Propagation of astilbe in summer by green cuttings. Astilbe: growing, planting and care

Name astilbe

Comes from the Greek words “a” - very, “stilbe” - shine. Given, probably, for the shiny leaves.

Astilbe description

The genus includes over 30 species distributed in East Asia, Japan and North America. Only 2 species are found in Russia (in the Far East and Kunashir Island). In nature, they grow in deciduous forests, along the banks of streams, in places where moisture is retained in the summer.

Astilbes tolerate cold winters well under a layer of snow, for example, in Canada, according to official data, they go north to zones 3b-4a (according to the American classification), where the temperature in winter drops to -37 ° C.

These are perennial rhizomatous herbaceous plants with the above-ground part dying off in the winter. The stems are erect, height depending on the species - from 8 to 200 cm. Numerous basal leaves on long petioles, double or triple pinnate, less often simple, dark green or reddish green, jagged.

Small flowers, white, pink, lilac, red or purple, are collected in apical inflorescences - panicles of varying lengths. They bloom in June - July. The fruit is a capsule. There are up to 20,000 seeds in 1 g. Astilbes are most spectacular during flowering. Their delicate inflorescences appear in early July and do not lose their attractiveness for 25-35 days.

The rhizome of astilbe is dense or loose, depending on the type, woody. Every year, daughter buds are formed in the upper part of the rhizome, and its lower part gradually dies off; the vertical growth of astilbe is 3-5 cm per year. Therefore, at the end of autumn, fertile soil is added to the base of the bushes. Besides, caring for astilbe consists mainly of maintaining soil moisture.

Astilbe inflorescences

They can be pyramidal, rhombic, paniculate, but drooping ones are especially graceful. The decorative effect of the inflorescences depends on their density. Small flowers are collected in elongated panicles. The flower petals of some varieties are short, and the inflorescences are airy and lacy, as if covered with small buds; in other varieties, the petals are elongated, and these inflorescences look soft and fluffy.

It is very beautiful when there are several colors or shades in the inflorescence (varieties “Peach and Cream”, “Montgomery”, “White Wings”). Taking into account the structure of the inflorescences, the entire variety of species is divided into groups: pyramidal in shape - the lateral branches of the inflorescences extend from the main axis almost at a right angle and evenly decrease from the base to the top of the inflorescence; rhombic shape - inflorescences resemble a rhombus. The lateral branches extend from the main axis at an acute angle.

Rhombic inflorescences more often found in varieties of Japanese astilbe; paniculate - inflorescences have numerous branched branches extending from the main axis at an acute angle and uniformly decreasing towards the apex. This form is characteristic of most varieties of Arends astilbe; drooping form - inflorescences with flexible drooping branches. Drooping inflorescences have varieties derived from Astilbe Thunberg and Lemoine.

According to the timing of flowering, astilbes are also distinguished into early (blooming in late June - early July), medium (in July) and late (blooming in August). The height of astilbe varies from 15 cm (variety “Lilliput”) to 2 m (astilbe David). According to the height of the bush, plants are divided into low - 15-60 cm tall, medium - 60-80 cm and high - 80-200 cm.

There are about 10 species in culture. Breeding has given gardeners a number of hybrid varieties. All astilbes are moisture-loving, winter-hardy, and resistant to pests and diseases.

Astilbe growing conditions

Optimal illumination is sparse shade or shading during the hottest time of the day. However, the nature of cultivars is more flexible and many varieties have “forgotten” the conditions in which their wild relatives live. Indeed, many astilbes feel great in the open sun. Flowering here is more abundant, but shorter, and the foliage is slightly lighter.

When choosing a location, flowering timing is very important. Early and late varieties They bloom well and for a long time both in the shade and in the sun, but for medium-flowering plants it is better to look for shaded corners, since the bright July sun sharply shortens their flowering time.

Most varieties of astilbe can grow in places with fairly high groundwater and even tolerate stagnant water. Astilbe does not tolerate long-term drought. Poor soil, open sun and lack of rain can destroy the plant. In such cases, astilbes need to be watered twice a day - early in the morning or in the evening.

Fertile soil, thickened planting, and mulching with shavings or bark will also help the plants. Astilbes do not tolerate overheating of the upper part of the rhizome very well, and mulch helps reduce overheating, moisture loss, maintains soil looseness, prevents the appearance of weeds and, most importantly, creates favorable conditions for wintering. In flower beds, it is best to mulch plants immediately after planting, covering the entire surface of the soil mulch layer 5 cm.

Some astilbes tolerate relatively dry soils well - a. x arendsii "Federsee", a.korcana, well-grown bushes of a.chinensis "Superba", "Purpurlance". And there are those that can grow on heavy clay soils - these are representatives of the group of Chinese hybrids - x chinensis “Pumila”, “Visions”, “Vision in Pink”, “Vision in Red”.

