Astrological forecast for November Libra. Love horoscope for the sign Libra for November

Libra horoscope for November 2017.

In November 2017, Libra needs to start slowly writing an essay: “How I spent 2017.” After all, as we warned in the detailed horoscope for 2017 for Libra, if at the end of the year you, like in school, write an essay - “How I spent the year 2017,” then they will cry over it. Cry in the good sense of the word. As in the situation when the teacher checked the students’ essays and cried: now she knew how to spend the holidays, but the years were not the same! And although 2017 brought different gifts to many Libras - partings for some, travel for others, new acquaintances for others, you can already draw some conclusions. So get started, don't wait for December.

As we warned in the horoscope for the entire 2017. Even after Jupiter moved from Libra to the sign of Scorpio on October 10, 2017, little has changed in your life. Jupiter in Scorpio will continue to take care of Libra’s health and will protect you from dangers on the roads and from troubles in dark alleys. In addition, Jupiter in Scorpio will take care of money in the house of Libra. Therefore, in November 2017, you can not only think about investing or buying real estate, but also invest.

The main difference between November and last October for Libra is that in the last month of autumn you will feel more confident, solid, one might even say powerful! From the outside you will look like a large ocean ship. And it’s not even that many Libras have gained more than two kilograms in two months. The fact is that, on the one hand, some ideas, events, people, etc. will always take off or land from your surface or head. But on the other hand, you, like a huge ship, will confidently move forward, no matter what storm you find yourself in, and no matter how high the waves are “overboard”!

The horoscope shows that the sea of ​​Life around you will be stormy, but unlike previous months, this will not change or slow down your movement forward! However, the horoscope tells you that you need to be in a hurry next month. November 2017 will be a time of speed and acceptance for you quick solutions. Therefore, try not only to do something or move faster, but also to decide faster your own desires. So that it wouldn’t be like the situation when, after seeing a falling star, the girl didn’t have time to fully make a wish, and now she just wants all the time. Moreover, this also applies to Libra men.

The November 2017 horoscope for Libra shows that the next month is great for any changes in your Life. In November, Libra can try to get rid of bad habits, and not only quit smoking or drinking, but also quit those who can safely be called “ bad habit" Next month you can find yourself new job, new diet, new friends, new hobbies, etc. The main thing is not to confuse the search for new hobbies with new adventures. Since next month you may be drawn to new hobbies, new adventures and rash actions. So before you commit a rash act, especially on a Friday evening, take a careful look around to see if the WEB camera is recording you. So as not to later become a news or YouTube star.

Horoscope for November 2017 Libra favorable days– 1, 8, 12, 16, 18, 22 and 30.

Horoscope for November 2017 Libra unfavorable days - do not predict unfavorable moments, and they will not predict you.

Horoscope for November 2017 Libra work, career and business. As we said above, November 2017 will be quite a “turbulent” month for Libra. Moreover, in November 2017 there will be little fuss, but a lot of work, few words, but a lot of action, and a lot of “waves” for any reason.

As the horoscope shows, next month it is extremely important for you to find the right approach to your superiors. Moreover, it is extremely important not only to find an approach, but not to forget about subordination, even in small things. Even a little flattery addressed to a small leader greatly offends the ears of the big one. Don't forget about this too. Because flattery spoken at the wrong time is even worse than rudeness.

The career horoscope for November suggests that in the next month you need to try to demonstrate speed - and not only in the quality of labor productivity, but also speed in decision-making, speed in responding to management, etc. Of course, in this hustle and bustle, it is extremely important not only to keep up with everything, but also not to lose concentration. So that it doesn’t happen later that only after the fourth fork of borscht you began to understand that something had gone wrong...

The horoscope also advises Libra to pay attention to the information that is disseminated about you at work. Try to respond to envious people and intriguers with deeds and ignoring them; this, of course, will not close their “mouths,” but it will reduce their arguments.

Horoscope for November 2017 Libra Finance. Money comes and goes, comes and goes, and goes... Therefore, keep an eye on small expenses, and then it is quite possible that everything will be limited to words - money comes... As for large investments, the month is quite favorable.

