Mustard is like a green fertilizer in the fall - we return minerals to the soil. Mustard is an effective fertilizer and a reliable protector How to plant mustard in the garden

In the last few years, more and more gardeners are planting on their summer cottages green fertilizers. These are plants that are specially grown to saturate the soil with useful substances and microelements. Very often, mustard is used for this purpose. It is characterized by rapid growth and is suitable for fertilizing the garden almost all year round.

Mustard is an annual herbaceous crop from the cruciferous family. The height of the green mass reaches 80 centimeters. The plant has root system rod type. The central root is powerful and long. It penetrates into the soil to a depth of two meters. The lateral roots are small and poorly developed. Leaves are medium sized. Coarse hairs are observed on both surfaces. The flowers are yellowish, united in inflorescences. The fruits are leguminous. Each of them contains 5-6 seeds.

Mustard tolerates cold well, even when the temperature drops below 0, its seedlings do not freeze. The growing season is 45-50 days.

What are the benefits of mustard

This green crop contains beneficial elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, as well as organic matter. Young plants especially need these microelements, as they accelerate their growth.

Mustard greens left for the winter will protect the soil from winds and frosts. This plant is a good honey plant. It will attract bees to your summer cottage.

Mustard is planted as a fertilizer under various garden crops, except cabbage, radishes and radishes, since they belong to the same family. This plant can also be planted in rows near vegetables and fruit trees. It will accelerate their growth, increase productivity and protect against pests.

How to grow mustard

Mustard grows well in fertile, moist soils. She does not like swampy and acidic soils. Weather conditions have virtually no effect on the growth of green mass. Seeds germinate even if the air temperature is +2 degrees. At the same time, seeds in the soil can withstand up to -5 degrees.

The seeds of this fertilizer are small and round in shape. Very often, the plant is sown in rows, the distance between which should be approximately 15 centimeters. The culture is distinguished by large bushes that need enough space for good growth. The seeds are plowed into the ground to a depth of 1.5-2 centimeters. With deeper planting, they will take a long time to germinate. Mustard germinates 3-4 days after sowing.

Mustard can also be sown over the entire surface of the soil. To distribute it more evenly, the seeds are mixed with sand. Add a quarter cup of seeds to a glass of sand. Consumption rate – 20-25 grams of mixture per square meter plot.

Planting mustard in spring

As a fertilizer, mustard is planted during the period when night frosts are no longer observed. Usually this is at least the beginning of April. At this time, the air temperature during the day will be 8-10 degrees. This is enough for the rapid growth of green mass. The growing season of this crop is approximately one and a half months. Therefore, after this time, you need to mow and plow the mustard into the ground. A week after digging the soil, you can plant the main garden crops.

Another option is to plant plants between the growing mustard greens. To do this, the greenery is cut off in places and holes are made in which the main crop is planted. A week later, the green mass is mowed and spread on the surface of the soil, between the plants. It will act as mulch, protecting the soil from drying out and suppressing the growth of weeds.

Planting in autumn

In the fall, this green fertilizer is planted after harvesting, when there is at least a month left before the onset of cold weather. Very often, mustard is used to green manure the soil after potatoes or cereals. Before sowing the seeds, loosen the soil. The consumption rate is 300-400 grams per hundred square meters of area. To sow the crop as evenly as possible, the seeds are mixed with sand. For 200 grams of sand, 50 grams of mustard sizzle.

After 20-25 days, when the height of the greenery is 15-20 centimeters, it can be mowed and plowed into the soil. The plant can also be left for the winter. Then it will retain snow and protect the soil from frost.

Another option is to sow in late fall. In this case, the seeds will remain dormant until spring. As soon as the frosts begin to subside, they will germinate. This good way soil fertilization before planting early crops.

Planting in summer

In the summer, this plant is grown on soils that have been allowed to rest and there are no plans to plant anything else this year. Since it takes 40-50 days from planting seeds to mustard maturity, it can be grown three times during the season.

The crop is sown for the first time in late May or early June. For continuous sowing, 300-400 g of seeds will be needed per hundred square meters of land. To make it more convenient to sow, they are pre-mixed with sand. After a month and a half, the green mass is mowed or cut with a flat cutter and plowed into the soil. It is important to ensure the appearance of flowers, since during flowering the stems sharply become coarser and, accordingly, will decompose for a long time.

After 10-14 days, sow mustard seeds a second time. This method of tillage helps to fertilize it, destroy pests and weeds. In addition, in summer time mustard can be sown as green manure before planting seedlings of late vegetable crops.

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Mustard is annual plant, which is widely used as a green soil fertilizer, as well as a melliferous plant. Its value lies in the rapid germination of seeds, in addition, the plant is able to rapidly increase green mass. The article will tell you about its properties as a fertilizer, when is the best time to plant and how to sow mustard in the fall?

Green manure

Mustard is able to replenish the soil with such useful substances as organic matter and humus. It has the unique qualities of absorbing poorly soluble elements and converting them into lighter ones. Mustard is sown to loosen and drain the soil; it perfectly increases soil moisture; its roots can reach a length of up to three meters. And this allows you to protect the land in the autumn-spring periods from wind and dry erosion.

When can you sow mustard? If this is done in the spring, it is best one month before planting vegetables. Autumn sowing carried out after harvesting, in some areas this occurs at the end of August, in others at the beginning of September. Mustard, sown after harvest, has excellent sanitary and soil-protective qualities. As for the function of fertilizer, this green manure performs it poorly, since the green mass does not have time to grow.

Qualities of mustard

Plants have a wonderful effect on soil health. Essential oils, which accumulate in its stems, have an excellent preventive effect against various pests, such as slugs, wireworms, as well as all kinds of fungal infections. By decomposing, the plant improves the habitat of other microorganisms beneficial to the soil. How to sow mustard in the fall? This interests many gardeners, because correct sowing will provide good feeding soil, and therefore will increase future harvest. Mustard is sown in entire beds, the green mass is left unmown to retain snow and prevent soil freezing.

How to sow mustard correctly

If a plant is sown to obtain green fertilizer, then seeds should be taken at the rate of 100-150 grams per hectare of land. The sowing depth is two to three centimeters, and the row spacing is about twenty centimeters. They also practice sowing mustard together with legumes, through a row, this will enhance the function of green manure. Most often, mustard is sown immediately after harvest. early vegetables so that it has time to grow green mass and saturate the soil with useful fertilizers before winter. How to sow mustard in the fall? First, level the ground with a rake, if the soil is dry, water it with water and scatter the seeds. Then cover them or dig in them lightly.

Features of the plant

Mustard is quite preferred wet soils, especially during periods of active growth. This green manure is resistant to cold. Shoots appear at a temperature of +2 degrees; they easily tolerate frost of three to four degrees. “How to sow mustard in the fall?” you ask, because the cold weather will soon come. This plant manages to grow a huge green mass before the onset of cold weather.

Hello, dear readers!

Sowing mustard in the fall is a very important technique for fertilizing and healing the soil naturally. This method helps to improve and fertilize the soil well and does not require the use of chemicals and mineral fertilizers.

As a green manure, after sowing, mustard enriches the soil with nitrogen and phosphorus, feeding the next generations of plants. After being embedded in the ground, it quickly rots, releasing these valuable elements in the early stages of plant development. But it also has a lot of useful properties.

Why mustard is so useful:

How to sow mustard in the fall for fertilizer

Mustard can be sown in early spring a month before planting the main crop. Then it is mowed down and buried in the ground. In the fall, mustard is planted after harvesting in the vacant beds. This option is the most effective for improving and fertilizing the soil.

You can sow seeds in rows with a distance of 10-15 cm between them. This way the seeds are used more economically. Or they scatter the seeds on the ground, then cover them with a rake. This method takes 2 times more seeds. But there is also more green mass.

The soil should be moist; if the weather is dry in the fall, then the mustard needs to be watered.

Be sure to sow mustard after potatoes and strawberries - it heals the soil very well after these crops and restores it, since potatoes take up a lot nutrients.

Sow seeds to a depth of 1-1.5 cm. On heavy clay soils, no deeper than 1 cm. Up to 250 grams are consumed per hundred square meters, but if the area is affected by wireworms or weeds, then you need to increase the number of seeds.

Shoots will appear in 3-4 days and it grows quickly. There is no need to be afraid of slight frosts; it is not afraid of -5°C.

In just a month, the seedlings will grow to 15 cm, and when they start to bloom, it’s time to cut them.

The mustard is mowed or cut with a flat cutter and immediately embedded in the ground.

To increase the beneficial effect, the beds are watered with Baikal or Siyanie preparations containing beneficial microorganisms. They will help useful substances become available more quickly. It would be correct to then cover the ground with film or a dark covering.

At autumn planting You can leave the green mass unmown before winter so that it goes under the snow. At the same time, the soil will remain loose, enriched with microelements, you won’t have to dig it in the spring, just loosen it and that’s it.

According to reviews from gardeners, mustard helps improve the health of the soil. It can also be sown all summer between rows and as an auxiliary crop to protect against pests. When sowing between rows, it is periodically mowed and immediately incorporated into the soil.

It’s good to sow mustard along with potatoes, it heals the soil and repels wireworms and the Colorado potato beetle.

Mustard alone cannot completely restore all trace elements in the soil. you need to use different green manures - rye, peas. All green manure is buried in the ground before flowering.

