Tall shrub with black flowers. Ornamental flowering shrubs, frost-resistant, low, beautiful

Who doesn’t dream of a beautiful, well-kept garden where you can relax from the everyday hustle and bustle, chat with family or friends, relax and lie in a hammock, or just wander along the shady alleys on a hot, sunny day. But this is a troublesome task and requires not only some effort, but also knowledge, experience and great desire. Today we will talk about ornamental shrubs and flowering shrubs for the garden - constant companions of any garden. And also about what they are, how best to arrange them and about the basic rules of care.

Shrubs are divided into ornamental and fruit-bearing. As a rule, when good care they have a long life expectancy (20-40 years). That is, the plants will decorate the garden long years. The options for using bushes for a summer residence are varied: this is a background for compositions of plants, green hedges, planting in groups and a single arrangement. Shrubs make the garden cozy and familiar. They smooth out imperfections, cover unsightly places, create color accents and, most importantly, do not require constant care.

Selection and placement

The selection and composition of garden shrubs is not an easy task. It all depends on your desire. What kind of garden do you want to create: in Japanese, English, french style or a style close to nature? What should you focus on - decorativeness and color contrasts, or do you need fruit bushes for the garden? We will dwell on some points.

Is our visual perception It is designed in such a way that first we perceive color, and then shape. A natural garden does not have sharp color contrasts that would catch the eye. The main color is green. The motley color scheme looks very gentle against the background of greenery. Therefore, we use variegated varieties, of which there are now a great many. Plants with yellow foliage “illuminate” the garden during the day and create the illusion of sunlight in the evening. Red foliage is also good in sunny weather, but it fades in the evening. Color makes it possible to expand or narrow a space. Yellow visually makes the space wider, while red, on the contrary, narrows it. So, when creating compositions, you can expand or lengthen them. If there are a lot of color accents, it can irritate rather than instill peace and tranquility. After all, any garden is, first of all, a place for relaxation. The texture of the crown, the shape and size of the leaves also matter. How to place ornamental shrubs in landscape design visible in the photo.

When creating compositions from ornamental shrubs and flowering shrubs, follow the basic rules:

  1. Don't buy a plant just because you like it. Find out how it will take root in a given climate zone and its frost resistance.
  2. Find out how the plant reacts to “haircut” in order to give it the desired shape.
  3. In any garden, the dominant color is green; others create spots of color against the background of greenery.
  4. Consider lighting when planting variegated forms.
  5. Do not create sharp contrasts, play in halftones.
  6. Model your garden space by creating different combinations.

The place for the bush should be sunny. Shade-tolerant plants We will plant under the canopy of larger shrubs or trees. The soil is as fertile as possible, but a significant amount of organic matter can be added to landing hole. So, what shrubs should I plant in my dacha?

Blooming forms

We invite you to familiarize yourself with information about what kinds of flowering shrubs there are for summer cottages in the Moscow region.


Very elegant and at the same time picky representatives of the Rosaceae family. There are spring-flowering and summer-flowering forms. With a combination of both, flowering in your garden will be constant. Characterized by rapid growth and frost resistance. These beautiful shrubs are good in compositions.

Mock orange is amazing

Or garden jasmine. Characteristic for different representatives different shape flower, aroma, bush shape and flowering time. Variegated forms have also been developed. Another advantage: it tolerates cold and rarely suffers from pests and diseases. Good both in single plantings and in group plantings.


Has mass positive traits: healing, edible, beautiful. There are also decorative species with bright scarlet, unusual foliage. There are evergreen forms of the plant. It all depends on your preferences. More often, viburnum is grown in gardens, the fruits of which are medicinal raw materials. Undemanding and frost-resistant. It also grows in shaded areas and looks interesting in plantings with conifers. Viburnum has only one drawback: it is easily infected by pests.

Rose hip

Beautiful flowering shrubs for the garden. Its spring appearance depends on the species. Choose forms for hedges or for flowering. Terry forms are similar to roses. Does not get sick when transplanted or pruned, grows quickly. Over time, a rosehip fence becomes impenetrable. Grows in sun and shade. Good in combination with tree and shrub species. Does not require special care.


It is a shrub with yellow flowers. Blooms in early spring and looks absolutely fantastic at this time. Then the flowers fall and young foliage grows. Looks great in a single planting or surrounded by early flowering bulbs. This sun lover freezes in cold winters and is therefore not suitable for northern regions. In the middle zone it is thoroughly mulched, and the shoots are tilted towards the ground.


Previously, one variety of lilac was grown - common lilac. Now varieties have been developed - from lilac to purple. It is still one of the favorite flowering shrubs for the garden. It is advisable to plant it in a sunny area separately from other plants, leaving plenty of free space around. The plant is not demanding on environmental conditions.


Well suited for a shady, damp corner. Grows in acidic soils, but does not tolerate windward conditions. Characterized by long flowering. Elegant inflorescences look great when cut, you can create winter bouquets. Two types are frost-resistant: paniculate and large-leaved. They winter under the snow, wrapped in spruce branches. Pairs well with hostas and ferns.


Unpretentious to any conditions, it grows even in tubs on terraces and winter gardens. It blooms profusely in the spring and has vibrant, colorful foliage in the fall. The fruits are used for processing (jammies and jellies) and in medicinal purposes. The sun is very important for flowering and fruit set. It is used both in hedges and in single plantings.


