Safety and environmental friendliness of technical systems: basic levels of protection

  • § 3. Crimes against honor and dignity of the individual
  • § 2. Rape
  • § 3. Violent acts and compulsion to act of a sexual nature
  • § 4. Other sexual (sexual) crimes consisting of a gross violation of sexual morality in relation to young people
  • Chapter 5.
  • § 2. Crimes against political rights and freedoms
  • § 3. Crimes against social rights and freedoms
  • § 4. Crimes against personal rights and freedoms
  • Chapter 6.
  • § 2. Crimes against minors
  • § 3. Crimes against the family
  • Chapter 7. Crimes against property
  • § 1. General characteristics
  • Property crimes
  • § 2. General concept and content of theft of other people’s property
  • § 3. Theft of other people's property: its forms and types
  • § 4. Causing property or other damage without signs of theft
  • § 5. Destruction or damage to someone else’s property
  • Chapter 8.
  • § 2. Crimes encroaching on legitimate business activities
  • § 3. Crimes in the monetary sphere
  • § 4. Crimes committed in the sphere of financial activities of the state
  • § 5. Crimes in the field of taxation.
  • § 6. Crimes in other economic spheres of activity
  • Chapter 9. Crimes against the interests of the service in commercial and other organizations
  • Interests of service in commercial and other organizations
  • § 2. Encroachments directed against the correct exercise of powers by the manager of the organization
  • § 3. Encroachments directed against professional (commercial) activities that are correct in accordance with the tasks and powers
  • Chapter 10.
  • § 2. General types of crimes against public safety
  • § 3. Crimes against public order
  • § 4. Crimes against public safety associated with various types of work
  • § 5. Crimes against public safety involving generally dangerous objects (Article 218,220-226 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation)
  • Chapter 11. Crimes against public health and public morality
  • § 1. General characteristics of crimes against
  • Health and public morals
  • § 2. Crimes affecting public health
  • § 3. Crimes against public morality
  • Chapter 12. Environmental crimes
  • § 1. General characteristics of environmental crimes
  • § 2. Environmental crimes that violate environmental safety rules for special types of activities
  • § 3. Environmental crimes encroaching on wildlife and against wildlife
  • Chapter 13.
  • § 2. Crimes directly related to violation of traffic safety rules and operation of vehicles
  • § 3. Crimes not directly related to violation of safety rules and operation of vehicles
  • Chapter 14. Crimes in the field of computer information
  • § 1. General criminal law characteristics
  • § 2. Characteristics of individual crimes
  • Chapter 15.
  • § 3. Other crimes against the constitutional order and security of the state
  • Chapter 16.
  • § 2. Characteristics of crimes related to abuse of official powers and excess of official powers
  • § 3. Crimes related to bribery
  • Chapter 17. Crimes against justice
  • § 1. General characteristics of crimes
  • Against justice
  • § 2. Crimes committed by employees of justice authorities in the performance of their functions
  • § 3. Encroachments committed by persons obliged by law or by virtue of civil duty to promote justice or not to interfere with its implementation
  • § 4. Encroachments committed by persons to whom measures of state legal influence have been applied
  • Chapter 18. Crimes against the order of government
  • § 1. General characteristics of crimes
  • Against the order of management
  • § 2. Encroachments on the authority of state power and the inviolability of the State Border
  • § 3. Encroachments on the normal activities of state authorities and local governments and their representatives
  • § 4. Encroachments on the established procedure for maintaining and circulating official documentation and state awards
  • Chapter 19. Crimes against military service
  • § 1. General characteristics of crimes
  • Against military service
  • § 2. Characteristics of individual crimes against military service
  • Chapter 20.
  • § 2. Characteristics of specific crimes
  • Criminal law
  • 428025, Cheboksary, M. Gorky Ave., 24
  • 428000, Cheboksary, Lenin Ave., 12b.
  • § 2. Environmental crimes that violate the rules environmental safety at special types activities

    Art. 246. Violation of security rules environment during the execution of work.

    Violation of environmental protection rules during the design, siting, construction, commissioning and operation of industrial, agricultural, scientific and other facilities by persons responsible for compliance with these rules, if this resulted in a significant change in the radioactive background, causing harm to human health, mass death of animals or other grave consequences, - the legislator classifies it as a crime of medium gravity.

    To industrial facilities – include enterprises, buildings, etc. various forms of ownership, processing raw materials, developing subsoil and performing other production functions. These do not include mining enterprises and underground structures not related to the extraction of mineral resources, if the rules for the protection and use of subsoil are violated (Article 255 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is applied). 1

    Public danger This and other environmental crimes, often associated with industrial, economic and professional activities, are not limited to damage caused to natural objects at the time of their commission; the negative consequences of the damage caused can affect for many years, worsen the living conditions of many generations (radioactive contamination, soil erosion , atmosphere, etc.).

    Direct object – public relations, developing on the regulation of environmental safety.

    Additional- human health.

    Subject This crime can be any components (carriers) of the natural environment: ecological systems, land, subsoil, water, atmospheric air, wildlife, natural monuments.

    To the victims- only a person.

    Objective side act is expressed in violation of environmental protection rules during the design, siting, construction, commissioning and operation of industrial, agricultural, scientific and other facilities by persons responsible for compliance with these rules, if this resulted in a significant change in the radioactive background, causing harm to human health, mass death of animals or other serious consequences.

    Violation of environmental rules may be allowed in the design, location, construction, commissioning and operation of nuclear, thermal and power plants, chemical enterprises, research institutions and centers with nuclear installations, waste processing enterprises industrial production and other industrial, agricultural, scientific and other facilities.

    Under other grave consequences violations of environmental protection rules during work should be understood as a significant deterioration in the quality of the environment or the condition of its objects, the elimination of which requires a long time and large financial and material costs; destruction of individual objects; land degradation and other negative changes in the environment that impede its conservation and lawful use (clause 3 of the resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated November 5, 1998 No. 14).

    Causing harm to human health– is expressed in health disorder, temporary or permanent loss of ability to work, causing serious, moderate or light harm to one or more persons.

    Significant change in radioactive background – assumes the possibility of an increase in ionizing radiation, dangerous to human life and health and posing a danger to plants and living beings, or radioactive contamination of the area.

    Significant environmental damage characterized by the occurrence of diseases and death of aquatic animals and plants, other animals and vegetation on the banks of water bodies, destruction of fish stocks, spawning and feeding grounds; mass death of birds and animals, including aquatic ones, in a certain territory, in which the mortality rate exceeds the statistical average by three or more times; the ecological value of the damaged area or lost natural object, destroyed animals and trees and shrubs; a change in the radioactive background to values ​​posing a danger to human health and life; genetic fund of animals and plants; level of land degradation, etc. (Clause 5 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation dated November 5, 1998 No. 14.). The disposition of the norm is blanket.

    – material.

    Subjective side characterized by a deliberate form of guilt in relation to violations of environmental protection rules and a careless form of guilt in relation to the consequences.

    Subject of the crime - special: a person over 16 years of age who is responsible for compliance with environmental protection rules during the design, placement, construction, commissioning and operation of various facilities.

    Art. 247. Violation of rules for handling environmentally hazardous substances and waste.

    The production of prohibited types of hazardous waste, transportation, storage, burial, use or other handling of radioactive, bacteriological, chemical substances and waste in violation of established rules, if these acts created a threat of causing significant harm to human health or the environment, is classified by the legislator as a crime of minor gravity. , and in part two - to crimes of medium gravity and in part three - to serious crimes. The criminal law norm is blanket in nature.

    Public danger This crime is determined by the fact that violation of the rules for handling environmentally hazardous substances and waste is fraught with the most serious consequences for the environment.

    Direct object– public relations for the protection of environmental safety.

    Item– prohibited types of hazardous waste, radioactive, bacteriological, chemical substances and their waste.

    Prohibited hazardous waste– these are unsuitable types of raw materials, their unusable residues or substances arising during the technological process (solid, liquid, gaseous).

    Radioactive substances and waste – sources of ionizing radiation of radioactive substances and nuclear materials in any physical state: complexes, installations, apparatus, equipment and products, nuclear fuel, etc., the further use of which is not provided.

    Bacteriological substances – These are formations consisting of various types of microbes - microscopic, mainly unicellular organisms, causative agents of various diseases of plants, animals and humans, the handling of which requires special care and is strictly regulated by special rules.

    Chemical substances - these are compounds of chemical elements: dioxides, toxicants and other harmful substances used in agricultural production.

    Objective side the crime consists of the following acts:

    1) in the production of prohibited types of hazardous waste;

    2) in the transportation, storage, burial, use or other handling of radioactive, bacteriological, chemical substances and waste in violation of established rules, if these acts created a threat of causing significant harm to human health or the environment.

    Transportation handling of nuclear materials and radioactive substances must be carried out in accordance with special rules, requirements for the transportation of especially dangerous goods, norms and regulations in the field of the use of atomic energy, and legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection.

    Storage radioactive waste should be considered as a stage of their preparation for processing or disposal. Storage and burial of this waste is permitted only in specially designated points installed in sanitary protection zones and observation zones.

    Creating a threat of causing significant harm to health person or the environment - implies the occurrence of such a situation or such circumstances that would entail harmful consequences provided for by law if they were not interrupted in time measures taken or other circumstances beyond the control of the tortfeasor. In this case, a threat presupposes the presence of a specific danger of real harm to human health or the environment (clause 6 of the resolution of the Plenum of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation of November 5, 1998 No. 14).

    By its design, the corpus delicti– formal, and for part two and third– material.

    The crime is completed from the moment a real threat of causing significant harm to human health or the environment is created, and in qualified cases, when the consequences specified in the law occur.

    Subjective side characterized by both intentional and reckless forms of guilt.

    Subject – a natural, sane person who has reached the age of 16, who has the characteristics of a special subject, whose responsibilities include compliance with the rules for handling environmentally hazardous substances and waste.

    Qualifying compositions:

    For part two– the same acts that entailed:

    Pollution, poisoning or contamination of the environment;

    Causing harm to human health or mass death of animals;

    And equally committed in an environmental disaster zone or in an environmental emergency zone.

    For part three– acts provided for in parts one and two, which through negligence resulted in the death of a person or mass illness of people.

    Under pollution, poisoning, contamination refers to physical, chemical, biological changes in the composition of air, water, and land caused by anthropogenic human activity.

    Ecological disaster zones areas of the territory of Russia are declared where, as a result of economic or other activities, profound irreversible changes in the environment have occurred, resulting in a significant deterioration in human health, disruption of natural balance, natural ecological systems, degradation of flora and fauna, when death threatens all living things in a certain territory.

    Environmental emergency zones areas of Russian territory are declared where there are persistent negative consequences in the natural environment that threaten human health, the state of natural ecological systems, and the genetic funds of plants and animals.

    Art. 248. Violation of safety rules when handling microbiological or other biological agents or toxins.

    Violation of safety rules when handling microbiological or other biological agents or toxins, if this resulted in harm to human health, the spread of epidemics or epizootics, or other serious consequences, is classified by the legislator as crimes of minor gravity, and in part two – as crimes of medium gravity.

    Public danger is that it can cause death or serious impairment of human health, the spread of epidemics and epizootics, contamination of the natural environment, water supplies, crops, food, etc.

    Direct object – public relations regarding the protection of environmental safety.

    Item: microbiological agents, microorganisms that cause disease in humans, animals, plants.

    Biological agents – These are living organisms that have an active pathogenic effect.

    Biological toxins – These are poisons of protein structure secreted by microorganisms.

    Objective side expressed by actions, i.e. violations of safety rules when handling microbiological or other biological agents or toxins, if this resulted in harm to human health, the spread of epidemics or epizootics, or other serious consequences.

    Corpus delicti by design– material.

    Subjective side is characterized by careless forms of guilt towards the consequences, and towards the actions themselves it is possible and intent.

    Subject – special, i.e. a person who is responsible for observing safety rules when handling specified substances from the age of 16.

    Qualifying composition: an act that negligently resulted in the death of a person.

    Art. 249. Violation of veterinary rules and regulations established for the control of plant diseases and pests.

    Violation of veterinary rules, which through negligence resulted in the spread of epizootics or other serious consequences, is classified by the legislator as a crime of minor gravity.

    This provision contains two independent elements of crime that have some common features:

    1) violation of veterinary rules, which through negligence resulted in the spread of epizootics or other serious consequences;

    2) violation of the rules established to combat plant diseases and pests.

    Public danger is that in the event of these violations, significant harm is caused to the protected relationship.

    The immediate object is public relations regarding protection environmental safety.

    Subject These crimes can be: animals, material components of the plant world, etc.

    Objective side expressed in actions: violation of established rules. Mandatory sign of the occurrence of harm: resulting through negligence in the spread of epizootics or other serious consequences; resulting in serious consequences due to negligence, etc.

    Composition of crimes by design– material.

    Subjective side is characterized only by a careless form of guilt in relation to the consequences, and an intentional form of guilt is also possible for an act.

    Subject: a natural, sane person over 16 years of age who is obliged to comply with these rules.

    Currently, technological progress brings not only benefits to humanity, but also harm. The electronicization of production processes and workplaces has a negative impact on human health and the environment. Federal system environmental safety is designed to ensure the protection of the environment and the interests of people from adverse impacts in any sphere of life. Negative influence can provide different kinds economic activities, as well as emergencies.

    The Federal Law “On Safety” provides for all possible systems security that ensure economic and legal protection citizens. Such lines of protection include bodies of all branches of government (executive, judicial, legislative), as well as forces and means of defense. Ensuring safety in the field of ecology is regulated by the Federal Law “On Environmental Protection”. All installed systems work in conjunction with organizational, economic, legal and educational measures.

    Basic levels of environmental protection

    Environmental protection is classified depending on the characteristics of the protected object and the subject composition of legal relations. It is customary to distinguish the following security levels:

    • Individual;
    • Object;
    • Local (local);
    • State;
    • Interstate;
    • Global.

    An individual level is established to ensure the environmental safety of a specific subject (enterprise employee or any resident settlement). Personal security is extremely important in production process, since modernized technology has a significant bad influence on human health. The object level of protection implies ensuring security at any national economic facility, regardless of the field of activity. That is, the entire object, and not individual subjects, falls under protection. It does not matter whose fault the threat or risk may arise.

    The local level of protection in the field of ecology is established within a specific municipal territory.

    With such protection, several business entities can be concentrated on a given perimeter. The state level is all-Russian and is established throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation. The interstate level determines environmental protection for several states that are interconnected by one geographical region. The legislation also defines a global scale, i.e. ensuring proper protection of the environment of the world community.

    Components of environmental protection systems

    To create environmental safety on the territory of Russia, a number of requirements are met, the components of which are to ensure protection in the following areas:

    • Chemical;
    • Industrial;
    • Radiation;
    • Biological.

    The implementation of protective measures and the performance of functions to protect the population is carried out by various departments, ministries, structural organizations and institutions.

    List of tasks of the environmental protection system

    At the legislative level, a number of tasks that the environmental system faces are defined. These include:

    • Organized management and control over processes to achieve set goals for ensuring environmental safety both in individual regions and throughout the state;
    • Monitoring compliance with established standards to ensure environmental requirements;
    • Interaction with all government lines to create conditions for normal life of the population;
    • Timely prevention and elimination of consequences resulting from various accidents;
    • Protection against occurrence natural areas with an increased pollution factor;
    • Creation, planning, development and equipment of systems with means of ensuring environmental protection activities, etc.

    Video about environmental safety:

    Bodies providing environmental protection activities and management facilities

    To the bodies that create conditions for environmental activities in Russian Federation, relate:

    • Expert institutions;
    • Forces of urgent logical assistance;
    • Structural divisions of the Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Internal Affairs;
    • Federal Security Service;
    • Departments of the Ministry of Emergency Situations;
    • Medical institutions;
    • Environmental protection services (flora and fauna).

    To improve the quality of work of the listed departments, additional divisions (temporary and permanent) may be created.

    The video shows a lecture on environmental safety:

    Requirements for environmental protection activities and industrial protection of technological systems and processes

    Safety and environmental friendliness technical systems takes a leading position in creating conditions to protect the environment, as well as the life and health of the population. During design and production various types equipment, it is necessary to take into account the basic requirements that apply to personnel working with technological devices.

    Industrial safety consists of compliance technical rules when working with mechanisms under the influence electric current, as well as with devices that emit radiation.

    The environmental friendliness of technical systems is checked in special expert institutions at the design and production stage finished products. Any equipment must undergo testing before being put into operation. Subsequently, industrial protection is ensured by periodically checking devices for the presence of negative factors affecting employees and the environment. There are two main types of protection from exposure to harmful industrial factors:

    • Collective;
    • Individual.

    Collective means of protection are conventionally divided into categories:

    • Fencing (barricades of an industrial facility from the penetration of unauthorized persons);
    • Safety (valves, membranes, brake mechanisms, switches, limiters, etc.);
    • Blocking (mechanical, electrical, radiation, photoelectric, hydraulic, pneumatic, combined);
    • Alerts (sound, light or combined alarms);
    • Remote control (television or telemetry lines);
    • Special (designed for a specific facility or production process).

    If collective protective equipment is not used or provided for at an industrial facility, then individual protective equipment is used. Before initial use and subsequent operation, each device (mechanism) must be tested for compliance with established standards. As for high-risk equipment, it is subject to a special examination and test, during which the number of harmful factors is determined.

    To create environmental installations and machines, functional diagnostics are carried out. During diagnostics, all readings are recorded by control and measuring instruments. The most common diagnostic method is vibration-acoustic.

    Implementation of environmental safety requirements when servicing, repairing and refueling equipment, when performing work with fire and explosive, aggressive, highly toxic and radioactive substances and when transporting dangerous goods

    Implementation of environmental safety requirements during maintenance, repair and refueling of equipment

    During the operation, maintenance and repair of weapons and military equipment (WME), there is a harmful effect on the atmosphere, hydrosphere, and lithosphere. The impact of military equipment on the environment is similar to the impact of transport, agricultural, industrial, earth-moving and other national economic equipment.

    Maintenance is a set of operations to maintain in good working order and in working condition weapons and military equipment when used for their intended purpose or during storage.

    Routine maintenance includes routine inspection and daily maintenance. In all cases, maintenance must ensure the constant readiness of weapons and equipment for use, safe operation, elimination of the causes of premature wear and breakdowns components, reliable operation weapons and equipment within the established overhaul periods, as well as minimum consumption operating materials.

    Control inspection of combat, special and transport vehicles is carried out before leaving the park, on the way (at stops and rest stops), during classes and exercises. From an environmental point of view, its important elements are:
    - checking the filling with fuel, lubricants, water;
    - detection of water, oil, fuel leaks;
    - elimination of the causes of the malfunction when identifying leaks.

    How important the last element is can be judged from the following example.

    If gasoline or oil leaks at a rate of one drop per second, then about 4.5 liters of pollutant fall onto the ground per day natural environment product that will eventually appear in the water, and one liter of oil can spoil a million liters of water, that is, the amount of water that fits in 20 railway tanks.

    Daily maintenance (DMT) of weapons and military equipment is carried out at the end of the lesson (training stage, work) in order to determine the technical condition and prevent accelerated wear under the influence of dirt, moisture, residues of caustic liquids and substances, as well as to prepare for upcoming actions .

    During ETO, components, assemblies and parts of the machine are cleaned, washed, and lubricated; identified faults are eliminated; fastening and adjustment work is carried out. Before the start of ETO, during it or upon completion, vehicles are refueled with fuel, oils, and coolants at field refueling points organized in departments and at the unit’s fuel depot.

    If faults are identified that cannot be corrected by the crew, current repairs of the vehicles are carried out using mobile repair equipment of the battalion (division) or unit.

    All operations for refueling, maintenance and repair of weapons and military equipment are associated with the inevitable release of contaminated water, oil products, used cleaning materials, packaging, small rubber products and other parts onto the ground. Therefore, all operations must be carried out on specially selected sites with hard ground or low grass cover, sheltered from ground observation. Such a site is equipped with drains, group collections (settlers) for contaminated water, liquids, used cleaning materials, packaging and unusable parts. At the end of the lesson (training, work stage), the water collectors are neutralized, and the used materials and parts are collected in sealed containers and transported to a designated collection point for disposal (burial, destruction).

    Venues for Maintenance And current repairs Under no circumstances should they be deployed near water bodies or in specially protected areas. On tactical fields and other sites of training grounds and training centers It is advisable to equip special stationary sites with a hard (concrete) surface for this purpose.

    Implementation of environmental safety requirements when performing work with fire and explosive, aggressive, highly toxic and radioactive substances

    Radioactive radiation existed in nature even before the appearance of life on the planet. Natural ionizing radiation accompanied the development and evolution of living organisms throughout the entire period of their existence. As a result of this, plants, animals and humans have developed a certain resistance to radiation and adapted to a constant radiation background without any negative consequences for the functioning and vital activity of organisms. Ionizing radiation only produces harmful effects when levels exceed background levels.

    Harmful chemicals (for the most part) were unknown to nature; they were created by man in relatively recent times - and continue to be created at a catastrophic speed. Therefore, they are alien to nature, which is not able to adapt so quickly to their presence, sometimes even in small quantities. But chemicals have entered our lives and everyday life so deeply that we encounter them literally at every step. And this circumstance obliges us to handle aggressive and toxic substances very carefully and carefully, to prevent their release into the environment and thereby harm nature.

    IN military units security measures must be taken everywhere, starting directly from the military camp, barracks, canteen, cultural and social premises and official purpose, where sanitary and hygienic requirements for air quality must first be observed, drinking water and maintenance of sanitary facilities. For example, household waste and garbage per unit mass of dry matter contain 32-40 percent of organic substances (paper, rags, plastic), which contain (as a percentage of the total mass): 0.56 percent nitrogen; 0.44 phosphorus; 0.155 zinc; 0.085 lead; 0.001 cadmium and 0.001 percent mercury.

    Each military unit organizes waste collection, sorting and disposal designated places. Containers and containers for waste are specially equipped and closed with lids. Open storage and use of chemically active, flammable products are not allowed. hazardous substances, organic solvents, as well as their use for washing floors, cleaning walls and furniture, cleaning and washing clothes.

    In addition, it is prohibited:
    - introduce potent substances into barracks, household and office premises toxic substances(SDYAV), toxic, explosives and ammunition;
    - pour solutions of chemicals, petroleum products, organic solvents and other environmentally harmful substances into the sewer system.

    The vehicle fleet of a military unit is the most intense source of emission and discharge of gaseous, liquid and solid pollutants. Exhaust gases, petroleum products, acids, oily rags, waste metals, plastics, glass, rubber are dangerous pollutants of the natural environment. In sludge treatment facilities municipal wastewater contains (per unit mass of dry matter) 12 percent humic substances(high molecular weight substances - a product of the transformation of organic residues with a lack of oxygen); up to 3 percent total nitrogen: 3.8 percent phosphates; 9-13 percent fat; 7-10 percent carbohydrates, as well as significant amounts of heavy metals.

    Reducing the amount of emissions into the atmosphere is achieved by limiting the operating time of vehicle engines, using exhaust gas purification products, using unleaded fuels, and reducing leaks and spills of petroleum products.

    Repairs, equipment, and refueling of equipment must be carried out on special hard-surfaced areas equipped with settling tanks. Equipment washing points are equipped with recycling water supply systems with the discharge and disposal of petroleum products.

    It is prohibited to discharge petroleum products, acids, alkalis and other active chemicals, organic solvents, varnishes, paints into open flowing and non-flowing water bodies, into sewers and onto the ground. Used oils, alkalis, acids, antifreeze, and detergents must be collected in special containers for subsequent disposal. Air regeneration means (regenerative cartridges, starting and additional briquettes) are prohibited from being kept on the territory of the park and destroyed by flooding in water bodies. Spent regeneration agents are collected and delivered to the warehouse.

    Storage facilities for ammunition, explosives and explosives, smoke-forming, flamethrower-incendiary, degassing and other dangerous substances, as well as fuels and lubricants are located in a securely protected area at a strictly defined distance from residential, administrative, economic facilities and from each other.

    Warehouse maintenance personnel must have necessary preparation, firmly know the rules for handling substances, materials and products in storage, be able to act in emergency situations. Measures to prevent, localize and eliminate the consequences of accidents in warehouses with fire-, explosive, aggressive and highly toxic substances are provided for by an environmental action plan developed in each part. Personnel involved in emergency rescue operations must be familiar with this plan (as it relates to it) and have appropriate practical training.

    Storage facilities containing hazardous substances and products must be equipped with means of environmental control and measurement of pollution parameters. Particularly careful monitoring is carried out over products, substances and materials with expired shelf life that are subject to refreshment or disposal.

    Implementation of environmental safety requirements when transporting dangerous goods

    The harmful impact of a transport accident on the natural environment is aggravated tens or hundreds of times if it occurs with a vehicle transporting dangerous goods. It is precisely such cargo that makes up the majority of all material and technical equipment transported in the interests of the troops.

    Dangerous goods include:
    - explosives, ammunition, pyrotechnic products, explosives. They can explode if handled carelessly, hit, or if the housing is damaged; when mixed with air and dust, vapors of flammable substances can explode;
    - gases. They are usually transported under pressure, and therefore, under certain circumstances, when the pressure increases sharply or a gas leak (especially flammable gas) occurs, an explosion may occur;
    - flammable liquid and solid substances - gasoline, diesel fuel, kerosene, fuel oil, molten sulfur, fillers for regenerative cartridges, etc. This is perhaps the most large group hazardous substances. For these substances to ignite, sometimes it is enough to come into contact with a hot surface, with oil, water, or the appearance of an electric spark from metal striking metal (with a hammer, wrench). A fire may be accompanied by an explosion with a scattering of burning material tens of meters around;
    - self-igniting substances - phosphorus, alkali metals, etc. Such substances easily ignite upon contact with atmospheric oxygen and spontaneously ignite due to the low ignition temperature (for phosphorus, for example, 50 ° C) when the protective shell is damaged;
    - substances that form flammable gases upon contact with water - for example, calcium carbide, used for gas cutting and welding;
    - strong oxidizing agents and organic peroxides, which, when interacting with water, organic solvents and other substances, react with them to release large quantity heat, which leads to ignition;
    - toxic substances. Their list includes hundreds of names of substances hazardous to humans and nature;
    - infectious (contagious) substances that cause various diseases of humans, animals and vegetation;
    - radioactive substances widely used by the military to test the performance and calibration of dosimetric instruments and for other purposes;
    - caustic substances - alkalis and mineral acids;
    - substances harmful to water. The list of them can take dozens of pages.

    Thus, goods are considered dangerous if, due to vehicle accidents or improper handling of the goods themselves, there is a danger to humans and nature.

    There is always a threat when working with dangerous goods. But by taking a number of measures, it is possible, and most importantly necessary, to reduce the corresponding danger to a minimum.

    First of all, the car must always be in good condition. But even if you have sufficient confidence in the serviceability of the car, before leaving for a flight, you need to check five things:
    - air pressure in tires and tightening of wheel nuts. The pressure must be no lower and no higher than the normal pressure established and noted in the technical documentation. Both suspiciously low and too high pressure may cause an accident;
    - liquid levels; oil in the crankcase, water and antifreeze in the radiator, brake fluid in the cylinders - which must comply technical specifications; a drop in the liquid level indicates a leak, but there should not be a leak;
    - condition of the brakes and the length of the braking distance;
    - the condition of the steering, first of all - the amount of play in the steering wheel. If necessary, the cause of the discrepancy between the play and the established norm should be eliminated;
    - serviceability of headlights and signal lamps.

    All identified faults must be corrected on site. With any of indicated malfunctions the car should not leave the park.

    Vehicles transporting dangerous goods are marked with warning boards and signs so that they are visible to all road users. For all vehicles transporting dangerous goods, the instructions put into effect by Order of the Minister of Defense No. 246 of June 23, 1997 established mandatory rules regulating the procedure for installing identification marks, applying inscriptions and designations on vehicles Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

    In accordance with these instructions, when transporting dangerous goods in vehicles, a “Dangerous Goods” sign in the form of a rectangle is installed on the right side of the bumper (cabin) of the vehicle and on the back wall (side) of the body or tank, the right side of which is painted orange, and the left side is painted orange. V White color. The edging of the sign, dividing lines, emergency measures code (EMC), substance number according to the UN list and inscriptions characterizing the dangerous properties of the cargo are done in black. A danger sign in accordance with GOST 19443-81 is applied to the white background of the identification mark. Vehicles transporting particularly dangerous goods (explosive, flammable, radioactive and potent substances) are equipped with an orange or yellow flashing light.

    On vehicles transporting flammable liquids, in addition, the identification inscription “FLAMMABLE” in white is applied to the main (protective) color of the coating of the outer surface of the tanks on the sides and rear.

    It is strictly forbidden to apply identification inscriptions and designations on vehicles that are not provided for in these instructions, as well as change the shape, color and location of identification inscriptions and designations.

    Availability of identification signs warning road users, travel documentation, condition special equipment, knowledge of drivers and accompanying persons of the rules for transporting dangerous goods is checked before leaving for the trip. At the same time, the shipper conducts thorough instructions to all persons transporting dangerous goods.