What to do with bergenia in spring. Thick-leaved bergenia: propagation, planting in open ground, care

Bergenia or bergenia(Bergenia) - ever green perennial from the saxifrage family. In early spring, as soon as the snow melts and the sun begins to warm up, inflorescences appear among the large leathery leaves of bergenia. Peduncles grow and bloom at the same time, when a peduncle appears, the first bells open almost immediately, the higher it becomes, the more tiers of bells appear, the peduncle can reach a height of 20 to 60 cm. Flowers can be white, pink, scarlet, purple or dark - purple depending on the variety of bergenia. Flowering also lasts about two months, depending on the variety; there are remontant varieties of bergenia that bloom several times. After flowering, bergenia forms fruits - boxes with seeds.

The very first bergenias bloom in mid-April. The decorative effect of bergenia is added by large, leathery leaves. A luxurious flowering bergenia bush, framed by bright green large leaves in early spring, will enliven any corner of the garden. Since bergenia is wildlife often grows on rocky mountains and has a powerful above-ground rhizome located in top layer soil, it will feel great in the garden alpine slide. In the summer after flowering, bergenia will be an excellent background for other flowering plants, and in the fall its leaves, accumulating for the winter nutrients, will begin to change color to reddish or a purple border will appear along the edge of the leaf.

On the picture bergenia cordifolia.

Propagation of bergenia.

It is better to plant bergenia in partial shade, since the roots protruding on the surface of the soil need protection from the heat. The soils are favorable: loose and moist, but bergenia cannot tolerate prolonged stagnation of water. It grows in one place for more than 10 years; frequent transplants also have a bad effect on the growth of bergenia. Bergenia looks good and sits next to shady flower beds, next to irises, decorative sedge or hosta.

Most often, bergenia is propagated by dividing the bush, cutting rosettes or sowing seeds. Bergenia seeds are sown in boxes in March, then planted and planted on permanent place. For the winter, young seedlings are covered with fallen leaves. Young bergenias will bloom in two years.

Bergenia is planted by cuttings from May to August. Separate the rosette from the faded bergenia and slightly deepen it into the ground by 1-2 cm. Bergenia is propagated by divisions in early September, separating the above-ground rhizome 15-20 cm long with three buds from the bush, plant it, slightly deepening it for better rooting. For the winter, it is necessary to cover the plants to avoid freezing.

Bergenia care pretty simple. In the spring, so that it grows faster, the incense is spilled with warm water. Fertilize bergenia two weeks after flowering with complex mineral fertilizer - 1 tbsp. spoon per 10 liters of water per 2 sq.m.

The leaves of bergenia gradually die off, which are removed after they separate, this is how the bergenia saves its rhizomes from overheating; if the old leaves are removed immediately, the soil should be mulched and constantly watered.

Some varieties of bergenia can freeze, so during the winter they should be covered with at least fallen leaves, and in early spring, as soon as the snow melts, the leaves are removed.

This flower is especially famous among those who are fond of folk medicines. This unique plant can stop bleeding, fight inflammation, and have an antiseptic effect. The article reveals detailed information about such a plant as in open ground which is of interest to many gardeners. This information will help those who want to have this flower in their garden to properly grow, care for, replant and use it in medicinal purposes. The plant was named after the German botanist Bergen, but its homeland is considered to be Asia.

Scope of use of the plant

Since ancient times, the plant has been actively used by healers to treat inflammatory processes, stop bleeding and as an antiseptic for treating wounds. The plant was used for both female and male diseases. Moreover, the flower was excellent for dyeing fabrics and tanning leather. Very often it was used as tea leaves instead of tea. Naturally, with so many beneficial properties, many wanted to know how to plant bergenia correctly. followed by it for various diseases - these issues will be discussed below.

Bergenia as a means of decoration

If we talk about the simple decorative property of bergenia, it is often used for landscaping the area. Since, thanks to its dense vegetation, the plant grows well in the shade and can cover the soil well, it is planted to decorate wooded areas. Bergenia looks very impressive together with those flowers that are not similar to it either in the shape of the foliage or the color scheme of the inflorescences. Very often, landscape designers use bergenia to emphasize the line of stones or decorate the border in a flower garden.

Bergenia: planting and care in open ground, varieties and properties

Before you start breeding a plant, you need to carefully study the information about it. It is recommended to learn as much as possible about bergenia. Planting, care, varieties - all these issues should be thoroughly worked out. There are many different varieties bergenia. The most common of them:

  • thick-leaved, medicinal;
  • cordate;
  • purple;
  • Pacific, multicolored;
  • hybrid varieties of bergenia, known as Kukla, Evening glow, Bergenia round and many others.

All species differ in the color of leaves and flowers, as well as the shape of the leaves. Bergenia flowers can be pink, purple, or red. Leaves may have jagged edges, wavy or heart-shaped.

Bergenia: cultivation, care, planting. What do you need to know?

A common feature of the plant is that it is a very picky flower that tolerates frost well. Planting bergenia in your garden and caring for flowers will not take much time and attention. You just need to follow all the rules, and the flower will delight you year after year. So, bergenia has several properties that make it attractive to gardeners:

  • ability to grow in shady places, and in the open sun;
  • the ability to plant a flower in different soils: dry or moderately moist;
  • excellent frost resistance;
  • The plant is unpretentious; it can grow for many years without replanting (incense can grow in the same place for up to eight years).

Plant care

So, have you decided to grow bergenia? Planting and care in the open ground will require several actions, by performing which you guarantee yourself success in the breeding process.

  1. The flower loves to be watered regularly.
  2. It is necessary to clear the plant of old foliage in the spring, while shortening too long shoots.
  3. Bergenia needs to be nourished, especially after the flowering process has passed. It is during this dormant time that the plant begins to form new rosettes. The best fertilizer is a tablespoon of Kemir Combi diluted in ten liters of water.
  4. It is periodically necessary to loosen the soil around the flower to avoid drying out or overheating.

Soil selection

The only thing that bergenia cannot tolerate is high humidity and stagnant moisture. Considering the plant’s homeland, the flower loves rocky, dry (but not overdried) soil or medium humidity. Growing in nature, bergenia itself retains moisture in the soil, thanks to the thick leaves that cover the ground. In the garden, we remove excess old leaves and do not allow the plant to control its own humidity level. Therefore, you need to monitor watering and not overdry the soil. Bergenia grows well in soil with the following proportions: one part turf and two parts sand and small stone. A mixture of humus (one third), sand (one third) and loamy soil (one third) is suitable as a substrate.


Bergenia can be propagated both by seeds and by cuttings. If the seed method is chosen, then they can be planted in two ways:

  • Planting after harvest. After collecting the seeds, you need to prepare the soil. Having dug and leveled the area, place the seeds on the soil and sprinkle with a thin layer of earth and sand. With the arrival of winter, this area needs to be covered with leaves. Bergenia will develop gradually; for two years you need to monitor the seedlings and water them regularly.
  • Planting in May. Seeds germinate on average in a couple of weeks. Once it reaches ten centimeters in length, the bergenia can be transplanted to the place chosen for permanent cultivation. In four years, the plant will already bloom in full force in your garden.

With the cutting method, you need to choose the healthiest bushes. IN summer period, after flowering has passed, you need to cut off part of the root with leaves and buds. It is best if there are about three buds. There should also be two or three leaves. The cuttings need to be planted in loose soil, placing the roots at a depth of 4 cm from the surface. With proper care, bergenia will begin to bloom in the third year.


You can talk a lot and for a long time about everything that concerns such a plant as bergenia. Planting, care, reproduction, diseases and pests - these issues concern many gardeners. But in the end, all the information boils down to the fact that this plant requires minimal effort for cultivation. Even such a topic as pests practically does not concern bergenia. He is nearly invulnerable to most of them. Sometimes bergenia can be attacked by a fungus. In this case, the leaves become covered with brown spots, then the leaves become grayish-brown, and in their lower part a white coating. Having noticed such symptoms, you need to remove the diseased leaves and spray the bergenia with anti-fungal liquid (Bordeaux). Bergenia also does not like slugs, which sometimes appear in our garden. In all cases, you need to resort to standard methods of pest control and treat the plant special means in accordance with the instructions. At the end, I can only add advice: grow bergenia, planting and caring for it in open ground will not take much time, and the results of your work will cause the envy of your neighbors.

Badan is amazing evergreen, which will decorate any flower bed or flower garden. It is often also called bergenia.

This article will discuss the most effective and unpretentious varieties, which can be grown in the country or in the garden.

Planting and caring for bergenia in open ground is not complicated or time-consuming, but it has some features that gardeners need to know in order to get a unique and beautiful flowering plant.

The bergenia plant is unique not only for its appearance and beautiful flowering, it is also medicinal.

Thanks to its leaves and rhizomes, bergenia contains a large number of ascorbic acid, gallic acid, carotene. It is used to prepare products that have anti-inflammatory effects.

Tea is also made from the leaves. It strengthens the cardiovascular system and has an original aroma.

The note! Many gardeners compare the flower with elephant ears. Indeed, its leaves have a rounded shape and they are large. Throughout the season, the leaves constantly change color, which perfectly enlivens and decorates the garden.

Let's consider cultivars that are perfect for growing on garden plot. Among them:

  • thick-leaved bergenia is the most common variety. It is ideal for open ground; it is a herbaceous plant with large, fleshy leaves;

  • Pacific bergenia - a variety with large rounded leaves, the flowers are small and look like bells;

  • Bergenia cordifolia is a plant 20-40 cm high. It got its name because of the leaves - they are shaped like hearts. Blooms with white, pink, purple inflorescences.


How to grow in the country perennial flower, will be discussed further.

There are 2 ways to propagate it: by dividing the bush or growing from seeds.

Dividing the bush

This method allows you to grow a healthy and strong bergenia plant.

It is necessary to start dividing the bush in May or June. Its roots are located shallow, which makes it easy to dig them up without damaging the main root.

After separation, each root should have 3 buds and 3 leaves. Next, dig holes 15-20 cm deep. Take cuttings and place them inside the hole.

The distance between each plant is left at least 35-50 cm, since bergenia grows in width and not in height.

Don't forget to water the soil immediately after planting. This method reproduction can be used once every 4-5 years.

Step-by-step instructions for growing from seeds

Growing bergenia from seeds is more problematic than dividing the bush. The process is more labor-intensive and time-consuming.

The seeds of the plant are small and difficult to work with. Experienced gardeners It is recommended to sow bergenia in containers and leave them outside all winter.

There they winter under the snow, and with the arrival of warmth they are brought into the warmth.

In May, seedlings are planted in separate boxes, pots or cups at a distance of 5 cm.

Planting bergenia seedlings in open ground

Planting bergenia in the ground in the spring will not be difficult. Particular attention should be paid to the soil, and fertilizing should be applied in a timely manner.

With proper care, bergenia will grow beautiful and decorate the area abundant flowering.

What should the soil be like, should it be fed?

Bergenia grows worse on clay soils. The soil should be light, you can dilute it with sand or small crushed stone.

Excessive moisture will have an unfavorable effect on the plant, so it is better that the soil is drained. Overflow can also affect the flowering and growth of bergenia.

It is best to replant the plant in early spring or summer.

To do this, first dig holes 30 cm deep and water. Afterwards, the incense is placed and sprinkled with earth.

It is important to remove all weeds that interfere with the development of the plant and take nutrients from the soil.

After 14-21 days, when the flowering period has passed, fertilizers are also applied. Fertilizing stimulates the process of maturation, aging of foliage, they begin to change color.

Watering rules

Bergenia will grow and bloom beautifully if you provide it regular watering. It is important not to flood the soil, but not to let it dry out!

You need to focus on weather conditions and soil conditions. It is also recommended to mulch the soil around the plant, as it promotes uniform evaporation of moisture.

It is necessary to water in the morning or evening so that the plant in the sun does not get burned from drops of water on the leaves.

If bergenia does not grow in a central or visible area, dried and fallen leaves do not need to be removed.

They cover the soil and protect the plant from overheating in hot weather.

Pruning bergenia leaves

Trim leaves from hybrids - herbaceous plants for open ground - not a prerequisite. They do this only for aesthetic reasons. When the bergenia is in a visible place, fallen and damaged leaves spoil the entire appearance.

Note! If you decide to remove all fallen leaves, be sure to mulch the soil around the plant. This will not only protect you from overheating, it will also winter period will help the flower survive frosts better.

Diseases and pests

Evergreen bergenia gets sick quite rarely, and pests also rarely attack it.

With proper care, the plant does not get sick, otherwise various problems may appear, including:

Serious mistakes gardeners make when growing bergenia

Among the most common mistakes that gardeners make are the following:

  1. The seed is planted too deeply into the soil. In this case, it is very difficult for fragile sprouts to get through the thickness of the earth.
  2. Early planting of seedlings in open ground, bypassing hardening. After transplantation, the plant becomes vulnerable and gets sick. Hardening, which is carried out gradually, will help you adapt faster to new conditions. It promotes rapid adaptation to a new place, and also increases the resistance of bergenia to diseases and insect pests.
  3. They forget to mulch the soil.
  4. Excessive watering. It is detrimental to the flower and can cause fungal diseases or pests.
  5. Seedlings are planted in sunny areas where the scorching sun predominates. Leaves may begin to dry out and turn yellow.

Why doesn't bergenia bloom?

The bergenia flower is a unique, winter-hardy and unpretentious plant.

With its abundant flowering it decorates any flower garden or flower bed. But sometimes flowering occurs only after many years or does not occur at all.

The reasons for this unpleasant event may be the following:

  1. Young bergenia plants begin to bloom late. This is especially true for plants obtained from seeds. Most often, flowering begins only 4 years after planting.
  2. Long adaptation after transplantation into open ground. A flower or part of a rhizome may become sick during propagation; it takes a lot of time for it to take root in a new place.
  3. Insufficient lighting plot. Sunlight is necessary during the formation of buds. If bergenia is planted in the shade, it may be slightly delayed in flowering.
  4. Too dense planting also affects flowering. During growth, the bushes become crowded and do not bloom. You can correct the situation if you plant the plants apart from each other.

Combination with other plants

Bergenia in garden design looks great both in group plantings and growing separately.

Hybrid bergenia allows you to combine it with other flowers and create original compositions. Bergenia is combined with plants such as:

  • lungwort;
  • juniper;
  • fern;
  • astilbe.

Bergenia looks amazing under a tree. Another great option is when bergenia grows among snowdrops and crocuses.

Bergenia in garden design

Most main feature The plant is its unpretentiousness and frost resistance.

Even a novice gardener can cope with growing a flower.

Alone or surrounded by other flowers, bergenia looks impressive; it will not leave any gardener indifferent.

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For landscaping a personal plot, it is convenient and practical to choose perennials that do not require complex care. The advantage of such plants is that once you have chosen and planted suitable flowers, you can forget about sowing and replanting. long years. One of these perennials is recommended to use bergenia in landscape design, a photo of which is unreasonably rare in photographs of flower beds and rockeries. It is rather known as a medicinal plant, but at the same time, bergenia is valued by flower growers for its decorative qualities.

Features of the plant

The natural habitat of the perennial plant bergenia is the countries of Asia and the Far East; it is widespread in Siberia and Altai. In the wild, specimens with white and pink inflorescences are more common. But thanks to the efforts of breeders, representatives of these saxifrages with red, violet, lilac shades of petals appeared.

Bergenia thickleaf

The average height of plant stems ranges from 5 to 40 cm. Therefore, in flower beds they can occupy the positions of both low-growing and medium-height flowers. The leaves are large, with a matte or shiny surface, collected in a rosette near the ground.

Advice. Bergenia grows well in sunny areas and in the shade. This feature allows you to use the perennial as a border plant in open areas, plant it on slopes or refresh it with them. decorative plantings conifers.

Varieties and types of bergenia

The basis modern varieties Bergenia contains several wild plant species:

  • Bergenia thick-leaved - reaches a height of 0.5 m. The tall stem is crowned with inflorescences strewn with bright pink fragrant flowers. The plant has a decorative appearance not only in the spring during flowering, but also in the summer-autumn period, when the light green leaves acquire a purple tint.
  • Pacific bergenia - produces a tall, thick peduncle, strewn with small flowers at the top purple flowers bell shapes. The large oval green leaves turn purple in the fall months.
  • Bergenia cordifolia - on average grows up to 30-40 cm. It received its name due to the unusual shape of its lush foliage. The buds bloom with petals of white and purple flowers, pink and lilac shades.

Propagation of bergenia and preparation for planting

To decorate your plot with perennial bergenia, propagation is carried out by dividing the bush and sowing seeds.

Application in landscape design

When choosing a place for planting, it is important to consider that areas where stagnant water is possible are not suitable for perennials. Such conditions at subzero temperatures lead to freezing and inevitable damage to the root system. As for the composition of the soil, bergenia is undemanding in this regard. It grows equally well on clay and rocky soils.

Measures to prepare the site for planting include:

  • digging the area to a depth of 20-30 cm;
  • removal of weed roots and other vegetation;
  • adding equal parts of humus, turf soil and sand.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

To quickly get flowering bergenia on your site, use propagation by dividing the bush. The optimal time for this procedure is the period from the end of May to the second ten days of June - immediately after flowering. The age suitable for division is at least 5 years.

Young perennial plantings

  1. The soil around the bushes selected for propagation is loosened - this will make it easier to remove the bush from the ground.
  2. Using a sharp sterilized instrument, cut the curtain along with the root into pieces.
  3. The resulting sections are dipped in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for several hours.
  4. At this time, it is necessary to prepare the holes. The holes are dug about 10-15 cm deep, no closer than 40 cm.
  5. Planting material is buried tightly and watered.

Important! Bergenia tolerates dry weather well. But during the rooting period, the perennial must be watered regularly.

Propagation by seeds

When it doesn't seem possible reproduction By dividing the perennial bergenia bush, growing seedlings from seeds will take a little longer, but the grower will be confident in preserving the varietal characteristics of the selected hybrids. Sowing begins in early March. For this:

  1. A box or other container measuring about 50x70 cm is filled with a universal earthen mixture for flowers.
  2. Make grooves in the soil no more than 0.5 cm deep at a distance of 3 cm each.
  3. The depressions are watered with warm water and the seeds are laid out in them, crushing the soil on top.
  4. Crops are left indoors at a temperature no higher than +18...+19°C.
  5. Care consists of regular watering.

Seedlings appear after 3 weeks. You can transfer seedlings to the garden bed at the beginning of summer.

Bergenia cordifolia

Planting holes are dug about 5-7 cm deep at a distance of 40 cm. They need to create a drainage layer of sand and fill it with a nutrient mixture, which includes:

  • turf soil - 2 parts;
  • humus – 1 hour;
  • loamy soil – 1 hour;
  • sand – 1 tsp.

Reference. For the winter, young plants are mulched with peat or fallen leaves in the first year. In the future, stronger bushes will not need shelter. Flowering occurs no earlier than the third year after sowing.

Further care

A properly planted perennial bergenia will not require much time to grow and care for in the future:

  • in the absence of precipitation in the warm season, bergenia is watered no more than once a week;
  • to save decorative look When planting, it is recommended to remove weeds; for preventive purposes, row spacing is mulched with peat and humus;
  • after flowering ends, remove dried inflorescences;
  • in the spring, cut off the old overwintered leaves of the plant;
  • In order for plants to develop well, it is necessary to thin out the bushes in a timely manner.

Important! After transplantation, the perennial takes a long time to take root in its new location. During this period, carefully monitor the condition of the soil, keeping it moderately moist.

Fertilizer application

In the wild, bergenia does without fertilizers, however, cultivated varieties have higher decorative properties and to maintain bright flowering, as well as the overall attractive appearance of the bergenia plant, planting and care in open ground includes not only pre-sowing fertilization of the soil, but also the application of fertilizing throughout life flower.

For this purpose, mineral supplements are used:

  • in spring, universal fertilizer for garden flowers is applied to the beds;
  • In autumn, plantings are watered with a superphosphate solution at the rate of 20 g per bucket of water for watering 1 square meter. m plot.

Preparing for winter

Bergenia is frost-resistant. IN natural conditions the perennial undergoes significant temperature fluctuations, from +30°C in summer to -40°C in winter. Therefore, an adult plant can do without shelter for the winter.

Badan in winter

In addition, such measures warm winters I can even harm the flower, which will rot under a layer of mulch and become a target for fungal diseases.

Medicinal properties

Bergenia, the medicinal properties of which have been valued since ancient times folk medicine, can be indispensable assistants in health promotion. In addition to the fact that the perennial is used as a hemostatic, wound-healing and anti-inflammatory agent, it is used in cooking.

Tea made from bergenia leaves strengthens the immune system, has an anti-stress effect, and restores male strength. Rhizomes are added to soups and side dishes are prepared from it.

  1. The rhizomes are cleared of soil and washed under running water.
  2. The raw materials are cut into pieces 10-15 cm long.
  3. The blanks are laid out on fabric or paper and left to dry in a well-ventilated area.
  4. In contact with

    Today we will look at growing Bergenia from seeds in open ground and find out what features exist in caring for the plant. Let's discuss prevention against diseases and pests. We will also analyze common mistakes flower growers and answer the most common questions.

    Bergenia is a herbaceous perennial plant of medicinal and decorative value. In its natural environment it grows in the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere. Bergenia can be found in Primorye, Altai Territory, Siberia. Grows well on mountain slopes, rocky and forest-steppe areas.

    Bergenia has a powerful root system. The leaves are large, leathery, and remain green until late autumn, which allows this plant to be classified as an evergreen. However, the leaves of some types of Bergenia acquire a bronze, brown or burgundy hue in the fall. The plant forms a basal rosette. Read also the article: → “Growing garden yucca: planting, care, breeding features"

    Blooms from late March to late May. Depending on the type and variety, Bergenia flowers are pink, purple, white and red. The flowers are goblet or bell-shaped. The flowers are collected in paniculate inflorescences located on a high peduncle.

    The diameter of Bergenia flowers is no more than 2 cm. There are up to 120 flowers in one inflorescence

    Growing Bergenia from seeds in open ground: conditions

    Bergenia grows well in light and loose soils. Tolerates alkaline and moist soils well. Areas located in partial shade or under canopy are suitable for planting Badan. tall trees. When planted in a sunny area, the growth and development of the plant is weakened, spots in the form of burns form on the leaves, the inflorescences are drooping, and the flowers quickly fade.

    The horizontal roots of the plant are located close to the soil surface, so they are difficult to tolerate dry areas. To protect the root system, the soil is mulched, which allows it to retain moisture on the driest days.

    The main care for bergenia is watering and thinning. The plant should be watered frequently, but moderately, avoiding waterlogging of the soil. The thinning procedure is carried out to prevent the development of disease and pests.

    Badan – ground cover plant, forms dense thickets, thanks to which it clogs weeds

    Step-by-step instructions for growing Bergenia from seeds

    Bergenia begins to bear fruit in the second half of July and ends in mid-August. The seeds are contained in a dry box. Each box contains several hundred seeds. The seeds are small up to 2 mm.

    Seeds can be sown in open ground and sown in containers for growing seedlings. Experienced gardeners recommend not sowing seeds immediately in open ground, but germinating them in shallow trays. Reproduction at home will allow the seedlings to become stronger before planting in open ground.

    The generative method of propagation of Badan is a long process. During the first 1.5-2 years, young plants obtained from seeds develop slowly and require care.

    Badan seedlings bloom on average 3-4 years after sowing

    Sow seeds in early spring in small containers. It is not recommended to plant seeds deep into the soil; it is enough to mix the seeds with clean coarse sand and spread evenly over the surface wet soil. The crops are covered with film and placed outside under the snow. In the second half of March, containers with sowing are brought into warm room. The appearance of friendly shoots begins after 25 days.

    Young shoots sprout when the first leaf appears. Planted for growing in open ground in mid-May. However, seedlings are planted in a permanent place in the second year or as soon as the rosette of leaves reaches 10-12 cm. In the table we consider several types of purchased soil suitable for sowing Badan seeds:

    The purchased soil contains a balanced composition of macro- and microelements, which is necessary for growing strong seedlings. When watering, such soil will prevent the formation of lumps and provide the plant with nutrients. Purchased soil will allow you to avoid the development of diseases and pests, the appearance of which is not uncommon when using fertilized soil taken from ready-made beds, greenhouses, flower beds. Read also the article: → “Care and cultivation of Buddleia”

    Purchased soil provides good oxygen access to the roots of young plants, and also allows for even distribution of moisture in the soil. Soil acidity is neutral

    Tip #1: To grow seedlings, you must use soil without decomposing organic matter. Such organic matter displaces nitrogen compounds from the soil mixture. Nitrogen is necessary for the development of seedlings initial stage growth. Moreover, the decomposition of organic matter generates a lot of heat, which leads to overheating of the soil and the death of the still weak root system of young plants. Often, strong heating of the soil leads to the death of seeds.

    Planting Badan seedlings in open ground

    Bergenia seedlings are planted in the spring - in mid-March. This period is the most favorable for the rooting of young seedlings. With proper care, the seedlings will grow stronger and accumulate all the necessary nutrients for the winter.

    Before planting, seedlings must be acclimatized, namely, seedlings should be brought into the garden in early March on the warmest and windiest days. After some time, as soon as the morning frosts and night frosts are over, the seedlings are left overnight in the area under a plastic cover. Then the cover is removed and the plant continues to be hardened for several more days.

    Before planting in open ground, seedlings are watered with liquid fertilizer containing nitrogen-phosphorus compounds. This feeding will speed up the rooting of seedlings in a new place. Before planting seedlings in open ground, it is necessary to prepare the soil. The soil should be light and loose, such soil is well warmed up by the weak rays of the sun. If the soil is clayey, sand must be added; V sandy soils add a little clay. Holes in the soil are formed with a depth of no more than 2-2.5 cm. The seedlings are planted in open ground along with a lump of earth. The seedlings are placed at a distance of 10-12 cm. After planting, the seedlings are moderately watered with water room temperature.

    Tip #2: After planting in open ground, Badan seedlings must be covered with film. This will protect young plants from sudden frosts, bright rays of the sun, heavy rainfall and pests. The film is periodically opened slightly to ventilate the seedlings. As soon as the plant takes root, the film is removed.

    Planted seedlings must be mulched. Mulch in the first stages of plant development will suppress the growth of weeds and retain the required amount of moisture and heat in the soil. In the table we consider suitable material for mulching young Badan plants:

    Organic types of mulch, in addition to retaining heat and moisture in the soil and protecting against weeds, improve the structure of the topsoil. Inorganic species Mulches shade the soil well and retain moisture, but on persistently hot days they can lead to overheating of the soil or cause a greenhouse effect.

    Cultivated varieties of Bergenia for planting in the garden

    In nature, there are about 10 species of Bergenia, from which they were obtained garden forms plants. Garden forms of Badan are hybrids of various origins. In the table we consider the varietal characteristics of each of the above Badan varieties:

    Garden varieties Plant height (cm) Features of flowers Leaf Features


    45-50 The inflorescences are dense, the flowers are reddish-pink Ellipsoidal leaf shape. Green in spring and summer, red-burgundy in autumn
    "Thick-leaved" 45-50 The flowers are large up to 2 cm, dark pink The leaves are wide, hard, fleshy. In spring, summer – light green, by autumn – red-brown with shine
    "Heart-leaved" 30-35 Inflorescences pink or bright purple The leaves are heart-shaped, hard, smooth, and shiny. Green in spring and summer, red-burgundy in autumn
    "Schmidt" 35-40 Inflorescences are bright scarlet Ellipsoidal shape of leaves In spring, in summer the leaves are matte, green in color, by autumn they are green with a blue tint.
    "Bach" 35-40 Cone-shaped inflorescences, white flowers Ellipsoidal, rigid. Dark green in spring and summer, brown in autumn

    To grow Badan, it is necessary to prepare such areas in which the plant will grow for 8-10 years. It is important to remember that all garden forms of Badan are difficult to tolerate the transplantation procedure.

    All Badan varieties do not like stagnation of water in the soil, and also do not tolerate exposure to direct sunlight. Waterlogged soil often leads to rotting of the root system.

    Bergenia is rarely affected by diseases and pests. The development of the disease is observed only when improper care behind the plant. The absence of pests is due to the specific chemical composition plants that repel the vast majority of pests. Experienced gardeners note that Badan is affected by slobbering pentilia and nematodes. Pennytail appears if the plant is planted in shady areas with frequent accumulation of water in the soil. Nematodes develop in the soil when large amounts of organic matter are added.

    Badan looks impressive against the backdrop of artificial reservoirs and among stones

    To prevent the development of diseases and the appearance of pests, it is necessary to regularly remove dead above-ground plant organs, as well as promptly remove fallen leaves and weeds. When planting is dense, it is recommended to carry out a thinning procedure.

    Bergenia in landscape design

    Garden forms of Badan are widely used as ornamental plant for decorating shady areas in the garden. This planting creates the appearance of a natural landscape in the form of an edge or clearing. The plant looks harmonious on rocky areas of a personal plot, as well as as borders. Due to the ornamental shape of the foliage and the bright color of the inflorescences, Bergenia is widely used in landscape design. Looks good in combination with narrow-leaved and variegated flower crops. Read also the article: → “Growing kniphofia: propagation, planting and caring for a garden flower”

    Bergenia looks good when planted along garden paths. Thanks to the horizontal root system, which develops close to the surface, Bergenia successfully takes root and grows in areas with uneven surfaces.

    Bergenia looks organically in a composition with thujas and green pine needles

    Serious mistakes gardeners make when growing Bergenia

    The main mistakes are:

    1. The seeds are planted deep into the soil.
    2. Seedlings are planted in early spring without hardening.
    3. Rooted seedlings are not mulched.
    4. Produce frequent and abundant watering.
    5. Seedlings are grown in the sunniest areas.

    Frequently asked questions from gardeners

    Question No. 1. What material should not be used to mulch Bergenia seedlings?

    Answer: Types of organic mulch such as sawdust, wood shavings and bark, when rotting, extract nitrogen from the soil, which impairs the development and rooting of young plants. Use of fallen leaves as mulch should be done with extreme caution. It is not recommended to bring in foliage from diseased trees or trees that have been treated with chemicals.

    Question No. 2. When can you replant an adult Bergenia plant?

