What to do to make cucumbers grow faster. The best food for cucumbers

Without the necessary nutrition, it will not be possible to get a good harvest of greens. Therefore, many gardeners know the importance of feeding cucumbers in open ground. Only by providing the plants with all the necessary nutrients can you count on them to develop correctly, and when the fruiting period begins, they will delight the gardener with a variety of excellent quality fruits. Find out when to feed your plants open beds and how to do it most competently.

To feed this crop in the beds open type You can use fertilizers of different composition and origin. This is organic, a mixture of mineral nature industrial production, simple or complex. These different fertilizers can be applied to cucumbers in open ground either separately, on their own, or in combination.


Fertilizers organic origin can be found in any yard, especially where pets are kept. This is manure and humus prepared from it, as well as compost - rotted plant residues and ash left over from burning tree branches. These fertilizers, available to everyone, contain different nutritional elements and in different proportions, but taken together, they fully provide the plants with all the macro- and microelements that are important for them.


In addition to organic matter, industrially produced products can also be used to feed cucumber plants. mineral fertilizers. These are well-known fertilizers:

  • ammonium nitrate, urea, in which the nutritional component is nitrogen;
  • simple or double superphosphate, ammophos, which feed plants with phosphorus;
  • potassium salt and other potassium-containing fertilizers in which potassium is the nutritional element.

The use of mineral fertilizers for cucumbers in open ground is convenient because they contain nutrients in a pure and concentrated form, so they can be applied exactly at the moment when it is needed.


These are mixtures that contain 2 or 3 nutrients at once: nitrogen and phosphorus, potassium and phosphorus, or all of them together. These are complex mixtures such as nitroammofoska, azofoska and others. Their advantage is that they can be used during autumn or spring soil preparation for cucumber plants, when all 3 nutrients need to be added to it.

When and how to apply fertilizer correctly

Applying mixtures to cucumbers is not difficult; you just need to have the fertilizers themselves, clean warm water and containers in which solutions of these fertilizers can be prepared. It is much more important to know in what period of the growing season and how to fertilize the plants in order to feed them with the necessary substances and at the most appropriate time for this.

Autumn site preparation

Fertilizer application to cucumber beds can begin in the fall when preparing the soil on the site. You need to add manure or humus in an amount of approximately 10 kg per m2. When preparing the land, organic matter can be replaced with urea, superphosphate, any potash fertilizer, except the one that contains chlorine, or complex fertilizers. They must be taken in the quantity indicated in their instructions for use. Fertilizers must be applied to the dug up soil and mixed well with it. By spring they will dissolve and evenly saturate the soil.

Upon landing

If the preparation of the site for cucumber beds was not done in the fall, it is carried out in early spring, shortly before sowing seeds or planting prepared seedlings. At this time, the soil is also dug up and humus or rotted compost is added to it. It is not advisable to use fresh manure during spring preparation.

If there are few organic or mineral fertilizers and you need to save them, then it is permissible to apply them directly into the cucumber holes. To do this, pour 1 kg of compost and 2 tbsp into each of them. l. ash. How much mineral fertilizer needs to be poured into the holes can be calculated based on their application rates calculated for 1 square meter. m of plantings of this crop. After adding the mixtures to the holes, you need to drop 1-2 cucumber seeds, water them and cover them with soil on top.

After emergence

For the first feeding of cucumbers in open ground, it is better to use organic matter, namely a solution of manure from any domestic animal or poultry droppings. At this stage, they will become an ideal fertilizer, because the main element in them is nitrogen, and this is precisely what is necessary for young plants, because at this time they are actively growing green mass.

To prepare an organic solution for cucumbers, you need to take 1 kg of manure or 0.5 kg of chicken droppings per 10 liter bucket of water. Under each root you need to pour 0.5-1 liters. In addition to manure or droppings, ammonium nitrate can be used to feed cucumber seedlings. You need to take 20-30 g of it and dilute it in 10 liters of water. Consumption rate – 1 bucket per square meter. m of cucumber beds.

Those plants that were planted in the ground as seedlings also need fertilizer. In this case, in order to feed the cucumbers after planting in the ground, you need to prepare the same solutions as for bushes obtained from seeds. The first feeding should be carried out after the seedlings have taken root, that is, approximately 2 weeks after transplanting them into the ground.

