High interior doors “Helder. Tall doors to the ceiling: device nuances and design options White color is a universal option

In most cases, when talking about door leaves, reaching to the ceiling, they recall their ability to visually “raise” the upper plane and make the room taller. Really, - This is a noticeable and effective vertical that can orient the interior layout.

However, the possibilities of non-standard panels are not limited to this, and if ordinary sliding doors are simply convenient and do not take up much space, then taller similar designs allow you to instantly transform the space, combining or isolating rooms as desired.

Often, the impossibility of increasing the size of all openings in the room is cited as an argument against buying ready-made or purchasing tall doors to order. If there are several openings in a hall, corridor or passage room, one of which must retain its dimensions, different door heights will not look the best. Indeed, not every opening can be changed, but in this case, high interior doors with a transom can be an excellent solution.

A transom is called a “superstructure” over the canvas, which, like the rest of the structure, can be made of almost any material, be solid or glazed, and have a rectangular or arched shape.

If you want to install tall structures in a “complex” room, doors with transoms are installed in modified doorways, and the opening that has become a “stumbling block” is equipped with an identical standard-sized structure, after which an overlay imitating a transom is installed above it.

However, doors with a transom can be chosen without the need to solve complex problems. They are spectacular and are perfect if you want to install structures up to the ceiling, but do not want to open bulky panels. Such high doors in the interior can be not only classic or retro in style; designs with an additional upper element are also available in modern design.

The transom should be identical to the door leaf and frame, they are:

are made from the same material,

have the same finish

match in style.

The only difference may be the presence or absence of glazing. Thus, solid doors can be crowned with an arched element with glass inserts. If glazing is also present in the canvas, the type and color of the glass must be the same.

Doors up to the ceiling are most often made to order, after precise measurements. This allows you to create a canvas and box that best matches the height of the room. Except ordinary apartments or apartments of improved layout with high ceilings, non-standard doors can be installed in cottages or houses created according to special projects, at any height of the room or hall.

Known Issue – small apartments. Good decision– sliding doors – not always suitable: sometimes there is so little space that all the walls are filled with furniture and there is nowhere to move the panel. But if the partition is not load-bearing and can be partially dismantled, then there is still an option: sliding doors that slide into the wall.

Structurally, built-in interior doors are no different from compartment doors; they are based on the same components: a door leaf (one or two), guide rails, carriages with rollers and fittings. If desired, an electric drive. The only difference is that when opened, the canvas is hidden from view. In the converted section of the wall there is a cassette into which the door slides on rollers.

The canvas itself can be anything: wood, glass, plastic. You can choose an option that will be in perfect harmony with the rest of the doors and the interior as a whole. The roller mechanism is also no different from the standard one.

The difference is in the fittings: locks and handles should not interfere with the movement of the canvas into the wall. You need to decide on handles and locks in advance. If the sliding door goes completely into the wall, you will need a lock with a button to close it.

The second difference is that sliding doors that slide into the wall require more energy-intensive installation than compartment doors. It is necessary to dismantle part of the wall, fix the cassette, cover the structure with gypsum board and complete the repair with finishing. There will be a lot of construction waste, you need to prepare for this in advance.

It is better to buy built-in doors into the wall complete with a cassette. Buying an additional cassette later and installing it separately will be too expensive and energy-intensive. The pencil case door kit already includes everything you need - the door leaf, mechanism, fittings and cassette.

Attention: the pencil cases are different for partitions made of brick and plasterboard. This needs to be clarified when purchasing.

Installation sequence

1. Check the verticality of the walls and carefully calculate the opening (two widths of the canvas).

2. Dismantle the required area, if possible without unnecessary destruction.

3. Process the opening, seal the cracks.

4. Install the pencil case and secure it with mortgages. The upper mortgages will serve to securely fix the canvas, preventing movement of the structure.

5. Sew up the cassette with plasterboard: the top edge is placed along the enclosing box.

6. Install built-in doors and fittings.

7. Produce finishing walls.

8. Install platbands.

Sliding doors sliding into the wall - a good option save space occupied by a regular door, but take away 10 centimeters of room thickness due to the cassette. Therefore, the ideal option for installing them is to install built-in doors instead of self-supporting walls.