    Answer: Badan does not tolerate transplantation well. Replant in mid-summer or first half of autumn.

    Question No. 3. What is the optimal age of a Bergenia plant for dividing a bush?

    Answer: Badan aged more than 5 years is suitable for dividing rhizomes. Otherwise, the plant will not tolerate division well, which can lead to disease and death of the plant.

    Question No. 4. At what stage of Badan development can mineral fertilizers be applied?

    Answer: They are fed with mineral fertilizers at the flowering stage and after it ends.

    Question No. 5. Is it possible to sow Badan seeds directly in open ground?

    Answer: It is not recommended to sow Bergenia seeds in open ground; the germination rate of such seeds is low. Sowing seeds in open ground is carried out at the end of March until the end of April. Seedlings appear in about a month. For the winter, the seedlings are covered with straw. It blooms 3-4 years after planting.

    Few people know that from the dried leaves of a plant called bergenia, they prepare very tasty, aromatic and, most importantly, healing tea. Unknowingly, many flower growers and gardeners throw away these dried, wrinkled leaves.

    In Altai (the birthplace of bergenia) such tea is called Chigir tea, but in Siberia it was given a different name - Mongolian. With the onset of spring, the leaves that were under the snow cover and underwent natural fermentation acquire healing properties. So, this unusual tea can strengthen the immune system, cure a large number of diseases, and it also has excellent tonic properties. Not so long ago, the dried leaves of this wonderful plant could be freely purchased at the market. Fresh green bergenia leaves are not used to make medicinal tea, but they are used when preparing cabbage rolls (instead of cabbage leaves).

    Once you try this wonderful drink, you will definitely want to grow bergenia yourself, which is quite simple to do, since this plant is unpretentious, and it can also suppress growth weed around you. With the onset of spring, all you have to do is collect the remaining leaves, wash them thoroughly and dry them, and then you can prepare delicious tea from them. These leaves are stored in canvas bags. By the way, this drink can be drunk at almost any age. It is noteworthy that the rhizome of bergenia has healing properties, medicinal ointments and decoctions are prepared from it.

    Bergenia is an evergreen perennial and belongs to the saxifrage family. It has not only healing properties, but also a spectacular appearance. This plant is also called bergenia (lat. Bergenia), and it is named after the German botanist and doctor Carl Bergen.

    This plant has spectacular inflorescences of small goblet-shaped flowers. They are placed on peduncles on which leaves are completely absent. In one inflorescence there are approximately 120 fairly large (up to 2 centimeters in diameter) flowers. Its shiny large leaves, shaped like elephant ears, are collected in a basal rosette. That is why it is sometimes also called “elephant ears”. This plant can add zest to the architecture of any garden. Thus, it is often used when composing compositions with narrow-leaved and variegated plants such as arabis, hosta or phlox. They also look great when combined with rocks and small ponds.

    There are only 10 types of bergenia, and most of them are suitable for growing in the garden. However, if you want to drink medicinal tea from this plant, then you will need to plant bergenia. To plant it, you need to choose a shaded place, preferably not far from trees, or rather in their shade. If you place it in sunny place, then bergenia will grow extremely poorly, and its development will occur slowly.

    Sufficiently light, loose, moist and slightly alkaline soil is suitable for planting bergenia, and all because its horizontal, thick roots are very weak. They are located very close to the surface of the soil, and that is why it is so important to prevent the soil from drying out or stagnating moisture in it. In wild conditions, the root system is protected by fallen leaves, because they mulch the soil, helping to retain moisture in extremely dry weather, and they also protect the soil from waterlogging during heavy rains. When grown in gardens, these dry leaves are removed spring time, like garbage or collected as medicinal raw materials, and because of this, the root system is deprived of natural protection.

    Bergenia is characterized by intensive growth. So, if you plant a couple of small sprouts side by side after 2 or 3 years, they will completely cover the surface of the soil. A large number of evergreen silky leaves grow from small adventitious roots of the mother root system. In this regard, bergenia completely suppresses the growth of weeds near it and there is no need to weed it.

    Thick, dark green petioles of bergenia emerge from under the snow cover at the very beginning of spring. They grow very quickly, and already in the last weeks of April or the first weeks of May, flowering begins, which lasts until the end of June. Its flowers are collected in panicles and their petals have a slight coating of wax. These fragrant flowers are purple, bright red, pink or White color. These spectacular panicles rise above the rosettes of ornamental leaves. In autumn, these leaves turn brown-lilac or bright bronze, and they remain that way until spring. Bergenia can bloom twice a year, and the second flowering occurs in August or September.


    Bergenia can be propagated by dividing the bush or by seeds.

    How to grow bergenia from seeds

    Sowing seeds should be done in the first half of March. To do this, it is advisable to prepare a wooden box (size 50x70 centimeters) by pouring purchased flower soil into it. Seeds are sown in grooves half a centimeter deep, located at a distance of 3 centimeters from each other. First, these grooves are carefully poured with warm water, and then the seeds are sprinkled lightly. Place the box in partial shade, in a warm place (temperature between 18–19 degrees). Watering should be done systematically. Sprouts will usually appear after 3 weeks. And after a month they can be thinned out. Seedlings are planted in the first days of June.

    Shallow holes (up to 6 centimeters) are made in open ground, and it is recommended to place them in a checkerboard pattern of 40x40 centimeters. First, a small amount of sand is poured into each hole, and then an earth mixture consisting of humus, loamy and turf soil, as well as sand mixed in a ratio of 1: 1: 2: 1. Plant development occurs extremely slowly. Before the onset of cold weather, they usually have 2 leaves of shoots and this is quite normal. During the first wintering, the bergenia should be covered with peat or fallen leaves. In the following years, this will no longer be necessary. This medicinal plant will bloom 3 or 4 years after planting.

    Features of bergenia propagation by dividing the bush

    This method of propagating bergenia is quite simple. When new roots grow, they are very close to the surface of the soil, and therefore they can be easily dug up without damaging the mother rhizome. The plant is propagated in this way in May or June. The cuttings should have at least 3 buds and 2–3 leaves. The separated roots are planted in holes 10–15 centimeters deep and placed 30–50 centimeters apart. Planted cuttings need to be watered abundantly. The bergenia bush should be divided no more than once every 4 or 5 years. At the same time, do not forget that this flower grows in width and requires a large amount of free space.

    Features of care

    Caring for this plant is very simple. In autumn, dried inflorescences need to be removed, and in spring, withered leaves. In the 1st season, after the bergenia is planted, you need to mulch the ground (for any method of propagation). Watering is carried out as needed, but make sure that the soil does not dry out. It is also necessary to add mineral fertilizers to the soil. In the spring it is recommended to use the Kemira Lux universal fertilizer, and in the autumn - a solution of superphosphate fertilizer (20 grams per 10 liters of water per 1 square meter land).

    Remember that bergenia has an extremely negative attitude towards transplants, and it grows and develops quite well in the same place for 10 years.

    Main types

    Bergenia thickleaf

    The bush reaches a height of half a meter. The fragrant flowers are dark pink, and the shiny leaves are light green. In autumn, the leaves change their color to brown-red.

    Pacific bergenia

    Its bell-shaped flowers are painted in a bright soft lilac color. The leaves are large (diameter up to 20 cm), round in shape.

    Bergenia cordifolia

    The height of the bush, depending on the growing conditions and plant variety, ranges from 20 to 40 centimeters. The flowers are colored pink, purple, white or lilac. It has lush heart-shaped leaves.

    Video review

    “Siberian tea” is the name given to the “bergenia” plant. This beautiful and easy-to-care flower has medicinal properties. It can be found in nature on rocky surfaces. They are attracted to lowland plants and places along streams.

    Description of the plant

    Bergenia, called “saxifrage thick-leaved,” belongs to the category of evergreen and perennial plants. What distinguishes bergenia from other plants is the presence of a powerful, thick rhizome and an inflorescence of fragrant, bell-shaped flowers. Bergenia leaves are dark green in color. The height of the plant can reach 50 cm. The color palette includes white, pink, lilac, purple, and dark crimson options.

    Attention! There are 5 varieties of bergenia known in culture. The most popular are thick-leaved and hybrid. Medicinal properties more pronounced in thick-leaved bergenia.

    Landscape designers love to use this plant. There are several reasons for this:

    1. Several specimens planted nearby quickly cover the ground underneath with their bright green leaves.
    2. Bergenia “survives” weeds.
    3. Pairs well with a wide variety of plants.

    After winter, leaves with a brown tint appear from under the snow. Subsequently they turn green. The flowering period of the plant is April–May.

    Planting and caring for the plant

    Bergenia, planting and caring for which is optimal in the spring, has another interesting property. The leaves change color to bright red in the heat of autumn, making a great addition to any landscape of the season.

    Before planting bergenia in a new area, you need to make sure that the soil is suitable. It is better if the soil is:

    • moisturized;
    • drained;
    • light.

    The plant feels great in partial shade. If planted in full sun or shade, the plant may survive but will not produce abundant blooms. A contraindication for planting bergenia is the presence of clay soil on the site. In addition, there should be no stagnation of water. Otherwise, the plant will begin to hurt or even rot.

    You can grow bergenia from seeds or carry out vegetative propagation. After the plant is first planted in the ground, it feels great for ten years. Bergenia cannot withstand frequent transplants.

    Important! Planting and care in open ground are more desirable. But in some cases, those who want to see bergenia throughout the year plant the plant in greenhouses.

    Features of plant care

    During the dry season, “Siberian tea” should be watered once a week. Although in general, the plant tolerates drought without problems.

    1. Fertilizing the plant should be done in the spring after flowering.
    2. Remove dry inflorescences. An exception is if propagation by seeds is planned.
    3. You need to carefully clean the plant of dry leaves in the spring to prevent the roots from being hit by suddenly returning frosts.
    4. Protect the plant from weevils.
    5. During the winter, you should cover the roots of the plant to prevent it from freezing.

    Attention! Bergenia does not like excessive watering, which can lead to spots on its leaves.

    There are many varieties of bergenia on sale that are not adapted to harsh winter conditions. If the plant is not covered for the winter or dry foliage is cut off in the fall, then in the spring the bergenia will be forced to spend energy restoring its greenery. Such a plant will not be able to bloom.

    Considering that “Siberian tea” grows in breadth, when planting, plants should be left between 30 and 50 cm between rosettes so that they do not interfere with each other during the development process.

    To help the plant develop successfully, it is recommended to fertilize it. This is usually done before flowering. The following composition can be used as a feeding agent:

    • 2 tablespoons of nitrophoska;
    • 5 kg of compost;
    • 5 kg of peat.

    All these components are thoroughly mixed together and placed under the leaves of the plant.

    Ways to propagate bergenia

    The easiest way is to divide the bergenia rosette into parts and transplant it to a new place. The root of the plant is close to the surface. If you take even a piece with one bud, the plant will take root easily.

    Plant propagation

    Experienced gardeners also advise planting a segment with a slope. This ensures faster rooting of the plant and will also increase the number of vegetative buds. This will allow for faster new propagation of bergenia.

    Bergenia planting time

    Those who want to use this method of transplanting usually ask, at what time should the bergenia be divided? Planting and care in late autumn in this case will be a mistake. The most favorable period is the end of July - August. This will additionally lead to the fact that bergenia will not thicken in the area.

    Planting seeds and caring for the garden in the future is carried out, on the contrary, from the spring period. In this case, the plant will have time to strengthen well before frost. If you want to plant bergenia seeds in the fall, you should additionally thoroughly cover the area chosen for planting with peat or sawdust. This will increase the chances of spring germination.

    Disadvantages of the seed method of plant propagation:

    1. Long period of growing the plant.
    2. Low germination of seeds planted in autumn.
    3. After germination, replanting will be required (reproduction occurs in two stages).
    4. In the first year, the plant will produce only 5 leaves, which does not allow the rosette to be used for design purposes.

    Attention! "Siberian tea" can be planted as seedlings. In order for the plant to gain enough strength, seeds should be planted in boxes or containers in February.

    Plants that were obtained from seeds should bloom only after 3–4 years.

    Bergenia diseases

    Like any plant, bergenia can be affected by any disease. Although it should be noted that pests do not attack bergenia so often. The diseases are mainly fungal in nature and are associated with wrong choice soil or care.

    The leaves of the plant are most often affected. They can become “leaky” due to the work of slugs, snails, and weevils. In this case, it is necessary to treat the plant with special chemicals. They should not be used in hot weather, as this can destroy the plant.

    Rarely, plant damage by nematodes does occur. It is difficult to get rid of this type of pest. They lay their eggs on the rhizome of bergenia. As a result, even cleaning the soil is unable to get rid of the problem. If a decision is made to replant bergenia, then chemical treatment is carried out in its place, and planting is not carried out in this area for a long time.

    Important! If spots appear on the leaves of the plant or the bergenia has stopped blooming, you should make sure that there is no excessive moisture. In addition, you can treat with nitrophoska or ash.

    An amazing and versatile plant in its properties, the bergenia plant will definitely appeal to its owners due to its ease of care and discreet, but individual appearance.

    Bergenia is an evergreen perennial plant of the Saxifraga family, which grows in its natural environment on rocky terrain or in mountain gorges.

    This plant has a well-developed root system, large dark green leaves with a glossy or matte tint, numerous bell-like flowers collected in shield-shaped inflorescences (each about 2 cm in diameter) of various colors.

    The plant with its healing properties is widely used in folk medicine and cosmetology, especially as a healing and anti-inflammatory agent.

    Bergenia is grown both in the garden and on the windowsill at home. It blooms throughout the last month of spring, capturing the first ten days of summer. In the autumn period, the foliage of this plant begins to accumulate nutrients for the winter, while changing its color to bronze or Brown color, which persists until spring.

    Bergenia and features of its cultivation

    Bergenia, a resident of Altai, Siberia and the Far East, is considered a rather unpretentious plant, resistant to cold and other unfavorable conditions. But still, there are certain nuances and features of its cultivation:

    You can grow bergenia in any light - in the sun, in shady places, it doesn’t matter, the only difference is that with sufficiently bright daylight, the plant blooms well, but does not grow very well.

    The height of some species of this plant can reach half a meter.

    This plant feels quite comfortable even in poor, poor soils. In connection with which the developed garden soil of low fertility will become the best option for the cultivation and growth of this flower.

    This flower requires drainage, as it does not tolerate waterlogged soil. It is recommended to water the plant abundantly only during the period of bud formation.

    Badan maybe for a long time grow in the same place. If you often replant this plant appearance it deteriorates and changes for the worse.

    Bergenia planting and caring for the plant in open ground

    Bergenia, planted and cared for by gardeners, according to existing rules, grows into a strong and beautiful plant.

    Planting a plant

    Before you start planting this plant, you need to choose the area, choosing soil not with clay and rocky soil, but with turf soil or soil diluted with sand, crushed stone, without stagnant water and excessive vegetation.

    The right time to plant Badan is spring or late summer season. During this period, it is necessary to prepare the soil for planting - improve its composition if necessary, destroy weeds, and loosen it.

    Afterwards, you need to dig a hole (up to 35 cm) and place the plant in it, sprinkled with soil on top.

    Important! The plant must be planted with great care to avoid damage to the root system.

    You can also pre-fill the prepared hole for planting Bergenia with water and place the plant’s rhizome in it and cover it with a layer of soil on top. And then, compact the soil along with sawdust and peat added to it.

    When planting a plant using the latter method, Badan will need watering only after 5-6 days.

    Plant care

    Caring for bergenia is not burdensome, but the plant still needs it for normal growth and development:

    Bergenia needs regular and abundant watering, but without further stagnation of water, due to which the soil must be loose and have time to dry out. It is best to water once a week.

    The plant really loves the feeding it needs. Before flowering, application mineral fertilizers, and after that, after half a month, repeated feeding is carried out to activate the process of the appearance of new leaves and the aging of existing leaves, which during this period begin to change their color.

    The soil where bergenia grows must be mulched - with peat, humus 2 - 3 times per season.

    It is also necessary to fight weeds and thin out plantings in a timely manner.

    In its natural environment, Badan grows in places where in winter the temperature reaches 40 degrees, and summer is characterized by intense thaws. In this regard, to prevent damage to the leaves and root system with the onset of frost, it is better to cover the plant with a special material, thereby protecting it from winter winds, and in summer from sun burns.

    Bergenia and its propagation

    Bergenia reproduces both by seed and by dividing the bush:

    • For propagation by seed it is necessary that planting material was large and famous for its germination. The soil should have the following composition:

    River sand.

    Also, for seed germination, you can use a substrate intended indoor plants. Having filled the pot, container, or simply a wooden box with soil mixture, then you need to spill the soil in the container with water at room temperature. And then, at 2-centimeter intervals from each other, make holes (1-2 cm deep) and place the seeds in them. Next, they need to be sprinkled with the existing mixture and placed in a container in a fairly light and warm place. The air temperature of the room where bergenia seeds are germinated should be about 20-22 degrees. Bergenia seeds germinate for a long time, about half a month or more. But then it begins to develop quickly and intensively, growing in a few days to 10-12 centimeters. At the end of spring, the plant can be safely planted in open ground.

    • In just a couple of years, a small bergenia bush can grow in the garden and take over the entire flowerbed. This occurs due to the intensive growth of the rhizome of the plant, which after wintering begins to throw out its shoots. By carefully digging up the bergenia at the base, new shoots of the rhizome can be cut off and planted in other places in the garden plot. In order not to harm the mother root, it is more advisable to divide the shoots in the spring, then by summer the bergenia will bloom profusely and look like a rather lush flower.

    Important! Badan begins to bloom no earlier than two years later.

    Bergenia in open ground

    Before transferring bergenia seedlings to open ground, it is necessary to fertilize the soil well. Compost, ash, manure are suitable for this. After this, ridges can be formed. But it is advisable to plant flowers in open ground no earlier than a week later, in prepared, loosened soil.

    A place for planting bergenia must be chosen that is sufficiently lit, not far from the water.

    At the beginning of spring, this plant must be pruned to remove unnecessary overgrown shoots.

    During the first wintering of bergenia in the open ground, it is more advisable to cover the young shoots with fallen leaves in the fall, then the root system will certainly not freeze and after the snow melts, the plant will again begin to delight its amateur gardener with lush green foliage, and subsequently with lush flowering.