How to feed the berries. How to fertilize strawberries in spring for a better harvest? Fertilizing strawberries after winter in early spring, before flowering, during flowering, with organic matter and mineral fertilizers

IN wildlife Strawberries bear fruit abundantly, but not regularly. To increase productivity at home garden beds or garden, you need to properly care for the plant, in particular introduce complementary foods or fertilizing. At different stages of strawberry development, certain fertilizers are required, but the most important period is the spring, when the planting of the future crop is underway.

As soon as the snow has melted and the soil begins to dry out a little, it’s time to prepare the beds for the new season. Timely introduction of fertilizing will help the plant wake up faster after winter, form new buds.

Unfortunately, not every site has fertile soil, and on devastated land it is unlikely that it will be possible to get a large juicy berry. Not only the soil is enriched with nutrients; the bushes are sprayed directly with nitrogen compounds.

Work should begin by cleaning the beds.

In autumn, in order to protect the crop from frost and precipitation, an insulating layer of dry leaves or straw was created. After wintering, the peculiar fur coat needs to be removed and the soil around each bush should be loosened. In this case, you should properly care for them before the strawberries begin to bloom - remove all weeds and old roots found in the ground.

From the bush dry leaves need to be cut off, diseased brown tops. It is also worth checking the condition of the strawberry neck after winter; the growing point should be slightly above the ground (4-5 mm). Burying the neck into the soil is fraught with rotting of the root system.

Lure should not be introduced randomly without respecting proportions. An insufficient amount of fertilizer will be ineffective, and an excess will provoke the growth of twigs and greenery. The berries will ripen later than usual, reaching minimum parameters.

Stages of proper fertilizing

In total, there are 3 main stages of introducing fertilizers:

  • after wintering at the beginning of the season– the procedure is aimed at early stimulation of the growth of young shoots and first leaves (April-early May);
  • feed at the end of the fruiting period– treatment or watering promotes the formation of new roots, planting flower buds, which will be able to bear fruit next season (July);
  • autumn bait, carried out in mid-September, is needed to prepare the crop (especially young shoots) for wintering.

Remontant varieties of strawberries are very susceptible to bait, so fertilize nutrients recommended at weekly intervals.

Organic fertilizers are considered the most affordable, especially if the farm has cows and chickens. Enriching the soil with organic matter compensates for nutrient deficiencies for 2-3 years.

In addition, the use of mullein or bird droppings improves the soil structure and increases air permeability, which is important for the vegetative process of strawberries.

Mineral fertilizers

Among the popular mineral fertilizers used to process or water strawberries:

  • urea;
  • saltpeter and sulfates;
  • complex preparations (Azofoska, Stimovit, Agricola, etc.).


The advantages of this group of baits are:

  • awakening activation plants after hibernation;
  • increasing productivity;
  • balanced composition;
  • low consumption;
  • acceleration of the period of fruit ripening;
  • improvement of taste and safety;
  • protection of plants from pests and fungal infections.

When using medications it is recommended strictly observe proportions when diluting the working solution or powdering the area. An excessive amount of the reagent leads to burning of the crop and its death. Other disadvantages include: high cost, regular use.

It is worth giving preference to mineral chemistry in cases where strawberries are grown on an industrial scale.

There have been long-term debates among gardeners regarding the benefits of fertilizers: synthetic and organic. The best possible solution is complex use or sequential use. Then the crop will receive useful microelements, and the berries will be juicy and sweet.

Folk remedy - using sour milk

You can get a good strawberry harvest, according to reviews experienced gardeners on slightly acidic soils. To balance the acid open ground You can add sour milk to it.

This folk look Fertilizers are foliar, so spraying or pouring the working solution should be done at a distance 7-10 cm from the bush. The dairy product is mixed with water in arbitrary proportions (depending on the acidity level of the soil), but more often 1:2. You need to feed at the beginning of the season with repetitions: after harvesting and in mid-September.

Benefits of using fermented milk products:

  • enrichment of soil with potassium, sulfur, calcium, phosphorus and other microelements;
  • increase in yield and fruiting period;
  • growth activation culture;
  • increasing resistance to attacks by ticks, aphids and the development of various diseases.

The disadvantage of the method is considered consumption of fermented milk product and the costs for it. Such feeding is justified only for small beds when it is necessary to fertilize several bushes.

Chicken manure solution

Chicken manure is fast-acting organic fertilizer, which promotes the awakening of beneficial microorganisms in the soil.

Timely feeding improves the quality and quantity of fruits, so it should be introduced at the beginning of the season after the soil has warmed up and dried (April - mid-May).

Benefits of organics:

  • improving the soil structure by increasing the level of humus;
  • rich composition, including micro and macroelements;
  • increase in yield and fruiting period.

Chicken manure is introduced Once every 2-3 years, which is an undeniable advantage of the product over other fertilizers.

The disadvantage of this method is the specific smell when watering and compliance with proportions. An overabundance of the product may cause the plant to dry out.

Preparation of bait consists of the following steps:

  • pouring settled water into the droppings (to dissolve);
  • diluting half a liter of the resulting concentrate in a bucket of water.

It is not the plant itself that should be watered or sprayed with the solution, but stepping back 5-10 cm from it. One bucket can feed up to 25 bushes.

The composition of wood ash includes a large number of micronutrients, necessary for plants for development and growth. It includes: potassium, phosphorus, iron, sulfur and other substances.