It is important that astilbes have enough phosphorus and potassium in the root layer of soil. We sprinkle 1-2 handfuls of bone meal and 25-30 g of complex fertilizers into the transverse furrows (1 m long) into the breeding beds.

When planting in a flower garden, holes are dug 20-30 cm deep and wide, 1-2 handfuls of bone meal and ash, 25-30 g of mineral fertilizers (norm per sq.m.) are poured into them, humus is added. All this is mixed and poured with water. The planted sections are covered with mulch in a layer of 3 cm.

IN favorable conditions astilbes grow quickly. Astilbes are divided and replanted every 4-5 years, especially those that grow quickly after 3-4 years. This is due to the rapid vertical growth of the rhizome. Gradually, the old bushes stick out too much, the young roots located at the base of the buds end up at the very surface and quickly dry out, which is why the duration and quality of flowering is greatly reduced - there are fewer flower stalks, the inflorescences are smaller.

However, in principle, astilbes can grow in one place for a long time, up to 15-20 years. To maintain the decorative appearance of old plants, you should take care of fertilizer annually. Astilbes are fed first in the spring after regrowth (nitrogen fertilizers predominate), then immediately after flowering or in the fall (with potassium and phosphorus - 20-25 g per plant). You should carefully loosen the soil and then mulch again.

Astilbe propagation

By seeds, germinating buds of renewal, by dividing the rhizome. With the help of seeds, astilbe species are most often propagated, varieties - only for breeding purposes. The fact is that seedlings are characterized by polymorphism - the characteristics of the mother plants are only partially preserved or are completely lost.

Astilbe seeds very small. They set well, but do not always have time to ripen. If the seeds are still ripe, they are shaken out of the inflorescences in September. And in March-April they are sown superficially in boxes filled with a mixture of sphagnum peat and sand in a ratio of 3:1.

Seed germination is low. Shoots appear after 3-4 weeks, grow slowly and only at the end of the year form a small rosette of leaves. If the astilbes do not crowd each other, it is better to replant them next spring. Plants grown from seeds bloom in the 3rd year.

Reproduction of astilbe by buds

In early spring, a renewal bud with part of the rhizome is cut out from the astilbe (the “heel” propagation method). It is believed that up to 1/3 of the buds can be removed without harm to the queen cell. Rooting is carried out in greenhouses. The substrate used is the same as for sowing. It is poured in a 5-7 cm layer on ordinary fertile soil. On permanent place astilbes are planted in the spring of next year. In the same year, the plants bloom. It is possible, but propagation by green cuttings in early spring is difficult.

Reproduction of astilbe by dividing the bush

This method of reproduction is the most familiar and widely used. The cuttings are prepared so that each one has 1-3 buds and a rhizome 3-5 cm long, preferably with adventitious roots. Experiments have shown that the size of the division is not significant, since most varieties propagate equally well in small and large (3-10 times larger) divisions.

Division is best done in early spring, then by autumn the astilbes will bloom. You can replant at almost any time, provided that it is well watered for several days. Astilbes also take root well during flowering, this allows the buyer not to buy a “pig in a poke”, but to choose exactly what he needs.

And the seller will avoid possible charges, just as this often happens when selling, for example, daylilies, which show themselves in all their glory only in the second or third year after planting.

Planting astilbe

Astilbes can be replanted at any time during the growing season, even at the time of flowering, but they need to be watered for 2-3 weeks after replanting. It has been established that in the conditions of Lithuania (southern Baltic states) the most best time The month for planting this crop is May. The growth of transplanted plants is highly dependent on warmth and moisture in the spring. If any of these factors are missing, astilbes do not take root well.

In flower beds, astilbes are planted at a distance of no less than 30 cm (high varieties - 50 cm), in borders - 30-50 cm. For propagation purposes, astilbes can be planted in furrows or on ridges. We plant them on ridges 1 m wide, in transverse grooves 15-30 cm apart, with 6-7 plants in each, i.e. 23 or 46 plants per 1 m2.

Sprinkle 30-40 g of complex mineral fertilizers, in which nitrogen does not exceed 10%, into the furrow. Most often this is Kemira-Horti-2 fertilizer, which is good for most ornamental perennials. You can also use a mixture of simple mineral fertilizers, observing the nitrogen ratio.

Diseases and pests of astilbe

Astilbe practically does not suffer from anything; it is occasionally affected by slobbering pennies, strawberry and root-knot nematodes. The larvae of the slobbering frog live in their foamy secretions located in the axils of the leaves. They feed on leaves, weakening the growth and development of flower stalks. The easiest way to deal with pennies is manually.

