Fire alarm Bolide - advantages and disadvantages. Fire alarm control and control equipment. Advantages of the Bolid system



NVP "Bolid" (stands for research and development enterprise) is a domestic company, one of the leaders in the production industry technical systems security. Over 25 years of presence in the technology services market, it has become a recognizable brand, and its products are in demand in the foreign market.

Currently the company produces, develops and supplies software and equipment for security, alarm and fire alarm, access control systems, fire automatics, video surveillance, dispatching of buildings and structures and vehicle control.

The company works in constant cooperation with production partners and consumers. Direct connections make it possible to maximum degree take into account all their wishes, anticipate changes in market requirements and take preventive measures to meet new demand conditions. Over the course of its existence, the company has managed to assemble a close-knit team of highly professional employees who can solve issues of any complexity.

Integrated system "Orion" - description and capabilities

Today, the integrated security system "Orion" is a whole complex of instruments, devices and software, which are interconnected. Thanks to this, it is possible to build a security system of almost any complexity, from a small facility to a network of large industrial and military facilities scattered over a large area from each other.

Most main principle Such a system is modular. You use only those devices that you really need. If it is necessary to equip a facility with only a security alarm, please use only security devices. As soon as you need to expand the system by adding access control and fire alarms, this can be done without any difficulties. The most important thing is that at the first stage you do not need to buy any extra devices and wires. You buy only what you need.

Benefits of using ISO "Orion"

  • It is possible to implement all currently existing security systems - burglar alarm, fire alarm, access control, video surveillance, management engineering systems And so on;
  • The size of the object doesn't matter. For a small object you can use one universal device, for medium and large ones a number of devices, different in functionality, but combined into one system;
  • The lowest cost of an integrated security system on the market based on 1 alarm loop per 1 m2 of protected area;
  • Significant savings on cable and equipment costs due to a large number of devices and one RS-485 communication line;
  • Reliability is guaranteed by 25 years of production experience and a large number of facilities where ISO Orion operates;
  • More than 90% of all design and installation organizations have experience working with equipment of this system.

ISO "ORION" functionally combines 116 devices and instruments and 33 software products, but for any option the universal principle of system construction is used:

  • Top level. Several local Orion ISOs, with their network controllers, are combined into a single database using a PC;
  • Average level. The control panel, also known as the network controller, integrates the entire system, and the devices exchange information with it;
  • Lower level. These are mainly universal devices that support autonomous operation.

Structure of the ISO "Orion" system

At small-sized objects, security alarm systems based on Bolid are limited to the lower level. The more complex the object, the higher the level of system construction will be.

A group of devices with radial loops (not an addressable system)

The first group of devices are devices with radial loops, to which non-addressable detectors from any manufacturer can be connected. Let's look at some of them below:

The main types of radial security loops in the Bolide alarm system

Several types can be programmed for all devices security loops, depending on the connection diagram of the sensors and the functions they perform.

Below we look at the most commonly used types:

Central system controllers

Central controllers, also known as control panels, are used in the ISO “Orion” system to combine all devices via the RS-485 interface into a single network, as well as for centralized control of the system. One remote control can control up to 127 devices, all operating logic is programmed into it using free program Pprog. The following types of controllers exist:

Information exchange interface

To exchange information between security devices Bolid company uses the RS-485 interface, it is a standard one that is used in many systems from other manufacturers. At the same time, the “communication” protocol itself is closed, this is done for security purposes, i.e. devices with an RS-485 interface from other manufacturers will not be compatible with alarm systems based on ISO Orion.

The RS-485 interface consists of three wires, A and B, and the third unites the zeros of the panels. The interface is half-duplex, i.e. along the line A-B goes reception and transmission. His maximum length 3 km, if more is needed, repeaters can be used. If the RS-485 line is more than 100 meters long, it must be laid using twisted pair cables.

For stable operation, matching resistors of 620 Ohm must be installed on the first and last device, inside the rs-485 interface. On most instruments, this resistor is activated by a jumper next to the A-B terminal block.

