How to plant beets - the secrets of a good harvest. Seed germination, timing of germination and ripening of vegetable crops. How long does it take for beets to sprout?

Table beets, a fairly easy-to-grow regular in garden beds, sometimes present unpleasant surprises to summer residents. Even from experienced gardeners you can hear complaints about the death of just emerging plants, yellowing or redness of foliage, slow growth of root crops and deterioration in their quality.

What are these problems related to? What to do if beets grow poorly, and how to support an irreplaceable vegetable crop?

There may be several reasons for beet growth retardation, lethargy and unusual appearance of tops, as well as poor taste of harvested root crops. And if they are identified in a timely manner with the help of beet care and fertilizing, it is not at all difficult to quickly correct the situation and reap a good harvest by autumn.

The problem with selecting a site for beet beds

Table beets like well-lit, well-warmed areas with sufficient drainage to root system the plants were not over-watered and did not rot. If the bed is laid out in the shade or in a low area where moisture accumulates, you cannot expect a good result. All the strength of the plant can go into the tops, and the roots will never form. To make beets feel better, they do raised beds, in which the plant would not experience a deficiency of either oxygen or sunlight.

If the plot is small, this garden dweller can be allocated a place between nightshade crops such as eggplants and peppers. Beets feel good next to onions and garlic, plantings of squash and zucchini, in the aisles of early peas and green beans.

If in the previous season radishes or radishes, chard or any cabbage were grown in the garden bed, then the reason why beets do not grow in the garden should be sought in violation of the rules of crop rotation.

Poor quality, low yield of root crops and reddening of foliage can be caused by excessive soil acidity. If this is really the case, then dolomite flour is added to the planting site of the garden crop, which solves the problem. However, you shouldn't overdo it either. Excessive amounts of lime can cause another problem - scab, which also does not in the best possible way affects the quality of beets.

What to do if beets grow poorly immediately after sowing?

Problems with the growth and formation of root crops in beets can begin soon after sowing. Why do beets grow poorly, and what should a gardener do in this situation?

When preparing beds for beets, the soil is dug up to a depth of 20–25 cm and organic matter is added in the fall at the rate of 15–20 kg or humus per meter of area. If the crop is sown before winter, then organic substances are added during sowing in the amount of 5–6 kg per meter; in the spring, seedlings receive 30 grams of urea. Quantity mineral fertilizers take at the rate of 30 grams of potassium chloride and superphosphate per meter of bed.

Proper care and feeding of beets at an early stage is especially important. Non-receipt necessary for the plant nutrients, especially with a lack of moisture, can cause weakening of seedlings, delay in their development and a sharp drop in yield.

If the plants did not receive what they required when planting, you need to compensate for this omission as quickly as possible.

However, excessive feeding and intensive care of beets sometimes cause harm. Application fresh manure under crops causes severe burns to the delicate tissue of sprouts and seedlings, so it is safer to apply nitrogen fertilizing in the form of watering with a green infusion or in foliar form.

On the quality of seedlings and their further development The timing of sowing also affects:

  • If the seeds begin to revive at +4 °C, and further growth will occur at 16–23 °C and regular watering, then there is nothing to fear. The shoots will appear on time and produce high-quality large root crops.
  • If the seeds are planted in unheated soil, are exposed to frost, or the growing season begins during a hot, dry time, then there is a high probability of the formation of flower stalks rather than roots.

One of the reasons why beets do not grow in the garden is a lack or excess of moisture.

We must not forget about gardening, during which there should be 15–20 liters of moisture per meter of area. But there are some peculiarities here too:

  • If young plants, beginning to form roots, react sharply to dry soil, weaken and wither, then watering quickly returns them to life.
  • In the last month before harvesting, excess moisture negatively affects the sweetness of root crops and their quality.

Seed planting depth spring time is 2–3 cm, during autumn sowing they are embedded a centimeter deeper. If the seeds are buried deeper, the sprouts spend more energy breaking through the soil layer and eventually become weakened.

What to do if beets grow poorly already, starting in spring? Pre-soaking the seeds in water helps speed up germination and give the sprouts strength. warm water or a solution of microelements. Since large beet seeds are, in fact, several combined seeds, thinning out the emerging seedlings is no less important.

If the crop is grown on the site using seedlings, replanting requires extreme caution, because the slightest damage to the root system will immediately affect both the development of the plant and the formation of the beet root.

The death of very young plants is sometimes caused by rootworm, a disease caused by a harmful fungus. The stem of an infected seedling in the root zone turns black and dries out. How to feed beets for the growth of seedlings and their health? At the first signs of disease and for prevention, the beds are treated with phytosporin, not forgetting to hill up the beet plants and thin out.

This procedure is carried out twice:

  • during the period when the plant has produced a pair of true leaves, one sprout is left for every 3–4 cm;
  • when the beets already have 4–5 leaves, and the root vegetables themselves reach the size of a 10-ruble coin, increase the distance to 7–8 cm.

How to feed beets for growth?

Like other garden crops, beets must receive minerals. How to fertilize beets, and when should the plant receive such fertilizing?

The main requirement of the crop is potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizers, the lack of which necessarily affects the resulting yield.

It is convenient to combine beet feeding with care, for example, weeding and watering. During the growing season, beet beds are fed twice:

  • The first application of fertilizer occurs during the first weeding and consists of or another nitrogen-containing product at the rate of 10 grams per meter of area.
  • The second feeding can be done when the tops of neighboring plants close together. At this time, 8 grams of superphosphate and 10 grams of potassium chloride are added per meter of planting.

How to feed beets for foliage growth? At the beginning of summer, nitrogen fertilizing from mullein infusion or green fertilizer can stimulate the formation of tops, but this product should not be abused. The closer to the end of the growing season, the greater the tendency of beets to accumulate nitrogen in root crops, and this negatively affects their taste and ability to be stored.

Summer beet care and fertilizing the plantings with minerals and microelements help to obtain bountiful harvest in the fall.

The crop is especially sensitive to deficiency of sodium, boron, copper and molybdenum. You can compensate for the deficiency by soaking the seeds at the germination stage, and then in the form of foliar feeding.

Video about growing beets along the edge of the garden bed

Beetroot (buryak in Ukrainian) is one of the famous garden crops. It grows in hot countries and in areas where the thermometer does not rise above 10°C in summer. This is an unpretentious vegetable that does not need special conditions. If the beets do not grow, you need to find out why this is happening. Perhaps the reason is poor-quality seeds or that they were sown too early. To get a harvest, you need to find and correct errors.

Timing of appearance of first shoots

To find out why seedlings did not appear, you need to know how many days it takes for beets to sprout. To begin with, choose optimal timing planting and place where the sweet root crop will grow. For beetroot, choose a sunny area protected from the winds.

The main reason poor growth It is not the air temperature, which can be changeable in the spring (frosts are possible), but the warming of the soil. This is a more stable indicator: in cold soil, seeds can rot even in warm weather.

The soil temperature should be 8-12 degrees. Such conditions for sowing beets usually develop in May. In some areas you can plant at the beginning of the month, in others - in the middle or end.

After planting, beetroot can sprout already on the 3rd day, but generally shoots appear within a week. Late ones hatch after two weeks, but not later. If within 7 days not a single seedling appears, we can say that the beets will no longer grow. It is urgent to determine the cause of the failure and sow it again.

Why don't beets grow in the garden?

There are many reasons why beets do not sprout. Two of them have been described: low quality seeds and unsuitable soil temperature. When purchasing bags of planting material, you need to pay attention to its expiration date. It is quite possible that it has expired. Seeds may not germinate due to unsuitable storage conditions, which often happens. To avoid this, you should only buy seeds from reliable sellers.

Errors when sowing

One of the reasons for poor or zero germination is errors during planting. Beets should only be sown in areas with adequate drainage. On heavy, clay soils, root crops will not develop. They like it loose and fertile lands, such as loam or sandy loam soils.

Beet should be sown only after those plants with which it does not have common diseases. Diseases are known to be transmitted through soil, where pathogens can live for several years. Therefore, beets are not planted in the same bed where they grew last year, or after tomatoes and cabbage. Good predecessors for it are pumpkin crops, garlic, onions, carrots, herbs and potatoes.

When sowing, pay attention to the weather, soil temperature, and location. It is important not to bury beet seeds - they are planted to a depth of 2 to 4 cm. If the soil is light and loose, then you can sow deeper. If it is heavy, the sowing depth is minimal.


Growing beets is not a difficult task. But there are nuances that affect germination and yield. Buryak needs to be planted only at a certain soil temperature. Doesn't have of great importance, what is the weather like outside, at the beginning of April it can be +20°C, and a month later - 0°C. Shoots may appear, but the first frosts will destroy them. This is one of the reasons why beets do not grow well. When it comes to sowing, it is best to focus on soil temperature. To accurately take measurements, the thermometer is buried 20 cm.

The area where the measurement is taken is shaded. A small piece of board or roofing felt placed on the ground where the thermometer is located is enough. On sunny place measurements will not be accurate. At night, without heat, the temperature will drop quickly.

Damage by diseases and pests

If the beet dries out, the reason should be sought in the following:

  • poor soil, lacking potassium, phosphorus or manganese;
  • infection with fungal diseases;
  • defeat by beet aphids.

To accurately determine which microelement is missing in the soil, you need to take a close look at the leaves of the beetroot. Their withering will manifest itself in different ways:

  • lack of phosphorus - growth retardation, brown spots, drying out;
  • manganese - the edges of the leaves curl upward, light dry spots form between the veins, which turn brown, the leaf falls off;
  • potassium - yellow spots round in shape, the leaf blade becomes thin and dries out.

The yield of root crops directly depends on the condition of the leaves. If the listed signs are noticed, they need to be eliminated with the help of mineral or organic fertilizers, the most famous of which is ash.

If beets wither in the garden due to fungal diseases, it is necessary to treat the crops with copper-containing preparations or Bordeaux mixture. But it is best to prevent fungus from appearing in the soil.

Effective methods will fight him preventive measures:

  • deep digging of the soil, including in the fall during frosts;
  • compliance with crop rotation;
  • sowing green manure every 2-3 years;
  • cleaning of plant residues.

Of the pests, the beet aphid causes the greatest damage to the beet, sucking the juice of the leaves, as a result they quickly dry out and fall off. Used to control aphids folk remedies: infusion potato tops or onion peels.

Agrotechnical techniques to improve germination

In order for beets to grow healthy, it is necessary to comply with simple but important agrotechnical requirements:

  1. No shadow. Beets stretch out in the shade and form small roots.
  2. The soil is suitable with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction. On acidic soils the harvest will be poor. For deoxidation, dolomite flour or ash is used, which will supply the soil with useful microelements.
  3. The land must be prepared and fertilized. To do this, dig the ground and add compost. Any fertilizers used must be fully prepared (compost, humus). Fresh manure cannot be applied to beets.
  4. Watering is regular. Beets are watered 2-5 times a week depending on the weather.

These simple rules must be followed, then the beets will delight you with the harvest.

Once you've figured it out, it's time to start landing. And it, in turn, begins with soil and seed preparation. In the question-answer form, we tried to present basic information about how to plant beets with seeds.

When to plant beets in open ground?

It is recommended to plant carrots when the soil warms up to 6-8 degrees. The timing largely depends on the climate of a particular region, as well as on the variety. In central Russia, the approximate date for planting beets is mid and late May. At recurrent frosts The crops are covered with film at night (removed during the day).

Are beet seeds soaked?

Beet seeds have a slow germination rate. If you want seedlings to appear faster, use pelleted seeds. They are enclosed in a special shell with nutrients, so they germinate faster. Such seeds do not require additional processing. Regular beet seeds better before boarding soak.

