Slugs devouring the green part of a cherry leaf. Sawfly: control measures, remedies and preparations

Cherry slimy sawfly- Hymenoptera insect. Adults do not cause any harm to plantings, since they do not feed, but the larvae, on the contrary, are capable of destroying foliage in huge quantities.

They look a little like small slugs with a thick head, but do not have horns, but their body is also completely covered with dark transparent mucus. Their most favorite delicacy is stone fruit plantings - hawthorn, sweet cherry and cherry, but sometimes they are also found on rowan or quince. The cherry slimy sawfly produces 2 generations per season and has a cyclical development.

The parthenogenetic form of these insects is mainly widespread. The length of females varies from 4 to 6 mm, they have black limbs and transparent, slightly darkened wings that reach 9 mm in span.

The flight of flies begins in early June, with the arrival of resistant warm temperatures, and the second generation appears in late July - early August. After emergence, adult females live on average for a week, and manage to lay up to 65-70 eggs during this period.

By the end of summer, trees affected by sawflies risk losing their crown completely, so you need to know how to deal with the cherry slimy sawfly at all stages of its development.

Pest destruction methods

To help, you can attract insects to the site - natural enemies sawfly These include soft beetles and trichograms, as well as lacewings - in order to lure them, you can plant fragrant flowers and plants in the garden.

Slimy cherry sawfly

The sawfly attacks crops such as cherries, sweet cherries, quinces, plums, pears, and hawthorns. This insect is black in color and medium in size. It has a pair of membranous wings, the span of which averages 8–9 mm. Pest larvae overwinter at a depth of 2–5 cm. Pupation occurs at the end of May, and adult insects appear in June. The female lays eggs in the pulp of the leaves. Sawfly larvae are yellowish-green in color. They eat the pulp of the leaves, which leads to their death. In the southern regions of Russia, two generations of the pest develop per season.

From the book The Garden is the Breadwinner author Dubrovin Ivan

CHERRY COMPOTE Sort out the ripe cherries, remove stems, rinse cold water, let the water drain. Make syrup from water and sugar. Place the berries in jars, pour hot syrup and sterilize in boiling water for 5 minutes. You will need: cherries - 3 kg, water

From the book Garden without pests author Fatyanov Vladislav Ivanovich

CHERRY CRUCHON Mix cherry puree with juice and fruit drink and cool to a temperature of 12–15 degrees. Add a chilled cherry-based carbonated drink to the mixture and stir everything thoroughly. Place cherries on top. You will need: cherry puree - 30 g, apple juice -

From the book Pest Control author Ivanova Natalya Vladimirovna

CHERRY KVASS Wash and sort the cherries, remove the stems and pits. Pour a full bottle of cherries, put the pits there, fill them with cold boiled water and place them in a cold place until the water acquires a cherry flavor. Drain the water and replace it with new one.

From the book Gooseberry. We plant, grow, harvest author Zvonarev Nikolai Mikhailovich

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From the book Handbook of a Skilled Gardener author

Rapeseed sawfly The adult individual has a very bright color: the head of the insect is black, the chest is red-yellow with a black pattern. Has a pair of transparent wings. Body length does not exceed 7–8 mm. The sawfly larva has 11 pairs of legs. Color dirty green, body

From the book The Skilled Gardener's Handbook author Ganichkin Alexander Vladimirovich

Plum sawfly Larvae of the plum sawfly infect almost the same crops as the cherry sawfly. The larvae overwinter in the soil at a depth of 5-10 cm. Adults begin to fly 5-6 days before the plum blossoms. Each female lays up to 30 eggs in half-open buds.

From the book Protection of fruit and berry crops from diseases and pests author Kolesova D. A.

Leaf sawfly There are two main types of this insect: the yellow gooseberry and the pale-legged sawfly. Leaf sawfly larvae attack red and white currant leaves. Their activity leads to curling and drying out

From the book The Big Book of the Gardener and Gardener author Mironov Anatoly N.