When decorating an apartment or private house, every detail is important, let alone such a functional and necessary piece of furniture as an interior door. In an apartment or house, doors have long ceased to satisfy the owners’ need to isolate a particular room, having become active participants in shaping the image of the home, its color palette and stylistic direction in design. The variety of models, manufacturing methods, materials and colors allows you to find suitable option for any type of home, for owners with any budget. But before you go shopping, you still have to solve several difficult dilemmas - what material should interior doors be made of, what shape and size should the leaves be, solid or with inserts, dark or light, laconic or decorated? We hope that our selection of hundreds of interesting design projects for modern premises will help you in this difficult decision.

Shape and dimensions of interior doors

Even if you are planning to repair or replace door panels in an apartment where all openings have standard sizes, you must first verify this and make accurate measurements. After all, making a door leaf according to individual standards will not only increase the repair estimate, but will also “stretch out” the entire process over time. The standard width of a doorway is considered to be 60, 70, 80 and 90 centimeters - it all depends on the room in which the doors will be installed. But with the height of the canvases from modern manufacturers, everything is not so clear. Until recently, it was rarely found on general sale finished goods with a height of more than 2 meters. Nowadays, door leaves with a height of 2.1 or 2.2 meters are a common occurrence.

Designers recommend using door leaves with a non-standard height, more than 2 meters, to visually raise the ceilings of the rooms. But not every owner is happy with the need preliminary preparation standard doorway, its expansion. It’s up to you to decide whether to look for a door leaf that matches the existing structure or to “customize” the doorway to fit the door model you like.

Most buyers prefer to choose standard models, which can be found in an assortment of stores and can be obtained quickly and inexpensively. After all, making canvas according to your size and design will cost significantly more and take more time. But one cannot help but admit the fact that manufactured according to individual project the canvas will not only fit perfectly into the parameters of the room, but can also become an interior decoration, its highlight.

Type of construction and method of fastening interior paintings

The most popular, despite emerging alternative options, our compatriots use single-leaf and double-leaf swing interior doors. The simplicity and traditionality of the design and method of opening, the versatility of the leaves and ease of installation, coupled with a wide range of price solutions, captivate Russians to purchase just such doors for their homes, be it a standard apartment or a private house built according to the project.

Obviously, the most common type of door leaf in apartments and private houses is a single-leaf swing door. But double leaf panels are also used quite actively. A wide doorway provides certain advantages - a feeling of spaciousness, greater illumination of corridors and other auxiliary rooms, the ability to move large-sized furniture. But double-leaf models also have disadvantages - opening two leaves at once requires a lot of free space; furniture cannot be installed near the doorway, which is important for rooms with a small area.

Most big drawback swing doors in the interior - the need to free up a sufficiently large amount of usable space in the rooms. For small rooms or simply spaces where it is not possible to open the doors near the doorway, sliding doors are used. Created on the principle of doors in a compartment, such mechanisms, on the one hand, help to create complete isolation of one space from another, and on the other hand, they save useful square meters of space.

Initially, the movement of compartment doors occurred along two guides - one was attached to the floor, the second - to the wall above the doorway. Currently, sliding doors with only one upper guide are becoming increasingly popular (nothing interferes with the movement of a person in doorway). In addition, the design of the guide itself often becomes part of the stylistic involvement of the interior - a bright or dark accent, a detail that emphasizes the mood of the room.

One of the variations of doors that help save space and do not require free meters to open is sliding doors. These models differ from sliding doors in that the door leaf “moves” not away from the opening, but into the wall or partition. Hence the first drawback of such mechanisms - the need to create a niche. It is best to plan such structures in advance, at the stage of preparation for repairs.

The least popular, but used in some cases, door leaf option is two and three-leaf doors, sliding like an accordion. If you need to save space in the room, but there is no possibility to install sliding doors, then the “accordion” canvas is your option.

Choosing material for making doors

Choice of material for manufacturing interior doors two factors influence:

  • renovation budget;
  • the specifics and microclimate of the room, its functionality (for the kitchen, bathroom, toilet and laundry room it is important to take into account the level high humidity and temperature changes).

