Wooden fantasies. Unusual carpentry

Carpentry has been in demand since those distant times when man first learned to process wood. Today, the field of activity is popular, and the profession of a carpenter is honorable and respected. Beautiful products made of wood are in greater demand than plastic products, which is explained by their environmental friendliness and naturalness, which create a feeling of naturalness and unobtrusiveness.

Carpentry business

The smell of freshly processed wood raw materials and the noise of woodworking machines attracts many men who understand how to handle them. IN in capable hands wood turns into a work of art. You can turn your passion into a profitable business. To do this, you need to navigate the types of products that are in demand and understand what is needed to open your own business, how to equip a workshop, where to sell finished products, and how to determine whether production is effective and what are its prospects?

Where to begin

Before you start manufacturing wooden products for sale, you should study consumer demand for such products.

There are many of them on the market, which allows the client to make his choice in favor of an original and high-quality product. To stand out from your competitors, you should not repeat their ideas and strive to distinguish yourself from their background. To do this, you need to start producing products that differ in quality compared to similar products. A product will be popular if it is difficult to find on the open market.

The carpentry business is characterized by specialization in certain types products. Popular areas are the production of decoration and finishing elements intended for interior decoration, the production of all types of furniture, frames, doors and stairs, as well as fences, gazebos for the garden and various household items. Original models of tables, chairs, armchairs, sofas and beds, which differ in design from those offered in the store, are in demand.

As in any business, in carpentry it is important to present customers with a unique selling proposition that can fully satisfy their needs.

Having started with the production of one product range, and having established itself as a manufacturer high quality products, you should expand your proposals, not forgetting to give them a touch of originality. You can try yourself in the field of children's toys, musical instruments, board games, dishes, swings and souvenirs. Separately, it is worth noting the niche of coffin making. Due to the mourning nature of the object and the negative energy surrounding it, not many craftsmen specialize in such a product. One, in order to sell it quickly, it must have a low price, or high quality, which is achieved through the use of expensive wood.

Carpentry is a truly masculine business, intended for persons with certain qualifications and skills.

There are two schemes of work in such an entrepreneurial niche, defined by artistic and technical direction. Each of them has its own characteristics that must be taken into account when organizing and ensuring production. When choosing a type of activity, it is necessary to take into account personal predisposition, as well as the availability and size of the available amount to start production.

Technical direction

Technical direction

The technical style of doing business, if properly organized, has every chance of obtaining the status of a highly profitable, promising business. It is suitable for engineering specialists whose competence allows not only to provide production part business, but also plan its conduct, taking into account all the nuances and features. When working in the chosen direction, furniture production would be a good solution.

Repair and restoration work on wood products can become an additional source of income that is stable.

When drawing up a business plan for a carpentry workshop, you should take into account the high level of competition in this niche. At the beginning of the activity, one should expect difficulties with sales, which is associated with the inability to compete with large-scale enterprises. To occupy a market niche, you will have to not only look for sales markets, but also ensure the supply of high-quality and cheap raw materials. It will take time to implement several tasks in parallel, so in the financial section of the project, possible downtime should be taken into account.

Read also: Production of frozen semi-finished products

Attracting potential clients is impossible without an advertising campaign. To do this, it is necessary to inform the target audience by placing advertisements in newspapers, media mass media and on the Internet. The costs of promoting a business idea should be taken into account in advance and included in the regulations of the business plan so that they do not subsequently turn out to be unforeseen.

To make a quick profit, production must be carried out professional specialists with experience in woodworking. Availability of useful connections, possession of organizational skills and nuances production process, will ensure a quick start and fruitful activity with sought-after labor results.

Art direction

The artistic direction of activity is relevant for creative individuals who are ready to create unique masterpieces that may interest consumers with their beauty, elegance, extravagance and unusualness.

You should not plan to mass-produce wooden products with your own hands, because uniqueness is valued in this area. Boxes, souvenirs, key rings and wooden crafts will be in demand. The advantage of the direction is the ability to save money on advertising campaigns to promote the product by attracting customers and communicating your offer. To ensure sales, it is enough to conclude a contract with the owners of retail outlets specializing in the sale of products belonging to the souvenir category.

Art direction

A business strategy does not require global financial costs to ensure it, which is important at the initial stages of the development of entrepreneurship. However, it is interesting only to those people who do not put the issue of profit in the first place and prefer the pleasure of creating something extraordinary to money. Don't expect big money from such work, since good income can only be obtained through mass production and ensuring sales to regular customers attracted through advertising campaigns.

Organization of production

When planning to make wood carpentry with your own hands for sale, you should officially register the business, register with the tax department, start production and, at the same time, run a PR company. You also need to take care of purchasing equipment, renting premises, hiring staff and organizing a sales market.


At the organizational stage, care should be taken to purchase the equipment necessary for production. You may need:

  • milling machine;
  • grinding apparatus;
  • drilling device;
  • grinder;
  • thicknesser;
  • a circular saw;
  • spray gun;
  • compressor;
  • pneumatic equipment;
  • vima for gluing materials.


To open a workshop aimed at mass production, you need a room with an area of ​​at least two hundred square meters. Carpentry in the garage can be a way out of the problematic situation of finding premises for organizing production, if it is large in size, or when planning small production. The premises for the production of wood products should be equipped with:

  • the workshop where the products will be manufactured;
  • painting room finished products;
  • locker room;
  • bathroom and storage;
  • staff rest room (can be combined with a locker room);
  • tool room.

When choosing a property for rent, it is necessary to take into account that it has access to engineering Communication. The facility must be located close to the location of potential clients. There must be a normal entrance to it.


The success of a business idea depends on the qualifications of specialists who will be directly involved in production. When opening a small workshop, you will need about seven employees. Three of them must be professional carpenters. Auxiliary work can be entrusted to general workers, of whom there should be no more than three people on staff. Two more specialists need to be hired for painting finished products.