What can you soak beet seeds in for planting? Several ways:

  • Soak in a solution of wood ash: dissolve 1 tbsp in 1 liter of warm water. spoon of wood ash. Seeds are soaked in this solution for exactly one day.
  • Soaking in a superphosphate solution: dilute 1 teaspoon of superphosphate in 1 liter of warm water. The seeds are soaked in this solution for exactly one day.
  • Treatment in a solution of growth stimulants: the product is diluted in warm water according to the instructions on the package. The seeds are soaked in this solution for exactly one day or, again, according to the instructions.
  • Seed treatment for disease prevention. If there is such a problem on the site, special solutions are used. For example, against the root beetle, seeds are treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  • : soaking with enrichment of seeds with oxygen. A separate article is devoted to this topic.

For soaking, choose one of the solutions. After treatment, the seeds are washed in warm clean water. Then they are laid on a damp cotton cloth and covered with it on top. You can store such seeds before planting for 2-3 days at a temperature of 22 degrees. The dried fabric is moistened.

Preparing the soil for beets

We discussed soils favorable for growing beets earlier. We found out that doesn't like beets:

  • cold, waterlogged soils,
  • acidic soils,
  • heavy soils,
  • low content of potassium and nitrogen in the soil,
  • shaded areas,
  • fresh organics.

Beetroot likes:

  • neutral ph = 6-7,
  • sandy or loamy soils rich in humus, chernozems,
  • light.

Preparing a bed for beets held in the fall. The soil is dug up and humus is added. And in the spring, mineral fertilizers are applied. The soil that needs liming is limed and then phosphate rock is added.

The rate of mineral fertilizers for beets before planting per 10 m2:

Nitrogen: carbamide (urea) in the amount of 10-150 g or ammonium nitrate(150-200 g).
Phosphorus: superphosphate in granules in a dosage of 200-300 g or phosphate rock (350-550 g)
Potassium: potassium sulfate (potassium sulfate) in the amount of 200-400 g
Lime: 3-8 kg (amount depends on soil acidity level)

Before planting beets in open ground in the spring, the soil in the garden bed is dug up, carefully selecting weeds, leveled, and cultivated to a depth of 3-4 cm.

How to plant beets with seeds in open ground?

Planting beet seeds in open ground produced in a single-line or tape method. You can sow in 3-4 lines, maintaining a distance between rows of 30-35 and 20-25 cm. The distance between rows for single-line sowing: 35-45 cm. For belt sowing: 50-60 cm.

Seed sowing rate: 5-10 g per 1 m2.
Planting depth on heavy soils: 2.5-3 cm
Planting depth on light soils: 3-4 cm.

Planting is done in moist soil:

Cut grooves 2-3 cm deep at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other and moisten them. You can water warm water or a solution of growth stimulants (it is diluted with water several times more than is required when soaking seeds).

Beetroot has special seeds: one seed is a sac in which several tiny seeds are hidden. From each such bag, from 2 to 5 seedlings hatch. Therefore, the seeds are placed in the grooves at a distance of 7-10 cm from each other, and then thinned out.

How many days does it take for beets to sprout after planting?

Seeds begin to grow, as a rule, at a temperature of at least 5 degrees. In such conditions, seedlings appear 3-4 weeks after planting. At a temperature of 10-11 degrees, beets germinate in 10-14 days. Beets germinate fastest at a temperature of 18-25 degrees. In such conditions, seedlings can be expected within 5-7 days after planting.

How susceptible are beets to frost and temperature changes?

The plant tolerates frosts down to -3 degrees. A sharp, long cold snap at the very beginning of growth often causes diseases and flowering. Very low, as well as high temperatures beets tolerate extremely poorly.

Do they plant beets as seedlings?

The seedling method of growing beets is used, but less often than planting seeds. About the intricacies of growing beets with seedlings and in greenhouses -.