Addressable alarm

In addition to devices with radial cables, the Bolid company produces a two-wire line controller S2000-KDL, which allows you to connect addressable sensors. In addressable signaling, the location of the violation is determined by the location of the detector and its sensitivity zone, which significantly increases accuracy.

One S2000-KDL can connect 127 addressable security, fire and process detectors. The advantage is that we can stretch only two wires, which provide power and data transmission, through all the rooms and at the same time we will know the exact location of each sensor.

The following addressable detectors are currently produced:

  • S2000-IK. Infrared optical-electronic addressable detector, volumetric type. Available in several versions, with protection from animals and an additional “corridor” type lens;
  • S2000-CHIK. Narrow infrared volumetric volume, “curtain” type for protecting doors and window openings;
  • S2000-PIK. Infrared volumetric volume, ceiling-mounted;
  • S2000-ST. Glass break sensor;
  • S2000-PIK-ST. Two types of detectors are combined in one housing; it reacts to glass penetration and breaking; it is ceiling-mounted;
  • S2000-B. Vibration sensor designed to protect walls, ceilings, floors, all kinds of storage, safes and other things;
  • S2000-STIC. Combined wall-mounted detector. It combines acoustic and optical-electronic detection principles. Occupies two addresses;
  • S2000-SMK. Magnetic contact, used to protect window and door openings;
  • S2000-KT. Alarm detector for alarm system, otherwise it’s simply a panic button;
  • S2000-SP2. Signal and trigger relay unit;
  • S2000-AR1,2,8. Addressable expanders for one, two or eight zones. It must be remembered that the expander does not provide power to the non-addressable sensor;
  • Isolator Breeze. Allows you to isolate closed areas; after removing the short circuit, the lines are automatically restored.

At medium and small facilities, the Bolid addressable security alarm system is quite convenient.

Dialers and transmitters

Dialers and notification transmission devices are used to notify the owner of the system about any events - arming/disarming, alarms, service messages. In addition, they can transmit signals to the control panel of the security company.

The following models are used:

Power supply

All main Bolide panels are universal; they can be powered by voltages from 10.2 to 28.4 V. Each board has two inputs for power supplies of 12 and 24 volts.

The company produces its own sources backup power, some of them are equipped with an RS-485 interface, others have relay outputs. For example, models RIP-12 RS, RIP-12-3/17P1-P-RS, RIP-24 isp.01P and others.

Their main advantages:

The Bolid security alarm system is one of the modern high-tech devices used to maintain the required level of security at various facilities. Alarms of this type are a set of technological tools that allow you to timely detect the appearance of an intruder or intruder at a facility, as well as sound an alarm to eliminate the danger and detain unauthorized persons who have entered the facility.

A feature of such security systems is the possibility of their use both as devices to protect an object from penetration, and as equipment to support fire safety.

Application area

Bolid complexes are security systems that have a wide range of practical use at industrial facilities, shopping centers, sports institutions, office buildings, etc. Distinctive feature such security and fire systems is the ability to flexibly configure their hardware and software configurations. Thanks to this, it is possible to create highly effective platforms for protecting objects of various scales.

Security and fire alarm system (FS) for small objects

OPS Bolid have wide practical application in objects with a small perimeter. These include bank branches, offices, entertainment centers, shops, etc.

Security systems of this type include detectors with sensitive elements, reception and control units, sirens, electronic modules for transmitting notifications. Depending on the required accuracy of determining the locations of intruders, such a perimeter security alarm Bolid can be of an addressable or addressless type. To exchange information between individual devices of a security configuration, both wired highways and wireless communication systems, such as those owned by, for example, Bolid, can be used.

Medium and large-scale security systems

In most cases, at this type of facility, a network of security posts is formed that have the appropriate hardware and specialized software. These individual security systems are subsequently combined into a single centralized configuration managed by a central network controller. The role of such a controller can be performed either by a specialized remote control or a personal computer with the appropriate software installed.