Root feeding during flowering and fruiting

The second feeding of cucumber plants is carried out before the cucumbers begin to bloom. During this period, they already need phosphorus and potassium, which are found in the ash. To feed cucumbers, you can simply scatter ash powder over the surface of the beds. In this case, you need to take 100 g of ash per m2, after which you must water the cucumbers. At this time, superphosphate can be used as mineral fertilizers in an amount of approximately 40-50 g per square meter. m of cucumber beds.

According to the scheme for feeding cucumbers in open ground, the third feeding of cucumber bushes must be carried out when they begin to bear fruit en masse. In this case, you can use the same ash or potassium chlorine-free fertilizers. They must also be applied according to the instructions, which indicate the recommended application rates for each specific fertilizer. The result of feeding cucumbers during flowering and fruiting is a significant increase in the number of female flowers and excellent indicators of the appearance of the ovary. Zelentsy grow quickly, and their quality improves: they grow even and neat, without bending or deformation.

Foliar feeding

In addition to the mandatory root fertilizing, they also carry out foliar feeding cucumbers It is carried out during the fruiting period. You can use ready-made solutions complex fertilizers, which contain all the substances necessary for cucumber plants. They are diluted with water in the ratio specified in the instructions for the preparations, and then the cucumbers are sprayed on the leaves from a spray bottle.

Feeding is carried out only in the early morning or evening, but in no case during the day. If you spray cucumbers on the leaves during the daytime, with active sun, they can get burned, which will cause them to turn yellow and wither. Outside root dressings They very quickly increase the productivity of cucumber plants, so they should not be neglected.

Folk recipes

Very good action have fertilizers prepared according to folk recipes. They are as effective as mineral and organic ones. Folk remedies can be used to fertilize cucumbers of any variety or hybrid and use them both in open beds and in greenhouses.

Feeding with ash solution

Ash is irreplaceable organic fertilizer, which nourishes cucumber plants well throughout their growing season. Recipe for preparing a feeding solution from ash:

  1. Take 200-300 g of powder, dilute in 10 liters of ordinary water.
  2. Leave the solution for several days.
  3. Water the cucumbers, pouring 0.5 liters at the roots of the plants.

You can feed cucumbers with ash in open ground throughout the entire growing season, starting from pre-planting tillage and ending with the fruiting period (every 2 weeks).

Yeast feeding

Yeast, ordinary baker's or brewer's, can also be used as an excellent fertilizer for cucumbers: it activates root growth, plants develop better, and fruiting increases. To prepare the solution, you can take either fresh yeast or dry granules, the only difference is their mass and the amount of water from which the solution will need to be prepared.

Recipe for preparing a feeding solution from dry yeast:

  1. Dry granules in the amount of 10 g and 2 tbsp. l. Dissolve sugar in 10 liters of warm water.
  2. Leave to ferment for several hours in a warm place.
  3. Mix the resulting liquid with another 50 liters of water.
  4. Pour the yeast solution over the cucumbers at the root.

Yeast fertilizing should be carried out no more than 3 times during the growing season of cucumber plants.

Plants, like people, love warmth, light and... tasty food. Plants feed useful substances that are present in the soil. If any microelements are missing, this immediately affects the condition of the leaves and fruits. Cucumbers need feeding no less than other crops. It will be useful for any summer resident to know how to feed cucumbers in a greenhouse for active growth and the formation of smooth, beautiful pimpled fruits.

Basic rules for feeding cucumbers:

feed cucumbers in the greenhouse during flowering and fruiting- Necessarily,
- it is necessary to observe intervals between feedings of 2 weeks,
- too much abundant feeding can harm cucumbers, so you should feed them in moderation,
— in greenhouses, organic fertilizers alternate with mineral ones,
— Root feeding is recommended after rain or watering.
best time for feeding - evening or cloudy, cool weather.
— the crop constantly needs microelements, so fertilizing should be regular, but moderate,
- for fertilizing, the selected fertilizer is diluted with water,
— the choice of fertilizer depends on the growth phase of the crop.

What substances are most needed? cucumbers in a greenhouse for active growth:

  • Before fruiting: nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium.
  • During fruiting: nitrogen, potassium and magnesium.

How often do you feed cucumbers?

Highlight 4 main feedings for cucumbers in a greenhouse:

1. The first fertilizing is carried out at the beginning of flowering. In a 10-liter bucket of water, dissolve 500 ml of mullein and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of nitrophoska. Solution consumption: 3 liters per 1 m2 of planting.
2. For the second feeding, use the same composition, increasing the consumption: 5 liters per 1m2.
3. For the third feeding, use the same solution again, but increase the amount of nitrophoska in its composition by 1.5 times. Solution consumption: 7 liters per 1 m2.
4. The fourth feeding is completely similar in composition and consumption of the solution to the third.