Segmentation of monthly expenses

It is worth noting that the responsible part of the work rests with carpenters and painters. Their incompetence or lack of experience can lead to the production of defective products, and, as a consequence, financial losses.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

Starting investments:

from 200,000 ₽

Required area:

Today, carpentry workshops are becoming a rarity, so before opening your own business in this direction, you should seriously think about what products you can offer to the market.

A carpentry workshop is a business that can become not only your hobby or a means of earning money, but also a vocation. The same thing that brings both material and spiritual satisfaction, pleasing both the soul and the pocket. But for such a happy combination you will have to try very, very hard. In this article we will not talk about creating a large carpentry shop, but will limit ourselves to current advice on opening a small workshop at home “for one” with the prospect of turning self-employment into something more.

Pros and cons of carpentry workshops as a business



    carpentry business belongs to the so-called “on the ground” business: workshops open on own plots, in garages, sheds and so on. You work at home, and at home, as they say, even the walls help;

    a material such as wood will always be in demand even in the era of super-popularity of plastic. This is a natural and environmentally friendly material that for centuries people have associated with home comfort and remains so today. Moreover, many things still cannot be made from anything other than wood;

    carpentry business has low costs relative to many other types of business;

    carpentry involves a wide range of products that you can produce. This means that you can always switch to producing other types of wooden products and choose a new niche if they suddenly become unpopular and market conditions change;

    carpentry business means a certain freedom in the matter of pricing. Wooden products can cost pennies to hundreds of thousands of rubles. It all depends on your level of skill and ability to sell your products at a high price.

    a carpentry shop cannot exist without a master. This is the type of business where you will need to invest yourself and all your strength - the complete opposite of modern so-called methods of “passive income”;

    as in any business “for one,” everything is limited by your physical strength and time. Often, many people, coming from hired work, are disappointed and understand that “business for yourself” is not when you work when you want, but when you always work;

    It's no secret that carpentry workshops today are a dying business. The reason for this is large factories that produce products cheaper and present them in large construction and furniture stores and hypermarkets;

    carpentry workshops usually do not have any permanent and large orders per craftsman, so it takes a lot of time to form a client base and fulfill small orders;

    There is a high risk of work-related injuries in carpentry. Severed fingers and serious cuts are common;

    The financial return from the effort expended in most cases is not justified. Most single workshops in effect various reasons(undemanded assortment, incorrect pricing policy, inability to sell and find a client) cannot build a business in such a way that it brings them constant and high income.

The first thing to start from in the carpentry business is the presence of hands and the desire to create something with these hands. People who are going to open a carpentry workshop, and even more so, make money from it, should focus on improving their skills. But before you seriously begin to arrange the premises and equip it with equipment, you need to at least general outline understand the current market situation. Approach to carpentry Three things differentiate how to approach a business from approaching it as a hobby. This is a rational and deeply thought-out approach to the choice of specialization, to the quality of work and to methods of promotion.

The first thing to start with is the question of what exactly you will produce. Wood is a material with an infinite number of uses. First, look at what small carpentry workshops, that is, your future competitors, specialize in today, and how they are doing.

Regarding the choice of assortment, carpentry workshops usually have two options: broad specialization or narrow specialization. In the first case, the emphasis is on quantity (more customers, larger assortment, more choice), in the second - on quality (narrow assortment, high quality workmanship, narrow audience). In other words, if you learn to create many different products from wood, you can offer them to more people, and by focusing on one or two products, it will be easier for you to improve your craft and create exclusive products.

What products can carpentry workshops produce:

    Doors/windows. The most obvious solution for a carpentry workshop is to create doors and window units, which everyone needs, and earn extra money from their installation. The problem is that doors and windows have been actively “stamped” for a long time major manufacturers, and the market today is very saturated. In most cases, it is useless for carpentry shops to compete with factories. The price for these products will still be cheaper, and it has become difficult to surprise the customer with anything.

    Stairs. Stairs provide more space for creative thought. Unlike doors and windows, a carpentry shop that specializes in stairs has the ability to offer original sizes, and unusual forms, and unusual breeds, and unique performance in general. However, there are already many companies on the market that create stairs and have achieved a high level of skill in their business, and it will be very difficult to catch up with them from scratch.

    Furniture. With furniture, the situation is approximately the same as with the first two categories. Now on the market there is a huge amount of furniture for every taste and budget. Thanks to such hypermarkets as Castorama, Leroy Merlin, Ikea, furniture is becoming an increasingly accessible and mass-produced product. However, even the variety that is on the market leaves many opportunities to create an exclusive assortment that cannot be found in stores. A small workshop can rely on an original assortment, offering tables, chairs, chests of drawers, cabinets, armchairs, etc., made from expensive types of wood and with an unusual design.

    Small goods. This is a broad category of goods that is united by one quality - size. This includes souvenirs, and all kinds of gift kitchen sets with cutting boards, spatulas and rolling pins, and frames with baguettes, and Board games, wooden toys (unusual ideas wooden toys you can see) and so on. If, say, in jewelry, size does not matter, then in carpentry everything is different. Even for a designer wooden product made from expensive wood, you won’t get much income, since the price of 1,500-2,000 rubles will seem excessively high to the buyer. The average consumer will always have an alternative in the form of plastic product the price is 5-10 times cheaper. Connoisseurs of original art will always have to find it with great difficulty. Therefore, before you decide to produce wooden toys, pipes, salt shakers, ashtrays, cutting or gingerbread boards and other things, think about whether you can regularly produce and sell at least 50 of these small products in order to receive at least 50 thousand for them . rubles. Or is it better to make one chest of drawers in the same time and sell it for the same money?

What is the best way to position your products today?

The second question, which is also better to think about in advance, is the question of a unique selling proposition and the question of quality. To make your products different from what the mass market offers, first of all pay attention to the material. Firstly, what kind of tree will it be? What colors and supplies will you use? What will be the design of your products?

*according to Yandex Wordstat as of September 12, 2018

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Trending product 2019..

If we talk about the furniture segment, then according to search queries, the most popular wood for it is pine. It is almost five times more popular than oak. At the same time, experienced joiners and carpenters advise not to be too deluded by pine. Firstly, well-dried pine is difficult to find. The properties of this wood are such that it is difficult to paint well, leaves a lot of dirt on the instruments, and as a result, leads to costs.

*according to Yandex Wordstat data as of September 11, 2018.

Secondly, products made from the most popular wood have a price corresponding to their mass production. Let's say, teak furniture will cost several times more than pine furniture. That is, by choosing unusual material, you can significantly increase the profitable component, which is included in the price of the finished product.

One way or another, the quality of your furniture products will depend on the components. You can work along the path of maximum cost reduction by purchasing cheap components from China, or give preference to more expensive but reliable suppliers of accessories. Recognized leaders in the quality of fittings are Austrian, German and Italian manufacturers accessories that have representative offices in Russia and actively promote their products.

Representatives of the carpentry business are increasingly becoming supporters of the fact that today handmade products need to be positioned as expensive. The market situation has changed diametrically. If earlier everything that was produced by carpenters was bought hand and foot, and there was a constant demand for carpentry work, now, in order to survive, work on quality, not quantity. As with many other areas of business, today's woodworkers are increasingly required to master sales and marketing.

*according to Google Trends service

The peculiarity of the carpentry business is that no one will tell you exactly what price you should charge for a table, chair or bedside table, because there are no average prices in the carpentry business. The modern approach is this: you calculate the price of the materials, paints, varnishes and components used, and then multiply the result several times. And exactly how much depends on how expensive the master positions himself and on the level of his skill. As a rule, a markup of 100% is not justified, today for manual labor you can and should charge a much higher price.

What kind of room is needed for a carpentry shop?

Let's go back to more traditional issues directly related to the opening of the workshop. To accommodate a small carpentry shop, a room with an area of ​​50-60 square meters is best suited. meters. Renting such premises will cost approximately 20 thousand rubles per month.

Average rent for renting industrial premises in Russia, rub.*

Premises 50-60 sq. m

Premises 70-80 sq. m.

*according to analysis of Avito advertisements as of September 12, 2018

It’s clear that not everyone can afford rent, especially at the start. Therefore, most often carpentry workshops are opened at home, using sheds, garages or basements for these purposes.

Ready ideas for your business

When choosing an area, you first need to consider the length of the room. If you are engaged in the manufacture of door and window frames, then the length of the room must be at least four meters. The inside of the workshop should be warm and dry, since wood is afraid of moisture. When arranging the room, do not forget that you need smooth floors, since the machines must be installed stably.

For uninterrupted operation, it is advisable to supply the workshop with three-phase electricity. If the workshop room is built of wood, the wiring must be laid in wires or corrugated pipes, and sockets and equipment must be grounded.

If the workshop is located close to housing, take care to soundproof the walls and doors. It is advisable that the windows face the direction where there is no residential buildings. It is also necessary to comply with fire safety requirements. Internal lining woodwork is usually treated with fire retardants, which prevent fire. It is advisable to have a powder fire extinguisher or at least a bucket of sand in the building in case electrical appliances catch fire.

Ready ideas for your business

Many workshops do not pay much attention to ventilation. However, without an influx fresh air When you enter the workshop, you are doomed to constantly inhale wood dust. And this threatens certain health problems, which you can easily find out about on the Internet.

What equipment is needed for a carpentry shop?

The issue of equipment is one of the most difficult in planning a carpentry workshop. It is worth keeping in mind that there is no universal and generally accepted list for a carpentry workshop. The choice of equipment depends on a large number of variables: what exactly is being produced in the workshop, the area of ​​the room, production volumes, the experience of the craftsman, and so on.

Therefore, you only have the desire to create wooden products, say, your own furniture, and you only have experience in making simple products that do not require any special tools (tables, simple shelves, stools, etc.). In this case, you should start not with the purchase of serious units and machines, the purpose of which you do not yet have a clear idea of, but with the purchase of the most basic set. Conventionally, it can be divided into four groups.

The minimum basic set of tools that will allow you to create simple furniture

Hand tool

Equipment and Consumables

Measuring instruments

Power tools

Hand saw for wood and metal

Tape measure 3-5 meters


Hand jointers and planes


Metal ruler 50-100 cm

Hammer drill

Mallet with rubber or wooden head

Forstner drills for drilling blind holes with a flat bottom

Metal square, side 30 cm.


claw hammer

Metal drills with a diameter of 2 to 10 mm in increments of 0.5 to 1 mm

Level 50-60 cm

Belt sander

Wood chisels (set)

Wood drills with a diameter from 2 to 12 mm

Screwdrivers straight and Phillips (set)

Carbide Tip Drills

Furniture stapler

Screwdriver bits (set)


Marker or pencil

Shoe knife

Adjustable wrench

If you don’t spend money on buying a workbench, but assemble it by hand, then 30-40 thousand rubles will be enough to buy such a set. With a wider scope, screwdrivers and jigsaws, of course, are no longer enough, the list will expand significantly, and equipping the workshop will cost at least 200 thousand rubles, with the purchase of a good milling machine - more than 300 thousand rubles.

