Main page keywords keywords. Do I need to fill in keywords?

Optimizing the Title and Description meta tags has two goals: to promote the page using specified keywords, and also to improve the site snippet in search engines. Therefore, special attention must be paid to optimizing these tags.

Watch a video on optimizing the meta title tag

Meta title tag

Yandex shows only 50 characters in its search results, and Google 60-70 characters. At the same time, search engines independently choose which part of the page title to show and which to cut off. In this article, we will look in detail at the nuances of creating a page Title in a section.

Let's look at an example of one of the pages of our test online store.

The Title tag in this case is about 90 characters, which means it needs to be shortened. At the same time, do not forget about the uniqueness of the title: it should be as unique as possible both for your site and for the Internet as a whole. And, of course, search queries in the title should be included harmoniously. We optimize this page for the main query “evening dresses” and several others from the selected group:

We enter the main request at the very beginning of our title: this has a positive effect on. Then we study the remaining group of keywords: we select unique ones from them, and then we compose a clear and attractive title from the resulting list (the further part). Ultimately it will look like this: “Evening dresses can be bought inexpensively in Moscow.” As you can see, there is only one sentence, but it includes words from all search queries for the group of evening dresses, as well as the main query, which is very important.

Of course, you have to pay attention to the meaning of the phrase. The combination of all words from must be adequately read. In our tutorial example, we skipped this step.

Do not include various names, phone numbers, addresses, etc. in the Title tag. You only have 50-70 characters and you need to create a clickable headline and place all the necessary keywords in it.

If we return to the search, we will just notice the previously selected words from the group of key queries from competitors:

All words that are part of the key queries of the three clusters must be included in the description text. In this case, we use the main query at the very beginning of the text (as well as in creating the title).

Since the number of characters for writing is very limited, try to use only keywords and what can attract the user's attention. Both points are equally important: the first affects SEO results, the second brings visitors to the site.

The part of the description that contains words from groups of search queries is highlighted in red. The remaining words describe the competitive advantages and overall attractiveness of the offer.

Since the search engine may ignore the information from this meta tag, we need to add our description to the page text itself. Add it at the very beginning of the content, but in such a way that it blends harmoniously with the rest of it.

Once your page is indexed by search engines, check the description snippet. If it hits well, then everything is fine. Otherwise, simply change the text itself from the admin panel that the search engine has decided to use as a description for the selected page.

Check and adjust them regularly: the description along with the page title most influence the click-through rate of your site in search.

Any webmaster should know that special attention must be paid to filling out the title, description and keywords fields for each page of the site.

Successful website promotion in the search engines Yandex and Google depends on their correct filling. Let's talk about each of these fields separately and find out how they affect search results and what are they for?

In the early days of search engines, there were a lot of meta fields that needed to be filled out for a website. Among them there were such things as “site age”, “page type”, “page creation time”, “how often should a search robot visit this site” and others. But search robots do not stand in one place and are constantly developing - along with their development, the need to fill in many fields has disappeared. Now many webmasters don’t even know about the existence of such fields, but at one time they were popular.

To date Only three main fields are relevant - title, description and keywords. Let's talk about how to fill out these fields and are they needed for search engines?

Title field or page title

How to fill out the title, description and keywords fields?- an example of a title for this page.

The title field should be unique for each page and should not contain keywords multiple times. Otherwise, the search engines Yandex and Google may classify this field as an attempt to influence search results. For this, search engines punish, or “throw out” this page from the index or underestimate its weight - thereby reducing the site’s position in search results. Google is especially harsh on the repetition of keywords in the title, listing such pages in , and it will not be easy to get out of there.

The title field must be filled out correctly; a lot depends on it when promoting a website. It is this heading that the user sees in the search engine results; it determines whether the visitor will click on this heading or not. Make the title colorful and concise. The user must understand from the title what this page should be about. If the title field is filled with unnecessary words that are not related to the subject of the site, this will only do harm. If a visitor from the search results follows your title and does not find anything useful, then this will be a “minus” for the site. An incorrect title will reduce the behavioral factor (PF), because the visitor will immediately close the page. Eventually, Filling out the title field incorrectly will have a negative impact on website promotion.

The “title” field should be easy to understand for people, and at the same time it should include the necessary search queries. You should not repeatedly list keywords in the title; this can lead to the “underestimation” of the site in search engines. An example from Yandex search results. One site had a spammy page title with keywords repeated multiple times. What did this lead to? Yandex simply began to ignore this heading and instead display its own version taken from the text in the search results. My advice, make a unique title for each page of the site, do not overuse keywords, pay more attention to its relevance - and then the site will be in good places in the search results, given other factors of site promotion.

Description field - page description

- an example of a brief description of this page.

The description field describes the summary of the page, which is limited to 160-180 characters. For Yandex, the description field does not play any role, the search engine takes the page description from the text. For Google, the “description” field is sometimes necessary - from there the search engine takes a short description of the page, which can be seen in the search results next to the page title. However, Google does not always take the description from the description field, but only when the keywords appear in the page title. Otherwise, the description is also taken from the page text.

Should I fill in the description field for the site? For myself, I decided that this is not necessary. Now the search engines Yandex and Google are skeptical about this field, due to the fact that many webmasters abuse it, misleading the visitor. The best option would be for search engines to take the description for search results from the text of the page. To do this, you need to include the exact occurrence of the key query in a certain place on the page, closer to the title, or with a slight dilution. Also highlight the necessary fragments using the tags “b”, “i”, “strong”. If you do everything correctly, without numerous repetitions of keywords in the text and abuse of highlight tags, then the search engine will take the page description from the place you need.

Keywords field - keywords

- an example of keywords for this page.

Keywords of the page or the keywords field, do you need to fill it in for the site? Many webmasters still fill out this field out of habit, but the search engines Yandex and Google have been ignoring this field for a long time. So there is no need to fill in the keywords field. And period.

Articles on the topic


  1. Oleg:
  2. Alexander:

    Not only the title is relevant, for your information... there are examples when, after introducing high-quality meta tags, high-frequency positions rose by 5-7 positions.

  3. :

    Nowadays the “title” tag is more relevant. The position of the site largely depends on it. But you need to make sure that it is not overspammed. If there are many occurrences in the title of a page, search engines will ignore it. There have been cases when Yandex took the title not from the title, but from the title of the article itself, due to the fact that the “title” was heavily spammed.

    Don’t forget that the “title” tag is important not only for search engines, but also for visitors. After all, the more colorful and attractive the title of the article in the search results, the more transitions there will be. From this we can conclude that the title field should be given especially important attention!

  4. Julia :

    CoolSeoMan - You are wrong. Or rather, not entirely right. Very often the description is displayed as a snippet in Yandex search results. Therefore, it is mandatory: it is strictly necessary to write the title, description and a whole bunch of keywords.

  5. Seodyadya:

    Why don’t you have descriptions on your blog, hmm?

  6. Ivan:

    Tell me where and how to insert these tags, otherwise I just recently created a website and don’t know everything

  7. Max:

    There is no need to write keywords today, no one takes them into account anymore. But with the refusal of description - go to Google, there it is cited in the descriptions, it may not raise the position, but visitors from PS sometimes read these descriptions :)

  8. Basil :

    A previous commenter said that description is "quoted in descriptions". But from my own little experience I will say that this is not always the case: sometimes Google takes the description, sometimes it doesn’t.

  9. :

    Basil: This is exactly how things are now with the description tag. Now search engines themselves determine its relevance and often do not take into account the description of this tag. And they take the most relevant description from the article. This is done for the sake of users, so that in the search results they can see relevant descriptions for the pages, and it would not be easy to set keywords if they were “stupidly” taken from the description.

  10. Lyudmila Yakovlevna:

    Everything is fine! But - either I’m off topic or... I don’t find the publication date of the article anywhere on the resource pages. And this gives reason to doubt its relevance today. It’s good if it was published a month or at least six months ago, but what if it was published a year or more?
    And Yandex’s algorithms change and develop at lightning speed - just keep up :))
    Thank you!

  11. Lyudmila Yakovlevna:

Of course, everyone who has at least some idea of ​​search engine promotion knows about the meaning of meta tags. Everyone is aware of the importance of title, description, h1-h6, alt and other tags. No one denies that they affect website optimization. But search engines have an ambivalent attitude towards one of the tags - the keywords tag.

In recent years, there has been a heated debate on the Internet that continues to this day: is it worth using the keywords meta tag at all? Unfortunately, no one can still give an exact answer. Let's consider different points of view and try to understand this issue.

What are keywords?

Keywords are keywords (no more than 20 for one page of the site) corresponding to the content of the page.

In the page code this meta tag looks like this:

Initially, the tag had a significant impact on the relevance of the site’s pages, and consequently on the site’s ranking in the top positions of search engines.

Knowing this, the site owners began to cheat - abuse keywords or add a large number of inappropriate words to this tag. And the search engines discovered this quite quickly.

What is happening now?

As they say, from one extreme to another: as a result, search engines stopped attaching any meaning to this tag at all.


Yandex representatives stated the following about keywords: “...may be taken into account when determining whether a page is relevant to search queries”.

Please note that the keyword here is Maybe. After all Maybe doesn't mean at all taken into account.


The system leaves no doubts and gives no grounds for thought. Everything is concise and clear here: “We don’t use keywords meta-tag in a search-ranking”, “Google has ignored the keywords meta tag for years and currently we see no need to change that policy”.

“We do not use the keywords meta tag in search rankings”, “Google has ignored the keywords meta tag for many years, and there is currently no need to change this policy”.

Rambler, Yahoo,

They share the opinion of Google and believe that the keywords meta tag has exhausted its usefulness. Therefore, it is not taken into account by these search engines at all.

But why do many people still use keywords?

Most likely, this is due to Yandex’s ambiguous wording about the tag. The logic of site owners is this: if there is hope that Yandex will take the tag into account, and Google, Rambler, Yahoo and are neutral about the meta tag, then filling it out will not make things worse.

What if it does?

There is an opinion among optimizers that filling in the keywords tag can be harmful. If search engines do not consider a tag as a tag, then the text included in it is read as regular site text. And if you have already used these keys in other tags and in the body of the text, then there is a risk of “overspamming” the page with keys. Well, overspam (excessive nausea) can get you under the filter.

1PS point of view

So far we have described the general situation and the different opinions on the issue. Everyone has their own point of view. Our point is that it is better not to fill in the keywords tag. There is definitely no benefit from it, but there is still a risk of falling under the filter.

It’s better to promote your website with the right content and tags , <H>, <alt>and other methods of technical optimization. By the way, most of these techniques are taken into account in the Search Engine Promotion service.</p> <p>P.S. Good luck in promoting your resource.</p> <p>Quick navigation on this page:</p> <i> </i><p>The question of whether the keywords meta tag is necessary is as controversial as the question I recently considered. It is not known exactly where the truth is and where the lie is, let’s try to figure it out.</p> <h2>Tag Description</h2> <p>As you know, meta tags are tags that are contained in the HEAD tag and do not serve to display any elements on the page, but to convey technical information about the page, which is processed by both the browser and search engines.</p> <p>The keywords meta tag in the HTML specification is intended to convey keywords that are most relevant to the page.</p> <p>The correct way to indicate it is as follows:</p><p> <meta name="keywords" content="word_1, word_2, word_3" /> </p><h2>Arguments against keywords</h2> <p>Historically, keywords was a useful and necessary tag that was taken into account by search engines in ranking sites. However, webmasters began to abuse this tag - it became fashionable to overspam this tag, trying to use it to raise the page higher in the search results for certain requests.</p> <p>The concept of search engines is to present the user with a page with high-quality content, and not a page that does not have such content, but rose in the results thanks to the data specified in the meta tag.</p> <p>In this regard, search engines decided to fight spam in a very drastic way: in 2001, Google announced that it no longer takes this tag into account. Following this, the same information appeared regarding Yandex.</p> <p>At the same time, there were known cases when overspam of keywords was the reason for pessimization or even banning of a site (of course, it is not known for certain whether this was only because of this tag, but it could indeed be one of the reasons).</p> <p>In this regard, the argument of opponents of this optimization element is very simple - why use it if it is not taken into account by search engines and, moreover, can also lead to a ban?</p> <p>In my opinion, using this tag still makes sense.</p> <h2>Arguments in favor of keywords</h2> <p>I will present in order the arguments that I personally think deserve attention:</p> <ol><li>Representatives of Yandex and Google at various conferences have repeatedly stated that their systems for ranking sites take into account more than 300 different factors. Try to take a sheet of paper and write down at least 50 of these factors - I personally couldn’t do it. Already in the second hundred there should be some rare and exotic factors. Do they really not include keywords at all? I think it’s included, it’s just taken into account somewhere in the second or third hundred - that is, it adds about 0.5% of the overall points to the site.</li> <li>Yandex and Google are the undisputed leaders, but they are not the only ones that make the Internet live. For example, a couple of years ago it was experimentally established that Yahoo and Altavista took it into account. Even if this is also 0.5% of traffic, but at 0.5 you can gain a couple of percent increase, and on large projects this can already be significant.</li> <li>This tag itself is provided for in the HTML specification, that is, it is valid and generally accepted. As you know, search engine algorithms change all the time. Even if they don’t take it into account at all now (although it’s not clear how it could not be included in the 300 factors), then at a certain moment they may begin to take it into account - for example, if it is compiled manually and there is no spam in it, it in itself may indicate that that the site is of high quality, and not some kind of satellite, for which, of course, no one writes keywords manually.</li> </ol><p>As for the fear of ban or pessimization, here, in my opinion, there is simply no need to abuse it - you should not enter 20 keywords with overspam. Many webmasters believe that it is better to use no more than ten words - I also adhere to this point of view.</p> <p><span class="HUXXD0wdc7g"></span></p> <p>In this section I will tell you what it is <i>meta tags in HTML</i> and how to use them when creating a website.</p> <p>If you haven't forgotten, you should know that meta tags should be in the head of the html page in the tags <HEAD>And</HEAD>. They are not displayed on the page, except for the title. There are a large number of meta title tags, but I will only write about the most important ones:</p> <ul><li>title - the text in this tag is visible in the title of the browser window. It is also called the title of the html page;</li> <li>meta is a meta tag that contains attributes with various parameters that help servers and search engines.</li> </ul><p>Let's look at the first very important tag <TITLE>. No website can exist normally without it. You need to use it on absolutely all pages of your site. In addition to the fact that its text is displayed in the browser title, it will also be displayed in search results. Example HTML code:

Page title (page title) Content of your site.

Try to insert keywords in the title, they will help you promote the site, because the page will be better perceived by the search engine. True, before inserting them into the title, you need to let you understand a little what keywords are in general.

Keywords are words that best describe the content of an html page and are more relevant (key) for it. They can be either just individual words or phrases. Seeing these words on a page, the search engine determines how relevant this page is relative to these words. When creating an HTML page, try to determine in advance the main keywords for it, and use them in the title, as well as in the values ​​of the meta tag attributes. I will write about this later.

Meta tag ( ) is used to determine service data about the html page. Meta tag attributes can be divided into two types: HTTP-EQUIV (HTTP equivalents) and NAME. Although there are a large number of these attributes, I will write only the main ones that you need to create a website. I'll start with HTTP-EQUIV.

content-type — document type and its encoding. Serves to display characters correctly in the browser window. HTML code:

content-language — specifying the document language. The value of this attribute is used by both search robots and web servers. HTML code:

refresh - time (in seconds) after which the page will be refreshed or transition to another html page or site. HTML code to refresh the page after 20 seconds:

If you want the visitor to go to, for example, the https://site page in 10 seconds, write like this:

description - description of your html page. Many people believe that this meta tag is useless and unnecessary, and does not affect the ranking of the page in search engines. But I'm old school and I think it still works great. I also recommend writing keywords in it. By the way, sometimes the contents of this particular meta tag are displayed as a result of the search results under the title. Here's an example of the HTML code:

keywords — document keywords. I think everything is clear here - you write here all the keywords, separated by commas, that are associated with this page. HTML code:

I have listed the basic HTML meta tags that a beginner needs to create his website. You can, of course, use other sources to find out other meta tags, it’s up to you, but I recommend using these always, without exception. To reinforce this, here is another example of HTML code:

Page title

Use other meta tags as necessary; do not place them without them, even for the sake of experimentation, until you know everything about them. Meta tags will help users and search engines better perceive your site, making it even more interesting and better. They will help users find your site on Yandex and Google, help with its optimization and promotion.

Publication date: May 15, 2012