When to replant peonies? What is a standard division? Preparing the plant for division and transplantation

Peonies can grow in the same place for decades. Still, once every 5-6 years it is recommended to divide and plant the bushes in other corners of the garden. If this procedure is neglected, it can negatively affect the quality of flowering and even lead to degeneration of the plant. This flower is unpretentious, but does not like to move to a new habitat. In order for the plant to quickly take root, it is important to replant peonies correctly and at the most appropriate time. The optimal period is the beginning of autumn.

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    Transfer time

    This procedure should be performed at the end of summer or early autumn. This short seasonal period is good because the heat has already passed, the cold will not come soon, and there is still enough warmth. At this time, the peony bushes had already bloomed and began to prepare for winter. If you dig them up and transplant them to a new place, the flowers will quietly overwinter, and with the arrival of spring they will root system will begin rapid development.

    Peonies transplanted in early autumn usually begin to bloom in the summer, so in the autumn you can safely begin dividing the plant.

    Different climatic zones have their own most favorable days for planting peonies in the ground:

    • In Siberia and the Urals - from August 20 to September 20.
    • In the south of Russia - from September 1 to 30.
    • In the Moscow region, central Russia, in the north-west - from August 20 to September 25.

    As a last resort, if the autumn was warm and dry, you can replant the plant in October (at the beginning of the month). But it is important to do this 30-40 days before the first frost. To be on the safe side, it is better to cover the plant for the winter.

    How to properly dig up a bush?

    If the age of the bush reaches four, five or more years, then its roots are already quite powerful and deep (80-90 cm). At the same time, they are quite gentle and can be easily injured by rough, inept actions. Therefore, you need to dig up the peony as carefully as possible. The sequence of actions is as follows:

    • Dig the ground around the plant within a radius of 40-50 cm. The older the bush, the greater this distance should be. It is best to dig up the plant not with a shovel, but with a pitchfork: this is safer for the flower. After the bush is dug in, you need to carefully loosen it and remove it from the ground using two shovels.
    • Rinse the roots with running water.
    • Trim the above-ground part of the bush at a height of 4-6 cm.
    • Place the plant in the shade for several hours so that the roots become softer during this time.


    Dividing a peony bush into several parts is not so easy, because its roots are tightly intertwined. This procedure is carried out as follows:

    • The rhizome is cut with a knife into pieces of 8-12 cm. From each part there should be 3-4 adventitious roots at least 5 cm long. They also need to have 3-4 buds. It is not recommended to replant too large divisions with more than 5 buds.
    • Each cut part must be inspected and small and rotten roots removed.
    • Treat the sections with preparations containing copper (copper oxychloride, Bordeaux mixture, etc.) and sprinkle with charcoal powder.
    • Place the seedlings in shady place for a day.

    If the peony bush intended for division is too old, its rhizome may be quite hard and large. To break such a giant into pieces, you may need a crowbar, which will have to act as a wedge.

    Transplant stages

    A place is first selected that is not flooded with rain or melt water, sunny and protected from drafts. Further actions boil down to preparing the pit, soil and the actual transplantation.

    Pit preparation

    A hole needs to be at least 70 cm deep. Peony roots are capable of penetrating quite deeply into the ground (up to 80 cm), but only if the ground is loose enough. If the depth of the hole is small, then the root system of the plant will begin to develop in a horizontal plane, and as a result, the flower will be deprived of the necessary minerals and moisture. If it is necessary to provide drainage, the hole is dug 15 cm deeper. This additional space is then covered with a layer of sand or pebbles.

    The hole is filled two-thirds with soil. The peony bush is planted in the upper third.

    Soil enrichment

    Loamy soil with good drainage is most suitable for peonies. To ensure it, you can mix the soil with sand and turf soil.

    You also need to feed the plant. To do this, add to the soil:

    • humus;
    • ash;
    • bone meal (300-350 g);
    • potassium sulfate (100-150 g);
    • iron sulfate (1 tbsp.).


    Divided rhizomes must be planted in the ground so that the buds are no deeper than 5-6 cm. If the soil is heavy, then the planting depth is even less - 3-4 cm. Under these conditions, the flower will not suffer from either cold or heat.

    Before planting in a new place, peony roots need to be dipped in a solution of a growth stimulator (" succinic acid", "Rooter", "Heteroauxin"), and after wetting, be sure to dry the plant.

