Clematis (Clematis). Decorative climbing honeysuckle: planting, care and propagation

Among the many species of honeysuckle (Lonicera) there are both bush-like and vines - deciduous and evergreen. Honeysuckle vines are good as ground covers and for vertical gardening (designing arches, retaining walls and arbors; camouflaging the trunks of old trees and hedges). Climbing honeysuckles decorate the garden at any time of the year, especially during the flowering period, when they are completely covered with elongated tubular flowers in spectacular inflorescences at the ends of the shoots.

Liana-like honeysuckles have many advantages: numerous leaves and abundant flowering, bright and fragrant flowers (these are wonderful honey plants), decorative fruits. The leaves of most types of honeysuckle are elliptical, dark green above and bluish below.

Among the honeysuckle vines in the garden, the most commonly grown species are:

Or fragrant(L. caprifolium) is a deciduous vine that can rise to a height of 10 meters with the help of support. IN middle lane In Russia this is the most common of the climbing honeysuckles; it is quite frost-resistant, winters under snow (the tips of the shoots often freeze slightly). Honeysuckle is photophilous and demanding of soil fertility and moisture. The leaves are quite large (the upper 2-3 pairs of leaves are fused) and turn yellow at the end of October. The flowers that appear on honeysuckle honeysuckle at the beginning of summer are very fragrant (especially in the evening), white or yellowish inside, purple or reddish outside. Its flowering lasts about 3 weeks. The elegant fruits ripen in early August and decorate the vine until late autumn. Orange-red honeysuckle berries have a short stalk, framed green leaves they seem to glow.

- blue honeysuckle(L. dioica) is very similar in appearance to honeysuckle, but more “miniature” (up to 2 meters tall). Decorative, stable, easy to propagate.

- climbing honeysuckle, or German honeysuckle(L. periclymenum) - common European deciduous honeysuckle (up to 5 meters long). Unlike ordinary honeysuckle, this species does not have fused leaves at the tops of the shoots. Grows successfully in partial shade in a well-ventilated place, on rich soils. Blooms in June-August; Depending on the variety, the color of the flowers can be white, yellow-pink, or purple. The fruits are red. In Moscow conditions, annual shoots freeze a little, but then the plant quickly recovers.

- American honeysuckle(L. americana) is the most powerful vine of all climbing honeysuckles (reaches a height of 6 meters) with dark purple-violet shoots and a dense branched crown. Blooms in July for about 2 weeks; large, fragrant, cream flowers with a purple base. Prefers loose, nutritious, moderately moist soils.

- Honeysuckle Gecrotta(L. heckrottii) is a hybrid of American and evergreen honeysuckle, growing up to 3-4 meters. The flowers are bicolor (yellowish inside, purple outside) or orange-pink. Blooms continuously from June to September. In Moscow conditions it suffers from frost.

- Brown's honeysuckle(L. brownii) - a hybrid of evergreen and rough honeysuckle; reaches a height of 2.5 meters. Has a lot garden forms with different colors of flowers (they are usually odorless), appearing on the plant intermittently from June to late autumn.

- Thälmann's honeysuckle(L. tellmaniana) is a very decorative deciduous vine of hybrid origin. Blooms from the second half of June for 3 weeks; flowers are orange-yellow, odorless.

Evergreen and semi-evergreen honeysuckle vines are very beautiful, but, unfortunately, they are very thermophilic; among them:

- Japanese honeysuckle(L. japonica) - semi-evergreen or evergreen vine with yellow flowers, climbing up to a height of 6 meters along a support; there is a form with golden, wrinkled leaves. It is successfully grown in regions with a warm climate, but in Moscow it freezes severely (even under snow) to the point of death.

- honeysuckle henry(L. henryi) - semi-evergreen vine with brownish-red flowers; tolerates shading. It is thermophilic and freezes slightly in Moscow conditions.

- honeysuckle evergreen blooms for 4-5 months with large reddish or orange flowers up to 5 cm in diameter, which are then replaced by brightly colored fruits. Very thermophilic.

Most types of honeysuckle vines love sunny place position, but shading at the base is very favorable for them. The vines are quite shade-tolerant (however, in the shade, honeysuckle blooms begin later and are less abundant).

Honeysuckle vines grow quickly; many species are undemanding to soil (but develop better in fertile, wet soil), tolerate replanting and crown pruning well due to their high shoot-forming ability. The liana is thinned out after flowering, at the same time cutting out excess old stems.
Honeysuckle growing on infertile soils is recommended to be fed with mineral fertilizers in the spring.

Climbing honeysuckle propagates easily: by seeds, green cuttings, layering.

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There are approximately 200 species of honeysuckle in nature. Honeysuckle is unpretentious, winter-hardy, its flowers are very delicate, and its berries are very impressive, and some are even edible. IN natural conditions Honeysuckle varieties are unevenly distributed. Most species are concentrated in Southeast Asia. In general, honeysuckle grows in the northern hemisphere, occupying large areas in Europe and Asia.

Varieties of honeysuckle

Can be found in deciduous, mixed and coniferous forests of temperate climates. Of course, by adapting, a shrub can have different shapes growth and demand different conditions to moisture, soil, light. In the tropics there are evergreen species of honeysuckle, which are not suitable for a temperate climate with its cold winters.

Unfortunately, in today's gardens and parks not much of the decorative species honeysuckle In addition to such very famous plants as Tatarian honeysuckle and honeysuckle, there is a large number of various and resilient honeysuckles worthy of special attention.

Honeysuckle root system

In honeysuckle it is located close to the surface. Honeysuckle foliage is opposite. As a rule, they are uniform in shape, entire or with a wavy edge, elliptical or oval. The top of the leaf can be pointed or rounded, less often pointed. Honeysuckle flowers are honey-bearing and fragrant. Honeysuckles have species with yellow, cream, white, crimson and pink flowers.

Flowers climbing species Honeysuckles are collected in capitate inflorescences, usually without pedicels. The inflorescences are surrounded by oval or round discs formed by the fusion of leaves.

Honeysuckle berries are red, orange, blue or black. These are berries with very small seeds.

Edible varieties of honeysuckle have dark blue berries of variable shape.

Even for the most novice gardeners, honeysuckle is an ideal tree species: it can delight with flowering and vitality, and tolerates dry, urban climates.

Types and varieties

Honeysuckle brilliant

This honeysuckle comes from Western China. Shining honeysuckle is a beautiful evergreen, densely branched shrub, 2 m tall, with shiny, small, ovate, leathery leaves. It blooms in spring with white, small, fragrant flowers. The fruits are purple, spherical.

Loves a little shade. Withstands haircuts very well. Undemanding to soil. Propagates well by seeds. Honeysuckle is a heat-loving plant. A charming shrub for edges, borders, and edging groups.

Honeysuckle blue

Grows in the undergrowth of mountain forests, in swamps, on slopes. Under natural conditions it is found in the north of the European part of Russia, but is not used in landscaping in the central regions, although it is a wonderful honey-bearing shrub.

Blue honeysuckle is a spreading shrub with brown-red shoots. The leaves of blue honeysuckle are oblong-lanceolate, rounded at the base, with a blunt tip, about 8 cm long. Blue honeysuckle is valuable for its dense crown. This honeysuckle is a valuable early honey plant.

The dark blue berries with eight seeds ripen in July. Blue honeysuckle grows slowly, but forms dense bushes, is shade-tolerant, and frost-resistant. Sensitive to drought. The fruits of this honeysuckle are considered medicinal

There are many forms of blue honeysuckle:

Gracefully colored - with thin red shoots and oblong leaves, the flowers are thinner than those of the main species.

The edible form deserves special attention. Grows in humid mountain forests, preferring calcareous substrates, in the Far East, Eastern Siberia, Korea, China, and Japan.

Straight shrub with brown bark. Leaves of different sizes and shapes. The flowers are yellow or yellow-white. The fruits are almost black with a bluish tinge and taste like blueberries. The shrub begins to bloom and bear fruit in the 4th year.

Winter-hardy, unpretentious. Recommended as fruit bush. Excellent propagation by cuttings and seeds. Blue honeysuckle is not only beautiful, but also most useful shrub is now familiar to many, because it began to be grown in gardens as a fruit and berry plant.

Also, 3 other Far Eastern species of honeysuckle are desirable with it in ornamental gardening: Kamchatka honeysuckle, Turchaninov honeysuckle, Altai honeysuckle. All three species have edible fruits.