The strawberry nematode affects the buds and leaves; it can only be gotten rid of by completely destroying the diseased plants. The root-knot nematode lives in the roots, causing the formation of galls on them. You can fight it by destroying diseased roots.

Use of astilbe

Astilbe - beautiful plants for landscaping. They can be planted in monogroups near bushes. And single inclusions of astilbe look especially elegant among plantings of ornamental conifers, although in its natural habitat astilbe grows in deciduous forests. Astilbes feel best near bodies of water or in damp floors. shady places.

In flower beds, astilbe's traditional neighbors are hostas, ferns, and Siberian iris. However, astilbes also go well with other plants. These are bergenia, heuchera, tiarella cordifolia and Verya, some geraniums, for example blood red, paniculata phlox, and many bells.

Primroses, doronicum, gravilat, iberis, and swimsuit can grow next to astilbe. They look impressive in the foreground blooming in spring low growing perennials, e.g. different types saxifrage, as well as saxifrage, jasmine, tenacious, umbilical. You can try planting some types of sedum, for example, white, false.

Vilnius amateur flower growers create borders from astilbe. It's beautiful and there are not many worries. Astilbes can be used not only to decorate the garden. The inflorescences of many varieties in the full flowering phase are suitable for cutting, and dried ones look great in winter bouquets.

Astilbe flowering time

The flowering period for various varieties of astilbe is from late June to September. If you wish, you can choose such a collection to admire almost all summer. After flowering ends, the bushes do not lose their decorative properties due to their beautiful foliage.

Peduncles with seed pods also look neat, and some are very beautiful, for example, tall varieties with lush, dense panicles (“Superba”, “Purpurlance”), with a drooping inflorescence shape: “Moerheimii”, “Betsy Cuperus”.

Usually the seed pods are brown in color, but in some varieties they are for a long time remain green (“Bridal Veil”) or dark red (“Glow”). You can postpone pruning until spring; the foliage will serve as shelter for the winter and hold back snow, and graceful panicles will enliven the winter landscape.

In Holland and Germany, astilbe is used for distillation in March-June. The varieties most suitable for this are “Peach Blossom”, “Queen Aleksandra”, “Bronselaub” and many Japanese hybrids.

In ancient China, astilbe was used as medicinal plant, its roots and leaves have various properties- tonic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, they were used for skin and kidney diseases. Until now, in Japan and China, its leaves are used to prepare seasoning for meat dishes.

Forcing astilbe

For forcing astilbe, varieties of Japanese hybrid astilbe with a compact low-growing bush are used. It is recommended to take young seedlings with 6 - 10 buds, grown from renewal buds, and not obtained by dividing old bushes. Selected plants are planted in pots in the fall the right size, which are placed in a cold greenhouse and covered with spruce branches or peat.

In December - January they are transferred to a room with a temperature of 10 - 14 ° C. When the leaves begin to bloom, the temperature is raised to 16 - 18 ° C, watered and sprayed abundantly and often warm water. But when inflorescences appear, spraying must be stopped. Astilbes bloom 10 - 14 weeks after they are transferred to the greenhouse.

With more later transfer (February - March) flowering occurs faster. The following varieties are recommended for forcing: Bonn, Cologne, Emdem, Europe, Deutschland, Peach Blossom. Forcing astilbes are used for decorative design public and office premises.

The luxurious perennial astilbe, common in North America and the east of the Asian continent, has now perfectly adapted to Russian gardens. This one is spectacular ornamental culture unpretentious, cold-resistant, blooms long time. Moreover, unlike many garden plants, it does not pretend to be in sunny areas and, taking root well in damp shady places, gives truly aesthetic pleasure from contemplating the magnificent greenery and excellent bright large panicle flowers.

Features of culture

A native of America, astilbe thrives in Russian open spaces. Of the 30 known plant species, at least a third have been cultivated, and the number of new varieties appearing on the market is constantly growing thanks to breeding research. Growing astilbe in the garden does not cause much trouble for gardeners. In addition, the culture, responsive to care, has different heights in different varieties, and this diversity is successfully used by landscape designers.

There are such varieties of astilbe: dwarf up to 30 cm high, short - 30-60 cm, medium-sized - 60-90 cm, and tall, reaching 90-150 cm. The flowering time of the crop also varies greatly: from early, blooming in June, to late-flowering in August. Among domestic flower growers, the most common are medium-sized hybrids, delighting with the splendor of amazing flowers from July to September.

This culture has not only decorative flowers, but also spectacular dark green leaves dissected form on strong reddish cuttings. The green mass of the flower forms a spreading bush, the richness of color and outline of which do not change throughout summer season. Even in September, astilbe bushes are as fresh as in June. Very small fluffy flowers of all shades of white, pink and red are collected in original panicle-inflorescences on thin, tall and very strong peduncles.