It must be said that the main criterion for choosing material for the manufacture of door panels is still your financial capabilities - the range of prices is incredibly wide. Today, the most popular raw material options for the manufacture of interior doors are:

Fiberboard– one of the most common options, which has secured its leading position due to a decent price-quality ratio. Doors made of fiberboard are lightweight, easy to install and operate. The wide range of models also affects the popularity of this type of material among Russian buyers. But doors made of fiberboard cannot be called durable, even with correct operation the paintings cannot be passed on to the next generation.

MDF– canvases made from this material are significantly more expensive, but also stronger and more durable. Doors made of MDF create excellent sound and heat insulation. The canvases are suitable for spaces with above average humidity.

Solid wood– environmentally friendly, strong, reliable and durable material for making doors. But, unfortunately, you will have to pay a lot for high technological and aesthetic qualities. It is also important to take into account the absolute environmental friendliness of the material.

Combined fabrics. Very often, manufacturers create door leaves in the following way– the base is an inexpensive and light type of wood (for example, pine), and on top it is covered with veneer from more expensive and noble species. Due to this combination, it is possible not only to reduce the weight of the canvas while maintaining high aesthetic qualities, but also to reduce the cost of the final product.

Color scheme and design for interior fabric

So, you have decided on the exact dimensions of the door leaves, having previously made the necessary dimensions, correlated your financial capabilities with the assortment of stores, choosing a specific material - all that remains is to choose the design of the interior doors. And at this moment you are faced with a real dilemma, because the range of modern stores is incredibly wide, not to mention the possibilities of creating individual design door panels.

Choosing a color for interior doors is not an idle question, because we install door panels not for 1-2 years, but for decades (if everything goes well and the doors are used correctly). Obviously, everyone would like to have a harmonious environment in their home that does not get boring long years, will be relevant, modern, but not intrusive. You can start from one simple decision - whether your interior doors will be accent elements (stand out against the general background) or merge with color palette interior?

White color is a universal option

If the rooms in your apartment or private house are of medium or even small size, if the walls have a simple, unobtrusive finish, and the entire interior is designed in a modern style, then white doors are a good choice. best option. Designers often recommend choosing door leaves as a universal option. White color will not “point out” the small dimensions of the space, will act as an ideal background for other interior items, and will allow you not to focus on possible architectural flaws.

Light shades of door panels are often used to combine with the facades of built-in cabinets. This technique is effective for any room, but is most often used in the bedroom (dressing room facades) and hallway.

A white door can also act as a contrasting element of the interior if it is located against a dark or bright wall. At the same time, snow-white is most often used not only for the door leaf, but also for the so-called platbands and moldings (ceiling and floor).

Dark accent in the interior - interior doors

Creating contrasting combinations is a condition of many stylistic trends in interior design. Dark door panels help to bring clarity and constructiveness to the image of the room, create some drama, but at the same time emphasize the shapes and lines of the space. Wenge-colored doors look rich, representative, creating special atmosphere the success of the interior itself, and therefore its owners.

One of the options for creating a harmonious, but at the same time contrasting interior is a combination of a dark shade of door seals with a similar solution for the facades of storage systems and other cabinet furniture against a light finish.

Bright color scheme for the door leaf

Bright color scheme An interior door is a great way to add an accent to the interior of your living space. One of the options for making door panels in this color is a combination with the dominant element of the interior item (for example, a bed in the bedroom or the upholstery of a large sofa in the living room). But this task is not easy - you need to clearly hit the tone. The simplest way is to create a single accent in the image of the room due to the bright color of the door leaf.

Original design or how to make an interior door the highlight of your interior

If standard door leaves in neutral colors are not your option, then you can safely bet on original design door leaf. Interior doors take up a lot of space in any interior, so the originality of the design will not go unnoticed. In fact, there are no restrictions in choosing the design of interior doors - everything is decided by your imagination and financial capabilities. But designers recommend listening to some recommendations for those who have all their interior doors opening into one common room (corridor or hallway):

  • all doors must have the same height (they can be of different widths, usually for the bathroom and kitchen area fewer standard products);
  • doors can be made from different materials, but must have the same design to maintain harmony in the interior common area(at the same time, from the side of the room, the door leaf may have a different design and color scheme).