Brown's honeysuckle

Brown's honeysuckle is a hybrid of rough honeysuckle and evergreen honeysuckle. A climbing shrub with shoots about 2 m long. Brown's honeysuckle is very decorative due to its bright colors of flowers and their unique shape. Flowering is abundant, inflorescences appear in early July.

This loach does not climb very high on the support, but it looks very beautiful when laid on the ground. Brown's honeysuckle is decorative during the flowering period.

Used for landscaping low fences; in winter, a small shelter is desirable.

Honeysuckle climbing

Under natural conditions, it is widespread in Southern Europe.

Curly, tall bush 5 m in height, with great variability of leaves. Flowers of climbing honeysuckle are in dense capitate inflorescences, white inside, with a carmine corolla outside.

It begins to bloom in July and continues until September. The red fruits of climbing honeysuckle ripen in August. It begins to bloom and bear fruit in the 3rd year.

The shrub grows quickly, therefore, the shape is well restored after freezing in winter period annual shoots, and since climbing honeysuckle will bloom on the shoots of the current year, it

It has decorative forms: golden - golden leaves at the beginning of development; Belgian - with more plump leaves than the previous form, purple flowers.

But the climbing late honeysuckle deserves special attention - a vine about 3 m in length. Annual shoots are slightly pubescent or bare, yellowish or red at the top. The foliage is dark green above, bluish below, ovate.

The flowers of this honeysuckle are two-lipped, dark red on the outside, then turn pale, and yellow on the inside. Climbing honeysuckle blooms profusely and for a long time, from June to August. The berries are red. Gardeners really like it. In Russia in the middle zone, it is recommended to remove shoots from supports in the fall and cover them with spruce branches and dry leaves on top.

There are varieties of climbing honeysuckle:

("Belgica ") "Belgica " - the flowers are white with red stripes, then they turn yellow.

("Graham Thomas ") "Graham Thomas " - white flowers turn yellow when they fade.

("Serotina ") "Serotina "- the flowers are creamy white on the inside, purple on the outside.

("Minister ") "Munster " - the flowers in buds are dark pink, when they bloom white-pink, then become cream.

Thälmann's honeysuckle

Thälmann's honeysuckle is a hybrid between Honeysuckle evergreen and Honeysuckle honeysuckle.

A liana with oblong leaves, green above, bluish below. Under the inflorescence, the upper pair of leaves are fused. Thälmann's honeysuckle flowers b cm, orange-golden. It blooms very beautifully and profusely for about 12 days. The berries are yellow-orange.

Thälmann's honeysuckle is prized for its lush blooms and dense foliage. Used for vertical gardening. Demanding on soil fertility. Light-loving, but can also bloom in partial shade. In cold winters it can be damaged by frost. To avoid this, it is necessary to remove the vines from the supports and cover them with spruce branches.

Honeysuckle Hekrota

Hekrota honeysuckle is a hybrid of American honeysuckle and evergreen honeysuckle.

The liana rises to a height of 3 m and is very elegant in flowering: its inflorescences consist of a huge number of large flowers, each about 6 cm in length, the flowers of Hekrota honeysuckle are purple on the outside, almost yellow on the inside: it blooms from June to August. To prevent Hekrota honeysuckle from frostbiting, it should be planted on the south side.

Japanese honeysuckle

It is a very fragrant semi-evergreen vine. Anyone who was in the Caucasus probably saw it along the roads and near housing. Japanese honeysuckle is native to Korea, China or Japan.

Japanese honeysuckle grows quickly and produces many layerings. Blooms luxuriantly in June. The flowers are white, with a purple tint, and very fragrant. In the middle zone it can only grow in the sun.

However, even with excellent care it will not bloom every year. If desired, Japanese honeysuckle can be grown indoors.

Japanese honeysuckle has a very elegant form - with delicate leaves in a yellow net - "Aureoreticulata". This variety can also be grown indoors.

It has won its place in gardens thanks to its amazing aroma and unusual graceful flowers. True, not all species have an aroma, but about 180 of them are known, and in a warm climate it is possible to ensure flowering of honeysuckle forms during almost the entire growing season. Honeysuckle flowers are tubular or bell-shaped, up to 5 cm long, with a five-membered corolla. In many plants, the four upper lobes fuse and the lower lobe bends back to reveal the stamens. The leaves are usually 3-10 cm long and can be oval, elongated, lanceolate or rounded. The fleshy berries are spherical or ovoid, and only in rare cases are they edible. Honeysuckle attracts birds, hedgehogs and other wildlife, and its flowers are a good source of nectar for bees and butterflies.

