Requirements for security and fire alarm systems. What are the requirements for security and fire alarms?

Purpose of systems burglar alarm is to detect the appearance of signs of an intruder at a protected facility and submit an alarm notification to take measures to apprehend the intruder.
The purpose of alarm systems (ALS) is to detect danger at a protected facility and provide an alarm notification to take measures to eliminate the danger.
The structure of the security and alarm system is determined depending on:
- operating mode of the facility;
- the procedure for conducting transactions with valuables;
- features of the location of premises with valuables inside the building;
- selection of the number of protected zones, security lines, alarm loops (AL).
The classification of protected objects is made in accordance with Chapter. 3 RD 78.36.003-2002 "Engineering and technical strength. Technical means of security. Requirements and design standards for protecting objects from criminal attacks."
Depending on the significance and concentration of material, artistic, historical, cultural and religious values ​​located on the site, the consequences of possible criminal attacks on them, all objects, their premises and territories are divided into two groups (categories): A and B. Due to the large variety of heterogeneous objects in each group, they are further divided into two subgroups each: AI and All, BI and BII.
The security alarm system must:
- detect sabotage actions of the intruder and issue a notification of unauthorized access;
- issue a fault notification upon failure technical means security alarm;
- maintain good condition when exposed to influencing factors environment;
- restore operational state after exposure to hazardous environmental factors;
- be resistant to any damage to any of its parts established in the standards for systems of a particular type and not cause other damage in the system or lead to indirect danger outside it;
- maintain an operational state when the network power supply or other main power source is turned off during the time of power interruption. Opening hours from backup source The power supply must correspond to that specified in GOST 26342-84.
The security alarm system should not give false alarms when switching mains and reserve power sources or other types from one to another.
The security alarm system must be protected from unauthorized access to software control by code that must meet the requirements of standards for systems of a particular type.

To protect the personnel of facilities where goods of group A are located, work time, against criminal attacks, an alarm system is installed (buttons, pedals, etc.), which is intended to transmit alarm signals to the duty units of internal affairs bodies (police departments) to take timely measures in the event of a robbery attack on an object.
Features of the installation of the alarm system are regulated by Chapter 6 of the Recommendations to RD 78.36.006-2005.
STS elements must have clear, indelible and indelible markings indicating the name of the company or its trademark and model number.
If the design allows, then the elements of the STS must be clearly and indelibly or indelibly marked with the following additional information:
- serial number;
- date of manufacture (a code may be used);
- values ​​of electrical quantities, for example values ​​of rated voltages, current and frequency.
If the design does not allow this, then this information must be given in the operating documentation or on the packaging.
Wires and connectors must be numbered, colored, or otherwise identified.
The product must be supplied with instructions detailing how to correct installation, if this is not clear from the design of the product. Also, the product must be accompanied by operational documentation in accordance with GOST 2.601-2006, and, if necessary, repair documentation in accordance with GOST 2.602-95.
For STS, maintenance of a form must be provided. The forms of entries in the form must be specified in the regulatory and technical document for operation and maintenance systems or in standards for STS of a specific type (clause 9.3 of GOST R 50775-95 (IEC 60839-1-1:1988).
Design, preparation and execution of work on equipment for trade and Catering security alarm systems must be carried out in accordance with the following regulatory and technical documents:
- RD 78.36.003-2002 "Engineering and technical strength. Technical means of security. Requirements and design standards for protecting objects from criminal attacks";
- RD 78.145-93 "Systems and complexes of security, fire and security- fire alarm. Rules for production and acceptance of work";
- RD 78.36.004-2005 "Recommendations on technical supervision of the implementation of design, installation and commissioning work on equipping facilities with technical security means";
- RD 78.148-94 "Safety glazing. Classification, test methods. Application";
- GOST R 50862-2005 "Safes, safe rooms and vaults. Requirements and test methods for burglary resistance and fire resistance";
- GOST R 50941-96 "Protective cabin. General technical requirements and test methods";
- GOST R 51072-2005 "Security doors. General technical requirements and test methods for burglary resistance, bullet resistance and fire resistance";
- Rules for the construction of electrical installations (PUE);
- SNiP 3.05.06-85 and other current regulatory and technical documents approved in in the prescribed manner, in particular technological maps and instructions for installation of alarm systems and devices, as well as technical documentation for products.

RD 78.36.003-2002 provides requirements for security alarm systems.

Protection of the perimeter of the territory and open areas.

Technical means of perimeter security alarms should be selected depending on the type of alleged threat to the facility, the interference situation, the terrain, the length and technical strength of the perimeter, the type of fencing, the presence of roads along the perimeter, the exclusion zone, its width.

The security alarm system for the perimeter of an object is designed, as a rule, to be single-line.

To strengthen security, determine the direction of movement of the intruder, and block vulnerable spots, multi-directional security should be used.

Technical means of perimeter security alarm can be placed on the fence, buildings, structures, structures or in the exclusion zone. Security detectors must be installed on walls, special poles or racks that ensure the absence of vibrations.

Medium and large capacity control panels (concentrators), SPI, automated notification transmission systems (ASPI) and radio notification transmission systems (RSPI) can be used as internal security panels. Internal security consoles can operate both with direct personnel on duty around the clock, and autonomously in the “Self-Security” mode.

Installation security detectors along the top of the fence should only be done if the fence has a height of at least 2 m.

At the checkpoint and in the security room, technical devices for graphically displaying the protected perimeter (computer, light board with a mnemonic diagram of the protected perimeter and other devices) should be installed.

All equipment included in the perimeter security alarm system must be tamper-evident.

Open areas with material assets on the territory of the facility must have a warning fence and be equipped with volumetric, surface or linear detectors different operating principles.

Protection of buildings, premises, individual items. All premises with permanent or temporary storage of material assets, as well as all vulnerable areas of the building (windows, doors, hatches, ventilation shafts, ducts, etc.), through which unauthorized entry into the premises of the facility is possible, must be equipped with technical security alarm systems.

Objects of subgroups AI, AII and BII are equipped with a multi-terminal security alarm system, objects of subgroup BI are equipped with a single-terminal alarm system.

The first line of the security alarm, depending on the type of perceived threats to the facility, is to block:

    wooden entrance doors, loading and unloading hatches, gates - for “opening” and “destruction” (“break”);

    glazed structures - for “opening” and “destruction” (“breaking”) of glass;

    metal doors, gates - for “opening” and “destruction”,

    walls, ceilings and partitions that do not meet the requirements of this Guiding Document or behind which the premises of other owners are located, allowing for hidden work for the destruction of a wall - for “destruction” (“break”),

    shells of valuable storage facilities - for “destruction” (“break”) and “impact”;

    grilles, blinds and other protective structures installed on the outside of the window opening - for “opening” and “destruction”;

    ventilation ducts, chimneys, points of input/output of communications with a cross-section of more than 200x200 mm - for “destruction” (“break”);

Protection of site personnel and visitors.

To promptly transmit messages to the central security console (CSC) and/or to the duty department of internal affairs bodies about illegal actions against staff or visitors (for example, robbery, hooliganism, threats), the facility must be equipped with alarm devices (DS): mechanical buttons, radio buttons, radio key fobs, pedals, optical-electronic detectors and other devices.

The alarm system is organized “without the right to switch off.”

Vehicle devices at the site must be installed:

    in storage rooms, storerooms, safe rooms;

    in weapons and ammunition storage areas;

    at cashiers' workplaces;

    at the workplaces of personnel performing operations with drugs and psychotropic substances;

    in the offices of the organization’s management and chief accountant;

    at the main entrance and emergency exits to the building;

    at posts and in security premises located in a building, structure, structure and in a protected area;

    in corridors, at doors and openings through which valuables are moved;

    in a protected area at the central entrance (entrance) and emergency exits (exits);

    in other places at the request of the manager (owner) of the facility or on the recommendation of a private security officer.

Hand and foot devices of the vehicle should be placed in places that are, if possible, invisible to visitors. Managers, responsible persons, owners of the facility, together with a representative of the private security unit, determine the locations hidden installation alarm buttons or pedals at employee workplaces.

The management of the facility, security and safety personnel should be equipped with mobile vehicle devices operating via a radio channel (radio buttons or radio key fobs).

Storage locations Money, precious metals, stones and products made from them (desks of cash register workers, metal cabinets or safes, cash registers, display cases, trays, sales counters), in addition, must be equipped with special technical means (traps) that generate alarm signals without participation personnel when an intruder attempts to take possession of valuables. The specified technical means must be included in the alarm loops of the facility.

Organization of transmission of information about alarm activation. The transmission of notifications about the activation of a security alarm from the facility to the central monitoring station can be carried out from a small-capacity control panel, an internal security console or terminal notification transmission system (TPS) devices.

The number of security alarm lines displayed at the central monitoring station by separate numbers is determined by a joint decision of the facility management and the private security unit based on the category of the facility, risk analysis and potential threats to the facility, the capabilities of integration and documentation by the security control panel (internal security console or terminal device) of incoming information, as well as the procedure for organizing the duty of security personnel at the facility.

The minimum required number of security alarm lines output to the central monitoring station from the entire protected facility should be for a subgroup.

BI - one combined boundary (the first is the perimeter);

AI, BII - two combined boundaries (the first is the perimeter and the second is the volume).

In addition, if there are special premises at the facility (subgroup AII, safe rooms, weapons rooms and other premises that require increased protection measures), the security alarm lines of these premises are also subject to output to the central monitoring station.

If the facility has an internal security console with round-the-clock duty of its own security service or private security agency, the following will be displayed on the monitoring station:

    one common signal that unites all the boundaries of the facility’s security alarm system, with the exception of the boundaries of the facility’s special premises;

    security alarm boundaries (perimeter and volume) special premises.

At the same time, registration of all incoming information of each premises security line on the internal security console must be ensured.

From protected facilities, “auto-dialing” must be carried out to two or more telephone numbers.

To prevent unauthorized persons from accessing detectors, control panels, junction boxes, and other security equipment installed at the facility, measures must be taken to mask them and install them hidden. The terminal block covers of these devices must be sealed (sealed) by an electrician of the security service or an engineer and technical worker of the private security unit, indicating the name and date in the technical documentation of the facility.

Distribution cabinets intended for crossing alarm loops must be locked, sealed and have locking (anti-tamper) buttons connected to separate numbers of the internal security console "without the right to disconnect", and in the absence of an internal security console - to the central monitoring station as part of the alarm system .

When developing a fire alarm project, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of NPB 88-2001 - “Norms and rules for the design of fire extinguishing and alarm installations.”

The building of a medical institution is an administrative structure, therefore its premises, when using automatic fire alarms, should be equipped with smoke fire detectors.

Smoke fire detector is a fire detector that reacts to particles of solid or liquid products of combustion and (or) pyrolysis in the atmosphere.

In each protected room, at least two fire detectors should be installed, since the height of the facility premises does not exceed 3.5 m, the maximum distance between detectors is no more than 9 m, and the distance from the sensor to the wall is no more than 4.5 m.

    the main factor in the occurrence of a fire outbreak in initial stage is the appearance of smoke;

    There may be people present in the protected premises.

Such detectors must be included in a unified fire alarm system with alarm notifications output to a fire alarm control panel located in the premises of the duty personnel. A fire alarm control panel is a device designed to receive signals from fire detectors, provide power to active fire detectors, and issue information on light and sound annunciators and central monitoring panels, as well as the formation of a starting impulse for launching a fire control device.

Manual fire call point – a device designed to manually activate a signal fire alarm in fire alarm and fire extinguishing systems.

Manual fire call points should be installed on walls and structures at a height of 1.5 m from the ground or floor level in corridors, halls, lobbies, on staircases, and at building exits.

But an effective fire alarm system must necessarily include a system for alerting people about a fire.

Warning and evacuation control system (WEC) is a set of organizational measures and technical means designed to promptly communicate to people information about the occurrence of a fire and (or) the need for and routes of evacuation. The emergency control system must operate for the time necessary to complete the evacuation of people from the building.

The building of the object in question belongs to the second type of SOUE, therefore, it must be equipped with light “Exit” annunciators and sound annunciators (siren or tinted signal).

To ensure clear audibility, the sound signals of the SOUE must provide a sound level of at least 15 dB above the permissible sound level of constant noise in the protected room.

A combined light and sound siren should be placed on the external wall of the building in front of the entrance.



Part 2. Requirements for security alarm systems

Section 5. Radio wave Doppler detectors for enclosed spaces

OKS 13.220
OKP 43 7200

Date of introduction 1995-01-01


1 DEVELOPED by the Research Center "Okhrana" (SRC "Okhrana") of the All-Russian Research Institute of Fire Defense (VNIIPO) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 234 "Technical means of security, security and fire alarms"

2 ADOPTED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated March 25, 1994 No. 71

3 This standard fully takes into account all the indicators and requirements of the international standard IEC 839-2-5-90 "Alarm systems. Part 2. Requirements for security alarm systems. Section 5. Radio wave Doppler detectors for enclosed spaces"


RE-ISSUE, December 2001

1 area of ​​use

This standard establishes requirements for radio wave Doppler security detectors for enclosed spaces (hereinafter referred to as detectors) and methods for their testing.

The standard is an addition general requirements to intrusion detectors set out in the IEC 839-2-2 standard and should also be used in conjunction with the general requirements for alarm systems standard IEC 839-1-1.

The standard establishes requirements for radio wave security detectors, which must provide them normal functioning at minimum number false positives.

This standard is based on the international standard IEC 839-2-5. Requirements other than IEC 839-2-5 are indicated in italics in the text of the standard. The requirements of sections 5 and 6 and appendices A and B, highlighted in italics in the text of the standard, are established by agreement with the customer (consumer).

This standard applies to newly being developed and upgradeable detectors.

The standard does not apply to special purpose detectors.

The requirements of this standard are mandatory, except for 5.1.8, 5.7-5.9.

IEC 839-1-1-88 Alarm systems. Part 1. General requirements. Section 1. General provisions*

IEC 839-1-3-88 Alarm systems. Part 1. General requirements. Section 3. Impact Tests external factors*

IEC 839-2-2-87 Alarm systems. Part 2. Requirements for security alarm systems. Section 2. Requirements for detectors. General provisions*

GOST 12.1.006-84 Electromagnetic fields of radio frequencies. Acceptable levels at workplaces and requirements for control

GOST SSBT. Electrical products. General safety requirements

GOST 12997-84 GSP products. General technical conditions

GOST 14254-96 (IEC 529-89) Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code)

GOST 27484-87 (IEC 695-2-2-80) Tests for fire hazard. Test methods. Needle flame torch tests

GOST 27924-88 (IEC 695-2-3-84) Tests for fire hazard. Test methods. Poor contact tests using incandescent elements

GOST 28198-89 (IEC 68-1-88) Basic test methods for exposure to external factors. Part 1. General provisions and guidance

GOST R 50009-2000 Compatibility of technical means of security, fire and electromagnetic fire alarm systems. Requirements, standards and test methods for noise immunity and industrial radio interference

GOST R 50571.3-94 (IEC 364-4-41-92) Electrical installations of buildings. Part 4. Security requirements. Protection from defeat electric shock
* Before direct application of the international standard as a state standard, it can be purchased from the INTD fund of the VNIIKI of the State Standard of Russia.

3 Definitions

In this standard, in addition to the terms given in the general requirements standard (IEC 839-2-2), the following terms apply.

3.1 Detector

A device for generating an alarm notification in the event of intrusion or attempted intrusion, or for triggering an alarm signal by the consumer.

Security detector

A technical security alarm system for detecting intrusion (attempted intrusion) and generating a notification of intrusion.

Radio wave security detector

Security detector that generates a notification of penetration (attempted penetration) in the event of a normal disturbance of the field of electromagnetic waves of the microwave range in its detection zone.

3.2 Sensing element

Emitting and receiving elements of the detector.

3.3 Electromagnetic radiation in the microwave range

Electromagnetic radiation in the frequency range above 1 GHz.

3.4 Standard goal

A man weighing 50-70 kg, height 165-180 cm, dressed in a cotton robe.

3.5 Detection zone boundary

A conventional line connecting points located at the greatest radial distances in all directions at which the detector issues an intrusion notification when it detects a standard target moving towards the detector.

3.6 Range

For a given direction, this is the radial distance from the detector to the boundary of the detection zone.

3.7 Detector detection area

Part of the space of a protected object, when moving in which a person (object of detection) moves, the detector issues a notification of intrusion.

4 General provisions

The detector consists of one or more sensitive elements (SE) and an information processing device (processor). Each SE must be placed in a separate casing, which can also house an information processing device. If the detector includes several SEs, tests in accordance with Section 6 of this standard should be carried out on one SE.

Detectors may provide a means to change the configuration of the detection area. If such means are incorporated, the detectors shall be tested in accordance with Clause 6 of this standard as normal detectors under normal adjustment, and additional tests shall be carried out to confirm the effectiveness of the means.

5 Requirements for detectors

5.1 Functional requirements

Assignment Requirements

5.1.1 Operating frequency

The operating frequency of the detector must be at least 1 GHz.

By agreement with the customer, the operating frequency of the detector can be set to at least 300 MHz.

5.1.2 Detection zone boundary

The detection zone boundary obtained for any detector adjusted to maximum range must correspond to that established in technical conditions for detectors of specific types or exceed it by no more than 25%.

The maximum range of the detector must correspond to that established in the technical specifications for specific detectors types or exceed it by no more than 25%.

5.1.3 Signal processing

Sensitivity when moving uniformly

The detector must generate an alarm when a standard target moves uniformly towards the detector within the detection zone boundary at a distance of 3 m or 30% of the operating range, whichever is less. Moving the target at a distance of less than 0.2 m should not cause an alarm notification.

Detector must issue an intrusion notification when a standard target moves uniformly from the boundary of the detection zone towards the detector at a distance of no more than 3 m. Moving a standard target at a distance of up to 0.2 m should not cause an intrusion notification.

5.1.4 Time to restore the detector to standby mode

After issuing an alarm notification and stopping the standard target (stopping movement), the detector must return to its original state (standby mode) within 10 s.

5.1.5 Uneven movement

Sensitivity when moving unevenly

The detector must issue an alarm notification when the standard target moves unevenly towards the detector (at least 1 s - movement at a speed from the range of detected movement speeds; no more than 5 s - stop) at a distance of 5 m or 50% of the operating range, whichever is less.

5.1.6 Range of detectable moving speeds

The detector must detect radial movement of a standard target towards the detector at any speed in the range of 0.3-3 m/s.

In the technical specifications for specific types of detectors, it is allowed to set a wider range of detectable movement speeds. Wherein lower value this range should be no more than 0.3 m/s, and the upper range should be no less than 3 m/s.

5.1.7 Stability

The range of the detector should not change by more than 10% during seven days of its operation in standby mode under constant environmental conditions.

5.1.8 Tamper protection

The detector must be equipped with a built-in device that provides an alarm signal in the event of unauthorized opening of the detector to an amount that provides access to its controls and fixing elements.

By agreement with the customer (consumer), it is possible not to equip the detector with the specified device.

5.1.9 Trunk protection

When placed sensitive element in a separate enclosure, the electrical lines connecting it to the information processing device must be considered part of the detector. Specified lines must be controlled in such a way that in case of any violation (break, short circuit) that prevents the passage of an alarm notification or the issuance of a signal about unauthorized opening, the information processing device ensures the issuance of an alarm notification within 10 s after detection of these violations.

5.7.10 The duration of the intrusion notification generated by the detector must be at least 2 s.

5.1.11 The detector must be ready for operation no more than 60 s after it is turned on.

The detector supply voltage must be 12 V direct current. At the request of the customer (consumer), the supply voltage can be set different from the specified one.

The detector parameters must comply with the requirements of this standard when the supply voltage changes in the range from plus 25 to minus 15% of its nominal value.

5.2 Requirements for resistance to external factors*

5.3 Safety requirements*

The microwave radiation power density should not exceed 5 mW/cm 2 at a distance of 50 mm from the detector.

5.4 Reliability requirements*

There are no additional requirements.

5.5 Interface*

There are no additional requirements.

5.6 Design requirements*

There are no additional requirements.

5.7 Check indicator

If the detector is equipped with an indicator that ensures that it has issued an alarm notification, it should be possible to limit its indication time without opening the detector.

5.8 Manufacturer's specification

Operational documentation

In addition to general information required by IEC 839-2-2, the manufacturer must specify the following parameters for each detector:

Detection zone boundaries in horizontal and vertical planes for a speed of 1 m/s, measured in accordance with the requirements of 6.2.1. They can be represented as a polar diagram;

Operating frequency and, if available, frequency and type of modulation;

The range of detectable target movement speeds, if it is greater than specified in 5.1.6.

* Requirements for detectors in accordance with IEC 839-2-2 and IEC 839-1-3 standards are given in Appendix A.

The detector may be provided with means to reduce its emission level when the associated part of the system is in the disarmed mode. In this case, it must be possible to return the detector to the standby mode at the command of the system in a time of no more than 1 minute. If such means are built-in, the detector must be capable of providing a signal to the alarm system to indicate a decrease in radiation levels.

This signal may take the form of an alarm notification.

6 Test methods

6.1 Test conditions

Tests should be carried out on a hard surface area. The surrounding structures should not influence the distance measurement results by more than 5%.

During testing, the detector must be positioned at the manufacturer's recommended distance from the floor and in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. If the height of the detector is specified as an interval of values, tests are carried out at the upper and lower values.

Tests must be carried out under normal environmental conditions in accordance with GOST 28198 (according to 5.3).

It is allowed to test detectors at relative air humidity in the range of 40-80%.

6.2 Functional tests

6.2.1 Detection zone boundary

A standard target should be located outside the maximum range of the detector and move towards the detector at a speed of approximately 1 m/s.

The distance from the detector to the standard target at the time it issues an alarm notification is fixed and must be equal to maximum range established in the technical specifications for specific types of detectors, or exceed it by no more than 25%.

The distance from the detector to the standard target at the time it issues an alarm notification must be measured in at least seven directions in each plane (vertical and horizontal). Tests in the vertical plane must be carried out with the detector rotated 90° relative to the radiation axis.

6.2.2 Detector sensitivity to object movement at a constant speed

A standard target should be located in front of the detector at the edge of the detection zone and move towards it at a speed of approximately 1 m/s. The detector must generate an alarm when the target moves within 3 m or 30% of the range, whichever is less, and must not generate an alarm when the target moves within 0.2 m.

A standard target is placed in front of the detector at the edge of the detection zone on its centerline and moves towards the detector at a speed of approximately 1 m/s. The detector must provide an intrusion alert when a standard target moves within 3 m of the start of movement. Moving the target to the detector at a distance of up to 0.2 m should not cause an intrusion notification to be issued.

Tests should be carried out at target speeds of approximately 0.3; 1 and 3 m/s or the highest and lowest speeds of movement, if the technical specifications for specific types of detectors specify a wider range of detectable speeds.

6.2.3 Time to restore the detector to standby mode

A standard target should be located in front of the detector at the edge of the detection zone and move towards it at a speed of approximately 1 m/s. When the detector issues an alarm notification, the distance from the detector to the target is recorded. After this, the standard target returns to the border of the detection zone.

The target is then replaced by some object or person other than the standard target, which moves towards the detector before it issues an alarm notification. After this, the movement stops. No earlier than 10 s from the boundary of the detection zone, the standard target begins to move at a speed of approximately 1 m/s. The distance from the detector to the target at which an alarm notification occurs should not differ from that measured in the first part of the test by more than 10%.

Deviation in the distance from the detector to the target at which a notification about penetration occurred in the second part of the test, from what was measured in the first part of the test, in agreement with the customer, it is allowed to set no more than 15%.

6.2.4 Sensitivity of the detector to object movement during uneven movement

The standard target should be located in front of the detector on the border of the detection zone and move towards it in the following way: move a distance of 1 m for 1 s, then stop for 5 s, after which the cycle repeats. The detector must provide an alarm notification before the target moves 5 m or 50% of the range, whichever is less.

6.2.5 Stability

The test can be carried out at any range of the detector within the limits of its adjustment. During testing, no range adjustment is made.

A standard target should be positioned in front of the detector, behind the mark corresponding to the selected range, and moving towards it at a speed of approximately 1 m/s. The distance from the detector to the target is recorded when it issues an alarm notification.

After at least seven days of operation of the detector in standby mode, the tests are repeated at original conditions. The distance newly recorded during re-testing should not differ from that measured in the first case by more than 10%.

6.2.6 Tamper-proof

If there are means to protect the detector from opening, its housing must be opened using tools usually used for these purposes in such a way as to gain access to the controls and adjustment of the detector.

Before such access is gained, the tamper-evident means must sound an alarm.

The tests should be repeated using a knife or screwdriver in an attempt to bypass the tamper evident features without damaging the detector.

6.2.7 Trunk protection

6.2.8 Detectable speed range

A standard target is placed in front of the detector at the edge of the detection zone on its centerline and moves towards the detector. The detector must provide an intrusion alert when a standard target moves within 3 m of the start of movement.

Tests are carried out when moving a standard target at speeds of 0.3; 1 and 3 m/s.

If the technical specifications for specific types of detectors specify a wider range of detectable speeds, then tests are carried out at the highest and lowest speeds, as well as at a speed of 1 m/s.

6.2.9 Duration of intrusion notification

The test method is established in the technical specifications for specific types of detectors.

6.2.10 Detector readiness time for operation

The test method is established in the technical specifications for specific types of detectors.

The detector supply voltage is set to (15±2)% below its rated value and the detector range is determined in accordance with 6.2.1.

A similar procedure is carried out when the detector supply voltage is increased by (25±2)% relative to its nominal value.

The detector range, measured in both cases, must comply with the requirements of 5.1.2.

6.2.12 Operating frequency

The test method is established in the technical specifications for specific types of detectors.

6.3 Tests for external influences

6.3.1 Test conditions

The following tests (range test) must be carried out before and after exposure to dry heat, cold and sinusoidal vibration (external test conditions are given in IEC 839-2-2*).

Tests can be carried out at any range of the detector within the limits of its adjustment. During testing, the detector range is not adjusted.

A standard target should be positioned in front of the detector, beyond the mark corresponding to the selected range, and move towards it at a speed of approximately 1 m/s. When the detector issues an alarm notification, the distance from the target to the detector is recorded.

The distance from the target to the detector when it issues an alarm notification, recorded after exposure to each external factor, should not differ by more than 10% from the original distance.

Tests may be carried out using simulators if they can be shown to give the same results as the specified test method.

Impact tests electrical impulses in the power circuit, electrostatic discharge and electromagnetic fields are carried out on the detector configured for maximum range.
* Test methods in accordance with IEC 839-2-2 are given in Annex B.

6.4 Safety tests

6.4.1 Microwave radiation power density

Tests are carried out in accordance with GOST 12.1.006 in specialized organizations State Committee for Epidemiological Surveillance Russia, other testing laboratories duly accredited to conduct this type of testing.

6.4.2 Checking the detector according to the method of protecting people from electric shock is carried out by comparing the applied in the detector the protective equipment and required for protection class 0 according to GOST

6.4.3 Tests of electrical strength and insulation resistance of detectors should be carried out in accordance with GOST 12997.

The detector is considered to have passed the electrical insulation strength test if no breakdown or flashover of the insulation occurs within 1 minute after the application of voltage.

A detector is considered to have passed the insulation resistance test if its measured value is equal to or exceeds that established in the technical specifications for specific types of detectors.

Note - The electrical circuits to be tested, the points of application of the test voltage and the connection of insulation resistance measuring instruments are established in the technical specifications for specific types of detectors.

6.4.4 Fire safety tests of the detector are carried out according to the "Method for testing security and fire alarm equipment fire safety", developed by VNIIPO Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and in accordance with GOST 27484 and GOST 27924.

6.5 Reliability tests

The method for determining the mean time between failures is established in the technical specifications for specific types of detectors.

6.6 Verification of design requirements

The degree of protection of the shell is checked according to the GOST 14254 method.


Requirements for detectors in accordance with standards
IEC 839-2-2 and IEC 839-1-3

5.2 Requirements for resistance to external factors

5.2.1 Dry heat

The detector must remain operational when exposed to elevated temperatures of 40 °C.

The value of the elevated temperature at which the detector must remain operational can be set in the technical specifications for specific types of detectors.

5.2.2 Cold

The detector must remain operational when exposed to low temperature 5 °C. The value of the low temperature at which the detector must remain operational is allowed installed in the technical specifications for specific types of detectors.

5.2.3 Sinusoidal vibration

The detector must remain operational after exposure to sinusoidal vibration with an acceleration of 0.981 m/s 2 (0.1 g) in the frequency range 10-55 Hz.

5.2.4 Electrical impulses in the power circuit

The detector must remain operational when exposed to electrical pulses in the power circuit, the amplitude (peak value) of the voltage is 500 V, and the decay time is 0.1-1 μs.

The values ​​of the parameters characterizing the impact on the detector of electrical pulses in the power supply circuit, under which the detector must maintain its functionality, can be set in the technical specifications for specific types of detectors in accordance with GOST R 50009.

5.2.5 Electrostatic discharge

The detector must remain operational when its body is exposed to an electrostatic discharge with an energy of 4.8 mJ.

5.2.6 Electromagnetic field

The detector must remain operational when exposed to electromagnetic field with an rms voltage value of 10 V/m in the frequency range from 0.1 to 150 MHz and 5 V/m in the frequency range from 150 to 500 MHz with amplitude modulation with a depth of 50% at a frequency of 1 kHz.

5.2.7 Impulse shock (mechanical)

The detector must remain operational after being struck with a hammer from aluminum alloy with a speed of (1.5±0.125) m/s, with an impact energy of (1.9±0.1) J.

The field strength of radio interference generated by the detector during operation must comply with GOST R 50009.

5.2.9 Nonlinear voltage distortion in the network

The values ​​of the parameters characterizing nonlinear distortions in the alternating current network, under which the detector must remain operational, are established in the technical specifications for specific types of detectors in accordance with GOST R 50009.

5.2.10 Short-term interruption of mains voltage

The minimum value of the duration of a complete failure of the mains voltage, at which the detector remains operational, must be equal to 250 ms.

5.2.11 Long interruption of mains voltage

The parameter value at which the detector must remain operational is established in the technical specifications for specific types of detectors in accordance with GOST R 50009.

5.2.12 High humidity

Meaning high humidity, at which the detector must remain operational, is established in the technical specifications for specific types of detectors.

5.2.13 Transportation

During transportation, the detector in its packaging must withstand:

Transport shaking with an acceleration of 30 m/s2 at a blow frequency of 10 to 120 per minute or 15,000 blows;

Ambient air temperature from minus 50 to plus 50 °C;

Relative air humidity (95±3)% at a temperature of 35 °C.

5.3 Safety requirements

electrical safety detector according to GOST R 50571.3 (IEC 364-4-41).

5.3.1 According to the method of protecting people from electric shock, the detector must belong to protection class 0 according to GOST

5.3.2 The value of electrical insulation strength is established in the technical specifications for specific types of detectors in accordance with GOST 12997.

5.3.3 Electrical value The insulation resistance of the circuits is established in the technical specifications for specific types of detectors in accordance with GOST 12997.

5.3.4 The detector must comply with fire safety requirements in accordance with GOST (3.1.10).

5.4 Reliability requirements

The average time between failures of the detector in standby mode must be at least 60,000 hours.

By agreement with the customer, it is allowed to set the average time between failures of the detector in standby mode at least 30,000 hours for single-position detectors, and for two- and multi-position detectors, the average time between failures is established in the technical specifications for specific types of detectors.

5.5 Interface

The detector must have an electronic key or normally closed contacts at its output that open when an alarm is issued, unless the manufacturer specifies other requirements.

5.6 Design requirements

The design of the detector must ensure the degree of protection of the enclosure IP41 in accordance with GOST 14254.

The design of the detector must ensure a degree of protection of the enclosure of at least IP41 according to GOST 14254.

The detector must be provided with means that allow it to be securely fastened.


Testing detectors for exposure to external factors
in accordance with IEC 839-2-2 and IEC 839-1-3 standards

6.3.2 Dry heat test

The detector is exposed to a temperature of 40 °C for 16 hours. The rate of temperature increase should not exceed 1 °C/min. The moisture content in the ambient air during testing should not exceed 20 g/m3. The distance from the target to the detector when it issues an alarm notification is determined for a time sufficient to maintain the temperature at which the test was carried out.

The dry heat test is carried out in a climate chamber. The range control is fixed in the selected position. The detector is placed in the chamber and its power is turned on. Increase the temperature in the chamber to the temperature specified in the technical specifications. Rate of temperature increase (1 -0.5) °C/min. with an accuracy of ±3 °C for 2 hours. Ambient air humidity during testing should not exceed (80±3)%. Remove the detector from the chamber and within 5 min measure the distance from a standard target to the detector at which it issues an alarm notification (about penetration), in accordance with 6.3.1. The deviation of the distances at which the detector issued an intrusion notification before and after the dry heat test can be set to no more than 15%.

6.3.3 Cold test

The detector is exposed to a temperature of 5 °C for 16 hours. The rate of temperature decrease should not exceed 1 °C/min. The distance from the target to the detector when it issues an alarm notification is determined for a time sufficient to maintain the temperature at which the test was carried out.

The cold exposure test is carried out in a climate chamber. The range control is fixed in the selected position. The detector is kept in normal conditions for 2 hours. The detector is placed in the chamber and its power is turned on. Reduce the temperature in the chamber to the temperature specified in the technical specifications. Temperature decrease rate (1-0.5) °C/min. Maintain the detector at this temperature with an accuracy of ±3 °C for 2 hours. Remove the detector from the chamber and within 5 minutes measure the distance from the standard target to the detector, at which it issues an alarm notification (about penetration), in accordance with 6.3.1. The deviation of the distances at which the detector issued an intrusion notification before and after the cold test can be set to no more than 15%.

6.3.4 Sinusoidal vibration test

The switched on detector is exposed to sinusoidal vibration in the frequency range (10-55) Hz with an acceleration of 0.981 m/s 2 (0.1 g) in three mutual perpendicular planes. After the test, the distance from the target to the detector is measured when it issues an alarm notification.

The test is carried out on a vibration stand with the detector turned on. The range control is fixed in the selected position. The detector is mounted on a vibration stand sequentially in three mutually perpendicular positions. Set the vibration frequency to 10 Hz with an acceleration of 0.981 m/s 2 . Changing the frequency at a rate of no more than 1.5 Hz/min, conduct a vibration test for 30 minutes in each of three mutually perpendicular positions. Remove the detector from the stand and measure the distance from the standard target to the detector, at which it issues an alarm notification (about penetration), in accordance with 6.3.1. The deviation of the distances at which the detector issued an intrusion notification before and after the sinusoidal vibration test can be set to no more than 15%.

6.3.5 Test for electrical impulses in the power supply circuit

In the mains power circuit included and configured for maximum range detector, 10 positive and 10 negative pulses are supplied with a voltage amplitude (peak value) of 500 V, a rising edge duration of 10 ns and a half-amplitude pulse duration of 0.1-1 μs.

A full description of the test must be given in the relevant part of the specifications for specific types of detectors.

During the test, the detector shall not produce an alarm notification. (about penetration). After completion of the test, its range shall comply with the requirements of 5.1.2.

6.3.6 Electrostatic discharge test

Tests are carried out with the detector turned on.

A capacitor with a capacity of 150 pF is charged from a direct current source to a voltage of 8 kV and connected with one plate to the grounding bus, and the other through a 150 Ohm resistor and a discharge electrode is brought to the grounded metal part of the detector until a discharge occurs. At least 10 discharges are passed through the sample with an interval between discharges of at least 1 s.

For detectors that do not have grounded parts, the discharge is carried out on a grounded metal plate located under the detector, which protrudes beyond the detector by at least 0.1 m.

During the test, the detector shall not produce an alarm notification.

The test for the effects of electrostatic discharge is carried out with the detector switched on and set to maximum range in accordance with GOST R 50009 (test UP 1. Severity degree 3).

During the test, the detector shall not produce an intrusion notification. After completion of the test, its range shall comply with the requirements of 5.1.2.

6.3.7 Electromagnetic field test

The switched-on detector is exposed to an electromagnetic field with an rms value of 10 V/m in the frequency range from 0.1 to 150 MHz and 5 V/m in the frequency range from 150 to 500 MHz with amplitude modulation with a depth of 50% at a frequency of 1 kHz.

A full description of the test must be given in the relevant part of the specifications for specific types of detectors.

During the test, the detector shall not produce an alarm notification.

The test for the influence of electromagnetic fields is carried out with the detector switched on and set to maximum range in accordance with GOST R 50009 (test UP 2. Hardness degree 1).

6.3.8 Impact test (mechanical)

The detector is installed on a solid base and secured using commonly used fastening elements. Turn on the power to the detector. The range control is fixed in the selected position. Impacts are applied with a hammer made of aluminum alloy (AlCu 4 SiMg) with an energy of (1.9 ± 0.1) J and a speed of (1.5 ± 0.125) m/s in two randomly selected directions parallel to the mounting surface of the detector during its normal installation at the place of use, at normal room temperature. The striking surface of the hammer must be designed in such a way that at the moment of impact it is at an angle of 60° to the detector mounting surface. The blows are applied once in each of the selected directions.

A full description of the test, including impact points, should be given in the appropriate part of the specifications for the specific detector types.

At the end of the test, there should be no visible signs of damage on the detector, as well as no displacement of the detection zone boundary in relation to that originally established during installation of the detector.

Monitoring of the detection zone boundary before and after the impulse shock test is carried out in accordance with 6.2.1.

The permissible deviation of this parameter is established in the technical specifications for specific types of detectors.

6.3.9 Measuring the field strength of radio interference generated by the detector

Measurement of the field strength of radio interference created by the detector is carried out in accordance with GOST R 50009.

6.3.10 Test for immunity to non-linear voltage distortion in the network

The test for resistance to nonlinear distortion is carried out with the detector switched on and set to maximum range in accordance with GOST R 50009 (test UK 5. The degree of rigidity is established in the technical specifications for specific types of detectors).

During the test, the detector shall not produce an intrusion notification. After completion of the test, its range shall comply with the requirements of 5.1.2.

6.3.11 Test for resistance to short-term interruption of mains voltage

The test for resistance to the effects of a short-term interruption of voltage in the network is carried out with the detector switched on and configured to the maximum range in accordance with GOST R 50009 (test UK 3. The degree of severity is set so that a complete voltage drop in the network corresponds to its value set in 5.2. 11 of Appendix A of this standard).

During the test, the detector shall not produce an intrusion notification. After completion of the test, its range shall comply with the requirements of 5.1.2.

6.3.12 Test for resistance to the effects of prolonged interruption of mains voltage

The test for resistance to the effects of a long interruption of voltage in the network is carried out with the detector switched on and set to maximum range in accordance with GOST R 50009 (test UK 4. The degree of rigidity is established in the technical specifications for specific types of detectors).

During the test, the detector shall not produce an intrusion notification. After completion of the test, its range shall comply with the requirements of 5.1.2.

6.3.13 High humidity test

The test for exposure to high humidity is carried out in a climate chamber. The range control is fixed in the selected position. The detector is placed in the chamber and turned on. Raise the temperature in the chamber at a rate of (1 -0.5) °C/min to the temperature established in the technical specifications, with an accuracy of ±3 °C. Maintain the detector at this temperature for 2 hours. Increase air humidity at a rate of 0.5%/min to the humidity established in the technical conditions, with an accuracy of ±3%, and keep the detector in these conditions for 48 hours. Remove the detector from the chamber and within 5 mines, measure the distance from the standard target to the detector, at which it issues an intrusion notification, in accordance with 6.3.1. The deviation of the distances at which the detector issued an intrusion notification before and after testing for exposure to high humidity can be set to no more than 15%.

6.3.14 Transport tests Shock test

The detector in the transport packaging is secured in accordance with the handling signs on the vibration stand. Tests are carried out with the following parameters:

Number of beats per minute......................... from 10 to 120;

Maximum acceleration........................ 30m/s 2 ;

Duration of exposure......... 2 hours.

It is permissible to carry out the test under the influence of 15,000 impacts with the same acceleration.

After the test, a visual inspection is carried out and the range of the detector is determined. Detectormust not show visible signs of damage, and its range must comply with the requirements of 5.1.2. Cold transport test

The detector in the transport package is placed in a climate chamber and the temperature is reduced at a rate of (1 -0.5) °C/min to minus 50 °C. The temperature in the chamber is maintained with an accuracy of ±3 °C for 6 hours.

Raise the temperature in the chamber at a rate of (1 -0.5) °C/min to a temperature of (20±5) °C and maintain the detector under these conditions for 2 hours.

The detector is removed from the chamber, unpacked and kept under normal conditions for 4 hours. Test for dry heat during transport

The detector in the transport packaging is placed in a climatic chamber, the temperature is increased at a rate of (1 -0.5) °C/min to 50 °C and the detector is kept under these conditions for 6 hours. The temperature in the chamber is maintained with an accuracy of ±3 °C. The detector is removed from the chamber, unpacked and kept under normal conditions for 4 hours.

After the test is completed, a visual inspection is carried out and the detector range is determined. The detector must not have visible signs of damage, and its range must comply with the requirements of 5.1.2. Test for exposure to high humidity during transportation

The detector in its transport packaging is placed in a climate chamber. Set the relative air humidity in the chamber to (95±3)% at a temperature of (35±3) °C and keep the detector under these conditions for 6 hours. The detector is removed from the chamber, unpacked and kept under normal conditions for 4 hours.

After the test is completed, a visual inspection is carried out and the detector range is determined. The detector must not have visible signs of damage, and its range must comply with the requirements of 5.1.2.

GOST R 50659-94
(IEC 60839-2-5:1990)


Part 2

Requirements for security systems

Chapter 5

Radio wave dopplers To not detectors
for enclosed spaces




1 DEVELOPED by the Scientific Research Center "Okhrana" (SRC "Okhrana") of the All-Russian Scientific Research CenterO Institute of Fire Defense (VNII PO) Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 234 “Technical means of security, security and fire alarms”

2 ADOPTED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated March 25, 1994 No. 71

3 This standard fully takes into account all indicators and requirements of the international standard IEC 60839-2-5:1990 “Alarm systems. Part 2. Requirements for security alarm systems. Section 5. Radio waves pl erovskie detectors and for enclosed spaces"

(Changed edition, Change No. 1 ).


GOST R 50659-94

(IEC 60839-2-5:1990)



Part 2. Requirements for security alarm systems

Section 5. Radio waves before pl erovs k e detectors for enclosed spaces

Date of introduction 1995 -01 -01

1 area of ​​use

This standard specifies requirements for radio waves up to pl erovski m security detector I m for enclosed spaces (hereinafter referred to as detectors) and their test methods.

The standard isaddition to the general requirements for security detectors set out in the IEC 60839 standard-2-2 , and should also be used in conjunction with the General Requirements for Alarm Systems standard GOST R 50775 and GOST R 52435 .

The standard establishes requirements for radio wave security detectors, which must ensure their normal functioning with a minimum number of false alarms.

This standard is based on the international standard IEC 60839-2-5. Requirements other than IEC 60839-2-5, which reflect the needs of the national economy, are highlighted in italics in the text of the standard. Link toGOST R 50775 , replacing the reference to IEC 60839-1-1, is underlined in the text with a solid line.

This standard applies to newly developed and modernized detectors.

The standard does not apply to special purpose detectors.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2 Normative references

This standard uses references to the following standards:

5.2.11 (Deleted, Amendment No. 1).

5.2.12 High humidity

The value of high humidity at which the detector must remain operational is established in the technical specifications for specific types of detectors.

5 .2.13 Transportation

During transportation, the detector in its packaging must withstand:

- transport shaking with an acceleration of 30 m/s 2 at a frequency of blows from 10 to 120 per minute or 15,000 blows;

- ambient air temperature from minus 50 to plus 50 °C;

- relative air humidity (95 ± 3) % at a temperature of 35 °C.

5.3 Safety requirements

Electrical safety of the detector according to GOST R 50571.3 (IEC 364-4-41).

5.3 .1 According to the method of protecting a person from electric shock, the detector must belong to protection class 0 according to GOST .

5.3.2 The value of electrical insulation strength is established in the technical specifications for specific types of detectors in accordance with GOST 12997.

5.3.3 The value of the electrical insulation resistance of the circuits is established in the technical specifications for And stars and specific types according to GOST 12997.

5.3.4 The detector must comply with fire safety requirements according to GOST (3.1.10).

5.4 Reliability requirements

Average time between failuresl I in standby mode should be at least 60,000 hours.

In justified cases it is allowed to set the average time between failures of the detector in standby mode at least 30,000 hours for single-position s x notify t oils, and for two- and multi-position limes now The average time between failures is established in the technical specifications for specific types of detectors.

(Changed edition, Change No. 1 ).

5.5 Interface

The detector must have an electronic key or normally closed contacts at its output that open when an alarm is issued, unless the manufacturer specifies other requirements.

5.6 Design requirements

The design of the detector must ensure the degree of protection of the enclosure IP 41 according to GOST 14254.

The design of the detector must ensure b degree shell protection no less IP41 according to GOST 14254.

In the notice a t Means must be provided to allow it to be securely fastened.



Testing of detectors for exposure to external factors in accordance with IEC 60839-2-2 and IEC 60839-1-3 standards

(Changed edition, Change No. 1 ).

6.3.2 Dry heat test

The detector is exposed to a temperature of 40° C for 16 hours. The rate of temperature increase should not exceed 1 °C/min. The moisture content in the ambient air during testing should not exceed 20 g/m3. The distance from the target to the detector when it issues an alarm notification is determined for a time sufficient to maintain the temperature at which the test was carried out.

The dry heat test is carried out in a climate chamber. The range control is fixed in the selected position. The detector is placed in the chamber and its power is turned on. Increase the temperature in the chamber to the temperature specified in the technical specifications. Rate of temperature rise(1 -0,5) ° S/min. Maintain the detector at this temperature with an accuracy of ±3 °C for 2 hours. Ambient air humidity during testing should not exceed (8 0 ± 3)%.Remove the detector from the chamber and within 5 min measure the distance from a standard target to the detector at which it issues an alarm notification (about penetration), in accordance with . Deviation of distance values ,on which the issue took place notification Intrusion notices before and after dry heat testing may be installed b no more than 15%.

6.3.3 Cold exposure test

The detector is exposed to a temperature of 5 °C for 16 hours. The rate of temperature decrease should not exceed 1 °C/min. The distance from the target to the detector when it issues an alarm notification is determined for a time sufficient to maintain the temperature at which the test was carried out.

The cold exposure test is carried out in a climate chamber. The range control is fixed in the selected position. The detector is kept in normal conditions for 2 hours. The detector is placed in the chamber and its power is turned on. Reduce the temperature in the chamber to the temperature specified in the technical specifications. Temperature decrease rate (1 -0,5 ) °C/min. Maintain the detector at this temperature with an accuracy of ±3 °C for 2 hours. Remove the detector from the chamber and within 5 minutes measure the distance from the standard target to the detector at which it issues an alarm notification (about penetration), in accordance with . The deviation of the distances at which the detector issued an intrusion notification before and after the cold test can be set to no more than 15 %.

6.3.4 Sinusoidal vibration test

The switched on detector is exposed to sinusoidal vibration in the frequency range (10 - 55) Hz with an acceleration of 0.981 m/s 2 (0.1 g ) in three mutually perpendicular planes. After the test, the distance from the target to the detector is measured when it issues an alarm notification.

The test is carried out on a vibration stand with the alarm switched on.T barely. The range control is fixed in the selected position. The detector is mounted on a vibration stand sequentially in three mutually perpendicular positions. Set the vibration frequency to 10 Hz at an acceleration of 0.981 m/s 2 .Changing the frequency at a speed of no more than 1.5 Hz/min, carry out a vibration test for 30 minutes in each of three mutually perpendicular positions. Remove the detector from the stand and measure the distance from the standard target to the detector, at which it issues an alarm notification (about penetration), in accordance with. The deviation of the distances at which the detector issued an intrusion notification before and after the sinusoidal vibration test can be set to no more than 15 %.

6.3.5 Test for the influence of electrical impulses in the power circuit

10 positive and 10 negative pulses with a voltage amplitude (peak value) of 500 V, a rising edge duration of 10 ns and a half-amplitude pulse duration of 0.1 are supplied to the mains power circuit of the detector that is turned on.- 1mks.

A full description of the test must be given in the relevant part of the specifications for specific types of detectors.

During the test, the detector shall not produce an alarm notification..

(Changed edition, Change No. 1 ).

6.3.6 Electrostatic discharge test

Tests are carried out with the detector turned on.

Capacitor with capacity150 pF is charged from a direct current source to a voltage of 8 kV and connected with one plate to the grounding bus, and the other through a 150 Ohm resistor and a discharge electrode is brought to the grounded metal part of the detector until a discharge occurs. At least 10 discharges are passed through the sample with an interval between discharges of at least 1 s.

For information sch for those who do not have grounded parts, the discharge is carried out on a grounded metal plate located under the lime sch body, which protrudes beyond the detector by at least 0.1 m.

(Changed edition, Change No. 1 ).

6.3.7 Electromagnet impact test nykh fields

The switched on detector is exposed to an electromagnetic field with an averageV adratic voltage value 10 V/m in the range e frequencies from 0.1 to 150 MHz and 5 V/m in the frequency range from 150 to 500 MHz with amplitude modulation with a depth of 50% at a frequency of 1 kHz.

A full description of the test must be given in the relevant part of the specifications on the printed page.sch ateliers of specific types.

During the test, the detector shall not produce an alarm notification.

(Changed edition, Change No. 1 ).

6.3.8 Pulse shock test (mechanical)

The detector is installed on a solid base and secured using commonly used fastening elements. Turn on the power to the detector. The range control is fixed in the selected position. Strikes with an aluminum hammer alloy (AlCu 4 SiMg ) brand D1 By GOST 4784with energy (1.9 ± 0.1)D g and at a speed of (1.5 ± 0.125) m/s in two arbitrarily selected directions parallel to the detector mounting surface during its normal installation at the site of operation, at normal room temperature. The striking surface of the hammer must be designed in such a way that at the moment of impact it is at an angle of 60° to the detector mounting surface. The blows are applied once in each of the selected directions.

A full description of the test, including impact points, should be given in the appropriate part of the specifications for the specific types of detectors.

At the end of the test, there should be no visible signs of damage on the detector, as well as no displacement of the detection zone boundary in relation to that originally established during installation of the detector.

Monitoring of the detection zone boundary before and after the pulse shock test is carried out in accordance with.

The permissible deviation of this parameter is established in the technical specifications for specific types of detectors.

(Changed edition, Change No. 1)).

6.3.13 High humidity test

The test for exposure to high humidity is carried out in a climate chamber. The range control is fixed in the selected position. The detector is placed in the chamber and turned on. Raise the temperature in the chamber at a rate of (1 ° C/min to the temperature specified in the technical specifications, with an accuracy of ±3 °C. Withstand notice l b at this temperature for 2 hours. Increase air humidity at a rate 0,5 %/ m and n to the humidity established in the technical conditions, with an accuracy of ±3% and withstand the notification l b under these conditions for 48 hours. Remove the detector from the chamber and within 5 minutes measure the distance from the standard target to notification I, on which a notice of intrusion is issued to them, in accordance with. Cold exposure test during transportation

The detector in the transport package is placed in a climate chamber and the temperature is reduced at a speed of (1 -0,5 ) °C/min up to minus 50 ° C. The temperature in the chamber is maintained with an accuracy of ±3 °C for 6 hours.

Increase the temperature in the chamber at a rate of (1 -0,5 )°C/min up to temperature (20± 5) °C and keep the detector in these conditions for 2 hours.

The detector is removed from the chamber, unpacked and kept under normal conditions for 4 hours.

6.3. 14.3 Test for dry heat during transportation

The detector in the transport packaging is placed in a climatic chamber, the temperature is increased at a rate (1 -0,5 )°C/min up to 50 °C and keep the detector in these conditions for 6 hours. The temperature in the chamber is maintained with an accuracy of ±3 °C. The detector is removed from the chamber, unpacked and kept under normal conditions for 4 hours.

After completion of the test, a visual inspection is carried out and the range of the detector is determined. The detector must not show visible signs of damage, and its range must meet the requirements. Test for exposure to high humidity during transportation

The detector in its transport packaging is placed in a climate chamber. Set the relative air humidity in the chamber to (95 ± 3)% at a temperature of (35 ± 3) °C and keep the detector under these conditions for 6 hours. The detector is removed from the chamber, unpacked and kept under normal conditions for 4 hours.

After completion of the test, a visual inspection is carried out and the range of the detector is determined. The detector must not show visible signs of damage, and its range must meet the requirements.

Key words: security alarm, security alarm systems, security detector, ra d and wave dopplers th security detector, requirements, test methods

Requirements for the technical equipment of facilities with security alarms are set out in VBN V.2.5-78.11.01-2003 ( Engineering equipment buildings and structures. Security alarm systems.) and are mandatory for all enterprises, organizations of any form of ownership and individuals carrying out design, installation and commissioning work and commissioning security alarm systems at security facilities Civil service security (GSO) under the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.
VBN V.2.5-78.11.01-2003 (Engineering equipment of buildings and structures. Security alarm systems.) puts forward strict requirements for: project documentation on alarm systems and their power supply, equipment of the operator’s workplace, blocking of premises and building structures, installation electrical wiring, installation of security detectors different types, installation of control panels, battery installations, commissioning, commissioning, etc.
The requirements for the technical equipment of facilities with security and fire alarm systems are determined by many years of experience of the units of the State Security Service (GSO) in protecting facilities various forms property and importance, as well as the tactical and technical characteristics of the technical security equipment (TSF) existing today.
Technical strength (engineering protection) and signaling equipment are components facility security systems, the functions of which complement and compensate for each other, therefore consider the issue technical protection the object is necessary in the complex.
One of the features that characterizes the reliability of a facility’s security is the structure of the installed security alarm system, which is determined by the number of security lines, protected zones, and alarm loops in each line. An object guarded or monitored by a GSO unit is equipped with one or more security lines. As a rule, a multi-site security system consists of 2-3 alarm loops, which are connected to centralized security or surveillance consoles (CSC) using control panels, telephone lines or a radio channel.
The first line is blocked building construction perimeters of objects (window and door openings, hatches, ventilation ducts, thermal inlets, non-permanent walls and other building elements accessible to unauthorized entry). The second frontier
internal volumes and areas of premises are blocked. The third line protects local objects and material assets. At the request of the customer, additional means of so-called alarm and fire alarm systems can be installed at the facility.
Reception and control devices (PKP) and small-capacity concentrators (KME) in security and fire alarm systems are an intermediate link between the primary means of detecting intrusion or fire (sensors) and notification transmission systems (STS) installed on the central monitoring station.
One of the main requirements for PKP and KME is energy independence. In the event of a power outage, it is necessary to maintain control over the alarm loops from the control panel, therefore the control panel and KME must have a backup power supply source.
Technical strengthening and blocking of vulnerable areas of objects by security means should ensure their maximum protection from unauthorized penetration. You can break into any door and open any safe, the only question is time, so it is very important that the alarm systems work on initial stage penetration. In this regard, security sensors when blocking vulnerable places in most cases are installed in front of the border mechanical protection.
The most vulnerable building elements of buildings are external doors, windows and shop windows. Today there is a wide range of sensors with which you can reliably block any structures from opening, destruction or breaking.
Non-visible and non-permanent walls at protected sites are usually reinforced metal bars. Particular attention is paid to those walls that border basements, boiler rooms, ventilation rooms, etc. Non-permanent ceilings and floors are also blocked from destruction and, if necessary, strengthened. To block them, ohmic, infrared and seismic sensors are used.
The second line protects approaches to material assets - these are the internal volumes and areas of premises; in addition, blocking loops are connected to the second line, which includes transition doors and electromechanical traps. The requirements for the second line of security mainly come down to the energy independence of electronic detectors and the right choice places of their installation, adjustment and configuration. The purpose of these actions is to effectively block the volume and area of ​​the protected premises. To protect the second boundaries, infrared, radio wave, ultrasonic, optical-electronic and combined electronic detectors are used. At particularly important objects (bank vaults, storerooms, weapons storage rooms, etc.), several electronic detectors, different in physical principle of operation, are used to block the volume and area of ​​the room.
The third line blocks safes, metal cabinets where material assets or directly objects and exhibits are stored. Safes and metal cabinets are blocked by capacitive detectors and other sensors for opening, overturning and thermal effects. For local blocking of material assets, point or ohmic sensors are used, the installation of which is carried out hidden.
The choice of the type of point sensors and electronic detectors used for all security lines is made taking into account many factors: climatic conditions, design features protected object, probable routes of penetration, security regime and tactics. The main requirements for point sensors are concealed installation, protection from sabotage and compliance with installation rules. Electromechanical - non-volatile, maximum protection of the protected space or area, protection from influences that cause false alarm signals.

For emergency calls to police security squads, alarm buttons are installed at the facilities. Armed mobile groups of GSO units react to their activation first of all. Alarm buttons are installed hidden; when installing them, the factor of accidental pressing must be excluded. The alarm message is transmitted individually telephone lines, direct communication lines, through compaction equipment over involved telephone lines or using a radio channel.
Television surveillance and access control systems are installed at sites as additional lines of protection, usually at the request of customers.
For particularly important facilities, compliance with the requirements for technical strengthening and equipping them with security and fire alarm systems is mandatory. For everyone else, these requirements are advisory in nature.
Depending on the number of measures taken by the “Customer” for the technical equipment of its facility, different kinds security or monitoring the condition of technical equipment installed at the facility. Monitoring can be carried out not only over the state of technical alarm systems, but also over individual vulnerable spots or objects of the facility. Today the spectrum security services provided by GSO is very wide.
However, it should be noted that if you have your own security system, or you work with a commercial control center, of which there are many today, you can turn a blind eye to all the requirements, to put it mildly.