How new hybrid grape varieties are created. Video "new and hybrid grape varieties"

Some winegrowers sleep and see how to bring out new variety, and what could be crossed to get a hybrid form that amazes the imagination in size, color and taste... I want to disappoint those who want to try on Michurin’s laurels. Selection is a long process.

If time doesn't scare you, be patient! You will need the following gentleman's set:

  • at least five years to develop one variety;
  • a decent piece of land;
  • the ability to endure failures;
  • get positive emotions from the lesson.

It is useful to familiarize yourself with professional literature. This could be a textbook on viticulture authored by Negrul, or “Genetics and selection grapevine» Ayvazyan P.K. and Dokuchaeva E.N.

You still need to turn your vineyard into impregnable fortress, otherwise the fruits of your combinations may go to common thieves who will sell the bunches on the market, and you will lose all the results of your work. Such cases not only unsettle you, they leave a bitter aftertaste for a long time.

And you also need to set only feasible tasks. Breeding frost-resistant grapes from good characteristics Entire scientific institutes are engaged in this, and the results are still modest.

An amateur breeder cannot handle such tasks. The probability of obtaining a variety with frost resistance of -30...-32° C from offspring with frost resistance of -23...-25° C is the same as hitting the jackpot in the lottery. The same can be said about high disease resistance.

Despite these limitations, enthusiasts have a very wide range of activities. You can improve the color of the bunches, the shape of the berries, size, taste, structure, ripening time, growth vigor, yield, flower sex, seedlessness... So there is enough work.

Never cross pairs at random. Use the “duet” rule: if you plan to develop a large-berry variety with a given color of the bunches, then choose both parent forms with large berries with a given color. Use this rule when setting up a selection problem. The probability of obtaining a bisexual variety is different: when crossing bisexual varieties, the probability is 3 to 1. That is, three seedlings will be bisexual, and one will be unisexual. Previously, all same-sex forms were rejected. But if we did this now, then we would be left without Talisman, Flora, Flamingo, Victoria, Sofia, Gourmets... So don’t rush to reject hybrid forms, maybe they will have other advantages. In industrial breeding, out of a hundred seedlings, only one or two with the desired properties were selected, the rest were rejected. In amateur selection, 20-30 seedlings are considered sufficient.

And one last thing. It has been noticed that the earlier the maturation period of the maternal form, the worse germination hybrid seeds. The lowest germination rate is for super early varieties - only 1-1.5%. And in maternal forms with early ripening - 10-25%. The most better germination in seeds from late maternal bushes.

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Scientists have found that adults healthy person You need to eat 70 kg of grapes of various varieties per year. In reality, 30 kg is not even an average result, but the best. All this is because in many regions grapes continue to be a delicacy. Many summer residents are seriously thinking about growing vines on their plots. This is possible because modern varieties and hybrid forms are bred not only for every taste, but for various conditions growth. In the article we will tell you about new grape varieties (description and comparison), and give their detailed characteristics.

Description of the earliest grape varieties, advantages and disadvantages

Thanks to the painstaking work of modern breeders, hybrid forms have appeared, the ripening period of which has surpassed all stereotypes and is 100 days.

"Ruslan" is one of the early varieties.

The most popular among gardeners are:

Name Description Advantage Flaws
1. "Ruslan" A hybrid form of the varieties “Kuban” and “Gift to Zaporozhye” by the famous Ukrainian breeder V.V. Zagorulko.

Tall bushes with multi-sexual flowers.

Fruits with an average weight of 20 g.

Ripening period – 100 – 115 days.

Bunches weighing 800 – 900 g.

The pulp has a fruity taste with a plum aftertaste.

Harvest - the second ten days of August.

Frost resistance down to minus 23 0.

High resistance to fungal diseases.

Does not tolerate excess moisture.
2. "Lelik" Hybrid form of folk breeder

E. G. Pavlovsky, created on the basis of the Baklanovsky and Hybrida 41 varieties.

A vigorous vine with bisexual flowers.

Berries Pink colour, weighing 8 g.

The weight of one bunch reaches 1 kg.

Withstands frosts down to minus 24 0.

It is moderately resistant to mildew and gray mold.

Uneven ripening of berries in bunches.
3. Muscat Novoshakh- The author of the hybrid, E. G. Pavlovsky, derived it from “Talisman” and “XVII-10-26”.

The average weight of a bunch is 500 g.