Astilbe: growing conditions

An unpretentious crop that willingly grows in the shade, it is not afraid of areas with close access to groundwater, although in this case there will be much fewer flowers.

Wild astilbe loves to settle along the banks of lakes and rivers, where humidity reaches maximum values. The culture has a powerful root system: a branched rhizome with numerous strong roots extending from it. Undemanding to care, astilbe responds to care and loves the fertile soil of semi-shaded areas. The ideal option is to plant bushes under old overgrown fruit trees. In their sliding shade, where the sun's rays peek, astilbe takes root and feels great, the cultivation and care of which involves regular watering and mulching the soil layer to avoid overheating of the roots.

The advantages of planting under a tree canopy also lie in the fact that the roots of the crop, which grow over time, drown out the weeds, and there is no need for weeding. Nevertheless, it is necessary to keep an eye on the development of the culture, because the most important thing for such an ornamental bush as astilbe is planting and care.

Propagation by seeds

Propagating astilbe by seeds is a labor-intensive process, but if it is impossible to purchase a seedling or you like a new variety of crop and want to grow it in your own garden, you should be patient and plant the seeds of a crop such as astilbe in February or March. Growing and caring for it begins with selecting soil for seedlings. The soil for it should consist of garden soil and humus in equal proportions or can be purchased at specialized retail outlets. The seeds are very small and are planted by carefully scattering them over the surface of moist soil. The seedling box can be covered with glass or plastic film.

With good seed germination, the first shoots appear after 15-20 days. Astilbe seedlings are extremely delicate and small. You should handle them very carefully, moisten them with warm water through a spray bottle, not allowing the soil to dry out. If it is impossible to maintain regular watering for various reasons, then moisture can be ensured by adding a hydrogel to the soil, which retains moisture at the roots. Growing astilbe from seeds is a fairly lengthy process; the first flowers should be expected in the second or third year.

Picking seedlings

The grown seedlings, which have produced 3-5 true leaves, are plucked, selecting the strongest seedlings and planting them in separate containers. This procedure is necessary so that the sprouts have the opportunity to develop a strong root system and a green above-ground part. The transplantation technology is as follows: the seedlings are carefully removed from the soil, the roots are slightly trimmed for subsequent branching and transplanted into a separate container. It is important, when diving a seedling, to place it, deepening it significantly, sometimes to the first leaves. The soil in the container is carefully compacted, pressing the roots of a seedling of a plant such as astilbe. Planting and caring for seedlings does not cause much trouble.

Fertilizers for seedlings

Most convenient option Feeding transplanted seedlings means mixing fertilizer with the soil used at the time of picking. Various mineral mixtures with a complete set essential microelements today there are a great many. For example, the complex fertilizer “Agricola for seedlings” is excellent for such fertilizing. It should be noted that seedlings cannot be overfed - this will immediately affect the quality of the seedlings and further development plants called astilbe. Growing and caring for it at the seedling stage involves maintaining normal humidity.

The strengthened sprouts are planted in a permanent place at the end of May. The rooting period will require special attention: it is important to maintain constant soil moisture, mulch or remove weeds in a timely manner.

Vegetative propagation

Astilbe should not be grown in one place for more than 5 years. It thickens, the flowers become noticeably smaller, and therefore requires a radical solution decorative bush astilbe. Planting and care (reproduction by dividing rhizomes is the least expensive activity than planting with seeds) in in this case a little simpler. Considering the undoubted superiority of propagation by dividing the rhizome, many gardeners have long adopted this method. The bush is planted in this way in early spring or autumn after flowering.

The astilbe rhizome is carefully cut into pieces with a sharp knife, making sure that the existing lobes have a dry peduncle with replacement buds. If one of the parts does not have one, you can hope for the presence of dormant buds on the rhizome, which will begin to grow, but the young bush will be able to bloom only in the second year. The division procedure must be carried out quickly; although astilbe tolerates it well, the roots should not be allowed to dry out. If the division is carried out correctly and quickly, the crop will certainly bloom next spring.

Transplant technology

When transplanting parts of astilbe, it is necessary to prepare areas for planting in advance. It is ideal to plant the crop near a pond, in shady places in the garden with fertile soil. In addition, the bush also needs preparation: in August, after flowering, astilbe is most ready for replanting. It is better to trim the leaves, leaving only the petioles. The separated parts - divisions - should have 5-6 buds in order to survive the winter more easily.

The procedure algorithm is as follows:

  • Rhizome is enough young plant It is easily separated by hand; the woody roots of old bushes can be cut with a shovel. Sometimes it’s easier not to even dig up a bush, but to cut off part of the rhizome.
  • Humus mixed with complex mineral fertilizer should be added to the planting hole.
  • The recess is spilled abundantly with water.
  • Clean the part of the plant intended for replanting from excess soil and carefully place it in the hole.
  • Compact the soil around the plant so that unnecessary voids do not form around the roots.
  • Once again it is good to water a seedling of an ornamental shrub such as astilbe.

Planting and care, propagation of the crop and all the associated troubles at this stage have been completed in full.

Fertilizers and fertilizers

For the normal development of astilbe, it is necessary to provide it with sufficient amounts of nitrogen fertilizers in the spring, as well as phosphorus and potassium closer to the dormant period. The usual rate of fertilizing per bush is 20-25 g. They are applied both in liquid form and in granules, mixing with the soil around
plants when loosening, after which it is recommended to mulch. It is better to cover young bushes planted in autumn with any coniferous spruce branches for the winter. Despite its high resistance to cold, astilbe can freeze, since the rhizome, when developing, tends to protrude somewhat above ground level, so good mulching or wintering shelter will not be superfluous.

The role of culture in the garden interior

Astilbe, which is easy to grow and care for, serves as an excellent decoration for park areas, summer cottages and gardens. It is placed as single bushes or in separate groups, adds variety to the landscape of lawns and provides multi-tiered borders and mixborders. In addition, recently florists are increasingly including cut flowers in exclusive bouquets. Astilbe, the cultivation of which allows you to get a large number of flowers from each bush, is usually not susceptible to pests and diseases.

Even on small summer cottages Luxurious astilbe bushes are successfully used to decorate the landscape. Group compositions on rocky hills or rock gardens, decor of a line of ponds and lawns - the use of culture in garden decoration is limitless. Astilbe, the planting and care of which is disproportionate to the pleasure it provides, is conquering an increasing number of Russian flower growers.

Gardeners value astilbe for its long flowering, unusual appearance, shade tolerance and the ability to tolerate waterlogging of the soil. The plant is beautiful not only during flowering. Its openwork leaves on reddish petioles are decorative from spring to late autumn.

The crop is suitable for cutting and forcing. Lush panicles of astilbe are an unrivaled decoration for bouquets and flower baskets.

What does astilbe look like when it blooms?

Astilbe is a representative of the saxifrage family, a close relative of other common garden flowers: saxifrage, heuchera, and bergenia. More than 400 varieties have been bred with various sizes, flower colors and leaf shapes.

Varietal astilbes have a height of 15 to 200 cm. Flower colors are white, red, pink and purple. The flowers are collected in panicle inflorescences, up to 60 centimeters long. The leaves are large, complex-pinnate, dark green to bronze in color.

Astilbe blooms in June-August, and in September you can collect boxes with small seeds from it. Flowering lasts 3-5 weeks. Flowers will live longer in sparse shade than in the sun. In the sun, flowering is shorter, but twice as luxuriant. When cut, panicles do not last long, but they can be dried and used in winter bouquets.

Astilbe does not have a root, but a rhizome that goes vertically or obliquely into the ground. It is covered with adventitious roots and daughter buds. The lower roots are old and gradually die off. The upper roots are young and grow quickly. Thus, the bush gradually grows upward and rises above the ground.

Table: types of astilbe

View Description
DavidHeight up to 150 cm. The flowers are lilac-pink, the panicles are located horizontally or look down.

Flowering in July-August

NakedHeight up to 20 cm. Bronze-colored leaves.

Flowering in June and July

ChineseHeight up to 100 cm. Leaves are covered with reddish down. The flowers are lilac, pink and white. Inflorescence length up to 30 cm.

Flowering from June to August.

JapaneseHeight 70 cm. The plant grows quickly, forming a circle with a meter diameter. The flowers are white or pink, fragrant. Inflorescences are diamond-shaped, up to 30 cm long.

Blooms in midsummer

ThunbergHeight up to 80 cm, leaves serrated along the edges. The flowers are white, the width of the panicles is 10 cm, the length is 25 cm. The inflorescences are sparse, directed downwards

Blooms in July-August

Preparing for landing

In order for astilbe to quickly take root, you need to choose the place and time of planting. The plant prefers loamy soils fertilized with organic matter.

Tall varieties are planted at a distance of 0.5 m from each other, low ones at 20-30 cm. White and light pink varieties look better in the sun, dark ones in the shade.

Before planting, the soil is dug up, weed rhizomes are removed, and organic matter is added.

If you purchased astilbe rhizome in a store, before planting it is better to soak it for an hour in warm water. You can add a little potassium permanganate to the water to get a pale pink solution.

When propagating astilbe by seeds, stratification will be required:

  1. Place the seeds in a cool place with a temperature of -4 to +4 degrees, mixing with wet peat.
  2. Soak in the cold for 20 days, making sure that the peat does not dry out.
  3. After 20 days, transfer the seeds to a warm place - 20-22 degrees and sow.