These deciduous, evergreen and semi-evergreen plants grow wild in the Northern Hemisphere. They prefer moist but well-drained clay soil, but can grow in almost any soil. Some like sun, others like shade, but plants are often attacked by aphids in hot, dry conditions.

Pests and diseases

Honeysuckle is represented either by shrubs or woody vines. These two life forms will be discussed separately.

  • Shrubs

These honeysuckles are ideal for mixed borders or shrub borders. These include extremely fragrant, flowering in early spring Lonicera fragraiuissirna (Aromatic honeysuckle) and L. purpusii (J. purpusa). Low species such as L. pileata can make good groundcovers, while Nitida is suitable for traditional hedges. A resilient shrub such as L. maackii can withstand particularly harsh conditions.

All shrubby honeysuckle species bloom well in the sun. The flowers are 1.5-4 cm long, arranged in pairs, the leaves are opposite and, as a rule, sessile.

Chaetocarpa (F. bristles)

This upright, deciduous shrub bears drooping light yellow flowers with a faint scent from late spring to early summer. Flowers with bracts. In mid-summer, bright red berries ripen. The leaves are bristly. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.2x1.2 m (5 years). Maximum height-2.4 m.

L. fragrantissima (J. most fragrant)

In early spring, and sometimes at the end of spring, the air in the garden is filled with the strongest aroma of the creamy yellow flowers of this plant. Dull red berries ripen in late spring. Leathery leaves are semi-evergreen on open places and evergreen in plants protected from cold winds. In Russia it grows only in the southern regions. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.5x1.5 m (5 years). Maximum height is 2.7 m.

L. involucrata (F. blanket)

Surrounded by heart-shaped bracts, small yellow or red-tinged flowers appear on this hardy deciduous plant in spring. The fruits are shiny black berries. The leaves are narrow, 12.5 cm long, slightly pubescent. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.2x1.2 m (5 years). Maximum height - 2.4 m.

Var. ledebourti

The variety is characterized by darker orange-yellow flowers and heart-shaped, purple-tinged bracts.

Korolkowii (Zh. Korolkova)

This graceful deciduous shrub produces pale pink flowers in late spring and early summer; its berries are red. Young, hollow inside branches and pubescent leaves. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.5x1.5 m (5 years). Maximum height - 3 m.

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L. maackii

The fragrant white flowers of this powerful deciduous plant turn yellow before wilting. Flowering with late spring until mid-summer, the berries are dark red or black. The leaf petioles are purple, intensely pubescent. Although this species is very hardy, it prefers rich soil and a sunny position. The height and diameter of the plant is 3x3 m (5 sheets). Maximum height -4.5m.

L. nitida (J. shiny)

This fast-growing, dense evergreen shrub with small, dark green, glossy leaves and rounded shape makes a great hedge. If left unpruned, it produces creamy white, fragrant flowers in the spring, followed by shiny, translucent bluish-purple berries. A more delicate species than many other honeysuckles. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.5x1.8 m (5 years). Maximum height - 2.4 m.

Baggesen's Gold

The variety is famous for its drooping branches, densely covered with small golden leaves, which change their color to sulfur-yellow in winter.

L. pileata

This evergreen or semi-evergreen shrub is ideal as ground cover plant, for planting in the lower tier and for rocky gardens. These are neat lows spreading plants, producing partial shadow. Yellowish-white flowers bloom in late spring; The berries are transparent, amethyst in color. Young shoots are purple, covered with soft hairs; the leaves are dark, shiny, with prominent midribs. Winter hardiness in Russian conditions may be insufficient. The height and diameter of the plant is 1x1.5 m (5 years). Maximum height - 3 m.

"Moss Green"

L. purpusii (J. purpusa)

Creamy, strongly scented flowers appear on the plant in early to mid-spring, before the leaves emerge. This honeysuckle has dense branches, bristly leaves and red berries. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.5x1.5 m (5 years). Maximum height - 3 m.

"Winter Beauty"

A plant with an extremely strong aroma that blooms in early spring with creamy white flowers.