Important to remember: the interval between fertilizing should be no more than 2 weeks!

Another source gives the following regime: how often to feed cucumbers:

  1. 2 weeks after planting (see fertilizer composition below),
  2. On initial stage flowering,
  3. In the active fruiting phase,
  4. In the fruiting phase, 2 weeks after the previous feeding.

Popular folk remedies

A popular means for feeding cucumbers in a greenhouse: fermented herb (herbal infusion): the mown grass is poured with water in a ratio of 1 to 1, left for 3-4 days, and then the concentrate is diluted with water again, but in a ratio of 1 to 5. The soil is spilled with the resulting infusion from a watering can. Feeding consumption: 4-5 liters per 1 m2. Herbal infusion - excellent nitrogen fertilizer, which is often used by summer residents specifically for growing cucumbers in a greenhouse.

At the end of this feeding, the beds are generously sprinkled with wood ash. And this is a source of potassium, phosphorus and microelements. You can also prepare an ash solution: pour 1 glass of water into a bucket of water and mix. Water immediately, at the root.

If you don’t have any fertilizers on hand, and the cucumbers urgently need feeding, take 1 liter of soil from the compost heap, dilute it with water and water the soil.

Folk remedies include, in fact, any organic fertilizer (see below). After all, people have been using it as fertilizer for centuries. natural remedies: grass, manure, ash.

How to feed cucumbers after planting in a greenhouse?

As an early root feeding, 14-15 days after planting cucumbers in a greenhouse, it is recommended to use organic fertilizers:

  • chicken droppings 1 to 15 or slurry 1 to 8 or cow dung 1 to 6,
  • herbal infusion 1 to 5.

Mineral supplements:

  • urea (1 tbsp) + superphosphate (60 g) is diluted in a 10-liter bucket of water,
  • ammonium nitrate (10 g) + superphosphate (10 g) + potassium salt (10 g) are diluted in a 10-liter bucket of water,
  • Sprinkle nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer (5 g) on ​​the surface of the earth and loosen it.

During flowering

Used as a second root dressing herbal infusion in a ratio of 1 to 5 and mineral fertilizers:

  • 500 ml mullein and 1 tbsp. spoon of nitrophoska per 10 liters of water (consumption: 3 liters per 1 m2 of planting).
  • potassium nitrate (20 g) + ammonium nitrate (30 g) + superphosphate (40 g) per 10 liters of water,
  • 1 cup of wood ash is diluted in 10 liters of water,
  • scatter superphosphate and ash dry on the surface of the earth and loosen.

Used during flowering foliar feeding, although some sources say that it is necessary to avoid moisture on the stems and leaves of plants to avoid rotting and disease.

  • superphosphate (35 g) is diluted in a 10-liter bucket of water,
  • boric acid (1 tsp) + potassium permanganate (10 crystals) dissolved in 1 liter of water,

To attract pollinating insects, spray cucumbers with the following solution:

  • boric acid (2 g) + sugar (100 g) is dissolved in 1 liter of warm water.

During fruiting

In addition to the above solution of mullein and nitrophoska (see section How often to feed cucumbers), the same is recommended for two feedings during the fruiting period herbal infusion 1 to 5 and mineral fertilizers:

  • 500 ml mullein and 1 tbsp. spoon of nitrophoska per 10 liters of water (consumption: 5 liters per 1 m2 of planting)
  • potassium nitrate (25-30 g) is dissolved in 10 liters of water,
  • urea (50 g) is dissolved in 10 liters of water,
  • 1 cup of wood ash is dissolved in 10 liters of water,
  • baking soda (30 g) is dissolved in 10 liters of water,

For foliar feeding At this stage, urea is recommended in the amount of 10 grams per 10-liter bucket of water.

Among organic fertilizers, a 2-day infusion of rotted hay is also used to feed cucumbers.

During fruiting, it is especially effective to feed cucumbers with ash for the growth of cucumbers.

Important: Feeding cucumbers in a greenhouse should be regular (once every two weeks), but moderate. Do not feed cucumbers too much.

Which fertilizer should I choose?

You can determine what kind of feeding a plant needs by appearance leaves and fruits. The following symptoms of micronutrient deficiency are identified:

When there is a nitrogen deficiency in the soil the fruits become light green in color. Top part(nose) of the fruit, where there used to be a flower, becomes narrow, pointed, similar to a beak or carrot. Lower leaves At the same time, they turn yellow, and the growth of stems and side shoots slows down. Fertilizing with a solution of mullein 1 to 10 will help out. Solution consumption: 1 liter at the root.

