When can you move into a house? The most favorable days for moving to a new home

An event like this happens only a few times in every person’s life. Of course, there are a number of professions that require constant moving to different cities and even countries. In this case, you have to change not only your house and apartment, but often also your country of residence. Those who are forced are difficult to adjust to their plans. But if you have long been planning to move to new apartment or you are finishing building a house and are going to move into it, then you can plan the time at your own discretion.

Favorable days for moving in 2018 according to the lunar calendar

There are spontaneous decisions that are made “here and immediately,” but even in such moments it is better to move on a favorable day. Astrologers have long found out that best phase The moons for the implementation of this idea are the third and fourth, that is, its growth. At this time, the processes responsible for success in new endeavors are activated.

As for the position of the Moon in the sky, this also matters. Practical recommendations astrologers boil down to the fact that you should not move when the Moon is in the constellation Leo, Cancer, Scorpio or Capricorn. But Taurus and Aquarius, on the contrary, favor moving.

Calculate days to lunar calendar – it’s a painstaking and rather lengthy task. For those who are not inclined to understand astrology, but still want to associate their move with a favorable lunar influence, a special calendar for 2018 has been compiled. It indicates the days when moving will be most appropriate. Everything will go without a hitch, you will like your new home, you will not regret your action.

The most favorable days for moving by month:

  • January 2018. This month there are many good days for moving, in the first ten days there are 2, 5, 7, 8, 9, in the middle of the month - January 14 and 19, the third ten days are almost completely favorable, with the exception of January 27, 28, 30 and 31.
  • February 2018. This month there are five good days in the first ten days - February 1, 5, 8, 9, 10. The days from February 14 to 18 are favorable; in the third ten days there are only two successful days - February 21 and 27.

  • March 2018. The move can be planned for any half of the month; in the first ten days, March 1, 2, 5, 8 are suitable, in the second - from 11 to 14, in the third - from March 20 to 22.
  • April 2018. There are not many lucky days at the beginning of the month; these are April 2, 4, and 8. Mid-April, from 12 to 14, is most favorable for moving. Also pay attention to the days from April 19 to 21 and 28.
  • May 2018. It is recommended to move on May 3rd and 6th, between May 10th and 14th, and then on the 19th, 20th, 21st, 28th or 30th.
  • June 2018. In the first ten days, June 3, 6 and 9 are lucky; the best time is the middle of the month, here good days Astrologers call the periods from 10 to 13 and from 17 to 31 June.
  • July 2018. Please note July 3, 7, then good days– from July 10 to July 13. In the last part of the month, the 19th, 21st-22nd and 26th are lucky.
  • August 2018. The most successful move will take place in the third decade of the month. Any day is good here. Except for a short period from August 26 to 29. You can also plan your move on the 5th, 9th, 13th and 16th.
  • September 2018. Not many days are lucky in September; in the first ten days - these are September 3, 6 and 9. In the second - September 13, 14, 17 and 18. You shouldn’t plan your move at the end of the month, unless you fit it into one day, September 26th.
  • October 2018. The best time is the middle of the month, from the 12th to the 15th. You can move on October 1, 5, 9, and at the end of the month - from the 21st to the 23rd.
  • November 2018. The dates coincide completely with October. Only more will be added on November 18 and 28.
  • December 2018. It is better to move in the middle of the month; there are two favorable periods - from 10 to 12 and from 17 to 19 December. Also lucky are the 6th, 23rd, 24th, and 30th.

Moving is always accompanied by stress, fear of forgetting, breaking or breaking something. For the superstitious, the stress is doubly greater, because you need to consider which days are the right times to move, what to move first, and how to make life in your new apartment even happier. That is why, in order to move to a new apartment competently, you need to know a few basic rules.

No. 1. Package.

The first step is to decide how to pack your things when moving. Cardboard boxes are very useful for packing things. Look for them in the garage, attic or cottage - you will definitely need them. You can mark the contents on the boxes with a felt-tip pen to help you find your way faster when you arrive at your new apartment. At a hardware store you can buy film for packaging large items, wide tape and long ropes. Don't forget about newspapers for wrapping glass. For things and utensils, you can purchase several shuttle bags - large checkered zippered bags that are sold at the market. First, pack those things that you are not going to wear in the near future, do not forget to make notes “husband’s winter clothes”, “summer shoes”, etc. It is also better to put dishes in bags, rather than carry them in boxes in front of you: bottom cardboard box may turn out to be unreliable and as a result you will have to buy new dishes... But it is better to pack books and household items in boxes, signing each of them.

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No. 2. Transportation.

One more important point is transportation household appliances. As for small household appliances (DVD players, laptop, tape recorder, etc.), they can be wrapped in towels or blankets and carefully placed in a bag, unless, of course, there are no “original” boxes left. But when it comes to large household appliances and furniture, things are a little more complicated. If it is possible to disassemble the furniture piece by piece, then it is better to do so by wrapping upholstered furniture in film. In this form it will be much easier to transport it. When disassembling furniture, mark on each piece what part it is to make assembly easier. It is recommended to cover monitors and televisions protective film and transport to passenger car screen towards the back of the seat.

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Folk signs

For many, the rules of moving to a new apartment include not only the correct packing of things, but also compliance with all the rules aimed at ensuring that life in the new apartment is happy and carefree.

What are the right days to move? One of the most favorable days for moving to a new home is Sunday. It is believed that if you move on this particular day of the week, you will be lucky in everything. If you move into a new apartment on Thursday or Friday, love will reign in the house and the financial situation. But if you move on Saturday, financial position On the contrary, it may worsen and failures will follow. Monday, as you know, is a difficult day; it is also considered an unfavorable day for moving - your plans will not come true.

How to move correctly and what signs are best to keep out of harm's way?

If you are not a superstitious person, but just in case you decided to insure yourself, then there are a few simple folk signs that will not force you to brew potions and look for fabulous flowers.

One of the most famous signs is the pioneer cat. It is believed that it is best to let her into the house first. Cats are very sensitive to negative energy, so when they enter the house first, they will give you a clean and bon voyage into a new life.

It is believed that it is best to move into a new home in good weather, as rain will bring troubles and failures.

Move during the waxing moon - then peace and prosperity will reign in the house.

If the brownie Kuzya is not just a fairy tale for you and you want him to move with you, then provide him with a treat in your new apartment so that he will happily move with you.

Signs and superstitions have deep roots, so it is almost impossible to trace the beginning of their appearance. Some signs have reached us unchanged, while others have been transformed taking into account modern realities.

It’s up to you to believe in them or not, we have just collected the most common customs and signs associated with moving that may be useful to you.

When moving to a new apartment, you need to take into account everything down to the signs and rituals.

When is the best time to move?

There is hardly any need to prove or explain that there are favorable and unfavorable days. Everyone in life has been faced with the fact that on some days everything goes just fine, while on others, for no apparent reason, everything goes wrong. Since no exact explanation has been found for this, it is generally accepted that the phases of the moon have a great influence on people.

We move according to the lunar calendar

Each phase of the moon affects not only a person’s well-being, but also the nature of the development of various life situations. To minimize negative impacts phases of the moon for your planned move, check the lunar calendar and choose successful days for moving.

The phases of the moon can affect your move in different ways.

The best days to move according to the lunar calendar in 2017

2017 Favorable days for moving Unfavorable days for moving
1, 2, 7, 8, 29 3, 4, 11-14, 20-22, 30, 31
February 3, 4 7-11, 16-18, 26, 27
March 2-4, 30, 31 7-10, 16, 17, 26, 27
April 27 3-6, 12-14, 22, 23, 30
May - 1-4, 9-11, 19-21, 28-31
June - 6, 7, 16, 17, 24-27
July - 3, 4, 13, 14, 21-25, 30, 31
August - 1, 9, 10, 18-21, 26-28
September 3, 4, 30 5-7, 14-17, 23, 24
October 1, 2, 28, 29 3, 4, 11-15, 20-22, 30, 31
November 24, 25 8-11, 16-18, 26-28
December 1, 2, 21-23, 28, 29 5-8, 14, 15, 24, 25

If the successful days given in the table do not coincide with your plans, then simply choose the optimal day of the week for a housewarming party. And remember that any recommendations from astrologers without your personal data are only general in nature. If you really give great importance astrological forecasts and numerology, then to accurately calculate favorable days for moving, seek advice from relevant specialists.

