Sleeping on your side is the correct position. What position is best to sleep in? Healthy sleep

And we feel as if we haven’t gone to bed yet. Moreover, this does not necessarily happen after night gatherings and, as a result, short sleep. You definitely slept, but you don’t feel like you had time to rest? Perhaps it's all about the wrong sleeping position, scientists say.

According to experts, there is at least one sleeping position that works better than all the others. In the sense that if you sleep this way and not otherwise, you will be able to truly recover. And that, Science Alert reports, is on your back (although comfort is apparently the key factor here).

When talking about quality sleep, it's important to remember that the goal here is not only to fall asleep at approximately the same time, adhering to a schedule, but also to do it as efficiently as possible. If yours are broken, you may fall asleep in the middle of the night and not even remember about it. It would seem that what’s scary here? Nothing. Except for feeling terrible and having cognitive problems the next morning.

But even if you definitely did everything right by going to bed on time to get eight hours of restful sleep, that doesn't mean you won't wake up. Shelby Harris, a sleep health expert at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, told Popular Science that if you're getting enough sleep but still aren't getting enough sleep, the problem could be your sleep position.

According to the National Sleep Foundation, most people prefer to sleep on their side. However, this position, the NSF warns, can potentially cause pain in the shoulders and hips, and, according to several studies, if you sleep on your right side. In the latter case, this is because the muscle located in the esophagus that holds acid in the stomach is weakened in this position, so that the acid is released and causes a burning sensation. On the other hand, if you sleep on your left side, this will not happen.

Shelby Harris says that if you suffer from occasional heartburn, you should really try sleeping on your left side instead of your right. In addition, according to the expert, it is useful for all people to consider purchasing a small and fairly soft pillow that should be placed under the knees to support bottom part back, reducing the load on the back.

"But the worst sleeping position is on your stomach," warns Harris. Even though only 7% of people do it, the pose puts a lot of pressure on the entire body, so you're likely to experience numbness and tingling, which in turn can increase the likelihood of chronic muscle and joint pain.

In this case, the best position, according to scientists, is on the back. This works both to reduce pain and spasms and reduce various types of stress on the body, and in the sense of restoring strength and energy overnight. However, we must not forget that on the back it increases, so it is important to be more attentive to yourself and your body.

And lastly: when choosing the optimal sleeping position, do not forget that the first thing you need to focus on is comfort. “While we would really recommend everyone sleep on their back, it's not possible to fully sleep without one condition - you have to be comfortable sleeping in one position or another,” concludes Shelby Harris.

I like to sleep. My life tends to fall apart when I wake up, you know.

Ernest Hemingway

The CDC lists sleep deprivation as a public health problem. For those who do not get enough sleep, the risk of developing chronic diseases, including such as hypertension, diabetes, depression, obesity and even cancer are much higher.

Therefore, getting enough sleep is vital. As it turns out, even the position in which you sleep significantly affects the quality of your rest.

Neuroscientists say that sleep not only affects our appetite, mood and libido, but also activates the body's cells, helps improve memory and assimilate new information, and also clears the brain of unnecessary data. The latter is especially important. Just as the body needs to eliminate waste, the brain needs to get rid of unnecessary information.

According to research by neuroscientists Hedok Lee, Lulu Xie, Mei Yu, Hongyi Kang, Tian Feng, Rashid Deane, Jean Logan, Maiken Nedergaard, Helene Benveniste. The Effect of Body Posture on Brain Glymphatic Transport., the most beneficial sleeping position in this regard is sleeping on your side.

In conducting these studies, the scientists used dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to map the glymphatic pathway in the brain. Through this system, cerebrospinal fluid enters the brain and replaces tissue fluid (the fluid that contains all the body's cells).

The exchange of these two fluids allows the brain to get rid of accumulated waste products such as amyloid beta and tau proteins. These chemical substances associated with Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.

“It is curious that most people and even animals in wildlife they prefer to sleep on their side, note scientists from the University of Rochester (USA). “Apparently, we initially chose this sleep position for ourselves in order to most effectively cleanse our brain of metabolic products accumulated in it during the day.”

However, sleeping on your side is not only beneficial for proper operation our brain. It is ideal for those who tend to snore, people with sleep apnea syndrome, those suffering from neck and back pain, and pregnant women. This pose straightens the spine, which helps with back pain, and also automatically opens the oropharynx, making breathing easier.

1. Lie on your side, but not in the fetal position. You can bend your knees a little.

2. Select comfortable pillow. It should be rigid enough to support the neck.

3. Pinch a small pillow with your feet. This will help the spine remain straight.

We spend one third of our lives in a state of sleep. And what is very important, sleep is the time when the body is at rest. Breathing and cardiac activity slow down, muscles relax and consciousness turns off. But in order for the body to rest “one hundred percent,” you need to sleep “according to science.” The most important thing in this matter is the correct posture. So, let’s weigh the pros and cons of popular options!

Sleeping on your stomach


  • It's easier to fall asleep on your stomach. Therefore, this position is considered the most comfortable, but by no means the most useful.
  • Doctors believe that you should sleep in this position if you experience discomfort in the digestive organs. Sleeping on your stomach helps reduce discomfort.

Unfortunately, this is where the benefits of sleeping on your stomach end and begin. flaws.

  • If we lie on our stomach, we turn our head to the side. At this moment, one of the vertebral arteries bends and is compressed. Because of this, the blood supply to the brain is disrupted.
  • When sleeping on your stomach, the lungs are not able to fully expand, rib cage squeezed. This makes breathing difficult.
  • Sleeping on your stomach can lead to sexual problems. And for both women and men. This happens because the body's own weight puts pressure on the internal organs. This interferes with blood circulation in the lower abdomen. And blood circulation directly affects sexual health.
  • Not only sexologists, but also cosmetologists do not recommend sleeping on your stomach! Because of this position in sleep, wrinkles appear on the face earlier (usually in the nasolabial area). Women also run the risk of acquiring unwanted folds and wrinkles on their breasts, which are difficult to get rid of. Those who sleep on their stomachs are more likely to experience facial swelling in the morning.

Sleeping on your side

The side position is considered the most natural. It is not for nothing that it is also called the “fetal” or “embryo” pose. Tibetan experts say that sleeping on the left side helps to prolong life. Yogis believe that sleeping on the left side has a warming effect, while sleeping on the right side has a cooling effect.


  • This pose is suitable for those who have lower back pain. When we lie on our side, our spine acquires natural curves and our back rests.
  • The embryo pose helps reduce the discomfort of indigestion and heartburn.
  • This pose also helps relieve snoring.


  • After sleeping on your side, you may experience pain in the cervical spine spine.
  • People suffering from hypertension should not sleep on their left side. This position puts extra stress on the heart.
  • When we sleep on our sides, we risk developing wrinkles on the side of our face that touches the pillow while we sleep.

Sleeping on your back

This pose is considered the most favorable. Here are its main ones dignity.

  • Sleeping in this position is recommended for people suffering from scoliosis.
  • If you have a back injury, sleeping in this position is most comfortable - all muscles relax and tension is relieved.
  • The most beneficial pose for the skin. Lying on our back, we do not touch the pillow with our face.
  • Sleeping on your back - the best option for hypertensive patients. This position puts an even load on the heart.

Contraindicated This position is for those who snore and suffer from sleep apnea.

The main thing: when choosing a sleeping position, pay special attention to the position of your neck. It is necessary for blood to flow freely to the brain. This is the key to a restful and healthy sleep.

Many people probably know that a person spends almost a third of his life sleeping. Therefore, choosing the right sleeping position must be approached with the utmost seriousness. Of course, you can somehow sleep on a chair, but your spine and other organs will definitely not thank you for this. You will end up waking up groggy and with back and neck pain.

Nevertheless, many are surprised that the question: how to sleep correctly deserves attention at all. People mistakenly believe that the main thing here is to level off, and everything else will work out by itself. But actually it is not.

We will try to figure out how to sleep correctly so as not to harm your body and wake up completely rested and full of strength. Let's consider the main postures, contraindications in this or that case, the importance of bedding and other critical points regarding this enterprise. Let's take into account the advice for proper sleep from experts in this field.


Posture is very important and directly affects the quality of sleep. If you fall asleep, as you have to, in uncomfortable positions, then you risk seriously compromising your health. Here is an incomplete list of what the correct sleeping position reflects:

  • arterial pressure;
  • blood supply to the brain;
  • cellular metabolism;
  • spine;
  • muscle tissue work;
  • joints and ligaments;
  • lung function;
  • hormone production.

One of the most important points in this matter is maintaining the spine. Literally all chiropractors agree that the functioning of the main human organs directly depends on the spinal cord. And if the spine is deformed during rest, this can cause the development of chronic diseases and other unpleasant consequences. If, for example, you choose the right sleeping position for osteochondrosis, then the accompanying manifestations of the disease will have minimal effect.

The same applies to other diseases, which, at first glance, cannot even be attributed closely to sleeping positions. So sleeping correctly is not only convenient, but also beneficial for your body. Next, we will look at the most popular poses.

On the back

There are a lot of positions for proper sleep: “soldier”, “parachutist”, “starfish”, etc. Despite such diversity, we are used to choosing one or at most two favorites in which we are really comfortable to sleep.

The branch of medicine that studies sleep - somnology and sleep specialists appeared not so long ago, but have already achieved tangible results and helped many people in need. Through extensive research, scientists in this area have found that the most beneficial sleeping position is on your back. And many factors point to this.

This is the ideal position for the spine, where it feels as comfortable as possible. In addition, if you sleep correctly on your back, you will not be tormented by belching, which for some is a real problem.

There are also tangible benefits from this position for the fair half of humanity: lying on your back, you allow your facial skin to breathe “fully,” minimizing the likelihood of developing early wrinkles and other dermatological problems. If you suffer from snoring or sleep apnea, then this indicates a deficiency in this position.

Almost all somnologists agree that it is better to sleep on your back, even if for some this is not the most comfortable position. It is ideal for the spine, and this is one of the most important factors for quality sleep. But here there are some nuances that definitely need to be paid special attention to.


The right pillow for sleeping is key Good night and a cheerful morning. We need to talk about extremes here. For some, the bed looks more like a pillow factory. Yes, such solutions are very good for interior decoration. But this does not mean that you need to sleep on all these pillows.

Too great options Not in the best possible way affect the spine. In this case, it is subject to deformation, because a disproportionate pillow distorts its natural curve. Here, the correct sleeping position will no longer help either children or adults, and as a result, in the morning you will have a headache, neck pain, and other serious disorders may appear.

The fact is that a large pillow lifts your head and the blood begins to flow uphill, and this may result in a lack of blood supply. The natural order of things is that the head should be low enough so as not to impede blood flow to the brain. So it’s better to sleep on a moderately thin pillow, and use larger ones for other purposes.


If your mattress is worn out, you shouldn't sleep on it. It’s better to move to the floor than to kill your spine with such a bed. The mattress provides serious back support. You don't need to sink in it like feather beds, and it doesn't have to be hard like concrete.

It’s not at all necessary to buy any fancy options. The main thing here is that you are comfortable and that the mattress supports your spine. We will talk in more detail about this accessory a little later.

On the stomach

They always said about such people - they sleep like a baby. There is still heated debate in scientific circles about this issue, and with every new decade or so, the idea of ​​​​this position changes. It is worth mentioning the research of the well-known neurologist Vaclav Vojt in this field, who was closely involved in child development.

The doctor believed that the position on the stomach during infancy is critical for further development baby. Voight has been researching for more than half a century and has found that there are specific points on the human body, the stimulation of which during sleep gives commands to the uneven system to calm down and grow. These areas are activated when the baby involuntarily moves on his stomach.

The same can be said about adults. Many people feel much more comfortable and calm in this position. So when asked: is it possible for men and women to sleep on their stomachs, doctors answer that it is possible, but again it must be done correctly. In addition, many studies show that lying on your stomach can eliminate some of the symptoms of apnea and light snoring.

If you rest your face on the pillow, keep your arms strictly at your sides, and straighten your legs, then this type of sleep will jeopardize your spine and a vigorous morning. So there are also instructions here.

Correct posture

To achieve the correct posture, you need to bend one knee in such a way as to relieve the load on the spine that is created in a position with straight legs. Many experts advise getting rid of the pillow altogether if you prefer to sleep on your stomach. It will cause your neck to be stretched in the morning.

A pillow in this position is like walking along the streets, constantly looking at the sky. It looks weird and causes the same problems. As a last resort, you can stop at some ultra-thin option.

The most correct use of a pillow in this case is if it lies under the stomach and goes slightly into the hips. This way you will noticeably reduce the load on your spine and neck. You just need to find a pillow comfortable place on the side where the bent knee is turned. This pose will not cause any harm to your body, and the next morning you will feel cheerful and rested.

On the side

A good half of the entire population of our planet prefers to sleep on the left side or on the right. We got used to this position in the womb, when we rested there in the fetal position. The side lying position is a natural imitation of this stage.

Sleeping in this position is much more likely to make your breathing easier and help get rid of unpleasant snoring. It is also worth noting that, according to the results of studies by the same somnologists and neurologists, sleeping on the right side is a less useful activity than on the left. Because in the latter case, the unpleasant moments associated with the gastrointestinal tract are alleviated.

But this position also has its drawbacks, which not everyone is willing to put up with. Many people probably experienced severe discomfort from the fact that after a couple of hours in this position their fingers or their entire arm went numb. The fact is that this pose causes circulatory problems and also destabilizes the functioning of nerves in a certain area. Experts offer some tricks that will minimize discomfort.

Shoulder relief

If you sleep leaning on your shoulder, then numbness in your fingers or the entire arm is guaranteed. To minimize this effect, you need to move it forward a little. This position will not interfere with normal blood circulation in the muscles. The maximum you will feel in the morning is a slight tingling in your fingers, and you will not get the “Novocaine effect”.


As mentioned above, the pillow should not be thick and raise your head too much. It should support your neck without disrupting the actual curve of your spine. In this case, blood circulation will remain normal, eliminating hand numbness.

For those who experience problems with the spine, experts recommend placing a pillow between the legs. This solution allows you to stabilize the back and relieve it from the lower back and hips. In particularly difficult cases, a specific recommendation from the attending physician is necessary.


It all depends on your deadline. In the first trimester, you can sleep in any position that you find comfortable and not worry about anything. After about 11 weeks, experts recommend avoiding lying on your stomach, as normal blood circulation may be disrupted. When multiple pregnancy It’s better to avoid this position altogether.

In the second trimester, the tummy is already making itself felt and it is unlikely that you will be able to sit comfortably on it. During this period, you can sleep on your back and on either side up to 25 weeks. Then give preference to only one position.

Starting from the third trimester, the correct sleeping position during pregnancy is on the left side. The fact is that the mirror position can put pressure on the ureter and right kidney. In addition to feeling discomfort, this is also fraught with pyelonephritis. You cannot sleep on your back during this period.

It would also be a good idea to buy yourself a special pillow for pregnant women. They are the most different types: in the form of a boomerang, banana, horseshoe and in the form of Latin letters. Such devices make nighttime activities much easier. In addition, such pillows can be useful after childbirth. They make it very convenient to feed and sleep with the baby. Some even buy pillows for pregnant women specifically for comfortable sleep, even though they themselves walk around without a belly.

About mattresses

Just like the pillow, the mattress is extremely important in such an undertaking. Never underestimate the importance of this accessory. A mattress can be both a beneficial gift for your body and a source of serious problems. So its choice must be approached with special care. Otherwise, you won’t get normal sleep.

Famous brands that produce such products, along with doctors, recommend changing mattresses every seven years. Naturally, few people listen to such advice and continue to sleep on products that are no longer suitable for this purpose.

The fact is that even the best mattress sag by about 25% in the first couple of years, without changing its anatomical parameters better side. And year by year the situation is only getting worse. Many experts have confirmed the fact that a bad mattress is becoming the most common cause of neck, joint and back pain.

In the place where the hips are located, and this is the heaviest part of our body, foam rubber products sag, losing elasticity. And the mattress no longer actively restores its original shape in this place. This effect disrupts the correct distribution of the load on the spine and causes associated problems.

Old mattresses create a deceptive impression of calm. Indeed, some muscles rest here, while others have to work all night long. So sleeping on a worn-out mattress is dangerous painful sensations the next morning and problems with internal organs.

It is imperative to note another obvious threat that low-quality mattresses pose. Many are horrified to learn that previously (before 2004) they were made from synthetic fabrics using toxic materials, plus they were treated with fire retardants to protect them from burning. This vinaigrette of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) releases gases and can cause serious health problems.

Today, products containing PBDEs are banned all over the world, including in Russia. It has been proven that toxic substances have the most adverse effects on the liver, thyroid gland and nervous system. So brands that respect consumers have stopped using them. But some manufacturers still suffer from the presence of PBDEs, so you need to keep your eyes peeled and carefully study the accompanying documentation, as well as ask direct questions to the seller.

How to maintain the correct posture?

If you are determined to sleep correctly, but you can’t maintain the desired position, then there is no need to be upset. Sleeping position is a habit, and exactly the same as all the others. When falling asleep, lie down in the desired position, and if during the night you find that you have rolled over, then simply adjust it.

Some who do not particularly suffer from problems with insomnia, but for whom it is important to control their posture (diseases of the spine, gastrointestinal tract, etc.), even set an alarm clock every three hours to check their position. This, of course, is a drastic method, but nevertheless it helps.

You should also let your partner know about your preferences regarding your position in bed. If you prefer one position, and your “neighbor” prefers a completely different one, which is in no way compatible with yours, then it may make sense to sleep separately or get a larger bed. Trying to overpower yourself in such an intimate part for the sake of another is a strong irritation. And the latter does not contribute to healthy sleep in any way.


Eating before bed largely determines your posture. Not only the number of extra pounds depends on it, but also the presence of sleepless nights. Science has long pointed to the fact that a serious dinner with cutlets guarantees at least a restless night, and in the worst case, nightmares with insomnia.

It is important to understand that you cannot take the correct position on a full stomach. You will constantly toss and turn from side to side until your stomach gives the go-ahead to sleep. And this will happen no earlier than three hours after a hearty dinner.

Here you need to either push back your bedtime or snack on the right foods that will in no way affect your posture in bed. Experts recommend eating bananas, cheese and nuts before bed. These products contain a considerable amount of beneficial amino acids, including tryptophan, which causes drowsiness.

A glass of warm milk also helps. And all this must be done no later than an hour before bedtime. Caffeine will have to be completely eliminated. After it, it is very difficult to fall asleep, no matter what comfortable position you choose. As for alcohol, it is also better to exclude it. Yes, small portions help you fall asleep quickly, but this is only a temporary effect, and if you get used to it, you will only harm yourself.

Experts also advise against sitting in front of the monitor or your favorite TV series before going to bed. Scientists found that those who abused this activity most often suffered from sleep disorders and depression. The best option is a book, and it is a paper volume, not an electronic one. It will put you to sleep better than any sleeping pill.

After a couple of sleepless nights, Masha Mukhanova decided to figure out which position is best to sleep in and how exactly the positions in which she sleeps affect the quality of her sleep. The result of this micro-study is in front of you.

Indeed, the quality of sleep largely depends on the position of the body. Muscle tension, blood supply to organs and depth of breathing depend on your sleeping position.

It is best to sleep on your back or side. People with short necks should preferably sleep on their sides as they have a higher risk of apnea. For those who have problems with posture, it is better to sleep on their back - this helps to relax the spinal muscles. However, universal advice not here: the best sleeping position is the one in which you sleep better.

There is one more important point: There should be enough free space on your bed. People do not sleep motionless and toss and turn from side to side several times during the night. If the bed is too tight, when the body position changes, the person will wake up from discomfort. This does not have the best effect on the quality of sleep. In order to get enough sleep, we need from 7 to 9 hours - depending on the intensity of the load and personal characteristics everyone. No matter how much one would like to follow the advice of doctors in this matter, not everyone has time for proper sleep. However, you can learn to make the most of these quiet hours by choosing the right sleep position. Photo: Very often where higher value What matters is not how much we sleep, but how we do it. Each sleep position has its own effect on the body and nervous system, based on which doctors give the following recommendations.

Sleeping on your back

The clear leader, according to everyone, is the posture on his back. Sleeping on your back is good not only for your back muscles (and with your arms along your body, it’s also good for your neck), but also for your spine—your mattress does its job honestly. Cosmetologists also advise sleeping on your back - unlike other positions, this one does not contribute to the appearance of wrinkles. Photo: The only one negative side This position is snoring. While sleeping on your back, the tongue gets into the airways, making breathing difficult, which causes characteristic sounds. As a preventive measure, many doctors even advise sleeping on your side for some time, just to save patients from this result of sleeping on your back. Although sleeping on your back and without pillows is considered ideal for health, one study found that most people with bad sleep They spend their nights in this position.

Sleeping on your side

Side sleeping position is one of the most common; Among its variations are the fetal position and falling asleep, straightened up on any side. Most people sleep in one of these positions, and for good reason: it doesn't cause back pain, neck pain, or snoring. Moreover, sleeping on the left side improves blood circulation, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart. Photo: And yet, this pose has significant disadvantages compared to the first. For example, sleeping on your side makes deep breathing difficult and can put pressure on the liver, stomach and lungs. After spending the night in this position, your arms and shoulders may hurt, especially if you rest your head on one hand, and sleeping on your right side even causes heartburn. Side sleeping is not only the most popular position, but also the healthiest for pregnant women; If you are not expecting a baby, it is better to roll over onto your back.

Sleeping on your stomach

This position causes the most concern among doctors. The only ones positive sides Sleeping on the stomach means the absence of snoring and apnea (stopping pulmonary ventilation for more than 10 seconds). There are a huge number of unpleasant consequences, which is why experts do not recommend sleeping on your stomach. When sleeping on your stomach, your spine becomes unsupported, and turning your neck to one side or the other (which is inevitable unless you have learned to breathe through your pillow) often causes neck and back pain. This position also has a negative effect on the skin and accelerates the formation of wrinkles and swelling on one side of the face.