Proper feeding of clematis in spring and summer for abundant flowering. Feeding clematis for abundant flowering How to feed young clematis in spring

Clematis are plants that need care both in summer and winter. In order for the vine to bloom profusely, you should carefully consider this procedure. If the plant is properly prepared for frost, it will delight its owners with large and bright buds.

Preparing for winter

Caring for clematis before the onset of cold weather plays an important role in their further development. Despite the fact that the plant has sufficiently adapted to our area, its southern roots still make themselves felt. Gardeners who have been growing these unusually beautiful plants on their property for many years know that their flowering depends on proper pruning, watering and fertilizing.

If the vines alone have enough summer and spring fertilizing, then for clematis they are obligatory in the later period of the year. It is especially necessary to fertilize if the flower grows on poor lands.

If clematis are not cut and wrapped for the winter, they may die completely or freeze out in places. Therefore, to avoid negative consequences, you should wrap the plant well before the onset of cold weather, and also remove unnecessary shoots. You will learn how to do this in the article.

Work completion time

In order for the vine to bloom profusely, its shoots must be trimmed throughout the year. There are several categories of care for this plant, which are slightly different.

Main groups of clematis:

  • First group. These are wild varieties, Texas and Eastern vines. They need to remove dry and damaged branches after the leaves fall. The shoots on such bushes should be trimmed in the spring. If this is not done, the plant will lose its shape. Over time, such vines become bare, and buds appear only in the upper part.

Flowers of this group are pruned only in spring for the first two years. Then the procedure should be carried out in the summer.

Bushes that are two years old should remove all branches, leaving one bud at a time. This should be done from January to February.

  • Second group. These are vines that bloom twice a year: from May to June and from August to September. These flowers are pruned in the last month of autumn and summer. This is explained by the fact that the buds form on last year’s branches. The summer procedure should be carried out in June, when flowering ends.
  • Third group. These are the most popular species that can be found in any garden. These include hybrids and herbaceous varieties. You can observe their flowering in early July. Such vines are pruned only in autumn. It is better to do this in October or early November.

Important! Plants of the second group must be severely pruned once every 5 years. This is necessary so that the bush is lush and the flowers bloom at eye level.

Fertilizers and fertilizers

If the plant was well fertilized during planting, then the next procedure should be carried out in the third year of the vine’s life. But if the soil is poor, it is recommended to apply fertilizers in the first autumn.

Before applying fertilizing, you should water the flower abundantly for several days before the procedure.

Advice! The plant does not tolerate an excess of drugs, so they should be applied in diluted form.

Humus, compost, and potassium-phosphorus fertilizers can be used as fertilizing. If humus is used for fertilizer, then its quantity per trunk circle should be 10 kg. It is not recommended to use preparations containing nitrogen. This component promotes the active growth of green mass, which clematis does not need at all in the fall.

Also, before covering, the base of the bush should be strewn with wood ash and compacted well. It should be well chopped. It is better to sift it before use. The optimal amount is 0.5 kg of substance per bush.

In addition to organic products, clematis can be fertilized with mineral preparations. They must be used extremely carefully. Such compositions should be applied according to the specified proportions on the packaging. If you follow it throughout the year correct amount fertilizing, then in the fall you don’t need to use them at all.

Advice! The last nutritional feeding should be carried out in September.

Caring for clematis in the fall also includes spraying the root part. This is done immediately after pruning the shoots.

For this you can use:

  • two percent iron sulfate;
  • one percent solution of Bordeaux mixture.

This procedure should be used for all types of vines. It is necessary to protect plants from the development of dangerous fungal diseases.

Pruning clematis

This is an important part of care that should be treated with special care. From correct pruning a lot depends. First of all, this is the full development of the root system.

Types of plant pruning:

  • sanitary (removal of dry shoots and leaves);
  • formative (necessary for better growth vines);
  • winter (protects the flower from freezing).

Clematis is one of the plants whose leaves do not fall off on their own in the fall. Therefore, in order for the flower to have an attractive appearance in the spring, you should remove the dry leaf plates yourself.

Advice! Damaged leaves must also be cut off from wintering branches.

The method of pruning depends on the type of plant and how old it is. Some species do not need this procedure at all. As for young flowers, they should be cut off completely, leaving no more than 30 centimeters of shoots above the ground.

The most effective is pruning in three tiers. It can be applied to different varieties plants. If you use this method, the plant will certainly delight you with its appearance in the spring.

First tier. No more than four shoots are pruned. Each of them is pruned at a height of one meter above the soil.

Second tier. Each of the four branches is trimmed 0.5 meters above the ground.

Third tier. At this stage, 4 shoots are also used. It is important to ensure that during the pruning process, two to three buds remain above the soil.

The remaining branches will need to be removed at the root, and those that are cut off will need to be carefully placed on the surface of the ground.

Shelter for the winter

This procedure should be carried out at the end of autumn. It is best to do this in the second half of October or early November. The liana tolerates light frosts quite easily, but it is not worth experimenting with. During winters with little snow, clematis shoots are quickly damaged, which will negatively affect its flowering.

The plant should be covered after the vine is pruned and processed. To carry out the procedure, you can use dry tree branches, weathered peat, wood shavings, dry leaves and other materials.

In order for the vine to feel good in cold weather, it is worth pouring a layer of dry soil on top of the material. It is also recommended to additionally protect with a thick layer of snow. Varieties that need insulation must be shortened to 150 centimeters.

The principle of the procedure depends on the variety and type of flowering:

  1. Clematis, whose buds appear on last year's branches, are the most frost-resistant. These include large-petaled, alpine, spreading and mountain varieties. In regions with a relatively warm climate, the plant can overwinter directly on supports. Trimming shoots is not necessarily enough to protect the root system from severe frost. Wrapping should be carried out at a height of 40 centimeters from the surface of the ground. To do this it is enough to use good layer dry soil and leaves.
  2. A plant that forms buds on both last year’s and young branches needs pruning. After removing unnecessary shoots, the vine must be removed from the support and leveled. Carefully roll the unraveled lashes into a ring and place them on the ground. Sprinkle plenty of dry leaves on top and cover with non-woven material. It can be either agrofibre or lutrasila.
  3. Lianas, the flowers of which appear on young shoots, are the most common in our country. They are easy to care for and tolerate frost well. After pruning, such clematis only need hilling. These include hybrid varieties. Additionally, there is no need to cover such flowers.


In order to understand how to properly cover a plant, it is enough to know its variety and how high it climbs. If you follow all the rules autumn care, the plant will certainly delight you with abundant flowering.

Clematis, or clematis, belongs to the Buttercup family and grows well in fertile and loose soil, the abundance of humus in which promotes normal growth and lush flowering.

IN landing hole for clematis, add 15 kg of humus, 7-8 kg of peat and coarse sand, 1 cup of chalk and wood ash, 0.5 cups of superphosphate granules. In addition, the soil for clematis before planting is fertilized with an aqueous solution of manure (1: 5).

In the first 3 years, the surface of the soil under clematis, after watering and loosening, must be constantly mulched with organic materials.

A year after planting, each bush needs to be watered once. lime milk: 200 g slaked lime or dolomite flour for 10 liters of water. It is better to dilute limestone material warm water and immediately water the plants to eliminate the risk of various diseases, including wilt, a well-known scourge of clematis. The solution consumption is 1 bucket per large bush.

Also in the spring, once a season, to prevent diseases and pests, each clematis bush should be sprayed with a urea solution (1 teaspoon of the substance per 10 liters of water).

During the warm season, you can feed clematis every 2 weeks, alternating mineral and organic fertilizers.

The first fertilizing in spring or early summer is carried out with nitrogen fertilizers (30-85 ammonium nitrate per 10 liters of water), spending 1 bucket of solution on a large bush, and half as much on a small one. Second feeding complete complex fertilizer given in summer during the bud formation phase.

After flowering ends, the plant needs to be fed with potassium and phosphorus fertilizers. At the end of the season, wood ash is scattered around the bushes (0.5 liters per plant).

A special place in decorative design suburban areas occupied by clematis. This is an amazingly beautiful liana plant with a variety of color range, unique texture and shape, as well as a unique aroma.

Thanks to the large number various types clematis, this flower has become an almost indispensable element in landscape design, allowing you to transform the walls of a building, hedges, arches and add brightness to the design of a garden or flower bed.

Clematis: variety of species of “noble buttercup”

Clematis belongs to the ranunculaceae family, but has a number of advantages over its “wild” relative and is used for landscaping and decorating gardens and suburban areas. Therefore, this flower is also called “noble buttercup”. Clematis are successfully grown in temperate and subtropical climates, and middle lane Russia - practically perfect option for their reproduction.

The variety of varieties of perennial loach is divided into several groups based on their closest maternal relative. Let's look at the seven main types of clematis:

Hundreds of varieties of clematis take part in vertical gardening, differing in color, texture of petals, length of shoots and some features of care.

Features of planting clematis

good planting material is the key to abundant and long flowering

In order for clematis for a long time delighted the hosts and guests garden plot its abundance bright flowers, it is necessary to take care of quality in advance planting material.

First of all, you need to decide how to plant clematis: with seeds or ready-made seedlings.

In the first case, when purchasing seeds, it is important to consider the following points:

  • at home it is better to sow small-flowered clematis;
  • flower seeds need stratification (ripe seeds are exposed to cold temperatures);
  • when purchasing seeds, it is better to give preference to products from reputable manufacturers who supply planting material for various garden crops;
  • Seeds collected from your own plants should be stored in a dark place before planting.

Purchased clematis seedlings must meet the following requirements:

  • should not be on plants mechanical damage, signs of disease or the presence of pests;
  • high-quality planting material will have a well-developed root system (at least 5 roots);
  • a plant purchased in the fall must have at least two developed shoots with buds, in the spring - one;
  • In the fall, it is better to buy seedlings no earlier than mid-September; in spring and summer, seedlings are sold less frequently;
  • It is better to choose two-year-old plants with a closed root;
  • clematis seedlings obtained by grafting on wild species cannot be sold;
  • When purchasing, pay attention to the type of flower and the requirements for planting and caring for it.

selection and preparation of the optimal landing site

Clematis can grow in one place for more than 20 years, so you need to choose the site for planting them especially carefully.

The climbing flower loves the sun, which means it is better to plant it on the south side of the site. The plant needs light for about 5-6 hours per day. For most varieties this is one of the main conditions vigorous flowering and active growth. Bicolor perennial varieties prefer to grow in partial shade.

Clematis is unpretentious in terms of soil composition. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is that they do not tolerate swampy, damp soil. Therefore, you need to choose a site located on a small hill - this will protect the plants from flooding in the spring.

It is necessary to arrange supports for clematis on which the plant will climb. This could be an arch, a nearby tree, a trellis, the wall of a gazebo, or a staircase railing. When choosing one support or another, you must remember that in the winter the clematis branches will need to be removed and insulated, so the design should not be too complex. To decorate an intricate support, it is better to use clematis varieties that do not require extensive pruning.

You can't plant clematis near country houses with an angular roof to avoid rainwater draining from entering the root neck of the plant. Must endure minimum distance half a meter

favorable landing time

In regions with a temperate climate (southern regions and central Russia), clematis are planted in the fall - the first ten days of September. The plant will have time to take root and overwinter safely.

If in the region frosts begin already with the onset of October (northern regions), then planting should be postponed to spring, namely, to the end of April - beginning of May. In this case, clematis will bloom only next year.

The exception is potted clematis over three years old, which have a fairly strong root system. These flowers can withstand low temperatures, so they can be planted for the winter.

planting process

Let's break down the process of planting clematis into the following stages:

After a while, it is advisable to plant low-growing flowers around the clematis to protect the roots from excess light.

Key points for caring for clematis

Majority garden plants They need regular and careful care, and clematis is no exception. Planting and care perennial flower are very interconnected: feeding, watering and pruning directly depend on the growing season of the plant.

flower care after planting

In the first year after planting, the plant cannot be fertilized abundantly, as this can lead to damage or death of the clematis.

During prolonged rainy weather, in order to prevent the root from rotting, you can sprinkle the root part of the trunk with wood ash.

If there is a possibility of the soil drying out, then it can be mulched with humus or moss - cover the area around the flower with material that allows air to pass through and regulates soil humidity and temperature.

As a fertilizer for young plant You can use copper solution or “Strawberry concentrate”.

pruning, fertilizing and watering clematis

Careful attention to flowers will be the key to beauty personal plot and will provide abundant flowering clematis. Growing plants is impossible without knowing the rules of pruning, frequency of fertilizing and watering standards.

The procedure for pruning clematis depends on the variety of decorative vine:

  1. The first group - flowers are formed on last year's shoots. They need pruning only when the bush grows strongly. In the fall, before frost sets in, old and weak shoots are pruned.
  2. The second group - pruning is carried out in two stages: in the spring, flowering shoots of last year are removed, in the fall, the weakest shoots are cut off.
  3. The third group is plants that produce the main color from young shoots. Clematis is pruned in spring to the height of the first bud from ground level.

After pruning, clematis must be insulated by covering the remaining shoots with a layer of earth and peat. Sensitive varieties are covered with spruce branches, boards or roofing material on top. This will protect the plant bark from freezing and excess moisture.

Clematis should be fertilized in the spring. You can water the plant with lime milk (100 grams of slaked lime per 10 liters of water), or a liquid solution of mullein. Watering with a copper solution will be useful for flowering vines: 10 liters of water + 1 tbsp. spoon of copper.

Clematis produce the most abundant flowering in the first seven years, since later, fertilizers and water do not reach the overgrown roots. Therefore, some amateur gardeners dig pipes into the ground (when planting), through which all the necessary nutrients are supplied.

Decorative vines require regular watering- once every 7-10 days. Water should penetrate to a depth of 60-70 cm, but with normal watering the bulk of the water spreads over the surface. To solve this problem, around the bush, at a distance of 40 cm, dig in ordinary flower pots, which are filled with water. Through the drainage hole, water gradually reaches the roots of the clematis. This method helps to obtain large flowers even in plants older than seven years.

Methods for propagating clematis

To obtain clematis planting material, propagation can occur in different ways:

  • vegetative (dividing the bush, propagation by layering and cuttings);
  • seeds (acceptable only for plants with small flowers).

Dividing the bush can be done in the fifth or sixth year after planting. To do this, just dig up a bush and divide it into several parts. The advantage of this method is the rapid flowering of the new shrub, but the main disadvantage is the likelihood of the bush not taking root and the transmission of diseases to it from the mother plant.

Most often, gardeners propagate clematis by cuttings. The method can be used in spring, autumn or even winter (woody cuttings).

The second most popular method of propagating the “noble buttercup” is seed. Let's consider in order how to plant clematis seeds:

Using clematis in landscape design

Clematis occupy a worthy place in landscape design, thanks to their long, abundant and bright flowering. More often they are used as vertical decoration.

The main options for using clematis in transforming the appearance of a garden plot and creating original compositions:

Clematis is a people's favorite, ready to delight its owners with its beautiful flowering and intricate interweaving of vines. All the difficulties and nuances of caring for the “noble buttercup” are fully compensated by the festive atmosphere that these flowers create in the garden.

You have decided to plant clematis, but you don’t know how to care for it, then you will find useful information about when and how to plant a flower, what feeding it needs, how to water it correctly, how to prune and cover it for the winter...

Clematis - where and how to plant?

The main question for those who have just become acquainted with the clematis plant is how to care for it at different times? This crop is long-lived, with far-reaching roots and high vigor. Clematis, regardless of the variety, love the sun, but cannot tolerate the sun. Also garden culture does not like swampy soils and high lying groundwater.

Landing on permanent place and periodic replanting of clematis in August and September is considered the most optimal. Before winter, the clematis bush will have time to take root and acquire a system of suction roots, so the place for it should be sunny, perhaps with light shade. You can plant them next to trees and shrubs - the main thing is that the clematis does not end up in dense shade.

The formation of clematis will be harmonious only if there is sufficient fertile space for its roots and, to ensure this, you will have to dig a large planting hole at least half a meter in diameter, and not a hole the size of the roots of the seedling.

Clematis flowering in the Leningrad region

Soddy soil, crushed peat, humus and coarse sand are poured into the pit in equal proportions. It is important that the soil is not too acidic. Optimal soil acidity for clematis is 6.5. If it is higher, it is worth adding ash or slaked lime to the planting hole. This must be done at least 6 weeks before planting.

After careful selection and preparation of the site, clematis is planted in the fall - few people know how to care for the plant for the first year, but correct landing 70% of success in growing it depends. The bottom 2-3 buds on the seedling should be below the soil surface. This way it will begin to bush faster and form a more powerful root system.

When planting, make sure that the clematis roots do not bend upward; they are carefully straightened and the planting hole is gradually filled, compacting the soil. Since transplanting clematis in the fall is considered the most favorable, it will not take long to care for the plant before the onset of winter. The plant will take everything it needs from the soil, and the gardener only has to worry about providing it with moisture. Before winter, 40-50 liters of water are poured under each plant, and the surface of the soil is covered with mulch.

Clematis - how to care for spring, summer and autumn

Watering clematis

When growing clematis, you need to know how to care for it, because difficulties often arise when caring for it, especially during the period of active growth. First of all, each plant must be provided with nutrients and moisture; the growth of stems and the quality of flowering will depend on their quantity. Despite the dislike of clematis for waterlogged soil, they need a lot of water. Watering is done twice a week, and the amount of moisture depends on the age of the clematis:

  • Under first-year bushes, pour at least 15 liters per plant;
  • From 40 to 50 liters are poured under adult plants.

During dry periods, the number of waterings is increased to 3-4 per week. Water volumes should also increase. It is advisable to moisten clematis in the evening, and in the morning it is recommended to remove the weeds under them and loosen the soil.

A separate topic when growing clematis is how to care for it after flowering, so it is worth knowing that in late autumn, when the plant sheds its leaves and flowers, clematis needs moisture-replenishing watering. Such autumn watering ensures active growth of suction roots, which means that by spring the bush will become stronger and more resistant to adverse factors.

Clematis - feeding

How to feed clematis in spring lush flowering in the garden? Clematis also responds well to fertilizing. Unlike some garden plants, the plant prefers alternating organic matter and mineral fertilizers. Starting in spring, immediately after the snow melts, fertilizing clematis looks like in the following way:

By the beginning of flowering, during budding, the rules for fertilizing clematis change, so the amount of nitrogen is reduced, giving preference to flower Aquarin or Mortar; special complexes for clematis are also suitable for fertilizing.

first clematis flowering

Regarding how to feed clematis in the fall, tips for beginning gardeners highlight the subtleties autumn fertilizing– from the beginning of August, it is recommended to add potassium sulfate (25 g/10 l) to the water for irrigation once a month, and add bone meal (200 g/1 sq. m.) to the soil. Additives will stimulate the formation of roots and the formation of buds flower buds next year. Fertilizing is completed in mid-September. If this is not done, clematis will continue to grow actively and will not have time to prepare for winter.

Clematis - pruning according to the rules

Pruning is the most important point for those who want to plant clematis on their plot, not all novice gardeners know how to care for it in terms of forming bushes.

The first pruning of clematis for the winter is carried out immediately after replanting the plant, which allows the bush to spend nutrients primarily on the development of the root system, and not on the stems and leaves.

After adult clematis has been transplanted in the fall, the shoots should be cut off almost completely, leaving only the 2 lower buds; the same is done with young seedlings, but in the second year of life, clematis shoots are not cut out completely, but columns 30 cm high are left.

In subsequent years, you will have to care for clematis more actively, practically all year round. Three types of pruning are applied to a mature clematis bush:

  1. Seasonal, carried out before winter - for clematis that bloom in spring on last year's shoots, the shoots are shortened to one and a half meters. Varieties that bloom on current and last year's shoots are shortened in the fall to a height of 50-100 cm. Varieties blooming in summer and in the fall on current shoots, in the fall they are cut out almost completely, leaving stumps 30 cm high.
  2. Formative pruning of clematis is carried out from spring and sometimes until autumn. Clematis that bloom in spring are carefully thinned out, removing weakened branches. Blooming in spring and in summer, varieties are formed after the first flowering. To do this, branches with infructescences are removed. Varieties that bloom on the current shoot do not require careful formation;
  3. Sanitary, carried out throughout the year - weakened and damaged branches of clematis are cut out, as well as parts of plants that clearly lack light and nutrients.

The problem with the clematis plant - how to care for it, prune and feed the bushes during the growing season - may seem overly complicated, and experienced gardeners agree that clematis require constant attention for beautiful and lush flowering.

Many gardeners grow clematis on their plots. These perennial flowers, otherwise called clematis, are widely used in landscape design. Lianas from the shoots of this plant decorate gazebos, arches, and walls of houses and buildings. Feeding clematis in the spring is one of the necessary measures for caring for flowers, which allows you to achieve the maximum external effect from a flowering plant.

What kind of feeding do clematis like?

For full growth and beautiful flowering clematis needs organic and mineral fertilizers containing the following substances and microelements:

  • nitrogen;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus.

In the first years of life, plants usually have enough nutrients, which were introduced into the soil when planting the seedling. However, then the land is depleted, while the growth of the bush slows down, and flowering becomes short-lived and less abundant. Therefore, starting from the age of 3-4 years, feeding becomes one of mandatory events for caring for clematis in spring.

The best time to feed clematis

Feeding this ornamental shrub produced throughout the season. Only the structure and composition of the fertilizers used changes. If in spring priority is given to nitrogen-containing substances, then in summer and closer to autumn it is necessary to use potassium and phosphorus fertilizers.

Spring feeding of clematis

In spring, during the period of active shoot growth and green mass growth, plants need nitrogen most of all. He is the main one building material, from which a living plant cell is formed. Nitrogen and its compounds are contained in large quantities in organic fertilizers, such as manure or chicken droppings. In order for beneficial substances to be better absorbed, it is recommended to infuse organic matter and then apply it to the root zone in the form of a solution diluted with water to an acceptable concentration.

In the absence of organic matter, you can use mineral fertilizer, for example, urea. It should be applied to the root zone in liquid or granular form, and also made on the basis of its aqueous solution foliar feeding. You need to feed clematis in the spring at the dacha regularly, about once every 7-10 days.

Feeding clematis in summer

During the budding period, you can continue to feed clematis with nitrogen-containing fertilizers. And also during this period it is necessary to add substances containing potassium and phosphorus to the soil. Complex mineral fertilizers, for example, nitrophoska, are suitable for this purpose. After flowering begins, fertilizing should be stopped to increase the duration of flowering. After the shrub has flowered, you can resume fertilizing. In the second half of summer, it is necessary to completely stop using nitrogen fertilizers so as not to stimulate plants to excessively grow shoots and increase green mass.

In the fall, all fertilizing is stopped completely. At the final stage, around mid-September, clematis are fed with wood ash, scattering it in the root zone at the rate of approximately 0.5 kg per 1 bush. This fertilizer contains a large number of potassium, which significantly enhances the winter hardiness of plants.

How to feed clematis in spring for lush flowering

The main substances that clematis most need during the flowering period are potassium and phosphorus. They stimulate the growth and development of buds, causing abundant flowering. Most often, complex mineral fertilizers are used, for example, regular and double superphosphate. In addition to such fertilizers, fertilizing clematis in the spring for flowering can be done using other means.

Important! Clematis negatively perceives the presence of chlorine in fertilizers, so it is undesirable to use fertilizers containing this element.

Feeding clematis with yeast

Yeast contains iron, as well as vitamins and various amino acids. Yeast fertilizing significantly enhances the activity of soil microorganisms that process organic remains with the release of nitrogen and phosphorus. You can also use the foliar method.

Yeast feeding of clematis can be done in late spring, when the soil has already warmed up sufficiently. To prepare a nutrient solution, you need to take the following ingredients:

  1. Water – 50 l.
  2. Freshly cut grass, green weeds - 1 bucket.
  3. Bread crusts or crackers – 0.5 kg.
  4. Baker's yeast – 0.3 kg.

The concentrate obtained by mixing all the ingredients must be infused for at least 24 hours. In the future, it must be diluted with clean warm water in a ratio of 1:5. Spraying clematis with such a solution has a beneficial effect on appearance bushes Green color the foliage becomes more saturated and the flowers become brighter. Yeast feeding should be done no more than 2-3 times per season, for example, once during budding, and a second time during flowering.

Important! Yeast should not be expired.

How to feed clematis with ammonia

Ammonia is a solution of ammonia in water. Thus, it can well be used as an ammonia fertilizer. It contains quite a lot of nitrogen, which plants absorb very well. Feeding clematis with ammonia is carried out foliarly using a regular ruler.

When using feeding clematis with a solution ammonia It should be remembered that a large amount of nitrogen will cause vigorous growth of green mass, but flowering will be poor. Therefore, it is very important to maintain concentration. To prepare the solution you need to take 1 tbsp. l. ammonia per 10 liters of water. This feeding is done in early spring, before flower buds appear on the clematis.

Feeding clematis in spring with lime milk

Lime is often used by gardeners as a means to deoxidize the soil. However, it is also an excellent way to feed clematis. To prepare a nutrient solution, you need to take 150 g of slaked lime or chalk, as well as 100 g of wood ash. Both of these components need to be mixed in one bucket of water. The resulting solution is watered at the root zone of clematis bushes, while avoiding droplets getting on the leaves and shoots. This fertilizing is done at the end of spring or at the very beginning of summer, before the start of the budding period.

Clematis are quite unpretentious and do not require special care. In addition to fertilizing, in the spring you need to carry out sanitary pruning, clearing the bushes of debris and broken branches. Root system of these shrubs is located quite close to the soil surface, therefore, in order not to damage the roots, the root zone is usually not loosened, but simply mulched.


Feeding clematis in the spring allows you to fully see all the beauty of this flowering bush. It is very important that not only mineral complexes can be used as fertilizer, but also organic matter, as well as other substances that are very common in everyday life. It is important to remember that an excess of fertilizer is no less harmful than its deficiency, therefore the main condition is strict adherence to the required concentration.

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