Video about sowing green manure and mustard

    If you plant mustard and then plow the ground without removing it, it becomes a very good fertilizer.

    Not long ago I learned that it turns out that you need to plant mustard on your plot in the fall. This plant is useful for food, because they say that it kills all kinds of pests, harmful bacteria, for example. Also, after frost, it will fall off and rot and fertilize the soil. Also, due to its characteristics, mustard can drown out other weeds. And this will allow you not to strain yourself later, mowing out difficult-to-remove weeds, but to easily pull out a mustard bush if necessary

    As a soil improver and weed suppressant.

    Mustard is planted for two reasons. Planted as green manure - it gives a large number of green mass, which decomposes and fertilizes the soil.

    They are planted as a weed suppressant - mustard quickly sprouts, drowning out all other weeds, and then is easily weeded out due to the shallow roots.

    Mustard costs 85 rubles per kilogram of seeds.

    My mother sowed mustard this year and the potatoes turned out not bad. Mustard scares away garden pests, drowns out the light for weeds and, as a result, does not allow them to grow. It also reduces the drying out of the soil; if the mustard grows, it will not let the sun shine on the ground and, as a result, dry it out; of course, if the whole month is +30, then naturally everything will dry out, but some of the moisture is still retained.

    Mustard planted in the garden, to remove such a pest as wireworm (drotyanka).

    That's what old people say.

    And what do you think?

    After I sowed mustard along with other crops in disbelief, the number of wireworms became many times smaller.

    Now I will do this again in the spring.

    We plant mustard in the beds after harvesting. It manages to grow a little and freezes with the first frost. It is then dug up in the spring and it rots, thereby fertilizing the soil. They also say that she has bactericidal actions on the soil, killing pathogenic fungi and bacteria.

    Mustard is planted in gardens and vegetable gardens for several reasons:

    • mustard suppresses weed growth;
    • is natural organic fertilizer, after it is plowed together with the soil;
    • helps reduce the pest population on the site.
  • Mustard is a green manure and is considered a green fertilizer. After mustard, you can plant any plants except cruciferous plants (cabbage, watercress, radishes), and they grow well. The earth seems to be fertilized. And this fertilizer is natural! They also plant mustard to remove another weed.

    In fact, there may be several reasons, one of the reasons is pest control, for some reason the pests don’t like mustard, another reason is that after harvesting the entire crop, they will sow mustard so that in the end there will be additional fertilizer for the land. My aunt, when we plant potatoes, pours a little mustard directly into the hole with the potatoes, she says it supposedly helps against pests.

    Mustard is planted as fertilizer. Mustard is chosen because it has a small root, and the stem itself quickly rots. Compared, for example, with rye, which some amateur gardeners plant for fertilizer, mustard looks preferable.

    My dad plants mustard on the arable land in the village so that the soil is fertile. Then the mustard is plowed with soil. And by the way, mustard does not allow weeds to break through it))) That is, the soil does not suffer from weeds, and mustard enriches it))

    Mustard is sown in the garden after harvest. To prevent the soil from drying out, it is sown with mustard, oats... In late autumn, it is mowed and covered with earth. It is not recommended to dig up the soil too much. That. the earth is fertilized with organic matter. The greens rot in the fall and then in the spring, and many worms appear. The land is fertilized and becomes loose and greasy.

    White mustard is a green manure plant. It is sown in early spring before planting main crops, such as tomatoes or potatoes, or in the fall after harvesting. When the plant grows and develops green mass, but not before flowering, it must be mowed and plowed into the soil. White mustard heals the soil, there will be fewer diseases and pests in the soil, the plant inhibits the growth of weeds, the soil becomes more fertile and loose. White mustard seeds are not expensive and are available to any gardener; they are sold by weight.

Green manures, or green manure crops, mean fresh plant matter used to replenish fertile soils. Green manures have a high concentration organic elements, carry out their transfer from deep soils to the upper layers, thereby improving the properties of humus. The absorption of such elements occurs much faster than other substances. One of the plants suitable for such soil fertilizing is mustard.

As a fertilizer, this crop is twice as effective as manure and has low price and labor intensity, reduces the use of herbicides, as well as the amount of weeding. The advantage of a plant is its function in crop rotation. The root secretions of mustard contain organic acids, which, when interacting with the soil, transform a number of nutrients from inaccessible to easily digestible.

How do green manures affect the soil?

Green manures have high level useful elements, they create obstacles to the leaching of nutrient mixtures beyond the boundaries of the root layer. This type of crop also carries useful material from deep soil to the upper layers, thereby promoting the process of accumulation of humus, which improves the properties of the soil.

It is known that the higher the concentration of humus, the lower the thermal conductivity and the greater its heat capacity. As a result, the physical evaporation of water is reduced, which means that cultivated plants begin to use moisture more productively.

Beneficial microflora develops intensively due to the high humus content, since green fertilizers in the soil rot faster than other organic substances with a high fiber content.

Description of white mustard

Mustard as a fertilizer is a honey plant belonging to the Cruciferous family, oilseed annual species. This culture is characterized by the ability to release sparingly soluble phosphates.

The height of the plant ranges from 25 to 80 cm. The stem is erect, branched upward, with a hard fiber structure. Mustard leaves are composed of lobes with sharp edges. Flowers of white or pale yellow color are collected in inflorescences, of which there can be up to a hundred, have honey aroma. Plants are pollinated by insects.

The flowering period for this type of crop is June-July. Mustard ripens in August. The fruit looks like a white pod with round light yellow seeds. Ripe fruits do not crack, so the ripe plant is harvested with a combine after the pods acquire a brownish-yellow color.

The characteristic features of the culture are light and moisture-loving, although it is quite unpretentious - it germinates and grows at cool temperatures, and is undemanding to the soil.

Homeland and distribution of the plant

White mustard spread to Europe, India, America and Japan from the Mediterranean. As a weed, it is found throughout Russia, with the exception of the northern regions. Its main habitat is fields and roadsides.

Mustard sprouts and grows on any soil (acidic, alkaline). Crops can withstand light frosts down to -5 degrees Celsius, and at -3 the seeds begin to germinate.

Growing mustard for fertilizer

To fertilize the soil, mustard is sown, germinates and mowed while in the green mass, before flowering, since during the ripening period its organic value decreases, and the seeds can only clog the garden.

Sowing a plant as a green manure and planting it take a period of 55 to 70 days or up to ten weeks. In order for the crop to rot, it is better to dispose of it in the ground and bury it by autumn.

The soil cover for sowing mustard is only loosened to a depth of 15 cm (depending on the type of soil) using a rake. Moreover, the base for planting the plant should have a fine-grained structure.

Before digging up the fertilizer, it is recommended to treat the crop with the Baikal-EM1 solution in a ratio of one to five hundred. To form humus - a fertile layer of soil - a sufficient amount of moisture is necessary. In this case, mustard quickly rots in the soil, as it has a good ratio of nitrogen and carbon compounds and a low level of coarse fiber.

Phytosanitary characteristics of mustard

Mustard as a fertilizer has phytosanitary properties, which reduce infection cultivated plants the following diseases: late blight, fusarium rot, club scab and rhizoctonia. These diseases are especially destructive for potatoes.

If you plant mustard later in the fall, then the death and reduction in the number of a pest such as wireworm occurs due to violation of its wintering conditions.

Plant seeding rates

The sowing rate of mustard for green manure is from 2.5 to 4 g/sq.m. At the same time, the depth of soil loosening is 8-15 cm.

Sowing is done using a rake, with which the fruits of the plant are lightly embedded in the soil.

In order to increase the efficiency of eliminating wireworms, the rate of use of mustard seeds is increased to 5 g/sq.m.

The next crop should be planted no earlier than three to four weeks after planting the green manure crop.

Periods for sowing mustard for fertilizer

Many gardeners are interested in the question: “When to plant mustard as a fertilizer?” The plant is sown and planted in the ground two to three times per season. The last sowing occurs in the fall, about a month and a half before frost. Moreover, mustard as a fertilizer is planted after harvesting or in early spring, approximately a month before planting potatoes and other vegetables. Although the most favorable moment for sowing a crop is considered to be immediately after harvesting in the presence of moist soil, then the seeds germinate quite quickly.

Seeds are sown to a depth of two centimeters in rows or completely. Shoots are observed already on the third or fourth day.

After the period (up to one and a half months) the plant grows to a height of 15-20 cm. It is then that it is pruned (mowed) and the soil is fertilized.

Features of growing mustard as green manure

The main rule organic farming is that the land should not be without vegetation cover.

Mustard seeds are available for sale in 250 g packages. This quantity is designed for sowing one hundred square meters of garden.

Mustard is especially useful for inconvenient gardening, summer cottages located on slopes, since in such places wind and water erosion of the soil is disturbed. Mustard as a green manure significantly reduces and prevents these harmful phenomena, especially during the period when harvesting is completed and the soil remains open to erosion processes.

You should know that sowing mustard to fertilize the soil excludes its alternation with other vegetables belonging to the Cruciferous family. For example, you cannot sow this crop after cabbage, radishes, turnips, radishes, etc. or before them. The ban is justified by the fact that plants of the same species are susceptible to common diseases and pests.

In order for green manure to bring the expected effect, the soil must contain enough beneficial microflora. If the soil on the site is depleted, then before using green fertilizers, biological products for processing crops should be added to it.