Approximate list of equipment for a small carpentry shop

Here are a few principles regarding the acquisition and use of equipment that carpentry shop owners are advised to adhere to:

    The price of the equipment should correspond to the level of development of your business. Many craftsmen without experience are tempted to spend money on unreasonably expensive equipment that does not correspond to the level of development of their business and needs, and also does not provide any significant advantages in speed/quality. It is necessary to remember that expensive equipment of elite brands is always less liquid than cheap and “popular” equipment. It is both more expensive to maintain and more difficult to sell. Therefore, to begin with, it is better to get by with the most proven devices. For example, if your products do not have long length, the so-called molding, there is little point in necessarily purchasing milling machine for 100 thousand rubles and more. To begin with, it’s better to get by with a manual router, which can do almost the same thing, but will cost several times less.

    Strive for equipment versatility. You should not unnecessarily shell out for those types of equipment that can be replaced or that will simply sit idle. For example, spending money on a plunge-cut saw with a guide bar when cheaper and more versatile ones exist circular tables. Even if you need to unravel a sheet, it is easier and faster to use the services of companies that own format-cutting machines, which can unravel the sheet at a low price and with higher quality.

    Purchase new equipment gradually or with large orders. It makes the most sense to think about purchasing new equipment as your skill increases and after large orders. The rest of the time, you should try to gradually set aside a small share of your profits for depreciation expenses, and from that you can purchase new machines.

    Observe the principles of priority when arranging equipment. If drilling and lathe machines are located close to the workbench, then grinding machines are placed at some distance from the workplace. In addition, a good craftsman should always have everything at hand, so the workbench usually has cabinets, racks and hanging shelves.

    Don't forget about safety precautions. No matter how safe and familiar the work process may seem, have a first aid kit nearby. Also use safety glasses and thick clothing. Work with buttoned sleeves; if your hair is long, hide it in a headdress.

    Don't create piles. When arranging the premises, keep in mind the purchase of new machines in the future. Ideally, the free space should be twice the space for the machines. Lack of space can disrupt the process. The work plane must be approached from several sides. Also, you should not turn the room into a warehouse: the wood should go into circulation, and not lie in the corners.

Is it necessary to hire workers for a carpentry shop?

At the initial stage, while the volumes are small, it is easier and faster for the master to act alone. However, this does not mean that no hired force will ever be useful to you. Woodworkers usually require helpers for rough work or apprentices. They may carry boards, jointer, remove shavings and debris, or perform other light duties. As work force Typically used by teenagers looking for summer work or young people.

It is worth noting that experienced carpenters are usually in no hurry to grow a full-fledged replacement for themselves. And their fears are understandable: there is a great risk of turning a student into a competitor who can steal clients for himself. Therefore, the matter is often limited to auxiliary workers with negotiated wages.

Please note that the average salary of a carpenter in Russia at the time of writing is about 38 thousand rubles, in Moscow and St. Petersburg - about 54.5 thousand rubles. Therefore, if you are absolutely sure that your net income will not differ much from these figures, think again about the advisability of opening your own workshop. Today the word “business” is very popular, but with such low turnover, being hired will have many more advantages compared to sailing on your own. In this case, it makes more sense to continue producing wooden products as a part-time job and hobby, gradually gaining experience and a client base.

Average salary level for the professions “joiner/carpenter”, “joiner/carpenter assistant”, rub.

*according to advertisements on the Avito website 09/12/2018

If you have the idea of ​​opening a carpentry shop, but you are not going to work in it yourself, then the chances of finding a free carpenter who will work for you are close to zero. All masters with experience, as a rule, are employed and have a good income, and masters “worse and cheaper” often abuse alcohol or have experience in places not so remote and, let’s say, lost to society. In this case, it will be easier and more rational for you to place your orders from existing workshops and pay for their work, and then sell the finished products.

Ways to sell and promote carpentry products

It is no secret that the traditional formats of carpentry workshops are at a clear disadvantage in terms of sales today. As a rule, they are located on the outskirts of cities and in industrial zones, where no one sees their activities, and the owners, who managed to find some kind of permanent clientele, do not always care about promotion and modern methods communication with the audience.

In the meantime, no matter what horrors and economic crises frighten us from all sides through the media, the number of target audiences that can bring good income to carpentry workshops is gradually growing. Pay attention to the pace suburban construction, the emergence of new cottage villages, people who are interested in buying garden furniture and quality wooden products for the home. These people want to furnish their homes with maximum comfort and make them unique at the same time. Therefore, it is good if your workshop is located in full view of the target audience and is imprinted on their memory. It shouldn’t just be convenient to get to the workshop, people should see what you do. A good location will help in developing and achieving the “word of mouth” effect. According to the experience of the masters, a person who visits a workshop live almost 100% becomes its client.

Ideally, the workshop owner should try to cast the maximum number of “fishing rods” in all channels that can contribute to sales growth.

Ways to reach clients:

If some methods of reaching clients are quite passive (for example, publishing advertisements) and require one-time efforts (creating a business card website), then others, for example, social networks, will require constant maintenance and time. Therefore, it will be good if you get an assistant who will monitor these issues. Expenses for promotion can also include exhibition samples for presentations and exhibitions, custom photographs of finished products, and printing of consumable promotional products, such as business cards.

How to open a restoration workshop

A complete set of all equipment for organizing a restoration workshop will cost about three million rubles. You can reduce the cost of investments by excluding services from the list of...

Owning something is the dream of many craftsmen who want to earn decent money and know how to work with their hands. First of all, a novice entrepreneur needs to decide what exactly he wants to do: stone carving, making souvenir magnets or do-it-yourself wooden products. The last option is one of the most profitable today: wood is an environmentally friendly and beautiful material when processed correctly, in demand both among connoisseurs of “natural” jewelry and among those who are simply interested in everything unusual.

In addition, handmade wooden products: unlike bulky metal or stone ones, they are easy to ship and even pass customs control without any problems. It goes without saying that in order to organize production at home and subsequent sale, the master will have to purchase the appropriate equipment and deal with advertising issues. Let's try to figure out what you need to start and what kind of profit you can expect.

What can be made from wood for sale - photo

Despite the widespread opinion on the Global Network, it is best (at least at the beginning of business) to make from wood not large objects like furniture or doors, but relatively small ones: competition in this niche is much less, and the master has more opportunities to prove himself. In addition, making a wooden trinket is technically and physically easier, and even if it doesn’t work out, the entrepreneur can throw away the workpiece with peace of mind, without worrying about the ruined material and wasted time.

  • souvenirs: keychains, magnets (or frames for magnets), congratulatory inscriptions and even portraits;
  • decorative items: sculptures, carved paintings, frames for icons, netsuke (can also be used as keychains), copies of world architectural masterpieces (St. Basil's Cathedral, Eiffel Tower, Taj Mahal, and so on);
  • decorative dishes and household items: carved vases, jugs, candlesticks, stands for smoking sticks, boxes, rolling pins, cutting boards, cups, bowls, dishes, plates;
  • board games: checkers, chess and backgammon with all kinds of variations, chips, dice and other necessary equipment;
  • jewelry: beads, carved and painted, bracelets, rings, hairpins and combs;
  • a variety of children's toys: blocks, cars, trains, dolls, construction sets and more - everything that comes to mind and is in demand on the market.

Advice: You shouldn’t refuse individual offers either - they by default bring more profit than products produced for sale with your own hands en masse.

If a craftsman who specializes in making wooden rings is asked to carve a door (and has the equipment to do so), why not agree? It may be that this work will become a new stage in his career - and if it does not succeed, the entrepreneur can always return to his old occupation.

Stages of building your business

Now, having firmly decided to sell wood products, you can begin to implement your plans. The first stage when starting your own business, if the master really wants to succeed, is. This document, thoughtful, calculated and well written, will help a novice entrepreneur attract investors or obtain a loan for the development of a project; After all, production equipment, as well as renting a room or workshop, costs a lot of money, and not everyone will have the required amount at their disposal.

Additionally, a business plan is a great way to organize entrepreneurial activity: only in this way, imagining what to do tomorrow, in a week and in a year, a businessman will be able to completely devote himself to his main work, without being distracted by minor organizational problems. It will not be possible to completely get rid of them, but the less these questions confuse the master, the easier it will be for him - and the greater the profit he can count on.

Advice: An entrepreneur can find a suitable organization for the production and sale of wooden objects on the Internet. If you want to create your own (unique and inimitable) project, it is better to involve an experienced specialist or consultant in the work: a well-drafted document is the key to the favor of creditors and investors and the successful start of the project.

Business registration

Surely the entrepreneur realizes that he will have to pay taxes. In some cases, it will be required, in others - income tax and other contributions to the budget; but without visiting tax office it won't be possible to get by.

Excluding shadow business practices, the master can choose between three options for relations with the Federal Tax Service:

  • do not register as individual entrepreneur or legal entity, thus moving into the category of self-employed - laws regulating similar method making a profit has not yet been worked out, which means that the craftsman who chose him will face many surprises from the state;
  • register as an individual entrepreneur, and then pay taxes on income according to the general or one of the available simplified schemes;
  • register a legal entity (company, limited liability company or even Joint-Stock Company) is a complex path that imposes many additional responsibilities and restrictions on the business owner, and therefore it is not worth choosing it, at least until there are serious reasons for it.
  • enter into contracts for the provision of services or sale of wood products with individuals, intermediaries (agents), small, medium and large businesses legally;
  • hire employees: auxiliary workers, apprentices, accountants, lawyers, marketers, and so on - right down to the driver and loader;
  • move from an inconvenient and, in most cases, unprofitable common system simplified taxation, for example “Income minus expenses”;
  • avoid bureaucratic obstacles: to register an individual entrepreneur, in particular, you do not need to create statutory documents or look for co-founders.

So, a craftsman who wants to make wooden products for sale with his own hands, acting as an individual entrepreneur, needs:

  1. Come to the local branch of the Federal Tax Service with your passport and Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) and submit the appropriate application on form P21001. Or, which is much more convenient, fill out an online form on the official website of the Federal Tax Service. On several pages of the electronic application, the applicant must indicate:
    • your last name, first name and patronymic, if available;
    • date and place of birth;
    • residence (registration) address;
    • contact details: cell or landline number and email address;
    • information about the identity document: series, number, date of receipt, name and code of the unit that issued the passport (foreign passport, etc.);
    • proposed types of activities according to the OKVED 2 classifier: main and (optional) several additional ones;
    • other information requested by the system.
  2. Based on the completed online questionnaire, the previously mentioned form P21001 is generated; at this stage, the applicant can print it out and come to the Federal Tax Service in person or continue remote registration - the latter is preferable, since there are only a couple of steps left until the end.
  3. Pay the state fee, which in 2018 is 800 rubles. This can be done by printing out a receipt and going to the nearest bank branch or online - in the latter case, by logging in through State Services, the user will be able to save 30% of the specified amount.
  4. After transferring money to the budget and submitting an online application, a novice entrepreneur must be patient: he will have to wait for a response from the Federal Tax Service within three to five business days from the date of submission of the application.

If the applicant complies with all conditions and requirements, the decision of the Federal Tax Service is usually positive; Now, upon receipt of the answer, the foreman should personally appear at the local tax office to receive a package of documents confirming registration and certifying his right to conduct commercial activities.

The next step, if you plan to organize a mass sale of handmade wood products, is to obtain a certificate from Rospotrebnadzor. In addition, an entrepreneur renting an industrial premises or workshop will most likely need to obtain permission from Gospozhnadzor, especially if they are open to customers.

All formalities will take an average of one to three months; In order not to waste time, a businessman can, in parallel with obtaining permits, look for personnel, form an assortment, or even open an online store: then the sale of products “on site” can be combined with remote sales.

Search for premises

The premises for a carpentry workshop, focused on the manufacture of the types of products listed above, must meet the following criteria:

  1. Square. The larger the scale of production and the more workers the entrepreneur hires, the more space is needed; but even if the craftsman works alone, it is necessary to take into account the space for machines, workbenches, tables and other equipment, as well as for the placement of raw materials and working space. The minimum recommended area is from 60 square meters; if a craftsman plans to produce only small, homogeneous wooden objects, such as rings, beads and rolling pins, he can make do with a room in an apartment - realizing that with the expansion of production, the issue of space will inevitably have to be resolved.
  2. Ceiling height. It is important primarily in production facilities and workshops intended for the manufacture of large objects made of wood with your own hands or with the help of hired workers; if we are talking about decorative items, souvenirs or small kitchen utensils, as in the previous case, you can get by with an ordinary room in an apartment. A master working on cubes or miniature sculptures will need only one table and a few tools for his work - which means there is no point in renting large areas, spending a fair amount of investment and income on this.
  3. Natural light. But this point is much more important. Working with wood, with its complex texture and the constant possibility of detecting defects, requires good lighting, ideally natural, which is the safest for the human eye. This does not mean that you can abandon the artificial; but no windows sunny side achieving good results (and therefore organizing mass sales of wood products) is almost impossible.
  4. Energy supply. Another the most important parameter, especially if the master plans to use machines: milling or belt, cross-cut or grinding. In most cases, such equipment is not only bulky (and therefore not suitable for placement in an apartment), but also requires power supply not at the standard 220, but at 380 volts. In principle, it is possible to equip one or two sockets with this voltage in an apartment, but coupled with an electric oven and washing machine they can create unnecessary load on the home network, which will eventually lead to a short circuit, if not a fire. However, there is a way out: a craftsman specializing in the manufacture of small wooden objects can purchase mini-machines, which are already present in sufficient quantities on the market. Not only are they lighter and easier to maintain, but they are also often designed for standard voltage, which completely eliminates the problem.
  5. Ventilation. Wood processing is always associated with the release of chips of all fractions, from large to small, almost dust. Some of it remains in the air, negatively affecting health; To avoid consequences, it is recommended to install at least a hood in the room, or better yet, a full air conditioning system. A novice businessman has a choice while he works alone; with the hiring of employees, installation of the necessary for normal operation equipment becomes mandatory. Already when searching for premises, it is worth paying attention to the presence of a hood or the possibility of installing it: timely foresight will help to avoid difficulties in the future.
  6. Price. This is both the most important and the most underestimated factor. In order not to overpay for the rent of a production facility or workshop, a businessman who does not intend to set up a store or kiosk nearby can rent space in a worse area and further from the center. If you plan to combine the production of souvenirs and household items with sales, you will have to look for a more fashionable place - and hope that the profit from sales will cover the rental costs.
  7. Terms of employment. Before concluding a contract, it is highly recommended to check with the landlord on what conditions he agrees to rent out the industrial premises. Otherwise, it may be necessary to look for a new workshop a couple of months after renting - which, of course, cannot have a positive impact on labor productivity and, as a consequence, profits.

It is impossible to say which room is ideal for production: for some, one or two rooms in an apartment will be enough; someone will need an entire workshop with a room for storing wood. A master who already knows what he wants to make with his own hands from wood must independently choose for himself best option, guided by the given criteria.

Advice: the optimal rental period is one year; subsequently, the contract can either be renegotiated or closed (instead of moving from place to place every few months).

Equipment purchase

Depending on the specialization, the master may need:

  1. Wood sawing and cutting machines: band saw, circular saw, jointer and cross-cut saw. The first three varieties are usually used to work with the source material: unsawn boards and round timber. The latter is for cutting small workpieces; if in the manufacture of furniture or cabinets you need all the specified equipment, then for rings, beads, rolling pins or figurines it will be enough cross-cutting machine- you must purchase it in a full-size or portable version.
  2. Wood processing machines: milling, surface planer, grinding, polishing and others. Without the first two (again, when making it yourself small items) it is quite possible to get by; Grinding wood, like polishing, is an integral stage of production, and therefore a novice entrepreneur will have to spend money on the last two machines, in whatever design. It is not necessary to purchase industrial models; For work at home, “desktop” versions of machines are sufficient - fortunately, there has been no shortage of them for a long time.
  3. Tools for manual processing wooden blanks : saws, hammers, chisels, mallets, planes and jigsaws (simple and electric), drills and screwdrivers, screwdrivers, tape measures and so on - there is no number of them, and all of them will be in demand to one degree or another. In addition, it is recommended to purchase a good square, protractor and plumb line - without these tools it will be impossible to obtain high-quality workpieces. Despite another common belief, it is not necessary to purchase only quality products famous manufacturers; Some of the tools, such as tape measures and screwdrivers, can be considered consumables and replaced as needed without overpaying for “branding”.
  4. Brushes for working with substances for chemical wood treatment: anti-mold solutions, stain, white spirit, drying oils, varnishes, paints and so on.
  5. Tables and workbenches for marking boards and plywood and directly working with wood with your own hands.

Now, having everything necessary for work, the master can move on to the next step - purchasing raw materials: different types of wood, plywood, veneer and glued boards.