Any decorative elements can not only make the design of the door leaf more interesting, but also connect it with other interior items. For example, any glass inserts make the structure visually lighter and more transparent. Not to mention the fact that glass inserts allow some of the light to pass into other rooms. For auxiliary spaces such as the entrance hall and corridors (they are in most standard apartments do not have their own sources of natural light) this aspect is important.

Inserts made of transparent glass will allow the maximum possible amount of sunlight to pass between isolated rooms; often the inserts are located from the bottom of the canvas, but this design is best avoided in houses and apartments with small children and active pets). If you need to maintain the privacy of the isolated room, but at the same time leave the possibility of penetration of some light fluxes, then use frosted or corrugated glass.

The originality of the door leaf design can be achieved using an unusual shape. Obviously, most doors are represented by rectangles with a fairly standard set of combinations of length and width. But it is enough to replace top part the door leaf has an arched vault and the product becomes original, bringing some mystery and elegance to the interior of the room.

A door leaf decorated with wood carvings can in itself become the main decoration of the interior, its highlight. Of course, handmade work is not a cheap pleasure. But the incredible, luxurious appearance of the doors, their exclusivity, can give a special charm even to the most ordinary interior. Not to mention that wood carving is an excellent design technique for demonstrating the interior’s commitment to one thing or another. stylistic direction in the design of living spaces.

653 822 Dix https://www..pngDix 2017-08-27 18:52:57 2018-12-21 04:15:28 Interior doors in the interior of a modern home

Let's look at a few of the most simple ways decorate interior doors with your own hands using available materials.

As you know, doors do not last forever, and anything can happen. For example, scratches, chips, and cracks often appear on the door leaf. In this case, you can repair, replace or carefully decorate, hiding all defects.

Wallpapering the door

To decorate a door, you can use not only paper, vinyl and non-woven wallpaper, but also fabric or liquid.

In this case, the canvas should be prepared by removing a layer of paint in advance, filling up uneven areas, cracks and sanding the surface.

A layer of applied primer will provide additional adhesion of the wallpaper to the surface of the door.

You can wallpaper both the entire canvas and the panels by cutting out pieces of wallpaper of a suitable size. Don't forget to choose an adhesive that matches the type of wallpaper and dilute it according to the instructions.

Wallpaper classic

Lubricate the cut wallpaper with glue and apply it to the door, making sure that there are no jams or distortions. Smoothing out the wallpaper soft cloth, roller or wide plastic spatula. Carefully trim off the excess with a utility knife. Additionally, you can decorate it by gluing a frame made of foam plinth on top of the wallpaper.

While the wallpaper is drying, it is advisable to close the windows in the house and prevent the appearance of drafts, sharp drop temperatures


A door decorated with fabric looks very unusual and attractive. Besides standard training surface, you should pay attention to the fabric itself, finding out the degree of shrinkage.

We cut off a small piece of fabric, measure its dimensions, moisten it with water and dry it. After drying, we take measurements again, comparing the readings and finding out the degree of shrinkage. If the value is large, then the entire piece of fabric is also moistened and left to dry before decorating.

Note! You can use not only a whole piece of fabric, but also cut fragments different color and textures. This technique is called “patchwork” and is often used by designers in interior design.

For fabric, casein glue, a composition based on CMC, as well as Bustilat or Gumilax mastics are best suited. Apply the adhesive to the fabric and apply it to the door, smoothing it with a spatula. When covering a door with fragments, it is important to ensure that they are geometric, otherwise the work will look sloppy.

Additionally, you can decorate the door with beautiful furniture nails, shiny nylon or leather cords, fabric paint, and baguette frames.

- universal. They cover not only walls, but also doors, creating unimaginable patterns and compositions. In this case, you don’t have to bother with cutting the canvases. However, the door cannot be exposed to moisture. Therefore, this method is unacceptable for decorating a door in a bathroom or kitchen.

To work, you will need a dry wallpaper mixture, several spatulas of different sizes, a hopper gun, a roller, a clear varnish, and a color scheme.

Decorate the door with a mirror

A very unusual door decoration can be made using mirrors. Such decor will not only attract everyone’s attention, but will also visually expand the space of the room and add light. However, cutting and attaching a classic glass mirror is very inconvenient, fortunately there is an alternative - acrylic panels with amalgam, which has excellent reflectivity.

Acrylic mirrors are available in a wide range of colors. You can choose any shade you like or several to make a mirror panel. Plastic panels do not break, are easy to process and attach to the door, and are light in weight. The cost of mirrored plexiglass is not the lowest, but the quality and aesthetic qualities fully correspond to the stated prices.

ThicknessColorTrademarkSheet size, mmPrice per sheet, rub
SPD (Italy)1220*2440 5950
Plexiglas Mirror (Germany)2050*3050 11150
PLASKOLITE (USA)2050*3050 14000
PLASKOLITE (USA)2030*3050 15700
Plexiglas Mirror (Germany)2030*3050 16000
3 red, blue, green, orange, yellow, black
(color opaque)
Extruded acrylic glass ZENOCRYL OPAQUE XT2050*3050 10989
3 colored transparent (red, orange, yellow, light blue, blue, green, purple)1220*2440 5453
3 fluorescent transparent (yellow, pink, brown)Cast acrylic glass ZENOCRYL TRANSPARENT1220*2440 5075

Before attaching the mirror plastic to the surface, you should carefully level the surface by deepening the heads of the nails, sanding off and covering with putty all the irregularities/recesses.

On the door and reverse side acrylic canvas, a primer must be applied deep penetration. After it dries, the cut panels are secured with double-sided tape and mounting adhesive. For convenience, use mounting suction cups; with their help, it is much easier to carefully glue the panels to the door leaf.

As one of the decoration options, you can consider shaped acrylic mirrors. Such a mirror can be attached in the center of the door or you can purchase several elements and arrange them beautifully. Usually small parts are produced with an adhesive layer already applied.

Even from such a simple material as buckwheat husk, excellent work is obtained. The cost of the material is minimal, but the service life of such a coating, unfortunately, cannot be called too long.

Step 1. Remove the layer from the door old paint, existing vinyl covering, we eliminate all unevenness with putty.

Step 2. Remove the door from its hinges and place it on the floor/stools/table. We paint the door leaf with dark brown paint. If the door has glass inserts, protect them with masking tape.

Step 3. Thickly coat the dried door with PVA glue, lay out the husks, distributing them with your hands. If necessary, add small gold sparkles.

Step 4. Cover the door with transparent varnish (glossy or matte). It is advisable to apply three layers in order to properly fix the buckwheat to the door leaf.

The beautiful door is ready. To prevent the door from being knocked out general design room, decorate the picture frame in the same way and place the creation on one of the walls.

Decorating the door in vintage style

Vintage is sophistication and sophistication, the beauty of artificially aged things, in harmony with the chic of individual decorative elements. A door in vintage style will become a work of art, an exclusive element of the interior.

For decoration you will need:

We will combine painting the door with the decoupage technique and in addition we will add decorative elements. We will carry out the work on a door that has already been removed from its hinges, puttied and carefully sanded, and laid horizontally.

Step 1. Paint the door white. Apply the paint with a wide brush with stiff bristles in one direction, in a thin layer.

Step 2. When the paint has dried, carefully sand it with coarse sandpaper, achieving an “antique” effect.

Step 3. We begin decorating the panels or the central part of the door. We tear music books and old newspapers into small pieces with our hands. Draw a rectangular or square activity field on the door with a pencil. Lubricate the outlined areas with PVA glue. Immediately lay out the paper chaotically, smoothing it with your hands. Apply clear varnish in two layers on top.

Step 4. Along the perimeter of the areas covered with paper, we attach to assembly adhesive black baguette.

Additionally, you can decorate with a beautiful wreath, a large lace bow or plastic beads imitating pearls (adhesive-based).

There are many other ways to decorate doors. Operate with what is available in your home arsenal materials, use your imagination and create your own masterpieces.