Yellow gooseberry sawfly Gooseberries are damaged by sawfly larvae of several species. The greatest damage is caused by the yellow and pale-legged sawflies. The development cycle and the nature of the damage caused are similar. In adulthood, the gooseberry sawfly looks like a fly

From the book 1001 answers to important questions for gardeners and gardeners author

From the book Canning and the best culinary recipes experienced gardeners and gardeners author Kizima Galina Alexandrovna

Cherry slimy sawfly Cherry slimy sawfly - damages the leaves of stone fruit crops: cherries, sweet cherries, less often plums, pears and chokeberry. Adult hymenopteran insect, black in color, small size(5 mm). In June they pupate, and soon

From the book New Encyclopedia of the Gardener and Gardener [edition expanded and revised] author Ganichkin Alexander Vladimirovich

Apple fruit sawfly Damages only the apple tree. The pest larvae feed inside the fruit ovary, completely destroying the seed chamber, filling them with wet excrement, from round holes rusty red liquid leaks out. Disturbed larvae emit

From the author's book

3.1. Cherry Orchard As many people know, cherries are a perennial tree crop. Exist different varieties cherries, for example growing tall tree in the form of a bush. Tree-like trees form a single trunk and they grow up to five meters in height. Bush forms

From the author's book

Cherry liqueur Remove the pits from the berries. Crush and put into a bottle. Fill with vodka, plug with a cotton swab and let it brew for a week, shaking the contents twice a day. Cook the syrup at the rate of 500 g of sugar per 250 ml of water. Cool and add to berries. Let it brew

Let's look today at what insects there are in nature - cherry pests.

Cherry sucking pests

These include - mites, aphids, scale insects; We study pests in order.

Brown fruit mite

Females have a broad oval body, 0.5-0.6 mm, but males have an elongated oval body shape. The overwintering stage is eggs. They are red in color and are located near the base of the cherry fruits.

Cherry aphid

A harmful insect from the order Homoptera. This type of insect pest has sexual dimorphism - a difference in size and shape between males and females. Females are also divided into parthenogenetic and midwife.

Wingless parthenogenetic females have a pear-shaped body, 2 to 2.4 mm long, black above and brown below. There are six-segmented antennae. There are also winged parthenogenetic females, 2.4 mm long and black. Amphigonic females have a smaller body – 1.6 mm, oval in shape.

Cherry pests overwinter in the egg stage near the base of cherry buds. Approximately in April, pests - larvae - hatch from eggs. By the time the cherry leaves appear, they begin to feed, sucking the juice from them. After 12-15 days, insect pests turn into adult (mature) aphids.

During the season, 9 to 12 generations of insect pests manage to develop. In each generation of pests (starting from the third), winged pests are formed, mainly females - dispersers. These pests migrate to the bedstraw plant, which serves as an intermediate host for aphids.

Aphids of this species infest cherry leaves on the lower sides. The damage manifests itself in cherry leaves wrinkling in a spiral, blackening and drying out. In addition, the pest - aphids - moves onto cherry fruits, staining them with excrement and larval skins. Eventually it gets worse appearance cherry fruits and, accordingly, marketability.

Prevention and control measures

Prevention comes down to regular cutting of root shoots and tops on cherries. Also in the fall, it is necessary to clean the cherry trunks and skeletal branches from the remains of dead bark, under which the eggs of insect pests overwinter.

Control of existing pests should include treating cherries with insecticides. The first treatment should be carried out when cherry trees are in the green cone phase. From chemicals Actellik, Fufanon, Alatar, from biological Fitoverm are acceptable.


The following pests can feed on cherries: red pear, oyster, and California scale insects.

Red pear

The body shape of females is like a pear - wide, and the color is pink or red, 1 mm long, 0.9 mm wide. Insect - the pest is located under the shield gray, with a diameter of 1.5 mm. Males are wingless and orange-brown in color.

The eggs of the pest are initially whitish and then pink, 0.25 mm long. The female's egg production is 40-50 eggs. The first instar larva is pink-red in color, has developed legs, simple eyes, and six-segmented antennae.

Oyster scale

Can damage trees of all fruit and other species. This pest tends to colonize trunks that have smooth bark, as well as horizontal branches.

Females have a short body, oval in shape, colored yellow or greenish-yellow, the scutellum is grayish-olive in color, and contains two molt skins. The size of the shield is up to 2 mm in diameter. Males are winged and yellow-orange in color.

California scale insect

Can damage more than 150 species of plants. The males stay on the leaf blades themselves, while the females prefer the petioles and fruits of the cherry.

Females have a body yellow color, has a broad pear-shaped shape and is up to 1.3 mm in length. There are no eyes, legs or antennae on the body. They are located under shields that are 2 mm in diameter.

Chewing cherry pests

Cherry slimy sawfly

An insect from the order Hymenoptera. An adult insect has a black shiny body and transparent wings. In an adult female, the body length is 5-6 mm, in a male it is 4-5 mm. The harmful stage is a yellow-green larva 9-11 mm long with a small brown or black head.

IN younger ages the larva is covered with black mucus, but at the last instar loses it and becomes lighter in color. In the front part, the larva is somewhat similar to a caterpillar, but is NOT a caterpillar, since the structure is different.

For example, they do not have a clear difference between the thoracic and abdominal legs (only the larvae of insects of the order Lepidoptera are considered caterpillars: butterflies, moths; they have 3 pairs of thoracic and 2 or 5 pairs of abdominal legs).

Cherry sawfly larvae have 10 legs. They overwinter as nymphs in the soil at a depth of 6-15 cm.

In most cases, it reproduces parthenogenetically, that is, without mating and fertilization. Mass hatching of larvae from eggs occurs in late June - early July.

The damage manifests itself in the gnawing of the pulp of the leaves and in the skeletonization of the leaves, that is, leaving only a network of veins.

Protection measures

In spring and autumn, it is advisable to loosen the soil to a depth of 6-15 cm. If the sawfly infestation is more than 10-15% of the leaves (this level is the economic threshold of harmfulness), spraying with insecticidal preparations, including biological ones, is recommended.

From chemicals Karbofos, Fufanon, Actellik are suitable. Among biological insecticides, Agravertin and Bitoxibacillin are effective against sawflies.

Cherry pipe maker

An insect from the order Coleoptera. An adult tubeweed is a dark green beetle with a crimson tint. First, the beetles eat buds, flowers, and leaves. Later they move to the ovaries, make holes in them, into which the females then lay eggs. After seven days, larvae hatch from the eggs and eat the contents of the pit.


This is a genus of beetles that damage bast and wood. Such beetles are sometimes popularly called bark beetles. Cherries are damaged by wrinkled sapwood. Beetles of this species have a cylindrical brown body, usually up to 2.5 mm long.

Adult sapwood feeds on bast and so-called sapwood - the layer of wood under the bast. Females feed especially intensively before laying eggs, gnawing at the base of the buds and in the forks of branches. Such nutrition leads to drying of the buds, gum formation, blockage of phloem vessels, and a decrease in the quantity and quality of fruits.

To lay eggs, the female gnaws in the bark and gnaws a groove up to 2 cm long between the bast and sapwood. Having laid eggs in it, the female, as it were, plugs the groove with her body and dies, protecting future offspring from predators among insects (for example, ants) and birds (woodpeckers, etc.).

Having hatched from the eggs, the larvae make transverse passages in the wood. The level of infestation of certain trees with such pests depends on their condition. In healthy trees, after boring, the bark beetle's passages are filled with sap, which causes the death of the larvae and interferes with the access of the beetles.

Protection measures

Sanitary pruning should be carried out regularly, the bark should be cleaned of lichens and mosses (or sprayed with a solution iron sulfate). In addition, try to adhere to a balanced fertilization system.

For example, avoid unilateral application of single fertilizers, primarily nitrogen ones. It is also recommended to coat the trunks and bases of skeletal branches with a mixture of mullein and clay.

