Tricolor violet - medicinal properties and contraindications. What violet is called a pansy, photo of the flower and care features Contraindications for use

An amazing tricolor violet flower, not overseas, its own, growing in meadows and woodlands in middle lane and gradually appearing in Siberia. An observant villager, looking at the flower, gave it many affectionate names. Pansies, Ivan da Marya, moths, triflower. Garden forms cultivated plants are called Wittrock violets or violas.

Distinctive features of tricolor violet

If the snow has not yet melted in the spring, and leaves of overwintered violets appear on the thawed curtains, then we are in the middle part of the Trans-Urals. In Central European Russia, violet is a native inhabitant of meadows and hollows, but not of acidic swampy soil.

A low bushy plant with a basal rosette of leaves various shapes, but always with teeth. The peduncle rises high above the leaves, showing complex flower, which biologists refer to simple inflorescences. The five-petal corolla has a different configuration of colored plates. The lower one is usually triangular multi-colored, the side ones are painted in one color, the upper ones are elongated blue or two-colored. A curious or sad little eye is clearly visible inside, depending on the mood of the beholder. You can even see the eyelashes on the petals.

The classification divides tricolor violet into several subspecies:

  • Curtis subspecies;
  • Macedonian subspecies;
  • morning subspecies;
  • subspecies subalpine;
  • tricolor subspecies.

Several legends and beliefs are associated with pansies, including beautiful girls who turned into flowers, and symbolizes thoughts of a loved one. If in some places this flower was desired in the garden and bouquet, then in others it was considered a symbol of sadness and eternity, a decoration of graves.

Be that as it may, nowadays sad pansies have turned into luxurious beauties, mysteriously calling to the balcony, to the flowerbed. Selection has gone from an inconspicuous bush, which is disposed of like a weed, to elite varieties with giant gems hovering above equally beautiful leaves. The photo of the tricolor violet only confirms the possibilities of selection.

Care and breeding of pansies

In nature, tricolor violet reproduces by seeds and the growth of bushes. In culture, seed propagation is possible and most often used, but especially valuable hybrids transmit the properties of the mother bush only when cuttings are taken. From one mother plant You can get up to 40 new copies.

Depending on the task you can get:

  • early flowering bush;
  • second wave;
  • abundant, long-lasting flowering in midsummer.

This depends on the care of violets and the formation of young plants, which must take at least 70 days before the first flowers appear. Therefore, for flowering in early summer, it is necessary to take care in the previous season, sow seeds and produce young plants by autumn, so that they overwinter and bloom early. But later they will have to be replaced, as they bloom pansies only once a year. To replace them, seedlings that were grown at home or in greenhouse conditions are already ready. Transplanting violets grown in cups The best way flowerbed rejuvenation.

The dug up bushes can be placed in an inconspicuous place, seeds can be obtained from them and sowed again for next year. Even if the rosettes do not get stronger, they will overwinter well under cover with spruce branches and shavings so that they can breathe.

The most commonly used method is seedling propagation. In a shallow container, filled with steamed mixture from garden soil and in equal parts, seeds are laid out on the surface and sprinkled with snow on top. Sowing is done in February and early March. Melting snow carries small grains to desired depth. Violets germinate quickly; after 10-12 days, remove the seedlings from the cover and expose them to light. In a cool place, the seedlings will not stretch, the roots will begin to work. You need to find a place so that the roots are warm and the air is warmed to 15 0.

With the appearance of true leaves, the plants are planted in cups and grown until it is time to plant them in the ground. Tricolor violets are unpretentious and can grow in poor soil and in partial shade. But on humus fertile soil flowers are brighter and larger size, flowering longer. In the open sunny place The flowers are bright, but fade quickly.

You can propagate varietal violets using seeds from your garden. Hybrids are propagated vegetatively or each time they buy seeds in specialized stores.

In order to propagate violets by cuttings, you need to use two nodes from the tops of shoots in early summer. Make a place under the canopy of a shady tree kindergarten, planting the cuttings to a depth of 1 cm on the canvas. They must take root in the atmosphere high humidity, therefore, cover the planting with geotextile for several days to allow air exchange.

Spray, water. you will have to weed often, but within a month the cuttings will give roots and they can be transplanted into violets permanent place with shelter for the winter, but it is better to leave it compact until spring. This way, it will be easier to preserve them in winter.

Medicinal properties of violet tricolor

The healing power of the tricolor violet has long been known. The collection is prepared during flowering. All is used green part plants. Like all herbal teas, the violet is dried in the shade in ventilated sheds. In rainy weather, you can arrange a thin layer of grass in the attic. The dried material is crushed and stored in a glass container under a glass or metal lid for up to 2 years. At the pharmacy you can buy violet separately or in herbal preparations.

The medicinal properties of tricolor violet are due to the presence of essential oils, polysaccharides, saponins and biologically active substances in its composition. Difficult chemical composition plants allows you to use the collection in many cases:

  • in the treatment of colds, prolonged cough;
  • for anti-inflammatory purposes;
  • for skin diseases.

The list of diseases for which it is recommended to use infusions, decoctions and even tinctures of violet is large, but the use of medicinal forms is individual for each person. Without the appropriate knowledge and recommendations from specialists, uncontrolled self-medication can be harmful. This plant has serious contraindications for use.

Growing tricolor violets from seeds - video

There is a wide variety of violets, almost all of them are medicinal, but the palm among them is held by the tricolor violet - this beautiful plant with variegated tricolor flowers.

Folk names - Ivan-da-Marya, pansy, magpie, kamchug, brothers, three-flowered, scrofula, brother-and-sister, moths, Trinity grass, Trinity color.

Violet tricolor - annual, less often biennial herbaceous plant Violet family (Violaceae) with a straight, low stem. Lower leaves long-petiolate, heart-shaped, crenate, upper - lanceolate, short-petiolate. Stipules are lyre-shaped and divided. The flowers are large (up to 3.5 cm), irregular, with a spur. Corolla of five petals larger than the calyx. The two upper petals are dark or light purple, the two lateral petals are blue and the lower one is white-bluish with stripes. The throat of the corolla is yellow. The fruit is a capsule. Height 10 - 40 cm.

It grows in dry meadows, in ditches, in forest glades, in thickets, among bushes, in fields, in woodland and forest-steppe of the European part of Russia, partly in Siberia. Blooms from April to autumn.

The above-ground part of the plant is used for medicinal purposes. Violets are collected during flowering, dried outdoors in the shade, in a place protected from the wind, spread out in a thin layer. Stir occasionally. In good weather, the raw material dries in 5 - 7 days. When collecting, it is important to collect raw materials not everywhere, but only 50 - 60%. Raw materials are stored in boxes lined with paper inside. The shelf life of raw materials is 1.5 years.

Tricolor violet contains flavonoids (2.1%), glycosides, ursolic acid, mucous and tannins, vitamins C, P, E, provitamin A and essential oil(0.01%), which includes salicylic acid methyl ester.

The medicinal properties of tricolor violet have a wide range of effects. Infusions have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, bronchodilator, diuretic, choleretic and antispasmodic properties. This plant is prescribed for inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system. Used as a good expectorant. Tricolor violet is especially good in children's practice for colds, coughs, asthma, allergies, and is indispensable for adults - for rheumatism, arthrosis, gout, cystitis, kidney stones, atherosclerosis, bleeding. Violet infusions are widely used in dermatology due to their antimicrobial and antipruritic properties. Tricolor violet also helps with poorly healing wounds, furunculosis, and skin rashes due to vitamin deficiency.

Recipes for using tricolor violet

  • For deforming spondylosis and osteochondrosis The following recipe is suitable - take equal parts of tricolor violet grass, bean pods, corn silk, bearberry leaves, birch buds. Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture into 1 glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Take 2 - 3 tablespoons 2 - 3 times a day. The treatment is designed for a long period - about 3 months. Every 3 - 4 weeks you need to take a break of 1 - 1.5 weeks. You can combine treatment with light rubbing of angelica and red elderberry tincture into the spine, alternating them with each other after 3 to 4 weeks.
  • Violet tricolor, commonly used for pulmonary diseases, used with some success for neuroses, palpitations. The daily dose is 2 tablespoons of herb per 0.5 liter of boiling water, leave for 4 hours.
  • Violet is used as an expectorant for bronchitis, for any type of cough– 20 grams of grass are crushed to particles smaller than 5 mm. Pour 250 ml. water room temperature. Boil for 15 minutes. Leave for at least 45 minutes. Strain, add water until you get 200 ml. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day.
  • For allergies, especially at its first manifestations, tricolor violet, nettle, chamomile, calendula and horsetail herb are mixed in equal proportions. Two tablespoons of the collection are infused in 0.5 liters of boiling water overnight in a thermos - this daily norm. You can drink for a long time.
  • Glomerulonephritis. A mixture is prepared from equal parts of violets, initial grass and black poplar buds. Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, take 1/4 cup 4 times a day before meals. The treatment is long-term. After completing a month's course of such treatment, you can replace it with another treatment for a month, then return to this collection again. You need to be patient and persevering.
  • As a blood purifier for various skin diseases (eczema, rashes) use an infusion of tricolor violet. 20 g of raw material per 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 15 - 20 minutes, take half a glass or 1 glass three times a day.
  • For eczema and psoriasis It is good to use the juice of a fresh plant to lubricate the skin.
  • For scrofula, as well as for other skin diseases (eczema, itching, acne, rash, pustules) use the Averina tea recipe - 4 parts tricolor violet, 4 parts string, 1 part bittersweet nightshade. Pour 1 tablespoon into 1 cup of boiling water. Give chilled to children and adults 3-4 times a day, 1 dessert/tablespoon. The same collection can be used for baths and washes. The recipe belongs to the St. Petersburg merchant Averin, who lived in the first half of the 19th century.


  • If, with prolonged use of a medicinal plant and in excess of dosages, an itchy rash and other allergic skin reactions appear, then the daily dose should be distributed over 3 to 4 days. If this does not help, cancel this type of treatment.
  • IN separate form tricolor violet is contraindicated for glomerulonephritis, but in combination with the cap and black poplar buds, its use in this disease is beneficial.
  • Small children should not be given more than 1 glass of tricolor violet infusion per day at the rate of 10 - 12 years. dry plant for 1 glass of boiling water (in 3 - 4 doses).
  • Along with healing properties, violets have another quality - decorativeness. As a result of selection, the Wittrock violet was developed, which has numerous varieties with large, brightly colored flowers. Cultivated varieties of tricolor violet also have medicinal properties, but to a lesser extent.
  • If you have collected violet tricolor seeds, you can grow them on personal plot. This unpretentious plant. But once you start it, it will persistently spread by self-seeding.

draw your attention to that it is advisable to eliminate any problem at three levels: physical, energetic and spiritual. The recipes contained in the article are not a guarantee of recovery. The information provided must be considered as capable of helping, based on the experience of traditional and modern medicine, multifaceted action herbal remedies, but not as a guarantee.


  1. “Plants are your friends and foes”, R.B. Akhmedov
  2. “Odolen is grass”, R.B. Akhmedov
  3. “Medicinal plants in folk medicine”, V.P. Makhlayuk
  4. “Medicinal plants and methods of their use among the people”, Nosal M.A., Nosal I.M.
  5. “Heal with herbs”, Anatoly Onegov
  6. “Herbal Medicine”, Popov A.P.
  7. “Medicinal plants in everyday life”, L.Ya. Sklyarevsky, I.A. Gubanova
  8. “Medicinal plants. Illustrated Atlas”, N.N. Safonov
  9. “Medicinal plants on a personal plot”, E.L. Malankina

Why is violet tricolor herb highly valued all over the world? From ancient times to the present time it has been widely used in folk and traditional medicine for the treatment and prevention of various ailments. From our article you will learn what beneficial features and contraindications for use are considered characteristic of this type of violet, as well as what rules and conditions must be observed for its cultivation.

Violet tricolor is a herbal plant of the Violet family and has many other names. People often call it Pansy, scrofula, sparrow seed, tricolor violet. A small delicate flower that can be found in the forest zone in a number of countries of the former CIS: Russia, Belarus, Ukraine. Also, the tricolor violet lives in the grasses of the steppes, fields, and even on the territory of an ordinary garden plot.

A wild annual or biennial plant of a medicinal subspecies. Where did this name come from - tricolor violet? The color of a flower is characterized by three colors:

  • purple or blue-violet - upper petals;
  • milky lilac or light blue – side petals;
  • yellow with several vertical stripes of dark color - the lower petals.

In common people, an interesting name has been “stuck” to violets - Pansies. This name is also due appearance tricolor violets.

It has a thin vertical (tap) root, from which several small shoots or one main one can arise. The leaves are arranged alternately and are oblong or elongated-ovate in shape. Supplemented with large stipules.

The period of active flowering begins in May and lasts all summer. In mid-June, the fruits of forest and field violets are formed - tricuspid boxes with small Brown seeds, the number of which is about 3 thousand pieces.

Medicinal properties of the plant

Tricolor violet is considered a broad-spectrum herb, the beneficial properties of which have become indispensable in traditional, homeopathic and folk medicine. So, what is the benefit of seemingly ordinary wild grass? What medicinal properties does the flower called Pansy have?

The plant is rich in various minerals and active ingredients. Ointments, syrups, infusions, and decoctions are made based on the violet herb. Included in some medicines. The wild plant has found application in various fields of medicine:

  • in gynecology – for contraction of the uterus after childbirth;
  • in cosmetology – effective product against loss and fragility of thin, weakened hair;
  • in neurology – for insomnia, frequent mood swings, overexcitement, to neutralize stressful conditions, for dizziness and headaches of various types;
  • for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the respiratory system;
  • as an antiphlogistic, antibacterial and disinfectant;
  • for gastrointestinal diseases;
  • for problems with the skin (eczema, dermatitis, rashes, etc.).

Contraindications for tricolor violet

Despite a large number of beneficial properties and extensive use In modern medicine, tricolor violet is characterized by a number of contraindications.

  • children under 12 years of age (only according to pediatricians’ recommendations);
  • pregnant women (causes uterine tone, which is fraught with a high risk of miscarriage or early onset of labor);
  • during the lactation period;
  • in the presence of an allergic reaction (any drug based on herbal components requires preliminary test control);
  • individual intolerance;
  • hypotensive patients (in addition to medications, various herbal decoctions and infusions are also prohibited);
  • with acute diseases of the liver and kidneys;
  • in acute or chronic form of peptic ulcer;
  • people suffering from gallstone disease.

Tricolor violet belongs to the category of dangerous wild plants; it contains admixtures of toxic substances. In case of overdose of drugs and folk remedies from violet herb there is a high probability of intoxication of the body - you may need health care. According to the recommendations of medical workers, with long-term therapeutic or prophylactic use/use it is necessary to take a break. The duration of the treatment course is no more than 1 month.

The plant is useful for various ailments and ailments. However, before starting any medication or folk method you need to carefully study the entire list of contraindications, do a test for allergies and, of course, seek advice from a medical center.

Growing violets

All over the world, tricolor violet is of great interest among gardeners, information about the medicinal properties and contraindications of which we have already studied. At the same time, many questions arise (especially from novice gardeners) about what conditions are necessary for growing forest violets at home.

Tricolor violet is easy to care for. Loves loose soil enriched with various nutrients, moderate humidity and slightly shaded area. The ideal area of ​​the garden or vegetable garden is considered to be where there is warm morning sun and cool afternoon shade. Not afraid of frost and windy winter weather. Reproduces medicinal plant seedlings, the seeds for which are sown at the very beginning of summer in greenhouses with a cool microclimate.

Video “The healing properties of tricolor violet”

From this video you will learn about the beneficial properties of tricolor violet.

Violets, moths, pansies - these are the loving names for these delicate plants that delight us from the very first warm days of April until the end of summer.

They bloom, despite the still very cold nights, competing with primroses, and can have different shades and colors even in the same clearing.

If you plant a wild violet on your plot, it will never leave you.

The seeds formed on the violet scatter over a distance of up to 2 meters.

The same beautiful plants will constantly grow from the scattered seeds, appearing either on the lawn or in the flower garden, while nothing has bloomed there yet.

The violet can be placed in a rocky garden, on alpine slide and near an artificial reservoir.

It will delight you not only with its variety of colors, but will also give you the opportunity to stock up medicinal raw materials against colds for a long winter.

Yellow-eyed Anyutka

This is not a joke at all!

After all, Pansies

They blossomed like in a wonderful fairy tale!

Blue - naughty

And they are bottomless.

Yellow and blue

As if with white frost.

As if they sat on the meadows

Moths of all shades!

Among the Slavic peoples, many conspiracies for love and for a betrothed were associated with the field violet. Girls wove wreaths from it and scattered its buds in order to quickly get married.

Tricolor violet - find and recognize

Violet tricolor is an annual or biennial herbaceous plant - 10-35 cm in height. Singles colorful flowers violets bloom on stalks emerging from the axils of ovoid leaves and consist of five unequal petals. They can be from 1.5 to 3 cm in diameter, depending on the conditions in which the plant grows. Tricolor violets can be found in meadows, forest glades and along roadsides throughout our country.

To the country first aid kit

WITH therapeutic purpose They collect violet stems and flowers and dig up the roots. Violet tricolor herb is used as an anti-inflammatory, diuretic, disinfectant, diaphoretic and sedative. It contains vitamin C, and is also widely used as an expectorant in the form of infusion and mixture for catarrh of the respiratory tract.

  • The stems, leaves and flowers of violets should be collected during flowering, dried in the shade and stored for up to two years;
  • Wine infused with violets is considered medicinal;
  • Baths with violet decoction cleanse the skin and are recommended for children with scrofula and prickly heat;
  • For stomatitis and toothache, you can chew violet flowers and leaves;
  • Violet tea and even just the smell of violets helps with headaches;
  • A decoction of violet with honey should be drunk for colds and coughs;
  • Tea made from violet leaves and burdock roots will relieve pain from rheumatism, gout and arthritis.

Violet roots serve as an emetic and laxative.

In the form of lotions, tricolor violet is used for allergic dermatitis, eczema, and diathesis. Back in the 19th century in St. Petersburg, the merchant Averin introduced into Russian medicine a medicinal decoction that helped with skin diseases, which was called “Averin tea”. Its composition, in addition to the tricolor violet herb, includes the leaves of the string and shoots of the bittersweet nightshade.

Carefully! An overdose of tricolor violet in decoctions when taken orally can cause nausea and vomiting.

Tricolor violet - planting and care

Tricolor violet can be sown with seeds, collected from wild plants before spreading them in wet weather.

You need to pick off yellowed and dried, but still closed seed boxes, immediately placing them in a bag. If we decompose them into open place, then when dry, the boxes will “shoot out” and you will be left without seeds.

There are gardeners who acquire violets by shaking out the contents of the violet pharmacy, which, of course, also contains its seeds, onto the lawn.

The seeds are lightly sprinkled with soil.

Some of them will sprout immediately, and the plants grown from them will overwinter and bloom already in early spring. The remaining seeds will germinate in the spring, and the flowers will appear in July-August. You can dig up and replant the entire flowering plant, and it will scatter its seeds on your site.

N. STEPANOVA, Associate Professor, Department of Methods of Teaching Biology and Ecology, Russian State Pedagogical University. A.I. Herzen. Photo by the author

This useful and beautiful plant is known in folk recipes due to its unsurpassed medicinal properties. The special science of pharmacognosy identifies the following in the flower formula: healing properties:

  • Expectorant. An excellent remedy that not only stimulates expectoration, but also thins mucus.
  • Diuretic. Improves and regulates kidney function, and also promotes the removal of urine from the body.
  • Emetic. An excellent remedy for poisoning, nausea and intoxication.

Tricolor violet has some similarities with the grass called “maryannik”, therefore, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, you should very carefully select raw materials for preparations. For preparation they take only top part. Recipes usually include leaves, flowers and stems, and less often fruits.
Folk recipes They suggest using the plant in the form of healthy teas, medicinal decoctions and infusions, fragrant baths and lotions.


Tricolor violet received popular name“Pansy”, thanks to the bizarre shape of the flowers. In addition to its beauty, it is also known for its healing properties. The unpretentiousness of the plant is determined by the region where the plant grows. Initially, tricolor violet was wild plant, thanks to which she can now adapt to almost any conditions. A flower is an annual or biennial herbaceous plant from the violet family, its height, as described by biologists, is usually from 10 to 30 cm, the flowering period is from early spring, bears fruit from June.

Tricolor violet medicinal properties and contraindications

The medicinal beneficial properties of the plant lie in a wide and versatile range of applications:

  • elimination of inflammation;
  • fight against microbes;
  • relieving painful spasms;
  • disinfection treatment;
  • calming relaxing effect;
  • diaphoretic strong action;
  • safe blood purification;
  • rapid healing of wounds;
  • active contraction of the uterus after labor.

Contraindications for use for medical purposes are associated with overdose and sensitivity of the individual organism to the components of the phytocomposition of the flower. In case of severe liver diseases, and especially with hepatitis, taking the herb is also undesirable.

Medicinal properties

Most often, experts in folk medicine insist that the herb from the tricolor violet plant is the most effective. Most often it is used in infusions.

Indications for use:

  • in the form of tea to stimulate labor;
  • as a diaphoretic and diuretic infusion to overcome the symptoms of rheumatism, rickets, and some lung diseases;
  • the steam from the plant is good for difficulties in expectoration and treatment of cold cough;
  • baths and ointments are good for treating and cauterizing scrofulous scabs;
  • Medicine suggests using tea to cleanse the blood in the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases.

After use medicinal products Based on tricolor violet, urine acquires a “cat” smell.


1. Botanists and specialists in the field of herbal medicine classify the plant as poisonous.
2. Individual intolerance to the components of the phytocomposition can cause allergies and severe consequences.
3. If abused, you can easily provoke irritation of the intestines.
4. It is forbidden to take the plant for more than a month; pauses and breaks should be taken.

Before choosing any recipe or remedy based on tricolor violet, you should consult a doctor, since an individual course of treatment is developed for each person.

The use of violets in folk medicine

Medicinal herb tricolor violet has found distribution and use in the treatment of the following diseases:

  1. symptoms of acute respiratory infections;
  2. types of cough in which expectoration is complicated;
  3. inflammatory bowel processes and Bladder;
  4. skin diseases with rashes, acne.

Squeezed fresh juice, for example, is useful in treating ulcers in the mouth and genitals.
Recipes for preparing the decoction traditional medicine It is usually recommended to pour 1 tbsp and leave for 2 hours. spoon of herb in a glass of boiling water. For external use it is made more concentrated (3 tablespoons).
Violet essential oil is also of great value. It is worth its weight in gold among perfumers, but is not without medicinal healing properties:

  1. reduces headaches and dizziness;
  2. fights pustular skin diseases;
  3. calms and strengthens cardiac activity.


A decoction of tricolor violet for coughs is known in medicine for children. His recipe is simple: infuse 10 g of herb in a glass of boiling water. Drink ¼ cup after straining. Be vigilant and take precautions. For example, for young children, the herb has contraindications for use as a medication. Therefore, you should limit yourself to 1 glass of decoction per day.


An infusion of tricolor violet for vomiting is also known. Due to its therapeutic antitoxic properties, it is successfully used as an antidote for not very complex poisonings. Severe cases should not be treated with homeopathy, in case of emergency You should always consult a doctor.
We present to your attention classic recipe infusion: 1 tablespoon of raw material is poured with a glass of boiling water and kept in a warm place for 2 hours.