For planting, choose darkened areas, preferably with close contact with groundwater. You can plant astilbe on the shore of a garden pond. Sandy soils, which do not retain moisture well, are mulched on top with a layer of peat.

Landing algorithm:

  1. Dig a planting hole about 30 cm deep.
  2. Add organic matter to the bottom.
  3. You can add a tablespoon of any complex fertilizer to the hole; containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, or two handfuls.
  4. Mix the fertilizer with the soil.
  5. Fill the hole with water.

Astilbe is planted in the mud, deepening root collar by 5-6 cm. When the water in the hole is absorbed, pour a 3-4 cm layer of dry soil on top - it will “block” the moisture in the rhizome area and prevent it from quickly evaporating.

Astilbe grows slowly, so it is better to plant it more densely - 20 by 20 cm. Such plantings become dense the very next year. After 2-3 years they can be thinned out.

Astilbe does not combine well with other colors. It is easier to plant it in mono-plantings, using one variety. Can be planted in groups of several varieties with flowers of the same color, but different heights bushes

Care and cultivation of astilbe

Caring for flowers consists of loosening, weeding, watering, and mulching the soil. It is better to cut out faded panicles so that they do not set seeds - this will preserve the strength in the plant to prepare for wintering.

Often, astilbe's companion is the rhizomatous weed, which greatly oppresses cultivated plants. During care, it is important to select rhizomes from the soil, trying not to damage the underground part of the astilbe.

In autumn, several buds form at the base of the shoot formed this year, from which rosettes of leaves will develop. Next year, flower stalks will appear from the rosettes. From small buds located on the stem below, rosette leaves will develop only the next year. So astilbe rises above the ground by 3-5 cm every year. Therefore, the plant must be sprinkled with fertile soil every year.


An astilbe bush can not be replanted for an average of 5 years. Then it needs to be dug up and divided or thinned out:

  1. Use a shovel to separate the part of the bush with the rhizome.
  2. Sprinkle the cuts with wood ash.
  3. Fill the hole in the ground with fresh soil.


Astilbe loves watering. The top layer of soil must be constantly moist, since young roots can only develop in moist soil. The flower is watered at least once a week, in hot weather - 2 times a week. Astilbe is not afraid of fungal diseases, so it can be watered either at the root or by sprinkling.

Even after a short drying of the soil, the leaves wither, the inflorescences become smaller and the astilbe takes on a sloppy appearance. To prevent this from happening, astilbe is mulched with any crushed organic material: sawdust, bark, dry leaves. The best compost mulch is not only a covering material, but also a concentrated organic fertilizer that astilbe loves.

Fertilizers and fertilizing

Basic fertilizers are applied when astilbe is planted. The flower loves organic matter. You need to add up to a liter of humus into the planting hole and mix it well with the soil.

Potassium and phosphorus mineral compositions are used for fertilizing - they increase the frost resistance of the plant. Apply 20-25 g of phosphorus-potassium fertilizer to each bush. In the spring, to accelerate the regrowth of leaves, plants are fed once with a urea solution at a dosage of a teaspoon of granules per 5 liters of water.

How to propagate astilbe

The flower is propagated by dividing the rhizome, cuttings, seeds, and renewal buds. Dividing the bush allows you to use even the old lower parts of rhizomes for propagation, since after dividing them dormant buds wake up.

Astilbes can be divided no more than once every 3 years. Plants are dug up in spring or late August. The rhizome is cut into 4-5 parts and immediately planted in a new place at a distance of 35-40 cm from each other.

Kidney renewal

  1. Early in the spring, before the young shoots have grown, cut off the buds from the stem with a small piece of rhizome.
  2. Plant the buds in a box filled with peat and coarse sand 3:1.
  3. Water it.
  4. Wait for rooting - it will happen in 3 weeks.
  5. Plant young plants with leaves in a permanent place.

By cuttings

  1. When the shoots reach a height of 10-15 cm, cut them and divide them into cuttings.
  2. Plant in a box filled with a 1:1 mixture of peat and sand, water, and cover with film.
  3. Spray with a spray bottle 2 times a day.
  4. Maintain the air temperature during rooting in the range of 20-22 degrees.
  5. If the cutting develops a peduncle, break it off.

Astilbe seeds do not germinate well, so this propagation method is used for breeding purposes. Seeds are sown in autumn or spring on a garden bed and are not covered with soil. The bed should be located in the shade. Shoots will appear in 10-15 days, and when autumn sowing- in the spring.

As soon as the first true leaf grows, the seedlings are planted at a distance of 15 cm from each other. Stronger plants can be transplanted to a permanent place. Young plantings are covered with leaves for the winter.

What is astilbe afraid of?

The plant has few diseases and pests. Rarely it is affected by:

  • slobbering pennies;
  • root-knot nematode;
  • strawberry nematode.

Young leaves sometimes suffer from late spring frosts, but this does not prevent the plant from throwing out new leaves and blooming allotted time. Astilbe can withstand harsh winters, but suffers greatly from spring temperature changes and getting wet.

The most decoratively valuable varieties with large inflorescences can freeze slightly. Such plants need additional covering in winters with little snow:

  1. Prune the bush in the fall.
  2. Install a light frame over it.
  3. Fill the inside of the frame with leaves.
  4. Tighten the top with spunbond or lutrasil.
  5. To protect against moisture, cover the entire structure with polyethylene and press the edges with bricks.

This perennial crop grows well and decorates a shady garden with its unusual flowers. In this article, we will figure out how to plant and care for astilbe in open ground. By following simple rules of agricultural technology, you can achieve excellent results in growing this plant.

Description of the plant - varieties and varieties

Astilbe is a rhizomatous perennial of the Saxifraga family. In summer, curly bushes with lovely inflorescences are very decorative; in winter, the herbaceous above-ground part of the plant dies off. Different varieties plants have different heights - from 8 cm to 2 m. Astilbe leaves are pinnate, complexly dissected, green or brownish in color. There are varieties with white, pink and lilac flowers.

Astilbe has many shades

Flowering of astilbe begins in early summer and continues for about a month. During this period, the plant is most decorative. Astilbes with curly inflorescences - panicles - serve wonderful decoration park areas, gardens, squares and are often used to decorate territories in landscape design.

Culture is characterized high resistance V winter period: rhizomes can withstand wintering at temperatures down to – 37°C without the threat of freezing.

Important! When grown in open ground, astilbe prefers moist, nutritious soil and even, periodic watering. If this condition is met, caring for flower crops does not present any particular difficulties.

Distribution areas of natural astilbe species

In nature, the plant is found in Japan, America and East Asia. In Russia, the plant’s habitat is the Far East, where 2 types of natural varieties of astilbe are found.

All modern cultivated varieties flower culture belong to the species - Arends' astilbe. Medium-sized and tall forms of the plant bloom bright inflorescences pink or white flowers with numerous transitions and shades.

Astilbe in landscape design

Hybrid astilbe cultivars are widely used in landscape design. During flowering, the bushes form airy clumps of pink or purple shades. Plants are characterized by compact size and abundant flowering. Planting hybrid astilbe in groups with other species allows you to perfectly shade lawns and coniferous crops. The combination of plants with different tones of color enlivens the areas of park plantings.

An interesting species of astilbe Thunberg, which has drooping clusters of yellowish or pink flowers that are not typical for the species.

Early flowering astilbes in a wide range of colors in white and pink tones belong to the species “Japanese astilbe”. This type of astilbe is highly decorative.

Astilbe: planting and care

When planting plants great importance has the quality of planting material. In order for the survival rate of plants to be 100%, it is worth taking into account some requirements for rhizomes intended for planting.

Planting astilbe

Important! Astilbe rhizomes should not have dead, rotten parts. Drying or excessive moisture of planting material during storage is not allowed. Young shoots should not be elongated, bent or wrinkled.

Of course, specimens with elongated shoots can also take root, but then the plant may lose its decorative effect and become sick for a long time.

Choosing a comfortable place for the flower

It should be remembered that astilbe is a plant for partial shade; bright sunlight is destructive for it. It is undesirable to plant flower crops in open, unprotected areas. sunlight spaces.

In addition, flowers react poorly to areas with high level groundwater and stagnant water. This leads to soaking and damping of the rhizomes. Growing crops in such areas will not be possible without reliable drainage. And if it is not possible to arrange it, you need to choose a higher place for planting.

Planting astilbe in open ground: determining the size of the holes

The depth of the planting hole must be determined individually for each plant, taking into account the size of the rhizome. Root system astilbe should be freely placed in landing pit, in this case, it is not allowed to deepen the bush or cover the growing point with soil. You can add hydrogel to the bottom of the holes; it will help maintain soil moisture; as well as bone meal, ash and mineral fertilizers– 1 matchbox each.

Astilbe should be planted in well-moistened soil.

The surface of the ground can be mulched with bark or peat chips, which will keep the soil evenly moist and, in the future, protect the roots of the plant from drying out.

Plant care

Astilbe bushes grow by about 3-5 cm in height per year. Measures to care for plants come down to adding soil under the exposed parts of the rhizome. Fertile soil is added in a layer of 2-3 cm.

Caring for plantings requires maintaining soil moisture. To do this, add a mulch layer (peat, bark, expanded clay or landscape crushed stone) on top of the planting soil. In winter, mulch on the soil surface helps protect tender rhizomes from freezing.

The combination of uniform watering and keeping the soil moist is the key to plant health and lush flowering.

Caring for astilbe is very simple

The decorative appearance of the plant is maintained by periodic pruning of dead stems. It is necessary to regularly remove faded inflorescences from bushes, this is especially true when using astilbe in landscape design when decorating territories.

Fertilizer and feeding

The application of fertilizers to astilbe bushes during planting has already been mentioned above.

For the full development of the plant it is necessary to carry out regular feeding complex fertilizers. Considering that astilbe can grow in one place without transplanting or dividing rhizomes for more than 5 years, you should feed the plants with nitrogen fertilizers from the beginning of spring. This helps the rapid growth of new foliage on overwintered bushes.

Do not forget to feed astilbe with mineral fertilizers

During flowering, the crop needs to be fertilized with phosphorus fertilizers, and towards the end of flowering - with potassium fertilizers. This will help increase the timing and splendor of flowering, and also stimulate the formation of full-fledged seeds.

Plant propagation

Propagation by seeds

To preserve the decorative and varietal characteristics of the plant, propagation of the perennial by seeds is not accepted. Crops grown from seeds often do not correspond to the declared varietal characteristics:

  • have a changed color;
  • sparse flower brushes;
  • low decorativeness;
  • short flowering periods.

For seed propagation, only high-quality seeds of varietal selection can be used.

Sprouts from astilbe seeds

The seeds of the plant are sown on the surface of the moistened soil, without covering. Support for accelerated germination high humidity(you can cover the crops with glass or keep them in a greenhouse). Growing astilbe seedlings comes down to timely watering of the seedlings. At this time, it is especially dangerous to dry out young plants. They need to be protected from direct sunlight, providing a bright place without access to scorching rays.

Excellent results in increasing germination are achieved by performing preliminary stratification of seeds. This agricultural technique consists of placing the seeds in a cold place (from +4°C to -4°C) for 3 weeks. Hardened seeds are sown in greenhouses and kept at a temperature of + 20°C. Young plants can be planted in a permanent place in open ground 2-3 months after sowing. Seedlings obtained from stratified seeds are characterized by excellent survival rate and rapid growth.

Reproduction of astilbe by dividing the bush

The vegetative method of propagating astilbe (dividing the bush) is the most reliable and familiar for gardeners. Mother plant dig up with care, trying not to damage the delicate rhizome. Using a sharp knife, divide the rhizome into parts with 2-3 buds. The sections are sprinkled with crushed coal.

Dividing an astilbe bush

Place in the prepared furrow planting material and moisten the soil. Excellent results when planting cuttings are achieved with the use of root formation stimulants. Caring for young plants includes regular watering and loosening the soil.

Planting of astilbe cuttings can be done in early spring, as early as March. With this method of propagation, the first flowering of young plants will begin in early autumn.

Division by buds

Perennial propagation is carried out in another way, which is considered the fastest - division by buds. In the spring, with the beginning of the plant's growing season, renewal buds are separated with a sharp knife. The cuttings are planted in a greenhouse with moist soil mixed with coarse sand or gravel, having previously dusted the cut areas with ash. With this method of propagation, a very high survival rate of young plants is observed. The only drawback is that obtaining a full-fledged plant takes almost a year.

Diseases and pests

Keep your plants healthy. If pests appear, start fighting them immediately

Astilbe is attractive not only for its decorative properties; the plant is practically not damaged by pests and diseases. The rhizomes of some crops may occasionally be affected by root-knot nematodes. The pest does not respond to the use of drugs, so the fight against the nematode comes down to the destruction of diseased bushes. In this case, it is also necessary to remove part of the soil that was in contact with the roots of the diseased plant. It is advisable not to plant a crop in this place for several years.

Another pest that can threaten a plant in open ground is the slobbering frog. The affected plant feels depressed, and the development of leaf mass slows down. Prevention measures include collecting the pest from the leaves of the plant by hand.

Astilbe: combination with other plants

Growing astilbe in group plantings with other plants is quite justified. Decorative panicles of the plant look great next to coniferous plants with their monotonous greenery. Such a neighborhood is very preferable for astilbe: conifers provide the bushes with protection from the sun.

Astilbe combination different colors in landscape design

Astilbe bushes harmonize perfectly with late tulips, irises, hostas, and periwinkle. Single plantings of astilbe on a green lawn in the shade are very decorative.

Astilbe bushes fit perfectly into landscape design, when planting in the shade. The plant is used for single and group plantings, creating complex landscape solutions for shady and semi-shady places. Caring for ornamental plants is absolutely not difficult and involves timely watering.

How to plant astilbe correctly: video

Astilbe: photo