The Bolid security alarm system is a development of the domestic company "Bolid", which is one of the recognized leaders among developers of integrated security and fire safety systems. For more than 20 years, the company has been providing high-tech security developments to the consumer market. More than 1 million objects are equipped with security systems from the Bolid company.

The company constantly modernizes and improves its developments, which allows them to always be in demand at consumer market. Bolid's quality management systems have been certified according to GOST ISO 9001-2011, which guarantees high quality manufactured products and their trouble-free operation for many years.

System functions

The Bolid equipment has a wide range of functions, including:

  • video surveillance support;
  • collection of information from security and fire sensors, its processing, storage, display and transmission;
  • implementation of access control to objects, as well as within them;
  • effective management of various engineering systems such as ventilation, heating, water supply, etc.;
  • control fire protection systems;
  • support for the protection of data exchanged between individual devices and electronic units included in the security system.

The functions of Bolid security systems also include functionality centralized security equipment, fire alarms, automated controls technological equipment etc.

Alarm equipment Bolide

Security alarm system Bolid can functionally combine up to 116 devices and instruments, as well as 33 specialized software packages, with the help of which you can create various configurations of security systems. For any of the generated configurations it will be supported general principle building a security system that includes:

  1. top level - it includes several local security configurations equipped with their own network controllers, which are combined into common system via a personal computer;
  2. mid-level - includes one network controller that integrates the entire system of electronic devices that interact with it through a wired Bolide cable, wireless communication;
  3. lower level - it is built on the basis of universal fire alarm devices that are capable of functioning in autonomous mode.

To build the listed levels of security systems, a wide range of devices, hardware systems and software are used. These include:

  • devices with radial loops for building non-addressable systems;
  • terminal devices of the UOP 3 GSM type, used for visualization of processed and transmitted information;
  • central controllers for managing security configuration devices;
  • interfaces for data exchange;
  • electronic modules for building targeted security and fire systems;
  • signal transmitters and dialers;
  • Bolid GSM modules, with the help of which configurations are created that work on the same principle as a regular one GSM alarm;
  • power supply systems for alarm devices, as well as devices for programming the car.

Why is it necessary to use this particular system?

Bolid security systems are different wide possibilities and the potential for building multifunctional security systems. Their main advantages include:

  • the ability to implement convergent security systems that include security equipment, fire systems, video surveillance, management of engineering systems;
  • security and fire safety configurations can be created at facilities of different scale levels;
  • the Bolid security system can, if necessary, easily scale by adding new devices to an existing configuration;
  • low cost of alarms per functional loop;
  • simple device programming security complexes and the ability to use numerous software tools;
  • simplified cable trunking structure due to connectivity more devices to RS485 communication lines;
  • high reliability and fault tolerance of all elements included in the alarm system.


The Bolid security alarm system from a domestic manufacturer will become optimal choice for building security systems at enterprises and institutions of various scales. Systems of this class include fire alarms and fire safety instruments. This will eliminate the need to purchase two sets of devices and will simplify the subsequent administration and management of security systems at controlled sites.

Presentation of the Bolid security system (video)

Every leader should think about the safety of his subordinates. Moreover, it must be present both when they fulfill their labor obligations and during their daily work. In particular, it will never be superfluous to install a security and fire alarm system. Experts and scientists note that all costs are paid off because the staff feels safe, which has a beneficial effect on labor productivity.

Many employers and premises owners are trying to save money on the purchase and installation of a system. Such a decision is fraught with trouble. They not only become unable to achieve their goals, but also risk receiving large fines from supervisory authorities. There is another way out. It's called a security system. Domestic manufacturer has been operating successfully since 1991. The main field of activity is the development, production and implementation of security, dispatch and automation systems. Bolid equipment has been installed at more than 800 thousand facilities, and their number continues to grow.

The company's management is guided by several simple principles. The first of them is aimed at maintaining competitive and affordable price. are an order of magnitude cheaper than their foreign analogues, while differing in no less productivity. The second principle is responsible for maintaining high level products. Control system on production facilities does its job. This manifests itself in a 10-year failure life for most devices.

The company's product range includes a significant number of devices. Among them are detectors (security and fire), reception and control devices, fire panels, various blocks, expanders, controllers, voice and music announcement devices, software, accessories and much more. A full range of products is always available to visitors to our online store.

Please note that equipment from a single manufacturer will provide you with a guarantee of reliability, compatibility and performance. In addition, you will need to purchase a single software. Car security systems are also represented in other areas: monitoring of moving objects, security video surveillance, vehicle management in parking lots, access control and management and others. All manufactured equipment complies with certificates, including international ones.

I am ready to provide you with a security system car at a particularly advantageous offer. Here you will find a full range of products. At the same time, we assure you that we are ready to provide a long factory warranty, as well as full support from our technical support specialists. On our website you can find all the information regarding the delivery of goods and its payment. We remind you that we work with all regions of Russia.

The Bolide security and fire alarm system developed by the company’s specialists allows you to solve a large number of tasks.

The system, using unified control modules in combination with various warning sensors, is capable of providing:

  1. Control of the fire situation at a specific facility.
  2. Reception and transmission of alarm signals.
  3. Notification about activation of the security perimeter.
  4. Monitoring the operation of the complex as a whole.


Fire and security alarm system NPO Bolid is based on the use of special technical means, intended for recording the source of fire or fire, collecting information according to a certain algorithm, processing it and transmitting true, verified data in the form of alarms, results of testing equipment diagnostics, other at least important information including complex management automatic fire extinguishing, warning, smoke removal, and evacuation.

Advantages and disadvantages

Fire alarm kit Bolide designed to meet the requirements regulatory documents in comparison with other technical means of fire safety it has a number of advantages:

  1. The kit allows you to change individual elements of the system, adding or strengthening individual sections with additional detection means, thereby increasing the reliability of operation.
  2. The operating algorithm of the kit is based on multi-level verification of incoming information, its collection, processing and verification.
  3. The ability to use the kit’s equipment to automatically notify and activate automatic fire extinguishing systems.
  4. Conduct warning and evacuation management using public address systems.
  5. Use the kit to equip security objects with object alarms;

TO negative points related to the use of this technical complex is:

  1. The need for strict adherence to technical standards and equipment operating regulations;
  2. The need to lay new cable lines to ensure the operation of sensors and detectors, their timely repair and maintenance, which significantly affects the cost of equipment maintenance.


Basis fire and security complex The technical means comprise the signaling block Signal 10.

In total, the Orion complex includes:

  1. Monitoring and control panel S2000M (this may include a control panel with a connector for connecting a personal computer with Orion software installed).
  2. Combined device for receiving and control equipment and control of security and fire equipment “Bolid”.
  3. Loops.
  4. Temperature sensors.
  5. Smoke detection sensors.
  6. Signal sirens.
  7. Automatic fire extinguishing system control equipment.
  8. Sensors burglar alarm– sensors that are triggered when objects are opened, motion sensors, glass break sensors.


Signal-10 control unit from the Orion kit fire alarm system able:

  1. Monitor up to 10 alarm loops, which...
  2. Provide operation of type 1 smoke alarms (types of kits, their features and application in different conditions specifically described on the Bolid company website).
  3. Fire combined system with heat and smoke detectors.
  4. Fire heat detectors of two-threshold type equipment of the 2nd type.
  5. Fire detectors of two-threshold equipment of the 3rd type.
  6. Recognizes and processes messages about the status of loops, alarm activation, emergency operation, and loop breaks.
  7. Synchronous operation with the Orion complex in the event of an alarm signal, permission/denial of passage through the security perimeter.
  8. Support for triggering loops when identifying keys or magnetic cards, their recognition.
  9. Support for arming/disarming loops from push-button remote controls or controller.
  10. Stores up to 512 events that have occurred in independent memory.

