hoses.

The system is driven by an inert gas, usually nitrogen, from cylinders located close to where the powder is stored.

It should be ensured that there are at least two independent, autonomous installations extinguishing powder. Each such installation must have its own controls, gas supply high pressure, pipelines, monitors, and hand guns/sleeves. On ships with a capacity of less than 1000 r.t., one such installation is sufficient.

Protection of the areas around the loading and unloading manifolds should be provided by a monitor, either locally or remotely controlled. If from its fixed position the monitor covers the entire area protected by it, then it does not require remote targeting. At least one hand sleeve, gun or monitor should be provided at the rear end of the cargo area. All arms and monitors should be capable of being actuated on the arm reel or monitor.

The minimum permissible feed for the monitor is 10 kg/s, and for the hand sleeve - 3.5 kg/s.

Each container must contain enough powder to supply all monitors and hand arms connected to it for 45 seconds.

What is the principle of working withAerosol fire extinguishing systems?

The aerosol fire extinguishing system refers to volumetric fire extinguishing systems. Extinguishing is based on chemical inhibition of the combustion reaction and dilution of the flammable environment with a dust aerosol. Aerosol (dust, smoke fog) consists of tiny particles suspended in the air, produced by the combustion of a special discharge of a fire extinguishing aerosol generator. The aerosol floats in the air for about 20 minutes and during this time affects the combustion process. It is not dangerous to humans, does not increase the pressure in the room (a person does not receive a pneumatic shock), and does not damage ship equipment and electrical mechanisms that are under voltage.

The ignition of the fire extinguishing aerosol generator (for igniting the charge with a squib) can be set manually or by applying an electrical signal. When the charge burns, the aerosol exits through the cracks or windows of the generator.

These fire extinguishing systems were developed by JSC NPO "Kaskad" (Russia), they are new, fully automated, do not require large installation and maintenance costs, and are 3 times lighter than carbon dioxide systems.

System composition:

Fire extinguishing aerosol generators;

System and alarm control panel (SCUS);

A set of sound and light alarms in a protected area;

Ventilation and fuel supply control unit for MO engines;

Cable routes (connections).

When detecting signs of fire in the premises, automatic detectors send a signal to the control panel, which issues a sound and light signal to the central control room, control center (bridge) and to the protected room, and then supplies power to: stop ventilation, block the fuel supply to the mechanisms to stop them and ultimately to activate fire extinguishing aerosol generators. Different types of generators are used: SOT-1M, SOT-2M,

SOT-2M-KV, AGS-5M. The type of generator is selected depending on the size of the room and the materials being burned. The most powerful SOT-1M protects 60 m 3 of space. Generators are installed in places that do not prevent the spread of aerosol.

AGS-5M is manually activated and thrown indoors.

To increase survivability, the control panel is powered from different power sources and from batteries. The control panel can be connected to a unified computer fire extinguishing system. When the control panel fails, the generators self-start when the temperature rises to 250 0 C.

How does a water mist extinguishing system work?

The fire extinguishing properties of water can be improved by reducing the size of water droplets .

Water mist extinguishing systems, called “water mist extinguishing systems,” use smaller droplets and require less water. Compared to standard sprinkler systems, water mist extinguishing systems have the following advantages:

● Small diameter of pipes, facilitating their installation, minimal weight, lower cost.

●Requires lower capacity pumps.

●Minimum secondary damage associated with the use of water.

● Less impact on vessel stability.

The higher efficiency of an aqueous system operating using small droplets is achieved due to the ratio of the surface area of ​​the water droplet to its mass.

Increasing this ratio means (for a given volume of water) increasing the area through which heat transfer can occur. Simply put, small water droplets absorb heat faster than larger ones and therefore have a greater cooling effect on the fire zone. However, excessively small droplets may not reach their destination because they do not have enough mass to overcome the warm air currents generated by the fire. Water mist extinguishing systems reduce the oxygen content in the air and therefore have an asphyxiating effect. But even in enclosed spaces, such action is limited, both due to its limited duration and due to the limited area. When the droplet size is very small and the heat content of the fire is high, which leads to the rapid formation of significant volumes of steam, the suffocating effect is more pronounced. In practice, water mist extinguishing systems provide extinguishing primarily through cooling.

Water mist extinguishing systems should be carefully designed, should provide uniform coverage of the protected area, and, when used to protect specific areas, should be located as close as possible to the relevant potential hazard area. In general, the design of such systems is the same as the previously described sprinkler system design (with “wet” pipes), except that water mist extinguishing systems operate at a higher operating pressure, in the order of 40 bar, and they use specially designed heads that create drops of the required size.