Prices for entrance doors

Entrance doors

Video - A variety of ideas for decorating doors

Video - Applying patina to a door

Video - Decorating the door yourself

11 best manufacturers of interior doors

Photo Name Rating Price

EL"PORTA ⭐ 100 / 100

TRIADOORS ⭐ 99 / 100

STATUS ⭐ 98 / 100

SOFIA ⭐ 97 / 100
#5 ART DECO ⭐ 96 / 100 1 - vote

PROFILDOORS ⭐ 95 / 100

ONYX ⭐ 94 / 100


MATADOOR ⭐ 92 / 100

VOLKHOVETS ⭐ 91 / 100

ALVERO ⭐ 90 / 100

Doors el'PORTA

Doors el'PORTA- these are doors with Italian architecture, produced in Russia. Models modern design and trendy shades, materials highest quality. el’PORTA interior doors are produced using modern Italian and German equipment. Various decorative door coverings allow you to choose the best option in terms of price and performance characteristics.



  • 3D-Graph - structural decorative material increased density. It has a pronounced texture and average wear resistance;
  • eco-veneer is a vandal-proof decorative material that imitates the cut of real wood. High wear resistance, resistance to mechanical damage, fading, moderate moisture resistance;
  • aqua doors - doors that are not afraid of moisture;
  • enamel is a multilayer material that imitates enamel, but has higher properties.


— each product represents an effective combination of priorities modern materials, trouble-free fittings, successful structural and design solutions. Such doors are very appropriate in rooms decorated in modern high-tech or minimalist styles.


  • modern innovative coating Renolit (Germany) is distinguished by its strength, durability and environmental safety;
  • low maintenance requirements. Just wash it occasionally by ordinary means for furniture care (not containing abrasives);
  • doors can be installed in any room, even with high humidity;
  • easy to use, durable and reliable.

— stylish minimalist design will appeal to the modern city dweller. A wide selection of textures and finishing options allows these doors to harmoniously fit into a new, as well as an already finished interior. Telescopic door molding- this is a constructive solution door frame, allowing you to adjust to a wall of any thickness.


  • Due to the telescopic effect, the design is suitable for walls of any thickness. Thanks to a tighter fit to the wall, the box does not warp over time;
  • harmless material based on polypropylene;
  • Spliced ​​solid Angarsk pine is used to ensure stability of the frame, low weight of the canvas, and also environmental safety consumers.

— Sophia doors are an original, designer product, impeccable European quality and prompt service. The Sophia factory carries out the full cycle of product creation, from developing the design of each door collection with Italian designers, developing manufacturing technologies with German engineers.


  • painting doors using safe acrylic-based components, which are used in the medical industry;
  • absolute precision in execution of all joints in the most unusual collections;
  • careful selection and research of materials used;
  • environmentally friendly, strong and durable in use.

- Design by ARTDEKO direction - these are interior doors for true connoisseurs of beauty and comfort. Warm shades natural wood, exquisite shapes, luxurious decor classic doors will become a real interior decoration. The manufacturability and laconic forms of doors in a modern style are an example of high design for adherents of minimalism.


  • veneer is used from valuable wood species such as oak or ash;
  • inserts made of transparent, frosted, colored or patterned glass;
  • are manufactured on high-tech equipment by qualified specialists using high-quality raw materials and materials.

— this type of door structure is a collapsible structure made of individual elements (tsars). The main advantages of this design are its high maintainability, thanks to the ability to replace any part of the door during operation and a huge range of different models, both in modern and classic styles.


  • resistance to chemical and physical influences;
  • a distinctive feature of the coating is its pronounced deep “brushed” structure with a glossy varnish plain surface or a matte varnish plain surface;
  • equipped with German hinges “Simonswerk” and a German lock “KFV”.

Choosing interior doors is not as easy a task as it might seem. What material and what type of construction to choose, and how to correctly fit the door into the design of the room - read our detailed article. Selection best photos attached.

Interior doors are, of course, extremely important element design of any room and apartment as a whole. After all, it is the doors that connect two spaces that should be in harmony with both rooms, regardless of whether they are made in the same general style or inspired by completely different ideas.

So, when during the renovation process you are faced with the question of choosing interior doors, you should pay attention to a few basic rules.

  1. Naturally, ideal option doors will be made from natural materials. We will not tire of repeating that good material- this is not only an aesthetic choice, but also the basis for the longevity of a particular design element, and this indicator can more than recoup the costs. Regarding the choice of interior doors the best choice– doors made of solid wood or natural veneer.
  2. High-quality coating is another point that is worth paying close attention to. It is a high-quality coating that will help extend the service life of the door without losing its attractive appearance. appearance. In addition, high-quality varnish or laminate is also a matter of health!
  3. Pay attention to the fit of all door elements: there should be no unnecessary gaps at the junctions of individual parts, such as grilles, frames, glass inserts or other materials.
  4. Correct geometry is what matters! Only minor discrepancies of a few millimeters are acceptable, otherwise you risk developing certain problems with installation and operation in the future.
  5. Remember that the door frame must have a seal, and if glass is used in the decoration, then it must be of sufficient quality to adequately withstand all operating conditions!

Deciding on the material


Doors made from fibreboard, or in other words fiberboard, are a relatively cheap option. Unlike chipboard, which contains formaldehyde resins, which release toxic fumes over time, fiberboard is a more environmentally friendly material. It consists of slabs made from pressed wood dust, the wood particles in which are steamed during the production of the slabs, and therefore they speak of production by wet pressing.

Don’t think that fiberboard doors look like back walls Soviet wall cabinets. During the production of doors, fiberboard is refined by pressing with special dyes. In addition, the material goes through a so-called strengthening process, which also has a positive effect on its external and functional qualities.

In general, fiberboard doors are good economical choice, which has a number of other advantages: doors made of fiberboard are resistant to moisture and are strong enough to serve you for a long time.


MDF is an excellent compromise between the price of a product and its quality. Not only is MDF an environmentally friendly material, but in addition it has an excellent texture that allows you to make any carved elements from it. Therefore, if you want a door with interesting decor, MDF will cope with this task perfectly.

MDF can be an excellent “filling” for an interior door. Exterior finishing in this case, it can be made, for example, from natural veneer. If you are considering more budget options, then you can opt for finishing with artificial veneer or lamination.

In addition to the advantages associated with possible design delights in the execution of the door leaf, MDF has other advantages, including:

  • moisture resistance;
  • durability;
  • practicality;
  • resistance to deformation.

Solid wood

If you want the doors in your apartment to look expensive and noble, to serve you for a long time, and at the same time you are willing to pay the appropriate price for it, your choice is interior doors made of solid wood.

Beautiful natural material, wood, has a number of advantages:

  • strength of the door structure;
  • excellent adhesion to finishing materials;
  • reliability of fastenings;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • high quality;
  • wealth of design options.

But this material, unfortunately, is not without its drawbacks:

  • each door made of solid wood is, in a certain sense, universal, since the wood pattern is unique;
  • low resistance to temperature changes and moisture (high-quality coating and proper care are required);
  • heavy weight of the structure, which requires the use of extremely reliable and durable fittings.

Most often, in mass production, the surface of solid wood doors is covered with thin sheets of natural veneer to improve moisture and heat resistance and increase service life. Veneered wooden doors cope with this task perfectly!


Many modern styles, such as hi-tech or minimalism, they are not too fond of such natural materials like wood or artificial imitation wood panels. The futurism of such styles dictates the choice of completely different materials - metal, plastic, glass.

And if metal doors- not the best choice for dividing rooms, then glass ones, on the contrary, do not look pretentious and somewhat simplify and lighten. The matte surface allows them to easily fit into any room and be used, among other things, as a door for and.

In addition, the possibilities for decorating glass panels are multifaceted! Combination frosted glass with the usual, stained glass, sandblasted drawings - all this will help you choose a truly unique door for a unique interior!

Choosing an interior door design

Exists a large number of options for interior doors, including classic swing doors and more interesting designs - sliding or folding. More details about everything below.

Swing doors

Swing doors are the simplest and most familiar type of door. The design of such a door consists of a door leaf and a frame. But they are the same simple doors currently boast some variety of options.

A similar design and type of opening is currently used everywhere: both as interior and entrance doors.

Sliding doors

The currently popular type of door structures, sliding doors, came to us from Asia, where they have been used since ancient times. Their main advantage is ergonomics.

The design consists of a door leaf, which is attached to a guide with rollers installed inside a beam attached to the wall. The rollers are attached to the top of the door with a special bracket.

Sliding doors can fit into the smallest room, allowing you to save precious meters.

Let's highlight the main advantages sliding type discoveries:

  • saving space, allowing you not to waste space in an irrational way;
  • design safety;
  • stylish and fashionable design.