Directly specifications systems are characterized by the following indicators:

  1. Input voltage – 10-30 V.
  2. The maximum current per channel is 8A.
  3. Worker temperature regime block - -30...+50.
  4. Block dimensions – 150*103*35 mm.
  5. Weight – 0.3 kg.


The final price for NPO Bolid fire-security equipment complexes is formed depending on the availability of price components in the set, which on average can be:

  1. Block C2000-Ethernet access to the Internet system – 2050 rub.
  2. Software – “Orion Pro Database Administrator” – 4,725 rubles.
  3. Software equipment for AWS “Head of Security Service” – RUB 22,880.
  4. Protective switching block – 480 -780 rub.
  5. Fire detector 400-800 rub.
  6. Security and fire control panel Bolide S2000-M – 6600-7600 rub.


The NPO Bolid fire alarm system allows you to:

  1. Provide control of connected loops.
  2. The system is capable of operating autonomously from an uninterruptible power supply.
  3. Provide control of protected objects with the function of recognizing lock violations.
  4. Displays individual wiring status and fault messages.
  5. Provides operation using both electronic keys and keyboard control.
  6. Provides storage of event registration in an independent memory with a cyclic recording function.
  7. Has a sensor for opening the control device housing.

Description of the signaling scheme

The main working element of the system is the S2000M unit; in general, the system configuration can be represented as follows:

  1. Software for automated workstation Orion.
  2. Block S2000M.
  3. Block Signal-10 (20).
  4. Loops.
  5. Fire detectors.
  6. Security alarm sensors.
  7. Fire sensors.

Official site

The virtual representative office of NPO Bolid, located on the Internet at the address, opens its pages at the email address The association’s website itself has tabs that allow you to become quite familiar with all types of the company’s activities, view and select the necessary elements for building a fire and security system, security alarm system, video surveillance system, and get acquainted with already implemented, ready-made projects.

The pages of the site are very informative and will provide answers to all practical and theoretical questions regarding the construction of fire detection and warning systems.

Operating rules

Basic operating rules, procedure Maintenance and basic technological work, specifically for each complex are described in the attached technical descriptions. The peculiarity of such instructions is that for each specific complex technical description is developed individually according to the location conditions and functional features equipment.

General operating conditions for devices, their technical specifications can be downloaded from the official website of NPO Bolid from the “Documentation” section.

Installation and programming

Comprehensive information about organizations that have the appropriate certificates for carrying out design, research, installation and commissioning work can be found on the company’s website in the “Projects and Solutions” section; here are the contact details of all companies certified by the company, specializing in the installation of Bolide equipment.

Updating the software of certified safety systems The car is described in the “Products – Software” section

Each of us has seen on television the results of fires that result from calling the emergency services too late. All this could have been avoided if the burned premises had been equipped with a fire alarm.

Let's look at the operation of a fire alarm using the example of the Bolid system, one of the most popular on the Russian market.

Fire alarm Bolide – a set of equipment allowing:

  • establish the fact of fire;
  • transmit an alarm signal;
  • turn on fire extinguishing and smoke removal equipment automatically;
  • turn off ventilation;
  • turn off the power supply (except for special equipment);
  • include equipment and apparatus that prevent the spread of fire and facilitate evacuation.

The main quality of this system is reliability, which allows to minimize damage in case of fire. Bolid systems are characterized by a minimal number of false alarms.

Types of systems

There are three types of fire alarm systems depending on the method of detecting a fire and the method of transmitting signals about it.

  1. Address. Installed in a controlled room. They connect to the control panel. The control panel cyclically generates a request and receives signals from the sensors about the absence or presence of a fire, about the operating status of the sensor itself. This allows not only to detect a fire with precise localization of the point of origin of the fire, but also to obtain information about the operation of the sensors that make up the system, and to promptly eliminate system malfunctions. But this system lacks efficiency: a fire can be detected with a significant time delay.
  2. Threshold, or non-addressed. “Beams”—fire alarm cables—extend from the control panel. During operation, each “beam” transmits signals from 20-30 sensors, which are triggered when the threshold value of the controlled parameter is reached. The panel reflects the number of the “beam” containing the triggered sensor, generating a general alarm signal. This makes it impossible to determine the specific point of fire.

