Sansevieria flower signs and superstitions. Pike tail flower: care features, signs and superstitions

This flower is known in the gardening world as Sansevieria. Among fans it is also called “pike tail”. This plant is considered medicinal and requires good care. Photos of the plant can be viewed on the Internet, on sites dedicated to medicinal plants.

It must be said that the “pike tail” became the source of the birth of a variety of signs. Some of them can be explained by the elementary laws of chemistry. It is impossible to explain why other reasons appeared.

Of course, everyone who grows “pike tail” and cares for it at home asks the question: is this plant beneficial, or does it harm its environment?

Features of Sansevieria

The originality of this plant lies in the absence of a stem. This is very clearly visible in the photo. Very wide leaves, pointed towards the top. They originate from one nest, and as they grow, they rush to the top. Therefore, a whole bush is really resembles pike tails, stuck into the ground.

The height of the leaf depends on the specific type of plant. You can find leaves reaching one meter at home, or you can see a “pike tail” with very short leaves, but there are a lot of them, and they originate from one outlet.

This is a plant requiring careful care, in domestic conditions, belongs to the class of evergreens and is found in Africa and the Asian tropics. “Pike tail” has a creeping rhizome, its leaves are covered with a waxy coating, of a very dense consistency.

This coating protects the leaves, preventing moisture from evaporating. Therefore, the plant may feel good under short-term drought conditions. It calmly tolerates dry indoor air.

Sansevieria: pike tail or mother-in-law's tongue

Only a small number of gardeners who grow and properly care for “pike tail” at home know that this plant is not considered an ornamental foliage, it has the ability to bloom.

Its buds begin to set on a very thin peduncle, which originates from one or several rosettes with leaves. The petals of the flower usually have a white-green tint.

The flower begins to bloom and bloom in the evening and closes with sunrise. During this period, the plant requires special care and attention.

In addition to this unusual cycle of the plant’s home life, gardeners talk about a strong pleasant aroma of flowers, reminiscent of vanilla.

The nectar released attracts insects to the sansevieria. Therefore, pots with “pike tail” are often installed near bushes that require pollination. Such a neighborhood can be considered mutually beneficial.

How does the pike tail reproduce?

The best time for this is considered to be the end of spring or the beginning of summer. The simplest method of propagation is to use side shoots. They are planted in a tight pot, which accelerates their growth and development.

The plant can reproduce different ways: side shoots, leaves and division of the rhizome.

To propagate the “pike tail” by dividing the rhizome, you need to use a sharp knife to divide the root into parts in which a growth point must be present. The section area should be sprinkled with coal.

Each bush is planted in a pot into which a sandy substrate is previously poured. Transplanted bushes do not need to be watered very often, once a day is enough.

For leaf propagation, the leaf is cut into small pieces, six cm in size. The cut is dried in air. Then it is treated with “Kornevin”, after which planted in peat mixture with sand to a depth of two cm. The humidity of the mixture should be moderate, otherwise the plant may begin to rot.

What benefits does the “pike tail” bring?

This plant is used in a variety of areas. First of all, it is an excellent choleretic agent. Traditional medicine uses Sansevieria as an excellent anti-inflammatory agent. Leaves applied to the wound promote rapid healing.

Such properties allow the use home plant externally or as an internal preparation. Homemade pike tail leaves can be used similarly to aloe leaves; they should be applied to the wound for quick healing.

Almost all elements of homemade pike tail are used in medicine. Finely chopped root has strong immunomodulatory effect. Medicinal decoctions are made from it, which have a preventive effect on colds.

In addition, homemade pike tail has several useful properties:

  • Antiviral.
  • Fungicidal.
  • Diuretic.

Of course, if you use this home plant haphazardly, you can harm yourself. To use it, you need to know well the individual tolerance of your body and the diagnosis of the disease.

Basically the plant is absolutely harmless. It can be used to treat a wide variety of colds:

  1. Cough.
  2. Bronchitis.

The use of Sansevieria in the treatment of other diseases has a great positive effect:

  • acne;
  • dermatitis;
  • skin ulcers;
  • women's diseases.

Medicinal properties of the plant “Pike tail”

According to traditional medicine, the plant has a beneficial effect on the human nervous state, it perfectly purifies the air. The indoor microclimate improves.

Medical professionals are skeptical about the benefits of this plant. However, it has long been recognized as a medicinal plant, but not widely used in comparison with, say, chamomile.

It must be said that the “pike tail”, when properly cared for, reduces the harmful effects of radiation from the computer, which is why it is often installed next to the monitor.

The mythical properties of the plant, which cannot be explained by natural laws, are also of interest. For example, where there is home flower, very rarely people quarrel, there are no scandals or petty squabbles.

People who are often near the flower and who constantly care for it begin to feel more confident, and men's potency improves.

The human body practically ceases to feel magnetic storms. Room cleared of viruses, especially from ARVI carriers.

“Pike tail” helps if a person has:

  • Stressful state.
  • Mood swings.
  • Fatigue.
  • Decreased concentration.

This is due to the fact that the home flower has a strong influence to work nervous system and brain.

The harmful effects of the flower are mainly associated with various signs that have no scientific basis. For example, home flowering plant, as popular rumor says, becomes the cause of discord in family relationships.

However, there is another opinion. This plant is a must have in a house where there are frequent quarrels or constant conflict situations.

There is no general opinion regarding the harm that a flower can cause. The opinion of the home owner matters a lot. If he thinks that the pike tail brings joy to the house, it usually does.

The plant can cause real harm to your health if you start taking it internally. not following the dosage. The consequences may be irreversible.

Most often, the plant is used as external wound healing agent. This method is considered the safest; it has no contraindications.

“Pike tail” belongs to the plants of the highly allergenic group. People who have allergic diseases need to remember this. In this case, it is better not to experiment with herbal remedies.

Sanka, sansa, sanyushka - this is what true lovers of this plant call the beautiful and unpretentious sansevieria exotic plant. However, the succulent, brought from Africa to Europe in the 18th century, also has less “friendly” names, which cannot but cause alarm. IN different countries Sansu is called “pike tail”, “snake skin”, “leopard lily”, it is also called “mother-in-law’s tongue” or “dragon tongue”. She is also credited with all sorts of negative magical properties, scaring away potential owners.

What is actually known about the benefits and harms of this plant: for the home and the person himself?

American scientists were not lazy and carried out research work, the results of which proved that sansa is capable of improving water-gas exchange processes in a room and can saturate the air with negative oxygen ions. This means that the succulent is able to neutralize the electrostatic field.

But, the plant not only fills the room with a large amount of oxygen, but also absorbs harmful substances, including toxic compounds such as formaldehyde and benzene. With the help of sansevieria, you can reduce the harmful effects on the body of components released by synthetic materials - linoleum, plastic, MDF, chipboard and others.

Sansevieria is not inferior to other known plants that secrete a huge amount of biologically active substances - phytoncides that absorb microscopic dust particles. These substances also have antiviral and antimicrobial effects. Sansevieria is a real enemy for coccal pathogens, fungal spores and other pathogens.

Thanks to this “green inhabitant,” you can clean the air of harmful substances and improve its quality, but you should not miss the point that sansa is still poisonous.

Sansa's toxicity

This succulent contains saponins - controversial substances that are used in small quantities for medical purposes, for example, saponins are used in the production of laxatives, choleretic, and anti-inflammatory drugs. However, in higher doses they turn into poisons.

As a rule, similar chemical elements for the treatment of diseases they are used with caution; products containing them are not prescribed to children and pregnant women. But if you follow the recommendations and do not consume the plant or its juice in pure form, then you can achieve positive results.

When applied externally, succulent juice is remedy, but if taken undiluted orally, it causes intoxication.
If there are cats in the house that like to periodically “feast” on vegetation, eating a pike tail can lead to the development of dermatitis, intestinal disorders, and vomiting. The same thing happens if a dog chews a flower.

Symptoms of intoxication

You can find out if an animal has been poisoned by Sansevieria by the following signs:

  • Due to the burning and sore throat, the pet begins to cough, trying to cough up.
  • Dyspeptic disorders occur: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, profuse salivation.

Usually, adults do not think of the idea of ​​trying homemade flowers. But you can’t vouch for children 100%; they are still inventors. The consequences will be very unpleasant sensations, including burning and profuse salivation.

Security measures

And in order to completely eliminate the possibility of poisoning, flower growers who have this succulent at home should not forget about the following precautions:

  • All manipulations that require contact with the plant must be performed with gloves.
  • It is important to ensure that the succulent juice does not get on the skin, mucous membranes, especially the eyes.
  • If the juice does get on the skin or organ of vision, they should be washed with plenty of water.
  • It is recommended to dispose of the cut parts of the flower immediately.
  • You can protect small household members and living creatures by placing the flower where access to it is difficult.
First aid for poisoning

As with other types of intoxication, at the first alarming symptoms you should provoke vomiting in the poisoned person. And after cleaning the stomach, the patient is given an adsorbent drug - activated carbon, Polysorb, Enterosgel or another.

If the poisoning is so severe that conditions such as weakness, drowsiness, abdominal pain, nausea occur, it is recommended to seek medical help, especially if we're talking about about the child.
Doctors should be sure to report which plant caused the intoxication, this will help to correctly carry out the necessary emergency measures and prescribe appropriate therapy.

There is a misconception that if a toxic substance enters the body, it can be neutralized with milk. Unfortunately, this method not only does not work, but can also be harmful - milk can intensify intoxication processes and reduce therapeutic effect medicines.

The value of “pike tail” in folk medicine

On the one hand, it is a poisonous succulent, and on the other, sansevieria has beneficial properties. It can replace some medications, as it is not inferior to them in effectiveness.

This plant contains a complex of unique elements:

  • hemolytic sapogenin;
  • several types of organic acids;
  • saponins;
  • abamagenin;
  • essential oils.

This composition makes the succulent a universal healing agent that has a beneficial effect on the organs and systems of the body. Application traditional medicines With this plant you can achieve the following results:

  • liquefy and remove mucus produced during colds;
  • reduce inflammation, preventing its spread to nearby tissues;
  • accelerate the healing process of tissues and mucous membranes;
  • provide a choleretic effect;
  • eliminate pathogenic fungi and viruses;
  • increase sweating to more quickly remove poisons, toxins, salts, and excess water from the body;
  • provide a diuretic effect;
  • relieve pain;
  • normalize the functions of the central nervous system;
  • improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • eliminate bleeding;
  • stimulate the immune system, tone, increase protective properties body.

Studies have shown that people who have this succulent in their homes have higher immunity and resistance to stress and colds.

IN folk medicine Sansevieria is often used to treat inflammation Bladder, ovaries and fallopian tubes, boils and other suppurations, otitis, colds, flu, stomatitis, runny nose, ailments of the digestive system. Compositions prepared from the plant are used to treat acne and eliminate skin imperfections - redness, dryness, dullness, and oily shine.

Sansevieria is also used in cosmetology and is included in various products intended for body and hair care.

But in order to avoid intoxication and at the same time receive the possible benefits of the healing succulent, it is recommended to adhere to the recipe for preparing the product and be sure to follow the dosage.

Traditional medicine “favors” mother-in-law’s tongue and confirms that it has medicinal properties, but what about that? exotic flower says popular wisdom?

Folk signs and superstitions

People have not ignored Sansa; she is credited with amazing magical properties. According to signs, she is able to bring peace and harmony even to a home where quarrels, disputes and troubles do not stop. It is believed that the pointed stems of the succulent can prick and catch all the negativity present in the house. Sometimes the plant is compared to a web, to which negative energy sticks, and then it is transformed into positive energy.

When Sansevieria appears in a house, the life of its inhabitants undergoes changes, mostly positive ones. Little everyday problems, quarrels and misunderstandings gradually become less and less. External factors have much less impact on relationships between family members. It is recommended that people who have everything going wrong in their life get this succulent; the flower will protect them from troubles and adversity.

A florist who is well acquainted with the peculiarities of this heat-loving plant perceives its yellowed leaves as a sign of disease or improper care. But, people believe that this is a harbinger of separation or differences of opinion.

If the “pike tail” gets into new house weakened, lethargic, with brittle thin leaves, but the owners successfully revived it, returned it to its former beauty and luster, then the flower will definitely repay - it will attract good luck and joyful events to the house.

But, there are situations when, on the contrary, a healthy, strong sansa begins to wither, becomes stunted and weak. Owners should pay attention to this “green indicator”, which signals an unfavorable atmosphere in the house. If no action is taken, trouble will arise in the family and health will deteriorate. Naturally, if you take into account the peculiarities of treatment and care for indoor flowers, then such changes, in most cases, can be avoided.