A relative of spirea, another ornamental flowering shrub for the garden. It grows quickly and is very unpretentious. The flowering period is up to three weeks. The carved foliage is very unusual, and in the fall it also acquires rich colors. Able to grow in the shade, tolerates drought well. The disadvantage is the rapid growth of root shoots, which easily invades neighboring areas. The plant successfully hides sheds, fences, unattractive buildings due to the quick and abundant growth.

Beautiful flowering shrubs for the Moscow region, photos and names can also be found on the Internet.

Decorative foliage forms

Flowering plants always attract admiration, but plants with variegated, red or yellow leaves are no less attractive. If autumn yellow leaves are familiar, then red ones evoke enthusiastic emotions. When the flowers fade, the void is filled with various shrubs with unusual, colorful foliage.

Ornamental shrubs for the garden include:


It has purple and burgundy leaves with edges. Different types of shrubs have different leaf colors, which can be combined in compositions. Looks neat hedge from this plant. And it coexists well with conifers (juniper, thuja, pine). There is a dwarf barberry, which is used for small compositions, for example, in a rocky garden.


It grows in regions with warm climates, but has already taken root in central Russia, and is an excellent ornamental plant for the dacha. In spring it forms inflorescences - pink fluffy panicles, and in autumn the leaves turn purple, orange or burgundy (it all depends on the variety). First the veins turn red, and then the entire leaf becomes colored. Loves sunny, windless places. It grows well, so it needs space. Resistant to pests and diseases, but may require shelter in winter.

Derain white

Looks elegant all year round. A variegated plant that has a white border along the edge of the leaf. The bush looks elegant and light. It has a semicircular shape that needs to be maintained by removing old shoots. Unpretentious, frost-resistant, shade-tolerant. But it loves fertile, well-moistened soils. It is also decorative in winter: red shoots are clearly visible against the background of snow.

Bladderwort viburnum

It is beautiful in spring, when its large foliage is painted in rich purple tones, and the inflorescences, collected in corymbs, are white and pink. Later the foliage becomes darker and slightly gloomy. Now new varieties are appearing in which the color of the leaves does not change. The plant is frost-resistant, unpretentious to the composition and moisture of the soil. It is good in layered plantings, as an ornamental shrub for the garden.

Black elderberry

It will take its rightful place in your garden. You can plant a bush with golden foliage, or you can choose a more elegant one - red with carved leaves. It is better to plant it in slight shade, under the crowns of other trees, since the leaves may fade in bright sun. As for the rest, it is very unpretentious. Grows on any soil and does not require special care. There is no need to cover it for the winter either: the plant is frost-resistant. In August, clusters of ripe berries (black or red) ripen, which makes the bush even more decorative. It can be planted separately, or it can be planted on the shore of a pond, as it loves humidity very much.

Of course, not all ornamental shrubs for the Moscow region are listed here - photos with names can be found in large quantities find on the Internet. It all depends on your preference. But not all of them tolerate our climatic conditions. I would like to once again draw attention to the frost-resistant beautiful shrubs for the Moscow region, which were discussed above:

  • spirea;
  • mock orange;
  • viburnum;
  • rose hip;
  • lilac;
  • hawthorn;
  • derain;
  • vesicular carp;
  • elder .

Fruit forms

Fruit bushes are both ornamental and produce berries, which is why they are most often grown. Let's consider the most popular plants.


One of the most widespread and beloved crops. There are red, black and white varieties of this plant. Not afraid of frost, tolerates heat and drought. Grows up to 15 years. Loves the sun, but does not tolerate waterlogging and drafts.


No less popular culture. In another way it is also called “northern grapes”. Grows up to 24 years. Disadvantages: does not like waterlogging and frost. In winter it needs shelter.


It is demanding on the soil and is afraid of waterlogging and drafts. Garden bushes of this plant are self-pollinating, so you should not plant them nearby. different varieties. The bushes are growing quickly. The plant is demanding of moisture and soil and does not tolerate drafts.


Translated as “youth” and “life”. It grows slowly, but its life expectancy is 100 years. It does not freeze even in severe frosts and looks beautiful in any corner of the garden. Disadvantage: the berries of some varieties fall off when ripe, so you need to harvest on time.


A beautiful shrub up to 3 m high, which is good both during flowering and during berry picking. High-yielding, berries are harvested from early July to mid-August. The berries are healthy and medicinal.

Caring for many shrubs, although not particularly labor-intensive, requires a number of mandatory actions.

Watering should provide root system water. And evenly. To do this, the tree trunk holes are torn and filled with water, which is done repeatedly. After absorption, the hole is buried with earth. The irrigation area corresponds to the crown projection area. Young shrubs require more frequent watering. Loosening and mulching: important procedures. Loosening is shallow, it is better to do it after rain or watering. Mulching is carried out in the spring. Peat, vermicompost, and compost are used as mulch.

The consumption of nutrients depends on the age of the flowering or ornamental shrub. The first fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers should be done in the spring, the second - in the fall, during the leaf fall period with potassium and complex fertilizers. Microelements are used as fertilizers, which are sprayed on plants in the morning or evening in calm weather.

One of the serious activities is pruning. This is the removal of dry and diseased branches, thinning the crown and its formation. In addition, shelter for the winter is important. Cover the bushes with special materials (for example, roofing felt). Creeping forms are covered with spruce branches. Flexible bushes bend towards the ground. They are opened after frost. It is important to check that the plants do not rot or rot.

Now you have an idea what fruit, flowering and ornamental shrubs will be good in your dacha. And the main decoration of your garden will always be garden shrubs. They will help you create amazing and unique compositions that will delight you from spring to autumn. You can see beautiful shrubs for the garden, photos and names in our article. Try, observe, plant and care - and your garden will shine with new colors.

An important role in shaping the landscape personal plot plays a competent combination of plants: annuals, perennials, shrubs and trees with varied foliage and beautiful inflorescences. A properly selected assortment of plants will delight the eye from early spring to late autumn.

The topic of today's conversation will be beautiful flowering shrubs, with the help of which you can not only diversify the landscape, divide the territory into zones, but also bring joy and celebration to it.

When planning to plant shrubs on a site, you should take into account the height and width of an adult plant, so that it does not happen that low-growing specimens end up in the “shadow” of taller ones, and their beauty will be almost unnoticeable. Although, of course, you can shape the crown of plants using garden shears.

Flowering shrubs for the garden - spring

As soon as the snow melts and the first rays of spring begin to warm the earth, it’s time to bloom forsythia (forsythia) , which, like a light, opens its yellow flowers even before leaves appear on its branches. Forsythia was named after the Scottish botanist William Forsyth. Plant height is from 1 m to 3 m.

Forsythia belongs to the olive family. As soon as flowering reaches its final stage, foliage and young shoots appear. The plant is very popular in Europe; some types of forsythia are frost-resistant, therefore suitable for growing in central Russia.

Forsythia will take the baton of flowering magnolia star - a low deciduous shrub, native to Japan, reaching a height of 2.5 m, with white flowers emitting a pleasant delicate aroma, which appear in the same way as forsythia before foliage. The shrub feels great in the European part of Russia.

More frost resistant Magnolia Siebold and Kobus – blooms in early June.

IN southern regions With warmer climates and mild winters, a greater variety of magnolias are found as ornamental shrubs or trees, with flowers ranging from white to deep pink. Most popular in gardening construction magnolia lilyflower - an unusually beautiful tree during the flowering period.

Mid-May – flowering time spirea Grefshein a small shrub up to 1.5 m high, with snow-white flowers collected in numerous inflorescences located along the entire stem. With hanging stems, the crown looks very openwork. The shrub is light-loving, drought-resistant, and not picky about soil.

Chaenomeles « Japanese quince» - a very beautiful, unpretentious shrub of the Rosaceae family, eye-catching. Flowering period - late April, early May. Color range – white, pink, orange, red.

You can plant a low-growing specimen in an open space, or in a rock garden among stones. In the third year, the bush begins to bear fruit; the fruits are yellow, similar to small apples, edible and very useful. Branches not covered with snow sometimes freeze and need to be pruned.

Shrubs that bloom all summer

Chubushnik - better known as "jasmine" , belongs to the hydrangea family, a winter-hardy shrub common in central Russia. Common mock orange with white-cream fragrant flowers reaches 3 m in height. Tolerates frosts down to -25 °C. Flowering period: beginning, mid-June. The shrub is used for group and single plantings, as well as as a hedge.

An extremely common plant in Russia - lilac , with beautiful inflorescences and a delicate aroma, flowering time is June, belongs to the olive family. For abundant annual flowering, the bush must be formed; this requires regular pruning. Color palette Lilac flowers are very diverse (white, pink, bluish, pale purple, deep purple). A luxurious, hardy shrub that thrives equally well in both southern and northern regions.

Shrub roses or rose hips of the Rosaceae family will certainly become a decoration of the garden, especially species that do not require shelter for the winter and tolerate frost well. The shrub, 1-2 meters high, blooms in June-July, although not for very long, but their red or orange fruits, ripening in August-September, look impressive against the background of green foliage and will delight the eye until late autumn.

Park roses require more careful care, love sunlight. A bush planted in the shade of trees will not produce abundant flowering. Many varieties are quite winter-hardy, some require shelter for winter period. They bloom in the first half of June and bloom for a long period - a month or more.

Extraordinarily beautiful bushes hydrangeas . Tree and paniculate hydrangeas are considered the most unpretentious and winter-hardy species - shrubs with a height of 1 to 3 m. Large lush inflorescences, abundantly located throughout the bush, look very elegant. No wonder it is most loved by gardeners. It blooms for quite a long time - from June to September, loves moisture, acidic soil and partial shade.

Beautiful shrubs in the autumn garden

Cinquefoil shrub will delight you with long flowering - from June to October. A low bush 1.5-2 m tall is medicinal plant, it is widely used in folk medicine. Most species bloom with yellow flowers, but there are also varieties with white or pink flowers. The shrub looks great in rock gardens or group plantings, is undemanding to soil, and winter-hardy.

Snowberry Blooms all summer through September with white, pink or red flowers. But its decorativeness is not limited to this. In autumn, abundant white fruits appear in the form of berries, which decorate the bush throughout the fall and winter. The uniqueness of this bush is that in the fall you can contemplate flowers on it at the same time as berries. The height of the plant is 1-2 m, it can be used in row plantings when creating a hedge or in group plantings.

Mackerel leather - a shrub that is unusually beautiful not only in summer, during flowering, but also in autumn, thanks to its foliage. In summer, the bush is covered with small flowers, collected in fluffy panicles, looking like smoke from a distance. In autumn, the foliage turns crimson, first the edges and veins of the leaves turn red, and then the entire foliage, bluish and purple hues appear. Mackerel is very impressive in the fall, good in single and group plantings, but not winter-hardy enough, so it is suitable for gardens in the more southern regions of the country.

Common barberry no less spectacular bush for autumn garden. Blooms in June with yellow flowers collected in clusters. The height of the plant is 1.5-3 m. In autumn, in September-October, oblong red fruits with a sour taste appear on the bush. Almost all elements are used for medicinal purposes: fruits, leaves, and even roots and bark.