The availability of fertilizer is the main advantage, because you can get the powder gray possible as a result of burning branches cut in the garden. Main - do not use painted wood.

Benefits of wood fertilizer:

  • activates growth strawberries;
  • makes the soil nutritious, improves its structure;
  • increases the fruiting period and productivity;
  • improves the taste of berries.

The disadvantage of this method is that the ash cannot be combined with urea, manure, saltpeter. In such a tandem, the fertilizer loses its properties.

The principle of application is simple, just add the dry powder into the grooves made along the beds (150 grams per linear meter).

For better absorption of nutrients by the soil, it is recommended to mix ash with peat.

One of the options for fertilizers for strawberries involves the use of yeast. It should be noted that this technology is also suitable for other crops, for example, tomatoes, potatoes, tomatoes.

The solution is prepared quickly and simply: a kilogram pack is diluted in 5 liters of water. The result is a concentrated composition, which must be dissolved again with liquid before processing (0.5 yeast mixture per 10 liters of water). About half a liter of solution will be needed for 10 strawberry bushes. It should be poured right under the bush.

If you only have dry yeast in bags in the kitchen, then the bait is prepared in the following proportions: one sachet per bucket of water plus 2 tablespoons of sugar. It is better to first dilute the yeast in a glass of warm water with the addition of granulated sugar, and after complete dissolution, add it to a bucket of water. After 2 hours the product will be ready for consumption.

Advantages of yeast fertilizers:

  • rich nutritional composition (zinc, iodine, nitrogen, iron, phosphorus, etc.);
  • growth activation;
  • increasing the fruiting period;
  • promotes rapid adaptation of the crop to a new place after transplantation;
  • strengthens roots;
  • improving soil quality by creating a favorable environment for the proliferation of beneficial microorganisms.

The use of yeast increases the endurance of plants, prevents pest attacks and infections with various diseases.

This technology can be used effectively only in warm weather, at low temperatures the fermentation process is suspended. This is the disadvantage of the yeast method.

To choose the right fertilizer for spring fertilizing of strawberries, you need to take into account the composition of the soil and its degree of fertility. If difficulties arise with the definition, it is better to use complex preparations rich in nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and other useful microelements. Then good harvest landing guaranteed!

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands never get bored!


To enjoy delicious juicy strawberries (garden strawberries), you need to know how to grow them correctly. Not every summer resident can boast of black soil, so the entire period of flowering and berry growth needs to be given special attention to fertilizers. They are both organic (natural) and mineral (chemical).

Which fertilizer is best for strawberries

Even the most professional gardeners cannot say what is better to choose for feeding fruits - natural ingredients or chemicals. Each of these types of fertilizers has its own pros and cons. The best solution would be to alternate feedings or use them in combination. Strawberries require all kinds of microelements (potassium salts, iron, magnesium, calcium) and vitamins for the full development of fruits. The entire range of nutrients is contained in both natural and mineral fertilizers.

Mineral fertilizer for strawberries

Garden strawberries simply need mineral fertilizer. She prevents everything possible diseases this crop, and also contributes to the rapid growth of greenery. Complex fertilizers are the most popular among summer residents, as they can be found in the gardening departments of any hardware store. So, how to feed strawberries in the spring for a good harvest:

  1. Azofoska (nitroammofoska). This is the most popular complex mineral fertilizer. The fertilizer contains equal parts of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium (16% each) and a small admixture of sulfur. It is recommended to apply the drug directly into the soil before planting the plant.
  2. Stimovit for strawberries. A highly effective and reliable fertilizer consisting of vermicompost. Provides growth acceleration, protection against fungal or bacterial diseases, and pest control. Well suited for foliar feeding. The solution is made at a rate of one to forty (25 ml per liter of water).
  3. Agricola for berry crops. It is used to provide care for garden strawberries at all stages of growth (from spring to autumn). Treatment is carried out by watering or spraying. The solution is prepared simply: 25 grams of the product are mixed in 10 liters of water.

Fertilizing strawberries according to folk recipes

An important role in fertilizing garden remontant strawberries play organic fertilizers, which are elements of many folk recipes(mullein, chicken droppings, ash, yeast and others). All of them are harmless to the plant, so there is no need to worry about the quality of your harvest. Several recipes:

  1. Based on manure. Bird/animal droppings have been used as basic fertilizers since ancient times. Mullein (dried cow dung) is filled with water (ratio one to five), placed in a warm place to infuse (ferment) for a week. Ultimately, the concentrate is diluted (proportion 1:10) and spread over damp soil (preferably a few hours after watering). Instead of manure, you can use chicken or pigeon droppings - the result will be no worse.
  2. Ash. This element is rich in potassium and phosphorus, therefore it often acts as a fertilizer for garden strawberries. To prepare the solution, you need to pour two tablespoons of ash with a liter of water and leave for one day. Garden strawberries need to be fertilized by watering. Feeding strawberries with ash during flowering will provide the gardener with an increase in yield.
  3. Yeast. Plant care can easily provide a regular food product. A pack of this product (1 kg) must be diluted in five liters of water. To feed, the solution (0.5 liters) that has been left for 24 hours is mixed with liquid (10 liters). Apply twice per season.

How to feed strawberries from spring to autumn

Fertilizer use varies by different stages throughout the summer season (from May to September). In the spring, the first fertilizing is carried out (including before planting), which is aimed at activating the growth of shoots and leaves. In summer, strawberries are fertilized immediately after harvest, when the process of forming new buds and root systems begins. Winter feeding is needed so that the plant can prepare for the cold and survive until spring. Mineral fertilizers alternate with organic ones or are used together - it all depends on the wishes of the gardener.

How can you feed strawberries in spring?

This period is very important for the plant. You should seriously approach the issue of feeding strawberries before flowering, planting and fruiting. For the growth of leaves and buds, nitrogen is simply necessary, which should predominate in spring fertilizers. How to feed strawberries in the spring (use 0.5-1 liter of any product for each bush, depending on the size of the plant):

  • ammonium sulfate (1 tbsp), mullein (2 cups) per 10 liters of liquid;
  • nitroammophoska (1 tbsp) per 10 liters of water;
  • mullein (one part), urea (two parts) to 10 parts water;

How to fertilize strawberries in summer

The second feeding of the plant is done closer to last days July, when the harvest has already been harvested. During this period, fruits especially need potassium and trace elements. Recipes (used in an amount of 0.5 liters of any fertilizer per plant):

  • nitrophoska (two tablespoons), potassium sulfate (one teaspoon) per 12 liters of water;
  • potassium nitrate (1 tbsp) per 5 liters of water;
  • vermicompost (200 g) per 10 liters of water (infused for a day, then mixed with water in half).

Fertilizing strawberries in autumn

The last application is made at the end of September, and especially young plants before winter need such care. All means can be used to transplant garden strawberries into greenhouses. Recipes (process 250-500 ml per 1 sq.m.):

  • mullein (one part), 0.5 cups of ash to 10 parts of water;
  • mullein (one part), superphosphate (one tablespoon), ash (one glass) for 12 hours of water;
  • nitroammophoska (150 g), potassium sulfate (200 g), ash (one glass) per 5 liters of water.

Or garden strawberries, a popular berry garden plots. To increase the yield, strawberries must be fed regularly. In this article we will look at what fertilizers strawberries like, at what time to fertilize and how to do it correctly.

Why feed strawberries?

Without transplanting, strawberries can grow on one piece of land for at least three to four years. Over such a long period of time, the soil under the bushes is depleted, useful elements such as phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen, magnesium and boron are washed out. Therefore, it is necessary to add fertilizers when caring for this berry crop.

Remontant varieties of strawberries, capable of bearing fruit many times during one season, need feeding once every ten days.

These are varieties such as “Queen Elizabeth”, “San Andreas”, “Diamant”.

  • increases the yield, accelerates the ripening time of berries;
  • improves the taste of the berry, saturates it with vitamins, fructose, pectin;
  • increases the resistance of seedlings to fungal diseases and adverse weather conditions;
  • provides the plant with necessary macro- and microelements;
  • promotes the formation of flower and stem buds;
  • accelerates the appearance of green mass in early spring;
  • stimulates the formation of buds and ovary.

When do you fertilize?

When planting strawberries in a new place in spring or autumn, they need to be fed a week after transplantation. The land for planting is also enriched by adding peat, nitrophoska, and wood ash.

In summer, feed strawberries during the fruiting period, when the plant needs potassium (early June). Potassium sulfate or wood ash are recommended for use.

There is a scheme for feeding strawberries during the season: spring, summer, autumn.

Autumn feeding

After harvesting, you need to carry out preventive treatment from diseases and pests. The deadline for applying fertilizers should be moved to mid-September - early October.

Feed strawberries with a complex of chemicals with a low nitrogen content. Phosphorus will prepare the bushes for winter and help them recover for the next harvest. Recommended for use are simple superphosphate or double superphosphate, potassium monophosphate.

Spring feeding

  1. The first application of fertilizers in the spring is carried out as soon as the snow melts. The signal for feeding is the first two or three leaves on the bush at the end of March. Fertilizers with a high nitrogen content are used, such as ammonium nitrate, urea or cow and bird humus.
  2. Next treatment in spring - before flowering (end of April). It prolongs flowering time and promotes ovary formation. At this stage, complex fertilizers containing essential elements are used. These can be Nitroammofoska, Kemira Lux, Master for strawberries.

Fertilizer application methods

There are two ways to apply fertilizers: leaf spraying (foliar feeding) and root feeding. Each gardener decides for himself which method to choose.

Root feeding

The substance penetrates the soil and nutrients are absorbed by the roots. Classic version fertilizing, less time-consuming fertilizer preparation.

Compositions for root feeding are produced in the form of granules and powders, which are convenient to use.

These are fertilizers such as:

  • nitroammophoska;
  • azophoska;
  • superphosphate;
  • potassium nitrate;
  • ammonium nitrate;
  • calcium nitrate;
  • potassium monophosphate.

Foliar feeding

The fertilizer falls on the leaves and penetrates into the plant cells through the leaf plate. Elements are absorbed by the leaf faster than by the roots.

Therefore, this method of fertilizing can be used in in case of emergency, during a sharp cold snap in spring or during drought in summer. Fertilizing by spraying strawberries takes longer than root feeding.

Preparations for foliar feeding:

  • Blank sheet for strawberries;
  • Reacom for strawberries;
  • Rubin7.

How to feed strawberries in open ground?

All fertilizers used in the garden are divided into two main types: organic and mineral.

Organic fertilizers

Organic matter is obtained through the breakdown of waste products of animals and plants. There are many folk remedies and recipes on how to fertilize plants and soil without the use of chemical fertilizers.


Manure is used:

  • cow (mullein);
  • horse dung;
  • rabbit manure.

Rotted manure from farm animals is used as fertilizer. Contains nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, magnesium, molybdenum, iron, cobalt.

Sold in specialized stores granulated manure. It is processed, dried, and has no strong odor. Directions for use: dissolve 1 liter of humus in 10 liters of water and leave for 5 days. Next, add 1 liter of the prepared liquid under the bush.

Fresh manure can burn the roots of plants, so it can only be applied when digging up the soil or between strawberry rows in the fall.

Before the next season, it will have time to rot and will have a beneficial effect on the plants. And fresh manure used to create warm beds in greenhouses.

Poultry droppings (chicken, quail)

It contains a concentration of useful substances three to four times greater than in animal manure. It contains everything important elements for feeding vegetables and fruit and berry crops. Dilute it in water in the ratio 1 liter of litter per 20 liters of water.

Wood ash

A form of fertilizer that is easily absorbed by plants. It can be stored for a long time without loss of nutritional properties. contains a whole complex of elements: potassium, phosphorus, calcium, molybdenum, boron, manganese, magnesium, but no nitrogen. It burns when wood is burned. Consumption rate for irrigation - 100 g per 10 liters of water.

Yeast feeding

Bakery ones are used.
They enter the soil and create bacteria that form phosphorus, nitrogen, minerals, proteins and amino acids.

The disadvantage of yeast is that it destroys potassium in the soil. Therefore, additional potassium fertilizer is added. Consumption rate: 300 g per 10 liters of water. First, dilute the yeast in half a liter warm water, and then bring to the desired volume.

Bread crusts are used to enrich the soil due to the presence of yeast in the composition. Pieces of rye bread are poured with water and left for 5 days. Consumption rate - 1 liter of the resulting liquid per 10 liters of water.

Green manure

Contains nitrogen and potassium. This is a fertilizer obtained during the processing of plant parts. Can be used as green fertilizer material marigolds, nettles, wormwood and tobacco.

How to feed strawberries with this fertilizer? Dry and chop all parts of these plants. Fill one bucket of tops with water and after 10 days, dilute a liter of the resulting infusion with 10 liters of water.

Pine sawdust

They can be used as to retain moisture in the soil. Sawdust is also used as an intermediary for applying highly concentrated fertilizers.

For example, to add carbamide (urea) or ammonium nitrate sawdust is soaked in their solution and then sprinkled around the bush. Pine sawdust will gradually release nutrients to the roots and prevent them from burning.


It is recommended to use lowland peat with a neutral pH of 5.5 - 7.0. It saturates the soil with humic and amino acids, loosens it and makes it air- and moisture-permeable. It will not be possible to feed strawberries with peat alone; it is better to use it with other organic or mineral fertilizers.

Mineral fertilizers

Drugs of industrial and fossil origin. They are distinguished by a high concentration of active elements in the composition. They must be used in accordance with the application instructions in the instructions. Then there will be no harm from their actions.

Table of mineral fertilizers:

Drug name Description

Granular, highly concentrated substance containing N:16 K:16 P:16 in each granule. The composition is suitable for use at any stage of crop development. Consumption rate - 20 g per bucket of water.
Superphosphate Simple (P: 20%) and double (P: up to 46%) - granular, phosphorus fertilizer with the addition of nitrogen and sulfur. It tends to dissolve in the ground for a long time. Used to add to the soil in the fall before digging, since during the winter you have time to release nutrients to the soil.
Blank sheet Clean leaf for strawberries (N:21 K:7 P:15.7) - fertilizer in powder form, water soluble. Packaging 300 g diluted for watering at the root and spraying on the leaves for 450 liters of water.
Kemira Lux Powdery water soluble fertilizer without chlorine. Contains N:16 K:20.6 P:27 and microelements boron, magranium, magnesium, zinc, sulfur. Feed strawberries with this mixture during flowering and the beginning of fruiting. Directions for use: 1 teaspoon per 10 liters of water.
Potassium and sodium humate

There is a liquid form of sodium potassium and a powder form. Humate is a pure, natural stimulant, contains humic acids extracted from peat. These acids contain about 50 elements, beneficial to the soil and plants.

In order for these elements to be easily absorbed by soil and crops, acids are converted into water-soluble potassium and sodium salts. Gumat - effective fertilizer compatible with nitrogen fertilizing. Consumption rate - 50 ml per 10 liters of water.

Ammonium nitrate Ammonium nitrate (N:34.6%) is a water-soluble, granular fertilizer for irrigation and dry application. Combines with other minerals. It is used during the period of active growth and promotes the growth of green mass. Not recommended for use in the second half of summer.
Ruby Ruby for strawberries is an organo-mineral fertilizer for spraying on the leaves. Recommended for processing in spring, summer and autumn. Contains the whole complex of important macro- and microelements for strawberries. The dilution rate is 10 g per 5 liters of water.

Complex fertilizers with a balanced composition are also popular. They can be used at all stages of the growing season and fruiting of strawberries.

These are the drugs:

  • Hera (humatized fertilizer for strawberries);
  • Zdraven Turbo for strawberries and raspberries;
  • Master for berry crops;
  • Fasco for strawberries;
  • Fertilizer for strawberries and wild strawberries;
  • Omu for strawberries and wild strawberries with humates;
  • Potassium monophosphate (phosphorus-potassium fertilizer).

Ammonia, potassium permanganate, iodine

Some gardeners use substances such as potassium permanganate and iodine as fertilizer. The benefits of using them in this capacity have not been scientifically proven or disproved.

These drugs are best used for pest control:

  • nematode;
  • May beetle larvae;
  • rot;
  • powdery mildew;
  • Fusarium blight on strawberries.

In this case, the result of their use is visible immediately.

Fertilizing and caring for strawberries

At different periods of development, the plant requires different nutrients.

Growing stage Description of feeding
Small seedling bushes need complex fertilizers with nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus.

These are drugs such as:

  • Master for seedlings;
  • Agricola-6 for seedlings;
  • Strong fertilizer for seedlings.
Strawberries after trimming Pruning bushes is carried out in the presence of red rusty leaves from mid-summer. When pruning, leave the stems up to 10cm high and maintain the growing point.

For the rapid appearance of greenery, you can feed the seedlings with organo-mineral fertilizers, such as Humate for strawberries, Rubin.

Strawberries after transplantation Organize autumn replanting three to four weeks before frost. Water the planted bushes using or Heteroauxin. Use 1 g of powder per 10 liters of water.

Expert advice on how to properly feed strawberries:

  • fertilize strawberries several times a season, do not forget to feed them in the summer after harvesting;
  • use nitrogen fertilizers only in early spring during the period of active growth of green mass;
  • do not use fresh manure in spring and summer;
  • alternate root feeding and leaf spraying;
  • do not feed those infected with pests and bacteria;
  • Before applying fertilizer at the root, first lightly moisten the soil around the bushes.

Features of feeding strawberries in various conditions

Strawberries under covering material

IN last years is becoming popular on black agrofibre (spunbond, lutrasil, film). The soil is covered with a cloth, a hole is made under each bush and all the greenery is laid out. Black spasbond allows water and air to reach the strawberry roots and inhibits the growth of weeds.

The fiber lifespan is 3 years, so you need to feed the soil well before covering. For closed ground Poultry humus (1 bucket per 1 sq. m.) is suitable, which slowly releases elements into the soil and wood ash (150 g per 1 sq. m.). During the season, organize foliar spraying during important growth periods.

As a rule, they grow in greenhouses remontant strawberries for sale. Such varieties are capable of producing crops several times per season. Therefore, they need frequent feeding every ten days.

How to feed strawberries in a greenhouse? Use a mixture of ammonium nitrate (50 g) and potassium monophosphate (20 g) per 10 liters of water.

At drip irrigation use compounds that are easily soluble in water, which will be added to the water tank for drip irrigation.

Use the following fertilizers:

  • monopotassium phosphate;
  • potassium sulfate;
  • complex compositions Clean sheet or Agrovit-cor.

Hydroponic strawberries

This is a way to grow strawberries without using soil.

Instead of earth, use:

  • perlite;
  • vermiculite;
  • hydrogel;
  • coconut fiber.

These formulations lack important macronutrients, so it is necessary to constantly apply fertilizers for hydroponics.

There are ready-made concentrates on sale, for example, hydroculture fertilizing contains all the important elements and regulates the pH of the water.

They also use conventional complex fertilizers, such as Kemira Lux, Kristallin.

Strawberries in a pot

For growing on a windowsill, choose remontant varieties, the fruiting of which does not depend on the duration daylight hours. from the remontant group bear fruit for about ten months a year.

Of course you need to organize proper care and feeding. After planting seedlings in purchased soil, you can avoid feeding the bushes for three to four weeks. Next, fertilize the seedlings once every two weeks, alternating minerals and organic matter.


Strawberries are responsive to fertilizing. Thanks to fertilizers, it grows quickly in the spring, blooms and fruits profusely in the summer. Use fertilizers systematically, following application rates. In winter, draw up a feeding schedule for strawberries with a list and doses of medications. Alternate organic and mineral fertilizers, root and foliar feeding. By following these rules, you will get a high-quality harvest of fragrant and sweet strawberries.

Fertilizing strawberries in the spring.

Spring has come, the birds are singing, the buds are blooming on the trees. This means it's time for strawberries. To get a good harvest, you need to properly care for and fertilize the bushes from the very beginning. early spring. You will learn about the rules of fertilization here.

How to feed strawberries immediately after winter in the spring?

  • In early spring, we completely remove the spread sawdust from overwintered strawberries.
  • Cut off old dry leaves.
  • We loosen the soil under each bush.
  • We also trim off old, diseased, brown tops. We leave only the new one.
  • Be sure to check the condition of the neck (growing point) of strawberries after frost. It should be slightly higher than 4-5 mm from the ground level.
  • To prevent the strawberries from rotting, the growing point must be open. It is very important to properly feed strawberries in the spring and regularly care for this wonderful berry.

The first feeding of strawberries is done in the spring, before flowers and buds form.

  • To begin with, we simply clean our strawberries, remove dry and old leaves. It is better to make the first fertilizer with good and rich mullein, which is prepared from fresh cow pats.
  • So, for our fertilizer we need to dilute 10 liters of water with 1 liter of fermented liquid mullein.
  • If you do not use mullein, then the first fertilizing can be done using urea, that is, urea. To do this, you need to dilute 2 tablespoons of urea per 10 liters of water. Water 0.5 liters of this for each bush of the plant.
  • Regarding mullein, you will also need 0.5 liters per bush. Carefully water our strawberries with this mixture.
  • Fertilize after rain to keep the soil moist. This way the mullein will be better absorbed into the soil. And when dry, it will flow around, and the crust will not allow it to be absorbed.
  • Mullein is good because it is quite rich in nitrogen and phosphorus. And nitrogen, as you know, is needed by everyone fruit plant to give it growth, phosphorus accompanies the formation of ovaries so that they are larger and larger.

This is how the first one is done spring feeding. Be sure to fertilize your strawberries to get a bountiful harvest in the summer.

How to feed strawberries in the spring before flowering and during flowering?

You still don’t know how to treat and protect strawberries? Then this information is for you.

  • The first treatment is best done with the help of the “Horus” preparation at a rate of 12 g per 10 liters of water. After about 2 weeks, it is necessary to treat the strawberries again for diseases.
  • It is also best to use “Chorus” (12 g per 10 liters of water) and the drug “Topaz” 6 ml per 10 liters of water. These two drugs will cover all possible diseases and spots of your strawberries.
  • You can also use foliar fertilizer "Plantafol" 20 g per 10 liters of water, "Brexil mix" and "Growth concentrate" and "Megafol" in the same ratio in the same fertilizer.
  • Mix all this thoroughly and process the strawberries. You can also add the drug “Boroplus” (10-15 ml) for better formation of the ovary.

During strawberry flowering, it is good to make the following fertilizer:

  • Pour 1 cup of wood ash into a bucket and pour 2 liters of boiling water. Stir well and let it brew for 2 hours, and after that you need to add 3 g of potassium permanganate and 3 g of boric acid.
  • Also don't forget to add one tablespoon of iodine. You will receive a mixture that you can safely water your strawberries with. Mix everything thoroughly and add water to a total volume of 10 liters.
  • Stir this entire purple mixture again until smooth.
  • When diluting, it is best to use rainwater. If you don’t have one, then you can use settled water, since this should not be done with chlorinated water.
  • You can spray the leaves, flowers, and ovaries of the plant with this water. In order to give it fruiting power and to get a good harvest, you need to water it well with a glass under each bush.

Strawberries in spring care, fertilizing with iodine

To process young pagons using this product, you will need two components:

  • actually potassium iodide itself
  • potassium permanganate - that is, potassium permanganate

The prepared solution using the above-mentioned components helps not only against beetle and pests, but also against gray rot and the appearance of spots on the leaves, and also saturates future harvest microelements. To prepare such a solution you will need to take 1 tbsp. iodine and literally a few granules of potassium permanganate per 10 liters of water.

It is advisable to water bushes that have previously been sprinkled with ash and fertilizer with this solution. With such an integrated approach, the effectiveness of the result will be more guaranteed.

Strawberries in spring: care and feeding with boric acid

  • Before feeding strawberries, be sure to loosen the soil by about 10 cm with a garden fork.
  • For better effect from fertilizing and protecting the plant itself, we recommend spreading straw between the rows. This will help prevent our strawberries from being trampled.
  • Now that we have sprinkled our strawberries with straw, we need to fill them with herbal infusion. This is a thick brown liquid that is very easy to make: a third of the container is tightly filled with nettles, filled with water and infused either in a greenhouse or simply in the sun. 2-3 days and the infusion is ready. Without diluting it, we carefully pour it over our berries.
  • So, when we have watered the beds with the solution, we again water them with a mixture of boric acid. Component ratio: approximately 10 g per 30 liters of water. Water the plant again.

A mixture of boric acid is very useful and necessary for these berries; it helps to form the ovaries of the plant. That is why, before the berries bloom, we fertilize the strawberries with acid. After we have fed the strawberries, it is necessary to treat them against pests such as mites and weevils.

Fertilizing strawberries in spring with folk remedies

One of the most popular methods of feeding sweet red berry bushes folk remedies is its fertilizer nettle infusion. What does it give? Nettle contains many microelements and when fed with tincture from this plant, more chlorophyll is formed in the leaves - accordingly, it becomes stronger for fruiting and the environment.

  • To prepare such an infusion, you need to collect nettles; it is advisable that the plants are not overgrown, that is, without the formation of seeds.
  • Fill a container to the top, placing the stems tightly. It is advisable to take a non-metal container. For example, plastic or enameled.
  • Fill the bowl filled with nettles with water. Put in sunny place. Fermentation occurs there for 7-15 days.
  • Every morning you need to stir our nettle water. The liquid should be considered ready when it foams and gives off a characteristic, bad smell. Then strain this prepared infusion.
  • If you carry out root feeding - that is, pour the infusion under the roots of plants - then take a liter of our infusion per ten-liter bucket of water. Pour at least a liter of the prepared infusion under each bush.

Fertilizing strawberries with yeast

Gardeners began feeding plants with yeast relatively recently. But judging by the experience already gained, the result is impressive. Strawberries can be fertilized with yeast fertilizer two, maximum three times a season.

This is, first of all, in the spring - to enhance vegetative growth, in the summer - to support during the period of active fruiting and in recovery period- after fruiting. For strawberries for 10 bushes, a regular 5 liter bucket is enough.

To prepare the solution itself, you will need, first of all, yeast. You can take both regular and quick-acting dry bread bakers.

An excellent container for preparing our fertilizer would be an ordinary plastic bottle. It is in it that it will be convenient to dilute and shake our solution thoroughly.

  • When using dry yeast, dilute 100 g packet in 2 liters of warm water, add 2-3 tbsp sugar.
  • After closing the lid tightly, shake the bottle thoroughly, thoroughly mixing the ingredients.
  • If you use regular rather than dry yeast, you should adhere to the proportional ratio of 1 kg of yeast per 5 liters of water.
  • Next, pour our mixture into a ten-liter bucket, add water and leave it in a warm place for 3-4 hours.
  • After the time has passed, pour 10 liters of the prepared yeast solution into a 200 liter barrel.
  • If you don’t need such a large volume, add 0.5 liters of ready-made yeast solution to a ten-liter watering can each time.

Water the strawberry bushes directly under the roots with at least half a liter.

Fertilizing strawberries in spring with chicken droppings

Strawberries are the most common plant in our gardens, vegetable gardens and country estates. In order to grow a good harvest of berries, it is not enough just to water the strawberries on time, sprinkle them and fight pests. The nutrition of strawberries is also an important component.

  • In order to prepare a solution of chicken manure, you need to take semi-liquid fresh chicken manure and pour it into a bucket so that the ratio is 1*15.
  • You need to add warm water to the bucket with droppings and stir more thoroughly.
  • The chicken manure solution is ready, there is no need to infuse it, since everything useful material, such as nitrogen, will evaporate very easily and quickly.
  • Therefore, it is necessary to pour the solution into a watering can.
  • If there is thick chicken manure left at the bottom of the bucket, you can pour it under an apple tree or other fruit tree.
  • We take a watering can and carefully water our strawberries around, not very close.
  • Try not to get the solution on the leaves.
  • After this feeding, the strawberries begin to bear fruit very well, and the berries are beautiful, large, sweet and juicy.

Fertilizing strawberries with ash in spring

Ash is primarily known for being an excellent potassium fertilizer. In addition to potassium, it contains phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium. Being an easily soluble product, combustion products can be used both in pure dry form and in the form of a prepared solution.

Wood ash is the best way to fertilize strawberries - that is, the remains of combustion of wood, firewood, branches, etc.

  • To prepare an infusion of ash, you need to take two liter jars (about 1 kg) of ash per ten-liter bucket of water.
  • Leave the infusion to steep for a day, stirring occasionally.
  • All soluble elements will go into water and the mother liquor will be ready in a day.
  • To prepare the irrigation solution, you need to dilute a liter of concentrated extract in 10 liters of water.

When used dry, sprinkle ash generously under the bushes. With further root watering, beneficial components will penetrate into the ground.

What fertilizers should I apply for strawberries in the spring?

In order to grow a generous harvest of strawberries, it is not enough to just weed and water them and fight pests. An important component is nutrition.

In addition to the well-known traditional folk methods of fertilizing with chicken droppings, peat or ash, industrial preparations - organomineral fertilizers - are widely known. For the greatest effectiveness, it is worth applying those preparations that are intended specifically for strawberries.

In them the best way balanced and selected necessary components V correct proportions– nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium. The greatest amount of potassium and nitrogen in such fertilizers. These are the components that are most important for correct formation bud and development of the strawberry fruit.

A similar category of fertilizers includes, for example, the drug “Lyubo-Zeleno” from the company “Rusagrokhim”. In addition, various preparations containing dry chicken droppings, wood ash or humus concentrate are widely available on the market, which can easily help to perform the function of feeding strawberry bushes.

Strawberries in spring care, fertilizing with urea

  • To feed, measure out 10 liters of water, add 3 heaped tablespoons of carbamide (urea).
  • Stir all this thoroughly until the urea granules are completely dissolved.
  • After this, we water our strawberries with this solution: 0.5 liters for each bush.
  • We also recommend for better condition strawberries, treat the soil against ants with your favorite dry preparations. It is better to do this around the bush.
  • After we have fed our strawberries, we need to cover the bushes with film on the arches, leaving one side open.

Complex fertilizer for strawberries in spring

When applying complex fertilizer, you must, first of all, cut off last year’s dry leaves, leaving only a young rosette. After cutting, loosen the soil around the bush.

  • To begin, generously sprinkle all the strawberries with wood ash - between the rows and under the bushes themselves.
  • After applying the main potassium fertilizer, sprinkle humus on top.
  • The next stage will be pest control and fertilizing.
  • As such a comprehensive, fairly strong, proven remedy for strawberries, use regular ammonia.
  • You need to dilute a 40 ml pharmacy bottle in 10 liters of water and generously pour our strawberries, previously sprinkled with ash and humus.
  • When watering necessary elements from ash and humus with water will fall into the ground.
  • The top treatment of the leaves should be treated with the drug “Fitoverm” - in a concentration of an ampoule per liter of water.

Complex fertilizer strawberries

Foliar feeding of strawberries in spring

As you know, strawberries are very high in iron. In addition to iron, it has large amounts of manganese and zinc. Foliar feeding has 3 stages.

  • The first stage of the process is done to spray the new young leaves of the plant.
  • The second stage is carried out when the strawberries begin to bloom.
  • And after the third time it’s worth processing the small green berries.

A special advantage of foliar feeding is that all the necessary micro and macroelements immediately enter the leaves of the plant. It is very acceptable when it needs nutrients.

Most optimal time for this procedure, this is the time after you water the strawberries. But there will be an even greater effect if this is done in dry, sunny and cloudless weather. Processing strawberries gives very good results boric acid(solution). Also, in addition to this, you can use solutions that have a sufficient amount of nitrogen.

Video: When to fertilize strawberries? Fertilizing strawberries in spring

Everyone wants to enjoy a juicy and tasty strawberry. But to do this, you need to take care of the health of the plant in advance. So, how to feed strawberries in the spring for a good harvest without chemicals?

Our article will highlight certain moments in the life of a gardener that will help you grow juicy and aromatic berries in your garden.

The need for an additional source of nutrients for berries is very great. This may be due to the properties of the soil: perhaps it is depleted or there is a lack of some compounds. For a rich harvest, feeding strawberries from outside will not be superfluous.

Fertilizer for strawberries can be organic and mineral:

  • Organic. These include manure, litter, peat, straw, silt, industrial and household waste. It contains a huge amount of substances that contribute to better growth plants. This may be nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, potassium and much more. Organic matter is of animal and plant origin. When decomposed, minerals and carbon dioxide are formed, which is used for photosynthesis.
  • Inorganic or mineral. Nutrients come in the form of various salts. Such fertilizing can be simple, for example, nitrogen, phosphorus when one element is included. And complex, when it contains several nutritional components.

Having even a vague idea about the composition of the soil on which you plan to grow strawberries, you can add necessary fertilizers and thereby increase the yield of Victoria.

How and when to fertilize to increase yield

Strawberries only need to be fed three times per season. The time for applying fertilizer depends on the development of the bush:

  • The first fertilizing is applied after the end of winter.
  • Second, strawberries need them after the harvest has been harvested. Then the berry will replenish its supply of nutrients.
  • The final stage. Fertilizer is applied around mid-September.

Important: the first feeding is very important for the berries. Fertilizing in early spring, before flowering, will increase disease resistance.

If strawberries have been growing on the site for many years, then they need feeding more than their younger counterparts. This is due to the properties of the soil, which deteriorate over time and lose nutritional components.

You don’t need to go far to buy a fertilizing compound and spend your savings on it. Everything you need can be at hand at home. You can saturate the soil with nutrients without chemicals.

1 kg should be diluted in 5 liters of water. Then dilute 0.5 liters again in 10 liters. After this you can water the strawberries. If you prepare a solution from packaged yeast, which is usually sold in stores, then the package is diluted in a bucket of water. Next, you need to add 2 tbsp. l. sugar and let stand for 2 hours.

Feeding with yeast will saturate strawberries with many nutrients and activate plant growth. And also adding such a solution will extend the fruiting period and strengthen the roots. Moreover, yeast provokes the development of beneficial soil microflora.

This medication is widely popular not only for treatment, but also for feeding. Strawberry bushes are watered with the solution in early spring. This will perfectly stimulate plant growth. Moreover, it can not only be watered, but also treated leaves and shoots.

To irrigate the soil, make a solution at the rate of 15 drops of iodine per 10 liters of water. It is also recommended to water the soil before planting the berries. For external processing Blooming Victoria needs a less concentrated solution so as not to burn the leaves. It is prepared as follows: add 10 drops of iodine to 10 liters of water.

Due to the antiseptic properties of the drug, feeding with iodine will be a good prevention of a number of diseases: gray rot and powdery mildew.

This component contains a large number of microelements important for the growth of strawberries. You can make the fertilizer yourself, just burn the old branches and that’s it. It is just important not to use painted wood for these purposes.

Fertilizing with ash will improve the nutritional properties of the soil and saturate it with all the essential microelements. The yield of berries and their taste will also increase.

Important: cannot be combined with manure, urea and saltpeter. So, the ash will lose all its beneficial qualities.

This fertilizing activates the work of soil microorganisms and is considered the most effective among other brethren. It is recommended to feed strawberries from April to mid-May, after the ground has warmed up well. This fertilizer will improve the properties of the soil and enrich its composition in many components. It will also increase the fruitfulness of the strawberries themselves.

Important: fertilizing with chicken droppings is needed once every 2-3 years. It is also advisable to maintain the proportions of the solution, since an excess of the component will dry out the strawberries.

First you need to fill the droppings with water, and then dilute half a liter in a bucket of water: this will give you the most suitable mixture. Next, you need to water at a distance of 5-10 cm from the bush.

This method is suitable for strawberries grown for sale in large quantities. It will help her recover after winter, satiate her useful components and protect the berries from diseases and pests. In addition, the consumption of this product is very small.

Important: maintain proportions, as you can simply burn the bush.

To get a good harvest, you need to slightly acidify the soil. The prepared solution is applied to the ground at a distance of approximately 10 cm from the plant. Dilute it with water in a ratio of approximately 1: 2. Feed it 3 times: before the start of the season, after harvesting and in mid-September.

Such fertilizer will saturate the soil with all the main nutritional components, accelerate the ripening of fruits, and increase the plant’s immunity to disease.