There is an opinion that sansevieria was nicknamed “mother-in-law’s tongue” due to the fact that it contributes to the creation of gossip and lies. However, this is a fundamentally incorrect judgment.

Signs about the flowering of succulents deserve special attention:

  • Since it blooms extremely rarely, it is believed that this process necessarily occurs on the eve of important and responsible events;
  • If a person is worried hard times and sansa blooms, they say that “this is not good”;
  • Winter flowering is also an unkind sign - many people begin to notice that during this period quarrels often occur in the family, its members begin to misunderstand each other more and more, and mutual reproaches arise.

Whether to believe such signs or not, a person decides for himself, but should all family problems be attributed to the plant?

Feng Shui about pike tail

Feng Shui practitioners have their own views on this controversial, exotic succulent. They believe that plants growing upward spread positive energy into the home, maintaining harmony, helping to “extinguish” conflicts and strengthening relationships between people living in the same house.

“Mother-in-law’s tongue” is a flower with positive energy, which in no way contributes to the collection of gossip and rumors. On the contrary, he is considered a lightning rod, absorbing tension, aggression and scandals. Sansa improves family relationships, eliminates quarrels, and transforms negative energy into creative energy. There is an opinion that the succulent helps to emancipate the mind, improve mental activity, develop imagination and creative thinking.

For a person suffering from any illness, it is useful to stroke the leaves of the plant, “sharing” the “disease” with him and recharging with useful energy. If a baby gets sick, his mother can communicate with the “green doctor” instead.

Unmarried girls can tell fortunes using the “pike tail”:

  1. You should select a leaf of a flower.
  2. Make a wish for the name of the gentleman you like.
  3. Watch the leaf for a whole month.

If it does not wither or fall off, then the girl can hope for reciprocity on the part of her chosen one.

It is known that according to Feng Shui, everything in the house should be in certain places; this is necessary for the proper organization of space. The rules also apply to domestic vegetation. In order for sansavieria to “be in its place” and have a positive impact on the house and its inhabitants, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Sansa has powerful energy and can make a child’s sleep restless, so it is not recommended to place a pot with a plant in the room where children sleep.
  • Spouses, on the contrary, should think about purchasing a succulent for the bedroom - it will absorb all the negativity, which gradually accumulates and provokes mutual reproaches and misunderstanding. The flower will become a talisman for a married couple; it will preserve and protect love and respect. The plant will work best if it is given as a gift by the husband's or wife's parents.
  • If the house is distinguished by its hospitality and, in addition to relatives and friends, unfamiliar or completely strangers often come to it, it is advisable to place the “pike tail” in the room where guests communicate with the owners. The flower will put people in a positive mood, protect against damage and “ evil eye" And people with bad intentions are unlikely to visit this house again.
  • Sansevieria is a plant that is useful for those people who are looking for their own path, want to change something, strive for change, but they do not have the necessary perseverance or determination for this. Therefore, the flower is suitable for rooms where schoolchildren or students study.

Mother-in-law’s tongue, “snake skin”, “pike tail”, “devil’s tongue”, “Indian sword”, “leopard lily” - this is the name given to the evergreen plant Sansevieria (with emphasis on the second “e”), which can often be found on windowsills lovers of home greenhouses.

Beautiful name perennial flower received from a prince named Sanseviero, who lived in the eighteenth century. By the way, in Africa, strong ropes and cords are made from this plant, and coarse fabric is also obtained. Sansevieria acquired all other names because of its unusual appearance.

This plant has long, thick leaves that look like a pencil lead, a spoon, or long tongues. Among flower growers, “mother-in-law’s tongue” with oval leaves is popular, on a dark green background of which you can see light green stripes; in other species there may be stripes of beautiful silver color. The end of each leaf of the “pike tail” is sharp and if the tip is broken, the sansevieria will grow more slowly.

Every novice amateur gardener who wants to see a new plant in his home will definitely find information not only about care, but also scan new flower regarding its energy. As usual, flowers have special magic and can influence the emotional background of the owners and the aura in the apartment in different ways.

It must be said that a sufficient number of interesting signs and superstitions are associated with sansevieria, after learning about which flower growers can decide for themselves whether to have a pike tail at home or not.

It is a custom or accepted among people that no matter what the mother-in-law is, there are still a lot of jokes associated with her. In particular, it is believed that the mother-in-law loves to chat and gossip. Apparently, someone saw the long leaves of Sansevieria and jokingly called them mother-in-law's tongues.

This name quickly became attached to the flower, and from here came the sign that if you plant sansevieria at home, people will often gossip about the family, scandals and quarrels will begin, which will end in divorce.

Opponents of this opinion, on the contrary, argue that a pike tail will only light a fire in the hearth, improve the connection between spouses, and make the family indestructible.

If you have an enemy at work who is trying to prick you with his statements, just put sansevieria on your desk. They say it will help get your enemy out of the way and make your life at work calmer.

It turns out that mother-in-law’s language absorbs all the negativity that comes from people and improves relationships between participants in communication.

If you were given leaves of mother-in-law's tongue, then put them under your pillow and sleep for three nights in a row. Such a gift can be perceived as a real declaration of love. If the parents of a husband or wife give a married couple sansevieria, the spouses will immediately stop quarreling.

A girl who is not sure of her beloved’s feelings can easily check this by choosing any piece of her mother-in-law’s tongue. If in thirty days the leaf does not wither or fall off, then the guy loves him, and everything will work out.

According to another belief, an unmarried woman should not use her mother-in-law's tongue, otherwise no one will ever put on her wedding ring on your finger.

There is a popular belief that a flower in the house will lead to frequent conversations about money between spouses. If a woman gives a pike tail to the couple, it means she wants to destroy their family, and if the mother-in-law’s tongue was inherited by the couple from other residents, then it will become a real household talisman.

The benefits and harms of sansevieria in the house

Benefits in the home:

Damage in the home:

  1. Sansevieria contains the substance saponin. In small doses it is valuable and useful, but in large quantities it becomes a real poison! Doctors use saponin extremely carefully, and medicinal preparations with this component are not recommended for children and pregnant women.
  2. Powerful energy can sometimes be destructive. It is because of this that it is advised not to keep pike tail in rooms where adults or children sleep: the strong aura of the flower will disrupt any sleep.
  3. Trouble will begin for domestic cats and dogs if they decide to eat the leaves of mother-in-law's tongue. Pets will begin to vomit, diarrhea and intestinal upset.
  4. Small children also need to be protected from the flower; they will also suffer if they decide to eat a sansevieria leaf.

Is it possible to keep a pike tail at home and where to put it according to Feng Shui

If we are guided only positive signs, which are associated with mother-in-law’s tongue, then keeping a pike tail in your apartment is not only possible, but also necessary. After all, Sansevieria takes away all the negativity emanating from people and things, giving positive energy to household members. In addition, according to Feng Shui, sansevieria will bring wealth and good luck to the house.

When choosing a place for this flower, remember that it is better not to place a flowerpot with mother-in-law’s tongue next to the bed. A suitable place would be a niche under the window, and the kitchen windows should face the courtyard. This will minimize gossip around your family.

It's good if Sansevieria appears in your workplace. Thanks to this, your productivity will increase, quarrels with colleagues will stop, and your colleagues will not pester you about stupid questions.

Signs according to the state of the flower

If you see white arrows with flowers on your sansevieria, rejoice: a white streak has come for you and your family. Mother-in-law's language in this way simply shouts that the time has come to start something new, change your life for the better, and promises that any endeavors will be crowned with success.

If mother-in-law's tongue blooms in winter, this does not bode well. The owner of a blooming sansevieria will face troubles, troubles, failures and disappointments.

Yellowed pike tail leaves predict separation.

If the flower begins to fade, get sick and wither, it is necessary to urgently take measures to restore a comfortable psychological environment in the family. The mother-in-law's fading tongue warns the owners of an impending illness.

Flower care

Sansevieria is an unpretentious plant, capable of adapting to any conditions, but this flower requires some care.

This plant will not be harmed by excess color, but if the window sills are located in the south, then it is better to move the pot into the shade. If there is a lot of yellow color on the leaves of mother-in-law's tongue, then less light is required. If you want to protect your flower from burns, it is better to protect your sansevieria from direct sunlight.

Sansevieria can survive a week without water, so you should not water it often, otherwise the flower may rot. If the flower is in the cold or in the shade, it needs to be watered less often; mother-in-laws hate spraying, but you can wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.

The soil for the flower should dry out quickly and be of low nutritional value. Choose soil for your mother-in-law's tongue that is suitable for growing cacti. The main thing is that the ground is light.

The pot for sansevieria should be wide, but not too large and deep. There should be large drainage holes at the bottom of the pot.

Everyone can make a choice for themselves: to have an unpretentious sansevieria in the house or to hold off on purchasing it. People who think positively always keep the most important things in mind. positive traits this beautiful plant, including its healing properties. The main thing is not to self-medicate, I use sansevieria, but be sure to consult a doctor. Remember that any plant needs to be looked after and done correctly, and then no superstitions are scary.

One day a colleague came into my office, looked at my green spaces, and then, pointing to the sansevieria, said:

- But get rid of this flower, you’ll divorce your husband! This is the sign.

I felt sad for the handsome green guy, how long he has been growing with me, I only hear some stories about him, then he is an energy vampire, then my mother-in-law’s tongue is a sting... And I decided to figure out why stylish flower, such a bad reputation. And here's what I found out.


The origin of some epithets, for example, pike tail, snake skin (snake braids), leopard lily, Indian sword- It's clear. These are associations of people contemplating a plant for the first time. Decoding the Soviet humorous nickname - mother-in-law's tongue– also does not cause difficulties. Definitely, the no less tongue-in-cheek son-in-law came up with this idea.

But one name is completely unfair - to call an innocent plant devil's tongue, in my opinion, too much. Prosaic explanations are not suitable here. We need to figure this out.

It turns out that the plant was called “sansevieria” in honor of Raimondo de Sangro, the seventh prince of San Severo (18th century). He was a representative of a noble and wealthy Neapolitan family. The attitude of his contemporaries towards him was ambiguous. On the one hand, he is the closest adviser to Charles of Burgon, patron of the fine arts, author of a book on the art of war, which won the praise of even royalty. On the other hand - an alchemist, a freemason, a heretic, excommunicated from the bosom of the Church. Why such polar opinions?

Even as a child, Raimondo de Sangro's deep intelligence and tireless thirst for knowledge distinguished him from his peers. He knew not only several European languages, but also had a perfect command of ancient Greek, Hebrew, Sanskrit, and showed interest in Indian languages. The brilliant Raimondo was also interested in occult sciences, the study of which led him to the Masonic lodge. However, the prince contributed a lot to the development of natural science disciplines: physics, chemistry, biology, geography. The Grand Master conducted pyrotechnic experiments, became interested in hydraulics, invented color printing, fireworks and much more.

Plants were brought to the scientist nobleman from all over the world, the properties of which he tried to thoroughly study. Thus, Raimondo de Sangro used plant pigments to produce color dyes, which, even after two centuries, have not lost their original brightness and richness. And from the fibers of the Brassica canina plant, he learned to make a thin and waterproof material. I suppose that for the same reason Sansevieria might have interested him. As you know, the leaves of the plant contain cellular tissues, which Africans have since ancient times adapted to make a strong bow string.

Of course, for that time, the comprehensive interests of the great Neapolitan aroused suspicion among people, and his amazing discoveries inspired mystical horror among his unenlightened contemporaries. There were rumors about him that he was a magician, a warlock who had sold his soul to the devil. Agree, reader, where in previous centuries people were burned at the stake for minor offenses, and Raimondo de Sangro, either by luck or thanks to the intercession of the powers that be, was able to continue his scientific research after the anathema.

Well, what about Sansevieria? In modern terms, the plant indirectly suffered from black PR aimed at its famous owner. And it seems that the original reason has long been forgotten, but the superstitions remain. That’s why, dear reader, don’t program yourself for negativity and don’t believe the slander about the pike tail, it doesn’t bring discord into the family, doesn’t prevent girls from getting married, and doesn’t “henpeck” sons-in-law.


- But let me! - some lover of folk beliefs will exclaim. - They say not only bad things about sansevieria. They say that it promotes career growth, improves everyday life, helps in studies and in the fight against envious people and spiteful critics. Rare flowering promises its owner good luck in the future. How can the author interpret this?

But I support such signs about the leopard lily, and they are easy to explain. And let's do without romantic esotericism.

One of the beneficial properties of the plant is its ability to enrich the atmosphere with oxygen, absorb harmful substances, dust, and chemical fumes. At the same time, Sansevieria secretes phytoncides, which have antimicrobial and antiviral effects. As you understand, the well-being of a person who regularly stays under the shadow of this green healer noticeably improves, and this will not be slow to affect his intellectual and physical activity.

About flowers. Do you know what sansevieria buds smell like? Mmmm...This is what happiness smells like. By the way, it blooms once in its life, after which the plant dies.

It only remains to add that more and more often designers are using the green beauty as a decorative element; its slender leaves give the room exquisite simplicity and comfort. Such spaces have a beneficial effect on a person’s emotional sphere, putting him in a positive and constructive mood.

Many different signs are associated with an unpretentious and rather unsightly flower, which has the scientific name Sansevieria, and in everyday life is simply called “mother-in-law’s tongue” and “pike tail”. This plant has long, fleshy leaves, which can also be used for medicinal purposes as a wound-healing and anti-inflammatory agent. Sansevieria blooms quite rarely, and it is this fact that has given rise to many different signs and superstitions.

Signs for good luck

It is believed that this plant is extremely necessary to have in a family where conflicts, disputes and various kinds of troubles have become a constant companion of the household and the atmosphere in the house has become unbearable and difficult. In a word, it is ideal for that category of people who are “ready to run away from home wherever they look.”

The sharp ends of the plant’s stems seem to catch all the troubles happening in the house and neutralize them, giving the family hearth peace, comfort and tranquility. They, like a sticky web, attract all negative aspects, transforming them into positive ones.

Many claim that after appearing in the apartment of this flower the life of household members changes radically in better side: minor everyday problems, quarrels, mutual claims and negativity disappear.

It is also a good idea to place Sansevieria in your home for those who do not complain about a large number of troubles, but wants to preserve an atmosphere of kindness and love in the family nest.

Situations often arise when the relationship between spouses who have been married for quite a long period of time becomes colder, alienation appears, mutual hostility arises, and quarrels arise out of seemingly nothing. To correct the situation, you should place a flowerpot with sanseviria in the matrimonial bedroom. The blissful and calm aura of the plant normalizes the situation in the family and improves relations between spouses.

The name of the flower “mother-in-law’s tongue” seems to imply that the plant attracts various kinds of gossip, unpleasant conversations and rumors. However, in reality everything is completely different. Sansevieria protects household members from these troubles and repels those who come into the house with bad intentions, for example, to gossip and slander.

The plant blooms quite rarely and it is believed that it blooms only when any global changes of a positive nature are foreseen in the lives of household members. However, everything has its time, and if a flower blooms at an inopportune period, then this sign is by no means positive.

Negative signs

However, do not be alarmed if this fact took place. The plant should be “appeased” so that troubles will pass by. To do this, you just need to talk to the sansevieria, wipe its fleshy leaves with a damp cloth, and feed suitable fertilizers. In a word, find a common language with the flower and perhaps he will change his anger to mercy. Although, in fact, the flower only foreshadows the onset of negative events, and does not provoke their appearance. But still, caring for the plant will not be superfluous.

Beneficial effect of the flower

If a negative situation has firmly settled in the family, quarrels between spouses, children and other household members have become increasingly common, financial well-being has deteriorated, you should place the sansevieria in the room where family members spend the most time, for example, in the living room or kitchen.

Thanks to its positive effects, the plant will help soften the tense situation in the family and turn the mood of the residents of the house in a good direction.

Medicinal properties of sansevieria

In addition to the fact that the plant brings good luck, it also has wonderful medicinal properties.

In their action, its leaves are similar to the leaves of the well-known agave or aloe. If damage to any area of ​​the skin occurs, for example, due to a burn or abscess, you should thoroughly rinse the flower leaf under running water, cut lengthwise and apply the cut part to the damaged area. To avoid displacement of the sheet, it should be bandaged to the wound and this bandage should be changed periodically.

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, Sansevieria is able to heal almost any wounds and inflammations in the shortest possible time without the use of any medications.

How to make a flower work

The appearance of sansevieria in the house already promises significant changes for household members in an environment that will become much more calm and comfortable. However, it is quite possible to enhance the effect of this plant and, let’s say, make it work at full capacity.

In order to positive energy the flower was the most powerful and served for the benefit of the owners, it is necessary to treat the plant as an animate being, which, in essence, it is.

You should water it as often as necessary. You should take some time between waterings. This is necessary so that the soil in the pot is sufficiently dry, otherwise moisture stagnation is possible, which can lead to rotting of the roots and subsequent death of the plant.

The most suitable place for a flower to live is a room on the bright side of the house, which is well lit during the day. If this is not possible, it is quite possible to replace natural lighting with artificial lighting, which can be created using special lamps of various types.

Like any other indoor plant, Sansevieria needs special feeding designed to care for succulents.

In addition to watering and fertilizing, it is necessary to wipe the leaves of the flower as often as possible and spray it with a spray bottle to avoid the accumulation of dust and dirt, which significantly impairs the process of photosynthesis and leads to the occurrence of various types of diseases.

In addition to proper care, communication with the plant is an important factor. It would not be reprehensible if the owners began to talk to their green pet, wish him good morning and Good night, ask about his affairs. In addition to the fact that in this way the flower will gradually turn from an ordinary plant into a full-fledged member of the family, it will also accumulate a significant dose of positive emotions, which it will generously share with its owners.

When purchasing a plant such as mother-in-law's tongue, one should not forget that not only the effect of the flower can establish a peaceful atmosphere in the family, but also the positive attitude of the household members, their display of patience with each other and their efforts to try to smooth out the corners as much as possible. conflict situations, which certainly arise in any family.

People are not in a hurry to grow the Mother-in-Law flower at home, the reason for this is the signs associated with this houseplant.

Other plant names

The elongated foliage of the indoor flower looks like long tongues, which is why the plant received such an unusual name. The main folk signs are associated with the belief that the mother-in-law has a caustic tongue, transmits gossip, and acts as a source of troubles and scandals in the family. This is the reason why not everyone is ready to grow and keep Mother-in-law's tongue at home. No one wants to get into trouble and quarrel.

The scientific name of the indoor flower is Sansevieria. Thanks to unusual looking, he received others popular names: Snakeskin, Devil's Tongue, Indian Sword and Pike Tail.

Mother-in-law's tongue in feng shui

In Feng Shui, the attitude towards flowers is the opposite. According to Chinese philosophy, the long foliage of the plant growing upward is not the cause of family quarrels, but, on the contrary, harmonizes the relationship between spouses. If the pike tail has bloomed, a favorable atmosphere has been created in the living room.

It is believed that a plant grown at home maintains the energy balance in the living space.

According to Feng Shui, this indoor flower growing in the house has positive energy and, like a lightning rod, neutralizes tension in the house, suppresses aggression and prevents domestic squabbles. Sansevieria transforms all negativity into creative activity, triggers thought processes and opens the imagination.

Signs about the flowering and wilting of a flower

Sansevieria has a beautiful White color, delicate aroma. An indoor flower blooms infrequently, so the appearance of buds and active flowering are explained by signs:

  • According to popular belief, arrows with white inflorescences appear on the plant when the inhabitants of the home experience a white streak in life. If the plant blooms in the spring, this means the successful completion of all endeavors at home and at work. According to superstitions, during flowering you need to take more careful care of the plant and not pick the flowers, otherwise your plans will not come true.
  • When a plant blooms at the wrong time, for example, if Mother-in-Law’s Tongue blooms in winter, it warns the owner of impending troubles, most often caused by family conflicts and scandals.

The state of the indoor flower is also used to judge upcoming events in life:

  • According to popular superstitions, yellowed Sansevieria foliage is an unfavorable sign, foreshadowing separation or a radical difference in views with loved ones.
  • If a flower fades, it cannot cope with the unfavorable atmosphere of the house. If measures are not taken and Sansevieria is not saved, the death of the house plant will be followed by deterioration in the health of the household and troubles in the family.
  • The owner who shelters a Pike Tail with drooping foliage at home and brings it into proper shape will experience good luck and unexpected good news.

Attracting good luck

The pike tail is popularly credited with the ability to reconcile others and harmonize the home environment, helping representatives of different generations find common interests. A plant can bring good luck if:

  • who received Sansevieria leaves as a gift as a declaration of love will put them under his pillow and sleep on them for 3 nights in a row
  • the owners will place a pot with Pike Tail in the living room in a place where strangers often visit, then the indoor plant will have a positive influence on guests, put them in a favorable mood, and protect the house from unwanted things negative impact, unintentional evil eye and damage,
  • a sick person will touch the foliage of the flower and stroke it as often as possible; in this case, recovery occurs much faster,
  • parents will give their married children a flower, and the latter will place a potted container with it in the marital bedroom; it helps to stop quarreling and forget differences.

If a flowerpot with a Pike tail is placed in office space, the plant will help.

Mother-in-law's tongue is a houseplant that is still held in high esteem by our flower growers. This is a decorative flower, unpretentious and great for growing in offices and at home. Not all flower lovers know that the scientific name of this plant is Sansevieria.

Description of the flower

“Mother-in-law’s tongue”, “dragon’s tongue”, “pike tail”, “bayonet plant”, “snake skin” and many other names this houseplant has. The tropics of Africa and Asia are considered the homeland of sansevieria. There are more than 60 varieties of plants in nature.

However for home breeding Only some varieties are used. It is necessary to find out whether it is possible to keep a mother-in-law’s tongue flower at home and how to care for it so that it pleases its owners? According to some sources, these plants are classified as members of the Dracaena and Iglitsa families. The flower acquired its interesting name in honor of Prince von Sanseviero.

Low-demanding and persistent flower Mother-in-law's tongue and varieties in nature:

  • A tall, erect plant with long lance-shaped leaves.
  • The low ornamental plant has short leaves that form a rosette.

Depending on what species the flower belongs to, the leaves may be grayish green, green or dark green. The shape of the leaf directly depends on the species. Wide white or yellow stripes may appear on the leaf. Stripes of a different color, such as light green, may be placed across. The leaf may have a reddish edge. Brief flowering occurs in spring.

Varieties for home care

The decorative flower is grown not only at home, but also as an office decoration. Because the plant is unpretentious, it is very easy to care for it. But flower growers still distinguish several varieties of mother-in-law’s tongue:

Mother-in-law's tongue flower and care at home

If someone decides to grow sansevieria at home, then it is important to follow a few simple tips:

  • Support temperature regime in the room.
  • IN summer period indoor flower Mother-in-law's tongue is suitable for any temperature.
  • In the cold season, the temperature should be at 14-16 0 C. But you still need to take into account that the minimum temperature is 10-11 0 C. Sudden changes have a bad effect on the plant.

It is known that the flower retains water in its leaves, so it should be watered sparingly.

When keeping the mother-in-law's tongue flower at home, is it possible to fertilize it and with what preparation? Sansevieria is not very fond of nitrogen. Therefore, when purchasing fertilizer, you need to pay attention to the fact that it should contain the least amount of fertilizer. It is enough to fertilize once a year. In winter, the plant is not fertilized. In spring summer time fertilizing can be done with cactus formulations.

Flower pests and how to deal with them

The main pests of the mother-in-law's tongue flower are:

  • Thrips.
  • Spider mites.
  • Mealyworms.

The fact that a flower is infected with spider mites can be determined by the color of the leaves. They change color to a paler color.

Thrips settle on the lower part of the leaf in large colonies. In the same time top part the leaf is covered with gray-brown spots with a silvery sheen.

If a mealyworm has settled at the base of the rosette, it begins to suck the juice from the leaves and peduncles. Leaves become diseased and distorted.

How to deal with pests of the mother-in-law's tongue flower? Can I keep it at home? chemicals or is it better to use folk remedies? You can try everything, but you need to start with plant prevention:

  • Make an infusion of citrus peels. Moisten a cloth with this infusion and wipe the leaves of the flower.
  • Carry out regular preventive spraying with the biological product "Fitoverm".
  • If pests are detected, you can spray with Actellik and Decis.

Does Sansevieria bloom?

When to bloom, the plant chooses the time for this completely independently. Mother-in-law's tongue may not bloom for years, and then suddenly bloom into delicate flowers. Their aroma is reminiscent of vanilla. Fills the entire room and extends beyond the front door.

The beauty lasts for about a week. The reason for unexpected flowering is that the plant senses the approach of death and nature forces it to bloom in order to leave behind seeds.

According to popular superstitions, the mother-in-law's tongue flower, which blooms in winter, tells the owner about impending troubles.

Benefits of a flower in the home

Sansevieria is popularly considered a real healer. It has been established that it helps with the following ailments:

  • Cystitis.
  • Inflammation of the appendages.
  • Otitis (shooting pain in the ears).
  • Skin lesions (scabies, ulcers, itching, wounds and cuts).

Many people have no idea what mysterious properties the mother-in-law’s tongue flower has. Is it possible to keep a healer at home who:

  • Destroys harmful bacteria.
  • They release oxygen.
  • Absorbs negative energy.

It has been noticed that if there is this flower in the house, then the owners of this miracle:

  • They suffer less from headaches.
  • They suffer from colds less often.
  • Pressure drops in hypertensive and hypotensive patients become less frequent.

Placing a flower in a classroom promotes better learning and active creativity.

What do people say about him?

Mother-in-law's tongue flower and signs associated with it:

  • If flowering occurs in the summer, then you need to wait great luck. And if it bloomed in winter time, then this is a sign of approaching troubles.
  • If the leaves turn yellow and this is not the work of pests, then you are about to part with someone.
  • If a healthy plant begins to hurt and wither, this indicates that the situation in the house is tense.

Is it possible to keep a mother-in-law’s tongue flower at home if people talk about various signs? Of course you can, because it is a peacemaker plant. And not all signs promise trouble. There are also good ones, for example:

  • If a person is sick, then you need to stroke the flower more often to release negative energy.
  • A husband and wife will no longer quarrel if a flowerpot with a plant given by the parents of one of the spouses is placed in their bedroom.
  • Unmarried young ladies can cast spells in mother-in-law's language.

Of course, grow a beautiful and proud plant.

The “mother-in-law’s tongue” flower is a worthy candidate with which to start floriculture. It has high decorative qualities, is unpretentious, purifies the air and produces a lot of oxygen. But this does not mean that the plant does not need care at all. Moderate light, watering and fertilizing will allow you to grow a beautiful and healthy flower.

Plant characteristics

“Mother-in-law’s tongue” is one of the names of the Sansevieria plant from the Agave family. In nature, it lives in the subtropical regions of Africa, Asia, America, and is found in savannas. The “mother-in-law’s tongue” flower is also common in household use. Its beautiful leaves, collected in a rosette, can be flat and long, oval and thick, wide, sword-shaped, round, spoon- or pencil-shaped. Most often the leaves are oriented upward, but there are species that bloom in different directions or grow parallel to the ground. Sansevieria leaves usually have a point at the tip, but if this is broken off, growth will be impaired.


In total, there are about 200 varieties of the “mother-in-law’s tongue” flower. The most common species is Sansevieria three-lane with flat oval leaves. They have a characteristic pattern - a light green stripe on a dark green background.

In the flower shop you can find other varieties of sansevieria, for example, Sansevieria trifasciata Laurentii with green and yellow stripes.

Or Sansevieria Zeylanica, whose leaves are variegated dark green.

If you prefer plants with short leaves, consider Sansevieria trifasciata Laurentii Compacta.

Fans of exotic colors will appreciate Sansevieria trifasciata Hahnii with silver stripes.

In cases where a very tall plant is required, you can purchase the species Sansevieria robusta, whose length reaches 180 cm. Its leaves are green, pointed, growing straight upward.


The “mother-in-law’s tongue” flower comes from hot regions, and at home it also needs sun. The plant feels good in excess light, but in summer it will need shading on southern windows.

The amount of light that variegated varieties require is determined by the natural color of the leaf. If the share yellow color large, less light is required, otherwise the leaf will lose its variegation and become a normal green color. But if there is too little light, the flower will slow down in development. In any case, the sansevieria needs to be protected from direct rays, otherwise the colored areas will get sunburned. The ideal place is the window sill, where light enters in the evening.


The plant does not require strict temperature conditions. It feels comfortable at night at +16 ... +20 °C and during the day at +21 ... +28 °C. It will also withstand greater temperature variations, but in this case the microclimate must be leveled by watering. If the flower lives in the cold, for example in an office building, then it is important to reduce the frequency of watering.


Sansevieria does not like spraying, does not tolerate well when water gets inside the outlet, and this can even rot. But the plant survives drought well.

The “mother-in-law’s tongue” flower is watered lightly and only after the soil has dried out. For some time he feels great without water. As mentioned above, at low temperatures, water the plant less often, the same applies to sansevierias placed in the shade.

Wipe the plant from dust from time to time. Use a cloth or a special broom.

Top dressing

The need for fertilizer is determined by the season. During the wintering period, feeding should be abandoned. From May to September, the “mother-in-law’s tongue” flower needs to be fertilized every two weeks, using fertilizers for cacti and succulents, or mineral compounds. If the variety is variegated, make sure that the fertilizer does not contain a lot of nitrogen: this provokes increased production of chlorophyll, and the colorful beauty will turn into ordinary green. During other periods, apply fertilizer once a month.


The need for replanting depends on the growth rate of the flower. In young plants it is higher, and they need to annually change the pot to dishes with a diameter 2 cm larger. Mature plants can live in one pot for several years.

When transplanting, choose shallow containers. Sansevieria does not need a large volume of soil; its roots are located on the surface.

A young “mother-in-law’s tongue” flower should be replanted every year, an adult – once every few years.

When choosing soil, give preference to soil that is low in nutrition, light, and that dries out faster. Ideally, this should be a specialized mixture for cacti and succulents. But you can mix equal parts of soil from leaf and turf soil, as well as sand, and get a suitable substrate. Before planting the plant, it is better to calcine the soil that you mixed yourself.


Sansevieria can be propagated by lateral layering, dividing the rhizome or leaf cuttings.

Side shoots are developed mainly in low-growing rosette plants. It is better to plant them in the spring when transplanting mother plant. To do this, use a sharp knife to carefully cut off the shoot, capturing part of the rhizome. The separation points on the mother and young bushes should be sprinkled with powder made from activated carbon. After this, it is enough to place the plants in separate pots. In order for sansevieria to take root faster, it is better to keep it warm with moderate watering.

Rhizome division is the most preferred type of propagation of the “mother-in-law’s tongue” flower. With this method, all species characteristics of the plant are preserved. The rhizome is separated in early spring from an adult plant. Remove the sansevieria from the pot, disinfect the knife, and divide the root into 3-4 parts depending on the size. Each division should have its own growth point. Treat all cuts with crushed coal, then plant the plants in a sandy substrate. Rooting takes place with moderate watering. If you did everything correctly, the plant will have new shoots, and when this happens, you can transplant the young bushes into a new pot.

Tall species of sansevieria of uniform color are propagated by leaf cuttings. Species characteristics, however, are not preserved - the plants will be monochromatic and without stripes. Take the old one strong leaf, disinfect a knife or pruning shears, cut the workpiece into several pieces 4–5 cm long and arrange them in the direction of leaf growth so as not to forget where the top and bottom are. The cuttings need to be air-dried for 24 hours or treated with crushed activated carbon. Then plant the segments bottom into wet sand for about a third of its length. In order for the cuttings to take root better, they need to be covered. glass jar, add water to the tray and place in a warm place. Rooting will take 1–1.5 months.


The “mother-in-law’s tongue” flower rarely gets sick, but if the rules of care are grossly violated, it can develop defects.

  • When overwatered and at low temperatures, dark spots appear on the leaves.
  • If there is not enough light or in a too crowded pot, the leaves turn yellow.
  • Insufficient lighting also leads to the fact that the plant weakens, its leaves become soft, stretch out and deviate vertically, or bend in half.
  • When water gets into the center of the rosette, the plant rots at the base, the leaves become soft and turn yellow.
  • When freezing, overwatering or lack of light, the tips of sansevieria leaves may wither, turn yellow and dry out.
  • If the plant is not watered for too long, the leaves lose their elasticity.

Basically, defects can be corrected with proper care.

In all other respects, the plant is quite unpretentious and survives where others give up. With proper care, the flower will retain its attractive colors and strict shape.

Mother-in-law's indoor flower is called a real absorber of evil, negativity, and envy. The worse the situation around, the more nervousness there is in the atmosphere, the more magnificent, longer and more powerful the plant grows. In fairness, it is worth noting that this plant also has a power limit.

The flower received the unofficial name “mother-in-law’s tongue” because of its long and sharp dense leaves. In families where it is customary to treat parents with respect, the plant is called “pike tail”. If you want romance, you can remember the ancient names - the tongue of the devil, the Indian sword, snake skin. The official name of the flower is Sansevieria. While housewives and interior designers argue whether it is possible to keep it at home, let’s consider signs, superstitions, observations of flower growers and rules for caring for the plant.

  1. The decorative properties of the pike tail are excellent. Dark green, striped, straight and tall leaves, very beautiful. The interior gets a touch home comfort without losing rigor. Ideal for the currently popular loft style. The plant densely fills any proposed volume.
  2. The plant can decorate not only window sills, but also enliven a dark corner of the kitchen, hallway, or corridor. You'll have to leave the lights on, but with modern LED lamps additional lighting does not require large expenses.
  3. If someone is very angry with you, they will have to leave. This may not always contribute to family happiness, but it certainly helps to create personal happiness. People who willingly stay indoors with a pike tail most likely do not wish you harm and are even friendly towards you.
  4. The plant perfectly cleans the air in the house. Grease, dust, burning odors disappear as if by magic, leaving no traces. A pike tail will not eliminate the need for cleaning completely, but it will significantly reduce the need to fuss with cleaning.
  5. U flower pot there won't be any midges.
  6. The pike tongue flower brings happiness. Not everyone knows that the plant can bloom, look at the photo. A small white inflorescence appears rarely, hiding among the stems. The appearance of a flower means that your cherished desire is close to fulfillment. You can secretly admire the hidden flower - few will see it, but with those who see this miracle on their own, you can lift the veil of secrecy.

Signs associated with the pike tail

  • The pike tail actively grows, produces new shoots, but does not grow high. The average leaf height is 30-40 cm. This means that there is a very favorable atmosphere around. Despite the fact that there are plenty of reasons for negativity, people are distinguished by their goodwill and great patience.
  • Tall leaves, without side shoots - strong passions and sharp emotions are boiling.
  • The higher the leaves, the stronger the degree of negativity. IN public spaces, where people annoy each other by the very fact of their existence, the height of the leaves can be more than a meter. Fleeting negativity - the best feeding for a plant.
  • The flower withers, withers - the negativity goes off scale so much that the plant cannot assimilate it. To bring a pike tail to this state, someone must constantly be hysterical or deeply depressed. Transplant the plant into a larger pot and provide watering. Mother-in-law's tongue is almost insensitive to light and grows well even on the north side away from the window, in the recreational halls of hospitals and in corridors without windows with artificial lighting. Increase the number of bad energy absorbers.
  • If a plant withers in a family, it is quite possible that one of the family members needs medication for depression. If in the office, you work in a microfinance company or in another too stressful place. Change jobs.
  • Dried leaves on top are the influence of someone’s strong envy.
  • The leaves are breaking - you are looking for support in an unreliable place or counting on an unreliable person.
  • To get rid of obsessive thoughts, carefully cut off a sheet of mother-in-law's tongue, rinse, wipe with a towel or napkin and give to someone who is suffering from anxiety. The leaf should be placed under the pillow so that it protects dreams.
  • Mother-in-law's tongue in the bedroom will help to some extent protect against rash actions and not the most suitable partners.

Plant care

Surprisingly, the plant requires almost no care. A sufficiently large and deep container with soil and occasional abundant watering. Excess water will accumulate in the drainage layer and nourish the plant. The deeper the layer of soil, the higher and stronger the leaves will rise. On average, the plant requires watering about once a week. The fleshy leaves store water, and the thick skin prevents evaporation. The flower will survive a month without watering, although with difficulty.

No spraying is required, there are no insects in the pot. Feeding 2 times a year is standard for indoor plants. Throughout the year you can feed the flower with sleeping tea. The soil is slightly acidic, sandy, you can use peat soil, any neutral or slightly acidic ready-made soil.

If the plant is installed in a room without windows, additional lighting will be required. Diffused artificial light will be sufficient.

Remove dried leaves and weed once a year.

Piketail is an ideal plant for the office. In an ordinary Ikea trash can with a 10 cm drainage layer of shards, sand and tea bags, it is possible to grow a plant 1.5 meters high with a dense forest of leaves and shoots. It looks very beautiful and especially decorates accounting departments, management offices, and meeting rooms.


Mother-in-law's tongue is a plant with character. If you like the perseverance, directness, and irreconcilability of the pike tail to lies, envy, and negativity, be sure to get yourself a sprout and grow a beautiful and proud plant. But if compromises are closer to you, you yourself are not against guile, manipulation, soft power and careful behind-the-scenes management - the flower is not for you. Choose another plant for your home that absorbs negativity, but is softer. It might be worth getting geraniums, tradescantia, and indoor violets.