Another advantage of water mist extinguishing systems is that they provide excellent protection to people because the fine water droplets reflect thermal radiation and bind flue gases. As a result, personnel involved in extinguishing the fire and ensuring evacuation may move closer to the source of the fire.

According to the latest statistics in the world, about 20% of destroyed ships are victims of fires. In Russia, in the Northwestern Federal District alone, from 2008 to 2012, 82 fires on river and sea vessels had to be extinguished. Most of these fires occurred at docks and parking lots.

Why do fires happen on ships? After all, next to the fire, literally a few meters away, there is an inexhaustible natural source of water. It would seem, take this water and put out the fire. However, not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. There are two factors at play here that block this simple solution.

The first factor is the speed of spread.

A fire on a ship spreads like lightning due to design features ships: low ceilings, narrow passages, metal partitions that easily allow temperature to pass into adjacent compartments, ventilation hatches and shafts, hollow structures with flammable thermal insulation filler, flammable paint coatings and finishing materials - all this leads to a fire in 10 - 15 minutes quickly is gaining momentum and already covers hundreds square meters, and in 30 minutes it covers all the floors of a multi-deck ship. To fight such a fire, tons and tons of water or foam will be required.

The second factor is loss of buoyancy.

The use of water leads to rapid filling of the hold, a gradual list and, as a result, to the complete sinking to the bottom of all the property that we were so actively trying to save. When using water, it is necessary to constantly pump it out, which greatly complicates the task, and in many situations is simply technically impossible.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude: water transport needs new approaches and new, more acceptable and effective technologies in fire extinguishing. One of such solutions is the use of volumetric aerosol extinguishing (AEF) on ships.

Ship fire protection systems AOT are an effective way to protect Navy and River Fleet vessels from fires.

The shipborne aerosol volume extinguishing system AOT was developed by MPPA "EPOTOS" and certified for the protection of river and sea ​​vessels. The fire protection system of a ship is installed on passenger ships of the river or sea fleet, tugboats, cargo tankers and serves to protect:

  • main and auxiliary engines, engine rooms;
  • electricity generators running on combustible fuel;
  • fire pump rooms;
  • distribution boards(main and emergency);
  • electric motors for various purposes(including rowing engines);
  • ventilation systems for ship equipment;
  • rooms with tanks of fuel, various oils and lubricants, collection of subsoil water, cofferdams;
  • premises for storing liquefied or compressed gases, other flammable materials or substances.

AOT system. Testing and certification.

The ship's fire protection system is certified and complies Technical regulations“On the safety of inland water transport and related infrastructure”, Technical Regulations “On the safety of maritime transport facilities”, Rules for the classification and construction of sea vessels, as well as Rules for the classification and construction of inland navigation vessels.

Elements of the ship's AOT fire protection system have been tested and certified by the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (RMRS), the Russian River Register (RRR). Fire extinguishing aerosol generators "TOR - 1500" and "TOR - 3000", which are the executive elements of the system, comply with international requirements and standards for ship fire fighting systems based on condensed fire extinguishing aerosol - ISO 15779:2011 and MSC.1/Circ.1270 (IMO) .

In particular, the fire extinguishing aerosol generators included in the system have passed certification tests for corrosion, impact deformation (drop from a height of 2 m onto a rigid base and on a pile driver - 1000g), vibration with a frequency range of 10 - 150 Hz and a maximum vibration acceleration amplitude of 29 ,43 m/sec, temperature check (heating 250 Cº for 10 minutes).

Full-scale fire tests of the AOT system (for compliance with the specifications and circular IMO MSC 1/Circ/1270 dated 06/04/08) were carried out in June 2011 in the testing center of the “Plamya” laboratory of the Naval Engineering Institute (GOU VPO) of the Russian Defense Ministry in the city . Pushkin - 4. For remote control The ship's fire protection system used a certified BUS control and alarm unit own production, which is part of the AOT system.

During fire tests of the system, model fires of class A and B were extinguished: smoldering materials (wood), diesel fuel in metal pallets (including a jet of diesel fuel under low pressure with low flow rate). The high fire extinguishing ability of the ship's fire extinguishing system AOT was confirmed by full-scale tests in South Korea for compliance with ISO 15779:2011 and MSC.1/Circ.1270(IMO), which were carried out at the testing center of Koryo Pyrotechnics Co.Ltd. Based on the test data, the company received a Certificate from the Greek Maritime Register.