What summer resident does not dream of getting a beet harvest ahead of schedule, and even so that it is not inferior in quality and volume to ordinary root crops? But in order to make this dream a reality, you need to understand that you first need to increase the percentage of germination. If you want to know how to speed up the germination of beet seeds, then you will probably be interested in reading not one, but several recommendations on the topic. In this article we will present the most different ways, and you decide which one is most convenient for you.

Soaking in water

It can be considered that this technique is one of the most frequently used among summer residents, because it is also the simplest. absorb moisture and begin to come to life, sprouting faster.
Most often, soaking is carried out in any available container, simply filling them with the required amount of water. This, of course, is simple, but in order for yours to be large and rich in vitamins, even this procedure must be carried out correctly. Firstly, water should be poured in two doses, since the liquid is absorbed better in this case. Secondly, its temperature must be in the range of 15-20 degrees.

Each crop has its own soaking time, and for this root crop it is enough to be in a humid environment for 24-36 hours, since it is quite large.
Some people prefer to change the water at certain intervals (usually 4 hours), making sure to stir it with a stick. This technique allows you to saturate them with a large amount of oxygen, which greatly facilitates germination. By the way, they can also be in a gauze bag to make them easier to collect.
Soaking differs from germination in that the task is to ensure that they are saturated with water and swell. If at least more than 1-1.5% of the grains have hatched, you can stop the procedure and start planting them in the ground. The soil should always remain moist, but not wet. After all, the sprouts should not dry out or rot from a lack or excess of water.
The swollen grains can also be used for further germination. If the previous measure was aimed at finding out how to speed up the germination of beet seeds and at the same time determine which of them are not viable, then when germinated they become stronger. Including pests that attack seedlings.
By the way, many famous summer residents have long recommended soaking in melted snow water. Such seeds germinate better later and produce best harvest. And if you don’t have snow, you can even use melt water from freezer, or specially freeze the water in the container for a while.


Pre-germination is carried out not only in order to quickly obtain a harvest of root crops. After all, if you prefer to plant seeds directly into the soil, and some of them do not sprout at all, then the bed may turn out to be half empty, which is why you will have to re-sow, neglecting the timing.
The procedure is usually carried out after soaking in water. If you want to know how to speed up the germination of beets by 7 days, then germination must be carried out by you.
  • When holding an event, make sure that all the rules are followed exactly:
  • The room temperature should not drop below 15 degrees. It is also not recommended that it be higher than 25 degrees. It is better if the container is installed not on a sunny windowsill, since the grains will heat up and dry out under direct rays, but in a shaded place.
  • Don't keep them in a lot of water as this is not soaking. Place them on damp gauze, natural fabric or just a cotton pad. It is also possible to keep them on a pad of moss, as it retains moisture well. IN in this case It will be enough to just spray the seeds a little 1-2 times a day.
  • Air is important for germination, so if you prefer to also cover the sprouts with damp gauze, be sure to remove it at least once a day. Try turning them over just as carefully to provide more oxygen.
  • Don't miss the moment when the sprout starts to hatch. At this phase, the root begins to actively develop, so it is important to prevent it from clinging to the fabric. The slightest damage to it will lead to death small plant, and sowing such seeds will become an order of magnitude more difficult.
  • The prepared soil should be light, moist, well cultivated and warm. If for some reason sowing into the ground is delayed, it is better to remove the container with the hatched sprouts on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator (the temperature should be about 4-6 degrees and no lower). This will inhibit root formation and growth.

After all the procedures have been carried out, you can already sow beets for seedlings or, if you are not a fan of this method, directly into the soil.


This method cannot be called new, it’s just that few people know it, despite its high efficiency. Since the term “bubbling” itself hardly means anything to many, it is worth mentioning that it means saturating the grains with air while they are in water. That is, two effects are achieved simultaneously - this is the supply of oxygen, which is important for plant growth, as well as water, which plays no less a role in this.