If stems and leaves grow wildly and acquire a rich, dark green color, which means the soil is oversaturated with nitrogen. Then the plant is fed with superphosphate or ash, otherwise there will be no harvest - only leaves.

If there is not enough potassium in the second half of summer, then cucumbers taper at the stem, acquire an ugly pear-shaped shape. A green border forms along the edges of the leaves and they fade. The reason for this is that at the beginning of summer they are often fed with slurry or chicken droppings, herbal infusion, and they are rich in nitrogen. But they forget to add ash and potash fertilizers. Against the background of increased nitrogen nutrition, potassium deficiency is observed. Fertilizing with a warm ash solution at the root will balance the soil composition.

With a lack of phosphorus, plant growth slows down. the leaves become smaller, become dark green and dry out quickly.

Because of big difference day and night temperatures cucumbers grow narrow in the middle as if tied by a strap. This can also happen due to watering with cold water.

Arched fruits talk about drying out soil or irregular watering. Cucumbers may taste bitter. The error will be corrected by watering with warm, settled water around the entire perimeter of the bed.

Take a closer look at your cucumbers: if the plant is actively developing, bearing fruit, the cucumbers are even, the leaves are rich green, then you should not overdo it with fertilizing. Perhaps some of them are worth skipping.

Such symptoms for a summer resident should serve as a signal the best way to feed cucumbers in a greenhouse 😉

Cucumber is considered the most unpredictable vegetable crop. Not proper care will ruin everything future harvest. Today we will pay attention to such a problem as feeding. The quality of the fruit depends on them. Let's look at how and what to fertilize cucumbers with.


Medicinal and nutritional supplements should be done with early period development. Accordingly, the seedlings should also receive necessary components. This is the key to the health and fertility of the plant. Feeding at this stage is divided into different time periods. Let's consider each of them separately:

You learned how to fertilize cucumbers at the seedling stage. Let's move on to the next important stage.


Next important step is the relocation of seedlings to open ground. For every cucumber, this is a huge stress, which proper care and high-quality feeding will help to cope with. Before the procedure, pay special attention to the following points:

  1. The soil should be loose and nutritious. Moisture needs to penetrate well.
  2. Cucumbers have small roots, so add organic fertilizer to the trench before planting. This will additionally warm the soil during frosts.
  3. The bed with cucumbers should be warm sunlight, it is advisable to avoid strong drafts.
  4. If you cannot avoid the wind, you can plant corn next to the cucumbers. It will protect from drafts and, in addition, plants can spread their long vines over it.
  5. For ideal growth of cucumbers, a temperature of 25 to 30 degrees must be maintained. It is advisable in the northern and middle regions to protect the bed with covering material.

Now it’s worth moving on to the question of how to fertilize cucumbers in open ground.

Feeding in the fresh air

Fertilizing vegetables in open ground should be carried out systematically. The very first time is carried out during transplantation of seedlings. To do this, prepare the following solution:

  • potassium salt;
  • superphosphate;
  • ammonium nitrate;
  • potassium chloride.

Everything is thoroughly mixed and added to the garden bed. After this fertilizer, the cucumbers are not fed for two weeks. Then it is allowed to add diluted cow manure. This is done in a ratio of 2-3 kg of substance per 10 liters of water.

For cucumbers growing in open ground, these two times are enough. But, as practice shows, you need to monitor the condition of the plants in your garden bed. If necessary, you can feed much more often.

Ash is considered another miracle cure. It is allowed to be used at any stage of cucumber development. A useful solution is prepared in the following way:

  • 250 grams of wood ash;
  • 10 liters of water.

To stir thoroughly. About four feedings are allowed per month.

Important! To prepare fertilizer, use only wood ash. Under no circumstances should you take the substance after burning garbage. Plants will get poisoned.

Once you find out, in the open ground, you can reap a rich and tasty harvest.

For reference

As you already know, cucumbers need to be fed on demand. How can you determine whether the right moment has come or not? We'll tell you. A lack of nutrients and nutrients can be determined by the following signs:

  1. The cucumber leaves changed color and curled.
  2. The tops begin to dry.
  3. The fruits turn yellow and change in shape.
  4. The taste of cucumbers spoils.

Now many summer residents grow vegetables in special structures. Let's look at how to fertilize cucumbers in a greenhouse.

Within four walls

Growing cucumbers in a greenhouse is different from growing them in open ground. Vegetables need to be fed several times a season. Greenhouse cucumbers do not accept:

  1. A large number of organic and chemical preparations.
  2. Lack of water. It should be applied along with fertilizers in large quantities.

The main substance in fertilizing greenhouse plants is nitrogen. Its deficiency affects the growth and development of cucumbers. The optimal remedy considered bird droppings. It is worth familiarizing yourself with some of the nuances of feeding:

  • Fertilizing is allowed only before flowering;
  • the frequency of application of substances should be every two weeks;
  • If the condition of the plants is good, then you don’t need to fertilize.

If you begin to notice changes in the cucumbers, then the amount of fertilizer can be increased. You know how to fertilize cucumbers in a greenhouse. Now you can move on to the next question.

A bountiful harvest

To grow tasty and crispy cucumbers, you need to carefully care for them. To do this, it is important to consider the following question: how to fertilize cucumbers for growth? It’s easy to get a harvest if you feed the plants:

  • magnesium;
  • potassium

But fertilizing with nitrogen during this period should be stopped. It is best to give preference to potassium nitrate. It has a beneficial effect on the fruit. Namely:

  • improves taste;
  • eliminates bitterness.

Do not forget that fertilizing in itself is useful. If there are a lot of them, then the soil is oversaturated with useful substances, and then fertilizers only cause harm. This affects:

  • on the growth of vegetables;
  • fruits fall and yellow spots appear;
  • even dark green and fleshy leaves indicate an excess of nitrogen in the soil.

In such a delicate matter, you should be careful, then you will get positive result from his labors. But you can collect tasty fruits only when there are many ovaries present.

Abundant flowering

Pledge good harvest - a large number of ovaries To increase and preserve it, you need to study in detail the question of how to fertilize cucumbers during flowering. For this purpose, preparations and substances rich in nitrogen are used. For getting abundant flowering fertilizing is carried out in several ways:

  1. Root fertilizer for the plant.
  2. Fertilizing by spraying.
  3. Drip watering of cucumbers.

We answered main question about how to fertilize cucumbers. Remember that saturating the soil and plant roots with useful substances is included in basic care.

Now you know how to grow vegetables properly. Put work and patience into them - and a positive result will not keep you waiting long. We answered the important question about how to fertilize cucumbers. Having received ripe fruits, you can use them for pickling, pickling and eating fresh. Having figured out how to properly fertilize cucumbers, go put your knowledge into practice!

How to feed cucumbers good growth Do you dream of cucumbers growing well and producing an excellent harvest? But at the same time, you don’t want to once again poison your plants with “chemicals”? Then this article is for you. Experienced summer residents try to resort to using various “chemicals” on their site as little as possible. This is especially true for a crop such as cucumber, because it is often consumed fresh. There are many common and safe types of fertilizers for good growth of cucumbers. Learn to use them correctly and enjoy a good harvest. ️ Fertilizer from bread Fertilizer from bread can rightfully be considered one of the most popular and simplest. Everyone has bread at home. How to prepare top dressing from bread? To prepare high-quality fertilizer for cucumbers from bread, fill a regular bucket 2/3 with chopped crusts of regular black bread, fill with water and place under a press in a warm place for about 7-10 days. To properly use the resulting bread starter, dilute it three times and add 1 Matchbox universal fertilizer per 12 liters of liquid. You can water cucumbers with this product from the beginning of flowering until they begin to wilt once every 7 days. ️ Bread sourdough has an acidic reaction, so it is especially suitable for alkaline soils. To neutralize the acid, you can add chalk or dolomite flour to the starter before diluting with water. ️ Ash Ash is an excellent organic fertilizer, accurate chemical composition which is difficult to determine in advance. The fact is that it depends on the type and age of the burned plant. However, the ash invariably contains calcium, which is so necessary for the growth of cucumbers. How and when to use? Ash is added only 5-6 times during the growth period of cucumbers. The first time this is done at the very beginning of the plant’s formation, when 2-3 leaves appear on the stem, the next time at the beginning of flowering, and only then as the fruits grow, with intervals of 14 days between feedings. Ash can be used in two types: **dry ash; **ash infusion. Sprinkle dry ash on the soil before watering the plants. To prepare ash infusion, pour 10 tbsp. l. ash 5 liters of water and leave for 8-10 days, stirring the infusion regularly. Advice from practitioners on fertilizing Carry out any fertilizing of cucumbers only in warm weather after watering the plants, so as not to harm the root system of the plants. You cannot add ash and nitrogen-containing compounds at the same time - a lot of ammonia will be released, and the plants may die. For fertilizing, it is strictly forbidden to use ash obtained after burning polymers, rubber, paper, garbage, etc. ️ Yeast Yeast feeding for cucumbers is used quite often, because it has a lot of advantages: + increases the endurance of seedlings when there is a lack of light; + improves root formation; + is a source of natural bacteria that enhance plant immunity; + is an excellent plant growth stimulator. How to prepare yeast feeding? Preparing yeast fertilizer is easy and simple: 1) take 10 g of dry yeast and dissolve it in 10 liters of warm water; 2) add about 2 tbsp to the solution. l. Sahara; 3) let it brew for 2-2.5 hours and dilute with 50 liters of water. How and when to use yeast nutrition? Cucumbers respond well to yeast fertilizing; after using it, they quickly increase the vegetative mass and fruit ovaries. During the entire growing period, use this fertilizer no more than 2 times: 1. approximately 12-14 days after transplanting the seedlings into the ground; 2. after phosphorus feeding. ️Chicken droppings This type of fertilizer can rightfully be considered one of the most affordable for any site owner. In addition, chicken manure contains a large amount of important and necessary nutrients for plants, such as phosphorus, nitrogen, zinc, and copper. How and when to use chicken manure? This fertilizer can be used either diluted or dry. Experienced summer residents advise using fertilizer based on chicken manure 3 times per season: *the first time - in May-June (at the beginning of the growing season); *second time - during flowering; *third time – during active fruiting. Using dry chicken manure is easy and simple. It is better to do this at the beginning or end of the season. You can use whole or crushed litter. Apply it to the soil for digging at the rate of 500 g per 1 sq.m. Summer residents often use an infusion of chicken manure on their plots. It’s easy to prepare: 1.fill the container 1/3 with chicken droppings and add water to the top; 2.let the mixture brew for 2-4 days, stirring it constantly; 3.divide ready-made fertilizer water (1:3 or 1:4) and apply to the beds at the rate of 1.5 liters per 1 sq.m. To make chicken droppings decompose faster, you can add Tamir or Baikal-M preparations to it (at the rate of 1 tablespoon of the preparation per bucket of water). ️Zelenka + iodine In search of safe and effective solutions, summer residents find unusual applications familiar means and things. So, experienced gardeners successfully use iodine and brilliant green to combat various diseases of cucumbers. To get rid of root rot, first dilute 10 drops of brilliant green in a bucket of water and water the plants with this solution. Then dilute 10 ml of iodine in 10 liters of water and also spray the shoots and leaves of cucumbers with this mixture. Another option for using these products also allows you to protect plants from root rot: dilute 1 part iodine or brilliant green in 2 parts water and lubricate the cucumber stem 10 cm from the ground with the resulting solution. Just two such treatments are enough to get rid of the fungus that causes the disease. The secret of brilliant green and its antiseptic properties is in copper, which is part of the drug. Copper not only protects plants, but is also an excellent fertilizer for cucumbers. This fertilizer will be especially useful on marshy soils. From powdery mildew A simple recipe can help with cucumbers: mix 9 liters of water and 1 liter of low-fat milk, dissolve 10-12 drops of iodine in them and treat the plants with the resulting solution. ️ Homemade fertilizer for cucumbers An effective and simple homemade fertilizer for cucumbers includes infusion onion peel. This feeding is especially important if the plants’ leaves begin to turn yellow. To prepare the infusion, pour 8 liters of water into a glass of onion peel, put on fire, bring to a boil and cover with a lid. Let the mixture sit for 3-4 hours. Then strain the infusion and pour it over the cucumbers at the root. If you irrigate the plants with this mixture, you will get excellent foliar feeding, which, moreover, will protect cucumbers from various diseases. ️Remedies against yellowing of leaves A solution of regular soda can protect against premature yellowing of cucumber leaves. Just dilute 1 tbsp. l. soda in 10 liters of water and pour the solution over your plantings. If 1 tsp. dissolve soda in 1 liter of water and spray cucumbers with this mixture, you will get an excellent preventative against powdery mildew. You can also stop the yellowing of cucumber leaves using kefir. To do this, dilute 2 liters of kefir in a bucket of water and spray your plants with the resulting mixture. For good growth and development of cucumbers it is not at all necessary to use complex compositions and chemicals. Often things that are familiar in everyday life contain a lot of useful properties.