Choosing a favorable day of the week to move

  • Monday is patronized by the Moon. It heightens all senses, so special attention must be paid to controlling emotions.
  • Tuesday corresponds to the planet Mars, which helps you achieve your goals.
  • Wednesday is ruled by Mercury. Any of your endeavors on this day will be accompanied by good luck.
  • Thursday is ruled by Jupiter. All the important decisions that you have been putting off are better implemented on this day.
  • Friday is ruled by Venus. Dedicate this day to your family and friends.
  • Saturday is ruled by Saturn. A good day to implement your plans.
  • Sunday is ruled by the Sun. A favorable day to start new things.

Choose the best day of the week to move so that it will bring good luck in your new place.

Day of the week The influence of the chosen moving day on your future life in a new place
Moving on this day will have a beneficial effect on your health.
Tuesday Moving will contribute to the growth of your intellectual potential.
Wednesday Moving on this day of the week will add more passion to your life.
Thursday It is believed that moving on this day promotes prosperity.
Friday Moving on the last working day of the week will ensure you success not only in business, but also in love.
Saturday It is considered favorable for relocation, as it promises success in the business field in the future.
Sunday A good day for moving also promises success in business.

If it snows on the moving day, the new settlers will have a lot of money in the new place. And if it rains during the move, the move will be accompanied by strong emotions.

How to transport a brownie?

If you believe in the existence of a brownie, but don’t know how to properly move it to a new apartment, then the advice of our ancestors will help you. They believed that there was a brownie in every house and fed it so that it would reliably protect the home. Treats were obligatory on January 28 and February 10, since these days were considered important for the brownie. He is a vegetarian and has a big sweet tooth, loves milk and cereal.

The brownie and the cat are inseparable friends.

In the old days they believed that the brownie moved to new house on an old broom or on a cat. There were also often pieces of advice that suggested transporting the brownie in a basket with soft things. The main thing was not to forget to invite him with you to a new place of residence, and he himself decided how to move.

The cat was allowed into the new house first. Following him, a man or the eldest woman in the family had to enter on the right foot. In the place where the cat sat, they placed a saucer with milk, cookies, sweets - a treat for the brownie.

The new residents are the first to let the cat into the house.

Rituals for moving

Additional help in such a difficult matter as moving is never superfluous. If the following rituals have survived to this day, then perhaps they really made life easier for those who used them:

  1. For the welfare of the family, upon entering a new apartment, the floor was sprinkled with silver coins.
  2. At the new place it was necessary to carry out general cleaning. To cleanse the room of negative energy, salt was added to the water.
  3. The housewarming party was celebrated twice. On the day of moving in, in a close family circle and for the second time after settling in big company with friends and relatives.
  4. When leaving the old place, they removed all the garbage after themselves and left a few coins so that the new settlers would live in prosperity. The boomerang principle worked: whatever you want, you will get.

In any business, in addition to signs and rituals, a positive attitude and a responsible performer who you can rely on are important. If we paraphrase a well-known saying, we can say this: “rely on signs, but don’t make a mistake yourself.” Be responsible when choosing the company that will transport you.

Apartment moving with the employees of the ProfPerevozka company.

The ProfPerevozka company respects the wishes of clients related to the observance of rituals and customs during the move. We are convinced that whatever you sincerely believe in works. And for our part, we will do everything possible to make the move as comfortable as possible for you. We guarantee that with us your life in a new place will begin with pleasant and joyful moments.

In this article you will learn:

Moving to a new home is a difficult but joyful event in the life of a family. There have long been various signs and rituals for housewarming. In order to live happily in your new apartment, you need to prepare in advance and move on favorable days for moving.

Preparatory procedures

In order for life in a new place to be happy and successful, you need to say goodbye to your previous home and thank it. Before leaving it completely, you should restore order and thoroughly wash the floors, which should shine, and also tidy up the stairs and landing. It is not advisable to leave it in old apartment things, they can be used to damage former residents.

Before moving to a new home:

  • you need to carefully examine your things and do not take with you torn linen or cracked dishes, it is better to buy new ones;
  • you need to prepare a pie (if life was difficult, salty, and if happy, then sweet) and eat it with the whole family before leaving.

We invite the brownie

For those who believe in the brownie, who protects them from troubles and misfortune, and is the keeper of the family hearth and well-being, it is better to move to a new apartment with their old assistant. Each of these creatures has its own character, some are kind, others are nasty and grumpy. In order for this guardian to protect the family and home, he must be invited to move with the owner.

Things needed for the ceremony

To conduct the invitation ceremony you need to prepare:

  • broom;
  • small bag;
  • porridge or milk for treats.

Invitation procedure

When moving to a new apartment, you need to act like this:

  1. Invite the keeper to move with the owners to a new apartment. For this purpose, you need to leave the prepared bag and broom in the kitchen overnight, and then invite the kind creature to stay in the bag. If a brownie is attached to his owners and has shown his love for many years, he will definitely sit in it. The next day, the bag with the brownie must be taken to a new home and served with a treat in the form of milk or porridge.
  2. If there has never been a brownie in the home, but the owner wants the hearth keeper to settle in the apartment, then he needs to go to a nearby village and find an abandoned one, but located in good condition house. It is necessary to leave a bag and a broom in it and invite the brownie to move into his own home. Thanks to his sociability and craving for the company of people, this kind creature will most likely agree to be relocated.

Suitable days to move to a new apartment

Due to changes in life, a person has to change his place of residence, this could be a move to another job, improved living conditions, or various personal reasons. In these matters you need to be careful and choose a good day for moving, you need to plan everything in advance. Such factors influence the positive attitude of new settlers and help avoid the harmful effects of various external forces.

A special place in ensuring a safe move and subsequent happy life in a new place is occupied by folk signs and dates of the lunar calendar, which it is advisable to observe in order to avoid undesirable consequences.

Folk signs for housewarming

When moving, a considerable number of people are concerned about practical issues related to transport, movers and weather conditions. But first of all, in order to avoid surprises, you need to move to a new place on the right days. In order not to worry about choosing a moving day, you need to plan it for Tuesday. By folk signs, moving on this day is a good time for housewarming, no obstacles arise, and all problems and troubles remain somewhere aside. This best time to make important changes in a person’s life.

There are signs and circumstances that are best taken into account during housewarming:

  • V leap year you should not move to a new home;
  • rain counts auspicious omen for new residents, water washes away all negativity and brings prosperity and well-being;
  • a rainbow means a bright future, such a phenomenon brings happiness and prosperity to a new home;
  • if thunder rumbles and lightning flashes, then these are harbingers of squabbles and discord in the new apartment, breakdowns of electronics and furniture will be frequent, we can consider the following natural disasters a warning.

But faith in omens should not be blind, more important to a person listen to your own inner feelings.

According to the lunar calendar

In order to move according to the lunar calendar, you need to study special tables that list all the days by month and year. It is believed that moving to a new home during a new moon is neutral, and is most unfavorable when it is done during a full moon or during a solar eclipse.

The lunar calendar also suggests a favorable time of year for moving. The autumn period is considered the best, and the most favorable is September 14, when Semenov Day is celebrated. You shouldn’t move into a new apartment in the summer; it’s better to be patient a little and hold out until the fall.

The ritual of cleansing the apartment with holy water

One of the important rituals when moving to a new place of residence is cleansing the home with holy water. It is carried out immediately after moving in, and does not require any special knowledge or skill. This ritual helps to free the house from bad energy, which could remain after the departure of the previous residents. Before carrying out it, it is recommended to thoroughly clean the apartment.

To perform the ritual, you should prepare holy water and a new candle from the temple. After this, you need to sprinkle holy water 3 times on all the corners in the house, then light a candle and, with a burning candle in your hands, walk around all the rooms in the house three times.

Cleaning apartments with salt

Salt is a magical remedy for cleansing the place of residence from negative energy and cleansing the aura. It is best to use natural salt - sea or rock - that has not been subjected to iodization.

To carry out the ritual, you need to pour salt into small plates or pots, place them in the corners of the apartment and leave for a whole week. After the expiration date, you need to pour all the salt into a bag and bury it in the ground away from your home. This salt should not be used for food; such actions can lead to negative consequences.

Getting rid of negativity in the house using the power of fire

Among rituals and rites, a special place is occupied by purification by fire, which combines special power creation and destruction. Thanks to its energy, fire helps to get rid of negativity and evil spirits. To carry out the cleaning, you need to prepare 12 candles, which can be purchased both at retail outlets and in churches.

Being completely alone, you need to place them in a circle, then light them and read the spell: “In the name of Svarog the Father, in the name of Dazhdbog, and in the name of Perun the Thunderer. You, Svarog the Father, separate truth from falsehood, you Dazhdbog, separate day from night, and you, Perun, separate Reality from Navi. I conjure (name), by the power of heavenly fire, by the power of the fire that is between heaven and earth, by the power of earthly fire, and by the underground I conjure. Let all the dark spells, all the knowledge, all the dry spells of Navya burn in the Pekelny Fire. May what has been said come true. Namely."

After this, you need to wait until the candles burn out. The ritual begins quickly, and the person can live peacefully in his new home.

How to enter a new home for the first time

The oldest family member should be the first to cross the threshold of a new home. But, according to many folk superstitions, the cat should be the first to enter a new home and spend the night there. It is believed that this animal is afraid evil spirits, and they leave the house. The place where the animal first lays down is unfavorable; it is not recommended to place electronics there or arrange a place for the child to sleep and play. You can put a houseplant in this place.

To make life in a new apartment happy and prosperous, it is advisable to listen to popular advice:

  • to attract wealth, you need to stand in front of the threshold and throw silver coins inside before entering for the first time;
  • When entering, hands should not be empty, even for the smallest family members.

After the last item has been brought into the apartment, but things have not yet been unpacked, you need to wholeheartedly welcome the new home. This should be said with a smile, saying kind and warm words. It is necessary to assure that a happy life together lies ahead, that taking care of the house will be a constant and pleasant task.

You need to thank for the welcome and try to immediately get used to the idea that this is your home. After this, you need to start unpacking your things, but you should not think of it as work, but as play. It is advisable to arrange pieces of furniture and things with soul, enjoying positive emotions, anticipating a long and happy life in a new place.

Immediately after moving and completing urgent matters of unpacking things, you need to take a walk around the surroundings of your new home, pay attention to beautiful, well-groomed, pleasing places. You should try to absorb positive emotions from this walk: smiling people, polite staff in stores, natural landscapes. All this will help relieve the stress associated with the difficult hassle of moving.

Guests and housewarming gifts

The main and obligatory tradition during housewarming is celebration. In former times, it was believed that if the move was not celebrated with a hearty feast, the brownie might dislike the new owners for their greed.

According to tradition, it is considered necessary for a loaf to be placed in the center of the table. You can decorate the entrance to the house with a beautiful wreath with welcoming inscriptions, and greet guests with bread and salt and ask them to throw a few coins inside the home before entering. It is advisable to send invitation cards to guests in advance.

According to tradition, guests come with housewarming gifts. It is believed that you cannot give money to celebrate a move. This can bring need into the home.

  1. It is not advisable to bring sharp objects, watches and mirrors as gifts.
  2. The best gifts can be considered service sets, glasses, sets of frying pans or pots, and various kitchen appliances.
  3. For a long time a good gift considered a table. It can be either a dining room accessory, a small coffee table accessory or a table for serving breakfast in bed.
  4. Following tradition, when celebrating a housewarming, a horseshoe is presented as a gift. You can choose this talisman in a souvenir shop, where stylish and original products that can decorate the entrance to your home.
  5. You can present blankets or rugs, but the bedding sets should be chosen by the owners themselves.
  6. Lamps and electric heaters, symbolizing warmth and comfort in the house.

When choosing a gift, you need to take into account the character and preferences of the hosts of the holiday; you can ask in advance what they would like to receive, what item is needed for a new home.

Moving to a new apartment or house is a very important matter: it is, in fact, the beginning of a new stage in your life. Therefore, this event should be taken seriously. And in order to avoid unnecessary worries during the move and subsequently enjoy life in a new place, listen to the advice of astrologers.

According to astrologers, favorable days for moving to a new apartment or house there are periods when the Moon is in its growing phase or at lunar day: 5, 8, 10, 21 and 25. This is the time that is considered the most successful for new achievements of a different nature.

In addition, you need to consider where exactly you are moving: to temporary or permanent housing.
Experts say that in permanent home or apartment It is better to enter on days when the Moon is in the constellation Taurus.

And for temporary home Plan your move for the period when the celestial body is in the signs:

  • Gemini
  • Streltsov

Don’t rush to pack your things and plan a housewarming party if the Moon moves into the following signs:

  • Scorpion
  • Capricorn

Also, avoid periods:

  • eclipses
  • Mercury in retrograde

However, before you find out which days are best to move, first find out which days you should and when

Moving on the Moon in 2018

Month Best days to move Days on which it is not recommended to move It is allowed to transport things and furniture to a temporary place of residence
June No 6, 7, 13-17, 23, 24 1-5, 8-12, 18-22, 25-30
July No 3, 4, 12, 13, 20-22, 30, 31 1, 2, 5-11
August No 1, 8-11, 16-18, 26-28 19-23
September 20-22 5-8, 13, 14, 23, 24 1-4, 9-12, 15-19, 25-30
October 17-19 2-5, 10-12, 20, 21, 29-31 1, 6-9, 13-16, 22-28
November 14, 15 1, 7, 8, from 17 to the end of the month 2-6, 9-13
December 11-13, 19, 20 4, 5, 14, 15, 23-26, 31 8-10, 16-18, 21, 22, 27-30

Now about signs and rituals , which, if you believe, must be followed when moving to a new apartment.

Superstitions associated with moving to a new apartment are associated with the fact that for a good life in a new house, it is necessary to create harmonious relationships both with relatives who live nearby and with new neighbors. Here are some of them.

Thus, it has been customary since ancient times that the first person to cross the threshold of a new home is cat. It is the cat that is the creature that will be able to establish contact between the residents and the new home.

It is known that a brownie lives in every house.

If at the old place of residence there was always order and cleanliness, things were not often lost, and at night no one knocked or rustled, scaring the inhabitants of the house, then you should definitely take this well-mannered brownie with you.

Our ancestors greatly respected this private and powerful neighbor. It was he who protected the home from uninvited guests, fires and accidents, especially with infants.

In order to take the brownie to a new apartment, put a small box, a basket, lay a small towel in it and invite the brownie with you to the new home. You can speak in your own words, the main thing is from the heart. At night, be sure to leave a cup of milk and baked goods on the windowsill for the brownie.

It is also believed that brownies live in brooms, so you should definitely take all the brooms with you.

On the eve of moving, do not wash your hair, do not knit or sew - this is considered bad omen. How this is explained is not clear, but it is better to listen to this advice.

You cannot take chipped and cracked dishes, clothes that have become unusable and all rubbish with you to a new apartment, otherwise there will be no prosperity in the new place.

In order to live prosperously in a new place, each family member needs to throw a coin at the entrance. You only need to enter in a good mood, think about good things, smile, then well-being will not bypass you.

In a new home, you need to immediately open all the windows, open all the water taps, thereby releasing the energy of the old residents. Then fill a bucket with water, dissolve a few tablespoons of table salt and wash the floor. In this way, you neutralize all the bad things that happened before you in another family.
Stock up on St. John's wort in advance, place it in the four corners of your new home, it will scare away evil spirits. Sprinkle holy water in all corners of the house.

It will be very useful in advance, before moving, to prepare small bunches of wormwood, tying them with red thread. This plant has magical power and is capable of expelling dark spirits and entities. You can even light a sprig of wormwood on fire and let it smolder, spreading protective smoke throughout your new home.

Sprinkling the corners of a new house with coarse salt is an old sign. Salt has always been considered a special substance, which was often used by sorcerers to create amulets and protective spells. Leave the salt in the corners for an hour or two, and then wash the floors throughout the house. Salt will take away everything bad and unclean.

WITH empty handed It’s better not to enter your home for the first time. You can bring it with you flowering plant. A flower brought on the day of moving will attract the energy of the sun and rebirth.

Hang a horseshoe with its horns facing up above the entrance, this will attract good luck to your home. And to protect against theft, draw a small cross over front door. For prosperity, you need to put a coin under the threshold and preferably it should be shiny. Coins can also be left in the old home, this will be like a wish for the new owners to live in abundance, which in turn will have a positive effect on two families.

Of course, the most important thing when moving to a new apartment will be the ritual of reading a prayer. This must be done calmly, without fuss. Go into an apartment with an icon, place it in the central corner, and then thoughtfully read the words of the prayer. It is advisable to leave the icon in this place forever. Then cross all the corners and windows, moving clockwise.

It is imperative to celebrate a housewarming, and the guests who come should not give money, these can be any gifts, but at the entrance they, just like the owners themselves, entering for the first time, must throw a coin for prosperity. You need to invite only those people you trust; if you doubt someone, it’s better not to invite such guests to your housewarming party.

It would be correct to serve pies that were already prepared in the new apartment. This will consolidate a positive acquaintance with new energy and tune the vibrations to a positive mood.