The taste is very sweet.

Ripens by mid-August.

Ripe berries can be stored on the bushes for a long time without compromising their taste.

Moderately resistant to major diseases.

The vine is prone to overload and requires normalization
4. "Melting" The hybrid of the Ukrainian breeder A. A. Golub appeared as a result of crossing “Atlanta” with “Arcadia” and a mixture of pollen.

Bisexual form with early maturation.

The color of the fruit is white.

It has increased resistance to diseases and successfully tolerates frosts down to minus -23 0.

In addition to those described earlier, others ripen:

  • "Outrigger",
  • "Darling Muscat"
  • "Vitannya"
  • "Alexa early"
  • "Mary Magdalene"
  • "Libya",
  • "Sphinx",
  • "First Called"
  • "Pulsar",
  • "Charlie",
  • "Azalea",
  • "Vovchik"
  • "Vera" and others.

The listed varieties and hybrids are relatively unpretentious in care, which is why they are planted more often than others in summer cottages.

“Lelik” - a variety by E. G. Pavlovsky - is one of the favorites among gardeners.

Features of mid-early varieties and hybrid forms

In terms of ripeness, they require more time than early ones, but not by much. On average, hybrids of this group are harvested at the end of August. Gardeners prefer the following grape varieties:

"Leah"– an early variety that ripens in 110–115 days. Created by V.V. Zagorulko by crossing the varieties “Arcadia” and “Atlant Zaporozhye”.

  • Table form, that is, intended for fresh consumption.
  • The bushes give up to 3 m of growth annually.
  • The color of ripe fruits is white-pink.
  • Bunches of 900 g, weight of 2 kg has been repeatedly observed.
  • The sweetness of the berries depends on the number of sunny days; the warmer it is, the more sugar there is.
  • Withstands frosts without shelter - minus 21 0.
  • Affected by major diseases 3.5 – 4 points.

Disadvantage: the variety has a negative attitude towards excessive watering and prolonged rains.

"Leah" - comparatively frost-resistant variety early maturation.

"Prometheus"- another hybrid by V.V. Zagorulko, bred by crossing the varieties “Kishmish radiant” and “Arcadia”.

  • They differ functionally in having female flowers.
  • The structure of the bunches is similar to the Arcadia variety.
  • The color of the fruit is dark pink.
  • Resistance to winter cold to minus 21 0.

"Ksenia"– the variety was bred by V.N. Krainov, has a second name "Angelica".

  • Vigorous bushes with a medium-early ripening period of 115 – 125 days.
  • Large clusters, weighing up to 1.5 kg, with oblong berries of white and pink color.
  • The flesh is sweet, crispy, and has several flavor tones.

Advantage - high stability to diseases. Tolerates transportation well.

Tip #1.Note! The “Ksenia” variety requires annual pruning of 8–10 buds.

"Carmen"– E. G. Pavlovsky combined the variety “Nadezhda AZOS” and the hybrid form “FVC-94-3”.

  • Ripening period is 3.5 months in mid-August.
  • Vigorous bushes - 2 m or more.
  • The flowers are bisexual.
  • The weight of a bunch of grapes is 600 – 800 g.
  • The color of the fruit is red-violet, the shape is elongated.
  • The disadvantage is that the variety is prone to overload and requires thinning of the ovary.

Gardeners favor the cultivation of relatively unpretentious early and mid-early varieties such as:

  • "Vlada",
  • "Glad",
  • "Sofia",
  • "Fupshetny"
  • "Elf",
  • "Abu Hasan."
  • "Blagovest"
  • "Victor",
  • "Long awaited"
  • "Zlatogor" and others.

Grape varieties of medium and medium-late ripening

Among the popular ones are:

Medium ripening Mid-late
"The Anapa Giant" "Ataman"
"White Giant" "Julieta"
"Antony the Great" "Zagrava"
"Black Grand" "Lactic"
"Anyuta" "Roadside"
"Lingonberry" "Sentyabrina"
"Ataman Pavlyuk" "Moldova"
"Valentina" "Original"
"Lady Patricia" "Kara Palvan"
"Golden Rain" "Alphonse Lavallee"
"Odessa souvenir"
"PG - 12"

The following varieties and hybrids deserve more detailed attention:

  • "The Anapa Giant"– a versatile, vigorous variety. It is classified as mid-ripening; the berries gain ripeness by mid-September. The clusters are small, 200 g each, the color of the fruit is white.
  • Ataman Pavlyuk"- result breeding work V. U. Kapelyushny, by crossing the varieties “Talismpn” and “Autumn Black”. The result is a fast-growing bush with large clusters up to 1300 g, often up to 2 kg. The advantage is the complete absence of peas. The variety is popular due to its good preservation both on the vine and when picked.

A special feature of the Ataman Pavlyuk variety is a waxy coating that protects the fruits from diseases, pests and temperatures that are abnormally low for grapes. The colder the weather, the thicker the plaque.
  • "Alphonse Lavallee"- a French table variety that has successfully taken root in our country. Refers to mid-late. Has bisexual flowers. The clusters are heterogeneous - from loose to dense. The berries are regular round in shape and dark purple in color. Ripening period is up to 160 days, subject to a positive temperature of +22 0 – +32 0. Disadvantage: not resistant to most fungal diseases, does not withstand frosts and spring return frosts.

Conditions for growing late grapes

To get the harvest late varieties it will take 155 – 160 days. They are designed for long-term storage. Read also the article: → "". They are most often used in warm climates or in greenhouses.

Hybrid name Peculiarities Flaws
"Courage" Vigorous bush with bisexual flowers. The weight of one bunch is 1 – 2 kg.

The color of the fruit is white.

Ripening period is the end of September.

They are characterized by increased resistance to fungal diseases.

Weak frost resistance
"Skorensky red" The result of crossing “Datier de Saint Vallier”, “Nimrang x Pocket”.

Table variety.

The bushes are large, clusters - 0.5 - 0.7 kg.

The color of the berries is violet-red.

The advantage is high resistance to fungal diseases.

Not stored.

For growing late varieties, such as "Courage", many of which are European, it is better to use inclined planting.

Tip # 2. The successful development of a young vine and the quality of the harvest on a mature one depend on proper watering. Mandatory watering is carried out for the first 2 years. For mature plants, irrigation is necessary before flowering and moisture-recharging watering for the winter.

The best varieties for Crimea, Volga region, Moscow region, Leningrad region, Siberia

Long gone are the days when grapes were considered an exclusively southern crop. Thanks to professional and amateur selection, modern varieties are able to satisfy gardeners living in different climatic zones. As before, Crimea is the leader in grape growing. Thanks to the climate, here are the most early varieties ripen at the end of July.

  • "Pearl of Saba"– the fruits are medium-sized, amber-golden when ripe, rounded, with a pulp of delicate and pleasant taste, with a muscat aroma of nutmeg, clusters small size, the shape is loose.

"Pearl Saba" is one of the sweetest varieties.
  • "Queen of the Vineyards"– a variety with large berries, round or slightly elongated, golden-amber in color, with large clusters.
  • "Taifi pink"– with large long clusters up to 25 cm long. The color of the berries is dark pink, regular round shape. Ripens in 167 days.

The varieties listed are the most famous and popular. But thanks to selection, grapes are grown in many climatic zones, even in those whose conditions are opposite to the Crimean. For different regions Such varieties and hybrids are typical.

Moscow region Leningradskayaregion Volga region Ural Siberia
F – 14–75 (shape) F1475 Liepājas dzintars Zilga Tukay
Laura Mars Dovga Aleshenkin Solovyova-58
Shunya Karinka Russian Tsiravas Agro Sharov's riddle Rusven
Nadezhda Aksayskaya In memory of Dombkowska Silva In memory of Dombkowska Muromets
Victoria Riline Pink Seedless, Super early Rubtsova In memory of Shatilov Extra early red nutmeg
Nakhodka AZOS Neptune Golden Muscat white extra early Codrianca
Super Extra Super extra Super extra Muscat pink early
First-Called Victor Elegant very early Beauty of the North
Laura Victoria
Phenomenon (Augustine, Pleven stable) Timur Timur
Muscat summer Augustine Kolobok
Cherry Extra Prima
Aleshenkin Einseth Seedless Hip-hop
Charlie Sphinx

Category: “Questions and answers”

Question No. 1. What are the largest grape varieties?

  1. Harold.
  2. Laura.
  3. Augustine.
  4. New century.
  5. Paula.
  6. In memory of a surgeon.
  7. Karmacode.
  8. In memory of Negrul.
  9. Stashensky.
  10. Codrianka.

Question No. 2. Which varieties withstand transportation best?

  1. Shami Abiad.
  2. Gorgeous. Read also the article: → "".
  3. Ataman,
  4. Codrianka.
  5. Kishmish Kalina.
  6. Arched.
  7. Baikonur.

Question No. 3. Which grapes last the longest?

  • Ruslan.
  • Moldova - up to 160 days;
  • In memory of Negrul - up to 130 days;
  • Autumn black - up to 120 days;
  • Criuleni - up to 100 days;
  • Original - up to 130 days;
  • Light - up to 100 days;
  • Nadezhda AZOS - up to 90 days;
  • Tair – up to 90 days.

Question number 4. Which grape varieties are the most frost-resistant?

  1. Carmen – 30 0,
  2. September – 21 0,
  3. Moldova – 23 0,
  4. Anthony the Great – 23 0,
  5. Black Grand – 23 0,
  6. Lingonberry – 24 0,
  7. Valentina – 24 0,
  8. Meteorite – 24 0,
  9. Romeo – 23 0 .

Serious mistakes gardeners make when choosing new grape varieties

Mistake #1. Selecting a grape variety that is unsuitable for growing in a given climate zone.

Often, when purchasing a new variety, gardeners find themselves hostage to unscrupulous sellers who distribute plants that do not grow in local conditions. IN best case scenario This will affect the quality and quantity of the harvest, but most likely the grapes will not take root.

Mistake #2. Planting new varieties in a common vineyard.

It is better to plant a newly acquired plant separately or keep it in quarantine. It is unknown how the local “environment” will affect the new variety; it is better to protect it (if possible) from infection with diseases.

Mistake #3. Selection of heat-loving varieties for areas with harsh climates.

In this case, the main criterion is frost resistance, otherwise grapes can only be grown in a greenhouse.

Advantages of hybrid forms

  • During the observation period, the hybrid form indicates strong growth energy and good resistance to diseases (according to my agricultural technology, it was not treated with pesticides either in the past year or before the time of writing the material - for the 2nd decade of August 2009).
  • Other advantages of the form include resistance to cracking of berries and the ability to long-term preserve the commercial properties of grapes not harvested from the bush during the period of physiological ripeness of the berries (essentially for an amateur vineyard).
  • Frost resistance. Last year, the piece of bunch left on the vine waited for... frost!
  • The form also showed another valuable feature in the color of the berries. In colored species, after full ripening, usually the intensity of the color of the berries does not change the best side. Berries pink species turn red with spotted flowers, reddish varieties can turn dark burgundy or even purple. The same form retained its pink color until frost.

Personal experience of accidentally obtaining a new grape hybrid

Such properties appear in a variety that this year ripened immediately or a couple of days earlier than Pervozvanny (these forms are grafted onto one bush). With all this, despite the early ripening period and very large berries (more than 4 cm in length), the sugar accumulation and harmonious taste of the berries in this form are excellent. Particularly striking changes that appeared during the observation period include the exceptional beauty of the bunch.

Effectiveness visual perception Almost everything is determined by large elongated berries, the main color background of which is truly amber (without Greenery) and immediately 3 variations of the coloring of the berries, which makes a color composition that produces a very strong memory.

I am not a poorly informed person in this matter, but if we include a subjective-emotional component in the assessment of a bunch, and do not take into account the size of the bunch (in fact, the first fruiting), then we can say that I have not seen a more attractive bunch. So that the shape during the period work with her was not impersonal, she received a temporary working title - Bomb.

The title was formed and determined from a natural emotional exclamation that arises in virtually every person (not necessarily a winegrower) who sees its grapes for the first time. If, God willing, it turns out over time that the configurations are mutational in nature, the clone can be called V.N. Krainov. How should we feel about all this? Relaxed, at least without euphoria. This may be the usual mentoring effect of the rootstock in the grafted composition under certain growth criteria of the graft, and what’s more, or actually similar modifications of the modification character, caused by the reaction of the grapes to the causes of the external environment or cultivation technology, naturally, I would like these changes to be inherited when vegetative propagation, but one desire is not enough, everything is in the hands of the Lord.

But there is hope. Including due to the young origin of the hybrid form. In his own writings, Michurin noted that the formation and final formation of the parameters of hybrid forms occurs within a couple of years after hybridization. And the master of practice understood this better than anyone. Who knows, maybe this variant showed up in this case. In addition, the external environment, cosmic and light energy flows, nutritional conditions and dozens of other circumstances, including natural physical and chemical mutagens, during this period could influence the normal course of cytoembryological processes and metabolism of the observed form, leading to changes in genetic traits level. Moreover, over time, these changes can intensify and be cumulative if the source of this impact is constant.

Potato pest - potato late blight

What these configurations essentially represent and whether they will be transmitted or not during vegetative propagation, time will tell. For now, all we can do is wait. I had an indicative conversation about this with V.N. Krainov. When propagating the hybrid form Ataman, he grafted in another vineyard. When discussing the changes in color, shape of berries, and other features acquired from this grafting, he said: “If I didn’t know that this was Ataman, I would have thought that this was a different variety.” We noted back then that such changes in the properties of new hybrid forms could be used for greedy purposes by unscrupulous people. It turned out that they were looking into water...

There were “craftsmen”

I live on a vineyard far from the town, in relative isolation from “civilization” (without the Internet), and even here I hear rumors that some (either unprepared people who do not understand the patterns of variability, or greedy businessmen from viticulture) have begun to produce similar variability of hybrid forms for new forms. They give them other names, and already launch a marketing flywheel to implement these forms. In other words, a large-scale deception campaign is being prepared.

Simple decency does not allow doing this. Even if the reason for the apparently modified traits is mutations (changes in the hereditary base - genotype - of a plant organism, transmitted to offspring during vegetative propagation), then this is a clone, a clone of a variety that has a creator, with all the ensuing consequences, at least moral. Assigning a different name to a form without the knowledge of the creator, in my opinion, is very unethical, and may even be tantamount to theft. Even if you were lucky, and due to certain events, by chance, you became the owner of a fascinating clone, the most you can count on is co-authorship. In addition, by concealing these events, the wine-growing community is simply being pinned.

If the manifested variability in the hybrid form has the usual modification nature (it is not transmitted during vegetative propagation), then such acts are generally nothing more than fraud. They show the winegrower one thing, but essentially sell him something else, planting material a variety that he may already have. In fact, in selection everything is much more complicated than I mentioned here, and the event under discussion, no doubt, specifically relates to one of the methods of selection - clonal selection, in which the most important answer to the question is whether the detected change is mutational (hereditary) or modification disposition (non-transferable during reproduction). Not everything is so simple here; in some cases, even the modification nature of configurations can persist for a couple of years and, what is most unusual, for several vegetative generations. This paradox even has a scientific definition - long modification. To avoid punctures and not later look like little boys for beating, breeders have worked out the appropriate development.

I became interested in grapes about 15 years ago. At that time, I grew up with “Queen of the Vineyards” and “Lydia”, just like many others... I didn’t even suspect that there were disease-resistant grape varieties. Every year I had to spray with Bordeaux mixture. How I saw a vineyard at my classmate’s place and got carried away. So much so that I uprooted everything fruit trees on the estate, drove the tractor, planned it, and out of the blue started planting grapes. No experience, I had to go to Zaporozhye to S.G. Leonov. Later, the author of the book “Amateur Viticulture.” He told me in detail what and how. I started planting from cuttings. Then I went to E.A. Klyuchikov. for seedlings. Corresponded with many winegrowers, such as: Sokolov V.I., Olefir E.M., Alekseenko A.N., Kuzmenko N.I., Dmitrenko V.P., Piven I.I., Sinyak G. And. and others.. I would like to mention V.I. Sokolov as a knowledgeable, experienced winegrower-practitioner from the city of Nikolaev. He helped me a lot at that time with new varieties. After all, what do we want? To have such a variety in terms of productivity and beauty, so that it is superior to the rest and no one has it. Like pigeon keepers have pigeons. In a word, I also joined this race for the “miracle variety” of grapes. I planted them, foolishly, apparently or not... And as you guessed, then the uprooting began and replacing the soil.. And 2004, the meldweed year, generally cured me of the craving for a “new variety.” I began to see the old varieties, created by specialists and time-tested, differently. I’m not against today’s home-grown breeders, but why fool people? Well, I did, so what? Now you need to test and get a certificate? And who can help evaluate and give the go-ahead for distribution? If Krasokhina S.I., a candidate of agricultural sciences, she also sells dubious varieties. site. So it turns out that black business is thriving in the field of amateur viticulture. An experienced winegrower, of course, will not buy it, but beginners, even very easily.
I, too, at one time, for sport, wanted to create a variety. After all, in essence, what is it? Any seedling carries the uniqueness of the variety, so create it. In my opinion, don’t blame me for its simplicity, there are two ways to obtain a variety. Clonal and hybrid selection. Clonal selection is when the entire vine of a variety is used to plant seedlings and the best ones are selected. .But this is a long way. And the second, hybrid, in which plant pollen is involved. Please forgive me for my stupidity, but this is how I understand it. I got this process to the point of growing seedlings. A lot of them grew. But, either binges, or work, but “my selection stopped.” And I started with the following. I don’t remember exactly, but it seems that the bunches of the Vostorg variety were placed in a paper bag, and when flowering, flowers of a different variety were tied to them, in my opinion Natalya. It is important that the flowering dates coincide before When a droplet appears on the pistil, remove the stamens for bisexual flowers, and for female flowers, it’s even easier to tie and wait. You can simply collect pollen from early-flowering grape varieties and pollinate the later-blooming variety with powder puffs. The pollination operation should take place under a paper bag. I in general, at that time I did not pursue the goal of creating a super-berry. It was just interesting. When the berries are set, the bags are removed and wait for full ripening. Then, as with tomatoes, the seeds are selected, washed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate and dried. Store in the basement, preferably in a bag made of dense fabric in the sand. In early spring, the seeds are stratified in damp sand for a week, then allowed to dry and planted like carrots with sand, but only in school and under film. Regular care, watering and thinning. In the second year, the seedlings are transplanted and monitored strength of growth and the presence of sores. To obtain the first test berries, there must be 5-year-old rootstock bushes from which the trunk is cut to cause growth and the best seedlings are grafted onto them. If you are lucky, you will get a new variety. So, there is nothing original in this, there would be time and desire.

The technique of crossing is quite simple; For this purpose, preparation is first carried out mother plant.

Preparing the mother plant

Most grape varieties have bisexual flowers and in pure-varietal plantings, as a rule, self-pollinate, that is, the egg is fertilized by pollen that develops on the same or neighboring flower.

In order to prevent the process of self-pollination or intra-varietal pollination (with pollen from flowers of neighboring bushes), pollen should be removed within the inflorescence. This process of removing pollen is called "castration". Castration begins 2-3 days before flowering begins. Castration is carried out using tweezers, which carefully remove the flower cap (corolla) and at the same time the anthers with pollen. If the flower has short stamen filaments and the anthers sit at the level of the stigma of the pistil or below it, then in this case only the cap of the flower is removed first, and then the stamen filaments with anthers are torn off.

Not all flowers in the inflorescence are castrated, but only 40-50% of the total number, approximately 100-150. The remaining flowers are cut off in such a way that the castrated flowers are located evenly on the inflorescence. After castration, the inflorescence should be immediately isolated using a bag made of parchment paper. The paper insulator prevents the flowers from possible hit they have pollen on them.

When using varieties with a functionally female flower type for hybridization, castration is not carried out, since the pollen of these flowers is not capable of fertilization. However, such flowers are also isolated until artificial pollination.

Harvesting pollen from the paternal plant

Then they begin to collect pollen from the father plant. For this purpose, during the flowering of the parent plant, the stamen filaments with anthers are collected in paper bags, after which they are transferred indoors and spread on paper to dry and ripen. After a day or two, when the anthers burst, the pollen is separated from the filaments and anthers by sifting through a silk sieve and placed in test tubes. Harvested pollen should be stored in a dry and cool place. In the case when the flowering of the mother and father plants coincides, the pollen of the father plant is not collected, and to fertilize the mother plant, the plucked inflorescences of the father plant are shaken over the inflorescence of the mother plant. If the flowering of the father's plant is later than the mother's, it is necessary to artificially either accelerate the flowering of the father's plant or delay the flowering of the mother's plant.

You can speed up the onset of flowering by layering with vines. As observations have shown, flowering on layering occurs 7-10 days earlier compared to flowering on ordinary bushes. Flowering is accelerated even more if greenhouse frames are installed above the bushes. The onset of flowering can be delayed by snow retention and late spring watering. Flowering can be delayed for a longer period if you dig a hole under the bushes intended for hybridization, pour snow into it and cover it with straw and soil.

With more early flowering pollen from paternal plants can be prepared in advance and stored until the moment of use. Under appropriate conditions of heat and humidity, pollen can be stored for a year.

Pollination process

After collecting pollen or inflorescences with pollen, they begin to artificially apply pollen from the father’s plant to the flowers of the mother’s plant. The pollination process usually begins when a special, slightly adhesive liquid appears on the stigmas of the pistils of the mother plant. To prevent pollen from foreign varieties from getting onto the castrated inflorescence through the air, the insulator is usually not removed, but cut out from it round hole, through which pollen is applied using a brush or cotton wool, after which the hole is sealed with a circle of parchment paper. If pollination is carried out by shaking the plucked inflorescence, then in this case it is better to remove the insulator and, after applying pollen to the flowers of the mother plant, put it on again.

Since not all flowers of the mother plant are simultaneously prepared to receive pollen, it is recommended to repeat pollination after 2-3 days.

In order to ensure interspecific or intergeneric crossing, I.V. Michurin developed a method of vegetative rapprochement. To do this, the original forms are grafted before crossing. It is possible to graft the future paternal form onto the maternal and, conversely, the maternal onto the paternal. As a result of the mutual influence of the scion on the rootstock, pollen or an egg, biologically more similar, appears, and the process of fertilization occurs.

In some cases, to overcome uncrossability, they use a mixture of pollen of several species or mix maternal pollen with paternal pollen. A. Ya. Kuzmin has developed another way to overcome non-crossing, which consists of late application of pollen to the stigma of the pistil, when the stigma is on the verge of dying.

After the berries have developed to the size of a pea, the parchment insulators are removed and gauze bags are put on instead to better preserve the hybrid seeds.

Working with seeds

The resulting hybrid berries remain on the bushes until the seeds are completely ripened. Then the bunches are removed from the bushes along with gauze bags and transferred to a storage room. In winter, the seeds are removed from the berries, washed thoroughly and lightly dried on well-ventilated racks. Then the seeds are placed in damp sand and stored in clay pots. unheated rooms at a temperature of 5-7 degrees Celsius. The room where the seeds are stored (at the same time stratified) should not be excessively humid. Two weeks before sowing in soil or greenhouses, they are transferred to warm room, where, after transplanting into boxes with sand, the process of swelling and the beginning of seed germination occurs.

The sprouted seeds are transplanted into greenhouses or directly onto ridges in the ground. Transplanting seeds into the ground should be done at a time so that the seeds do not experience sudden temperature fluctuations.

Sowing seeds in greenhouses is carried out at a distance of 8 cm between the rows from each other and is covered with humus mixed half with river sand, to a depth of 3-4 cm. When sowing in the ground, the distance between plants in a row is 10-12 cm, and row to row is located depending on the scale of work and methods of mechanized tillage. With a small amount of selection work and manual processing of the ridges, the distance between the rows is 35-40 cm. With horse cultivation, the row spacing increases to 70-75 cm. Caring for seedlings consists of maintaining the necessary soil moisture, combating weeds, diseases and pests.

From the moment of seed germination until the young seedlings enter a state of full fruiting, hybrid plants are created good conditions for development.

Guided Parenting

IN at a young age a hybrid plant, being plastic, can develop certain properties that correspond to environmental conditions. The growing conditions of a hybrid plant are crucial for identifying the required characteristics and properties and the time of seedlings entering fruiting.

On the issue of creating new varieties by the method of hybridization and directed education, I. V. Michurin wrote: “In this matter, everything depends on the experienced selection of combinations of crossed pairs, plants and, mainly, on the expedient education of hybrid seedlings at a young age. Here, the qualities of the future variety almost entirely depend on the regime of its cultivation.” Through targeted education, it is necessary to teach the plant to easily tolerate all the unfavorable conditions of a given area. Thus, if the task is to breed productive, high-quality and cold-resistant varieties, hybrid seedlings should be placed in natural conditions of low winter temperatures. Seedlings obtained, for example, from crossing European grape varieties with Amur grapes should be lightly covered with soil in the first year, and then they should gradually be taught to move winter temperatures without any covering with earth. In addition, to increase cold resistance, you can use the “mentor” method of education developed by I.V. Michurin. For this purpose, young seedlings need to be grafted onto a cold-resistant rootstock of Amur grapes, or a cutting of this cold-resistant species is grafted onto the seedling. Under the influence of a cold-resistant rootstock or scion, the property of cold resistance is enhanced in a hybrid seedling.

If the task is to develop Muscat that is resistant to oidium and mildew diseases, then, in addition to crossing this variety with some American disease-resistant variety, sometimes it is necessary to strengthen this resistance again by grafting. The same method of directed education can be used when breeding more productive varieties with early ripening of berries and with other signs and properties. In particular, with distant interspecific hybridization, there is often a need to improve the quality of the variety. For this purpose, cuttings of high-quality European grape varieties are grafted onto the seedling. In this case, the tissues of the seedling are built due to nutrients produced by leaves of quality European variety, due to which the same trait develops in the hybrid seedling.

Improving the quality of the variety and increasing the yield can be achieved by improving nutritional conditions a year before the start of fruiting. To do this, enter organic fertilizers mixed with granular phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. In the year of the beginning of fruiting, the amount of fertilizer applied increases.

To ensure strong growth and rapid entry into fruiting, seedlings should not be replanted frequently, and the leaf surface should not be reduced when pruning. Transplantation of seedlings should be done only after the first rejection at one year of age.

When transplanting, seedlings are given normal distances between bushes and rows established for a fruit-bearing vineyard in a given area, while root system should be significantly deeper compared to its location in a one-year-old seedling. In this case, the shoots are pruned long, which promotes early entry young plant into fruiting.


But not all seedlings obtained should be brought to fruiting. Some seedlings can be selected and rejected already in early age. Depending on the task at hand, selection of unsuitable seedlings can be carried out different ways and for various reasons.

For example, when breeding cold-resistant varieties, seedling selection is achieved naturally. Those part of the seedlings that do not have sufficient cold resistance will have varying degrees of damage when left for the winter without covering with soil. winter frosts. Seedlings severely damaged by frost may be rejected in the first year if they do not have other valuable characteristics and it is not intended to be treated with them in the future. extra work to enhance their cold resistance by grafting. By the ripening time of the vine, one can also judge the property of cold resistance and the duration of the growing season. The faster and better the annual shoots of seedlings ripen, the more cold-resistant the latter are.

In the spring of each year, seedlings can be selected not only for cold resistance, but also for other characteristics. During the development of fungal diseases or during artificial infection, it is necessary to select the most disease-resistant seedlings. During the flowering period of grapes, seedlings with abnormal flower structure can be isolated and rejected.

Evaluation of the resulting hybrids

The most complete assessment of the resulting hybrids can be given only after they have entered fruiting. It must be borne in mind that in the first year of fruiting it is impossible to judge the yield and quality of the fruit, since at this time both the clusters and berries are usually smaller. As further development grapes and improved nutritional conditions, the size of bunches and berries gradually increases and the quality indicators of plants are revealed.

It is necessary to remember the instructions of T.D. Lysenko that “good varieties of plants, as well as good breeds of animals in practice have always been created and are created only under the condition of good agricultural technology, good zootechnics. With poor agricultural technology, not only can bad varieties never be produced into good ones, but in many cases even good cultivated varieties turn bad after several generations.” Therefore, newly obtained hybrids must receive good agricultural technology, since under poor growth and development conditions, valuable traits and properties may change for the worse in the future.

How great the importance of abundant nutrition of hybrid seedlings is can be judged from the data obtained by A.K. Ayvazyan, who grew seedlings when added to one square meter 18 kg of humus, 150 g of superphosphate and 20 g of ash.

The seedlings grown on such an agricultural background were characterized not only by strong growth, but also formed fruit buds, starting from 12-13 nodes and above.

In the second year of the growing season, seedlings, as a rule, begin to bear fruit, which makes it possible to select valuable numbers not only based on growth and morphological characteristics shoots and leaves, but also in terms of yield.

Seedlings grown with abundant nutrition, in the third year overall strength growth and fruiting do not differ from ordinary bushes that have already entered the fruiting season.

Abundant nutrition not only accelerates the fruiting of seedlings, but also contributes to the development of valuable traits in them. If in the first year of seedling development fruit buds develop starting from the 12-13th node, then in two-year-old and older plants the development of fruit buds moves closer to the base of the shoot.

Further propagation of newly developed varieties

Further propagation of newly bred varieties is carried out by cuttings. It must be remembered that not all cuttings can provide valuable traits of a new variety. Therefore, for selection the best bushes and cuttings within bushes should be given special attention. Considering that vegetative deviations often appear on young bushes, if cuttings are selected incorrectly, the variety can be deteriorated and, conversely, with careful selection of the best cuttings, the variety can be improved.