The main disadvantages include low sound and heat insulation, as well as a higher cost compared to classic sliding doors.

Either way, sliding doors are stylish and modern version execution of interior doors. We invite you to familiarize yourself with interesting examples in our photo gallery:

Sliding doors

Sliding doors belong to the subgroup of sliding doors, however, they are somewhat different in design from the classic type, and therefore we have identified them as an independent group.

The design of such doors is similar to classic doors. But of course, interior sliding doors differ from cabinet doors in weight and strength. In addition, do not forget about the presence of a handle and a lock.

Sliding doors are more ergonomic than classic sliding doors due to the fact that when opened, the sliding panels not only move to the side, but also overlap each other.

Sliding doors

Another interesting type of sliding doors are doors with sliding mechanism. Such designs are perhaps the most ergonomic option possible, because the door being opened slides not along the wall, but inside it!

In this case, the wall is made of plasterboard, and requires partial redevelopment for mounting a U-shaped groove into the wall. The groove is best made of metal.

Installing sliding door, do not forget about the correct position of the handle!

Such a door looks very interesting in the interior of any room and has the useful property of tightness in comparison with a regular sliding door.


Roto doors are a kind of compromise between a swing and a sliding door. The peculiarity of the rotary door is that during the opening process the door leaf unfolds slightly and open position becomes perpendicular to the doorway.

This type of opening allows open door occupy less space and like the design sliding door serves to save space in a small room or.

Roto doors have such advantages as sound insulation and airtightness, and are an excellent solution for the bedroom!

Folding doors (accordion doors)

Interesting design solution We are presented with the design of folding doors.

An accordion door can fit perfectly into the interior of a living room or bedroom, and can also be an excellent option in the matter of zoning space (for example, separating a bedroom from a dressing room).

The material used to make an accordion door is often wood or plastic, but other options are also possible.

The design of a folding door is a connection of several elements using movable hinges, and one of the ends of such a door is equipped with rollers moving along a guide, as is the case with a classic sliding door.

Nuances of choice and design tricks

Single style or riot of diversity?

When choosing interior doors for an apartment, we are faced not only with the choice of material and type of opening, but also with the choice of style, which, as often happens, must “combine the incongruous.” What are we talking about? Let's tell you in more detail.

If you are renovating a separate room and together with interior design If you want to change the door, you are faced with the task: how to choose a door that would simultaneously fit the new interior of the bedroom or living room and fit into the corridor? However, this question also haunts those who create a design project for a future apartment.

After all, it often happens that in one living space in different rooms get along perfectly different styles! A bedroom in the style of gentle Provence, a living room in the Art Nouveau style with its natural motifs, a laconic kitchen in the minimalist style and a retro hallway - and each room makes its own demands not only on furniture and interior design, but also on the door!

Of course, if you plan to choose a certain unified style for decorating your apartment, then you won’t have to rack your brains over how to fit a door into two interiors at the same time. If you decide not to take the easy route, we can advise you to make interior doors to order - this way you can decorate them on one side to match the design of the hallway, and on the inside - choose a finishing option that is more suitable for the chosen style of the room.

You can also choose doors in neutral colors and neutral designs, which will allow you to fit them into any interior of your choice without any questions asked!

High interior doors

We are accustomed to standard doorways that, on average, do not reach the ceiling by 30-50 cm (depending on the height of your ceilings). However, designers are increasingly offering us interesting concepts for use in the interior. high doors– literally from the floor to the ceiling! What are the advantages of such structures, besides the unusual design solution?

  • Tall doors can visually enlarge the space of a small room and “raise” the ceilings.
  • The wealth of choice of style solutions and shades can easily highlight the individuality of your design.
  • The originality of the appearance does not even need comment. Such doors are unusual, period.

Self-installation of interior doors

Installing interior doors with your own hands is not the easiest process, but it allows you to save a lot during the renovation process.

Of course, the nuances of assembly and installation directly depend on the type of construction you choose and it is impossible to identify a universal algorithm suitable for any case.

We have tried to put together video tutorials for you on installing various types of interior doors so that this process will cause you as little hassle as possible! So, we suggest you watch the video:

Installation swing doors:

Installation of sliding doors:

Installation of folding doors:

Installation of rotary doors: