How to learn to finish things to the end. Make sure the goal is really yours

Do you often start something but can't finish it? Don't be upset, you are not alone. Many people have this habit. The key to solving this problem is proper planning and conscious action.

Here are 10 tips on how to finish what you start and not give up.

1. Be selective about what you start

Before starting a new business, especially if it is large-scale, make sure that it is really yours and that you are able to devote yourself entirely to it.

I often started things that didn’t completely excite me, that I wasn’t ready to devote all my time to. For example, it was learning to play tennis and learning Japanese. I had no desire to really learn the language or learn to play. These were just more tasks on my to-do list. From the series “it seems like it would be nice to do this,” etc. In the end, I stopped halfway.

“The more serious and large-scale business you start, the greater the return required from you. Remember this before you start anything."

2. Assess the resources you need to complete what you started.

In companies, when planning a project, a mandatory stage is resource planning: labor resources, investments, etc. The same should work in Everyday life. Before starting a new business, assess what you will need to make it happen.

3. Plan your time and energy

The main reason for not completing a task and the loss of enthusiasm and energy in the process of its implementation is that people underestimate the amount of time and energy that is required to complete the work they have started. At first, you plan that you will spend so many hours on the implementation of the business you have started. Along the way, you encounter unplanned obstacles that push back your final goal. In such cases, most simply give up. That is why it is important to soberly assess the upcoming task and wisely plan the time for its implementation.

4. Stop being a perfectionist

How many of you have experienced delays in work just because you wanted to do everything perfectly?

I myself am often a perfectionist and try to do my job as best as possible. But if perfectionism prevents you from achieving your goal and completing the task on time, then you should give it up.

Try following these tips.

First, break the task into many small subtasks. Then focus on one of them, set a deadline for its implementation. If at the end of the set time you still have not finished the task, then break it down into several more mini-tasks. And in the end, you will be left with such a simple task that you yourself will be surprised how you could not complete it.

Secondly, try to do the task in draft form. In most cases, there is no need to do everything right the first time, much less absolutely perfectly. It’s better to do something, even if not in the most ideal way, than to do nothing at all. No, I don’t encourage you to do everything wrong. Just think about whether the end result is worth the incredible effort you will put into achieving it.

5. Just do it

As soon as you start a new business, give yourself the mindset to just do it. Whatever you have planned, make a commitment to yourself to finish it.

Some time ago I was at a conference in Hong Kong. My friends with whom I was at the conference constantly suggested going on various excursions in the evenings. However, I declined their offers because I was working on my website and this project was very important to me.

Do the same. Ask yourself what is more important for you: finishing the job you started or succumbing to momentary weakness, which will only bring temporary satisfaction. Believe me, the feeling that you were able to overcome yourself and finish what you started brings no less pleasure.

6. Be sure to imagine the end result

Whenever you start new project, you are full of energy and enthusiasm. However, gradually the energy fades and fades away. The problem is that you have stopped seeing the end result of your business. To prevent this from happening, you must constantly keep in mind what you are going towards. Surround yourself with things that will remind you of this: photographs, some things, a to-do list in front of your eyes, at the bottom of which it will be written what you are striving for.

7. Be more flexible when completing tasks

I found one of the simplest and effective ways finish your business. It's about being more flexible when solving problems. Most people, after making a to-do list, start doing them in order: first task 1, then task 2, task 3, and so on.

I did the same for quite a long time until I realized that it was not the most effective method. For example, recently I kept putting off a project just because task number 1 was not as enjoyable for me as task number 3 or number 2. It was only when I started doing the tasks on my list out of order that the project was able to move forward.

Now I am more flexible. I start completing tasks with the one that I like the most at the moment.

8. Track your progress

Tracking your progress will help you understand if you are moving in the right direction and will give you a sense of self-confidence.

After you have made your to-do list, indicate the result that, when achieved, will indicate that you have completed the task. As you complete each task on your to-do list, be sure to record the results. Let it be intermediate. For example, today you have completed the task by 50% of what was planned, tomorrow by 70%, and so on. This will give you a feeling that the end is near.

9. Reward yourself

Sometimes we become discouraged by the amount of work that needs to be done. He can scare us. It seems that no matter how much time we spend on it, the end is still far away.

Try to follow next advice. Reward yourself after completing each stage of the planned task. It can be anything: a short rest, a walk, a favorite snack. The main thing is that you feel satisfied with what you have done.

10. Don’t force yourself if you really can’t do anything.

Sometimes this actually happens. Sometimes we don’t succeed, we can’t finish what we started. This is fine. Our interests can change, we can get excited about a new activity and switch to it.

If you lose interest, just back off and put it aside for later. Maybe you'll catch your inspiration later. Therefore, do not try to force yourself to complete the task through force.

I often follow this advice myself. For example, I wrote 400 articles for my blog and only 100 of them were completed. The rest are waiting for my inspiration. Don't beat yourself up and give yourself the right to give up on planned activities.

Can't sleep when you're thinking about unfinished tasks? These “blanks” of unimplemented ideas, unfinished plans, deferred urgentities accumulate and forever remain dead weight. A little effort - and you will write it down as an asset.

“If you’ve done the job, go for a walk safely,” these words were repeated to many of us by our parents since childhood. However, our collection of unfinished tasks is constantly being replenished with new ones. However, it is unlikely that there is a person in the world, even the most intelligent one, who does not have “tails” of planned but not carried out deeds “hanging over his soul.”

We promise ourselves to submit the report on time, to learn new language, go jogging, finally finish reading the books, specially placed in a visible place so as not to forget about them. And this is not a complete list of things that we have started but not finished, or that we have not even started yet. And everyone probably has a similar list.

Hoping to finally get rid of such a burden with the help of higher powers, some write New Year's notes listing their tasks for the next year and put them under the tree or burn them. But firm promises to start “from the new year”, “from the first day”, “from tomorrow” help few people. Most likely, no one.

What prevents us from parting with the heap of unfinished business? There must be some solutions that will bring us closer to the goal and make this path not so difficult?

Of course, on cue magic wand, thanks to a goldfish or “at the behest of a pike, according to my desire,” things are done only in fairy tales. When we make a list of things we need to do, and then cross them off as we're ready, we structure our plans and present them more clearly. And this makes a certain sense. But then, as the song says, “everything is in your hands.”

Perhaps the following tips will be useful to someone.

1. Find motivation

Not a single person will move if he does not know why he needs it. Someone noted that there are two main factors for people: the desire to gain and the fear of losing.

When we can't bring ourselves to finish something, we think about the process. And he often makes us bored, if not disgusted. We internally resist because we don’t want to leave the familiar. It’s so cozy and warm in a chair in front of the TV or monitor screen with a sandwich - why get dressed and go out into the cold to go to the gym? Why dive into a boring report if you can do it tomorrow?

At these moments we should think not about the process, but about the result. If we submit the report on time, we will receive a bonus. Let's go for a run - we'll cheer up, our mood and complexion will improve. Let's go to the gym and get a slim figure and excellent athletic shape. Plus, the knowledge that we have overcome our weaknesses greatly increases self-esteem.

And vice versa, when a necessary but unfinished task hangs over us like a heavy burden, we feel our own weakness and lose self-respect.

2. Follow the “20-minute” rule

Many people have probably noticed that the most difficult thing is to start doing something. You can put off repairs, cleaning, preparing for an exam, etc. as much as you like, but once you start, it’s hard to stop yourself.

This conclusion is not at all original. The ancient Greek poet Hesiod, who lived before our era, wrote that “the beginning is half the battle.” “He who started it has already done half the work,” considered the ancient Roman poet Horace. The ancient Greek mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras, familiar to us from school, also noticed that in any task the most difficult thing is to start it, and then all that remains is to complete what has been started. “Only the first step is worth something,” says the French proverb.

How can you force yourself to take this first step? We remember the “20-minute rule” and tell ourselves: “I will devote only 20 minutes to this task.” Set a timer or set an alarm. It will take about five minutes to get involved in the process, and we begin to work. We managed to “get into the creative flow,” so we continue to work. It didn’t work out, it didn’t go well – in 20 minutes we’ll get something done, and then we’ll switch to another task. Over a week, daily 20 minutes will amount to almost 2 and a half hours. During this time, having mastered the technique, you can... And excuses that there is no time make no sense. In the same way, you can successfully complete any task.

Don’t forget to record a positive experience - look at your reflection in the mirror and praise yourself.

3. Kill the perfectionist and procrastinator within us

Some people need to gather their strength for a long time before starting a task. The work process, which takes a lot of time and energy from them, scares them, so they evade it in every possible way: they are distracted by extraneous matters, looking for excuses for themselves, postponing things to tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. These are procrastinators (from the English procrastination - “postponing”). There are several reasons, including the fear of not being able to cope with a new task or business. Procrastinators do not organize their work correctly, so most of their energy is wasted. On a problem that someone would solve in an hour, they will struggle several times longer. Naturally, next time they will subconsciously avoid difficulties.

One of the reasons why procrastinators “hang” on one task for a long time is the desire to do it perfectly, and on the first try. They carefully work out every detail, not allowing themselves to move forward until they have perfected each stage of the work. And this is (from the Latin perfectus - “perfect”). With their meticulousness they are capable of exhausting themselves physically and mentally, leading to a nervous breakdown.

We are fighting procrastination and perfectionism - the main culprits of the heap of unfinished tasks that have accumulated in us. And we remember that almost no one manages to complete the task 100% right away. It is noticed that with the first approach, the share and quality of the work done is approximately 80%. With the second - again 80% of the remaining. Therefore, there is no point in postponing it until better times: we take it and do as much as we can and as best we can, and the next time we finally bring it to fruition.

4. We don’t let anyone in on our plans.

There is an opinion that, having conceived some business, we should inform our close friends about it. As if this will allow us not to stop halfway, because otherwise we will be ashamed in front of them. Perhaps the wish works for some.

However, there is also the opposite opinion: the voiced desires are not destined to come true. The saying goes about the same thing: “If you want to make God laugh, tell us about your plans.” Many have noticed: as soon as you let someone in on your plans, everything goes awry. We become uninterested, things lose their former meaning for us, and we no longer make efforts to finally finish what we started.

This phenomenon has interested psychologists. In particular, Vera Mahler, after a series of experiments, came to the conclusion that our brain perceives voiced plans as an already accomplished reality. Therefore, in order not to abandon the matter halfway, it is better to keep your plans to yourself. “Don’t talk about your plans if you still hope to fulfill them,” psychologists say.

5. Remember the 72-hour rule

According to this rule, if we have not implemented new idea within 72 hours, then we will never do this.

Do we really need to do that thing that we have come up with for ourselves, but for which we have no soul? Maybe we don’t need this language, this book, this sweater that takes three years to knit, this sport? Maybe cross them off your list of unfinished tasks and not suffer, doing something that is really interesting?

Many have encountered a situation where things accumulate like a snowball, and it is not clear how to redo them all, because... It’s scary to even approach solving cases and problems. To prevent this from happening, you should use the tips from this article. You will learn to plan, distribute and complete all your tasks.

1. First, make a to-do list.

In fact, this is the basis of success and development. Expressing your thoughts on paper helps you better understand yourself, clarify your goals, and highlight specific steps to achieve them. Right now, pick up a pen and write all your desires on paper. It is better that there are at least a hundred of them. Have you written? Now you need to take a short break and get away from the paper and everything you put on it. Relax and do something for 15-20 minutes. Now you need to remove everything unnecessary from this list. There should be 5-7 points left. These are the basics - the most important thing in life, we will call this a person’s credo. Based on this credo, you need to draw up a life plan. For each item, create goals for 3 years, a year, a month, a day. Try to draw up such a plan in as much detail as possible and act according to it for 2 months, even if it is very difficult. With hard work and desire, the results can be very pleasantly surprising, and life will rapidly improve!

2. Things need to be divided into: important and less important, they, in turn, into urgent and long-term.

You need to do important urgent things first. Often these are the most unpleasant things that are put off until later, but the implementation of which is vital! Then you need to do the less important urgent things and the important long-term ones. Less important long-term matters include bad habits, watching TV, surfing the Internet. When organizing yourself to complete tasks in order of urgency, the last category of tasks will disappear completely, or will take up a minimum of time and will cease to be of interest.

3. For minimally urgent matters, it is convenient to use the five-minute rule.

If a task can be completed within five minutes, then it is completed immediately and crossed out. Success starts with the little things! Don't put off small household chores until later, use the 5-minute rule and your life will become much easier.

4. It can be useful to divide the most difficult and large tasks into smaller tasks with specific stages.

Having made such a division, we will explain to our brain how to complete this “big” task, and it will begin to be perceived in our head as interesting game, which brings its dividends, and not be blocked and postponed as something unpleasant and impossible. The simpler and faster the subtasks are completed, the better. The main thing here is not to stop and complete all intermediate steps to the end. Let's look at an example of how to learn Spanish. It is enough to learn one rule of grammar in the morning, learn ten new words in the afternoon, and in the evening make several sentences using what you learned today. Using this approach, in a few months you will be able to communicate clearly with your Spanish partners.

5. After completing each major or intermediate task, do not forget to praise yourself.

The job is completed - cross it off and praise yourself! With this approach, enthusiasm greatly increases. You also need to reward yourself for completing a task. Let the size of the incentive depend on the size and seriousness of the case. From a delicious cup of tea with cake, to shopping and a trip to the Dominican Islands.

6. The last rule of a completed case is summing up.

It is best to summarize the results once a week, month, half year and year. This will help you look at all the work done from the outside, highlight your positive traits and points where you need to evolve or take a different approach. Also, summing up will help you achieve personal growth and move on to achieving your next goals.

Each of us, if you think about it, has a dozen unfinished tasks. Maybe you started learning English but gave up? Or have you started renovations in the hallway, but haven’t been able to finish it for several years now? A started dissertation, an unfinished book or article, a half-knitted sweater - we easily get fired up, but often stop halfway. But to achieve success in any field, you need to see things through to the end. Almost any task consists of several intermediate stages, but is considered completed only if all stages are achieved. Farmers do not sell half-ripe fruits, and car dealerships do not stock cars that are 90% ready. If you drop out of university in your third year, you will not be able to say that you have a higher education. How to learn to complete things? “Easy and Useful” will tell you.

The main thing is to start?

"A Quick Starter Guide: Get Started." This and other motivating phrases are often found on the Internet and tell us that the main thing is to start. Absolutely right, because if you don’t start, you won’t be able to finish. But once you have started something, the best thing you can do is to gather your strength and see it through to the end.

There are tasks more complex than knitting a sweater or finishing repairs. For example, you set a goal to improve your health or reduce the level of stress in your life. How to understand whether you have completed the task or not? The criterion is that if the job is completed, you will see the fruits of your labor and feel the difference.

“An ordinary person who has no special talents, but who has managed to develop the habit of clearly setting priorities and quickly completing important tasks, can give a hundred points ahead to a genius who talks a lot, makes great plans, but finishes little.”

Perhaps you have noticed that the most gifted or educated people- not always the most successful. The chances of success are much higher for ordinary people, who, however, are able to notice a worthy idea and bring it to life, bringing the matter to an end. Indeed, not even the newest and most promising idea, but fully realized, better brilliant idea, which remained in the imagination of its creator. Therefore, you should not chase trends and grab onto all projects in a row in the hope that one of them will bring you luck. Choose your direction and move in it, putting in maximum effort, and then you will definitely achieve success.

Setting priorities

Does this mean that you need to finish everything you start? Not at all. Be honest with yourself and identify those unfinished projects that are best stopped. Moreover, this should be a clear stop, and not just throwing the task onto a distant shelf. You shouldn't feel like there are dozens of unfinished projects waiting for you to get back to them.

Stopping work means pressing not “pause,” but “stop.” Unravel the unknitted dress, delete the file with the unfinished article, give your Spanish textbooks to someone who is determined to learn the language. How do you decide which projects are worth completing and which are not? Answer yourself a few questions.

The number of "yes" answers will tell you how worthwhile it is to do it, on a scale of 0 to 4. If you've put a lot of effort into a project, sometimes it's worth following through on it, even if it no longer meets your current goals. . For example, you are in your last year of university, but you realize that you have chosen the wrong profession and decide to get another education. Does this mean you should quit your studies when you're just months away from graduating? Of course no. You put a lot of effort and work, and your diploma higher education is never superfluous, even if it was obtained in a related profession.

If the ratio between the work already done and its remaining volume is definitely in favor of the former, then gather your strength and bring the project to the end.

How to find the strength to finish a job

So, you've done away with the projects that aren't worth finishing, and you're left with only the things that really matter. Do you feel how the value of each of them has increased in your eyes? This will give you the motivation to get back to working on them. However, enthusiasm may not last long. How to overcome a project if your strength is running out? Here are some simple tips.

Remind yourself why you are doing this and what you will get after completing it.

Review your schedule and put aside all unimportant activities, such as watching TV and surfing the Internet, to reduce fatigue and save energy for important things.

Break the rest of the project down into chunks and find a use for each completed section so you feel satisfied with the work. For example, if you are writing a book, you can post one chapter after another as articles on your blog.

So, finishing everything to the end is a useful and important ability, but not every task is worth doing. Sometimes it would be better to stop the project and use the free time to do something really necessary and important.

By breaking the path to achieving it into separate intermediate stages, you can conquer the intended peak without much stress. But, be that as it may, it is precisely on overcoming step by step stages Problems begin related to forcing yourself to make the next leap. Starting a business is always easier than finishing it triumphantly.

All successes and failures in our lives depend on how completely the work we started is completed. If you leave your project at 95% completion, you can forget about it forever; there will be no return from it (except for the experience gained in the process of its development). A simple example: having written an article, but not publishing it on the site, the work will not be completed and the article will not bring any benefit to anyone. So it turns out that time and effort have been wasted, but there is no sense, there will be no material reward for this work.

What do you need to do to learn how to bring the things you start to a successful conclusion?

Careful approach to project selection

There are only two reasons why there is a desire to take on several projects at the same time: the desire for novelty and the monotony of the routine stages of work on already started projects.

The realization that it was not possible to complete the work started due to one’s own laziness, shortcomings in the work process, inevitably leads to the accumulation of a certain discomfort, an increase in the level of stress, and to a subjective assessment of one’s personality as inferior, defective. And such conclusions are not far from mental disorders and the development of an inferiority complex. That is why it is necessary to pay special attention to the selection of projects for implementation, based on an objective awareness of the possibility of 100% completion of the selected task, and to the order of their implementation.

Learn to draw conclusions from your mistakes

A negative result is also a result. If you fail to complete something because of your own laziness, sluggishness, or under the influence of external circumstances, you do not need to tear your hair out and become depressed. It is necessary to soberly analyze the situation and draw conclusions for the future. Without summing up, we will be in Once again try to move forward, repeatedly stepping on the same rake.

Having subjected the situation with the non-completion of the project to analysis, we must draw the following conclusions:

  • - it is impossible to turn back time, it is useless to reproach and reproach yourself for failure, you need to forgive yourself for your mistakes and move on;
  • - having found the root cause of your failure, you need to fix it in your mind so as not to repeat it again;
  • — you need to find the strength to refuse to complete several projects at the same time;
  • — having identified 1–2 priority cases from the flow of cases, it is necessary to concentrate on their solution and successful completion;
  • — at the end of the started projects, you need to record the positive emotions from receiving a positive result and, on this wave, begin the cycle of work on a new project.

Eliminate ineffective strategies

It happens that people use the same strategy for years to achieve any goals, despite the fact that it does not bring positive results. You need to find the strength to get out of the vicious circle, admit to yourself that the strategy has ceased to be effective (even if it once was), abandon it, find other ways, develop a new strategy. This decision will be the first step to achieving success.

You need to be able to say “no” in time to what slows down your progress. To do this, you need to take a conscious approach to understanding the causes of failure. You shouldn’t look for and find additional motivation to get things done, you need to pay attention to searching possible ways to simplify your life. It’s worth stopping and thinking: what is the ballast for moving forward, throwing it away, finding new ideas that can work and help achieve a positive result.

Positive mental attitude

It is necessary to consolidate in the mind the psychological attitude: “I can do it!”

Without a positive attitude, it is impossible to work fruitfully and implement your plans. A negative attitude that may have been ingrained due to previous failures can undermine all efforts made to achieve the goal. Therefore, it is simply necessary to carry out some psychological work above oneself. To do this, it is enough to remember those projects (even very simple ones) that were successfully completed. And if your arsenal of completed tasks includes complex and labor-intensive projects, then that’s just wonderful! So, you need:

  • - fix a positive attitude towards the reality and achievability of the goal,
  • — specify the task: complete what you started on time (you don’t have to do it brilliantly, the main thing is to do it).

As a result, with a high degree of probability we can say that the work will be done on time and with proper quality.

Setting up for difficult tasks

No matter how interesting the project you are starting may seem, you should always keep in mind that in the process of its implementation there will be stages that will not bring pleasure. It doesn't matter what kind of difficulties there will be. This may be a technically difficult moment, or a large amount of routine work. All good projects require investment large quantity energy and time. Therefore, it is necessary to tune in to the fact that no matter how difficult or tedious certain stages of the project may be, they will still have to be completed. In the awareness of this postulate there is the firmness of making a decision to see the matter through to the end, this is key difference between the urge to start a project and the ability to complete it.

If we analyze the unconscious desire to give up before a difficult stage, we can conclude that objectively this is nothing more than artificial creation resistance to passing a certain point with the involvement of emotions and justifications for one’s reluctance to work. To overcome such a subconscious “rebellion,” it is necessary to change the interpretation of this stage: present it not as work that is unpleasant in some respects, but as a new step up the ladder of success.