Purchase of raw materials

Some tips for choosing wood and related materials:

  1. Primary wood requires more time to prepare for production, but is cheaper. This includes: round timber, unprocessed branches, logs and other materials from which it is impossible to obtain a workpiece in one action.
  2. Purchasing recycled wood allows you to save time and effort, and if the craftsman makes souvenirs and utensils at home, it is simply necessary: ​​it will not be possible to install a sawing machine in an apartment without causing surprise and justified criticism from neighbors. Recycled wood is boards, timber, plywood, veneer and other materials - everything from which you can immediately start crafting.
  3. For making small carvings, including beads, rings, chess pieces and boxes, soft woods are best suited: cedar, spruce, pine, poplar, willow, alder, chestnut and linden. If it is expected that the item will be in active use, but not associated with serious mechanical stress, it is recommended to use medium-hard wood: birch, pear, beech, larch, apple, ash, elm or rowan. If the item made by the master must have special wear resistance, you should purchase expensive, but necessary for quality work boxwood, dogwood, olive, acacia or hornbeam. In addition, it is strongly recommended to consult with the customer, and, if possible, demonstrate to him the texture of the wood used. The more forethought the master shows, the sooner the number of his clients will grow - and therefore, the greater the income will be.
  4. The most important factors in wood selection are moisture content and the number of defects. Wood suitable for processing must be naturally dry: not damp, but not cracked from lack of water. And if it is possible to correct the high moisture content, then wood with cracks should be discarded immediately: it is guaranteed not to be used for work. Raw wood, if there is no mold or signs of rotting on it, you can dry it in a gentle mode, and then treat it with a solution against mold. The same applies to defects: it is almost impossible to find material without a single flaw, so the master should imagine in advance how he will cope with this or that problem. If there are too many defects, and it is impossible to disguise them during processing, the purchase must be abandoned: no matter how attractive the price is, the entrepreneur will lose more by trying to hide the defect or as a result of the customer’s refusal to pay for a low-quality product.
  5. It is also important to take into account the structure of the tree: twisted, straight-layered or layered, as well as amorphous. The smoother the arrangement of the fibers, the easier it is to process the wood and the stronger the surface of the product will be; at the same time, the design of the craft will be, compared to other options, rather boring; Sometimes it makes sense to choose sophistication over simplicity and quality. Ideally, the master needs to have an agreement with several suppliers and samples of the material they offer, so that the buyer or customer can imagine in advance what awaits him at the end.
  6. Price. For ordinary crafts made by hand, not to order, there is no need to purchase expensive wood; More accessible, “marketable” species like pine are enough - as practice shows, for the buyer higher value It is not the design of the product, but the quality of processing. If the master plans to make souvenirs or household items to order, it is worth agreeing with the buyer on the nuances of the work, warning him to include in the check the costs of searching, purchasing and processing exclusive material.

Important: In some cases, cracks in treated wood, such as oak, are considered a sign of quality. In the domestic market, such ideas are not yet widespread enough, so an entrepreneur who anticipates such problems should inform the customer in advance about possible deformations and obtain his consent to begin work.

Estimated expenses and income

It is impossible to accurately estimate the costs and income of a craftsman who makes do-it-yourself wooden souvenirs for sale. Russian prices for equipment and raw materials are constantly changing, and, as the master can see, not to the lesser extent; in addition, the final costs depend on the current and long-term needs of the businessman.

On average, to start a project you will have to spend:

  • for renting premises - 20–45 thousand rubles;
  • for the purchase of machines - 50–400 thousand rubles;
  • for the purchase of other equipment - 15–100 thousand rubles;
  • for the purchase of consumables and fasteners - 5–15 thousand rubles;
  • for the purchase of raw materials - 5–20 thousand rubles;
  • for other expenses - up to 50 thousand rubles.

It is equally impossible to predict what income an entrepreneur will receive in the first and subsequent months. It all depends on his efforts, the quality and variety of the goods offered, the purchasing power of the local population and other factors, the dynamics of a number of which are in Lately disappointing.

On average, working a full week, an entrepreneur will be able to earn from 30 to 100 thousand net profit per month- not so much, but not so little compared to other ways of making money on sales.

Where to look for sales channels for finished products?

To find buyers, an entrepreneur can:

  • , others in social networks and on specialized websites and forums;
  • place advertisements about the products offered in paper and electronic media, on advertising websites, as well as in the ticker of a local TV channel and on radio;
  • with as detailed a catalog of wooden products as possible, their descriptions, prices taking into account various promotions (we must not forget about marketing) and useful articles to the topic of the site;
  • take care of outdoor advertising: from simple announcements and handouts, including Business Cards and leaflets, to billboards and banners;
  • try to establish connections with stores and retail chains;
  • hire an agent (intermediary) who will search for clients and prepare business and accompanying documentation;
  • give a few hand-made trinkets and household items to friends, acquaintances and colleagues; those, having appreciated the quality of the products, will tell their friends about them, which will ultimately bring the entrepreneur additional customers.

There is no ready-made recipe for sales: a craftsman who makes wooden objects with his own hands needs to build a marketing policy on his own or, if this is too difficult, turn to a specialist for help.

What are the requirements for wooden products?

There are no special requirements for wooden items made individually or to order. They, like any other product, must be safe for the health of consumers, durable and aesthetically pleasing; all this is assumed by default.

In order to know what to focus on, the entrepreneur must familiarize himself with GOSTs for products similar to those manufactured by him, keeping in mind that these requirements are minimal; the more its products differ from the “normative” ones better side, the more successful he will become.

Let's sum it up

You can make wooden products with your own hands for sale either at home or by renting a production facility or workshop. The first step of a novice businessman is registration as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. Then you should obtain permission from government authorities: Rospotrebnadzor, Gospozhnadzor and others.

Simultaneously with registration, an entrepreneur can begin to look for premises, purchase production equipment, consumables and raw materials. You should not choose too expensive wood for “production” products; This should only be done in agreement with the customer. To establish sales, it is recommended to place ads on social networks, on specialized websites, as well as build relationships with points of sale and distribute information about the product through friends, relatives and acquaintances.

The twin brothers left the modeling business and launched the production of accessories, most of which are exported

IT tools used in the TwinsWood project

  • AutoCAD
  • Wordpress
  • CorelDRAW

Twin brothers Alexander and Alexey Twins are well-known personalities in Yekaterinburg. Models, fashion bloggers, fashion party regulars, media personalities. In 2013, they abruptly changed their field of activity - they sold their blogs and launched the production of original wooden accessories. And now they produce wooden bow ties, watches, cufflinks, wallets, etc.