L. rupicola var. syringantha (F. rocky)

This graceful deciduous shrub blooms with lilac-pink flowers in spring and early summer with a sweet aroma. Its leaves are gray-green and small. The height and diameter of the plant is 1x1 m (5 years). Maximum height is 1.8 m.

L. standishii (J. Standish)

Fragrant creamy white flowers, sometimes tinged with pale pink. Blooms in early spring. The berries are red, heart-shaped. This deciduous or semi-evergreen shrub is relatively hardy. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.8 x 1.8 m (5 years). Maximum height - 2.4 m.

L. tatarica

This deciduous plant requires no care and grows well in its wild state. A hardy and drought-tolerant species, white or pinkish flowers bloom in late spring and early summer; The berries are dark red or orange. Winter hardiness is high. The height and diameter of the plant is 2x2 m (5 years). Maximum height - 3 m.

"Arnold's Red"

A powerful plant with very dark red fragrant flowers and leaves with a bluish tint.

"Hack's Red"

Xylosteum (F. vulgare)

Found in the forests of Russia, Europe and the Caucasus, this deciduous plant has yellowish-white flowers, often with a reddish tint. Flowering in summer. The berries are red, sometimes yellow. Winter hardiness is high. Crown height and diameter 1.5x1.5 m (5 years); maximum height 3 m.

  • Lianas

These plants grow upward, twining around supports. They can be directed towards arches or given the opportunity to climb trees, weave through bushes or climb unsightly buildings and walls. Evergreen species, such as L. henryi (J. Henry), can create excellent screens when supported by trellises. Flowers 4-5 cm long are arranged either in pairs, or in whorls of six pieces, or in inflorescences. In some plants on flowering stems, opposite leaves in pairs merge at their bases, forming a kind of collar around the stem (pierced leaves). Most vines prefer the roots to be in the shade and the shoots to be in the sun.

Unfortunately, many of the vines are not winter-hardy enough in central Russia. In severe winters, even relatively resistant species freeze over the above-ground parts, so they do not always bloom successfully.

Americana (F. American)

It blooms with fragrant pink and cream flowers from mid-summer to mid-autumn. The leaves are oblong-elliptical, pierced. This evergreen plant requires a sheltered location in shade or sun. Winter hardiness has not been studied enough. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.2x1.2 m (5 years). Maximum height - 3 m.

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Brownii "Dropmore Scarlet" (J. Brown)

Inflorescences of very beautiful orange-scarlet flowers rise above the round, pierced leaves from early summer to early autumn. The berries are orange-red. Elliptical lower leaves slightly pubescent. This extremely hardy deciduous hybrid requires partial shade for protection from aphids. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.5x1.5 m (5 years). Maximum height is 3.5 m.

L. caprifolium (F. goat, Caprifolium)

Cupped grayish-green leaves support the pink and cream flowers of this vigorous deciduous plant. Whorls of fragrant flowers open in mid to late spring; Flowering is followed by the appearance of bright orange-red berries. One of the most reliable honeysuckle vines that can be grown in central Russia. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.8 x 1.8 m (5 years). Maximum height is 4 m.

"Anna Fletcher"

Etrusca (F. Etruscan)

This vigorous deciduous or semi-evergreen vine has creamy yellow, fragrant flowers, often tinged with red. Flowering from early summer to early autumn. The berries are red. Upper leaves pierced. Winter hardiness may not be sufficient. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.5x1 m (5 years). Maximum height - 2.4 m.

"Donald Waterer"

A variety with bright red and cream fragrant flowers blooms in mid-summer; in autumn it bears many red berries. This upright, deciduous plant with red stems prefers a sunny position.

Michael Rosse

Gray-green foliage is combined with narrow cream flowers that open in midsummer.

Michael Rosse


The variety blooming at the same time is distinguished by the presence of large inflorescences of fragrant yellow flowers with pink honey fungus, emerging from collars formed by gray-green upper pierced leaves. Red berries appear in autumn. This vigorous, semi-evergreen plant, which prefers full sun, reaches a height of about 3.5 m.

Giraldii (J. Giralda)

Conspicuous yellow stamens adorn the red flowers of this evergreen plant with hairy leaves and stems. The flowers that bloom in early summer give way to small blue-black berries. This hardy plant requires protection from the wind and a location that is not too humid. Plant height and diameter - 1.2)