If the pest continues to multiply and develop after all this, then there is a need for spraying with insecticides. So at the end of flowering it is proposed to use the following drugs: Aktara, Mospilan, Vector, Confidor. After two weeks, it is recommended to re-treat.

To combat bark beetles, injections under the bark of drugs such as Decis KE, Fastak, 10% K.E. are also considered effective. (Note - K.E means emulsion concentrate, that is, a type of formulation).

"Mids" on cherries

Some are relatively small insects gardeners sometimes call them midges. In fact, cherry flies and aphids are mistaken for midges on cherries.

The cherry fly is an insect from the order Diptera. Body length in adult females ranges from 4 to 6 mm, in males 3-4 mm. The body color is dark brown. There are long longitudinal stripes on the back. The head is yellow with black. Eyes are green.

It overwinters in the soil in the pupal stage inside a false cocoon. For 10-14 days it feeds on the secretions of cherry aphids. To reproduce, females lay eggs in holes made in the fruits. Legless larvae hatch from the eggs towards the period of maturation. white, which begin to eat away the pulp of ripe fruits.

Fruits damaged in this way darken and rot. After 8-10 days, the larvae leave the fruits, falling to the ground, into which they delve 1-13 cm and pupate. The depth of wintering depends on the climate in your area: the colder, the deeper. Cherries of mid-ripening and late-ripening varieties are most often affected.

Protection measures

And to repel aphids, you can, for example, plant marigolds and marigolds under the cherries, and also spray them with some odorous liquids, for example, EM5.

Cherry leaf miner

An insect from the order Lepidoptera. The adult insect is a butterfly, 7-8 mm wide. The fore wings are larger than the hind wings and are distinguished by their lanceolate shape and white color.

Adult moths overwinter in the bark of trees and fly out by the end of spring. The female lays eggs on the upper sides of the cherry tree leaves. In June, the first generation caterpillars hatch from the eggs and begin to feed on tree leaves, causing significant damage to them.

For pest caterpillars, a flattened shape and green color are typical. Legs are poorly developed. The length of the tracks is maximum 6.5 mm. Distinctive feature This moth has convoluted caterpillar tracks called mines, which are often beige or dark-colored. Brown color.

Once fed, the caterpillars pupate. The length of the pupae is up to 4 mm. During the season, two generations of moths have time to develop. The second generation of the pest is formed by the end of July.

Control measures

  • Collect and burn fallen cherry leaves and dry branches in a timely manner;
  • Periodically loosen the soil under the crown of the cherries, the pupae will appear on the surface, which will allow the gardeners to collect them themselves or be pecked by birds;
  • Clean the trunks and bases of cherry tree branches from old bark and whitewash them with lime milk;
  • Removing damaged cherry leaves with mines.

Here you can note that the insecticides still proposed against moths (due to ignorance by the incompetent authors of some articles) - chlorophos, metaphos and nicotine sulfate are prohibited for use!


This is the name of a family of butterflies, numbering about 2,500 species in Russia alone. Of these, 26 species cause serious harm garden crops. In particular, the following species are harmful to cherries: bud roller, rose leaf roller, bud roller, fruit leaf roller.

Kidney spinner

A specific feature of the species is that the caterpillars begin feeding by gnawing out cherry buds, and then eat the blossoming leaves, which are rolled up into a ball. Width adult is 15-16 mm with open wings. The front pair of wings are dark gray in color, with a wide stripe running down the middle.

The eggs they lay are 1 mm in diameter. The caterpillars are brown, but the head and legs are black. By the end of the larval stage of development, they grow to a size of 10-12 mm. The first instar caterpillars have to overwinter on cherry fruit formations in dense white cocoons.

At the beginning of the cherry bud blooming phase, the caterpillars leave the cocoons and continue to feed. By the first days of June, the caterpillars finish their feeding and pupate. The pupal stage lasts about 14 days.

By the middle or end of June, butterflies begin to emerge. The flight of butterflies occurs during twilight hours. During the days of its life, the butterfly manages to lay from 40 to 150 eggs on a cherry tree.

Rose leaf roller

The adult insect is a butterfly with a wingspan of 18-22 mm in size. Caterpillars that have a brownish-yellow or brownish-green body color and a brown head are harmful.

They hatch when the daily average air temperature rises above 13 degrees. The time of mass hatching of caterpillars occurs during the period of separation of apple tree buds. While feeding, the caterpillars eat leaves and roll them into “cigars” or pull them into a loose ball.

Control measures

Spraying with a suitable insecticide at the time the caterpillars begin to hatch, or preferably before it. Of the chemicals acting against leaf rollers, Karbofos and Alatar are allowed for gardeners; at temperatures above 15 degrees, you can choose the biological products Lepidocide, Fitoverm.

codling moths

Plum and oriental codling moths can damage cherries. Let's look at the example of plum. Adult insect-butterfly measuring 12-15 mm in wingspan. The front wings are grayish-brown in color, the hind wings are brownish-gray with fringe along the inner edge.

Mass flight in areas of the forest-steppe zone occurs in the first ten days of June, and egg laying by females occurs 3-5 days after emerging from the pupa. After a week, maximum ten days, the caterpillars hatch.

A caterpillar that has just hatched from an egg chooses a convenient place for penetration, in which it weaves a mesh from a web, after which it makes a hole in the bark under it.

What to do as a fight

  • Clean the trunk and skeletal branches from the remains of dead bark;
  • dig up or loosen the soil under the tree crowns;
  • apply catch belts;
  • systematically collect carrion;
  • treat with insecticidal preparations before the start of caterpillar hatching, approximately at the end of the second ten days of June.

About black “insects”

From the point of view of biology, or more precisely, entomology (the science of arthropods), there are no real insects in nature. This means that the colloquial name for insects should mean either aphids or small beetles or sawflies.

About cherry blossoms

Currently, there is no type of moth found in the literature that would harm cherries. This means that you mistook moth or leaf roller or hawthorn caterpillars for the so-called “moth”. In any case, it is worth applying Lepidocide or Fitoverm and treating the cherries against pests.


Pests related to gastropods. Fruit trees, (cherries in particular) are rarely harmed. Slugs do not have a true head, but have tentacles or horns at the front of their body that serve as eyes and nose.

Immediately after the “face” are the neck and back. Bottom part Their bodies are usually considered to be legs. The presence of slugs can be determined by a streak of mucus and a rubbed mark.

Control measures

Using pest traps on cherries with various baits, such as beer or planks or pieces of burlap. In addition to traps, you can sprinkle the ground around the protected cherries with superphosphate powder or lime. Of the special protective drugs against pests - slugs, Ferramol, Groza, Meta, Bros Snakol, Schnecken Linsen (Etisso), Slug Eater are known.

Alexander Zharavin, scientist - agronomist

This pest is often found on small-leaved linden - our traditional one in cities and gardens. The body of a nymph - an adult insect - is black, shiny, 5-6 mm long. There are wings.

False caterpillars (intermediate stage of development) are yellow-green, with an expanded front part, covered with transparent mucus on top, so they look like small slugs. They have several pairs of legs.

Pseudo-caterpillars overwinter in upper layers soils, pupate in the spring. Flight in mid-May - June. Females lay eggs in clusters on the upper side of the leaf under the epidermis. The false caterpillars first gnaw through a small mine and gnaw off the leaves, leaving the lower layer of integument intact.

Damaged leaves turn brown, curl and dry out. Trees lose their decorative properties and become weakened. According to some observations, it often damages trees near water bodies.

Autumn digging of soil tree trunk circles partially destroys the caterpillars that have left for the winter. Among the chemical agents used, spraying of plantings in case of mass appearance of larvae after harvesting with one of the following preparations: phosphamide emulsion or karbofos emulsion, or chlorophos solution, or metaphos suspension.

Have you encountered such a problem?