Alexander and Alexey Twins, twin brothers, entrepreneurs from Yekaterinburg, founders of the wooden accessories brand. Previously, the brothers worked in the modeling business. Accessories and decorative elements under the TwinsWood brand have been produced since 2013, up to 60% of sales are made abroad - to Europe, the USA, Australia, China, and Canada. In June 2016, the Twins brothers launched a crowdfunding project on the platform - with the requested amount of 130 thousand rubles for the production of wooden wristwatches, they managed to collect 578 thousand.

Instead of a clothing brand - bow ties

My brother and I have been together all our lives, we even went to enroll in Yekaterinburg from Siberia together. Our business is built in such a way that one cannot do without the other. Usually I come up with an idea, and my brother brings it to mind, calculates it, corrects it, and develops schemes.

In 2013, when we started doing all this, wooden accessories were still a novelty in Russia. Our first products were bow ties. Once upon a time we saw similar butterflies in Europe. We discussed it – it’s beautiful, it’s cool, we would wear these. And when we were choosing a niche for business, we remembered this idea. At first they wanted to launch their own clothing brand, but in the end they decided to focus on butterflies made of wood, since it was interesting, and the niche was relatively empty at that time.

We received start-up capital to launch TwinsWood by selling our fashion blogs. About 100 thousand rubles were spent on hand tool. And about 300 thousand more were required for more serious machines.

At first we didn’t know anything about the tree. Where can I get it? How to process? Then one of my friends made the blanks, someone else threw in the wood. As a result, we made the first batch of butterflies and gave almost all of them away to friends.

People took this with interest. Someone started placing orders after seeing such an accessory from friends. Someone saw the photo on the Internet. And at some point it grew into serious production.

Sales volumes have increased. Then the corporate segment was added. By the end of the first year of operation, we received our first orders of 200–300 pieces. Then the famous brand bought 600 products at once. One hotel in Crimea equipped its staff of 400 people with our bowties. Therefore, now I understand that even a volume of 1000 units will not scare us.

Today we have a fully equipped workshop - there are traditional machines, and all kinds of robots, lasers and 3D printers. On the latter, for example, we make inserts.

Main clients are men

In Europe there is an interesting tradition when the groom must give Original gifts to your friends who came to the wedding. It’s our accessories that foreigners love – they often order 10-12 butterflies or engraved watches just for a wedding.

By the way, we initially decided that our sales should be organized solidly. That is, we deliberately did not launch any sales through Vkontakte, Facebook or WhatsApp. Until we had Russian and English websites ready, we didn’t even launch advertising.

The website is the main sales tool for us. A significant number of search queries for the phrase “wooden butterfly” lead to us. This is serious work done by my brother; he is well versed in promotion technologies.

Now 60% of our products are exported abroad. Most clients are men. By country – our accessories are most often purchased from America, Australia, and Canada. We have now started to cooperate with one serious European resource, and by the New Year we are waiting for a response from Italy, Germany, and France.

By the middle of the second year, we expanded our product line; we added cufflinks, wallets, and watches. They even began to produce accessories made of wood for decorating weddings.

We select the materials for our products very carefully. Not every tree is suitable for us. Let's say the watch may be subject to external influences - it was put down incorrectly, it was hit somewhere, etc. Therefore, we give preference to African varieties. They absorb moisture, but after the wood is dried, it becomes very dense and strong.

We tried different breeds and settled on several “top” ones for each category. The best ones are padauk, zebrawood, and rosewood. Of those that grow in Russia, we use oak and beech. True, the oak is Canadian, and the beech is Chinese. In Russia we even have problems with wood. By the way, the same oak is more expensive than an African tree. And it's harder to get.

Despite the fact that we mainly use imported materials, I cannot say that the dollar exchange rate has had a bad effect on us. The volumes that we purchase are already quite large, so suppliers give good discounts. We even allowed ourselves to reduce the price without losing income. After all, we sell more than half of our products abroad, and if previously $50 was approximately 1,500 rubles, now it is more than 3,000 rubles.

Butterfly in 10 minutes

Despite the fact that we have a lot of equipment, part of our woodworking operations is manual work. The same butterfly needs to be sanded so that it is smooth and pleasant to the touch.

A bow tie can be made quite quickly - within 10-15 minutes. But this is subject to the availability of preparations. Our managers immediately call the client back and clarify the deadlines. Since there are quite a lot of orders, we deliver within two to three days.

We do not have large stocks of finished products in our warehouse. Keeping more than 100 models at a time means there won’t be enough space on the shelves. Therefore, it’s easier to work according to a different model: when an order arrives, we do it right away.

Our team is 10-12 people. Not much, but most of our processes are automated. Production is divided into “dusty” and “clean” workshops. In the latter, watch assembly takes place and management works. We made noise insulation so that the operation of the machines in the “dusty” workshop did not interfere with the “clean” workshop.

This year we already have more than four thousand sales. I think we can reach 10,000 by the end of the year. We expect a sharp increase in orders for the New Year and Christmas. Last year we worked in three shifts - at first we ordered from abroad, at the end of December Russia got involved. We think it will be the same at the end of 2016.

We recently successfully conducted a crowdfunding campaign on the platform - we raised money to launch a wooden watch. They applied for 130 thousand rubles, but in the end they collected 578 thousand. In the near future we will submit documents for their certification and will actively develop this area.

We also need to actively work on the corporate segment; this area will be a priority for us. We will soon go to a specialized exhibition and communicate with the management of foreign companies. Private orders, of course, will also remain.

We still have some way to go, there are many ideas. For example, we are planning to introduce glasses made of wood. Now let's work on the topic of watches and get started on glasses, this will be one of our tasks for the next year.