    The rhizome with buds should be placed in the center of the hole - this is necessary in order to allow the suction roots to quickly grow and begin to nourish the flower. After the hole is covered with earth, a couple of buckets of water are poured into it. Then you need to wait 2 weeks: peonies do not tolerate either dense soil or moving soil, and during the specified time the soil will settle and acquire optimal physical parameters for rooting the plant after replanting.

    Under no circumstances should you compact the soil with your feet - this can damage the roots. It is recommended to hill up the plant for the winter.

    Transplantation in spring

    Spring - no best time for transplanting peonies. Flowers transplanted from one place to another at this time of year may noticeably lag in growth. But if there is a need to resort to this procedure in the spring, then it is recommended to follow a number of the following rules:

    • Follow the principle: the sooner the better, that is, begin to act as soon as the ground is free of snow cover and excess moisture leaves it.
    • It is desirable that the air temperature be within 9-10 degrees Celsius, and the soil warmed up to +3 degrees. These are the conditions that are optimal for the formation of the root system and growth of the peony.
    • Planting must begin before the growing season begins. Otherwise, you can harm the plant by damaging the roots.
    • When choosing a new place for planting, you need to find a sunny area where the shadow will not fall.
    • Under no circumstances should you engage in dividing the bush. In spring, only careful moving of the plant to another place is permissible.

    If planting a flower in a new place was done according to all the rules, then you can expect that the peony will take root. Nevertheless, bushes that have survived the spring transplant will delight their owners with flowering no earlier than after 2 or even 3 years.

    If hot weather has already arrived, then the plant cannot be replanted.

    Caring for transplanted bushes

    In case of heavy rains, the need for regular watering There are no peonies. It is necessary to water the plant only when the soil dries out. The best fertilizer for flowers is a solution of mullein. It promotes rapid development of roots, regeneration of buds, formation of leaves and flowers.

    Mullein is poured into small holes dug around the bush. It is possible to feed transplanted peonies with complex fertilizers dissolved in water. In this case, mullein is no longer used.

    Some gardeners prefer to remove flower baskets in the first 2-3 years after transplantation so that the peony does not waste energy on flowering and can develop a powerful root system. With this approach, there is no need to use fertilizers during the first years of bush development in a new location.

Peony- a gorgeous plant with many colors and varieties. Special care does not require, likes to grow in sunny places. Experienced gardeners and lovers choose it as the main decoration of the garden. If you plant flowers on the plot for various periods flowering, you get the impression that they are blooming endlessly. They can decorate and enliven the most inconspicuous garden plot.

Flowering time

Start to grow in early spring. Stems growth continues for up to 40 days. The flowering period begins after 45 days from the start of growth. The bush plant itself can bloom for up to 15 days, each flower individually for up to 8 days. If dry and hot weather sets in, the fragrance process will begin much earlier, but its period will be shortened.

Hybrid peony “Nouzgey”

The terms are divided into three types:

  • Early. Flowers early date They begin to delight with their grace in early June. Lasts on average until June 15.
  • Average. After the early peonies, the baton is picked up by mid-blooming flowers. The period gradually shifts to June 15. This period usually lasts until June 30.
  • Late. On late varieties inflorescences appear at the end of June and continue to bloom almost until the end of July.

During 2 summer months (June, July) they delight amateur gardeners unusual coloring, flower shape and flowering duration.

Features of flowering

In order to get a healthy, full-fledged bush, you need to know the rules of cultivation and care. There are times when they do not bloom. There may be many reasons for this:

  • Short growth period. If the peonies were planted recently, you should not expect flowers to appear soon. Flowers need to take root, grow tall stems, and flowers bloom no earlier than 2-3 years.
  • Purchasing quality planting material. The material must be purchased from a trusted seller with a quality certificate. Some new varieties bloom after 4-5 years.

The flowering period largely depends on climate zone and varieties of varieties. For these reasons, some bloom already in May, while others delight with the abundance of their buds until mid-summer. If the bush is planted in the shade, then the timing is much delayed.

In order for garden pets to bloom long and profusely, you must adhere to some simple rules:

In order for peonies to bloom magnificently, abundantly and for a long time, it is necessary to trim the bushes in time and feed the plants.

Is it possible to replant a blooming peony?

It is possible to replant during flowering, but it is not advisable. During this period, the plant is already prepared to produce flower stalks: buds are formed, ready for flowering.

Flowering peony “Bowl of Beauty”

If such a situation arises urgently, then this must be done extremely carefully:

  • Prepare the soil, add humus and fertilizing to it;
  • Carry out thorough watering;
  • Carefully move the plant with a large lump of earth to a new planting location;
  • Replanting should only be done in cloudy or rainy weather;
  • During rooting, carefully monitor its condition, constantly moistening the soil.

Summer adaptation is extremely difficult, so it is better not to touch it unless necessary and wait until the autumn, when the transplant will be more comfortable.

What to do after flowering?

After the bushes have bloomed, carry out preparatory work to make them look more chic next year:

Blooming with lush caps of fragrant flowers, peony delights us every spring. This unpretentious plant does not require any special effort on the part of the gardener, but in order for it to please for not only several, but also decades, the bush must be rejuvenated every five years. This procedure means dividing the bush and planting the resulting divisions in a new place. In this article we will look in detail at how to replant peonies and how to prepare a place for them.

Such different peonies...

These perennials belong to the Ranunculaceae family and are divided into two main types: tree-like, retaining the aboveground part throughout the year, and herbaceous, with foliage dying off in autumn. In Russian gardens, herbaceous peonies are most widespread, blooming from May to the end of June. These plants with large, strongly dissected leaves can reach a height of up to 100 cm and have a fleshy, powerful rhizome. At the ends of the stems there are simple semi-double or double flowers. Their coloring can be very diverse.

According to the structure of the flower, peonies are divided into:

  • anemone-shaped;
  • terry;
  • semi-double;
  • non-double;
  • Japanese.

Preferred Conditions

Peony is a perennial plant that, with proper care, lives and blooms for 20 years or more. But in order to enjoy flowering every year, you need not only to choose the right place for planting, but also to learn how to replant peonies.

These flowers need sunny place, protected from strong winds. Peonies take shading calmly, especially in the afternoon, and tolerate it well. For spectacular flowering these plants need a mandatory 5-6 hour exposure to the sun.

Unfavorable for peonies are heavily shaded areas near buildings, large trees and shrubs. They will, of course, grow, but they are unlikely to bloom.

When to replant peonies?

This question is asked by many gardeners, believing that they know how to replant peonies. The most favorable moment for various manipulations with the plant, according to experts, is the time when the flower’s suction roots are actively growing. In our climatic conditions, this is the period from mid-August to the end of September. You can, of course, do this later, but it is better to give the plants more time for normal rooting. This will allow the bushes to develop faster in the future. Under no circumstances should you touch the plant during the hot months. Since replanting a peony in the summer means dooming it to illness and, most likely, death.

Spring transplant

Sometimes it becomes necessary to replant a peony bush in the spring. This can be done when the snow has already melted and the soil has thawed, and the plant buds have not yet awakened. However, many gardeners note that after spring replanting, the bushes lag behind in development and get sick quite often.

A small note about how to properly replant peonies so that they take root well in a new place and please abundant flowering next season. To do this, it is best to take the peony rhizome without dividing or disturbing it, moving it to a new place along with a lump of earth. Thus, you can replant bushes both in spring and autumn.

Do they need to be replanted?

These flowers can grow without replanting for up to 30 years. However, changing conditions on the site lead to the need to move them to another, more favorable place. When replanting peonies, it is worth remembering that their root system develops rather slowly, and for the first few years the plant will receive nutrients only from surface layers soil. Since peonies can be replanted in early spring and late autumn, it is important to properly prepare holes for them.

Preparing the place and soil for planting

Peonies are moisture-loving flowers, but they do not tolerate stagnation of liquid and dampness. Therefore, when preparing pits for these plants measuring 600 x 600 x 600 mm, it is necessary to equip them good drainage from gravel, expanded clay or finely crushed brick.

If the soil on the site is acidic, it is necessary to deoxidize it by adding wood ash or crushed lime (at the rate of 1 cup for each square meter). The most favorable soil for peonies is sandy loam.
or loamy, seasoned with well-rotted organic fertilizers (at the rate of approximately 5 kg per bush). It is worth noting that the fertilizer should be quite old, preferably 4-5 years old. Except organic fertilizers, in each planting hole add from 60 to 100 g of superphosphate, 50 g of potassium chloride, 10 g of iron sulfate and 400 g of bone meal, which can be replaced with the same amount of dolomite. More than half of these pits are filled with compost, sand, peat and garden soil mixed in equal proportions. After that, fertilizers are applied, watered and mixed so that the soil settles and there is no direct contact of the plant roots with the fertilizers.

Let's look at all the necessary steps step by step:

  1. Cut the leaves of the plant at a distance of 10-15 cm from the ground.
  2. Carefully dig around the perimeter of the peony, retreating 20-25 cm from the stems.
  3. Loosen the bush using a fork or crowbar.
  4. Carefully remove the rhizome of the flower along with a lump of earth.
  5. Carefully, being careful not to damage the roots, shake off the soil.
  6. Carefully inspect the rhizome for rotten, damaged or diseased areas.
  7. Remove all affected areas with a knife and treat the affected areas with crushed activated carbon or wood ash.
  8. Plant the rhizome in a hole prepared 2 weeks before planting, deepening the “eyes” (buds) 2-3 cm below the ground level and making sure to straighten the roots.
  9. Cover with garden soil and compact it firmly.
  10. Water each transplanted plant with 5 liters of water.
  11. Sprinkle some loose soil on top.

Instead of a conclusion

According to experts, optimal time The time to move peonies to a new location is the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. However, when and how to replant peonies, each gardener must determine for himself, depending on the tasks being solved on the site, the needs of the plants, climatic conditions and other factors that are individual and unique in each region.

Replanting peonies, herbaceous and tree-like, is necessary if the bushes have been growing in one place for more than 10-15 years, and their decorative effect has noticeably decreased, or the overgrown specimen looks sloppy. The optimal period for moving peonies is autumn.

Transfer time

Each gardener is guided by the weather in his area and regulates the timing of when to replant peonies. The main guideline is that after planting there is still a month or a month and a half left before frost. Over the summer, the peony root system develops well, and the bush grows stronger if timely watering was carried out in the heat and fertilizers were applied. Having formed since the beginning of August flower buds, the rhizomes go into a dormant period. In 30-45 days of autumn weather without freezing the soil, the roots take root, and in the spring powerful buds of future stems appear. Flowering should be expected 2-3 years after moving the peony bush or dividing the rhizome.

Transplanting peonies

The bush develops due to thin and long suction roots, which are almost invisible, similar to a cobweb. A continuation of the storage roots, thick white shoots, form at the end of September. Therefore, it is important to replant peonies before this period so that the root system successfully develops in the new location.

Approximate calendarwhen is it betterconducttransplanting peonies:

  1. From the second ten days of August, summer replanting of peonies begins in areas with the early onset of autumn (in Siberia, the Urals) until mid-September.
  2. In the regions middle zone planting continues until September 25.
  3. The time when in the south you can transplant peonies to another place lasts the entire first autumn month.

As for spring replanting, experts advise only one period. Peonies are moved immediately after the snow melts, when red shoots have not yet appeared. The roots must be dug out carefully, without damaging the earthen ball. The plant is moved to a new place and placed in a prepared hole, without shaking off the soil, so as not to injure the small roots. Young bushes planted 2-3 years ago can withstand such transhipment better.

If planting material purchased in the spring, gardeners recommend storing it deep into the ground in a pot with a volume of 2-3 liters. With the coming warm weather The pot is buried in the garden and watered moderately. In autumn they produce correct landing, preparing a spacious pit with fertilizers.

Important! Divide the peony bush after 4-5 years of development.

How to dig up a bush correctly

Having studied the conditions, how to plant a peony bush and when to choose for this best period, flower growers dig up plants in August or September. For a large bush, a reliable tool is a fork, which will not cut off the ends of large roots. Absorbing web-like shoots penetrate to a depth of 90 cm. When replanting, it is almost impossible to save all of these roots, but cutting large rhizomes with a shovel can cause them disease.

Follow the operating algorithm:

  1. They dig up the bushes, retreating at least 40 cm, to approximately the same depth.
  2. They loosen a clod of earth with roots.
  3. They try to get it out with two shovels.
  4. Wash the rhizome from the ground and cut the stems to 10 cm.

Place the dense root ball in the shade so that the large intertwining shoots slightly diverge from one another under own weight. After a few hours, the old peony bush is divided.

Additional Information! Before dividing the rhizomes of peonies, choose a sharp knife and disinfect the blade with potassium permanganate, brilliant green or an alcohol solution so as not to accidentally introduce an infection.


The rhizomes of powerful old bushes are tightly intertwined. Therefore, when dividing, they are first measured approximately so that there are 3-5 buds on the segments. Bushes that are too overgrown are divided by driving a wedge into the center of the coma. They work with the roots carefully, despite their impressive appearance they are quite fragile. They try not to cut off such a fragment where there are many buds and few roots. The plant will not be able to fully feed due to the small volume of the root system.

Adhere to the requirements for healthy divisions:

  • root length – 8-15 cm;
  • there are at least 3-4 buds, but no more than 6-8;
  • 3-5 thin shoots extend from the rhizome, up to 8-10 mm thick, up to 4-6 cm long.

The roots are cut with a sharp knife, following the direction from top to bottom. After separation, the sections are reviewed to discard those showing signs of disease or major damage. Rotten roots are cut off, treating fresh surfaces, like the entire lump, with copper-based compounds: Bordeaux mixture, copper oxychloride or other preparations. Then the sections are dusted with wood ash. The planting material dries for 24 hours in a dry, shady corner. To avoid the appearance of rot, rhizomes are disinfected in a pink solution of potassium permanganate. If desired, gardeners treat sections of peony rhizomes in a solution of any growth stimulator, following the instructions for the drug.

Transplanting peonies

Undivided bushes do not take root well, so too old rhizomes are cut out from the central part of the coma. In addition, these parts may be rotten or hollow inside. The sections are also processed. You can also plant small sections of roots that have 1-2 buds. Experienced flower growers They also do not refuse fragments without buds. If there are small strong roots, the peony will grow into flowering bush with proper care after several years. The buds wake up if the rhizome is in good conditions.

Transplant stages

Having decided exactly when to plant peonies, the pit for future large flower bushes is prepared 15-30 days in advance. During this time, the substrate will become denser due to natural shrinkage, and the rhizomes will be placed on required depth. For different types peonies their conditions in the garden. When dividing a bush of herbaceous peonies, you have to dig 2-3 holes, which should be located at intervals of up to 1 m. Spreading tree-like peonies are planted at a distance of one and a half to two meters.

Plants are light-loving. It is important to place peonies in the yard or garden so that they are exposed to the sun all day. Only light partial shade is allowed during lunch hours. Therefore, it is not advisable to plant bushes near buildings or high fences and trees.

Pit preparation

Pit preparation

The planting hole should be quite spacious and deep, because peonies grow in one place for up to 30-80 years. Having chosen a sunny place, protected from cold winds, that meets the requirements of peonies for the acidity of the soil and the non-swampiness of the site, they dig a hole 60-80 cm deep, dimensions 60x60 or 70x80. For tree peonies prepare a more spacious place. 70% of the volume of the pit is filled with substrate, then the rhizomes are placed, on top of which a layer of garden soil without fertilizers, up to 10-14 cm thick, is applied.

Soil enrichment

Peonies develop best on loam with slight acidity, up to a pH of 5-6 units. Experts recommend how to properly prepare the soil for plants:

  • add sand and humus in equal proportions to acidic and heavy soil;
  • for sandy loam areas, place an incomplete bucket of clay in the hole;
  • in areas where groundwater suitable up to 1 m, holes are dug 15 cm deeper to lay a drainage layer of sand or expanded clay;
  • acidic soils are limed by mixing 100-200 g of slaked lime into the substrate, which necessarily contains humus;
  • Fertilizers are also added to each hole: 0.35 kg of bone meal, 0.1-0.2 kg of superphosphate, 0.15 kg of potassium sulfate or one liter of wood ash by volume;
  • To prevent fungal diseases, 20 g are mixed into the substrate. iron sulfate.

These fertilizers are enough for the bushes to develop for 2-3 years, and then they are fed with organic matter and complex mineral preparations.

Note! If you place peony buds too deep, the bushes will not throw up flowers.


Some gardeners place the separated rhizomes in the chosen place immediately after separation, others leave the fragments to dry. Having decided when the peonies can be replanted, the divisions are placed on the settled substrate and upper layer from ordinary loose soil so that a few centimeters remain from the buds to the ground level:

  • on heavy soil - no more than 3-4 cm;
  • on the lungs, deepening of the kidneys up to 5-7 cm is allowed.

After sprinkling the tubers, compact the soil and water with 5-10 liters of water. Dry grass mulch is laid on top. As the weather gets colder, a layer of peat or humus, up to 10-12 cm high, is added to the hole. In spring, the bush is freed from mulch.


If the substrate in the hole has sunk too deep within a month, the rhizomes are placed on garden soil. The shoots will take nutrition from the lower layer.

In the case where the holes have not been prepared, the seedlings are not buried, but placed on the surface of the substrate and the top layer of the hole from garden soil so that the buds are on top. The roots are buried in a layer of up to 6 cm. When shrinkage occurs, the tubers will sink to the required depth.

The ideal time to transplant peony bushes is late summer, early autumn. Having placed the flowers in a convenient and suitable place for plants, they have been admiring their picturesque appearance for several decades.

Dividing and replanting peonies is the key to a beautiful flower garden in the garden

Peony transplantation is used by flower growers not only for dividing and thinning a flower bed, it is one of the ways to “wake up” a plant that has no flowers, if its original place in the flowerbed and the conditions turned out to be unsuitable for flowering.

Timing for transplanting and dividing peonies

It is recommended to replant peonies when they have bloomed and stocked up nutrients for the winter and prepare for the dormant period. Experienced gardeners advise doing this in early autumn, in September. Transplanting peonies in the fall allows the divisions to take root well and produce strong shoots the following year.

If necessary, you can transplant and divide the peony in the spring, but not later than the moment when the plant has bright red sprouts no more than 15-20 cm high. That is, before the green branch begins to form - in April or May.

If the flowers were grown at home, or due to diseases in the flower garden, it is necessary to move the peonies to a new place - replanting in the summer is allowed, but without the division procedure.

Preparing a site for planting peonies

About a month before the planned transplant, you should prepare places for new bushes. In a sunny place protected from the winds, dig planting holes at least 60 cm deep.

A layer is poured at the bottom of the pit drainage material(expanded clay, broken brick, pebbles), then a nutrient mixture for the development of the plant. You can buy it in specialized stores or prepare it yourself by mixing one bucket of compost, peat, sand, and adding a glass of wood ash and 50 grams of superphosphate.

The remaining volume of the pit is filled with garden soil, cleared of weeds and roots. To shrink, the substrate should be thoroughly watered, and then, if necessary, topped up with soil.

Reproduction by division and replanting a peony bush

Peonies that are planned to be transplanted by dividing the rhizome must be older than 5 years. An adult bush is dug at an angle with a pitchfork from all sides, the rhizome is carefully removed from the hole and the soil is shaken off it. If the soil is damp and sticks to the roots, you can rinse it off with a hose or watering can. This is necessary so that the kidneys are clearly visible.

Dividing the rhizomes is done using a garden knife. This is done in such a way that each division contains 2-3 rhizomes and 3-4 buds. Sections and broken roots are powdered with crushed coal.

If the gardener’s goal is to replant the bushes without dividing them, then their roots should not be washed when replanting peonies. The entire rhizome is carefully transferred to the prepared hole and covered with earth so that the buds are buried no more than 5 cm. After which the plant should be watered with a bucket of water, in which several manganese crystals can be dissolved for disinfection.

Planting peonies in divisions and caring for them

The delenka is placed in the center landing pit and sprinkle with a layer of earth no more than 5 cm. If the rhizome is buried, it may rot, and if placed close to the soil level, the buds will dry out. After planting, the plants are watered once every three days at the rate of one 10 liter bucket per plant.

For the winter, the stems of the seedlings are cut to 10 cm and covered with spruce branches or compost.

If the timing of transplanting peonies was chosen correctly, then already in the first summer the plant will develop buds. They should be removed so that the plant does not waste energy on flower formation - for the first two years, young peonies will build up the root mass, so you should not force them to bloom.

Bottom line

Dividing and transplanting peonies to another place will help you quickly fill flower beds and front gardens with these lush flowers. In addition, this is a great opportunity to exchange different varieties with neighboring gardeners.