    This system does not make it possible to monitor the health of the sensors, which leads to a delay in fire detection.

  3. Analog addressable. The system uses continuous monitoring of the facility. The control panel polls the sensors in a constant mode, receiving from them information about the value of the monitored parameters and the performance of the sensors themselves. After analyzing the received data, the control panel makes a decision about the occurrence of an alarming situation or the need to service the devices and troubleshoot problems. This allows you to detect a fire at the ignition stage and change the settings of sensors without turning off the fire alarm systems.

Part of the equipment

Any fire alarm system used at a surveillance site consists of blocks:

Fire alarm detectors and sensors

Sensors monitor the physical parameters of the environment. Fire alarm systems use smoke, heat, combined, manual, light and ionization detectors.

There are active and passive detectors depending on the method of generating the signal.

Active detectors generate a signal, based on changes in which (usually the amount of change in the controlled parameter) a decision is made to issue an alarm.

Passive detectors are triggered when exposed to external factors– change in temperature, appearance of smoke and other factors indicating the occurrence of a fire.

Fire alarm control equipment

This equipment powers detectors and sensors along the object’s fire alarm loops, receives alarm signals from peripheral devices, and, after analyzing the signals, generates alarm warnings and system activation signals fire fighting equipment. At large sites The alarm signal is transmitted to the central control point of the facility or to fire departments.


These are devices (with the exception of detectors) that are connected to the receiving and control equipment via external communication lines.

Peripheral devices can perform various functions: control alarm devices from a specific location in the facility; ensure the functionality of alarm systems; monitor and manage both non-addressable detectors and external devices, carry out sound and light notifications, print alarm and service notifications.

Fire alarm construction diagrams

When choosing a fire alarm scheme, a number of factors are usually taken into account: the size of the object, the degree of fire hazard of this object, possible damage from a fire, the estimated cost of the fire alarm system.

The least reliable and effective is threshold system alarm. But its low cost makes it possible to use it on small objects with a low degree of fire hazard.

To build such circuits on Bolid equipment, the “Signal-20P”, “Signal-20M”, “Signal-10” and “S2000-4” reception and control devices are used. Alarm loops include three types of detectors; there is a function for setting additional parameters. The inclusion of the “S2000M” controller-remote into the system expands the functions of the system.

More reliable is the choice of an addressable fire alarm system. This will allow you to install a smaller number of detectors, choose a free line configuration, and also abandon external optical signaling devices. But it is worth considering that maintenance of such a system is carried out as planned to prevent possible system failures.

The “Signal -10” receiving and control device used in such circuits allows you to connect loops with addressable and non-addressable detectors.

The use of an analogue addressable system will make it possible to avoid these shortcomings. Its sensors react to temperature fluctuations and measure the level of smoke in the room. Monitoring the performance of sensors allows them to be serviced in the event of malfunctions. The system is easy to program; all sensors are connected to a computer. This the best choice for critical objects.

The circuit is implemented using the S2000-KDL controller, to which up to 127 addressable devices are connected: detectors, address expanders, relay modules.

Construction schemes various systems fire alarm systems on equipment manufactured by Bolid are shown in the figure.

Advantages of the Bolid system

Bolid equipment is used to construct fire alarm circuits at many large industrial and civil construction sites. The quality of the product is also indicated by the fact that it is this equipment was used at the Sochi Olympics. Circuits can be fully implemented on the company’s equipment fire protection the most complex objects.

The company's equipment is accessible, easy to expand protection systems, and forms a modular system.

The company provides extensive technical support to its customers in the design, installation and implementation of its products. Training seminars and webinars are held for the company's clients.

An important factor is also good value for money.

And finally, a video about the installation of the Bolide fire and security alarm system from the manufacturer.