Aries love horoscope for September 22. Business horoscope - Taurus

Horoscope for September 22, 2017 Aries. At this time, it is likely that plans related to a trip will be born, which may take place at the end of September 2017 - beginning of October 2017. Try not to get scattered about trifles and make every effort in the direction that is most significant to you.

Horoscope for September 22, 2017 Taurus. Noisy, crowded parties outside the home will not bring satisfaction. Quiet evenings with people close to you will be more enjoyable. You will feel more comfortable if you do not demand the impossible from yourself and your loved ones.

Horoscope for September 22, 2017 Gemini. In love, everything will not be easy for you. Both you and your chosen one are energetic and sociable, you love to have fun, but still your characters are incompatible. You will be able to overcome all difficulties if each of you remembers your obligations to each other.

Horoscope for September 22, 2017 Cancer. The period is neutral for any business. This day may pass unnoticed while solving minor economic problems. Go calmly with the flow. Use the Horoscope for September 22, 2017 for a break between hectic activities.

Horoscope for September 22, 2017 Leo. Perhaps someone you know will remind you of an old debt. Many will have to put aside all recreational activities and focus on one thing. Should not be issued important documents. Avoid unnecessary obligations, but keep promises already made and pay off debts.

Horoscope for September 22, 2017 Virgo. Many calculating Virgos will strive to maintain close relationships with the right people. Their personal relationships will be associated with self-realization and the opportunity to improve their situation. Show true diplomacy in any situation, otherwise you will look like an annoying person.

Horoscope for September 22, 2017 Libra. There may be delays in business meetings, problems with receiving mail, goods, and necessary information. There is a high probability of failure in studies and any intellectual activity. Try to be content with what life gives you, without demanding anything more.

Horoscope for September 22, 2017 Scorpio. A time of dramatic changes, spiritual renewal, revision of life values ​​and self-esteem. The day is favorable for planning and establishing long-term cycles.

Horoscope for September 22, 2017 Sagittarius. The day symbolizes an active life position. Cosmic influences will push uninitiated or weak-willed people toward renewal, and excess energy will cause them dissatisfaction and aggressiveness. Remember that only by overcoming difficulties do we achieve something and learn something.

Horoscope for September 22, 2017 Capricorn. Your children will grow up in comfort and care. You will not spare money to meet their basic needs, their food and education. Even if you don't have enough time for personal communication with your children, try to keep abreast of their affairs.

Horoscope for September 22, 2017 Aquarius. Allergic reactions to some foods are possible. Let's hope that tumors and swelling will bypass you. At the same time, you will have excellent fortitude, so you will successfully cope with all adversities. To avoid such troubles, it is advisable to reduce the consumption of foods that have a stimulating effect, reduce the consumption of alcohol, coffee and tobacco, and avoid foods containing preservatives and other harmful additives.

Horoscope for September 22, 2017 for Pisces. A good time to consciously strengthen connections. Pisces can be distinguished by the necessary sobriety of mind; they are not prone to adventurous, ill-considered actions. Start implementing long-term plans for which you have carefully prepared. Intuition and emotional sensitivity will help you communicate with loved ones, and will also allow you to speak on an equal footing with an influential person.

The day will be very pleasant. There will be an opportunity to do things that have been interesting to you for a long time, to return to some old projects. Your creativity increases and you have a lot of good ideas; there is no doubt that others will appreciate them. You manage to find allies and like-minded people and make pleasant acquaintances.
In the afternoon, new goals and tasks may appear, which will not be easy to solve. At this time, the experience of old acquaintances will be useful to you. It is worth listening to advice: this will allow you to avoid mistakes and rash actions.

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Love horoscope - Aries

It is possible that Aries will not have time to communicate with their loved one tomorrow; try to correct this injustice with your attention.


Today, part of your nature will want to give up your romantic ideals due to some difficulties that you will encounter in your personal life. But another part of her will insist that you must remain true to your beliefs. Discuss your confusion emotional condition with your partner - and through joint efforts you will be able to return harmony and harmony to your relationship.
Sometimes it is difficult for you to understand your passion, and sometimes it is difficult for her to understand you. Well, leave a little mystery and intrigue in your relationship and don’t poke your nose into the affairs of your potential partner - otherwise, your inappropriate curiosity can provoke many conflicts and problems.

Acting in a fit of emotion is not the best thing today. All your actions must be timely and in no case interfere with your personal relationships. Be more demanding with your words and do not create scenes of jealousy with your other, most beloved half in the world.


Family horoscope - Aries

In relations with family and friends, everything will be more or less calm. Complete harmony will reign between you and your children. The influence of Venus threatens difficulties in other areas of life, and your task is to prevent them negative influence on relationships with family.

Business horoscope - Aries

You shouldn’t start new things tomorrow, try to finish what you started a long time ago, otherwise you won’t be able to achieve success quickly.


Don't be too ambitious. Focus on strengthening your current position. You shouldn’t try yourself in unknown areas now, but constantly check whether you succeed in everything you already know. The day will bring both ups and downs.

Health horoscope - Aries

It is possible that tomorrow your health will be “strained”, but you should not be upset, just try not to be lazy. Aries should move more. If you are engaged in a “sedentary” job, then you need to take a break from time to time to warm up. Morning exercises will help Aries wake up and gain vital energy for the coming day, and an evening walk will calm nerves and regulate sleep.


Today you should be wary of sexually transmitted diseases. However, one should not think that such things are some kind of heavenly punishment for debauchery. Just accept it all necessary measures precautions - and enjoy your sexuality to your heart's content!

Mobile horoscope - Aries

Despite the fact that your feelings are growing every day, you are still not ready to make sacrifices and give up your principles in a relationship. In theory, you know that true relationships should be built on equality, but in practice everything is a little more complicated. You need to understand that relationships filled with mutual respect and understanding reduce misunderstandings and conflicts. Two people, two separate individuals, must come together and create a union, helping each other become the best version of themselves.

Beauty Horoscope – Aries

You care and help people close to you so much that sometimes you completely forget about yourself. Try to eliminate this omission today and concentrate all your attention on your own needs and problems.

An active, creative day associated with change. You can show decisiveness in your actions and give up bad habits well.

Make contacts, communicate and resolve urgent issues, reports

Complete freedom of action is impossible today. Inspiring ideas will have to be adjusted in accordance with the real conditions in which you find yourself at the moment. The common sense of your life partner will perfectly balance your adventurous plans. In a new company or in unfamiliar territory, behave carefully and with restraint: for example, do not violate the rules and laws adopted in a foreign country.

Today it won’t hurt you to change your environment to a more relaxed and exotic one, as well as lead a more active lifestyle. However, the desire for adventure should not take precedence over the instinct of self-preservation and the requirements of common sense. The choice between adventure and safety is better to make in favor of the latter. Severe violation of the regime can lead to familiar ailments and loss of professional form.

Yesterday's arguments with your marriage partner are not of decisive importance today. The day is suitable for relaxing together in a traditional style. Depending on your tastes, this could be a regular hike, barbecue, or the start of a trip around the world. Perhaps the point of uniting your interests will be study or educational activities. On this day you can schedule an engagement or official formalization of the relationship.

Accept your lack of complete independence. Rest today will have to be combined with the fulfillment of some obligations (for example, with family concerns, cooking, medical procedures). You may have to take charge of caring for your pet. Make an action plan in advance, but be prepared to change it at any time.

The day is conducive to holidays and entertainment, but does not favor excessive freedom and licentiousness. It is better to organize a party, date, or friendly meeting in a familiar place that has an excellent reputation. Don’t refuse to become the organizer of such an event: you might like it. In matters of the heart today, the traditional style of courtship will be appropriate. The child's behavior should be monitored.

The security of your possessions at this time means more than sophisticated style and the presence of additional comfort. Your home is your castle, don't forget about it. Old, dilapidated premises may need renovation. Pay your respects family traditions. Show concern for your parents, especially the elderly. Today is the right time to invite old family friends (for example, neighbors in the country) to visit.

Success at any cost is not for you today. Your desire to stand out from the crowd and demonstrate your talents to the world is drowned out by the habit of restraint, modesty, and a healthy assessment of your capabilities. Most likely, you will prefer classics to modern, reliability to speed, and quality to quantity. Despite your sociability, you will be picky in your contacts and will not surround yourself with unfamiliar, suspicious people.

Today, the ability to plan expenses will not hurt you (especially if you have a modest budget). A frivolous attitude towards money and time is not welcome, but depriving yourself of everything at once is also unwise. Before visiting the market or shopping mall, make a rough shopping plan. A one-day diet will be useful on this day, but it is not recommended to completely give up protein foods.

Self-discipline on this day is as important as creative inspiration and availability original ideas. Give up excesses and unnecessary whims today, then you will have more time and money to implement your main plan. The search for new acquaintances and original entertainment will most likely end in vain. But the company of an old friend will have a beneficial effect on you (especially if he is older and more experienced than you).

Not the best day for a holiday or a date. Spontaneous or too noisy events today may cause you to have an internal protest. Solitary memories or plans created in silence may be more attractive to you than crowded companies. Do not deny yourself the pleasure of being alone with your secret thoughts, but do not forget that they can provoke an unpleasant feeling of loneliness.

Whatever you want to say to your friends, say it today. In the evening, pleasant informal communication will have to be curtailed, and you may regret your silence. This is a suitable day for serious conversations on social, political, scientific, and philosophical topics. It is worth strengthening your relationships with the most honest, reliable people you have known for a long time. Random figures in your company, on the contrary, will turn out to be superfluous.

On this day, doubts are destructive. If you have decided something, do not delay the implementation of the planned program. Today, do not set yourself too distant and difficult goals, act according to the circumstances. Relationships with your parents will be smoother and more even if you respect their beliefs and forgive them for their conservatism and old-fashionedness. Instead, draw on some of their life experiences.

It's a good time for professional activity, and for love relationships. You will be able to take on any task with renewed vigor. If some meetings fail, then that’s how it should be. Try to spend more time with your loved one.

Now you will be occupied with personal matters. Do not rush to share information, much less good news, with people who may envy you. It is possible that they will add a fly in the ointment to your ointment - some out of stupidity, and some out of malicious intent.

On this day everything will work out for you. It is possible that your colleagues at work will help you implement your plans, but you, in turn, try not to let them down. In love, no disappointments are also expected; even pleasant news and surprises are possible.

You can achieve good success at work. Be positive and don’t allow any risk into your life. Now is a favorable time for business contacts. In a relationship with a loved one, you need to show more care, love and understanding in order to avoid quarrels and reproaches. Not now best time in order to show integrity.

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Try not to take rash steps. Informal communication will be very pleasant. You will hear a lot of compliments and kind words to your address. Perhaps a long-forgotten person with whom you are interested in communicating will remind you of yourself. This is a favorable period for romantic dates.

This day is not for active actions, but only for preparation for them. Do not give decisive answers now, but take a short break in order to determine your goals, needs and capabilities. All promises should be treated with caution.

Refrain from discussing or judging anyone, as the words spoken may come back to you like a boomerang. IN this period you will have a very high energy potential and will be able to withstand any adversity. But count on the help of higher powers only in good deeds.

The day can give new interesting perspectives, especially in the professional field. True, for this you need to show not only desire, but also acumen. If you start to hesitate in making a decision or simply relax, you will waste precious time. There is a high probability that an old acquaintance or friend will play an important role in your destiny.

Set realistic goals for yourself and don’t raise the bar to unattainable heights. The only result you will achieve in this state of affairs is a spoiled mood. You shouldn't try to deceive anyone. Not only will you fray your nerves, but it will also ricochet onto all the people who find themselves in your path.

The day will fly by unnoticed. If you don’t feel like doing something, leave it for a few days. Now is a favorable time to properly rest and gain strength. Try to avoid a showdown.

Most of the day will go smoothly, with no major troubles or major successes. Focus on the problems you can solve, and just ignore everything else. This time is great for finishing old things and starting new ones. In the afternoon, try not to interfere in other people's affairs.

This period is suitable for change, so you can safely redo everything that does not suit you. The only exception is love relationship. There is no need to change anything here, since in this area everything should work out well anyway.

© The horoscope for today, September 22, 2017, was compiled by astrologer Marina Alexandrova specifically for the site.

Data lunar calendar, sunrise, sunset and moon on September 22, 2017 are given for Moscow and the Moscow region.

As the horoscope for September 2017 promises, Gemini will be able to successfully complete the projects they start thanks to their business acumen and analytical abilities. Act based on your interests, do not pass up offers that are beneficial to you. Maintain an optimistic attitude; your energy attracts others. But avoid trying to subjugate people and impose your opinion.

On the path to success, Gemini can be hindered by envy and criticism of people pretending to be well-wishers. Limit your interactions with people who undermine your self-confidence and drain your energy. In September, competitors also become more active.

The horoscope for Gemini for September 2017 advises representatives of the sign to free their living space from old and unnecessary things, from their energy, and make room for the new. Now is a favorable period for repairs. Also find time in your schedule for self-development.


In September 2017, Geminis are different good health And high level energy. They are not at risk of serious illness.

Fasting days on fruits, vegetables and juices will be useful. Do not burden your body with fried and heavy foods.

At the beginning of the month, exercise increased caution when traveling and driving.


In September, Gemini's career will actively develop. Representatives of commercial professions related to intermediary and advertising activities will achieve particular success.

Geminis who are looking for work will find something for themselves suitable option with favorable conditions. Those representatives of the sign who are satisfied with their current place of work will be offered a promotion. You are respected by everyone and are able to achieve a lot this month.

In September, communication with partners from other cities will begin to actively develop. It is likely that old projects will be resumed. At the same time, an intensification of confrontation with competitors is likely.

The second half of the month will be more measured, associated with routine affairs and putting things in order. Your activity decreases somewhat, you can allow yourself to rest.


As predicted financial horoscope as of September 2017, Gemini will face an unstable money situation. Expenses will mostly exceed income. Expenses of the month will be related to work, as well as family matters.

Real estate transactions will bring additional profit. Many twins can count on help from close relatives.


As predicted love horoscope as of September 2017, Gemini may feel an overwhelming desire to return to a past relationship. Those who decide to take such a step will first experience joy, which will soon be replaced by the same discontent.

In the relationships of long-established couples, disagreements and quarrels will also arise. The stars strongly recommend resolving all conflicts and misunderstandings peacefully and calmly; scandals can have devastating consequences. Don't make promises you are not prepared to keep. Married Geminis will have to spend a lot of time solving everyday issues. Control yourself when communicating with children, come to an agreement and do not take your irritation out on them.

Single Geminis have a chance to meet their partner on a trip or at work.

Gemini Man

As the horoscope for September 2017 recommends, Gemini - a man must find a job he likes. As far as finances are concerned, no problems are expected. Everything is going as usual. Don't forget about sports and an active lifestyle.

In the sphere of personal relationships, not everything will be so calm and stable. Probably separation. Married Geminis should pay more attention to their significant other. Be generous in every sense, this applies to gifts, tender words, and of course actions. Don't make empty promises, this will undermine your credibility.

Gemini Woman

As the horoscope for September 2017 advises, Gemini - a woman should be honest both with others and with herself. Your selfish goals may become known, which will not lead to good. Be attentive to your body and your health.

In September, Gemini women will be popular with men. Not all of your fans will be worthy. Fate has prepared a relationship test for representatives of this sign. It is better to end the relationship with a dishonest and unworthy person immediately, without hoping that everything will change for the better.

As far as career is concerned, September is a fruitful period. You can achieve a lot if you don't sit back. The stars also favor those who want to change jobs.