Of course, you can only take on projects that are obviously easy. But then the value of the work in general, and self-esteem as a performer in particular, will be lost.

Apply methods of psychological influence on your own will

A small example: a programmer is creating a program; he has a large array of data in development that needs to be structured, that is, the work is simple, but tedious. And after a while, this comrade is no longer busy with business, but checks his mail and writes to friends. That is, he puts off doing work that is unpleasant to him in every possible way. Agree, this situation very reminiscent of everything that you periodically do. In psychology, this situation (postponing things until later) is called procrastination.

There are many techniques to overcome internal resistance that prevents you from moving forward. But main difficulty their implementation - in the reluctance to systematically apply them. In order to subordinate your mind to the actions that are urgent at the moment, you need to instill in yourself the following attitude: “Only my conscious will is responsible for all my actions and decisions, only it should guide me and my actions.” Nothing overly complicated or unusual, but this installation will help you pull yourself together in difficult times and force you to act in the right direction. The moment you are distracted from the task, an impulse-signal will arise in your consciousness that you have deviated from the course and that you need to return to work. The next important nuance in the application of the described indoor installation will obligation promoting this signal to a priority position, rather than pushing it to the margins of consciousness. The way of thinking of each individual person is associated with his attitude to the signal of the mind. There are two options:

  • - the first is ignoring it. IN in this case procrastination will become a constant companion of a person;
  • - second - the warning impulse is a priority in the stream of consciousness. Only in this case does complete concentration on execution occur. necessary work, a person identifies the desire of his “I” with the requirement of the mind to concentrate, the internal discomfort that arises when the demands of the lazy “I” and the signals of consciousness diverges is removed.

Don't allow yourself to self-deprecate

If every time, after a failure that happened due to the fault of the lazy part of your “I,” you look back, then you inevitably identify your personality with the culprit of the failure. A person begins to blame himself and engage in self-abasement. This position leads to the creation of a vicious circle, from which it is quite difficult to get out. There is a decrease in self-esteem, and, as a result, there is uncertainty in own strength. And even simple tasks that previously seemed easy to accomplish begin to seem like impregnable peaks.

How to get out of this situation?

Firstly, you need to stop thinking that that “lazy person” who did not allow you to complete the work you started is your main essence.

Secondly, it is necessary to remember that the main function of the “lazy person” is to maintain a sense of self-preservation. For example: an old joke about a man who was idle, and when asked why he was doing this, he answered: “What if there’s a war, and I’m tired.” So our “lazy man” is trying to protect us from unnecessary body movements in the name of saving energy. Let's forgive him for this and let's treat our mistakes adequately.

Thirdly: it is not for nothing that man bears the proud title of “homo sapiens” (reasonable man); our rationality lies precisely in being able to control ourselves, our consciousness, and not allow any part of it to prevail over the rest. And deep fragmentation of the personality even refers to pathological states of the psyche.

Conclusion: managing yourself, your actions and deeds is in the power of every person; you just need to control so that the diverse components of our “I” do not come into fight with each other.

Strengthening willpower

Willpower, like muscles, can be trained and strengthened. Even if a person feels completely weak-willed, he still has a chance to revive and nurture his will. You just need to do some exercises.

An example: early in the morning, you don’t want to get out of bed at all. There are two sides of your “I” fighting in your consciousness, active and passive. One says: “I don’t want to!”, the other replies: “I must!” So, in such a case, you need to concentrate, accept as a fact that the active side is yourself, and the passive side is someone else, and firmly command: “Quickly get up and start doing business!” There is a 90% chance that you will follow the command of your willpower. Well, if it doesn’t work out the first time, it will definitely work out the second time. Even the smallest victory on the path of developing the will is a step forward. Having done it, you need to stay at the achieved level for as long as possible in order to then take a new step. It happens that a person breaks down and rolls back in his work on himself. Don't despair and scold yourself, you just need to start all over again.

Another self-education technique: for 2 weeks, you need to stop every hour (you can use an alarm clock) and ask yourself the question: “What am I doing now, am I in control of my actions, am I acting intelligently, or am I floating with the flow, like a leaf in a river?” .

These exercises should be performed from time to time for prevention or when the blues occur, depressive state, laziness, procrastination. Exercises will allow you to regain the dominance of your active, strong-willed “I”. You must always remember that this part of your consciousness is you.