Abstract: Hidden negative effects of fertilizers. The influence of fertilizers on soil fertility Mineral fertilizers: benefits and harm

Each owner fertilizes the soil summer cottage who has a desire to get a harvest from the crops grown. We have already discussed the types of fertilizers and their soil standards in our previous articles. Today we want to draw attention to the effect of fertilizers on plants and humans.

Indeed, why are fertilizers needed and how do they affect certain indicators of crop growth, and even on the person himself? We will answer these questions right now.

Similar topics are often raised at the global level, because the conversation is not about a small piece of land, but about fields industrial scale to meet the needs of an entire region or even a country. It is clear that the number of fields for agricultural crops is constantly growing, and each field processed once forever becomes a platform for growing certain plants. Accordingly, the land is depleted, and every year the harvest decreases significantly. This leads to expenses, and sometimes to bankruptcy of enterprises, hunger, and deficits. The primary reason for everything is the lack of nutrients in the soil, which we have long been compensating for with special fertilizers. Of course, it is not entirely correct to give an example of multi-hectare fields, but the results can be recalculated to the area of ​​our summer cottages, because everything is proportional.

So, fertilizing the soil. Of course, it is extremely necessary, whether it is a garden with fruit trees, a garden with vegetables, or a flower bed with ornamental plants and flowers. You don’t have to fertilize the soil, but you yourself will soon notice the quality of plants and fruits in constant, depleted soil. Therefore, we recommend that you do not skimp on high-quality fertilizers and systematically fertilize the soil with them.

Why do we need fertilizers (video)

Fertilizer application rates

We are used to using mainly, but their number is limited. What to do in this case? Of course, turn to chemistry for help and fertilize the area, which, fortunately, we don’t run out of. But you should be more careful with this type of fertilizer, as they have an increased impact on soil quality for plants, humans and the environment. The correct amount of them will certainly supply the soil with nutrients, which will soon be “delivered” to the plants and help increase yield. At the same moment, mineral fertilizers normalize required amount substances in the soil and maximize its fertility. But, this is only if the dose of fertilizer, application time and other parameters are carried out correctly. If not, then the effect of nitrogen fertilizers, phosphate and potassium fertilizers on the soil may not be very positive. Therefore, before using such fertilizers, try not only to study the norms and parameters for applying them to the soil, but also to choose high-quality mineral fertilizers, the safety of which has been tested by the manufacturer and special authorities.

The influence of organic fertilizers on the content of microelements in the soil (video)

The effect of fertilizers on plants


With the help of practical research, scientists have established how certain fertilizers affect plants. Now, by external indicators you can understand how correct the dosage of fertilizers was, whether there was an excess or deficiency:

  • Nitrogen. If there is too little fertilizer in the soil, then the plants look pale and sickly, have a light green color, grow very slowly and die prematurely from yellowing, dryness and falling leaves. An excess of nitrogen leads to delayed flowering and ripening, excessive development of stems and a change in plant color to dark green;
  • Phosphorus. A lack of phosphorus in the soil leads to stunted growth and slow ripening of fruits, a change in the color of the leaves of the plant towards dark green with a certain bluish tint, and lightening or gray color around the edges. If there is a lot of phosphorus in the soil, then the plant will develop too quickly, which is why the stem and leaves may begin to grow, while the fruits at this time will be small and in small quantities;
  • Potassium. A lack of potassium will cause the plant to experience slow development, yellowing of the leaves, wrinkling, curling and partial death. Excess potassium closes the pathways for nitrogen to enter the plant, which can significantly affect the development of plants of any crop;
  • Calcium. A small intake of potassium will damage the apical buds, as well as root system. If there is plenty of potassium, then no changes should follow.


With the other elements, everything is a little different, that is, plants will only react to their lack in the soil. So:

  • Magnesium. Slow growth, and possibly stopping, lightening of the plant, yellowing, and possibly redness and a purple tint in the area of ​​the leaf veins;
  • Iron. Retarded growth and development, as well as chlorosis of leaves - light green, sometimes almost white in color;
  • Copper. Possible chlorosis of leaves, increased bushiness of the plant, discoloration;
  • Bor. Lack of boron causes the apical buds to die off during decay.

It is worth noting the fact that often it is not the lack of fertilizer itself that makes plants change in appearance, but the weakening of the plant and diseases that can occur with a lack of fertilizer. But, as you can see, it is possible Negative consequences and from excess fertilizers.

The effect of fertilizer on the quality and condition of fruits (video)

The effect of fertilizers on humans

An excess of nutrients in the soil, due to improper fertilization, can become dangerous for humans. Many chemical elements, entering the plant through biological processes, are transformed into toxic elements, or contribute to their production. Many plants initially contain similar substances, but their doses are negligible and do not in any way affect the healthy functioning of humans. This is typical for many popular plants that we eat: dill, beets, parsley, cabbage and so on.

The influence of mineral fertilizers on soil microorganisms and its fertility. Adding fertilizers to the soil not only improves plant nutrition, but also changes the conditions for the existence of soil microorganisms, which also need mineral elements.

When favorable climatic conditions the number of microorganisms and their activity after applying fertilizers to the soil increases significantly. The decomposition of humus increases, the mobilization of nitrogen, phosphorus and other elements increases.

After applying mineral fertilizers, bacterial activity is activated. In the presence of mineral nitrogen, humus is more easily decomposed and used by microorganisms. The application of mineral fertilizers causes a slight decrease in the number of actinomycetes and an increase in the fungal population, which may be a consequence of a shift in the reaction of the environment to the acidic side as a result of the introduction of physiologically acidic salts: actinomycetes do not tolerate acidification well, and the reproduction of many fungi is accelerated in a more acidic environment.

Mineral fertilizers although they activate the activity of microorganisms, reduce humus losses and stabilize the humus level depending on the amount of crop and root residues left.

The introduction of mineral and organic fertilizers into the soil increases the intensity of microbiological processes, resulting in a concomitant increase in the transformation of organic and mineral substances.

A characteristic indicator of increased microbial activity under the influence of fertilizers is the increased “breathing” of the soil, i.e., its release of CO 2 . This is the result of accelerated decomposition of soil organic compounds, including humus.

The application of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers to the soil does little to promote the use of soil nitrogen by plants, but enhances the activity of nitrogen-fixing microorganisms.

Sometimes the introduction of mineral fertilizers into the soil, especially in high doses, adversely affects its fertility. This is usually observed on low-buffer soils when physiologically acidic fertilizers are used. When the soil is acidified, aluminum compounds, which are toxic to soil microorganisms and plants, pass into the solution.

The addition of lime, especially together with manure, has a beneficial effect on saprotrophic microflora. By changing the pH of the soil in a favorable direction, lime neutralizes harmful effect physiologically acidic mineral fertilizers.

The effect of mineral fertilizers on yield is associated with the zonal position of soils. As already noted, in the soils of the northern zone, microbiological mobilization processes proceed slowly. Therefore, in the north there is a greater deficiency of basic nutrients for plants, and mineral fertilizers, even in small doses, are more effective than in the southern zone. This does not contradict the well-known provision about best action mineral fertilizers against the background of highly cultivated soil.

Preservation and reproduction of soil fertility is a task of exceptional importance. This takes on particular significance in modern conditions farming with a shortage of fertilizers and their high cost. The use of organic and mineral fertilizers is the most significant factor contributing to the preservation and increase of soil fertility, along with the impact on the overall level of crop productivity.

The most important indicator soil fertility - the content of organic matter, or humus, in the soil.

Humus affects the thermal, water, air properties of the soil, its absorption capacity and biological activity; it largely determines the agrophysical, physicochemical, agrochemical properties of the soil, and also serves as a reserve source of nutrients for plants. The yield of agricultural crops depends on the reserves of humus in the soil.

With insufficient application of fertilizers, the crop yield is formed mainly due to soil reserves of nutrients, primarily nitrogen, released during the mineralization of humus.

To maintain a deficit-free humus balance, the use of manure (or other organic fertilizers in equivalent quantities depending on the degree of humification) should be 7–15 t/ha per year.

The results of many years of research in field experiments on soddy-podzolic soils of various granulometric compositions show that when growing crops without applying fertilizers, there is a significant decrease in organic matter in the soils compared to the initial level and, as a consequence, a significant shortfall in yield. The systematic use of nutrient-balanced fertilizer systems, which primarily include complex, organomineral systems, helps replenish humus reserves in soils, improve their phosphate and potassium regimes, which is accompanied by an increase in the productivity of cultivated crops and crop rotations in general. Organic (biological) fertilizer systems in the conditions of the Non-Chernozem Zone of Russia are inferior to organic-mineral ones in terms of crop productivity and do not have significant differences in the quality of plant products.

Liming and the application of organic fertilizers limit the entry into plants and accumulation in commercial products agricultural crops contain a number of heavy metals, the mobility of which decreases when soils are neutralized and due to sorption by organic matter and the formation of organometallic complexes with it.

One of the methods for increasing soil fertility is complex agrochemical cultivation of fields, which was introduced in Agriculture in the 80s of the last century. This method provides for, in the shortest possible time, through the integrated application of mineral and organic fertilizers, ameliorants and plant protection products, increasing soil fertility to an optimal level and ensuring the planned yield of agricultural crops in crop rotation.

The use of mineral and organic fertilizers on the soils of the Central Chernobyl Zone replenishes the reserves of available forms of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and increases the productivity of agricultural crops. This is evidenced by numerous data obtained in research institutions.

In conditions chernozem type In soil formation, phosphorus always remains the limiting element in the formation of the productivity of grain crops, and in the conditions of gray forest soils, phosphorus and potassium are both such. This means that potassium is a limiting element not only for gray forest soils, but also for soddy-podzolic soils formed in more humid conditions.

The results of soil fertility monitoring carried out by the agrochemical service show a decrease in organic matter and basic nutrients in the soil, which negatively affects productivity and economic efficiency agricultural production. Currently, 31% of arable land has high acidity, 52%? low humus content, 22% ? lack of phosphorus and 9% ? lack of potassium.

For plant growth and development it is necessary nutrients. Some of them are green spaces obtained directly from the soil, and some are extracted from mineral fertilizers. Artificial soil mineralization allows you to get large yields, but is it safe? Modern breeders have not yet been able to obtain a clear answer to this question, but research in this area continues.

Benefit or harm?

Many mineral fertilizers are considered harmful to human health, and the plants that absorb them are almost poisonous. In fact, this statement is nothing more than an established stereotype based on a lack of agrotechnical knowledge.

Important! The difference between organic and mineral fertilizers is not the benefit or harm, but the speed of absorption.

Organic fertilizers are absorbed slowly. In order for a plant to obtain the substances it needs from organic matter, it must decompose. Soil microflora participates in this process, which significantly slows it down. From the moment of deposit natural fertilizers into the soil and weeks and even months pass before plants begin to use them.

Mineral fertilizers enter the soil in ready-made form. Plants have access to them immediately after application. This has a positive effect on the growth rate and allows you to harvest a good harvest even where normal conditions this is impossible. Unfortunately, on this positive sides In most cases, the use of mineral fertilizers ends.

Improper use can lead to:

  • the disappearance of bacteria involved in the natural decomposition process from the soil;
  • pollution of groundwater and the atmosphere (pollution involves individual components of mineral fertilizers washed out of the soil before they are absorbed by plants);
  • changes in soil acidity;
  • accumulation in the soil of compounds atypical for the natural environment;
  • leaching of useful cations from the soil;
  • reducing the amount of humus in the soil;
  • soil compaction;
  • erosion.

A moderate amount of minerals in the soil is good for plants, but many vegetable growers use more fertilizer than necessary. Such irrational use leads to the saturation of minerals not only in the root and stem, but also in that part of the plant that is intended for consumption.

Important! Compounds atypical for the plant affect health and provoke the development of diseases.

Pesticides and pesticides

In order for a plant to grow and develop quickly, fertilizers applied to the soil are sometimes insufficient. You can get a good harvest only by protecting it from pests. For this purpose, farmers use various pesticides and pesticides. The need for their use arises in the following cases:

  • lack of natural means to combat insect infestations (fields are treated against locusts, moths, etc.);
  • infection of plants with dangerous fungi, viruses and bacteria.

Pesticides and pesticides are used to combat weeds, rodents and other pests. Chemicals are selected so that they have an effect exclusively on specific rodents, types of weeds or pests. Cultivated plants treated together with weeds have a negative impact chemical substances don't experience it. The processing does not affect their appearance, but pesticides and toxic chemicals are deposited in the soil and, together with minerals, first penetrate the plant itself, and from there into the person who consumed it.

Unfortunately, chemical treatment of fields in most cases is the only way to obtain good harvest. Significant cultivated areas leave no alternative ways to solve the problem. The only way out of the situation is to monitor the quantity and quality of pesticides used. For this purpose, special services have been created.

Negative influence

The greatest harm to the environment and humans is caused by various aerosols and gases sprayed over large areas. Improper use of pesticides and fertilizers is fraught with serious consequences. Wherein negative impact may appear years or decades later.

Impact on humans

When using fertilizers and pesticides, you must follow the instructions. Failure to follow the rules for applying fertilizers and chemicals can lead to poisoning not only of the vegetable itself, but also of humans. So, if an unreasonably high dose of nitrogen gets into the soil, with a minimum content of phosphorus, potassium and molybdenum in it, nitrates that are dangerous to the human body begin to accumulate in plants.

Vegetables and fruits rich in nitrates affect the gastrointestinal tract and increase the risk of developing cancer. Under the influence of a large number of chemicals and fertilizers, the biochemical composition of food is modified. Vitamins and useful material almost completely disappear from them, they are replaced by dangerous nitrites.

A person who regularly consumes vegetables and fruits treated with chemicals and grown exclusively on mineral fertilizers often complains of headache, rapid heartbeat, muscle numbness, disturbances in vision and hearing. Such vegetables and fruits cause the greatest harm to pregnant women and children. An excess of toxins in a newborn's body can have unpredictable consequences.

Impact on soil

As mentioned above, mineral fertilizers and chemicals negatively affect, first of all, the soil. Improper use of them leads to depletion of the soil layer, changes in soil structure, and erosion. So, caught in groundwater nitrogen stimulates the growth of vegetation. Organic substances accumulate in the water, the amount of oxygen decreases, and waterlogging begins, which is why the landscape in this area can be irreversibly modified. Soils saturated with minerals and poisons can dry out, fertile black soils cease to produce high yields, and on less fertile soils nothing but weeds grows.

Environmental impact

Not only fertilizers have a negative impact, but also the process of their production. Lands on which new types of fertilizers are tested quickly become leached and lose their natural fertile layer. Transportation and storage of chemicals are no less dangerous. People in contact with them are required to use gloves and respirators. Fertilizers should be stored in a specially designated place where children and pets will not have access. Failure to comply with simple precautions can provoke a real environmental disaster. Thus, some pesticides can cause massive loss of leaves from trees and shrubs and wilting of herbaceous vegetation.

To use mineral fertilizers without consequences for environment, soil and health, farmers must adhere to the following rules:

  • organic fertilizers are used wherever possible (modern organics are not complete, but sufficient good replacement mineral fertilizers);
  • before using fertilizers, read the instructions (when choosing them, special attention is paid to the composition of the soil, the quality of the fertilizers themselves, the variety and type of crop being grown);
  • fertilizing is combined with measures to acidify the soil (lime or wood ash is added along with minerals);
  • use only those fertilizers that contain a minimum amount of harmful additives;
  • the timing and dose of mineral application do not violate (if fertilizing with nitrogen should be done in early May, then using this fertilizer in early June may be incorrect and even dangerous).

Important! To minimize the negative effect of using unnatural fertilizers, farmers alternate them with organic substances, which helps reduce nitrate levels and reduce the risk of intoxication of the body.

It will not be possible to completely abandon pesticides, but in small conditions farm you can reduce their use to a minimum.


The use of mineral fertilizers and pesticides simplifies the farmer’s work, allowing him to obtain a significant amount of harvest with minimum costs. The cost of fertilizing is low, while its application increases soil fertility several times. Despite existing risk harm to soil and human health using mineral supplements farmers can grow cultivated plants those who previously did not want to settle down.

Soil mineralization increases plant resistance to pests and diseases, allows the resulting product to be stored longer than usual and improves its presentation. Fertilizers can be easily applied even without special agrotechnical education. Their use has both pros and cons, as discussed in more detail above.

Nowadays, it is hard to imagine growing vegetable and fruit crops without mineral fertilizers. After all, they all have a positive effect on plants, without which it is difficult to imagine their normal growth. Even ardent opponents of mineral fertilizers admit that they have an optimal effect on seedlings and do not harm the soil.

Of course, if mineral fertilizers are poured onto a small area in large big bags, there can be no discussion about their benefits, but if you follow all the rules and technologies, then everything will definitely work out. In this article you will learn about the effect of certain mineral compounds on plants, because each of them is used in different cases.

Let's start with the effect of nitrogen fertilizers on plants. Firstly, nitrogen is one of the main elements that influence the growth of seedlings. They are recommended to be used by adding directly to the soil during spring plowing in the form of urea (urea) or ammonia acid. Note that nitrogen fertilizers in large quantities transported in special big bags.

When should you use nitrogen fertilizers?

They are used when there is a lack of nitrogen in plants. Determining nitrogen deficiency is very simple. Plant leaves turn yellow or pale green.

The main advantages of nitrogen fertilizers:

1) They can be used on different soils;

2) They fertilizers create conditions for rapid plant growth;

3) They fertilizers improve the quality of fruits.

Now we will talk about the effects of potassium compounds on seedlings. Potassium is an element that influences yield, drought resistance and resistance to low temperatures. Knowing that a plant is lacking potassium is as easy as knowing that a plant is lacking nitrogen. A sign that the plant lacks potassium is white edges along the edge of the leaf and low leaf elasticity. When using potassium fertilizers, plants quickly revive and grow.

When using potassium salts, you need to remember the rules and technologies for their use and avoid abuse, because mineral fertilizers need to be applied only when needed. Also, do not forget that the soil needs to be allowed to rest.

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