Love horoscope for November 2017 Libra. Horoscope for November 2017 Libra Love. All zodiac signs are jealous of their other half. Libras are distinguished by the fact that they are jealous of both their soulmate and strangers. Moreover, there are strangers, sometimes even more than our own. The love horoscope for November 2017 advises Libra not to be distracted by “strangers” next month. And focus your jealousy “on your own people.” This is especially true for family Libras. The question is not that “views of someone else’s goodness or love” will bring discomfort to your relationship, the question is that, most likely, someone else’s “loaf” will remain alien to you, so why, if it’s very, very good? Yes, and the horoscope for November 2017 warns Libra not to rely too much on your partner’s patience in other matters. Otherwise, November 2017 could turn from a calm autumn month into a fencing match of exchanging blows on the deck of a ship during a storm.

All zodiac signs are jealous of their other half. Libras are distinguished by the fact that they are jealous of both their soulmate and strangers.

November 2017 will once again give lonely Libras the opportunity to be convinced that being lonely is bad, but living alone is awesome! Therefore, in November 2017 you will have the opportunity to understand the difference once again. Well, don’t count on more just yet. You like your Independence. And independent Libra is a Libra who has not yet found someone on whom you would like to depend. Moreover, this applies to both Libra women and Libra men.

In the end, the horoscope for November 2017 tells Libra that you should not leave yourself time for offense next month. After all, we never know exactly what another person is thinking and feeling: we interpret his behavior and are offended by our own thoughts about this. So in fact, we are offended by ourselves. Don't hurt yourself in November 2017.

In November, Libras should come to an agreement with their own conscience, so that later it does not torment them with remorse for wrong actions. Acting exclusively in accordance with their own principles, representatives of the sign enter a new, measured and successful life.

November for Libra will be the month when it is time to take stock of the work done previously and achievements. At the same time, thinking about what and how they did, you can have a great rest, spending time with benefit and pleasure. If representatives of the sign manage to get time off or a mini-vacation, it will be absolutely wonderful. If such options are not foreseen, you definitely need to get out for the weekend somewhere away from the noise and bustle. Restoring strength and prioritizing, which is facilitated by rest, will be very important for further events that November threatens to bring for Libra.

From the middle of the month, representatives of the sign are planning serious changes in their work, which will require a lot of their attention and time. That is why it is better to gain strength, energy and positivity until this moment. The desire to have fun, which will prevail over the desire to work, must sometimes be satisfied, but before that, seriously evaluate the importance of the work that Libra is going to do. Not always, such a decision may go unnoticed by management and then problems cannot be avoided.

Libra Woman: Horoscope for November 2020

At the beginning of the month, Libra women may feel somewhat overwhelmed, and even out of their element. These sensations are temporary and will be caused solely by fatigue. Once you have had a good rest, you will understand that such feelings were just an influx of negative emotions and have nothing to do with the real state of affairs. As soon as such thoughts begin to occur to you, immediately take a break and restore your strength and good mood.

It is possible that representatives of the sign will be offered short-term trips or business trips during this period. Do not refuse under any circumstances, a trip is a great way to change the scenery, see new cities and meet people along the way. interesting people. This combination of a work trip with pleasant impressions will greatly help you resolve protracted situations and help your household get bored.

It will be very useful for you to listen more to the opinions of your family in November. Don't immediately reject their ideas or thoughts about your affairs. Allowing pride and autonomy to take over in acceptance. final decision, would also be a very bad idea.

Libra Man: Horoscope for November 2020

Libra men are strongly encouraged to do so mentally by the second half of November. During this period, a lot of unexpected events will begin to happen to them, which will require them to quickly make serious decisions. At the same time, these events will allow them to ultimately achieve much greater results than they could have imagined. Accordingly, a lot will depend on their actions.

Representatives of the sign in November should pay less attention the opinions of others about them. It is always worth remembering that each person is individual, you need to be proud of this and know how to use it correctly. With the exception of negative character traits, which should be worked on long and hard. But no one except the representatives of the sign themselves knows about their good and bad sides.

Particular attention should be paid to new proposals and projects that will pop up as if out of nowhere. Do not rush to accept them, you should collect more information about the person and his offer, because in reality everything may not be as simple as they tell you about it.

As the horoscope says, in November 2017 Libra will be able to a lot of work achieve your ambitious goals. Moreover, the larger your the main objective, the higher the chance that it will be fully realized. Not all people have such successful periods, so try to take full advantage of your November luck! What is needed for this? First of all, never lose heart, don’t shift your affairs to your loved ones, and never look back to evaluate your past mistakes. It is them, the troubles that previously did not allow you to sleep peacefully, that you must forget first of all (they will constantly pull you back, interfering with your November successes).

