Obtaining adhesives from polystyrene foam waste. Material for know "foam plastic" How to dissolve polystyrene foam to a liquid state

Not everyone is lucky in physics or chemistry lessons, especially if the teacher is a cracker and loves only theory. But nothing prevents you from conducting some safe experiments at home under the supervision of adults and other curious people. In this story we will show you 3 scientific experiments. In the video you can see how to make polystyrene at home and others.

Experiment with water coloring.

For the first experiment you need potato starch, 9% vinegar, 3% hydrogen peroxide, iodine, and vitamin C or, in other words, ascorbic acid. Pour into a glass warm water and dissolve a tablespoon of starch in water. Pour approximately the same amount of water into the second glass, crush three vitamin C tablets and mix ascobrinka with water. And pour the same water into the third glass, add a little iodine and two tablespoons of vinegar. Now pour the glass with vitamin C into the glass with iodine. A reaction occurs. The iodine loses its color and the water becomes almost transparent. Pour dissolved starch into the same glass and add 5 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide. We wait a few seconds. An interesting reaction occurs - when white colors are mixed, a black-blue color appears from somewhere. This experiment can be done as a trick. Many people know why the liquid changes color, if you also know, then write in the comments.

Dissolving polystyrene foam in acetone and obtaining polystyrene.

For the next experiment, let's take some container. If your hands are in the wrong place, be sure to wear gloves. Next, pour acetone into the container. We put the foam in acetone and the foam disappears somewhere. The foam disappears and the liquid begins to thicken. In this case, the gas that was in the foam is actively released. This used to be a homemade glue recipe. However, it was not very sticky. Many will say that there is nothing surprising in this experiment. In fact, polystyrene foam is 98% gas contained in microscopic thin-walled polystyrene cells, and acetone displaces this gas but does not dissolve anything. At the end of the reaction we have a thick mass similar to glue and consisting of polystyrene.

What happens if you mix oil, water and iodine?

To do the next experiment, pour water into a glass and then oil. No matter how you stir, the oil will always separate from the water and float, since the density of oil is less than the density of water.

Then we pour salt into the glass, an interesting reaction begins. Add some iodine to the glass. Let's put it on a flashlight and add some kind of food to the glass effervescent tablet, which you can buy at the pharmacy. Again, the result is a funny and beautiful reaction.

Due to numerous requests in the comments to my videos, today I will try to make a composition of polystyrene foam and solvents for application to concrete. I would like to see how it will behave, because car owners are interested in cheap varnish to cover the garage against dampness.

Gasoline and foam

I'll start by dissolving the foam in gasoline. I should also check it in acetone and solvent, but I think that acetone dries too quickly. I pour 92 gasoline into a clean, empty metal can. You will need a little more than half the can of gasoline.
I cut a piece of polystyrene foam approximately 1500 mm long and 40 mm thick into strips and lower them one by one into a jar of gasoline. The width of the strip should be chosen according to the size of the can. My goal is to see how the resulting composition will behave on concrete (I don’t need a lot of varnish). The foam easily fits into the jar, melts and compresses into a fairly dense lump at the bottom.

Note: This will cause the gasoline to bubble and splash out of the can.
The resulting composition has the appearance of a gel and is similar to napalm (when ignited, it immediately flares up, burns for a long time, and the flame is high). It is not possible to regulate the viscosity of the composition by adding gasoline - it reaches a certain thickness and the process stops there. I leave the jar for a while so that the air bubbles come out and all the pieces of foam dissolve.

Covering the concrete floor

I take out the gel-like mass from the bottom of the jar and transfer it to another container. Plot concrete slab cleaning wire brush and blow off the dust with a spray gun. I prepared a brush and a spatula for work, which I lightly greased with oil. This will prevent the varnish from sticking.
It turned out to be more convenient to work with a spatula.

I pour the varnish onto the concrete and use a spatula to apply it to the surface using movements in different directions. After finishing the job, there is practically nothing left on the spatula. When applying the varnish, you immediately smell the smell of gasoline. I leave this area for about an hour to dry.

Dissolving polystyrene foam in xylene

I will conduct the second experiment with xylene (one liter costs 110 rubles). If you cover the entire garage with this composition, then its cost will be 2.5 times more expensive than polystyrene foam varnish dissolved in gasoline. To dissolve in xylene, I chose denser and more expensive fine-grained foam, from which the protection of the computer system unit is made.

When xylene is added to the jar, the foam dissolves almost completely, the viscosity of the composition becomes less, and the thick lump disappears. A composition of this viscosity can be applied in a much thinner layer. It looks like xylene is better for making foam varnish.
Note: I was also advised to use solvent 647, but I didn’t have it on hand.
I'll try using xylene as a wood varnish. I take a branch peeled from bark walnut and apply a thin layer of composition with a brush. It turns out very well, but you have to wait for the varnish to dry.

I also apply a layer of composition onto the concrete with a brush. The layer turns out to be very thin and there are no air bubbles in it. I leave it to dry.
My first section did not dry completely within an hour - a film with a very large number of bubbles formed on the surface.

Huge bubbles formed on the sides. To the touch it looks like the well-known packaging film with bubbles. However, as an option, this composition can be used after complete drying.

The area covered with xylene varnish turned out better. The composition is well absorbed into the surface of the concrete and looks like real varnish. The only negative is the high cost of xylene compared to gasoline.

To reduce the cost, you can first dissolve the foam in gasoline, and only then add xylene and achieve the desired viscosity. It will be inexpensive to prepare a composition based on bulk xylene, which is sold in cans and costs less.
Note: the composition dried on wood in 10 minutes and is indistinguishable from real varnish. In the future, for an experiment, I can take it to a nearby furniture workshop machine polished board and apply 3-4 layers of xylene varnish on it.

Acetone quickly destroys foam

Polystyrene foam is a composite material that consists of solid
organic polymer and gas bubbles. Most of the volume of material
takes up gas, so the foam is actually
hardened foam. Thanks to this structure, the foam has a very
low density and has good thermal insulation,
soundproofing and shockproof properties. Polystyrene foam is very
easy to process, unlike wood it is resistant to action
bacteria and algae. Polystyrene foam is widely used as insulation in
construction and as packaging material.

Foams can be obtained from almost all common
polymers that are used to produce plastics. IN
Examples include polyurethane foams,
polyvinyl chloride foams, phenol-formaldehyde and
Urea-formaldehyde foams. However, the greatest distribution
received polystyrene foam. In everyday life, the word “foam plastic” is more often used
What they mean is polystyrene foam. In particular polystyrene
polystyrene foam is placed inside cardboard packages with household appliances, to
protect products from shock during transportation.

Expanded polystyrene was patented in 1920-30 and gradually
has been used for external thermal insulation of buildings. Later from
Polystyrene foam began to be made into ready-made blocks into which concrete was poured.

In addition to its undeniable advantages, polystyrene foam also has
a number of shortcomings. Like most common synthetic
polystyrene foam polymers have limited durability and
fire hazard. Polystyrene foam can easily catch fire even from
matches, the material burns releasing a significant amount of heat and
formation of thick black smoke. Moreover: polystyrene is used in
some modern varieties napalm. These unpleasant properties
polystyrene foam must be taken into account during construction.

Another disadvantage of polystyrene foam is its instability.
to the action of many organic solvents. Let's conduct an experiment.

In previous experience ()
we learned how hexane breaks down foam. Now let's carry out
similar experience with acetone. It turns out that acetone “corrodes” the foam
much faster than hexane. The foam plastic begins to collapse literally from
contact with the first drops of acetone. In both cases the essence of the experience is very
is simple: an organic liquid dissolves polystyrene, and contained in
foam, the gas is released out.

You can also drop small pieces of styrofoam into a cup of
acetone. The foam will quickly dissolve and the liquid will thicken. At
This actively releases the gas that was enclosed in the foam. Earlier
It was recommended to make homemade glue in this way. Glue,
True, it didn’t turn out very good, besides, nowadays acetone
is a difficult to obtain reagent.

It is not difficult to assume that the effect of a particular solvent
on polystyrene depends on its ability to dissolve polystyrene.
We invite readers to experiment with other
organic and inorganic solvents. Note also that
polystyrene foam is destroyed not only by organic solvents, but also by their
in pairs.

IN household glue is often required repair work. Buying the necessary product in construction stores is not always pleasing with the price-quality ratio. It’s easier and more reliable to make homemade foam glue. A simple recipe will reveal little secrets: how and with what to dissolve the foam to create a viscous adhesive mass.

We do it ourselves: quickly and inexpensively

Using homemade glue

Before you start preparing a homemade product, you need to understand what objects can be glued together and what materials it is not suitable for.

Connecting only rigid objects will be successful, since the adhesive mass hardens, increasing the strength of the product. Seal the crack in rubber boot, flexible at the break, homemade remedy will not work.

The peculiarity of using glue is the limited time of its use - 10-15 minutes after preparation, later the quality of the adhesive mass decreases.

Therefore, the product is required in cases of small and urgent work:

  • sealing fiberboard joints;
  • repair of floors, tile or slate roofs;
  • gluing furniture, baseboards, interior items;
  • basement waterproofing;
  • fastening cornices;
  • insulation of loggias, balconies, ceilings and floors, foundations, walls with extruded polystyrene foam.

Garage owners garden houses, private houses will more than once be helped out in the household by simple and quick-to-prepare homemade glue instead of expensive casein and carpentry glue.

Necessary materials

Making a homemade adhesive requires only two main ingredients: foam and an organic solvent.

Two main ingredients: foam and solvent


Thrifty owners know where they can always find various pieces of foam:

  • in packaging boxes for modern devices - used as an anti-shock agent during transportation;
  • leftovers sheet material(trimmings or crumbs) used as insulation in the process of finishing the premises;
  • old foam trays, plates, cups - were widely used in the past.

Packaging and containers made of polystyrene foam

  • pour the solvent into the required volume of the adhesive mass;
  • put crushed pieces of polystyrene foam or granules in a volume three times larger than the solvent;
  • stir gently to remove released gases;
  • add pieces of foam or solvent if necessary.

The adhesive mass is ready for use when it becomes homogeneous, the consistency resembles thick jelly, and stops emitting gases.

The pieces dissolve completely

Gluing the parts must begin immediately. The mass is applied with a brush. After drying, the adhesive joints resemble glass.

The second method differs in that the ingredients are combined directly at the site of sealing the gap. The procedure is as follows:

  • pour crushed polystyrene foam into the crack, the recess that needs to be sealed;
  • moisten with a solvent - gasoline or acetone;
  • distribute the melted mass evenly over the surface of the area to be repaired.

The second method of sealing cracks is different high degree sealing, often used when working with roofing material, by gluing roofing felt.

It is important to pre-prepare enough foam to form a viscous adhesive mass. If the composition turns out to be liquid, gluing will be ineffective.

Drying of the glue lasts 1.5-2 days, depending on the thickness of the layer.

Safety regulations

The use of foam glue requires compliance with fire safety rules, because the mixture ignites quickly and burns for a long time. Even a lit match can cause a fire. When heated, the mass releases a significant amount of heat and produces thick black smoke.

Roof repair with foam glue

The method of preparing glue from materials that can be found in any home is practical and simple. Compliance simple rules will help you safely, quickly and inexpensively carry out routine repair work.


One of the disadvantages of expanded polystyrene (foam) is its instability to the action of many organic solvents.

We took a piece of polystyrene foam and injected it with an acetone-based solvent.At the same time, a hissing sound was heard. At the points of contact, acetone “corrodes” the foam to a depth of several centimeters, and the release of gas can be noticed.

The essence of the experiment is very simple: an organic liquid dissolves polystyrene, and the gas contained in the foam is released out.

You can also dip small pieces of foam into a glass of acetone. The foam will quickly dissolve and the liquid will thicken. In this case, the gas that was enclosed in the foam is actively released.

In this way, you can make homemade glue that is suitable for gluing rubber surfaces. For example, glue the soles of shoes (in the absence of superglue).

Chemical reaction:

C 8 H 8 + 2 C 3 H 6 O = O 2 + 2 C 7 H 10

styrene + acetone = oxygen + 5-methylcyclohexadiene-1,3

Why did the ball burst?

The ball is made of latex or natural rubber - a high molecular weight hydrocarbon (C5H8) n .

Natural rubber (C5H8) n easily dissolves in gasoline, benzene, chloroform, carbon disulfide, etc. Most synthetic rubbers are also not resistant to the mentioned solvents.

Most brands of rubber are also easily destroyed when in contact with gasoline and other organic solvents. Under the influence of such solvents, rubber swells and cracks, because Rubber is made from natural or synthetic rubber.

Therefore, if you want to wash a dirty ball, under no circumstances use a solvent for this. The ball will burst at the first touch.


What is polystyrene foam?

Foam plastic - widely known thermal insulation material, consisting of 98% gas, contained in microscopic thin-walled polystyrene cells.

Thus, polystyrene foam is polystyrene that has been whipped into foam and froze.

Photo of a foam ball under a microscope.

Thanks to this structure, foam plastic has a very low density and has good thermal insulation, sound insulation, and shockproof properties. Polystyrene foam is very easy to process; unlike wood, it is resistant to bacteria and algae. Polystyrene foam is widely used as insulation in construction and as packaging material.

In particular, polystyrene foam is placed inside cardboard packages with household appliances to protect the products from shock during transportation.

What then is polystyrene?

Polystyrene is a man-made substance consisting of long chains of styrene molecules C 8 H 8 .

Polystyrene molecule made up of many styrene molecules

Chemical formula of polystyrene (C8H8)n . As can be seen from the name and formula, polystyrene is “many styrene”

What properties does polystyrene have?

Polystyrene is a thermoplastic with a linear structure.

Dissolves in acetone, more slowly in gasoline. Insoluble in water. Thermoplastic material (meaning it can be heated and molded into a different shape). Polystyrene is easy to form and paint. Well processed by mechanical means. Sticks well. It has low moisture absorption, high moisture resistance and frost resistance.

What is thermoplastic

Thermoplastics - polymer materials, capable of reversibly transforming when heated into a highly elastic or viscous flow state.

At normal temperatures, thermoplastics are in solid state. As the temperature rises, they transform into a highly elastic state and then into a viscous-flow state, which makes it possible to mold them various methods. These transitions are reversible and can be repeated many times, which allows, in particular, the processing of household and industrial waste from thermoplastics into new products.