Extraordinarily beautiful common heather - an evergreen shrub with small triangular leaves and pink-purple flowers collected in racemes that end each branch. The height of the bush is from 25 cm to 1 m, a very hardy plant that grows both in the European part of Russia and in Western and Eastern Siberia.

It blooms in July-August, but after flowering stops, the flowers dry out, remaining on the branches of the plant. It seems that the bush blooms until late autumn. Loves acidic soil, moisture with good soil permeability. It does not require fertilizing, since in nature it grows on poor, rocky soils. Looks great in the garden surrounded by stones, in a rock garden in combination with other plants.

The list of beautiful flowering shrubs can be continued endlessly. But you need to select plants taking into account their adaptation in your region, and then your garden will always be filled with a variety of colors and shades, creating a festive atmosphere, delighting you and your guests.

A suburban area cannot do without large perennial plants. Beautiful ornamental shrubs for the cottage and garden day after day create a unique atmosphere, help divide the space into zones, and determine the character of the area. Shrubs have a place in hedges and when arranging borders. Plants different sizes and forms - this is an excellent background for perennial flowers and annuals, as well as bright decorations for the entire garden.

There are a lot of plants that bloom luxuriantly or have striking variegated colors, but when choosing ornamental crops for a summer residence, attention is paid not only to their beauty, but also to the complexity of care. How less labor required for cultivation, the longer the bush retains its bright appearance, the more valuable it is for the summer resident.

Beautiful shrubs for the garden: photos with names


In May the gardens and summer cottages all over Russia are covered with lilac, pink, violet and white clouds.

This is a blooming lilac, a spectacular shrub:

  • up to three meters high;
  • with pointed heart-shaped or broadly lanceolate foliage;
  • with shoots covered with grayish-brown bark;
  • with racemose inflorescences of simple or double fragrant flowers of various colors.

There are several dozen species of lilac in nature. There are many times more cultivated varieties and hybrids. All plants winter well in the middle zone. The ones pictured are tall. beautiful bushes prefer for dacha sunny places and grow easily on any soil.

2. Mock orange

Garden jasmine or, more correctly, mock orange blooms a little later than lilac. Throughout the garden and dacha, a beautiful ornamental shrub spreads an exquisite aroma; the white, single or semi-double flowers located at the ends of numerous shoots attract glances and hundreds of pollinating insects.

Existing varieties of mock orange differ from each other in terms of flowering, shape and size of corollas. Even withdrawn variegated shrubs of this type. Moreover, all plants are very frost-resistant, are not susceptible to attacks by pests and are rarely affected by diseases.

3.Japanese quince

Japanese quince begins to bloom in May. The fruits of this plant resemble real quince, but are much smaller and harder. They are edible. However, the shrub, the height of different types of which varies from 0.5 to 2 meters, is valued not as a fruit crop, but as an ornamental crop.

Beautiful fruit bush for cottages and gardens, it has a wide spreading crown covered with tough, elongated foliage of a dark green color. The peak of decorativeness occurs with the appearance of many yellow, orange or, depending on the variety, large red flowers.


Blue honeysuckle with edible early fruits - popular garden plant. However, when designing a site, other varieties of shrubs are often forgotten, many of which are extremely decorative and unpretentious.

In Russian conditions, shrubs of real honeysuckle, Tatar honeysuckle, honeysuckle and other species feel great. Plants from one and a half to three meters high are densely leafy. Young greenery and shoots have a bluish tint. In June the bushes are covered with tubular white, yellowish, pink and orange flowers emitting a subtle aroma. After they wither, red, orange or dark fruits appear.

5.Three-lobed almond (Louisiana)

A three-lobed almond plant will become a bright decoration of the site. An ornamental shrub or small tree up to 3 meters high blooms before foliage appears and is covered with a bright cloud of simple or semi-double flowers. The corollas can be painted in pink, crimson, and coral tones. The numerous flowers that open in May sit tightly on the shoots, so the crown appears completely pink.

In the middle zone, plants can freeze, so young almonds are covered for the winter, and areas protected from the wind are chosen for planting.


If there is a lot of shade on the site, many ornamental shrubs in the dacha feel depressed and grow and bloom poorly. Shade-loving hydrangea will be a salvation for a summer resident. She is equally good in a solo setting or in a group. Thanks to the efforts of breeders, spherical or spreading hydrangea bushes delight summer residents with white, pink, blue and greenish inflorescences, which can be admired in the garden, as a cut flower and as a dried flower.

Culture stands out long flowering, versatility of use and adaptability to shade. Hydrangeas prefer acidic soil and abundant watering.

7. Rosehip

Numerous photos of unpretentious shrubs for summer cottages with this name show plants that are very different in appearance. This is explained by the fact that “rosehip” is a collective name that unites dozens of species of cultivated and wild roses.

All of them, unlike garden varietal and hybrid beauties, are unpretentious and generously share their beauty and useful fruits with a summer resident. On the site there is a mandatory place for a wrinkled rose with simple or double flowers up to 8 cm in diameter, sweetish-spicy aroma and color in all shades from white to deep pink. This shrub has wrinkled, large leaves that give the shrub its name, and flattened fruits with juicy orange pulp and a mass of pubescent seeds inside.

Garden shrub related to park roses, has a universal purpose, blooms from May until the end of summer. Thanks to this and the foliage turning yellow in autumn, the bush is decorative from early spring until late autumn. The wrinkled rose grows well on all types of soil, does not freeze in winter and at regular pruning easily kept within specified boundaries.

The light-loving plant is not demanding on soil fertility, but is afraid of stagnant water and reacts poorly to increased soil acidity.

8. Spiraea

Photos of these most unpretentious shrubs for the garden invariably evoke a wave of admiration. Very different in appearance, spirea are covered with white or pink flowers, affect decorative foliage and are divided into two large groups. Plants, blooming in spring, are massively covered with caps of flowers, which crumble quite quickly. In summer, other varieties begin to bloom, transforming the garden for a long time.

Thanks to the presence of both compact forms and large varieties, spirea help in creating hedges; they are indispensable in group plantings, but even alone they will not get lost on the site, becoming its bright decoration.

With traditional care decorative bushes at the dacha they feel great in the sun and partial shade, and take root in areas with any light, loose soil.


An amazing plant: in early spring the branches of forsythia are completely strewn with sunny yellow flowers, and only then - when they fall - young foliage appears. This shrub is remarkable, first of all, for its flowering.

The only thing that must be taken into account when purchasing a seedling: forsythia is heat-loving, and not all of its species are suitable for planting in cold regions - some freeze even when covered in harsh winters, and it is not possible to see them in color.

10. Kalina

Viburnum cannot be called a truly unpretentious shrub, but its beauty and the benefits of its berries are worth the effort required to care for the plant. In Russian gardens you can see both decorative types of viburnum and ordinary, equally wonderful specimens. In spring and the first days of summer, viburnum bushes are literally covered with graceful white wreaths and lush caps of inflorescences. Flowering lasts up to two weeks.

The bright red fruits of the viburnum appear closer to autumn, at which time the color of the foliage begins to change, which turns from green to crimson.

However, despite its general unpretentiousness, viburnum requires attention due to the need for constant watering and protection from pests. This beautiful ornamental shrub for the cottage and garden is very much loved by aphids, which from the viburnum easily spread to other closely related plants.

When choosing perennial shrubs for your garden, you need to take into account their future dimensions, color, character and growth rate, texture and flowering time. Exactly flowering perennials give the garden a special decorative effect. And even after flowering, voluminous bushes create a backdrop for annual flowers or simply serve as a hedge.

Let's talk about the most popular flowering perennial shrubs, which, together with trees, will shape the image of your garden for many years.

In this article we reviewed the most interesting perennials from the point of view of landscape design. They can be planted alone or in groups. With their help you can decorate a house, fence or gazebo. Landscape designers often use them to create interesting compositions. So…

Blooming perennials

Perhaps the top three most popular plants in our gardens are lilac, jasmine and viburnum. These are large, colorful and luxurious perennial shrubs. They fill the garden with a wonderful aroma and create a saving shade.


Kalina- perennial unpretentious shrub. It is almost a symbol of the vast Russian expanses. Viburnum is mentioned in songs, poems, and films. Gardeners value it both for its decorative value and for its benefits. This perennial decorates the garden almost all season. In spring, viburnum blooms with large white caps, and in autumn it decorates the garden with bright red fruits. The benefits of all parts of this plant have been scientifically proven. They also love viburnum for its unpretentiousness. It easily tolerates shade and frost. Grows well in temperate climates of Europe and Asia. It is not surprising that this perennial shrub is so loved by many gardeners. They love it for its lush flowering and bright autumn foliage, and for the abundance of healthy berries.


Lilac is popular in almost every corner of the world. They love her for her unpretentiousness, aroma and lush beautiful bloom. A wide variety of species and varieties allow you to choose the lilac of the desired shade and flower shape for your garden.

However, not everyone knows about beneficial properties this perennial shrub. The buds, flowers, bark and leaves of the plant have medicinal properties. Infusions, decoctions, teas, compresses and ointments are made from lilac. The rejuvenating properties of a mask made from lilac flowers are known. Infusions help with colds, rheumatism and neuralgia.

In terms of use in landscape design, lilacs will be at home in any garden. Mature lilac bushes look equally good in both solitary and group plantings. Also, lilac goes well with many other flowering shrubs, for example, mock orange (jasmine).


Syringa, which is so often found in our gardens, is not actually a true jasmine. His correct name mock orange This perennial shrub, which we associate with jasmine, is rightfully considered a royal perennial. It is valued for the beauty of its flowering, aroma and unpretentiousness. Jasmine (mock orange) is considered one of the most beautifully flowering perennial shrubs. Indeed, a garden with blooming jasmine is an incredible sight. The height of these shrubs, depending on the region of our country, can reach from 1 to 4 meters. Several types of jasmine are popular in our gardens different shades flowers and different terms flowering.

For lovers of the unusual, you can take a closer look at the variety mexican jasmine, whose flowers smell like orange.


Hydrangea– magnificent blooming perennial shrub. Beloved by everyone, never going out of fashion for many years, luxurious - hydrangea really deserves all these epithets. During flowering it produces a truly spectacular sight. Gardeners value hydrangea for its variety of forms and wide palette of colors. Most types of hydrangea grow from 1 to 3 meters. Like many other perennials, hydrangea is good both in single planting and in a row. It is also valued for the fact that it blooms from spring to autumn. The amazingly beautiful inflorescences are also used in dry bouquets. This is a plant loved by florists. Despite its aristocratic appearance, hydrangea is not considered too capricious. This perennial shrub is quite easy to grow and care for and tolerates partial shade. You can read about growing methods.


Elder- a perennial shrub grown not only for decorative, but also for medicinal purposes. However, we must admit that elderberry is not as popular in our gardens as we would like. A possible reason is that she is too tall. In the south it grows from 3 to 10 m. This deficiency can be contained proper pruning. As for decorativeness, elderberry has something to boast about. She has a lush, thick and curly crown. Elderberry blossoms are very spectacular. Blooms in May-June. Only black elderberry has edible fruits.

This perennial shrub is also famous for its aroma. The berries and inflorescences make excellent and healthy wines and jams. And black elderberry juice has tonic, antiviral, antipyretic, expectorant and antifungal properties.

There are, however, also unpleasant-smelling types of elderberry. They are used to repel pests, bedbugs and rodents.

Elderberry can be in the form of a bush or a tree. Tolerates shade well and is unpretentious. It is valued in landscape design as a fast-growing perennial with lacy foliage and expressive foliage.


Euonymus is very popular in ornamental gardening. This perennial shrub is equally good in both single and group plantings. It is valued for its attractive crown. The foliage is picturesque in both spring and autumn. There are varieties with spotted and edged leaves. The variety of ornaments makes the euonymus unsurpassed in decorating a site. It is widely used to decorate fences or outbuildings. And in autumn the garden literally glows with colors. Euonymus looks especially impressive against the backdrop of a green lawn at a time when other plants are dying off. For the same reason, landscape designers love to decorate with them. alpine coaster.

Today, many types of euonymus are known, among which there are tall and dwarf varieties. Interesting creeping forms.

Euonymus comes in both shrub and tree form. This perennial is considered unpretentious. It tolerates pruning well and is resistant to adverse external conditions.


Budleya- a spectacular perennial shrub, reaching a height of 1.5-3 m. In landscape design, it is valued for its color palette, spreading shape and luxurious clusters of flowers. The color palette is very diverse, including rich orange and raspberry colors. Buddleia inflorescences, depending on the species, are in the form of a panicle or spherical. Because of its resemblance to lilac, buddleia is sometimes called autumn lilac. This perennial has earned another nickname - a magnet for butterflies, as beautiful large butterflies literally flock to the fragrant honey-bearing flowers. Among the variety of species for your garden, you can choose enough winter-hardy varieties budleys.

Budleya is widely used in landscape design. It blooms almost from spring to autumn, which undoubtedly expands the possibilities of garden decoration. Buddleia looks especially beautiful as a solo plant or against the background of green conifers.

This perennial also has one interesting feature- on the bush you can simultaneously see buds, open flowers, and fruits.


Spirea- an elegant perennial shrub with arching branches. Rarely exceeds 2 m in height. There are weeping, pyramidal, creeping, cascading and erect forms. Spiraea also differ in the shape and color of the leaves. There are many varieties that are valued for their original decorative foliage.

Spireas are divided into 2 types - spring-flowering and summer-flowering. Thanks to this diversity, these perennials widely used in landscape design. Experts advise using it in creating compositions different types spirea - with different colors and different flowering periods.

Weeping and creeping forms of spirea look good in single plantings. Low-growing species perfectly decorate alpine slides and borders.

Even in winter, spirea look beautiful against the background of snow. For winter garden Spireas with decorative foliage are good.


Wisteria, or wisteria, is a charming tree-like vine native to East Asia. Unfortunately, it is not widespread throughout our country due to cold intolerance. However, we have already learned how to grow it in the south or in a greenhouse. It's luxurious perennial with cascades of hanging inflorescences has captivated many gardeners. In Japan, a walk through a garden with fragrant blooming wisteria is called heaven.

In landscape design, wisteria is used to decorate gazebos, terraces, trellises and other household buildings. Even the most inconspicuous old barn, entwined with beautiful wisteria, turns into a luxurious landscape object. This perennial vine is deservedly called the queen among all garden vines. Abundant and long flowering, sweet aroma and clouds of delicate colors leave no one indifferent.

In its homeland, wisteria can reach 20 m. Therefore, reliable shelter for the winter in our latitudes is the most difficult task for gardeners. Also, wisteria (wisteria) is successfully grown in tubs and in the form standard tree. But still, in vertical gardening, this perennial plant has no equal.


Rhododendron- a magnificent perennial flowering shrub, including about 800 species of evergreen and deciduous trees and shrubs. Translated from Greek, rhododendron means “rose tree.” In free plantings it is found mainly in south-east Asia, on mountain slopes and sea coasts.

The variety of species allows you to choose specimens for yourself and with very small flowers, and with large ones up to 20 cm in diameter. There are creeping shrubs. Rhododendron is popular not only because of its amazingly beautiful flowers. It has beautiful colorful decorative foliage that changes shades in the autumn.

Rhododendron is also an excellent honey plant, although beekeepers have a special opinion on this matter. It is believed that the nectar collected from rhododendrons is “drunk”. The bees literally get drunk when collecting such honey. Therefore, many beekeepers do not like to locate their apiaries in the area where these plants grow. the most beautiful perennials. Although many argue that it all depends on the variety of rhododendron.

This flowering shrub has earned its fame as a royal flower over the centuries. Many experts compare its beauty with the queen of flowers herself - !

This is a true aristocrat among flowering perennials. And like all beauties, rhododendron has a rather capricious disposition. Growing it is quite troublesome. He has special preferences for soil composition, air humidity, planting location and amount of light.

However, more and more people want to plant rhododendron in their garden every year. In the end, he rewards the most persistent ones with lush and amazingly beautiful blooms, pleasing almost all summer.

Rhododendrons are good in both group and solitary plantings. Look great when creating hedges and on the lawn. Low growing varieties Landscape designers recommend planting this perennial on rocky hills and as a border plant.


Honeysuckle represents perennial shrub, both upright and climbing. This is a very beautiful plant, widely used in landscape gardening and decoration of alleys and gazebos. Climbing honeysuckle creates charming hedges and is perfect for terrace landscaping. The most common types of honeysuckle in our country bloom from late May to mid-June.

Variety of varieties decorative honeysuckle allows you to choose a variety for your garden in the form of shrubs, trees and vines. Gardeners value this plant for the delicacy of its flowers and rich colors. It is believed that once you try to grow honeysuckle, you will never give it up.

IN last years Growing edible honeysuckle became popular. It is a shrub up to 2 m high. The berries are healthy and tasty, with a slight sourness. Some sources say that the content useful substances honeysuckle even outperforms blueberries and blackberries.


Clematis (clematis) – very popular flowering perennial. This is a fast-growing wintering and greenhouse plant. It can be in the form of vines or shrubs. In Russia, clematis appeared in the 19th century, and were first grown as greenhouse plants.

Over almost 2 centuries, breeders have created many varieties and species that differ in many respects. Some clematis have flowers collected in a semi-umbrella, others in a panicle or shield. There are small-flowered clematis with a flower diameter of up to 5 cm. There are large-flowered ones with a diameter from 6 to 25 cm. The color of the flower is very diverse - pink, white, crimson, lilac, purple and even almost black.

Semi-shrub clematis have a lignified lower part that successfully winters and an upper part that dies off annually. This perennial has the ability to cling to the branches of bushes, trees and various supports, securely entwining them with its cuttings.

Clematis is rightfully considered one of the favorites in landscape design. These charming vines quickly and beautifully decorate walls, balconies, gazebos, arches, fences and roofs. They are loved for the unusual and bright colors, for their wonderful aroma and unpretentiousness. This perennial allows you to create complex garden compositions together with other plants, enriching the garden pattern.

The ideal combination is clematis with roses. If you want to truly enjoy these magnificent flowers, choose varieties of roses and clematis that bloom at the same time. Other classic options combinations - clematis with hydrangea, budley, hops and barberry.


Shrub rose – perennial worthy of writing entire treatises. Within the framework of this article, we can only talk about it in passing. This is the favorite plant of all gardeners. There is probably no garden in which a rose would not grow.

The Queen of the Garden, beautiful and diverse, has captivated kings and simple gardeners all over the world since ancient times. Its fame as the most luxurious plant in the world has firmly established itself.

All types of roses are widely used in landscape design - climbing, standard, bush, hybrid tea, ground cover, polyanthus and miniature. All of them perfectly decorate small gardens, grandiose parks, small romantic corners and large garden compositions.

In terms of beauty and aroma, this perennial is one of the most perfect among decorative plants. flowering plants. Such a variety of bright and delicate shades of color and scent belongs only to roses.

It is not surprising that this royal plant adorns gardens in many countries around the world. Roses are good both on the edge of the lawn and in the center of the lawn, against the background coniferous plants and in combination with other shrubs, such as clematis. They look good against the background of stone, forged metal or wood.

Rose pyramids, arches and even entire pink walls are all great options for using roses in garden design. And some experienced gardeners create entire streams of ground cover roses in their gardens!

Rose hip

Rose hip- probably the most common perennial shrub in our gardens. It is grown both as a source of healthy berries and as a hedge. The rose hip is a close relative of the rose and is a wild shrub. Forming extensive thorny thickets, it reliably protects the fence from uninvited guests. In spring, this perennial blooms with simple but very pretty flowers.

In the fall, it gifts its owners with healthy red berries, which are valued by their medicinal properties. The fruits left on the rose hips serve as excellent food in winter and enliven the winter garden.


Thorny hawthorn bushes allow you to create a real impenetrable fence. A mature bush sometimes reaches 5-6 m. Hawthorn bushes can become a real obstacle not only for uninvited guests, but also for neighboring pets. Hawthorn needs regular pruning. If not trimmed, it can turn into impassable thickets.

Hawthorn is also planted in the garden for its healthy berries. They have long been attributed to both medicinal and magical properties. They healed heart diseases and drove away evil spirits. Thanks to the rich unique composition Hawthorn fruits are also used in official medicine.

Mahonia holly

Mahonia holly– evergreen perennial shrub. Thanks to its greenery, mahonia decorates the garden all year round. The leaves are naturally spiny and glossy. Their saturated color goes well with yellow flowers, which appear in the south of our country at the end of autumn. In colder latitudes, flowering begins in the spring. This is an incredibly decorative shrub that decorates the garden both in winter and summer. Mahonia berries and flowers look especially impressive against the backdrop of a blazing autumn garden. As green berries ripen, they acquire a dark purple color with a bluish tinge. Clusters of berries are similar to clusters of grapes and ripen towards the end of summer.

Mahonia holly is often used in landscape design. Thanks to his unusual looking, she alternately pleases her viewers with foliage, clusters of blue berries, and bright yellow inflorescences. This perennial looks great as a single plant, as a lawn plant, as an addition to a stone composition, or as a hedge.

Besides, Mahonia– very useful plant. The berries contain a lot of vitamin C, the roots have antibacterial properties, which is why they are widely used in folk medicine.


Weigela– an ornamental perennial shrub from the honeysuckle family. This beautiful flowering plant very fond of both gardeners and landscape designers. Weigel is valued for its high decorative properties. The ability of weigela to bloom twice per season allows you to create diverse compositions. First abundant flowering takes place in May-June, captivating all spectators with its grandeur. Flowering is long lasting, lasting almost a month. Second time this perennial blooms in early autumn, revitalizing an already tired garden. Some varieties of weigela have a wonderful smell. The specificity of this plant is large, tubular, drooping flowers with an unusual color. So one flower can have several shades of color at once.

This perennial is unusually good in both single and group plantings. It is often grown as a hedge. Because of its spreading crown with beautiful leaves, weigela looks decorative even after flowering.

Weigela- perennial with different dimensions. Depending on the variety, it can reach a height of 30 cm to 3 m, and a diameter of up to 4 m. Therefore, these features should be taken into account when creating landscape compositions. By combining different varieties, you can create a real garden of continuous flowering.

Usually weigela blooms immediately after lilac. Surrounded by noble conifers, weigela looks even more beautiful. Low-growing varieties perfectly revitalize rocky areas. If you have weigela growing in groups, then experts recommend filling the space between the bushes with herbaceous perennials: astilbe, hosta, ferns.


Snow-white beauty - this is how this place is often called perennial shrub with whites or pink flowers. It belongs to the genus Hydrangeaceae and contains about 50 species. Deutzia is a deciduous perennial with a spreading or erect form. Some actions are used as border plants, others are for small group plantings. But there are varieties that are perfect for a solo role.

In landscape gardening, deutsias have deservedly acquired their loyal fans. Gardeners value them for their extraordinary decorativeness, abundant and very spectacular flowering. It is not without reason that many outstanding florists compare the beauty of deutsia with roses and hydrangea.

This perennial is native to East Asia. And this, of course, leaves some imprint in terms of care. Deytsia are picky about the place where they grow and the soil; they do not like frequent watering. And yet, difficulties do not stop fans of this beautifully flowering perennial. Deytsia looks picturesque in different compositions. It is good next to, with weigela, with forsythia, and also against the background brick wall. If you want to give your garden some exoticism and mystery, pay attention to the eastern snow-white beauty Deutzia.

Evergreen shrubs for hedges

Gardeners valued green fences centuries ago and now. We all remember from films walking through palace parks, divided into sections by such hedges. This is truly a magnificent, luxurious spectacle where greenery in all its shades plays the main role.

In our climatic zones To achieve year-round admiration of the garden, evergreen perennial shrubs are planted. If you plant deciduous plants as a green fence, you need to understand that in winter you will have to see bare trunks. The choice, as always, is yours.

When choosing evergreen shrubs, you need to take into account the fact that they all have their own maximum height level. There are low and medium borders, and there are really high green walls. Conifers grow very slowly. Therefore, here you need to either be patient or plant expensive mature plants.

Deciduous perennials also have their advantages. They grow faster, and some even bloom. Everyone tolerates a haircut just fine. As for the “winter” appearance, the winter color of the bark also has its own zest and looks interesting against the background of snow.

Thuja, juniper, dogwood, boxwood, cherry laurel, Japanese holly, holly and broadleaf kalmia are excellent choices for creating an evergreen wall. They all have their own characteristics of cultivation and formation.

Nose main goal– to protect the garden from dust, wind and prying eyes, as well as to be an ideal backdrop for other plants, a hedge does an excellent job.

Photos of perennial shrubs

Today, many summer residents plant trees and shrubs in the garden not only for the sake of future harvests, but also simply for beauty. And nature has endowed many of its creations with beauty. And they not only delight our eyes and help us relax, but also fill the garden wonderful aroma during flowering, and also attract bees and other beneficial insects to our site.

For example, it is not without reason that it is called “God’s gift” (translated from Persian). It is beautiful, fragrant, and also useful. All over the world, people brew jasmine tea, and jasmine oil is used to relieve stress and as an aphrodisiac.

Louisiana appeared in the gardens of our summer residents relatively recently, but is already gaining popularity. The plant, strewn with soft pink flowers, is called “northern sakura”, because it blooms no less beautifully than its Japanese relative, but gets along well in our Central Russian climate. We wrote in detail about this plant

Forsythia and Kerria - two early flowering shrubs, strewn with yellow flowers. After a long and dark winter, their blossoming is real color therapy. Shrub gardeners often use landscape designers to create interesting garden arrangements.

Kalmiya- an unusual and bright shrub with pink, crimson or white flowers (depending on the variety) begins to delight its owners in late spring. The shrub appeared in Russia not so long ago, but in Canada, no less cold than our country, it has been grown by many connoisseurs of ornamental shrubs for many years.

Closer to summer, the favorite of many summer residents blooms. Let’s not waste words, not only articles have been written about her, but also poems and even songs!

Daphne will please not only spring bloom, but also an abundance of bright red berries that attract attention to the bush. Be careful, the berries are not edible! And not only are they not edible, but they are also very dangerous, because... contain deadly poisons. We do not recommend planting the plant in the garden if there are small children in the family.

And here euonymus will manifest itself closer to autumn. In spring and until mid-summer it is a fairly standard lush shrub with bright green foliage. The plant blooms with small, rather inconspicuous flowers. But closer to the end of summer, when the fruits ripen on it, Euonymus suddenly becomes a “blooming” miracle. The very unusual fruits (bright colors depending on the type) look like flowers. In autumn, it turns into the most gorgeous bright red fire in the garden and attracts absolutely all attention! They wrote about him

Autumn heather is also gorgeous in the garden. It is not very common in Russian gardens, but in its homeland, Scotland, the plant is revered. And not for nothing, because there it is used for cleaning the house (brooms and brooms are made from the plant), and for dyeing fabrics (including the famous “tartan”) and in brewing (Scottish heather ale is made from heather).

We have collected even more beautiful shrubs for your garden in our video: