Pruning and feeding clematis in spring - how to care for the plant after winter? A few tricks for abundant flowering of clematis How to feed clematis in the spring.

Many gardeners grow clematis on their plots. These perennial flowers, otherwise called clematis, are widely used in landscape design. Lianas from the shoots of this plant decorate gazebos, arches, and walls of houses and buildings. Feeding clematis in the spring is one of the necessary measures for caring for flowers, which allows you to achieve the maximum external effect from a flowering plant.

What kind of feeding do clematis like?

For full growth and beautiful flowering Clematis needs organic and mineral fertilizers containing the following substances and microelements:

  • nitrogen;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus.

In the first years of life, plants usually have enough nutrients, which were introduced into the soil when planting the seedling. However, then the land is depleted, while the growth of the bush slows down, and flowering becomes short-lived and less abundant. Therefore, starting from the age of 3-4 years, feeding becomes one of mandatory events for caring for clematis in spring.

The best time to feed clematis

Feeding this ornamental shrub produced throughout the season. Only the structure and composition of the fertilizers used changes. If in spring priority is given to nitrogen-containing substances, then in summer and closer to autumn it is necessary to use potassium and phosphorus fertilizers.

Spring feeding of clematis

In spring, during the period of active shoot growth and green mass growth, plants need nitrogen most of all. He is the main one building material, from which a living plant cell is formed. Nitrogen and its compounds are contained in large quantities in organic fertilizers, such as manure or chicken droppings. In order for beneficial substances to be better absorbed, it is recommended to infuse organic matter and then apply it to the root zone in the form of a solution diluted with water to an acceptable concentration.

In the absence of organic matter, you can use mineral fertilizer, for example, urea. It should be applied to the root zone in liquid or granular form, and foliar feeding should be done based on its aqueous solution. You need to feed clematis in the spring at the dacha regularly, about once every 7-10 days.

Feeding clematis in summer

During the budding period, you can continue to feed clematis with nitrogen-containing fertilizers. And also during this period it is necessary to add substances containing potassium and phosphorus to the soil. Complex mineral fertilizers, for example, nitrophoska, are suitable for this purpose. After flowering begins, fertilizing should be stopped to increase the duration of flowering. After the shrub has flowered, you can resume fertilizing. In the second half of summer, it is necessary to completely stop using nitrogen fertilizers so as not to stimulate plants to excessively grow shoots and increase green mass.

In the fall, all fertilizing is stopped completely. At the final stage, around mid-September, clematis are fed with wood ash, scattering it in the root zone at the rate of approximately 0.5 kg per 1 bush. This fertilizer contains a large number of potassium, which significantly enhances the winter hardiness of plants.

How to feed clematis in spring for lush flowering

The main substances that clematis most need during the flowering period are potassium and phosphorus. They stimulate the growth and development of buds, causing abundant flowering. Most often, complex mineral fertilizers are used, for example, regular and double superphosphate. In addition to such fertilizers, fertilizing clematis in the spring for flowering can be done using other means.

Important! Clematis negatively perceives the presence of chlorine in fertilizers, so it is undesirable to use fertilizers containing this element.

Feeding clematis with yeast

Yeast contains iron, as well as vitamins and various amino acids. Yeast fertilizing significantly enhances the activity of soil microorganisms that process organic remains with the release of nitrogen and phosphorus. You can also use the foliar method.

Yeast feeding of clematis can be done in late spring, when the soil has already warmed up sufficiently. To prepare a nutrient solution, you need to take the following ingredients:

  1. Water – 50 l.
  2. Freshly cut grass, green weeds - 1 bucket.
  3. Bread crusts or crackers – 0.5 kg.
  4. Baker's yeast – 0.3 kg.

The concentrate obtained by mixing all the ingredients must be infused for at least 24 hours. In the future, it must be diluted clean warm water proportions 1:5. Spraying clematis with such a solution has a beneficial effect on appearance bushes Green color the foliage becomes more saturated and the flowers become brighter. Yeast feeding should be done no more than 2-3 times per season, for example, once during budding, and a second time during flowering.

Important! The yeast must not be expired.

How to feed clematis with ammonia

Ammonia is a solution of ammonia in water. Thus, it can well be used as an ammonia fertilizer. It contains quite a lot of nitrogen, which plants absorb very well. Feeding clematis with ammonia is carried out foliarly using a regular ruler.

When using feeding clematis with a solution ammonia It should be remembered that a large amount of nitrogen will cause vigorous growth of green mass, but flowering will be poor. Therefore, it is very important to maintain concentration. To prepare the solution you need to take 1 tbsp. l. ammonia per 10 liters of water. This feeding is done in early spring, before flower buds appear on the clematis.

Feeding clematis in spring with lime milk

Lime is often used by gardeners as a means to deoxidize the soil. However, it is also an excellent way to feed clematis. To prepare a nutrient solution, you need to take 150 g of slaked lime or chalk, as well as 100 g of wood ash. Both of these components need to be mixed in one bucket of water. The resulting solution is used to water the root zone of clematis bushes, while avoiding any drops falling on the leaves and shoots. This fertilizing is done at the end of spring or at the very beginning of summer, before the start of the budding period.

Clematis are quite unpretentious and do not require special care. In addition to fertilizing, in the spring you need to carry out sanitary pruning, clearing the bushes of debris and broken branches. Root system of these shrubs is located quite close to the soil surface, therefore, in order not to damage the roots, the root zone is usually not loosened, but simply mulched.


Feeding clematis in the spring allows you to fully see all the beauty of this flowering bush. It is very important that not only mineral complexes can be used as fertilizer, but also organic matter, as well as other substances that are very common in everyday life. It is important to remember that an excess of fertilizer is no less harmful than its deficiency, therefore the main condition is strict adherence to the required concentration.

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The article offers tips that will help you understand how to act correctly in a given situation and how you can help your favorite plant feel better in the spring.

Fertilizing clematis in the spring for abundant flowering and bud formation in June, July, August

For good flowering clematis in summer time, in the spring you need to fertilize the plants. However, if fertilizer was applied before planting, then you should not re-feed the soil.

Fertilizing is done 4 times per season with such substances as: humus, nitrogen (for good growth and color of flowers), bone meal (contains phosphorus), potassium (used in early spring).

Fertilizer for clematis when planting

Humus, peat, chalk, ash and sometimes superphosphate are placed in a prepared mental pit for clematis. In addition, when planting these plants, you need to fertilize them with an infusion of manure. read another article on this site. After this, feed with organic matter for three years.

Clematis seedling feeding in summer

Clematis also requires feeding and care in the summer. In hot weather, it is good to feed with boric acid and potassium permanganate, 1 g per 10 liters of water. At the same time, it is good to spray the plants with urea.

By the end of summer you need to prepare the flower for ripening and give ready-made compositions like “Autumn” or “Kemira Autumn”. When fertilizing, you can add ash.

When does fertilizing clematis begin in the spring at the dacha?

Spring is a great time to start intensively fertilizing clematis. Ammonium nitrate 20 g/10 l of water, mullein 1:10, 1:15 are suitable as a top dressing. 10 liters of prepared food should be poured into several bushes of the plant. In April and May, organic and mineral fertilizers must be alternated.

Feeding clematis with milk of lime

Milk of lime is an excellent fertilizer for clematis in the spring; it relieves soil acidity very well. The milk contains slaked lime or chalk, about 150 grams per 10 liters of water. It is necessary to fertilize in the middle and end of May.

Feeding clematis with ammonia and ammonium nitrate, dolomite flour

Ammonia is an indispensable product for plants, since ammonia or ammonia contain nitrogen, which promotes rapid and good growth clematis. For 10 liters of water you need 3 tablespoons of the substance. Fertilizing is carried out after watering and at the root of the plant.

Clematis fertilizer ammonium nitrate carried out in May in two ways: dilute 2 grams in 10 liters of water and water, scatter dry around the plant.

Dolomite flour is good to use when planting clematis, as the plant loves alkaline soil. 100 grams of flour is enough to obtain the desired result.

Feeding clematis with ash, mullein, chicken droppings, chalk advice from gardeners

Ash for feeding clematis can be added as early as mid-September. About 0.5 kg is enough for one plant bush; it should be firmly compacted into the soil.

Mullein in a ratio of 1:10 with water is used in the spring as fertilizer or irrigation. For 1 clematis bush you need 8-10 liters of infusion.

Chicken manure is a substitute for mullein in the garden or front garden, but it is made with 1:15 water.

Clematis chalk is used as lime milk. 150 grams of chalk are mixed with 10 liters of water and poured into the tree trunk circle.

Clematis, like any other flower, for good and lush flowering definitely needs to be fed. Then it will fully develop and give you its own, amazingly beautiful flowers that will decorate your fence, wall or gazebo. It all depends on what you planted this amazing plant next to. After all, this is precisely why clematis is grown, so that it can further decorate the structure that serves as its support. Now, let's directly figure out what types of fertilizer are suitable for clematis. What you can feed him and what he doesn’t like. We feed clematis. What and how should this be done? During its entire growing season, clematis is usually fed 4 times. In the spring, when your clematis just wakes up, you already need to think about feeding. This is not done immediately, but only at the end of spring. You need to feed it with urea (here is a good article about this fertilizer). You will only need to take a tablespoon of this fertilizer, and add mullein to it (it should already be in liquid form, 1 liter). Both of these components are diluted in an ordinary 10-liter bucket of water. The second time you will need to fertilize when the clematis has not yet bloomed, but is already about to do so. We calculate again using a bucket of water. “Agricola-7” (a tablespoon of this drug) is already diluted in it, plus potassium sulfate (taken in the same quantity). When your clematis has successfully flowered, you need to start feeding it again. The same 10 liters of water, but we already dilute any of these 2 fertilizers in them: again, “Agricola-7”, or it can be replaced with “Flower”. And the final feeding, number 4, will be necessary for clematis when its growth comes to an end. The same amount of water is taken, the preparations will be slightly different. Let’s take “Agricola for flowering plants"(here the quantity is 2 tablespoons), plus potassium sulfate and superphosphate (both in a tablespoon each). As for fertilizer consumption. At all stages of feeding this is no more than 10 liters. This is how much you need to pour on each clematis bush. Preparing clematis for winter. How to do it? In order for clematis to successfully overwinter, it must be properly prepared for this. You need to start with pruning; when doing it, you will need to seriously shorten the shoots and leave them only 20 centimeters in length. The roots must be covered. This can be done with humus or dry peat. The plant itself is covered with a box on top. And then they add additional sawdust on top. A film is laid on top of the sawdust, but it is necessary to make a hole in it so that the clematis simply does not suffocate and suffocate there. In severe frosts, clematis may suffer even under such cover. It happens that clematis gets a little bit cold. In this case, it is restored quite quickly, but the flowering will no longer be so lush.

Clematis, like any other flower, must be fed for good and lush flowering. Then it will fully develop and give you its own, amazingly beautiful flowers that will decorate your fence, wall or gazebo. It all depends on what you planted this amazing plant next to. After all, this is precisely why clematis is grown, so that it can further decorate the structure that serves as its support. Now, let's directly figure out what types of fertilizer are suitable for clematis. What you can feed him and what he doesn’t like.

We feed clematis. What and how should this be done?

During its entire growing season, clematis is usually fed 4 times. In the spring, when your clematis just wakes up, you already need to think about feeding. This is not done immediately, but only at the end of spring. You need to feed it with urea (here is a good article about this fertilizer). You will only need to take a tablespoon of this fertilizer, and add mullein to it (it should already be in liquid form, 1 liter). Both of these components are diluted in an ordinary 10-liter bucket of water.

The second time you will need to fertilize when the clematis has not yet bloomed, but is already about to do so. We calculate again using a bucket of water. “Agricola-7” (a tablespoon of this drug) is already diluted in it, plus potassium sulfate (taken in the same quantity).

When your clematis has successfully flowered, you need to start feeding it again. The same 10 liters of water, but we already dilute any of these 2 fertilizers in them: again, “Agricola-7”, or it can be replaced with “Flower”.

And the final feeding, number 4, will be necessary for clematis when its growth comes to an end. The same amount of water is taken, the preparations will be slightly different. We take “Agricola for flowering plants” (here the quantity is 2 tablespoons), plus potassium sulfate and superphosphate (both in a tablespoon).

As for fertilizer consumption. At all stages of feeding this is no more than 10 liters. This is how much you need to pour on each clematis bush.

Preparing clematis for winter. How to do it?

In order for clematis to successfully overwinter, it must be properly prepared for this. You need to start with pruning; when doing it, you will need to seriously shorten the shoots and leave them only 20 centimeters in length. The roots must be covered. This can be done with humus or dry peat. The plant itself is covered with a box on top. And then they add additional sawdust on top. A film is laid on top of the sawdust, but it is necessary to make a hole in it so that the clematis simply does not suffocate and suffocate there.

In severe frosts, clematis may suffer even under such cover. It happens that clematis gets a little bit cold. In this case, it is restored quite quickly, but the flowering will no longer be so lush.

And here is another useful video on the same topic. Let's see.

P.S. If the article was useful to you, please share it with your friends on in social networks. I will be very grateful to you for this.

Thank her very much!

From the magazine “THE FLOWER BULLETIN”, 2004, No. 4
Lyudmila Sedun, Moscow Flower Growers club


Spring has finally arrived! With anxiety and hope we go to the garden. Of course, there are losses, but not everything is as bad as expected. And we begin to loosen, dig, trim, tie, rake the needles, hoping to help our pets after another winter.

The cover from clematis must be removed gradually: first, spruce branches, leaves, peat or soil. If the soil has thawed, it must be loosened to destroy the soil crust and provide air access to the roots. It is better to leave spruce branches and part of the peat until positive night temperatures
Clematis, like all buttercups, begin their growing season early, usually at an average daily temperature above +5C. By this time, you need to carefully lift the shoots, inspect them, remove damaged and weak ones, and trim healthy ones to live pairs of buds and distribute them on a support.
The sand around the neck must be removed, the bases of the shoots and the ground around the bushes must be treated with a 1% solution copper sulfate or 1% Bordeaux mixture. Then pour a fresh layer of sand (2-3 cm) mixed with ash and charcoal (1-2 cups of ash and 1 liter jar of crushed coal per bucket of sand). If there is no sand, then pour ash into the base of the bush and charcoal and loosen the ground.
Typically, shoot growth in clematis begins in the first ten days of May, unless there are significant deviations from average weather conditions.
Do not rush to dig up the ground and check whether the clematis has started to grow - you can break the only, very fragile young shoot and lose the plant.
When the average daily temperature exceeds 10*C, intensive growth of shoots begins; they grow by 7-10 cm per day. The leaves on the shoots have not yet unfolded, the petioles are small and cannot cling to support. To prevent young shoots from breaking, intertwining with each other and forming dense tangles, it is very important at this time to distribute them on a support and tie them firmly.
Night frosts below -5*C can damage the tops of the shoots. Don’t be upset, in this case two new shoots will form, but flowering will be delayed by 10-14 days.
During the growing season, clematis need to be fed at least 5 times. Make the first feeding at the end of April - beginning of May with a solution of ammonium nitrate. Sprinkle (salt) 2 g per 10 liters of water or 1-2 handfuls of fertilizer around the bush and then seal it. Typically, a bucket of fertilizer solution is used for 1 - 5 plants, depending on the age and size of the bush; one bucket is used for a 5-10-year-old bush.
The second feeding - after 7-10 days - should preferably be done with organic fertilizers: mullein infusion (1:10), chicken manure (1:15), fermented grass infusion (1:10). If organic fertilizers no, then feed it with a urea solution - 10g per 10l of water.
The third feeding - 10-14 days after the second - make it complete complex fertilizer(ideally “Kemira universal”) - 1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water. Try to alternate organic and mineral fertilizers.
The fourth feeding during the budding period is with phosphorus-potassium fertilizer. Remember, you cannot use fertilizers containing chlorine for clematis!
Fifth feeding - after mass flowering and pruning (for clematis of the second group, more on this below) with a complete complex fertilizer - 1 tbsp. spoon for 10 liters of water.
During flowering, fertilizing is not recommended; it shortens the flowering time!
In the spring, between the second and third feedings, somewhere in the middle - end of May, it is useful to water clematis lime milk(100-150g slaked lime or crushed chalk per 10l of water).
Effective foliar feeding: in spring - with a weak solution of urea (1 tbsp. spoon per 20 liters of water), in summer - full mineral fertilizer. Every year I make 3 foliar feedings not only for clematis, but also for genus and perennials: one with a solution of microelements (according to instructions), two with a solution of potassium permanganate (2-3g) plus boric acid(1-2g) per 10 liters of water. The latter solution is also prophylactic against diseases.
At the end of summer, add 2-3 cups of ash under each clematis bush.
Clematis love not only to eat, but also to drink. IN middle lane It is enough to water once a week. If the summer is hot and dry - after 5 days. It is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the soil - clematis love normal soil wet soil. In waterlogged soils, the roots do not have enough air (water and air are antagonists in the soil) and they cannot fully provide the plant with nutrients.
In the first year after planting, the watering depth should reach 40-50cm, then 70-80cm. In loose, rich soil, clematis roots penetrate to a depth of 8-100cm, so an adult plant requires 30 to 50 liters of water.
It is recommended to first water the soil near the center of the bush, then along the periphery. Do not water the center of the bush, the base of the shoots and the leaves!
Most effective for clematis drip irrigation. It is advisable to install perforated pipes during planting for watering and fertilizing or make vertical wells with a diameter of 10-15 cm, which are filled with gravel or crushed stone.
After watering or rain, it is advisable to loosen the soil. It is better to do this after 1-2 days, when the soil is still moist. Loosening wet or dry soil is useless.
Good results are obtained by mulching the soil (10 cm from the neck) with rotted manure or compost, sprinkled with peat on top - in this case, during watering or rain, the plants will receive adequate nutrition, and the soil will not dry out.
An important agrotechnical technique when growing clematis is pruning. The growth and development of the plant, the timing, duration and abundance of flowering depend on how it is made.
How to prune clematis? It depends on the group they belong to.
The first group of pruning includes Knyazhiki and mountain clematis, as well as their varieties. Plants of this group are grown without pruning. After flowering, weak and dead shoots are removed and thick, overgrown bushes are thinned out.
The second group of pruning is clematis from the Patens, Florida and Lanuginosa groups, which bloom in early summer (late May, June) on last year's shoots and again from July to September on current year's shoots. Pruning is also done twice. In the summer, after the first flowering, the faded part of last year's shoot is removed or, if it is weak, it is completely cut out. In autumn, flower buds are formed on the shoots of the current year, so they are only shortened (light pruning), leaving 10-15 nodes (1-1.5 m). Only diseased and damaged shoots are completely cut out. With strong autumn pruning of all shoots (up to 1-3 nodes), varieties of these groups flower next year on current shoots at the end of July - in August and even in September. In some varieties it is weak, in others it may not be there at all.
Some varieties of the Laneginosa group bloom profusely on the shoots of the current year from early July until autumn (Silmakivi, Kyllus, etc.). Such varieties can be pruned in the fall, like clemats of the Jackmany and Vititsella groups, i.e. Do heavy pruning.
Large-flowered clematis of the Jacquemman, Vititsella and Integrifolia groups, blooming on the shoots of the current year, belong to the third pruning group. It is recommended to trim all shoots to the base or to the first true leaf in the fall before planting for the winter. I advise leaving 4-6 pairs of buds on some of the shoots, and in the spring trim them back to a healthy pair of buds. From these buds, young shoots develop earlier than the main ones, and since flower buds are laid on the young growth of the current year, they bloom 1-2 weeks earlier. You can pinch the tops of the current shoots, then instead of one, two shoots will develop, and flowering will be delayed for 1-2 weeks. In this way, the flowering time of clematis is regulated. If you do not prune the shoots of clematis of these groups in the fall, then in the spring young growth begins to develop from the upper pairs of buds, from about 10-15, and Bottom part the bush remains bare.
If it is not known which group the purchased variety belongs to, cut the shoots to different heights- one completely, others up to 10-15 knots. This combined pruning will allow you to determine on which shoots, last year’s or current year, and at what time flowering occurs. Do not forget that in the year of planting, clematis of all groups should be pruned in the fall to the first true leaf.
After autumn pruning treat the base of the shoots with 1% iron sulfate, it is advisable to remove the sand from the neck before doing this, and then replace it with a new one.
These are the basic rules for caring for clematis: feed abundantly, water on time and prune wisely. Don't waste your time. Clematis will more than thank you for your care