Libra's large-scale luck will manifest itself in literally everything, including in their personal life. If you have already created a strong family union, in November 2017 it will become an example to follow for many people. You and your regular partner, both in public and when left alone with each other, will represent a single whole. Such kinship of souls is extremely rare, and therefore appreciate it and do not tempt fate by turning to your soulmate with unreasonable claims. Yes, even if your partner doesn’t always act exactly as you want. It is not important. The main thing is that in November your couple will achieve that spiritual and physical intimacy that many can only dream of with undisguised envy. Libra, who is just looking for love, at the end of this fall has a very high chance of starting main novel all my life. Moreover, the relationships that you build in November will be strikingly different from everything that happened to you in the past. First of all, you will give up the dream of finding a life partner that is ideal in every sense, coming to terms with the fact that every person has his own shortcomings. So, you will perceive your new passion objectively, happily accepting all her whims and imperfections.

As for work and finances, this aspect will give Libra only pleasant experiences in November. Are you an employee and have been dreaming of a rapid rise in your career for several years now? November will give you every opportunity to succeed and even a little more! Immediately after your career moves up, you will find yourself another very profitable activity (it is possible that it will become a hobby that you have been doing almost from the very beginning). early childhood). At the end of autumn 2017, Libra entrepreneurs will achieve business success of incredible scale. It is possible that now you will have to seriously think about expanding your production space or opening a new branch. By solving these very important issues, you will not experience the slightest fatigue (you will be happy to realize that you have finally achieved your cherished goal and that your business has achieved unprecedented growth).

A positive and very successful November will help Libra achieve almost ideal well-being. You won't notice either low temperatures outside the window, no drafts or other negative factors that can cause sudden illness in the cold season. All these factors will neutralize your strong immunity, which in November you will continue to strengthen in all known ways (in particular, through sports and proper nutrition).

This month love relationship will depend entirely on your desire to be together and behavior. Libra will be able to plunge headlong into love without losing their minds. Enjoying this wonderful feeling will come to you unexpectedly, and you will be able to feel happiness even on a cold, cloudy day.

Representatives of the sign who were afraid of love can plunge into this feeling headlong. The romance risks being unexpected and developing into cohabitation or even marriage. If you had a frivolous relationship, then in November they risk taking an unexpected turn. It is for this reason that representatives of this sign should not hold back their feelings: love can catch you at the most inopportune moment.

It is possible that you will be offered a relationship by a completely different person from whom you expected passionate feelings, and this option requires an unambiguous analysis. It is possible that your chance looms ahead or that you will find love in a completely different place than you thought.

For family representatives of the sign, the time will come for changes in relationships. Representatives of this sign may feel bored and monotonous family life, which will make them take a closer look interesting option on the side. At this time, you can afford not only flirting, but also deeper relationships, provided that your partner really likes you.

To break up with a loved one, it is better to choose the second half of November. At this time, you can not only resolve all issues peacefully, but also remain good friends. If you want to mend damaged relationships, the first half of the month is suitable for this. Even if you are really guilty, you will most likely be understood and forgiven.

Libra Woman: Love Horoscope for November 2020

November can be a month of love, passion and infatuation for you. Permanent relationships risk taking a new and unexpected turn, and sympathies turn out to be very serious. For example, a person whom you have given up on for a long time may suddenly confess your love to you. Try not to make a hasty decision and not to reject a devoted man: perhaps he will turn out to be the option you have been looking for for a long time.

A regular man may behave completely unexpectedly and completely differently than you thought. To find out what made him change his attitude, try to find information about this person. It is possible that it will allow you to learn a lot of interesting things that will change your opinion.

Single women will be able to start a new romance. For some women, an old crush can unexpectedly develop into a romantic relationship. Libra will feel on the wave of love if they are not shy about self-expression and choose a style that suits their soul.

Representatives of the sign in love may feel on the wave of love, warmth and romanticism of the relationship, but your loved one may surprise you with unexpected news. Family Libras will want harmony, love, tenderness, and spend more time alone with a loved one. However, an unexpected trouble or some business can interfere with this.

Libra Man: Love Horoscope for November 2020

Representatives of the sign will want love, tenderness, attention and warmth. Perhaps this is what will make them come to terms with former women or encourage you to search for new likes. Free men will be able to afford a lot of entertainment and love. However, relationships are unlikely to be cloudless, and dating is unlikely to be pleasant: beware of fraud, especially if you meet on online dating sites.

Some men will be surprised by an unexpected declaration of love. Perhaps there is a woman who has feelings for you for a long time, but you are unlikely to accept her confession and agree to a relationship. But in the personal life of free Libra, an unexpected turn may await, which will force them to change their views on life and their own environment.

Married Libras will be able to devote more time to their significant other. Home holidays, guests, communication with pleasant people will make them feel loved. Try to take advantage of these minutes to improve family relations. You will learn a lot of new things that will force you to take the initiative in business and love.

  • Favorable days for Libra in November 2017: November 3, 8, 11, 16, 21, 27, 30.
  • Difficult days for Libra in November 2017: November 5, 20, 28.

Horoscope for November 2017 Libra woman

Love horoscope

should be enough for two. At the same time, your loved one will want to keep your relationship a secret. You will worry: either he is embarrassed to introduce you to his relatives, or he does not plan anything serious with you. The time for global explanations has not yet come. Show your natural tact.

November 11 - November 20. The period that you so dreamed of just a week ago will come. Your loved one will show true passion and desire to be with you. He will start picking up your phone number, asking you out on dates, and will want to decide on the future as soon as possible. If earlier you wanted such an initiative from him, now, according to the law of contradiction, this will begin to slightly strain you.

November 21 - November 30. The conjunction of Venus and Mars can often put you in a false position in love affairs. There will be a complete discrepancy between you and your partner when it comes to dates and agreements. Everything will be postponed, he may be late, or the place and time of the meeting will be inconvenient for you.

Romantic date. You will prove yourself to be a persistent perfectionist in this matter. If you want to meet on the highest floor of the Ostankino Tower, you won’t settle for anything less. However, now your partner is so afraid of losing you that he will be ready for literally anything.

Family horoscope

You will enjoy having romantic evenings with your spouse when grandparents agree to look after the children. You can even invite your husband to go somewhere just the two of you - if he doesn’t mind, you will make every effort to organize an interesting trip and make sure that no one disturbs you with him.

The secret of happiness. You are not always the locomotive of the family and do not really like to carry everything on yourself. But now comes the time when you need to do everything necessary to ensure that what you have planned in family matters finally happened.

Holiday horoscope

You will choose the place and time for relaxation yourself. Most likely, you will go on vacation in the second half of the month and will give preference to romantic places that have many secluded corners for meetings with your loved one. If you're traveling alone, a holiday romance is likely, so pay close attention to your wardrobe.

Place of power. You will be inspired by places that are closely connected with your love memories - where you went on dates, where you met your loved one or where you once lived together.

Horoscope of work and money

At the beginning of November, you will not be in the mood for contacts, even for the sake of earning money. If you are forced not only to communicate a lot at work, but also to get some serious concessions and concessions from people, then you will have a difficult time. In November you will show your strongest sides - diplomatic gift, ability to negotiate with people, tact.

Purchase of the month. Spontaneous acquisitions are possible. It will be difficult to resist desires. You will also buy something beautiful for yourself.

Horoscope health

At the beginning of November, your health will bring you some surprises. You will be more weakened than usual, susceptible to infections, and unsure of yourself and your abilities. Then the opposite period will come, when you will be able to do everything - lose weight, get stronger, if, of course, you want it yourself.

Horoscope for November 2017 for Libra men

Love. Your loved one will prove himself to be a person who lives one day at a time. Moreover, his mood can really change daily, and you should adapt if you don’t want to lose him. In the second decade, expect initiative from your partner - and he will certainly show it if you are patient. He will be impressed by modest girls who need to be captivated and awaken the fire of passion in them. If you are ready to temporarily play such a game, exciting love adventures await you.

Tone. He is now changeable like the wind. He doesn’t leave the gym, he wants to achieve perfect shape muscles and lose extra pounds. Then he lies on the sofa all day, melancholy chewing sandwiches.

Finance. Your partner will be very evasive when answering questions related to money. He may be somewhat humble and do this deliberately, thinking that you are communicating with him because of his success and income. Therefore, try to convince him that this is not so, and your questions are caused only by attention to his affairs.

Hobbies. Your chosen one will begin to throw himself out of the frying pan and into the fire. Today - sports, tomorrow - collecting, the day after tomorrow - meditation. Be patient.

Horoscope for November 2017 Libra child

0-6 years. The Libra baby will be prone to mood swings. He may cry with or without reason, worry about your inattention or, conversely, your annoying interest. But by the end of November he will become very sociable.

7-12 years old. Little Libra will need a loyal friend. It’s good if he is surrounded by honest, kind guys, but if this is not the case, he will be very worried. Now your child is ready to make considerable efforts to correctly shape his environment.

Read the November 2017 horoscope for other zodiac signs: