How to close plastic windows in winter. Down with the cold in the apartment, or how to switch plastic windows to winter mode

Reading time: 7 minutes.

Modern double-glazed windows provide a comfortable indoor microclimate. However, they also require periodic adjustments. Thus, it is possible to adjust the degree of pressing of the canvas to the frame depending on the season, which few people know about. It’s not difficult to do this with your own hands using a hex key, a screwdriver, or manually, depending on the type of locking devices.

Why regulate?

Different modes are needed for one simple reason - the change of seasons. Accordingly, there is a periodic drop or rise in temperature. The ability to close windows more tightly (or, conversely, less tightly) increases the access of fresh air into the room in summer period and reduces the outflow of heat outside in winter.

If the window is constantly used in “winter” mode, this will lead to rapid wear of the seal due to the constantly high clamping pressure on it. If you leave the summer mode for the cold period, then there will be drafts and significant heat loss in the room. As a rule, during installation, windows are set in a neutral mode (spring/autumn), and when the season changes (that is, 2 times a year), it is recommended to make the appropriate adjustments.

Leak test

Prepare plastic windows for winter it is necessary before the onset of the first frost. It is necessary to carry out a preventive inspection and check the tightness in the following ways:

Types of adjustment mechanisms

The degree of pressing of the sash to the frame is adjusted using locking mechanisms (trunnions) located on the side and upper ends of the sash. Appearance, the number and location of these devices may vary depending on the manufacturer and price category of the double-glazed window.

The most common ones include:

  • Round. Such trunnions have some kind of mark (dash, mark, dot, asterisk). If it is directed towards the room, then the window is set to “winter” mode, to the street – “summer”, upward – “neutral”.
  • Oval. The vertical position is “summer”, the horizontal position is “winter”, the diagonal position is the standard “neutral”.
  • Turnkey eccentrics. The shift into the room is “winter” mode, outward is “summer”, strictly in the middle is “neutral”.

Plastic windows have not been uncommon for a long time. They are widely used in new buildings.

They also often replace old wooden window structures that have long served their purpose.

Modern PVC windows have many advantages, which explains their prevalence and popularity among the population.

The difference between the modes is the tight fit of the sash to the frame.

How to determine the presence of such a function

With the arrival of cold weather, the owner of the apartment may find that a faint chill begins to blow from the window. The presence of such a phenomenon indicates that it is time to think about changing the regime. But how can we determine if there is such a function in a window block?

This is quite easy to do. You just need to open the sash and carefully inspect the surface of the end.

If there is a hole at the end for a screwdriver or hexagon, this means that the window has a function for changing the winter/summer mode.

If there is no such hole, then the window unit does not have such a function.

It is important

In winter mode, the seal experiences serious stress. This is the key to preventing the onset of chills. As a result of this load, the service life of the seal is reduced. Therefore, experts recommend changing the regime only when absolutely necessary.

Before you start changing the mode, you need to determine the current state of the window. In other words, you need to know what mode the window is in.

To do this, take a sheet of paper and insert it between the sash and the frame. If the leaf is not removed, it means that the double-glazed window is set to winter mode.

Features of the modes

The peculiarity of the modes is the tight fit of the sash to the frame. When the window is positioned in summer mode The sash fits very easily, which allows for slight air circulation.

This is the creation of optimal temperature regime in room.

As for winter mode, the sash fits very tightly. As a result, the seal takes up a large space between the sash and the frame.

Of course, such contact prevents the formation of blowing and cold bridges. But, at the same time, the seal suffers, the wear of which increases several times.

How to switch from one mode to another

You can change the glass mode yourself. The work is carried out very carefully. This helps prevent damage to the fittings.

The process of changing the mode is carried out in the following sequence:

  • Find all the pins and switch them to another mode.
  • To perform this process, use the appropriate tool: a screwdriver or a hexagon. The eccentrics turn clockwise until they stop.
  • In this case, you need to be careful and not use too much force. In some models, the eccentrics must first be pulled towards themselves, and then rotated. After changing the mode, they are placed back into the “nests”.
  • Check the results of the work performed. The same paper is used for this. If it sits securely between the sash and the frame, then the mode change has been completed correctly.

Care should be taken when performing such work. This is especially true for the rotation of eccentrics. All design features windows, you need to find out when purchasing a window unit.

With the information and skills, you can easily do this job yourself.

Nowadays it is easy to adjust the plastic windows produced. Summer and winter mode, which is adjusted in the fall and spring before sudden temperature changes, makes it possible to change the clamping force, which allows you to vary the degree of ventilation.

The procedure itself represents certain manipulations that may be required immediately after installing a new double-glazed window. This is a kind of preventative repair that allows you to assess the readiness of window structures for a particular season.

What do we have to do?

After you have bought plastic windows (summer and winter mode), adjusting and setting them up is quite simple. To do this, you should follow a few simple steps, namely:

  • Open the door. At the end of most structures there is a cylindrical convex head, which is called an eccentric or axle. There may be several similar elements.
  • It has a pair of slots, one of which is longer and the other shorter.
  • There is a hole for a key in the middle.
  • If the short slot is directed towards the rubber gasket of the window, then the trunnion is set to the summer position; if it is in the opposite position, it is to the winter mode.

You can turn the eccentric using a suitable hex key or flat-head screwdriver. It is often practiced to change the position of the eccentric simply with your fingers, by pulling the adjustment mechanism and turning it.

The difference between the maximum and minimum pressure on the sash is 0.2 cm, which is quite enough to increase the flow of fresh air.

What does window adjustment do?

It is worth considering that plastic windows, which have summer and winter modes, are adjusted according to the fit of the sash. In the cold season, this process allows you to strengthen this indicator, and in the summer the pressure is made weaker to increase ventilation.

Quite often the eccentric slot is placed parallel to the edge of the window sash. It happens in this position if the design comes directly from the manufacturer (a universal arrangement that differs from the “winter” or “summer” positions by only 1 millimeter).

In winter, the orientation of the trunnion is aimed at creating additional pressure on the rubber seal. Experts advise not to install this element on new windows, making do with a neutral position or summer option. The rubber seal is important element in the design of plastic windows, for this purpose it is treated with silicone, which allows to extend its service life.

Plastic windows (summer and winter mode): correct adjustment

The main advantages of plastic window structures include a high level of tightness, which does not create drafts and allows you to maintain a normal microclimate in an apartment or house. After long-term operation, the tightness characteristics may change due to many reasons. A design that is already in use is prone to breakdowns, which reduce this function. Such a violation often leads to the creation of an unstable indoor microclimate.

What are the benefits of window adjustments?

After the plastic windows (summer and winter mode), which must be adjusted in a timely manner, are adjusted accordingly, the following effect is achieved:

  1. A stable climatic environment is formed inside the room with constant maintenance temperature conditions.
  2. The entry of cold air masses in winter is excluded by eliminating the presence of through gaps.
  3. A constant level of humidity is maintained.
  4. Financial resources that were previously spent on paying for heat supply and electricity services are saved.

If everything is done correctly, plastic windows (summer and winter mode), the adjustment and correct settings of which do not require special effort, will last a long time, reliably and functionally in accordance with the season.


Different mechanisms of plastic windows may have differences in design. This is due to the different number of eccentrics and their configuration. Some products have cylinders located around the perimeter of the sash, other samples are equipped with a pin with upper or lower hinges.

In order to correctly adjust plastic windows (summer and winter modes), adjustment changes must be made during the appropriate period. You can check the position of the trunnion yourself. To do this you need to perform the following manipulations:

  • The eccentrics located on top can be checked by opening the sash.
  • Next, turn the handle and tilt the element to the ventilation position.
  • Such operations are characterized as opening a window in a rotating direction at an angle.

As a result, the required mechanism will be visible, located in the area of ​​the fixing scissor-shaped parts of the window.


Plastic windows (summer and winter mode), the adjustment of which consists of moving the eccentric to the required position, are adjusted by simply turning the hex key counterclockwise.

After the completed action, the trunnion will move to the required position and establish itself at the desired level. Once all the parts are in place, prepare the window for winter period can be considered completed.

In addition, you should check the condition of the fittings. All loose and faulty fasteners must be replaced, repaired or secured.

The presence of two “winter-summer” modes in plastic windows allows it is easy to adjust the pressure of the valves, increasing the air flow in summer and, on the contrary, limiting it in winter.

The function of converting plastic windows from winter to summer mode is quite convenient. IN summer time in the “summer” position the sash is less tightly adjacent to the frame, allowing fresh air enter the premises.

In winter mode, the windows are closed tightly, which allows you to save heat.. However, the function of switching plastic windows to winter and summer positions is not provided in all models.

This opportunity is only available in products on which appropriate fittings have been installed.

Adjusting plastic windows “winter-summer”

High-quality window fittings are equipped with fairly convenient mechanisms with which you can easy to adjust the position of the shutters.

At the end of each window for these purposes eccentrics (trunnions) are installed, which are responsible for the clamping density.

Their turn carried out using a hexagon. Some windows may have a slot for a screwdriver instead of pins.

For a tighter connection of the sash to the frame (“winter” mode), you should turn the trunnions slightly to the left. Total around the perimeter of the harness there can be up to ten trunnions, each of which must be rotated by the same angle.

The only condition is that each eccentric must be set equally.

For reference there are notches on their ends. To loosen the pressure, all eccentrics are turned to the right. Do not twist them too tightly so as not to damage sealing rubber bands .

To make sure that the window fits tightly enough to the frame, you can use a lit match. When there is a draft, the light will fluctuate slightly or even go out.

Before adjusting the fittings all hidden parts of the window are thoroughly cleaned.

You can see the process of adjusting a plastic window in this video:

Particular attention should be paid places where the sash contacts the frame and pressure rollers, which often accumulate dirt and old grease.

In the presence of large quantity dust it off remove with a small brush.

Replacing the rubber seal. Lubrication

You can replace the rubber seals by removing worn and inserting new ones into special grooves using a flat-head screwdriver. So that they do not allow air to pass through, don't stretch them too much.
The fittings will last much longer with regular care. For lubrication, you can use automotive, household machine oil or silicone grease.

All rubbing parts need treatment - trunnions, adjusting screws etc. Before lubrication, the fittings are cleaned of dust, dirt and old dried grease.

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The air temperature in the room largely depends on the tightness of the window system. Timely regulation allows you to create the maximum comfortable conditions in each room. As part of today's review, we will look at how to switch windows to winter mode so that you can do it yourself.

Windows can operate in different positions

The mode of modern plastic windows determines the degree to which the sash is pressed against the frame. May be:

  • standard, at which the sash has an average clamping position, optimal for. The window system can work effectively in winter and summer. The eccentric occupies a central position;
  • winter The tightest fit of the sash to the frame is ensured. The winter position of plastic windows allows you to more effectively retain heat inside the house;
  • summer The sash is fixed less tightly. Air can circulate freely, providing a micro-ventilation effect. As a result, comfortable conditions are created in the apartment during the hot season.

Why do you need to adjust the modes of plastic windows?

By alternating summer and winter modes of plastic windows, you can extend the service life of the structure. In winter, the material contracts, and as the air warms up, it expands. Adjusting the window system changes the degree of pressing of the sash. As a result, the wear rate of the seal and fasteners is reduced.

You should change the plastic window mode if:

  • It's blowing from the side of the window. An incorrectly selected position will result in cold air coming in from the window system in winter;
  • The sash does not open or close well. An incorrectly selected position may cause it to jam in ventilation mode;
  • the sash sagged. The reason may be critical wear of the hinges. By replacing the fittings or switching the structure to winter mode, you can...
Advice! Find out from the specialist how to switch double-glazed windows to winter mode immediately after installing the system.

Advantages and disadvantages of switching windows to winter mode

Timely change of window design mode has a beneficial effect on the microclimate inside the house. When in the winter position, the system will prevent the cold from entering from outside. The summer position will ensure active air circulation.

It should be remembered that constantly changing the order of operation of the window system has certain disadvantages. Adjusting screws allow you to increase the degree of sealing of the window system. However, constant changes in the position of the fastener can cause the loss of the basic characteristics of the sealing element. Strong compression, exposure to low temperatures and high humidity can lead to the fact that after 2-3 seasons the seal will become less able to fulfill its main purpose. In some cases, it may even need to be replaced.

Attention! By refusing to change the order of operation of the window system, you can increase the service life of the seal by at least twice.

Which fittings have the function of switching to summer or winter mode?

Before you figure out how to set plastic windows to winter mode, it’s worth finding out whether all designs have this function. Answer: no. It all depends on what class the fittings used belong to. Available accessories:

  • budgetary. Such fittings have limited functionality, as they are intended for cheap plastic products. With its help the sash can be opened/closed. Some models allow you to choose ventilation. TO budget fittings most often used during large-scale construction, when it is necessary to reduce the costs of constructing a standard new building;
  • standard. The price corresponds to the quality. The products have wider functionality compared to budget option. Most models allow you to set winter mode on plastic windows. Standard fittings are widely used in most window systems installed in buildings for various purposes;
  • specialized. Such products are intended for windows that are installed in premises operated in special conditions. They have special features. Can be burglar-proof. With their help, you can change the operating conditions of the window system.

What types of eccentrics (trunnions) are there for switching windows to different modes?

An eccentric or trunnion is one of the hardware elements that is used to transfer a window system from one operating mode to another. Trunnions can have different shapes. As a rule, round or oval with a special hole for the tool.

How can you tell by looking at your windows whether they have winter mode?

Having purchased housing in a standard house, not every user knows whether there is a winter/summer mode on the plastic windows in his apartment. This can be checked by visually inspecting the fittings that come with the window system. The trunnion located on the side of the sash deserves special attention. If the trunnion has key holes or is oval-shaped, then such a system allows operation in various positions.

Preparing windows for switching to winter mode

Before you begin adjusting the window system, you should perform a number of preparatory measures. To do this you will need:

  • mop. It is advisable that she has telescopic handle, as this will simplify the process of cleaning the window unit;
  • household chemicals intended for washing windows and cleaning fittings;
  • paper towels. You can use napkins;
  • Silicone Grease;
  • brush or brush with stiff bristles.

Advice! Timely care behind double-glazed windows, significantly simplify the process of switching from one operating mode to another.

Preparatory work is carried out in the following sequence:

  • glasses are washed;
  • the frame is cleaned of accumulated dirt. Particular attention is paid to joints and connections;
  • the fittings are cleaned. To do this, you should use a hard brush;
  • all elements of the window system are thoroughly wiped;
  • the fittings are lubricated with silicone grease;
  • the trunnion is given the required spatial position;
  • lubricant is reapplied.

When and how to switch windows to winter or summer mode

When to switch windows from one mode to another, everyone decides individually. If there is a “cold feeling” coming from under the closed sash, it’s worth it. There is no need to rush, so as not to worsen the condition of the rubber seal ahead of time. It is also important not to overdo it, since over-tightening the eccentric sometimes leads to. As soon as it gets warmer outside, you should immediately switch from “winter” to “summer”. Let’s look at how to switch Euro-windows to winter mode below in more detail.

How to properly adjust windows

Before setting the mode, the window system should be adjusted to avoid damage. sealing element when the sash is sagging or skewed. Armed with a pencil with a soft core, you should circle the closed door around the perimeter. This should be done carefully, without much effort.

After opening the sash, you should measure the distance between the frame opening and the drawn line. The obtained values ​​should be in the range of 6 – 8 mm. Ideally, equal around the entire perimeter.

If the values ​​do not match in height, you should remove decorative insert made of plastic with hinges, tighten the screws using a hexagon. If the distance from below is smaller, then unscrew the top screw a little, adjust the position of the sash and screw the fasteners back. This action is repeated with the second loop. If the distance is smaller at the top, perform similar actions with the bottom screw. The adjustment is carried out until the desired result is achieved. As a result, all screws should take approximately the same position.

Attention! A correctly adjusted structure should open without the characteristic sound of friction.

If horizontal movement of the sash is required, tighten the adjusting screw in one of the hinges. The displacement can reach 3 mm. If you want to move away from the hinge, rotate counterclockwise. Otherwise - clockwise.

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Photo and video instructions

A fairly detailed verbal description does not always allow you to figure out how to switch windows to winter mode. Pictures from detailed description or a master class recorded on video allows you to understand this much faster and better. We suggest choosing the most convenient way to perceive information to make it easier to adjust the window design at home.

How to switch plastic windows to winter mode?

For those who do not know how to switch windows to winter mode, instructions with a detailed description will help necessary steps quite accurate. Should be prepared necessary tools and follow the specialist’s recommendations.

First, let's take a closer look at how to switch windows to winter mode using a hexagon. You can follow the following instructions:

PhotoDescription of work
We open the door.
Prepare a 4 mm square wrench.
We adjust the position of the first eccentric.
We adjust the position of the second eccentric. If there are more, their position should also be adjusted.
The required position is determined by the notch. In winter mode it should be located closer to rubber seal. The photo shows winter mode on plastic windows.
Rotating the eccentric 180 degrees will allow you to switch the windows to “summer”.
We check whether all eccentrics are moved to the desired position. Their number can be determined by the counter strips.