What is the name of a beautiful lush flowering bush? Perennial shrubs for the garden: names, flowering period

Moscow and the Moscow region are a region where it is cold for at least 5 months a year. Already in November, snow may fall, and spring does not always come with the onset of March. Frosts are possible down to -25-30ºС and in summer the heat reaches +35ºС. Moreover, unlike Siberia, the snow cover is not constant, and temperature fluctuations are very sharp and noticeable.

We should also not forget about the heavy traffic load, which affects the cleanliness of the air. Gas pollution, frequent temperature changes, dry periods - all these factors must be taken into account when choosing shrubs for garden plots.

Important! To prevent the area from looking like a chaotic multi-colored spot, consider in advance what to plant where, so that during flowering it looks harmonious, and not tacky and tasteless!

Decorative blooming

Forsythia europaea

On this bush in early spring At first, flowers of a bright sunny color appear and only after they fall off do the leaves grow. The time of his yellow “dominance” is March, April. It grows up to 2 m in height and 3 m in diameter, and has the shape of a hemisphere.

Advantages: early color, thrives in partial shade, relatively drought tolerant. It can live up to 70 years, blooms early and abundantly, flowers along the entire length of the branches - from the bottom to the top.

Where to plant: alone on the lawn or surrounded by early flowering bulbs, it can also be combined with other bushes and is suitable for use as a hedge. Light soils are suitable; it is better to choose a sunny site without cold winds. Does not tolerate high humidity well.

Care: It tolerates wintering better if you mulch and bend the branches to the ground so that they overwinter under snow cover. In spring, it is necessary to remove the old mulch and add mineral fertilizers and add a layer of manure or humus. Then trim off the tops and dry stems.

Almond triloba – Louiseania triloba

Louiseania delights the eye twice a year - in May, when pink buds bloom and bloom, and in autumn, when the foliage takes on a bright fiery hue. Almost 3 weeks branches strewn with double flowers, similar to sakura decorate suburban areas.

It usually grows up to 2-3 m. It tolerates frost and may be defenseless against sharp drop temperatures in early spring if the shoots wake up ahead of time.

Advantages: delicate flowers similar to sakura, in the fall also attract attention with the orange-red hue of the foliage, are frost-resistant, cut branches are suitable for making bouquets and stand in water without falling off for up to 1.5 weeks. Can be grown in urban environments.

Where to plant: in a group of shrubs, next to perennials flowering plants, spirea or daylilies. Shadow and excess moisture are the enemies of Louiseania; it is better for it to choose a place in a sunny, windless space.

Care: for the winter it is covered so that the ends of the shoots and buds do not freeze and do not rot root collar. Watering is needed in moderation; it should be watered abundantly only during flowering. Be sure to trim thick branches to maintain shape and to avoid thickening, after the flowers fall, the branches are cut by 2/3.

Chaenomeles - Japanese quince

Fruit and berry exotic shrub with spines and flowers 3-5 cm. white, pink or red-orange. Blooms profusely for up to 20 days in May-June. By October, orange or yellow-green fruits weighing about 45 grams ripen on the bush, resembling an apple or pear in shape (depending on the variety). From each bush, 2 kg is collected. Henomelis begins to bear fruit at 3-4 years. IN fresh They are not consumed, but they make excellent jams, preserves, and marshmallows.

Advantages: unpretentious to soils, even damp clay or sandy ones are suitable, an excellent honey plant, strengthens loose soil to prevent erosion. The vitamin C content in fruits is higher than that of lemon! They also contain many vitamins, microelements, carotene and pectins.

Where to plant: in single plantings, as a hedge or border, also looks great in alpine roller coaster and rockeries, the Rubra variety is used as bonsai. If you want to get a fruit harvest, you should choose lighted places and plant several seedlings for successful cross-pollination.

Care: shoots older than 5 years are removed, no more than 20 branches are left so that thickening does not occur, in the spring it is necessary to feed with nitrogen fertilizers, after the formation of the fruits, complex solutions of potassium and phosphorus are also added, by winter it is important to protect from the wind by covering with spruce branches or installing a snow-retaining shield.

Common lilac

A bush with many trunks, sometimes growing up to 8 m. There are about 30 species and 500 varieties! Rich palette of shades and fragrant aroma have been attracting fans for many years, remaining a favorite despite new items and exotica. Flowers appear in the 3rd year and bloom by the end of May, beginning of June. Tolerates drought and frost well.

In addition to beauty, flowers, buds and leaves can be used to treat many ailments - as an antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, diuretic, anticonvulsant, analgesic. It is used as tea, tinctures, ointments, compresses and lotions are made.

Advantages: does not require complex care, tolerates frost and heat, has useful medicinal properties, has a wide variety of shapes and shades

Where to plant: tall and spreading bushes grow best separately, bloom even in partial shade, but then there are fewer flowers, it can grow on mountain slopes and any soil except swampy and clayey.

Care: it is important to trim the inflorescences after flowering so that by next year the bush will be more luxuriant, watering is not required from mid-July, otherwise the buds may awaken, for the first 3 years you can do without fertilizing, provided that fertilizers were added to the hole before planting, you don’t have to cover it for the winter .

Spiraea Van–Gutta

A fast-growing crop from the Rosaceae family, which does not grow higher than 2 m. A lush, spreading crown with hanging branches, on which cap-shaped inflorescences bloom by June or even early July (if the spring turns out to be cool) white. At favorable conditions blooms twice a year. In autumn, the foliage turns purple and decorative fruits appear. It blooms after 2 years.

Advantages: grows on dry sandy soil, feels good in the shade, tolerates air pollution (ideal for urban and suburban conditions), does not require frequent watering, tolerates low temperatures, excellent honey plant.

Where to plant: universal - a bright representative of solitaire plants, and at the same time suitable for use in hedges, borders, near ponds; cut inflorescences are used to make bouquets and compositions; it can grow even in wet soils.

Care: faded inflorescences are pruned after flowering and to give shape, covered with foliage and peat for the winter; when frozen, dead shoots are cut off and quickly restored.

Deytsia rough or star-shaped

A plant brought from China and Japan, with rough leaves with small hairs. Flowers of pink, crimson, lilac, white or carmine appear in July-August, and the fruits ripen in October.

Advantages: resistant to diseases, lush flowering, combines well with coniferous trees and bushes, versatility of use.

Where to plant: can grow either alone or in combination with lilac, hydrangea, weigela, mulberry, chaenomeles and other shrubs and flowers, used in hedges, borders and landscape compositions. Demanding on the soil - you need light, rich in minerals and organic matter soil.

Care: mulching is not necessary, watering 1-3 times a month, pruning - thinning and after flowering, for the winter it is necessary to cover with spruce branches or non-woven material, bending the branches to the ground.

Barberry Thunberg

Brought from Far East and is valued for its variety of foliage shades, shapes and protective properties, thanks to long spines. An unpretentious but very impressive plant with yellow to reddish-purple foliage and small oval decorative fruits. It blooms in May, 5-6 years after planting, with inflorescences collected in bunches or short brushes. The decorative value is fully manifested in the fall, when the foliage begins to play with the seven colors of autumn.

Advantages: you don’t need to trim it at all, it’s very effective throughout the warm season, it doesn’t require watering and abundant fertilizing, resistant to diseases and severe frosts

Where to plant: in Japanese gardens, near ponds, for creating borders, hedges, in landscape compositions and also in single plantings. They can grow in partial shade, but then the color of the foliage changes.

Care: pruning is required if the ends have frozen over the winter or you want to give the hedge a certain shape, it is useful to loosen, mulch and apply organic fertilizers, this variety does not need to be covered for the winter.

Common mock orange

People call this bush jasmine. Large white flowers appear in late spring and early summer and delight with their appearance and fragrance for almost a month. Its delicate aroma and low maintenance make it a favorite among garden and park crops.

Advantages: tolerates cold well, can grow near groundwater and in the shade, does not suffer from smoke and exhaust fumes.

Where to plant: in a single planting and in a composition of other shrubs. It loves the sun, but will also bloom in the shade, while the bush will stretch upward and the flowers will become larger.

Care: pruning is required after flowering so that new shoots form by autumn, minimal watering - after planting and during the period when the flowers gain strength. It does not require shelter for the winter and easily tolerates temperatures down to -30ºС.

Cinquefoil shrub – (Quintuple leaf) - Kuril tea

A low bush up to 1 m high and up to 1.2 m wide with very abundant and long flowering - from June to October. Amazing feature - yellow flowers and the leaves are used as tea, which helps with colds and also normalizes metabolism and calms stress. The tincture is used for burns and wounds.

Advantages: It blooms for 3-4 months, in addition to its beauty, it is very useful and is used as food; it can be planted in any combination.

Where to plant: on fertile soils, but takes root on clay, rocky and slightly alkaline soils, and feels more confident in partial shade. Universal look, which can be combined with almost everything - conifers and deciduous trees, tall shrubs, in compositions and rose gardens, to create borders and hedges.

Care: does not require shelter for the winter, moderate watering, tolerates pruning well for shaping and rejuvenation in the fall after flowering or in the spring before the formation of leaves.

Budleya variablea

“Moth tree” or “Butterfly magnet” is another name for this bush with honey aroma and flowers a little like lilacs. The color is usually lilac, but also comes in crimson, burgundy, purple or white. Grows up to 2-3 m, sometimes even up to 5 m. Loves tropical humid climate.

Advantages: blooms for 6 weeks, starting in late summer, grows quickly.

Where to plant: good both in single and group plantings, it is better to combine with shorter species. Can be planted in large tubs to decorate terraces or patios so that they can be removed indoors for the winter.

Care: Pruning is very important to give shape and preserve it from frost. For the winter, it is better to cover the arches with a film on top, but be sure to leave an air gap so that the roots do not dry out. Fertilizing with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers is done in spring and summer.


Airy, light, lush spherical inflorescences of the most bizarre shades - pink, lilac, lilac, blue, white, blue will decorate any area. Depending on the variety, it grows up to 3 or even 10 m. Petiolate hydrangea is used for weaving arbors and reaches 25 m. Flowering occurs in the spring and only falls off with the onset of frost. Hydrangea root is used to treat genitourinary diseases, reduce swelling and heal wounds.

Advantages: blooms for more than 4 months, can be in the shade and grow in acidic soil, has medicinal properties, looks very beautiful in fresh and dried bouquets.

Where to plant: ideal for flower beds and flower beds, in combination with hosta, ferns and other shade-tolerant bushes on the north side.

Care: moisture-loving, does not tolerate drought well, pruning is needed during bud swelling and for wintering. It is better to cut off old bushes at the root before winter, and cut off the flowers on young shoots after they fall. Requires horizontal shelter in cold weather.


Shrubs about 1 m high, rarely growing to 1.5-2 m. with large inflorescences of orange, red, pink or yellow. It blooms in late June-July and the color lasts about 3 weeks. Feels better in warm regions.

Advantages: They grow well near bodies of water, have strong immunity to diseases and pests, and are a long-lived plant that can live up to 200 years.

Where to plant: in the shade of tall plants on sandy loamy acidic soils, near rivers, lakes, ponds. It is planted singly, in compositions, hedges, borders, alleys, and looks impressive when planted in masses of bushes of different colors.

Care: for the winter it requires covering with non-woven material on the frame; it is important to monitor the maintenance of soil acidity, so when watering, the water must be settled or acidified.

Common heather

An evergreen hardy plant that does not grow higher than 1 m and is more reminiscent of a tapestry during the flowering period. Cherry, purple, white, crimson and pink inflorescences appear in July and remain on the branches even when dried until October.

Advantages: capable of growing in the most unfavorable conditions, an excellent honey plant, used for making juice for throat diseases, tinctures, decoctions, tea, and soothing baths.

Where to plant: will take root on peat, sandy, marshy soils, slopes, and wastelands. Can be planted near stones, in rockeries, on open areas and in combination with other plants. They are also grown in pots on the balcony and terrace.

Care: avoid soils rich in calcium, do pruning in the spring before active growth and cut only along the green part of the trunk, without touching the wood. In winter, you can cover it with spruce branches and sprinkle peat around the shoots.

Park rose

“Cultivated rosehip” - this can also be called numerous species park roses. The most common are Canadian and English. It blooms by the end of May and delights for more than a month with its lush and bright buds from white to dark purple, including pink, yellow and orange. Some varieties bloom twice.

Advantages: drought resistance, abundant and long flowering, highly decorative due to fruits that remain until frost.

Where to plant: arches, gazebos, facades, hedges, background for flower beds, in combination with coniferous and climbing plants or in a single planting. In a sunny and ventilated place on loose enriched soils, ideally loam with humus and compost, diluted with sand.

Care: the one brought from Canada is more adapted to wintering and tolerates frosts down to -40ºС, the “English” one requires shelter for the winter. Watering is moderate, if there is no drought, it stops from the end of August.


Unlike mock orange, real jasmine in our latitudes is grown in pots and tubs. It is more of a vine that can grow from 2 to 10 m, depending on the species. The flowering period and the shade of the flowers also depend on the variety - white, yellow or pink. Possesses unique properties and is used for food medicines and for perfumery purposes.


Twice a year - in spring and towards the end of summer, carmine-red, pink, cream and yellow buds bloom on this shrub. Brought from Japan and China, it has taken root well in our conditions. There are both dwarf ones with a spherical crown and those growing up to 3-5 m.

Advantages: repeated flowering, a variety of varieties and shades, the color of the buds changes from light to dark as they ripen, fruits form in the fall.

Where to plant: in nutritious slightly acidic soils in sunlit areas or in partial shade. Low-growing species are suitable for borders, flower beds, flower beds, and stone gardens. Tall ones will form an attractive hedge, decorate lawns when planted alone and in combination with barberry, roseberry, quince, cotoneaster and evergreens.

Care: It is important that the soil does not dry out; for this purpose, mulching and loosening are carried out. Pruning twice a year - after winter and between flowering. In winter, they are covered or wrapped in non-woven material, and spruce branches or litter are placed underneath.


A lover of the tropics and subtropics with gramophone-shaped buds of white, yellow, orange and light green, which bloom in August-September and then again from October to November.

Important! The plant contains toxic substances and may cause headache and hallucinations, be careful in families with children.

Advantages: lush color in several passes, used for medicinal purposes, quite exotic and unusual appearance.

Where to plant: in our latitudes it is not suitable for open ground, grown on balconies, in tubs and pots with placement on summer period on patios, terraces and gardens.
Care: light-loving plant, for which a temperature of -5ºС is mortal danger. Loves ventilated places and light. You should monitor growth and transplant in time as it grows into a larger container.

Features of growing plants

Before planting seedlings, it is better to clarify the timing of the appearance of flowers and place them so that they complement and replace each other. There are a wide variety of categories of shrubs that bloom in different time, so it is quite possible to choose them in such a way that there is always something pleasing to the eye on your site and does not fade away at one moment.
To cut or not to cut?
Most plants require pruning to give them shape, but some species are good in their original form, so that their carelessness gives a certain charm.


Before breeding, it is better to calculate in advance what will grow and where. Territory size and combination different cultures It’s very important if you want to create comfort and beauty and not just plant the first thing you liked.
If the area is small, then instead tall trees blocking sunlight, many choose shrubs so as not to find themselves in a dense thicket where the sun's rays do not penetrate.

Ennoblement summer cottage– the process is creative and exciting, on initial stage When planning a garden, summer residents determine what bushes and trees they will plant. If the site is completely empty, then fast-growing trees and shrubs for the garden short time will create a beautiful landscape. If time is of the essence, then you can choose crops growing for a long time, and enjoy their transformation from year to year.

Types of shrubs

When thinking about which shrubs to plant in your dacha, pay attention to their classification, this will greatly facilitate your choice. Whether you only need ornamental bushes or want to get a variety of fruits from them, it depends on which type you should give your preference.

Appearance and agrotechnical characteristics allow seedlings to be divided into three main types, which we will discuss in the following sections.

Price of seedlings for self-cultivation significantly lower than the cost of an already grown shrub.

Beautiful flowering shrubs

The absolute favorites in decorating garden plots are plants that are distinguished by their unique flowering. The most beautiful bushes amaze the imagination with inflorescences of bizarre shapes and a wide range of shades.

By planting them with different flowering periods, which will replace each other, you can achieve the effect of an “ever-blooming” garden. Flowering shrubs perfectly complemented by compositions coniferous plants, as well as any decorative bushes.

The most spectacular flowering species:

  • Dogwood. It begins to delight with its color in early spring. He is unpretentious to the soil, like many shade-tolerant plants, feels good in unlit areas.
  • Rhododendron. It blooms in April and has soft lilac flowers. To achieve the most magnificent flowering, plant the plant in partial shade and fertilize with humus.
  • Forsythia. It blooms even before the foliage appears. After the bush fades, it continues to delight the eye with its decorative effect.

  • Japanese quince. Pleasing to the eye orange flowers. It grows well in illuminated areas and is most often used to create hedges with your own hands.
  • Buddleya. The branches of the plant are densely covered with pinkish flowers. One of individual characteristics This shrub is considered to have an incredible aroma that can attract many butterflies. This bush is capable of reaching a height of three meters in just 2-3 years and has a long flowering period.
  • Chubushnik. The most beautiful of all shrubs. It has large snow-white flowers with a stunning aroma; it can be used to easily create green hedges.

Fruit bushes

This species can play a role and ornamental plants, but their undeniable advantage is that they are able to bring us fresh berries. Therefore, it can be rightly noted that these are the most useful shrubs in the country. However, it should be noted that they require more care.

Below are a few plants of this species:

  • Currant . There are white, red and black currant fruits. Some of its varieties can bear fruit for up to 18 years in a row. Do not forget that it is necessary to protect the bushes from drafts and excess moisture.
  • Gooseberry. It bears fruit for up to 25 years, but is not very frost-resistant, so it needs insulation for the winter.

  • Raspberries . It grows well in the sun, is resistant to cold, but requires fertilized soil and moisture.
  • Blackberry. Similar in characteristics to raspberries, but more sensitive to frost.

If you decide to plant fruit berry bushes on your plot, it is better to do this in the fall, then in the summer you can get the first small harvest.

Decorative garden shrubs

Ornamental plants add elegance to the design of the site, and it doesn’t matter which ones need to be decorated country houses— they will be made from block containers, or built from brick or wood. Wide color palette and the texture of these bushes is capable of creating bright accents, decorate individual elements of your garden, divide the area into zones.

Unpretentious in care, they are quite easy to grow if you follow a few rules when planting them:

  • Do not plant this type of plants too closely together.

For your information!
There are simple instructions for calculating the distance between bushes - the distance is equal to twice the height of an adult bush.

  • Plant at a sufficient distance from fences and buildings.
  • Plants with burgundy leaves need sunlight, in the shade they become faded in color.
  • When replanting, to avoid damaging the roots, dig a hole wider and deeper.
  • Fertilize the soil.
  • Hydrangea. Its inflorescences are large balls of pink, lilac, milky or blue colors. All varieties of hydrangea are shade-loving and prefer moist soil.

  • Weigela. Can be planted on any soil; both shade and sunny areas are suitable. Mature plant reaches a height of 2 meters, blooms from the second year. It has flowers of bright pink color.
  • Barberry. Excellent as a hedge, the color of the foliage depends on the abundance of sun and can vary from red to purple. Regular pruning gives the bush a neat and noble appearance.
  • Boxwood. Ideal for those who like to create shapes from plants various forms. It has low-growing varieties bushes. Heat-loving, but feels good in the shade. It is characterized by rapid growth and an unusual smell.

  • Deren. Very unpretentious shrub, easily takes root on any soil. Tolerates both shade and sun. It has purple foliage and blooms twice a year.
  • Deytsia. In a sunny area it reaches two meters in height and has beautiful white or pink flowers. Not picky about soil.
  • Spirea. Used as a hedge. Has inflorescences of red, white or pink flowers. It especially attracts attention in the autumn, when its leaves paint the bush in different colors.
  • Forsythia. One of the earliest shrubs to bloom in spring. Requires regular fertilization and watering, like other moisture-loving trees and bushes.

We recommend!
The site may require special garden equipment eg an electric lawn mower.
The lack of electricity on the site makes it impossible to use it, but there is perfect solution– short-term rental of a diesel generator for a summer residence.


The choice of plants for your summer cottage can be limited only by your own fantasies and desires; you can always find some affordable analogue of an expensive shrub. And don’t forget about the little trick of unscrupulous sellers - when buying seedlings, you do not receive any guarantee that you are purchasing exactly the desired plant.

In the video presented in this article you will find additional information on this topic.

Planting elegant flowering shrubs provides an excellent opportunity to transform personal plot. They help in zoning the territory, decorate areas between trees and recreation areas, and can become a real highlight of the site. Many of them, in addition to their enchanting beauty, give a delightful aroma.


This forest shrub with sunny flowers is nicknamed the Japanese rose. It blooms early and continues to delight lush flowering until mid-summer. Then lonely flowers may appear.


When mentioning this plant, many immediately recall the novel “The Lady of the Camellias.” This is a very aristocratic plant, which, unfortunately, does not tolerate Russian frosts. It needs to be hidden for the winter.

In the photo you see charming camellia flowers



Before flowering, jasmine bushes are not of any interest in terms of decoration. But with the appearance of delicate white flowers, the picture changes dramatically, and the air is filled with a charming aroma. The petals can be collected to flavor tea.

The photo shows a shrub with a rare scent called jasmine


One of the leaders in terms of flowering time. It pleases the owners with a magnificent aroma that spreads far beyond the boundaries of the site.

Irga canadensis

The plant is especially decorative not only in May, when it is covered with delicate white flower clusters. In autumn the bush turns purple, which looks very impressive.

Viburnum, rowan, elderberry

These shrubs are a joy appearance all season long, because beautiful flowers are replaced by equally attractive berries. These berry bushes not only complement country-style decor, but are also actively used for healing.

Summer-autumn flowering shrubs: photos with names

The variety of bushes covered with flowers in summer is amazing. Let's plunge into the world of beauty garden shrubs, pleasing to the eye during the summer heat.


These especially decorative bushes are covered with yellow flowers in the summer, which are replaced by red berries in the fall. Barberry leaves with a burgundy color will look impressive.

Shrub roses

This plant is better known to us under the name rosehip. Red or pink lush flowers appear on thorny branches in early summer, and useful fruits- at the beginning of autumn.

On the picture bush rose

Park roses

The bushes are covered with flowers at the beginning of summer, and this beauty continues for about a month. Modern hybrids bloom much longer.


The bush stands out among other ornamental plants due to its extraordinary abundance of flowers. Their color is not bright, so the composition looks very delicate. The enchanting splendor lasts throughout May and June, and if you’re lucky, it will continue in August.


Hydrangea always attracts attention: the bushes are very beautiful and do not disappear almost all summer. Sometimes there are so many flowers, united in large balls, that green leaves are not visible behind them. Hydrangea paniculata and tree hydrangea are considered frost-resistant. The plant tolerates partial shade well.

The photo shows a magnificent hydrangea

Honeysuckle b

It has decorative look not only during the flowering period. The flowers are bell-shaped, white. Honeysuckle produces tasty fruits - syn These are berries that taste like blueberries.


A magnificent shrub with an unusual flowering form. Instead of forming flowers, the plant increases the length of peduncles, which are covered with fluff. In the photo you can see how unusual the skumpia looks: like a big cloud.


Delicate pink or white flowers cover the plant during the first half of summer. This guest from the east looks unusually elegant.

Choice beautiful plants for decorating a site - this is one of the main and most interesting stages of creating a beautiful garden area. Add brightness to your summer cottage and make it presentable long years, especially during the warm period, is possible not only with the help of flowers, but also with voluminous ornamental shrubs.

In this article you can see photos and find out the names of the most popular shrubs that are perennials: planting such vegetation will fill the garden area with a colorful palette for the whole summer, and a year later you will again be able to admire this beauty.

Evergreen vegetation

The best background for flowers in the garden is evergreen vegetation, due to which many summer residents and specialists landscape design they create hedges and even original decorative sculptures. Timely trimming will help ensure the neat appearance of such bushes: in this way, the vegetation is given the required shape.

On your site you can plant the following types of perennials: shrub plants:

What bushes to plant in the shade

Row blooming throughout summer season shrubs can be placed in poorly lit areas. This way you will have a smooth transition from herbs to fruit trees located in the shade, and decorate those areas of the garden where there is a lack of sunlight.

The most popular variant of a perennial shrub plant that can bloom throughout the warm season is cotoneaster. This plant has oval leaves, pink flowers appear on it in late spring - early summer, and bright red berries appear closer to autumn. With the end of summer, cotoneaster leaves change color.

Shaded areas are also liked by plants called “ rhododendron", reaching a height of 1.5 meters. Their flowering begins in the spring, in one of the summer months and even in the fall - the period of flower appearance depends on the variety.

Rhododendron flowers have a varied palette. Rhododendrons make it easy to fill your garden with purple, bright red, yellow and soft pink colors. During dry periods, it is recommended to mulch and irrigate the soil under these plants. It is better to cover rhododendrons in winter to prevent them from freezing.

The photo below shows a rhodendron bush blooming beautifully in midsummer:

Shrubs that bloom all summer: photos and names

Can grow in both sunny and shady areas mock orange. This garden variety Many owners like jasmine suburban areas. Bushy varieties can reach two meters in height, and the vines beautifully cover the walls. For good growth garden jasmine fertile soil is required.

In early or mid-summer the bush is covered with snow-white flowers.

Another popular variety of ornamental bushes that bloom throughout the summer season is privet. Species with bright foliage look especially impressive, complementing the area with noble white colors during flowering. This plant does not tolerate low temperatures well and must be covered for the winter. For good growth it requires fertile (in moderate degree) soil.

In late spring and summer, privet needs to be trimmed to adjust its shape.

Low bushes that can bloom all summer and autumn will also help decorate the garden area, for example, Barberry Thunberg. The height of this plant does not exceed 1.5 meters. This perennial is frost-resistant and has several types. In autumn, barberry leaves acquire a reddish tint and berries appear.

Fast growing shrubs

Blooming throughout the summer, unpretentious and frost-resistant bushes can have different growth rates. When creating the decor, you will need to wait until all the planted vegetation acquires the required parameters.

To quickly solve this problem, give preference to those types of winter-hardy shrubs that do not require much time to grow - and combine them with each other.

There are many types of perennial shrubs that grow quite intensively.

Here are some of the most popular options that can be used to decorate your garden area:

Brightly flowering plants

Many frost-resistant shrubs belonging to the category perennial plants and blooming throughout the warm season, have bright flowers, which completely transform even the most modest gardens.

We bring to your attention examples of the most popular types of shrub plants, pleasing the eye with variegated colors.

A leading position in the list of perennial shrubs most beloved by gardeners that drive out bright inflorescences, takes the sun-loving lilac. White, lilac and purple lilacs can be seen in almost every area.

Advice. To prevent the shrub from reaching the size of a tree and to delight with lush flowering, it should be pruned regularly.

With the arrival of warmth during the formation of buds, inspect the bush and give the selected branches the required configuration, remove the excess ones. A number of outer shoots should be cut back to the line of the main branches.

Most lilac varieties tolerate cold well; flowering begins in early summer. Pink, purple and white lilacs are not only beautiful, but also have a delicious aroma.

Low-growing bushes are also suitable for decorating the garden. Japanese Quince . This shrub can withstand frost, but if the winter is very cold, it is better to insulate it, otherwise the shoots that form above the snow cover will die, and the bush will not be able to grow the next year.

Japanese Quince looks presentable both due to its flowering and its pliability to pruning: it is easy to give the shrub the required configuration.

Important! The crown of the Japanese Quince needs to be formed from the age of five, and preventive pruning should be done every spring to remove dried branches.

When the bush reaches ten years of age, it is rejuvenated by thinning to reduce the number of branches, leaving ten of the thickest ones. Flowering of Japanese Quince begins in late spring - early June. The height of this shrub is about a meter.

Another decorative perennial shrub that gardeners and landscape designers, is called buddleya. This plant blooms throughout the summer; in some species, flowering ends in mid-autumn. For good growth, buddleia requires warmth; it needs to be insulated for the winter so that it will please the next season beautiful flowering. Buddleia can reach three meters in height.

Ideal for decorating garden areas heather. The flowering of this shrub continues all summer, until October. Heather belongs to the group of creeping vegetation; its height is small.

Important! Heather belongs to forest species, so for good growth it needs suitable land. Mix sand with pine needles, peat, add sawdust, and the soil for heather will be ready.

After replacing the soil for heather, the prepared soil should be moistened with a water-vinegar solution (apple vinegar should be used). 100 gr. vinegar is diluted in ten liters of water.

Once every seven days, the heather needs to be irrigated with acidified water. For faster growth, the shrub can be fed with fertilizers. With the arrival of spring, the crown should be adjusted to give the plant a haircut the desired shape. For the winter, it is recommended to cover the heather with spruce branches.

Delicate colors in the garden

In addition to the above examples of shrubs that delight you with flowering all summer long, you can name a few more good options such vegetation. For example, many summer residents like spirea. These presentable flowering shrubs are undemanding in care; their flowering can last from late spring to late autumn - depending on the variety planted.

Kinds, blooming in spring, have white inflorescences and, under the weight of the flowers, acquire a cascading configuration. These plants can reach 2.5 meters in height. Spirea does not need fertilizing; you just need to trim the bushes.

Another example of a perennial shrub that blooms all summer long is bloodroot. The second name of this plant is “Kuril tea”. All available varieties of cinquefoil can withstand cold weather - this is an unpretentious plant.

Potentilla expels inflorescences at the end of spring, flowering continues until autumn. Flowers have a varied palette: yellow, snow-white and pink colors will transform your garden beyond recognition. The maximum height of the bush is 1.5 meters.

Now you know which shrubs bloom throughout the summer. To create a harmonious design of the garden area, you just need to successfully select the varieties of flowering vegetation. First of all, you should find out whether plants that bloom for a long time are suitable for the existing climatic conditions.

It is also important that shrubs planted in the same zone have identical care requirements. Taking these points into account, it will be easier for you to select soil and organize irrigation.

Advice: give preference to presentable perennial shrub vegetation that retains its aesthetic appearance for several seasons. It is optimal for plants to decorate the site all year round.

The beauty of the garden area must be maintained both with the help of variegated flowering shrubs and with lush plants with beautiful leaves that have a neat compact shape.

To decorate your summer cottage, use fruit-bearing vegetation that can diversify the appearance of the green area. A number of varieties of shrubs retain their attractiveness even after the leaves have fallen.

Such plants perform not only a decorative function: they can also be used for practical purposes, for example, to create a presentable hedge, for zoning an area, or focusing on certain elements of landscape design.

When creating a stone and plant composition - a rock garden - we recommend that you familiarize yourself with what can be planted; recommendations and subtleties of selection and planting are described in the article.

Read about how to set up a nice mini-pond in your dacha.

Using such plants, you can transform the appearance of existing buildings on the site. But to get the most successful result, you need to have a good understanding of the types of shrub vegetation that are suitable for the garden and bloom throughout the warm period. Study the planting and care rules provided for such shrubs.

You can also use ready-made diagrams combinations of flowering shrub plants, explore new ideas for landscape decoration in order to create with their help a spectacular and stylish design garden


Watch the video review in which the expert talks about the most presentable perennial shrubs, delighting with flowering throughout the summer season and even in autumn:

For many owners, a personal plot is not only a land where fruits and vegetables are planted, but also a place for recreation. Some people turn it into a real work of art, and such a garden pleases both its owners and their guests. Flowering perennial shrubs help with this, giving the dacha a special look and creating a unique atmosphere. Thanks to them, the territory is divided into zones, while the area looks well-groomed and cozy.

What types of shrubs are there?

Hedges from various plants can be made to look unique and colorful; the main thing is to choose them correctly. Shrubs are divided into two types:

  • Perennial (frost-resistant).
  • Annuals.

Depending on the purpose of planting a plant, a specific variety is selected. Dacha owners want the flowering on their property to please the eye for as long as possible. To do this, you should choose different shrubs. They are divided into several types:

  • decorative deciduous;
  • blooming;
  • tall;
  • ground cover or low garden.

When choosing a plant, attention is paid to the difficulty of caring for it. Those where not required are appreciated special effort for growing and maintains a beautiful blooming appearance for a long time.

  • Shrubs that bloom in spring

From March to May many decorative and fruit plants, which tolerate frost well and are drought-resistant. The most popular of them among perennials are the following:

When purchasing flowering shrubs for a summer residence, many factors should be taken into account so that they delight the owners with magnificent flowering and beauty.

Features to pay attention to when choosing plants:

  • climatic conditions of the region;
  • location (sun or shade);
  • soil type.

Summer perennials

Shrubs that bloom all summer come in a wide variety. They delight with an abundance of flowering, a charming aroma and most do not require special care. According to experienced site owners, the most popular of them are the following: