Biologized protection of the garden and vegetable garden in June. Office decoration with flowers Popular office plants

Every day, millions of people go to work to their computers. The flickering of the monitor, a stationary posture, monotonous movements - everything leads to rapid fatigue. Add intense electromagnetic radiation, and you get a significant decrease in human productivity. How to mitigate these negative impacts What to rest your tired eyes on? Greening your office can greatly mitigate the problem and ultimately increase work intensity. It has long been established that the color of green plants calms and relaxes the eye muscles, and this color cannot be replaced, say, by green walls or tables: living colors change shades in a special way, cast reflections of light and create a unique effect. An island of wildlife in an office full of electronics is also an opportunity to breathe high-quality air, which has a beneficial effect on mental activity.

So, decorating an office with flowers is not a whim of decoration, but a vital necessity. Not every plant will take root in an office space. It is necessary to take into account humidity, the amount of light, the availability of free space, and other factors. Questions arise:

  • What types to choose - ampelous, large-sized or succulents?
  • Are flowering plants acceptable, and what kind?
  • Which plants are most tolerant of external conditions?
  • How to place them indoors so that they do not interfere with work and feel good?

The floristry specialists of the company Lucky Day know all this. They will make your office a place where you can breathe easily and work productively.

An office is also a place where visitors are received. Each company strives to show itself to potential or actual clients with best side. The interior is designed to make it convenient for visitors if they have to wait. A comfortable environment is created not only soft chairs, tables with magazines to pass the time. Decorating an office with flowers plays an important role in creating an image. The type of atmosphere you want to create in your reception area will determine how you decorate it with live plants.

If your goal is strict businesslike, lush large flowers with a strong aroma are unlikely to be appropriate. If you want your clients to immerse themselves in an atmosphere of comfort and emotional peace, your green assistants can best contribute to its creation. Office landscaping will emphasize the lines of the interior even when it is made in an exotic or antique style.

It is not enough to simply hang pots on the walls, arrange floor vases with large plants or pots of flowers on all surfaces. Of course, this is a matter for specialists. They know how to fit together individual species plants with the surrounding environment, so that a stylish office does not turn out to be, say, a village hut.

Office decoration with flowers is also relevant for executive offices. This part of the company should not only have stylistic unity, but also reflect the individual traits of the person working here. Hard work requires at least a minute's rest, switching attention to something pleasant and sincere. Sometimes it is simply necessary to look at a green branch and inhale the delicate aroma in order to gain new strength and gain inner balance. It is no coincidence that the Japanese, whose tradition includes admiring nature, are different highest achievements V modern technologies. The landscaping of the manager's office should also work to impress people coming for business negotiations or other matters. Achieving harmony between the official decor of a solid office and living plants is important, although not easy.

To do competent office landscaping, you need to find specimens in the sea of ​​indoor plants that are suitable for each individual office in style, create a collection that matches specific tasks. Their placement in a room, taking into account the type and brightness of lighting, humidity, temperature, interior features - all this is the area of ​​application of floristry. Aesthetic impression is also of no small importance. The combination of shades of green in various varieties and types is inexhaustible. Shading dark with light, large leaves with lace of small and airy ones, placing accents in the form of bright flowers is a whole art. Florists know which plants to place nearby not only by visual signs. As in all living nature, among them there are antagonists and “friendly” species. We must not forget about the effect of plants on health. Some of them emit unsafe substances.

If you leave your office landscaping in the hands of professionals from the Lucky Day company, you won’t have to wonder why your plantings or you yourself are not doing well. Everything will be done scientifically accurately, as well as stylishly and beautifully.

One of the most unpretentious potted crops. Externally it is herbaceous plant without a distinct stem, the leaves are collected in a voluminous rosette. The leaf plates are painted in rich green tint with a white and yellow line in the center.

The plant can grow in any conditions, unpretentious to the quality and composition of the soil. Chlorophytum develops both in the shade and on sunny windowsills. Flower long time does without watering and dies only in rare cases. Effectively purifies the air of toxins and pollutants.


A well-known potted plant of the Araceae family. This is an ornamental vine that can grow up to several meters in height. The leaves have a beautiful variegated color and a heart-shaped shape.

The color of the vegetative parts may vary depending on the variety and species. For growing in room conditions The following types of epipremnum are used:

  • golden;
  • forest;
  • pinnate.

The plant is shade-tolerant and can grow in any soil. Can tolerate infrequent watering, but does not respond well to frost. Epipremnum grows quickly, embracing everything in its path. Known for purifying the air from formaldehyde compounds.

Zamioculcas or dollar tree

This is an unpretentious succulent that grows wild in Africa. At home it reaches up to 100 cm in height, but develops rather slowly. The fleshy leaves are colored richly green color, covered with a beautiful glossy coating.

It is unpretentious in maintenance, can go without watering for a long time and sunlight. When growing, it is important to replant the plant on time, since the tuberous root system strongly expressed, grows faster than leaves.

Flowering indoors is rare. During care, you need to take into account that plant sap is poisonous to humans and animals; caution should be used.

Ficus benjamina

A popular tree-like plant used for landscaping at home and office. It can grow up to 1 m in height, notable for its flexible branches bearing small, glossy leaves of green or variegated shades.

The plant is very tenacious, but quite demanding in terms of conditions. Prefers well-lit places with continuous diffused light.

For harmonious growth of the ficus, it is enough to water it on time and not move it from one place to another. If the care requirements are not met, the leaves may appear, which are quickly replaced with new ones.

Aloe, or agave

A succulent plant that can be found in almost every home. It is often used for planting in the office, as it is unpretentious and hardy.

It is represented by a small tree with an erect stem, on which there are fleshy elongated leaves with pronounced needles. The external signs of aloe largely depend on its type. Popular plant varieties:

  • tree-like;
  • folded;
  • spinous;
  • motley;
  • Barbadian.

The plant prefers well-lit window sills and is undemanding when it comes to watering and fertilizing. The plant juice of the leaves can be used for medicinal purposes. All vegetative parts have ways of absorbing harmful toxins, such as nitrogen compounds and formaldehyde.

Crassula or money tree

The plant is also popularly known as “crassula”, since the leaves have a characteristic round shape with pronounced thickening. Externally, it is a small tree, the height of which depends on the variety and type.

It belongs to succulents and has all the typical features of this group - unpretentiousness, the ability to go without watering for a long time.

Overwatering can destroy Crassula, so the soil should be kept dry. Prefers a well-lit place and a light substrate. The plant develops quickly, so it is necessary to replant in a timely manner.


Unpretentious hanging plant genus Commelinaceae. About 70 varieties are known, differing in leaf color and bush shape. The most famous of them:

  • riverside;
  • white-flowered;
  • purple;
  • small-leaved;
  • Virginian.

The flower has unique vitality and can grow and develop in almost any conditions. It can be grown both in a bright room and in a rather dark office.

Tradescantia is undemanding temperature conditions, moderate watering is sufficient for comfortable growth. Since the flower grows quickly, pruning should be done every 3-4 months, removing all weak and damaged parts, and it is also advisable to pinch the upper part of the shoots.


A large liana, known for its large dissected leaves up to 45 cm long. It grows and develops quickly, with proper care can reach 5 m in height, occupies an area of ​​more than 2 m 2, so it requires a large space for cultivation.

The plant belongs to tropical crops and prefers abundant watering, during the heating season, additional spraying of the leaves should be carried out. Requires continuous diffuse lighting.

Monstera blooms extremely rarely at home, and to maintain it decoratively, it is recommended to trim damaged and dry leaves. It is necessary to install a support so that the vine comfortably grows upward; if it is absent, it may fall under the gravity of the leaves.

When choosing a plant for the office, it is important to take into account the characteristics of growing a particular species, the growth rate and dimensions of the flower in adulthood. It is advisable to purchase only unpretentious and tenacious varieties of potted crops that require a minimum of care.

Working in office space, every person sometimes wants to make it more comfortable and homely.

For such purposes, various green plants are ideally suited, which, in addition to decorative function bring great benefits.

They saturate the air with oxygen, increase the level of humidity in the room, and clean the air from bacteria and other harmful substances. Let's figure out which flowers can be kept in the office and which are not recommended.

What flowers are suitable for the office?

But it’s worth remembering that not every flower can survive a stressful shutdown at the office. When choosing a plant, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  1. Flower is a must must be unpretentious both to living conditions and to care. This is due to the fact that there will definitely not be time for constant watering, fertilizing and pruning in the office;
  2. The plant should be bright, a rich green color is welcome, which will help relieve vision after prolonged work at the computer;
  3. Also flowers in the office should be completely odorless, because it can cause irritation or allergies in both workers and visitors.


Palma Butia

Butia is the name given to a whole group of palm trees with feathery leaves, which includes 20 varieties.

Home distinctive feature there will be a height of trees, which can vary from 40 centimeters to 10 meters.

When choosing a plant for the office, you need to take into account the height of the ceilings and the availability of free space in the room.

Butia leaves are located on long petioles, have an arched shape and a rigid structure, their length can reach 4 meters. Each leaf blade consists of 70-100 pairs of narrow leaves, top part which are darker than the bottom one.

Flowering occurs in late spring-early summer The flowers themselves are small and red. In September, tasty and edible fruits ripen on the palm tree.

The plant is quite unpretentious; the only criterion will be regular ventilation of the room.



Syzygium is a tropical tree or shrub, 1-1.5 meters high. The leaves are obovate or oval, with pointed edges and a smooth lateral surface.

Among other things, the leaf blade of such a shrub is leathery and slightly bent in half, its length is 12 centimeters and its width is 4.

The color of the leaves is rich green.

Flowering of such a plant occurs on summer period. At this time, large umbrella inflorescences appear, consisting of many small ones.

They can be white, cream, lilac or pink.

The petals fall off very quickly and long multi-colored stamens, collected in bunches, remain on the bush.

After flowering, the plant produces edible fruits. The main condition for growing syzygium is the presence of a large amount of light.



This flower is often called differently Mother-in-law's tongue or pike tail, it is popular among many office workers due to its unpretentious living conditions and care, and can survive for a long time without a transplant.

Sansevieria sizes vary depending on the variety, some plants are suitable for growing on a windowsill, while others need to be placed on the floor.

The leaves grow upward or to the sides, the shape is oblong with pointed ends. The color of the flowers is most often green with darker spots or stripes, many modern varieties can boast yellow or silver color leaves.



The plant is an evergreen vine with large, carved leaves that can reach 45 centimeters in length and width.

Monstera can grow up to several meters, well tolerated low humidity air and lack of natural light.

In order for the flower to grow vertically, it is grown on a strong support.


Other popular names for this plant are dollar tree or evergreen tree. This herbaceous flower grows up to 1 meter in height. The leaves are quite dense, dark green in color, and are characterized by the presence of a waxy coating. The shape of the leaf plate is round with a pointed end.

The tuber-shaped root system is a natural water reservoir that protects the plant during drought. Zamioculcas grows well in the shade and is not picky about the frequency of watering.



This flower will be an indispensable decoration for any office. It has an excellent appearance and the ability to purify the air from various harmful impurities.

Depending on the chosen variety, the height of Spathiphyllum can vary from 50 to 100 centimeters. The leaves are large, rich green in color with wavy edges and a waxy coating.

Spathiphyllum flowers can be observed for quite a long period of time. They are large, colored White color and are boat shaped.

The plant tolerates lack of light and dry air well., but requires regular watering.


Indoor bamboo

Bamboo is unusual plant, which grows in a vase with stones. Basic care consists of timely watering. On average, the height of indoor bamboo is 1 meter. Stems can be straight or curved, plain or interspersed.



The plant is a collection of rosettes of light green leaves, which produce mustaches with “babies” at the ends. Chlorophytum looks especially impressive in hanging planters on the walls.

This flower purifies the air well and is famous for its unpretentiousness.. It easily tolerates shade, drought and prolonged absence of replanting, and is not picky about the composition of the soil.


Depending on the selected type ficus leaves can be alternate or opposite, solid, serrated or lobed. All parts of this flower contain milky juice.

The inflorescences of such a plant are axillary; they can be located singly or form a kind of spike.

One more interesting feature ficus will be the ability to give it almost any shape. In addition, the flower is unpretentious in care, but requires high level humidity in the room.


Violet is small perennial with bright and very beautiful flowering.

Violet leaves are held on cuttings, and have a heart-shaped shape, they are colored dark green. Flowers can be of absolutely any shade and size.. Usually, they are located singly.

You can place a pot of violets both in the sun and in partial shade. The main condition for growing is timely and abundant watering.

When choosing a flower for the office, it is worth remembering that every employee should like it, so Don’t focus on brightly colored plants with a strong aroma. They can cause an allergic reaction, and simply irritate the eye.

Plants in the office contribute to staff satisfaction and increase productivity

Also, you should not opt ​​for those flowers that require long-term and careful care. Also the plant in the office should tolerate artificial light and dry air well, because these factors are the most unfavorable in enclosed spaces.

An office is where its employees spend most of their time, so the room should be cozy and comfortable to live in. You can improve the environment and make it more favorable with the help of flowers.


Choosing the right plants for the office

The office is often imagined as a dull, colorless room with monotonous walls, desks, computers and stacks of documents.

Due to stress and an abundance of other harmful factors, many people feel like they are in a cage at work.

Green “pets” will help you lift your spirits, liven up the atmosphere and feel comfortable in the office.

It is quite difficult to overestimate the benefits of indoor plants in the work area. Indeed, in addition to satisfying emotional needs, they also help in a practical sense. For example:

  • Flowers saturate the air with oxygen, especially necessary for mental activity.;
  • Maintain humidity environment. This is important because heating devices, office equipment and air conditioners dry out the air;
  • They purify the air from harmful bacteria and microbes, which abound in crowded offices;
  • They have a beneficial effect on eyes that are very tired from working at the computer;
  • Protect from harmful substances(car exhausts, heavy metal salts, toxins) entering through windows from the street.

Given the obvious benefits of flowers in the office, it is important to understand that not every representative of indoor flora will be able to survive everyday office life.

Requirements for choosing colors

When choosing a flower for your workplace, it is important to consider several rules:

  • Unpretentiousness. It is unlikely that it will be possible to create special conditions in the office, and there is not much time for complex care, spraying, fertilizing, maintaining the necessary air humidity at work. In addition, capricious pets may simply not survive long weekends or vacations.
  • Beautiful appearance– optimally, if the plant looks presentable and impressive, it should not have obvious defects - spots on the leaves, bare stems, dried flowers.
  • Odorless and hypoallergenic– plants in the office affect both employees and visitors. They must be absolutely safe and not irritate anyone, since even the slightest smell of flowers can cause allergies in someone.

The best indoor plants for the office

  • Sansevieria, or “mother-in-law’s tongue,” has a beautiful appearance, sometimes with variegated leaves. Some types are large and placed on the floor, others are small, for window sills. Tolerates drafts and drought, temperature changes. It can grow for a long time without transplanting, more details about caring for it here;
  • Zamioculcas - has a magnificent appearance, in addition, it grows easily in the shade and is not particularly demanding on watering. Tolerates, and even prefers, cool conditions;
  • Monstera is a popular office plant. Its spectacular large leaves will decorate any room. In addition, it easily tolerates low air humidity. It can grow under artificial light, how to care for it - see here;
  • Spathiphyllum - perfectly purifies indoor air. It blooms for a long period with beautiful white boat-like flowers. Shade-tolerant, tolerates dry air. Requires regular moderate watering;
  • Chlorophytum is a very hardy flower that perfectly purifies the air. Attractive rosettes of light green leaves produce tendrils with babies at the ends. It looks especially impressive as an ampel plant in hanging flowerpots. It can grow in the shade, tolerate irregular watering and lives for a long time in one pot without replanting, more details here;
  • Scindapsus is a beautiful decorative deciduous hanging plant. Looks great on a shelf or cabinet. Not capricious, can grow in artificial light. Tolerates dry air and irregular watering; plant care can be found here;
  • Aglaonema – unpretentious flower, which tolerates lack of light and low air humidity well. It grows slowly. There are large species that will decorate a large office with their variegated foliage; care for aglaonema can be found here;
  • Croton is a beautiful large plant with bright colorful leaves. It is important to know that it needs enough light and warmth, more details here;
  • Kalanchoe are small representatives of indoor flora with glossy leaves and bright inflorescences red, white, pink, orange flowers. Quite unpretentious, but needs a well-lit place and regular watering;
  • Dracaena and yucca look impressive both on the floor and on the table. They tolerate irregular watering and temperature changes well, but need diffused sunlight, more care for dracaena and yucca;
  • Philodendron is a durable and unpretentious flower. Grows well in artificial light and can tolerate irregular watering. Does not require special care, but always looks good.
  • Bamboo – grows in a vase with stones and water. It looks very original and impressive. Unpretentious. The only thing required is to remember to add water.

When choosing and arranging indoor plants in the office, it is important to remember that they need at least minimal care.

A little attention and care - and green “pets” will reward you with a magnificent appearance, give you strength and give you a lot of positive emotions! What flowers grow in your office?

Photo gallery

Flowers that are suitable for office spaces are from the list above. Detailed galleries can be viewed in separate color sections.


10 best colors for the office. How to choose and what are their advantages?

Working in an office often has a Negative influence on the health of workers, which office plants help compensate for. In addition to purifying the air, plants give the office space a feeling of coziness and simply delight the eye with their appearance.

How to choose a plant for the office?

  • When choosing a plant, fashion should be the last thing to consider; what is much more important is What is the level of light, humidity and temperature in the office?
  • Also worth considering possible negative impact of the split system on plants.
  • One of the most important factors is light, under natural conditions, flowers live at different levels of lighting; for some, direct sunlight is comfortable, for others would be better suited diffused light, the third - shadow. It is worth paying attention to what opportunities office windows provide and how much light comes through them during the day. If you get sunlight most of the day, a window sill will work well for sun-loving plants. A darker window is suitable for those who feel better in diffuse light. It is better to remove flowers that prefer shade from the window altogether, or place them in an office without a window. It is also worth considering the height of the pots, the distance from it to a window or lamp, and whether the office lights are turned off at night.
  • Besides, it is important to take into account the opinions of colleagues, since pollen or mold can cause allergies in them. It's important that your workplace landscaping plans don't cause trouble for your neighbors. If your colleagues have problems with pollen, you should choose plants without flower stalks; you should pay attention to those that feel comfortable in the shade; as a rule, they do not bloom much. To prevent your neighbors from developing an allergic reaction to mold, it is worth planting them in special fungus-resistant soil. Make sure the soil is completely dry between waterings, as mold usually grows in moist, dark environments.

For an office, it is better not to purchase flowers that need a cool environment in winter, since offices are usually warm all year round. In such an environment, the plant may become sick, shed its leaves, stretch out, or wither.

Also as office decorations flowers won't do that shed their leaves after flowering, these include gloxinia, myrtle, hydrangea, azalea, achimenes and jasmine. They are beautiful when they bloom, but after that their bulbs and rhizomes should rest in the shade, dryness and coolness.

When choosing flowers for the office, remember that:

  • plants are living, which means improper care and the tense atmosphere of the office can lead to their demise.
  • For office desk capricious flowers like roses, orchids or gloxinias are not very suitable.
  • It’s also better not to purchase cacti for the office, as they need special conditions in winter, which are difficult to accomplish in an office environment.
  • If you decide to have plants, you should understand how difficult it is for them new year holidays, long breaks in watering, vandalism, as well as watering with leftover tea.

Top best plants for the office

Sensevieria Monstera Zamioculcas Saintpaulia

  1. Sensevieria, it is also called “mother-in-law’s tongue”, does not require specific living conditions, tolerates drought and drafts calmly, dense leaves are difficult to break, and damage is easily tolerated.

    Also, this flower calmly reacts to temperature changes and rare transplants. Their appearance is varied, the size varies from large plants, which are placed on the floor, to small tabletop ones, and the color can be chosen from dark green to pale yellow-green.

  2. Monstera- a traditional plant for offices, hospitals and schools, it is durable and unpretentious, suitable for both natural and artificial light.
  3. Zamioculcas– is gaining popularity as an office plant due to its beauty and unpretentiousness; even an uninsulated window sill will suit it, as it is not afraid of low temperatures.
  4. Saintpaulia or violet, unpretentious to the soil, capable of flowering even on dry stone soil.

    It has an attractive and varied appearance; you can choose double or semi-double flowers, large stars of flowers, stripes or small rosettes, of which a window sill can accommodate a whole collection.

    Spathiphyllum Bamboo Chlorophytum Dracaena Dieffenbachia Ficus Benjamina

  5. Spathiphyllum– is a little capricious, but it copes better with air purification than other plants. All that is required is moderate but regular watering.
  6. Bamboo– instead of a pot with soil, it is constantly in a vessel with water, which needs to be topped up. It is quite unpretentious, looks good and especially suits the oriental style of the interior.
  7. Chlorophytum is very hardy and purifies the air better than other plants. It can last a whole month without water and does not need frequent transplants. Its lifespan reaches ten years.
  8. Dracaena oryucca comes from the Mexican desert, which indicates its immunity to temperature changes and drought. Its disadvantage is its high need for sunlight, which makes it unsuitable for living in dark rooms.
  9. Dieffenbachia needs intensive watering and abundant, but not direct, lighting. With its beauty and bright colors it can decorate any table.
  10. Ficus benjamina or rubber ficus has already become an office classic, needs good lighting and moderate humidity, and cleans the air very well.

Where to place flowers?

  • large plants like palm trees or dieffenbachia will organically fit into the interior of the manager’s office and reception area.
  • small pots can be placed on work tables or flower racks.
  • It is worth protecting the flower from proximity to the radiator, draft from the door and air conditioner.
  • also worth considering general form office after landscaping, flowers should look appropriate, and if there are too many of them, the office will look frivolous.
  • the other extreme is the complete absence of colors; such an office will seem too strict and unoriginal.

Plants with natural light

If in the office big windows Facing south, you should choose plants that feel comfortable in such an environment.

Possible choice agapanthus, aloe, beloperone, ginura, indoor jasmine, coleus, oleander, palm, hoya or citrus.

However, direct sunlight can burn the foliage, so close the blinds.


Plants with artificial light

Tolerates shade best aspidiastras, aglaonemas, adiantums, oriental biotas, saxifrage, clivia, arrowroot, ficus, fatsia, chlorophytum.

But they all need different level lighting, how comfortable the flower is in the place chosen for it, only time will tell.

If its foliage is thick and green, then the lighting is sufficient; if it stretches out, loses its leaves and exposes its shoots, then there is not enough light.

  • All plants need careful watering, if the plant has fleshy and thick leaves, watering is needed only when the soil in the pot is completely dry.
  • If the plant bends in the direction of the light, it should be moved closer to its source, but not under direct rays. The lack of light will be noticeable by the loss of brightness of the colors of the leaves.
  • It is better to choose pots made of ceramics, as they better allow air to reach the roots and evaporate excess moisture.
  • The bottom of the pots should be covered with expanded clay to a thickness of 2 cm.
  • Flowers will help your reception and conference rooms feel more friendly.

The main advantages of flowers in the office

  • Flowers indoors purify the air and help you feel less tired. Saturate the air with oxygen, this is especially true in rooms with a large number of people, since it is usually full of carbon dioxide, that is, very stuffy. By filling such a room with flowers, you will simultaneously fill it with oxygen and make it fresher.
  • Disinfect the air, which is important, since people not only produce carbon dioxide, but also spread bacteria and germs. The strongest bactericidal properties are found in juniper, rosemary and other conifers, as well as chlorophytum, indoor citrus fruits and laurel.
  • Helps your eyes get less tired from the computer if they are standing next to the monitor.
  • Maintains humidity in dry conditions caused by air conditioning and central heating. indoors indirectly, due to the need to water and spray them, and directly, releasing excess moisture with the help of leaves.
  • Protect from harmful substances, such as heavy metals, toxins and car exhaust, asparagus, dieffenbachia, ivies and philodendrons help best with this.
  • Helps cope with stress with its pleasant scent. Since stress cannot be avoided in a work environment, you can place a pot of mint, oregano, basil or lemon balm on the windowsill, this will improve your brain activity and increase your resistance to stress.


How to choose suitable plants for the office?

In the world of papers, folders and printing equipment, a green corner is something like an oasis in the desert; it protects against dust, toxins and blues. Therefore, flowers in the workroom are simply necessary.

When choosing plants for landscaping your work space, you should take into account the main difficulties of caring for them in such conditions.

  1. One of the main problems with keeping flowers in the office is the lack of space. Therefore, you should not choose potted trees and tall bushes for tight spaces. If the office is located in a large, bright room, there are practically no restrictions on the choice of plants based on their size.
  2. If there is a total lack of time, potted plants like roses will not be suitable for the office. Such capricious beauties require careful care: periodic spraying, regular cleaning, loosening, airing, etc. flower shops There are more resistant to various difficulties, but at the same time very beautiful flowering plants: Kalanchoe, spathiphyllum, begonia, kala.
  3. Unpretentious plants for the office should also be hypoallergenic. Many beautiful potted plants exude phytoncides that can cause irritation to mucous tissues in humans. Flowering plants and ferns are also dangerous for allergy sufferers: pollen is a strong irritant. The stems and leaves of some potted flowers contain caustic or even poisonous juice. Green pets that are best not kept in the office, for example, include: geranium (high in essential oils), ferns (their spores can cause allergies), euphorbia (the juice of the plant if it comes into contact with the skin can cause a burn).

In other words, the best plants for the office are unpretentious, hypoallergenic plants that do not grow too large.

It is important to understand that tall, spreading palm trees and large hibiscus are much more suitable for lobbies and hallways than for an office in which many employees work at computer desks.

And caring for such giants, despite their unpretentiousness, is very difficult: dust quickly accumulates on the leaves, which needs to be removed, and cleaning an entire palm tree can take about an hour.

In addition, a large tree or shrub “drinks” a lot of water: for watering you will have to use not an ordinary watering can, but a whole bucket, which will also need to be stored somewhere.

In any office during the heating period the air becomes dry, this also negatively affects appearance and plant health.

At this time, it is important to spray the plants with a spray bottle at least once a day, and for treatment big tree, again, it will take a lot of time, which office workers already don’t have enough for anything.

Caring for plants in the office should give employees more pleasure than trouble, so demanding flowers like orchids, Saintpaulia, gloxinia, cyclamen, fuchsia, etc. are not suitable for the office.

For those who really want to decorate their desktop with a beautiful exotic plant, you can purchase artificial flowers.

Such greens are made so skillfully today that it is generally impossible to distinguish them from living ones by eye.

But still, this option is not very suitable for office workers: real women prefer fresh flowers, because indoor plants for the office are the best natural anti-stress, non-addictive source of energy.

Are artificial or real plants better for the office? The answer is obvious!

Fortunately, the site knows a lot of green pets that please the eye without asking for anything in return. Such potted greens in the office can be represented by the following types:

  • Succulents (crassula, aloe, sedum, haworthia, etc.). It is perhaps impossible to find green pets that are easier to care for. These plants with thick leaves do not require frequent watering and can withstand temperature changes. They can be not only an office anti-stress, but also a handy pharmaceutical product: Aloe juice, for example, has a healing and anti-inflammatory effect. Succulent plants can be planted in bowls, making original combinations of them. They are also ideal for creating a florarium - a mini-flower bed in a glass semi-closed container.
  • Ficus rubber plant. This plant cleans and humidifies the indoor air well. If you don't let the ficus grow too big, it will become a wonderful decoration for your workspace.
  • Cyperus. This potted green pet is one of best humidifiers air. But he himself is a big lover of moisture, so when choosing Cyperus as an office decoration, you should immediately purchase a sprayer.
  • Hippeastrum is beautiful and unpretentious. This bulbous plant has a habit of blooming luxuriantly and brightly. Moreover, its flowering period is not the shortest: having released one arrow with two or more flowers, the hippeastrum is preparing to launch a new “batch”. After flowering, the plant also retains a quite attractive appearance.
  • Begonias. Almost any plant of this family has beautiful, carved leaves, which makes it a wonderful desktop decoration. Caring for begonias is not difficult: just water your pet as the soil dries and protect it from direct rays of the sun.
  • Cactus is considered the best plant for computer desk. In fact, he is good from all sides. You can water it very rarely, but when good care it can also bloom. Cacti are simply ideal for office window sills. You can also place the prickly potted pet on a cabinet shelf if it is well lit.
  • Chlorophytum is the record holder for the speed of purifying the air from toxic volatile impurities, which are emitted by almost all modern furniture. This hanging plant is unpretentious, and chlorophytum easily fits into any style of office.
  • Tradescantia. This modest curly green pet does not require complex care: it only needs to be watered periodically and, if necessary, trimmed. Then Tradescantia will be an excellent decoration for your workplace.
  • Cissus is at the top of the best potted vines for the office. This green pet easily tolerates both a lack of lighting and its abundance. It does not require intensive watering or frequent spraying. With minimal care, the “birch” will look and feel great.
  • Dracaena. A young tree can be placed on a windowsill or directly on a table, and when it grows a little, transplant it into a pot with a leg and place it on the floor. Large sizes The “dragon tree” does not reach, it can grow in one place without replanting for many years and at the same time not change in appearance. Even a complete ignoramus in the field of floriculture can grow dracaena.
  • Saxifraga is one of the most interesting plants among unpretentious species. Its main advantage is ease of reproduction. You can rejuvenate saxifrage at least every year.
  • Scidapsus – climbing unpretentious plant, which is also considered one of the best for the office. It can be kept even in a room without windows: artificial lighting will be enough for scidapsus to grow.
  • Coleus is one of those plants that have been decorating homes and offices in the last century. This plant is most suitable for decorating office window sills. Together with aloe, “nettle” can play the role of a handy office first aid kit.

This is not a complete list the best plants for the office. It must be said that those who like to care for green pets manage to keep the most different cultures, starting with basil and ending with exotic fruit trees.

For those who have only recently decided to arrange green oasis next to your desk, it's worth starting with the plants mentioned in this article.

And then - who knows? - they might want to turn workplace to the most blooming corner of the office, independently “taming” less flexible pets: a bright azalea, a capricious rose or an amazing phalaenopsis...

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Office premises are characterized by cool air due to constantly running air conditioning, and an increased amount of dust (despite the fact that wet cleaning is carried out with enviable regularity, running computers and lack of ventilation play a role). Special plants for the office will help improve the atmosphere, and large companies allocate a huge amount of money for this.

General requirements for plants in the office

The main advantage of using plants rather than special equipment is that they not only clean the air of pollutants, but also utilize carbon dioxide and saturate it with oxygen. In addition, many plants can secrete phytoncides - active substances that can remove bacteria from the air, which is very valuable during epidemics.

  1. Appearance plays almost main role. The plant should be free of any abnormalities, such as dried leaves or flowers, bare stems, falling petals, or spotted leaves.
  2. Flowers for the office should not emit a strong aroma; in addition, they should be absolutely hypoallergenic. If you decide to put favorite plant Please remember that it will have an impact on your colleagues and visitors, which is why it must be absolutely safe.
  3. Plants should be easy to care for. It is unlikely that you will be able to allocate enough time to periodically fertilize and water them, and no one has canceled weekends and vacations.

There is no need to choose bright and catchy plants for the office, as they will distract from work.

In addition, flowers can also be used as a division into functional areas in the office (large types in pots are suitable for this), but if the office is small, they can only get in the way.

Rules for decorating an office with flowers

If the office is large enough and you want to create a single composition, it is better to entrust this to an experienced florist, since there are certain rules combinations of different plants. In particular, decorating an office with flowers should be in harmony with the design of the room itself.

When choosing the shape and size, the area of ​​the room is taken into account, since in large rooms it is easy to construct large compositions and they will not clutter up the space.

Small elegant vessels will look good, and they will not interfere with the functionality of the decor.

If you want to get not just a product to improve the air in the office, but also original decor, you need to carefully approach the choice of each plant, and the process is painstaking and long.

What plants are suitable

Here are some unpretentious flowers for the office.

  • Sansevieria or This plant is ideal for offices because it tolerates drought and drafts well, and will withstand any temperature, which is very valuable in permanent job air conditioners. Another undoubted advantage is that Sansevieria can for a long time live without a transplant.
  • Philodendron. This plant is characterized by low maintenance and a long lifespan; it can grow even under constant exposure to fluorescent lamps. And it always looks great, even if you left it to a careless colleague during your vacation.

  • Scindapsus. It also tolerates low humidity very well - the main characteristics of any office. It will also not wither if you forget to water it on time. Ideal place- cabinet or shelf.
  • Spathiphyllum. Considered one of the best office air purifiers. These flowers for the office are well tolerated. bad light and dry air. But you still need to water it constantly, because with a lack of moisture its leaves become drooping.
  • Cactus. If you constantly forget to pamper your pet with water, a cactus is exactly what you need. This is an excellent flower for the office table, because you can choose the type that appeals to you, and there are a huge number of them: mammillaria, echinopsis, prickly pear. They also do an excellent job with the negative energy that is emitted by technology. However, it is worth remembering that cacti love sunlight, although they also feel good under the rays of artificial lamps.

Trees in a pot

Nowadays, many crops can be grown in a pot, such as lemon or maple.

First option will do for offices that are decorated in classic or french style. Also suitable when the room lacks some bright accent. Lemon can increase the efficiency of the team, helps cope with numerous stresses and prevents respiratory diseases.

Indoor flax, or abutolin, is flowering plant, which is more suitable for offices than any other. The main advantage is the bright flowers that look advantageous against the background of the leaves. This plant not only enriches the air with oxygen, but also moisturizes and purifies it. However, this plant is suitable only for large rooms.

And the giants will come...

Office flowers such as dracaena and ficus feel good indoors. They can even replace such popular plants as palm trees. Their main advantages are their unpretentiousness, as well as the ability to neutralize such harmful substances, such as formaldehyde and ammonia.

Other plants

The list of plants goes on and on. For example, in Lately Bonsai trees are very popular.

They combine flowers for the office and man-made forms, because by caring for this plant, you can find peace, which is especially necessary when spending more than 12 hours in a room with the same people.

Irina Davydova

Reading time: 10 minutes


The health of office employees is affected by many harmful factors, which green friends will help you cope with. Therefore, the benefits of indoor plants in the office are obvious.

7 facts about the benefits of plants in the office

  • Oxygen saturation
    There is a lot of carbon dioxide in an office where dozens of people are sitting. This phenomenon is called "stuffiness". Plants, in the process of their life activity, absorb carbon dioxide exhaled by humans and release oxygen. Therefore, in rooms with many plants, the air is fresher.
  • Air disinfection
    In crowded places, there is an increased concentration of bacteria and germs in the air. Have bactericidal properties conifers- juniper, rosemary. Chlorophytum, indoor citrus fruits and laurel also cope with this task.
  • Benefits for eye health
    Working at a computer puts a lot of strain on your eyesight. “Eyes rest on green,” says popular wisdom. Therefore, the proximity of plants to monitors is very useful.
  • Maintaining Humidity
    Air conditioners and central heating dry out the air, but plants are able to moisten it. Caring for green friends involves frequent watering and spraying, which already improves the microclimate. In addition, plants additionally release excess moisture through their leaves. In this way, the humidity of the entire room is optimized.
  • Protection from harmful substances
    From the street, heavy metal salts, toxins, and car exhaust enter through the windows. These substances neutralize asparagus, dieffenbachia, ivy and philodendron.
  • Antistess
    Many plants have a pleasant smell and have a calming effect. And stress at work is inevitable. Therefore, it is useful to have mint in a pot, oregano, basil or lemon balm on the windowsill. These same plants improve human brain activity, which makes them indispensable for a working person.
  • Tobacco filtration
    Pelargonium, aspidistra or clivia can be placed in public smoking areas. But they need to be placed in such a way that the pot does not become an ashtray. And, of course, from time to time take the plant outside Fresh air so that it can regain its strength.

Criteria for choosing a plant for the office

  • Don't forget that plants are living organisms , and office routine can kill them.
  • You should not have capricious roses, orchids or gloxinias. on the office desk.
  • You shouldn't have cacti either. . It is very difficult to provide the cold wintering they need under working conditions. And their ability to absorb harmful radiation from computers is just a myth.
  • The office is spartan conditions for the green brothers: not all plants will be able to survive the ten-day New Year holidays, uneven watering and vandalism by irresponsible staff, including pouring leftover tea into the pot.

10 best office plants - which flowers to choose for the office?

  1. Sansevieria, or in simple terms - “mother-in-law’s tongue”. Not picky about living conditions, tolerates drought and drafts. Its dense, hard leaves are difficult to break, and if damaged, the plant will easily survive the loss.

    “Mother-in-law’s tongue” is not sensitive to temperature changes and can live for a long time without transplantation. In addition, there are many types of sansevieria, both huge large ones standing on the floor and small “tongues” for the windowsill. The color of this plant ranges from solid dark green to variegated white-yellow-green.
  2. Monstera has long been grown in offices, hospitals and schools.

    A very persistent, unpretentious plant. Feels good under artificial light.
  3. Beautiful and unpretentious zamioculcas recently appeared on office windowsills.

    He is able to bear low temperatures. Such a plant will not freeze even on a cold, uninsulated windowsill.
  4. Saintpaulias, or violets. They say about these flowers that they can grow in a spoonful of soil. It happens that the office violet stands in stone-dry soil and still blooms. This confirms her unpretentiousness.

    In addition, the violet is very beautiful. There are varieties with double, semi-double flowers, flowers in the form of huge stars, reaching 8 cm in diameter, striped violets - chimeras, mini varieties, characterized by a small rosette diameter - only 7 cm. On one windowsill you can collect large collection such little ones.
  5. Spaciphyllum. He is a little capricious, but he clears the air faster than anyone else.

    The only condition it needs is regular but moderate watering.
  6. Another unpretentious plant is bamboo. It is sold immersed in a vessel of water.

    You only need to periodically add water. Bamboo looks simply great and fits perfectly into the oriental style of the room.
  7. Chlorophytum- a very hardy plant, moreover, it is an absolute record holder for air purification.

    Chlorophytum will withstand a month of complete drought and will be able to live for a long time in one pot without replanting, unless it releases a bunch of babies outside. Such a plant can fully exist and please the eye for up to 10 years.
  8. Dracaena or Yucca. The Mexican deserts are considered the homeland of these plants, for this reason they tolerate temperature changes and drought well.

    But they cannot live without full sunlight, so you should not keep yucca and dracaena in semi-basements.
  9. Dieffenbachia loves intensive watering and drops its lower leaves during drought.

    It also requires good lighting, but it is not recommended to place it in direct sunlight. Beautiful and variegated Dieffenbachia will decorate any office.
  10. Ficus benjamina, or rubber ficus - classic office plants. Under unfavorable conditions, they shed their leaves, like trees in autumn.

    They love sun, moderate humidity and do not tolerate waterlogging. Ficus effectively purifies the air and produces a large number of oxygen. That's why doctors recommend it for children's rooms.

Where to place plants in the office?

  • Large plants - for example, a palm tree or a large dieffenbachia - should be placed in the manager's office or in reception areas. There they will look more organic.
  • Small potted plants are more suitable for placement on a desktop, windowsill, or on a flower shelf.
  • For a successful placement of a pot with a plant, you need to take into account all factors. For example, being near a radiator, a constantly opening door, an air conditioner that will constantly blow on the flower and drafts. After all, it is important that the plant pleases you for as long as possible.
  • The phytodesign of the office plays a significant role in determining the location. Flowers and evergreens should look organic in the interior. Oversaturation of the room with flowers turns the office into a greenhouse and creates a frivolous image of the organization.
  • The absence or lack of plants in the office creates unnecessary strictness. Such a room lacks the zest that is created by floral arrangements.

Plants in the office are part of nature in our highly urbanized world.