Skeptics will say that it is difficult to carry out bubbling at home, since it requires special devices, but this is not entirely true. A microcompressor from a children's aquarium will be enough. Agree, getting it is not particularly difficult, but the germination results of the procedure are amazing. And here's how it's done:
  • Place required amount grains of the future root crop in a jar or any container that can hold water;
  • Fill it with water, which will have a temperature of at least +20 degrees;
  • Place the hose with the spray tip inside and turn on the system;
  • Make sure that air bubbles are evenly distributed throughout the entire thickness of the water;
  • Reposition the tip if some seeds remain on the bottom rather than being mixed with others in the air currents.
Oxygen will serve as a kind of impetus that will launch biochemical processes in them, while significantly reducing those substances that interfere with pecking. At correct implementation procedures, one can hope not only that germination will be rapid, but also that the quality of maturation will increase.
By the way, you can add microelements to the water to saturate future root vegetables. Their treatment separately will be discussed below, but when bubbling, saturation not only with oxygen, but also with useful substances helps to obtain not just healthy, but also strong plants that develop quickly.
The duration of the entire procedure for this root crop is about 12-18 hours. If pure oxygen rather than air is used during bubbling, then its duration can be reduced by at least 2 hours.

After all the activities, the beets must be dried in a light draft (but under no circumstances in a sunny place). It is enough for them to acquire the property of flowability; they should not be dried completely. Before planting, make sure that the soil prepared in advance is neither overdried nor overly moistened, as this will directly affect germination, worsening it.

Bubbling helps accelerate seed germination by 5-7 days, which, you see, is quite a lot, especially for difficult-to-germinate specimens.

Treatment with microelements This technique was mentioned a little higher, but if you want to know how to speed up the germination of beets, you should definitely check out. detailed recommendations This processing
is the addition of various growth stimulants and microelements to solutions in which soaking occurs. Buy non-toxic fertilizers, such as mixtures of those that are beneficial and that root crops often lack. These include molybdenum, boron, iron, zinc, copper, cobalt, magnesium. But if you don’t want to spend money, then you can easily use additives that are familiar to every summer resident. Such as iron or, copper sulfate boric acid

, potassium permanganate and so on.
  1. There are the following recommendations for carrying out this procedure:
  2. Monitor the concentration of nutrients in the water so that there is no excess of them. To do this, always pay attention to the recommendations given in the instructions.
  3. Try to dilute the mixture of microfertilizers in a liquid that has reached a temperature of 40 degrees, but place the seeds in it only when it drops below 22 degrees.
  4. Only immerse beets of one type in a jar to prevent them from becoming infected with any disease. This advice is especially relevant for those who have not carried out warming and disinfection.
At the end of the procedure, just as with bubbling, the seed is dried in a light draft and sown.
If you don’t want to bother with washing and drying, then initially select modern drugs, for which these measures are not needed. These are, for example, Zircon, Novosil, Potassium Humanate, Epin. Moreover, after soaking and planting with each of these preparations, treatment can be carried out as soon as the above-ground soil is formed. green part beet shoots.
If you know experienced summer residents, they could suggest cheaper processing methods to improve the quality of germination. Moreover, at low costs they remain quite effective. For convenience, all techniques are highlighted in the list:
  • Take wood ash (2 tablespoons), then dissolve it in a liter jar of heated water. The solution is left for 2 days, and it must be stirred periodically. At the end of the required period, it is filtered, and the seeds, previously placed in gauze, are placed in it. They need to be kept in such water for about 5 hours. For beets, saturation with enzymes that ash contains is very useful.
  • You can prepare a solution to saturate it with microelements not only from complex fertilizers, but even from nitrophoska, if they are absent. To do this, it will be enough to take 1 tsp. this additive and dissolve it in 1 liter of water. After this, the beet grain can be left in it for 12 hours.
  • Another treatment that can be carried out, so to speak, using improvised means is to immerse them in Kalanchoe or aloe juice. Both of these plants allow you to create a natural protective barrier around the seed and stimulate its growth. And pre-treatment with a solution of marina root petals will also serve as antibacterial protection.

Any of the biostimulants described, is it made according to “ folk recipe"or purchased, will be able to increase the yield by 30%. But all this is possible only if the beets are subsequently provided with proper care. It is described in more detail in a special article.


The procedure for hardening seeds not only increases their resistance to cold, but they also germinate much faster. Plan this event only if you have treated with mineral compounds. It is important that they are not sprouted, but only swollen, otherwise they will rot and die.
There are 2 main methods of hardening, one of which consists of constantly changing the temperature (cold/heat) sufficiently long time, and the second involves short-term freezing.
For the first method, you need to place the beet seeds in a warm place for a period of 12 hours (no more than +20 degrees), and after this period, put them in the refrigerator (temperature from 0 to -2). This procedure is repeated several times over 7 days.
The second method is simpler, but also tougher. The grains, previously swollen with water, are placed in a cold environment for 3 days (temperature not lower than -2). It is imperative to monitor the temperature range to eliminate the risk of beets freezing.

Every 2 days, with both hardening methods, it is necessary to spray the seeds with liquid to prevent them from drying out.
Try to select only those specimens and varieties that have good viability. So, exclude those that have been stored for a long time; it is better to try another method, since hardening them will completely slow down their development processes.
The sprouts that hatched after the event are distinguished by their excellent adaptability to the most negative conditions. Such root crops are less susceptible to diseases and pests and ripen earlier. The most important thing is that thanks to good germination in combination with hardening, future root crops can be placed in the ground several days earlier than usual.
Consider the fact that hardening alone is not enough. Try to carry out such activities with seedlings, only in this case can you count on all the positive properties of resistance to negative impacts, which were described above.


The technique is very suitable for beets, since this vegetable is considered a cold-resistant plant. But other plants in this category also respond well to it. Vernalization has the following positive qualities:
  1. Provokes seeds to quickly awaken and develop;
  2. Increases resistance to cold;
  3. Helps to get an early harvest;
  4. Plants are resistant to weather changes and other negative factors.
An event such as vernalization includes several successive stages: first there is soaking, then the action on the sprouts low temperatures, and then germination. This set of measures has a very serious effect. The embryo first goes into a dormant state, after which it begins to actively develop, which, of course, affects germination.
Soaking can be done using the method described above. Once it is completed, the seeds are either cooled or buried in snow. Cooling lasts about 7 days, during which periodic spraying with water is carried out (temperature from -1 to +1). Do not keep beets in the cold longer than expected, otherwise you will not get a harvest due to the fact that they will shoot arrows.

At the end of the procedure, the grains should just peck. Then they germinate for another couple of days in a moist environment and, after slightly drying, they are placed in the soil.


As you may have noticed, there are plenty of ways to increase the germination of beet seeds. a large number of. Depending on which one suits you best, you can choose either one. Some procedures are very easy to carry out, even if you have no previous experience with preparing seeds for planting. If you want a good harvest ahead of schedule, do not neglect the tips for accelerating germination and be sure to put them into practice.

Summer residents grow a large number of vegetables in their garden plots, including beets. Many gardeners are interested in how many days it takes for beets to sprout. This question is very important, because if the seeds do not come out after a certain time, then you need to have time to plant them again. In order for germination to occur on time, a number of measures are needed to improve the environment.

With proper processing, beet seedlings appear quickly

The benefits of beets

The root vegetable has many useful properties, among which:

  • restoration of liver cells;
  • saturating the body with iodine;
  • normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • increases hemoglobin levels;
  • lowers blood pressure.

Not only the fruits, but also the tops of beets are useful and edible. Some people choose Swiss chard because of their green preference.

Beet tops are also used for food

Soil preparation

Despite the fact that beets are an unpretentious vegetable, they still have their own preferences:

  • light soil;
  • slightly alkaline environment;
  • presence of organic matter.

If there is acidic soil, the situation can be corrected with lime or dolomite flour. You need to act carefully, since an excess of alkali will also lead to unpleasant consequences.

The presence of compost in the soil has a beneficial effect on the growth of root crops, so one square meter There should be at least 3 kg of humus.

Don’t forget about crop rotation; the crop grows well after cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes and cabbage.

Beets love light soil and organic fertilizers

Preparation of planting material To grow beets, summer residents either use store-bought seeds or use their own from last year. Planting material should be awakened after hibernation, so it must be carefully processed. In addition, the seed shell may contain various pathogens infectious diseases

, and processing will help get rid of them.

A solution of wood ash is prepared especially for this purpose. 1 tbsp is diluted in 1 liter of water. component. The liquid should be hot (45 degrees). Instead of ash, a weak solution of potassium permanganate is used. Immerse the seeds in the selected composition and leave for 30 minutes. Afterwards they are wrapped in gauze moistened with water. After two days, the swollen seeds are ready for precipitation.

Planting must be done in May. The soil has already warmed up, but it is still quite wet. Small furrows are made in the garden bed, seeds are laid there and lightly sprinkled with soil.

The distance between the rows should be 5-7 cm. When the plant is planted, it should be watered thoroughly and the entire planting surface should be covered with film. Thanks to a suitable climate, beets will bear fruit well. Up to three seeds can germinate from one seed, so further plants it will be necessary to thin out, leaving only strong and mature seedlings on the surface. If the parameters personal plot

are not as large as we would like, then the crop is planted between the main plants. An excellent option would be to plant between the rows of onions and cabbage.

Excess beet sprouts need to be removed

How to plant a plant It grows in open ground . Prefers places well lit by the sun, so if you want to get a root crop of bright color with a beautiful appearance , then plant the plant in such a bed. The earth should warm up well to 8-10 degrees, the air temperature fluctuates within 20 degrees. In the territory middle zone Russian Federation

A good time for planting is the last May celebrations. Sometimes due to unsettled weather, planting is postponed until June.

The method of planting is also of no small importance, especially if there are groundwater. If available, the vegetable is planted either in ridges or in soil equipped with drainage.

Beet seeds should be planted after the May holidays

You need to plant beets correctly

Despite the fact that beets do not require preliminary preparation seedlings, many summer residents use this method quite successfully. They in early spring they begin to sow seeds in prepared and heated greenhouses. There the shoots appear much earlier.

How good the seedlings will be depends on the quality of the material and proper care. There are three ways to sow:

  • Dry. This method suitable only if you are confident in the quality of the chosen one planting material. Then you won’t need to soak or sprout them. For beets to germinate successfully, they must be fresh.
  • Pre-soaking. The method is suitable when gardeners are not entirely sure of the quality of beet seeds. For soaking, it is better to use a solution of epin or humate.
  • Germination seed material. This method will give you exceptional confidence in how good the seeds are. After germination, you can see which of them will sprout and which will not. To do this, place them in water for half an hour, and then wrap them in a napkin moistened with water and put them in a warm place.

Plant the seeds in previously prepared furrows on the beds, which must be thoroughly watered before planting. After planting the beets, moisten the soil again.

Beets need to be planted in rows

How long will it take for the seeds to sprout?

There are quite a few factors influencing the germination of seed. Among them, the main ones should be highlighted:

  • pre-treatment, seed preparation and quality;
  • soil condition (humidity and temperature);
  • air temperature at the time of landing.

If germinated beet seeds were planted, the first shoots can be expected in about three to four days. When the material is planted dry in the ground, the first shoots will begin to appear no earlier than after 6-8 days. But this is subject to proper care and adherence to the watering regime. If watering is carried out irregularly, and the air is not yet warmed up enough, then it is difficult to say how long to wait for the first shoots to appear. Basically it is 12-15 days.

Beetroot responds well to transplantation. Therefore, if you need to thin them out, feel free to stick them into any free space. The distance between them should be within 10 cm.

Thus, depending on the planting method and care conditions, beets emerge differently. Therefore, how many days to expect the first shoots cannot be answered unambiguously. The only thing that can be said is that if you follow the right approach, the beets will not keep you waiting long, and you will be able to for a long time enjoy an excellent harvest.