Winter and summer mode in plastic windows: switching methods, malfunctions and their elimination. We switch plastic windows to winter mode correctly How to switch plastic windows to winter mode

Some types of fittings built into the frame allow you to set the modes for summer and winter. They are called a trunnion or an eccentric. Demand for plastic windows, with adjustable devices, increases every year.

Adjustment modes

The ability to adjust the air flow into the room by changing the position of the trunnion. The adjustment is made in accordance with the marked marks. Against each there is an inscription containing the following information::

  • Average(standard) – created natural ventilation with the window closed.
  • Summer– the smallest seal between the sash and the frame.
  • Winter mode– tight pressing to the frame.

How to define functionality?

When choosing a design, inspect the end side of the sash, from the side of the lock handle. It should have built-in fittings in the form of a convex hexagon, roundness or oval. This is a trunnion or eccentric. It is used to transfer from one mode to another.

Note:When purchasing a product, pay attention to the presence of an auxiliary tool for adjustment; this is a wrench with a tip that matches the shape of the eccentric. It should be included in the kit.

Window technical characteristics

At high temperatures the elastic seal begins to expand. If you do not change the winter mode, the material will fail. Seasonal adjustments reduce wear on fasteners and the window lock.

The axle is installed in the edge of the sash. The requirements for the device are high. Metal is exposed mechanical impact during adjustment, and should not change the dimensions specified by the manufacturer during the entire service life. Products, made from high strength of stainless steel, make them durable and hardy, they are more expensive, but retain technical characteristics long time. That's why PVC manufacturers install them.

The tightness of the rubber layer depends on the quality of the fittings. Correct setting prevents friction between the profiles.

Mid-range trunnions are cheaper. High-quality steel is not used for their manufacture, which leads to rapid wear of the metal.

Advantage of eccentrics

Modern plastic windows retain heat and prevent drafts. The room is ventilated regardless of the time of year. With high-quality fittings, the service life of the window is extended without repair.

Types and forms

The modification depends on the manufacturer and terms of reference for production. On appearance eccentric is influenced by the requirements of the customer producing structures with a rotation mechanism.

All installed fittings vary according to the following type:

  • Budget.
  • Standard.
  • Highest category. These products are distinguished by their functionality, quality and service life.

The trunnion is made different models, and has the following form:

  • Oval.
  • Round.
  • Hexagon.

It is installed in the side plane, from the side of the lock. Improved manufacturing technology and high quality steel b, allows us to produce high-class products. They are more expensive, but the costs for them will be justified.

Transferring the device to another mode

Air entering through the side edges creates discomfort. Move the trunnions to the position corresponding to the time of year, namely:

  • "Winter". The seal moves out, pressing the window sash to the frame. In this position, it wears out more intensely.
  • "Summer". The seal, returning to its original position, creates a gap for air to pass through.

How to properly adjust the window?

Reasons why it is recommended to make adjustments:

  • The window sash is sagging.
  • Doesn't open or close well.
  • Dust enters the room.
  • Cold air blows into the cracks of the openings.
  • The lock handle turns with great hand effort.
  • The house has shrunk.

Translation of accessories

The method of adjustment, namely:

  • The hexagon is turned special key included with the product, placing it on top of the device.
  • Oval - by turning the pliers.
  • Round - with a sacral screwdriver, placing it in the center.

The number of eccentrics depends on the height of the window. The standard requires placing five pieces on one vertical line. Two of them are installed close to horizontal planes, the other three are evenly distributed over the entire height.

If fogging of the glass occurs from inside the room, it is advised to leave a gap for natural condensation by setting the arrow to the “medium” mode.

Step-by-step instruction

  • Open the doors, clean the fittings with a stiff-bristled brush and wipe with a damp cloth.
  • Remove old grease from seals, and apply a thin layer of fresh silicone compound.
  • On cleaned surfaces It will be possible to discern the risks “winter”, “medium” and “summer”.
  • Check the setting. To change the position, the plastic roller of the sash is pulled towards you.
  • Changes rotate to the specified elevation using an auxiliary tool. To switch to the “winter” position, the end of the long radius is directed towards the inscription. The cut should line up with the tip of the arrow.
  • When set to "summer", or "medium", change the position of the short radius. The arrow is turned to the mark.
  • Trunnion turning clockwise, minimizes the distance between the sash and the frame by changing the position of the seal.
  • Having completed the adjustment process, it is buried in the holes, giving the original position. The glass unit is in working condition, metal elements should not come into contact with the plastic of the structure.
  • Check density using writing paper. They insert it into the opening between the frame and pull it out. If it doesn’t work, then everything was done correctly.


On the round axle, a line pointing towards the street means that the frame is set for winter. For oval there is a different type of mark. It must be horizontal.

On a round device, a dash directed towards the room means that the frame is set for summer. For an oval trunnion, the mark takes a vertical position.

Adjustment when squeaking from friction occurs

Similar deviations occur in a new house, when the foundation or its walls shrink. If you find areas of friction or leakage, make adjustments.


The adjustment is made on the bottom loop. IN There is an adjusting screw on the top. It is removed from the profile by mechanical tension towards itself, and the following turns are made:

  • Clockwise, lifting the sash.
  • Against her, lowering her down.


The adjustment is made on the lower hinge, at the location of the adjusting screw. When turning the arrow, the plane is shifted to the left or right.

The adjustment will create free play between the sash and the frame, ensuring uniform density of the horizontal and vertical planes. This will have a beneficial effect on the room climate and eliminate drafts.

What to pay attention to

  • Translation of the mechanism is carried out strictly according to the instructions. Failure to follow the adjustment rules leads to mechanical defects in individual elements and the entire set as a whole.
  • Constant contact metal parts has wear and tear. To maintain the operating parameters specified by the manufacturer, the fittings are lubricated and adjusted.
  • It is not advisable to leave the frame in “winter” mode for the whole year. This leads to rubber wear.
  • If the “summer” mode does not create drafts, and indoors good heating, it is not recommended to change it. This will have a positive effect on maintaining the functionality of the mechanisms over a long period of operation.

Once you have completed switching to winter mode, trace the outline of the window sash on the frame with chalk. Open it and measure the distance between the edge and the mark. Standard parameters are from 6 to 8 millimeters. If they differ, make additional adjustments. The indicator along the entire length must match. A different value may cause:

  • The passage of cold air into the room through the seal.
  • In places of excessive contact, friction and compression of the material will be created.
  • It will become more difficult to turn the lock handle. This will cause its core to wear out, and mechanical damage insulation.
  • When purchasing a new PVC window with adjustment for modes such as summer and winter, do not change the position of the seal on it in the first year. Rubber is resistant to density; increasing the load on it will damage all metal fasteners and the lock.


A custom-made product will fit tightly into the prepared window opening, and there will be no horizontal or vertical load after completion. installation work. Entrust the work from start to finish to one contractor, and receive a guarantee for the operation of the structure. Order products with high-quality fittings; they can be adjusted without involving a specialist.

Fireworks to everyone! Winter is coming, and there will be a flurry of calls again from clients who have wind blowing through their windows and who need to switch their fittings to winter mode.

Therefore, as they say, prepare your sleigh in the summer. I wrote you an article about preparing windows for winter. I hope it will be useful.

There are many selection principles the right windows and no less important aspects of their use. Let's look at the most common ones.

When buying window fittings, we don’t think at all about the intricacies of operating these structures and the features of their functioning in different time of the year.

Often, when installing windows in the summer, buyers are faced with the problem of ventilation plastic windows in the cold, completely unaware that these structures have summer and winter modes of use.

The winter mode of plastic windows is designed to ensure that the sashes fit closely to window frame. The mode of plastic windows affects the preservation of heat in the room in cold weather.

Often, ventilating a plastic window from winter mode can be confused with adjusting the fittings for winter period, however, these are completely two different abilities windows

When we're talking about about the tightness of the sash abutment, then this is the mode that protects your apartment from excessive blowing of plastic windows.

When it is necessary to ventilate a room, flow valves are used. A special technician can switch windows to winter mode. With some skill, you can do this yourself.

The summer mode of plastic windows is different in that the sash does not fit so tightly. Thus, it becomes possible to constantly freely supply air into the apartment due to micro-ventilation.

There is a classic position - the mode of the middle connection of the sash to the frame, when the eccentrics or trunnions are located in the middle position. A window with a double-glazed window in this mode performs its functions equally well in all seasons and ensures adequate sealing.

By changing window modes, you can not only avoid drafts in the apartment, but also extend the life of the structure. In winter, the material becomes more compressed, and in hot weather it returns to its original position or expands. Adjusting the window fittings to the desired level reduces the wear threshold of the seal and fasteners.

One of the leaders in the production of plastic windows, which provide winter and summer mode operation is the company Rehau. The company was founded more than 70 years ago.

During its existence, the company has grown into a well-known brand with 170 branches around the world. Rehau is the main partner of Porsche, Volkswagen, BMW and Audi. The company produces parts and systems from polymers for these concerns.

Rehau's scope of work is aimed at the development and implementation of not only plastic windows, but also car body systems, ventilation equipment, seals for cars, and modular battery systems for electric car batteries.

Installation of plastic Rehau windows will provide the room with everything necessary for the unhindered penetration of daylight, and will also protect from city noise and cold.

But how to switch plastic windows to winter mode yourself? Let's consider this issue in more detail.

We switch windows to winter mode correctly

Switching your windows to winter mode in the fall is an opportunity to save on heating costs. It is possible not to switch windows to another mode when saved good qualities seal. When spring arrives, switch your windows to summer mode.

Due to proper adjustment and reduction of the load on the seal, the windows will last longer.

You can switch the window fittings using the eccentrics (trunnions) intended for this purpose, which are located on the side of the sash.

If the eccentrics have recesses for a hex key, sprockets, screwdrivers, or oval-shaped eccentrics, then this design is capable of transitioning to some kind of window mode.

Eccentrics in their structure can be round or oval with openings for hexagons. To switch the window to cold mode, all eccentrics must be adjusted.

It’s easy to switch plastic windows to winter mode. It is important to remember that incorrect adjustment can have a negative impact on the windows. The process looks schematically in the following way.

  1. First, to switch the mode of plastic windows, you need to take a hexagon to tighten the window sash.
  2. When you open the window slightly, a rounded pin will be visible from the end of the door. The pattern located on the trunnion is in most cases directed upward. This suggests that an intermediate window mode is set between winter and summer.
  3. The hexagon must be inserted into the centrally located hole in the trunnion and turned at a right angle in the direction of the seal. Now the adjustment of the notch on the trunnion should face the seal.
  4. It should be noted that the majority of windows have more than one axle, located along the area of ​​the window sash. To avoid blowing, all trunnions must be switched to winter mode.
  5. To evaluate the work, insert a piece of paper between the frame and the window sash. Next, see how easy or difficult it is for you to remove the paper from the window. This way you can understand the quality of the pressure and accurately switch the window to winter mode.

Important! When using the fittings, if you notice airflow when the sash is closed, you should make an adjustment - switching the structure to winter mode. But such a regime can significantly wear out rubber compressor plastic windows. Therefore, you should not over-tighten the eccentrics, since such adjustment will cause the trunnions and window frame to fail much faster.

When summer arrives, switch your windows to summer mode. Using an inappropriate mode will soon damage and age the seal.

Plastic windows can be switched from winter mode by inserting a hexagon into the eccentric and turning it clockwise. Remember, the service life of the window depends only on your correct adjustment and prudent use.


Standard, summer and winter modes of plastic windows

The standard mode assumes the middle position of pressing the sash. This means that the eccentric will be located in the middle.

A window structure installed in this mode is, in most cases, capable of operating effectively both in winter and summer.

This ensures an optimal level of compression of the sealing material.

In winter mode, windows are characterized by a tighter fit of the sash to the frame. Thanks to this, during the cold season, metal-plastic structures effectively retain heat, keeping it indoors.

Summer mode is characterized by less tight fixation of the sash. In this position, air flows circulate freely between environment and the room. In other words, a micro-ventilation effect is ensured, due to which optimal microclimatic conditions are maintained in hot weather.

Note! Using the summer mode allows you to weaken the sashes as much as possible, which has a positive effect on the condition of metal-plastic windows that have survived a long winter. At the same time, it remains possible to protect the room from dirt, dust and heat.

Why is it necessary to adjust plastic windows for summer and winter modes?

Switching from one mode to another allows you to keep the window structure in a functional state and extend its service life. Adjustment involves changing the degree of fit of the sash to the window frame.

IN winter time of the year insulation material It contracts, and in the summer it expands. It, like all fasteners, can be protected from wear by adjusting plastic windows, there are plenty of videos and photographs with instructions describing how this can be done on the Internet.

Sometimes during operation the sash shifts. When it is warm outside, this does not cause any inconvenience, but in winter this can cause the room temperature to drop significantly.

If this happens, you should check the condition of the frame. When installing metal-plastic windows, craftsmen check the position of the sashes in each mode, as well as the absence of gaps between the parts. However, a perfectly executed installation does not guarantee that the sashes will not come apart over time.

If the window installation is completed in early spring or in winter, structures are exposed to external influences:

  • The temperature outside is rising.
  • Influenced climate change The plastic begins to expand.
  • The temperature outside is dropping.
  • Influenced temperature changes plastic decreases in volume, but it is not always able to take its original shape.

Similar processes occur if windows are installed in the summer. But first the material contracts as temperatures drop, and then expands. However, it is impossible to avoid changes in technical specifications products, so gaps often appear in the windows.

The need to switch plastic windows to winter or summer mode may be due not only to the seasonal transition, but also to a number of other reasons:

  • Drafts from the window, carrying frosty air in winter and dust in summer.
  • Sagging of the sashes due to wear on the hinges.
  • Sash jamming in ventilation mode.

Please note! During operation of windows sealing material subject to heavy wear and tear. Therefore, it is very important to promptly adjust plastic windows with your own hands when switching to winter/summer modes.

How to check the possibility of adjusting plastic windows for the winter

The ability to switch between summer and winter modes is provided special fittings. The availability of this function depends on the class of these parts.

There are several types of components:

  • Budget fittings are parts that have the lowest cost and are solely responsible for opening and closing the window structure.
  • Standard fittings – the kit contains standard and burglary-proof parts that allow you to prepare the window structure for summer or winter.
  • Specialized fittings - includes anti-burglary and specialized parts that allow you to switch plastic windows to winter or summer mode.

Most modern manufacturers produce standard and specialized fittings with the function of switching from one mode to another.

The most popular brands:

  • Siegenia Aubi;
  • Maco;
  • Roto.

During installation, the user is not always provided with detailed information about functionality fittings filling. To find out whether the window design provides for a transition between modes, you should study the appearance and markings of the configuration, namely the axle.

An eccentric or trunnion is one of the elements of the fittings that allows you to adjust the degree of pressure of the sash to the frame metal-plastic window. This part is placed on the side.

If the trunnion contains special holes intended for a key, then the design has an adjustment function. This can be easily seen even in photos of plastic windows, of which there are many on the Internet.

As a rule, the marking is marked with the image of a hexagon, screwdriver or asterisk. In some cases, the control part has an oval shape, which also indicates that the window can be operated in different modes.

How to determine which mode of plastic windows is set: winter or summer

Before adjusting plastic windows for the winter, you should determine in what position the fittings are installed. There are several ways to help you find out how the sash is placed. In each case, the technique depends on the shape of the trunnion.

How to determine the winter mode of plastic windows before adjusting the fittings:

  • Take a sheet of paper.
  • It is placed between the sash and window frame so that one of the ends remains on the side of the room.
  • The window closes.
  • Then you should pull the sheet towards you.
  • If the paper passes easily, it means that the structure is set for operation in summer mode. Otherwise it will tear.

Helpful advice! Manufacturers metal-plastic structures It is recommended to operate windows in summer mode all year round. If there is no reason to switch to the winter position of the sash, this procedure is not necessary.

In addition, there is a way to visually determine whether winter mode is installed on plastic windows; photo examples with markings can be easily found on the Internet. According to this method, it is necessary to find a marking in the form of a dash, asterisk or dot on the round pin.

Next, you need to determine the direction of this mark. If the marking points towards the room, it means that the windows are set to summer operation. If the mark faces the street, then the design is set to winter mode.

Trunnions are not only round, but also oval. The operating mode in this case is determined by the nature of the eccentric placement.

If it is turned vertically, then the windows are set for summer weather. In a horizontal position, the trunnion presses the sash as tightly as possible to the frame, which indicates winter mode.

Having determined the position of the sash, you can move on to solving the question of how to switch the windows to winter mode; video instructions describing this procedure are presented in large quantities on the Internet.


How to switch the fittings of BEKA plastic windows to winter mode?

Operating practice shows that it is better not to convert Veko windows to winter mode at all for the first two years of operation.

This sharply reduces their resource - the density of the mating and the elastic bands will have to be replaced faster. And the installers advise the same.

At the beginning of operation, the compaction is quite good, and switching to winter mode is not required.

Well, to seal windows for the winter that have already served for many years, you will need to arm yourself with a hexagonal screwdriver attachment and, opening the frame, find the trunnion adjusting handwheel.

There is a mark on the handwheel, usually it is either a slightly drilled recess or a “bump”. By inserting the key and turning it counterclockwise (in relation to the picture), we will turn the mark towards the street, this will mean “winter mode” If you move the mark towards the room , this will be “summer mode”

I would like to note right away that despite the ongoing debate, it is still necessary to switch the windows to winter mode.

Especially for residents of regions with harsh winters, if only because of the usual law of physics, which states that at negative temperatures the body contracts, at positive temperatures it expands, I’m now talking about seals on windows.

Moving the window to the “winter” position increases the pressure of the sash against the window frame, and the pressure is needed for why, see above.

Open the sash and find the eccentrics (trunnion) on it, or a hex bolt (less often an asterisk), if that’s clearer.

  • We insert the hexagon into the eccentric head.
  • Clockwise is the “winter” position, counterclockwise is the “summer” position.
  • There is also a middle position in these windows.
  • There is a risk (line) on the trunnion if it is in the “outdoor” position, this is winter mode, in the “indoor” position, summer mode.

If you are still worried, then you can conduct an experiment: insert a sheet of thick paper between the sash and the frame, close the window, if the sheet breaks when pulled out, then we did everything correctly, if it is pulled out, then your window is still in summer mode.

The design of plastic windows assumes the ability to adjust the degree of pressing of the window sash; this function is intended to transfer the system to seasonal winter-summer modes.

Plastic windows are installed in almost every third apartment or private house, but not all users are aware of the operational capabilities that metal-plastic windows provide.

One of functional features- transferring the plastic window mode from winter to summer mode, and vice versa. This ability is determined by the type of fittings used. Of course, this property is not inherent to all PVC windows, but only to those on which more modern fittings are installed.

Modes of plastic windows - what are they and what is it?

  1. Winter mode of plastic windows- this mode allows for a tighter fit of the window sash frame to the window frame and, accordingly, helps save heat in the winter;
  2. Summer mode of plastic windows- characterized by a less tight fit of the sash, which ensures constant air circulation between the room and the environment, i.e. allows you to implement micro-ventilation mode.
  3. Standard position(the mode of average pressing of the sash to the frame - the eccentric is in the middle), as a rule, a window with a double-glazed window in this mode works equally well in both winter and summer, providing optimal pressing of the seal.

Why do you need to adjust the modes of plastic windows?

Setting the modes makes it possible to extend the service life of the window. The adjustment allows you to change the degree of fit of the sash to the frame. After all, in winter the material contracts, and in summer it expands. Adjusting the PVC window fittings makes it possible to reduce wear on the seal and fasteners.

In addition, reasons to change modes include:

  • blows from the window. Cold air in winter or dust in summer is what one strives to avoid when installing a new window;
  • The door opens/closes poorly. For example, if a plastic window is jammed in the ventilation mode, then one of the reasons may be an incorrectly set mode;
  • sagging window sash. It is a consequence of wear on the hinges and can be eliminated by switching to winter mode or replacing fittings.

The ability to switch between modes is implemented in the fittings famous manufacturers, type: Maco, Roto, Siegenia Aubi, GU. However, today, fitting fittings are the rule rather than the exception for all fittings of a class higher than the budget one.

How to determine whether it is possible to switch the windows to winter mode?

Often during installation, the user does not receive information about the capabilities of window fittings. To understand whether transfer to different modes is provided for a particular PVC window, you need to study the appearance (labeling) of the fittings, in particular the trunnion.

A trunnion or eccentric is a fitting element that allows you to adjust the degree of pressure of the sash to the window frame. It is located on the side of the sash.

If the surface of the trunnion has holes for a key (in the form of an asterisk, screwdriver, hexagon) or the trunnion has an oval shape, this indicates that this hardware allows the window to be used in different seasonal modes.

Do I need to switch the windows to winter mode?

In autumn, with the approach of cold weather, it is recommended to switch the fittings to winter mode. Otherwise, there is a high probability of blowing from the side of the sash. If the seal is in good condition, you can leave the window in summer mode. During the warming period, switching the fittings to summer mode helps reduce the pressure (load) on the seal and is prerequisite its long-term operation.

How to determine what mode plastic windows are in?

There are two ways to check what mode the window is running in:

  • Assess the degree of pressing of the window sash to the frame. Take a sheet of paper and place it between the sash and the frame. If, after closing the window, the clamped sheet is pulled out with minimal force, then the window is set to summer mode; if it does not pull out (breaks), then it’s set to winter mode.
  • Look at the position of the trunnion (eccentric). There is a dash (dot, asterisk) on the round pin by which you can evaluate the mode. If the line is oriented towards the room, this is winter mode, if towards the street - summer mode.

For oval trunnions, a different rule applies. If it is located vertically, the sash is weakly pressed against the window frame, which allows us to say that the window is set to summer mode. If horizontal - strong pressure, i.e. winter mode.

How to switch plastic windows to winter mode or summer mode

Transferring between modes is simple, but each step must be given attention, otherwise the fittings will fail and will need to be replaced or major renovation window. Some users prefer to seek services from the company that installed the windows.

However, the translation process is not complicated and it is quite possible to complete it yourself, spending no more than half an hour on everything.

How to adjust plastic windows for winter mode with your own hands

Adjusting trunnions on plastic windows - step-by-step instructions:

  1. determine the location of the trunnions. The number of eccentrics depends on the size of the sash. As a rule, there are three of them on the handle side and one on the opposite side (where the hinges, awnings, and also on the top and bottom of the sash). You need to find all the trunnions, because... when changing modes, you need to change the position of each of them;
  2. wipe all window elements and thoroughly clean the fittings. This will prevent dust from entering when turning the trunnions and protect them from mechanical damage;
  3. clean lubricated elements. After the transition, it is better to reapply the lubricant;
  4. consider the trunnions. Find stripes or other markings on their surface indicating the operating mode of the window. If the trunnions are oval, pay attention to their position relative to the horizontal;
  5. Rotate each of the trunnions to the required position. You need to turn either using a hexagon (or other suitable tool), or pliers (for oval journals).
  6. check the accuracy of the translation by placing and then removing a sheet of paper from a closed window.

Note. Some manufacturers of plastic windows make the trunnions “recessed” into the sash. Before turning them, you need to pull them out, then set them in the desired position and push them in again. The turning procedure is similar to the procedure for moving the hands on a mechanical wristwatch.

Please note - when switching to winter mode, the long dash (or dot) should be directed towards the room (i.e. sealing rubber), and in the case of an oval trunnion it is located horizontally.

How to switch plastic windows to winter mode - video

For your information, the winter ventilation mode for plastic windows works as standard and the window opens in the usual way.

The transition to summer mode is carried out similarly, in reverse order. Knowing the sequence of transition to winter mode, it is easy to set the window fittings to summer mode.

Features of setting up window fittings - rules

  • Despite the fact that the fittings provide the possibility of switching between modes, it is not recommended to do this in the first year of operation of the window. The window is still functioning optimally;
  • translation is carried out once every six months. Moreover, the duration of the winter period is shorter than the summer period;
  • It is undesirable to operate the window in winter mode in summer, as this increases the rate of wear of the seal.

Is it worth switching plastic windows to winter mode?

Constant change of modes leads to the fact that the seal loses its properties. This happens especially quickly in winter mode, because... the pressure of the trunnion on it increases. In addition to the effect of the trunnion, the seal is affected by low temperature And high humidity. This leads to destruction of the seal (it starts to blow, there is a need for), the worn rubber seal requires replacement. In summer mode, the seal will last at least twice as long.


Despite the possibilities that modern window fittings provide, you need to evaluate the feasibility of each option. On the one hand, switching to winter/summer mode provides more comfortable temperature regime indoors and reduces heat loss through the window opening. On the other hand, translation contributes to rapid wear of the seal, which necessitates its replacement and additional costs. Therefore, whether to switch windows for winter or not is up to each user based on his personal preferences.

Plastic (even High Quality) windows with high level thermal protection and high-quality waterproofing in winter they are susceptible to both sweating and freezing. This is not at all a sign of defective or incorrect installation. Most likely, you simply did not take care of the proper seasonal preparation of your own windows.

Today we will talk about this topical topic. So, how to switch plastic windows to winter mode, get rid of drafts and achieve additional insulation ram? To answer this question, let’s take a closer look at all the “weak points”.

Winter mode of plastic windows and fittings

About her - first of all. Mostly modern windows equipped with fittings designed for 2 or 3 seasonal modes. This is either “summer-winter” or “summer-winter-autumn”. Some window owners are not even aware of this and when it gets colder they begin to curse the “hack-working” manufacturers. But we will correct this misunderstanding - we will talk about how to switch plastic windows to winter mode. The photos posted in the article will help the reader in terms of clarity.

Most often the situation is fixable: it all comes down to turning a couple of bolts. We switch our windows to “winter” and forget about the problems. To do this, pay attention to the pivot pin. What it is? A pin is a miniature mechanism with which the sashes can be held in the slammed position, most often its location is along the perimeter of the window. Remember the click when the sash slams shut? It was the trunnion that worked.

How to find her?

It may look like a ring or an oval lever. If this ring is in the form of a nut, there is a hole mark on it. Check: when it is located close to the frame with the seal, this is winter mode. This ensures the greatest possible fit of the sash to the profile. Why you shouldn't use it all year round? Yes, simply because the seal will quickly wear out and go into circulation.

The trunnion (given its oval shape) is adjusted very easily, without any tools. In the form of a nut - using a hexagon. By turning the ring with it, we achieve the movement of the small circle-mark closer to the seal. Going back to “summer” is as easy as switching plastic windows to winter mode - by turning the ring.

Handles and hinges on the eve of cold weather need to be lubricated by machine or vegetable oil or special means from a tube-syringe.

Let's take care of the seal

We are talking about a rubber gasket between the sash and the frame. It is also considered a sealant for the edges of glass units. At the end of autumn, feel it around the perimeter and make sure it is elastic, especially in the corners. Normally, it bends easily and quickly takes its original shape.

If this is not the case, it is impossible to revive it by any means; you will have to change it. If everything is in order, then before you switch the plastic windows to winter mode, take care of its preparation by purchasing it in an aerosol or tube with a syringe.

The lubricant is applied with a brush to a well-washed and dried seal (it is better to use dish gel, but not alcohol or abrasives). If the sealant is multi-petal, first place the product between the petals.

Don't forget about the sealant around the edges of the glass unit. If there is no bead in this part of the window (not provided for by the design or simply broken), the glazing seal is lubricated in the same way as usual.

What to do with seams?

We are talking about the seams between the profile and the window opening. This is where the main heat from the room “leaks away”. Before switching plastic windows to winter mode, make sure there are no drafts. In addition to the latter, condensation and even ice on the window will indicate damaged thermal insulation. An additional layer will help get rid of these problems. polyurethane foam. Even more reliable are plastic plates or drywall in combination with mineral wool.

It is not recommended to insulate plastic windows using “folk” methods - cotton wool, homemade putties, etc. Most of these products are not only ineffective, but can also cause harm - fabric and cotton wool retain moisture inside, which leads to fungus and condensation, and covering the crack with wax or melted paraffin, you risk damaging the factory seal.

How to switch plastic windows to winter mode (roto)

We are talking about the popular, widely known consumer market in different modifications and supplied by different manufacturers in many countries. The principles of its adjustment are the same for any model.

How to switch plastic windows to winter mode if you have such fittings? Modern models are adjusted with a 4mm hex wrench, older ones with pliers and a screwdriver. What are the main problems that require our intervention?

If, when closing the window sash, we touch the frame below, it is sagging. A slight lift is required: remove the protective cap from the bottom hinge (at the top), using a hexagon inserted into the recess, lift (rotating clockwise) or lower (counterclockwise) the frame a couple of millimeters. Usually this is enough.

When the sash “collides” with the frame in the middle part, you need to adjust it in the horizontal direction. This is done with special screws on the upper and lower hinges. If you rotate them clockwise, the sash will come closer to the hinge (the interference will decrease), and counterclockwise, it will move closer to the frame. The displacement is possible no more than 2-3 mm. We deal with distortion in the same way.

Other problems

If, despite this, you still feel a draft (it’s simply blowing from the window), better pressing of the sash is achieved with eccentric locking pins (you can detect them by looking at the end of the sash in the open position).

Some ROTO fitting models contain several adjusting eccentrics; try to act on them evenly.

If suddenly, when opening quickly, the lock did not work correctly, and the handle got stuck in the middle position between the open and tilted window modes, find the “clip” (tongue) below the handle itself and turn it parallel to the seal. The handle will be able to turn smoothly. Does not work? This means that the contact of the tongue with the lock is broken - unscrew the mechanism and place a thin plate inside so that the parts can come into contact again.

Sometimes it happens that the handle is simply loose or needs to be replaced (you decided to install a “children’s” lock). Rotate the bar that covers its base by 90 °C, unscrew the screws and install a new one. If replacement is not needed, just tighten them.

Don't forget about caring for your fittings

In order for the mechanism to serve for a long time and efficiently, the fittings need lubrication. To do this, take silicone or automotive lubricant WD-40 and apply it to the points of contact. This should be done at least once a year, before switching plastic windows to winter mode, and preferably twice as often.

Other, more complex problems require calling a service technician.

Modern plastic windows retain heat very well into the room and prevent cold air from entering the room. All this is achieved thanks to the tight connection of the sash with the frame, which can be adjusted on some frames. Basically, adjusting the connection density consists of switching windows to summer and winter modes. Adjustment of plastic windows for winter and summer is carried out using eccentrics, otherwise known as trunnions. These pins in the form of columns are located along the entire perimeter of the sash. The shape of the pins is round or oval with a hole for some kind of tool. The trunnions have a hole in the form of a hexagon for a hex key, in the form of an asterisk for a screwdriver with an asterisk tip, in the form of a groove for a screwdriver with a flat tip.

Adjustment of plastic windows independently for the winter is done using trunnions

Some trunnions cannot switch plastic windows between winter and summer modes because such trunnions do not have a hole for the tool and it does not rotate. Adjusting plastic windows winter and summer is very easy, but some people manage to mistranslate and, as a result, break the fittings, which can then only be replaced by a specialist. Simply switching plastic windows to winter mode should be done carefully and not hastily, and there is no need to slam the sash when closing it. In winter, windows are adjusted for the winter only if you feel cold air passing between the sash and the frame. If you have done everything like this by switching the windows to winter mode, then when it gets warmer you need to switch to the summer window mode. This must be done because when we switch the windows to winter mode, the sashes press the window seal harder and as a result it will wear out faster and will have to be replaced.

Adjustment of PVC windows winter summer

If you still adjust the winter and summer windows yourself, then you need to do the following. Open the sash and find all the pins on it; they are located not only on the sides but also on the top and bottom of the sash.

How to set windows to winter mode

Usually, where there are trunnions on the sash, there are reverse clamps on the frame in that place and from them you can find out where and how many trunnions you have. The number of trunnions directly depends on the size of the sash; the larger the sash, the more trunnions there are on it. WITH wide window sill plastic windows, winter adjustment of the trunnions located at the bottom of the sash will be problematic due to the difficulty of reaching them. Depending on the type of hole in the trunnion, take a hexagon, screwdriver or pliers and turn each trunnion 90 degrees in the desired direction. Some trunnions need to be clamped with your fingers and, lifting it, turn it 90 degrees and then releasing it, check that it goes down. The trunnions have three modes: window adjustment: winter, summer and neutral.

How to adjust plastic windows for the winter

When using pins to adjust plastic windows for the winter, you need to turn them so that their thick side with the mark faces towards the room.

How to adjust windows for winter and summer

When installing the trunnions on the sash of plastic windows in summer mode, you need to turn them so that their thick side with the mark faces the street.

How to switch plastic windows to winter mode and to medium mode

When setting the trunnions on the sash to neutral mode, you need to turn them so that their thick side with the mark faces down or up. The trunnions can be rotated in one direction indefinitely, but they must be stopped in correct position guided by the mark on the trunnion or the thickness of its walls. Having turned all the pins, you need to carefully close the window and turn the handle to the Closed position, while the handle should move harder than before.
You can check the tightness of the sash against the frame as follows: take White list A4 format and when closing the sash, place the sheet between the frame and the sash. After closing the window, try to pull out the sheet and it should be difficult to pull out; when pulling out, make sure that the pressure rubber does not come out. This way you can check the sash from different sides.
In some doors that have a folding mechanism, one pin is hidden under this mechanism, and in order to get to it you need to perform some manipulations with the doors.

To switch plastic windows to winter mode using the upper trunnions, clamp the handle lock and tilt the window

First, open the sash and find the handle blocker on it, which is located at the end near the handle. The blocker usually looks like a protruding plate. You need to press this lock and turn the handle to the Recline position, that is, it should look up. After that you take for top part the sash near the hinge and tilt it away.

How to switch plastic windows to winter mode if there are pins on top

On the folding mechanism, which is located in the area of ​​the upper hinge, you will find one pin, using which you can also adjust the windows for the winter. Turn it to the desired position and then press the upper edge of the sash, which is located near the upper hinge, and holding the lock, turn the handle to the Open position, that is, the handle should be parallel to the window sill. After this, release the lock and close the window.


This video shows how to adjust plastic windows winter and summer.