Garden and vegetable garden layout drawing top view. Setting up an orchard

The vegetable garden is usually perceived only as a source of fresh vegetables and herbs. Meanwhile, the green beds can become important element garden design. In addition, reasonable planning of the garden, taking into account the needs of plants, helps to obtain an excellent harvest.

The main principles of garden planning

1. Maximum light

Most vegetables are light-loving. It is better to choose a well and evenly lit area for your garden. For example, tomatoes reduce yield even if they are in the shade for about 2 - 3 hours a day. To ensure that both sides are heated evenly, the beds are oriented from north to south.

2. Calculate your strength.

Set aside as much space for your vegetable garden as you can—and want! - handle. If you are at your dacha only on weekends and not every time, it hardly makes sense to plan large vegetable garden and strive to plant as many crops as possible.

3. Wide beds are not always good.

Layout personal plot usually starts with marking out vegetable beds. Traditionally, in our vegetable gardens, beds are made 100 - 120 cm wide. This saves usable garden space, but makes it difficult to care for the plantings: it is not always convenient to stretch. 70 cm wide beds are much easier to maintain. For older people, not only narrow but also raised beds are convenient, over which there is no need to bend over. Raised beds are increasingly dressed in a frame made of boards, or ready-made ones are used, into which they are filled fertile land. In this case, both water and fertilizers are used more efficiently by plants.

4. Don’t get carried away with beds of complex shapes

This makes care difficult and worsens conditions for plants, since the soil dries out faster in the corners, so plants may not develop evenly.

5. The passages between the beds should not be the same width.

For normal care, a distance of 40 cm is sufficient; For raised beds add 20 - 35 cm due to the presence of walls. If the garden is large, you need a through path for walking and walking; you can also make a recreation area. However, before you start forming the beds, think about how to lay the path. They should be wide enough, leading to all corners of the garden, and it should be convenient not only to walk on them, but also to carry a cart.

6. Don't be afraid to combine cultures.

Especially compatible with each other. Combination on one bed different forms foliage, shades of color and height of plants looks much more attractive than monotonous rows of plantings.

Beautiful garden bed.

The basic principles of garden design are quite applicable to the vegetable garden, because volumetric decorative compositions can be created from almost any plant.

Suitable for single planting and creating a background tall plants: sunflower, corn, dill, amaranth, Jerusalem artichoke, lovage, rhubarb, tall tomatoes. Sorrel and horseradish will find their place under the rhubarb, mint, oregano, perennial onions, borage and herbs will complement and decorate it with flowers and umbrellas.

Draw a garden plan

The main problems when planning a vegetable garden and personal plot are the need to observe crop rotation and different needs for vegetables. Suppose a family needs one bed of radishes, a third of it, and three cucumbers. Next year, all the same things will have to be planted in a completely different way. On the one hand, this is a plus, since the picture looks new every time. On the other side - headache, since this puzzle has to be solved year after year. To see whether all the desired volume of vegetables will fit in the beds or whether some positions will have to be reduced, draw a plan of the garden.

Divide the area into squares, rectangles, triangles. In reality, their size should be such that you can reach the middle of the bed with your hand. Estimate how many sections you will need for which crop (for example, zucchini - 4, radishes - 2, etc.).

Then cut the required amount from a piece of paper and label the name of the crop, its height and color. And then move these pieces of paper along the garden plan, changing their places in accordance with crop rotation plans.

Place short plants closer to the front edge, medium-sized plants behind them, and tall plants in the background as accents. Insufficient height of vegetable plants can be compensated by using raised beds. Naturally, they are arranged in a ladder, the lowest ones being closer to the observer. Don't forget about lighting - this is very important when planning your garden: tall plants should not shade low ones.

What can and cannot be planted nearby.

Eat garden crops, which cannot grow and develop nearby due to mutual intolerance of root and essential secretions. But there are also plants that are capable of “mutual assistance”: when planted in the neighborhood, they have a beneficial effect on each other. This must be taken into account when planning a personal plot.

They don't like neighbors:

  • tomatoes and kohlrabi;
  • cucumbers and cabbage;
  • onions (onions and garlic) and potatoes, cabbage, legumes, beets;
  • legumes and nightshades (tomatoes, peppers).

They grow well next to each other.

Planning and laying out a summer cottage is a big creative process that will require you not only to have certain knowledge, but also to use your own imagination. Wherein knowledgeable people It is recommended to follow the advice of specialists who will help you complete all the work, as a result, every square meter of the territory will bring benefits and delight you with beauty and comfort every day. We will consider in detail how to plan a summer cottage plot with our own hands, step by step.

Preparatory work

Before you begin drawing up a future site plan, you need to decide on the terrain itself, the nature of the relief, the shapes land plot, the presence of any buildings, as well as other features of the area. For example, in rural areas a large number of streams and reservoirs, if one is present on your site, then you can use it correctly.

Pay attention to several features of the location of the dacha:

  • lowland - hill;
  • presence or absence of a water source;
  • wooded area - steppe.

Quite often it is necessary to add or remove soil, make blind areas for walls, and also make organized drains. Only with proper placement of buildings on the site can you make maximum use of the dacha plot and highlight all the zones.

So that everything preparatory work have been done correctly, it is best to assess the space and start from the ground.

  1. Relief: hilly, flat, with ravines or mountains. The layout of utility lines will depend on this indicator.
  2. Soil: clayey, humus, sandy. If you plan to equip a vegetable garden, you should increase the soil fertility by applying fertilizers. The set of plants for the garden and flower beds will depend on the acidity level.
  3. Shape and size of the territory: square, rectangular and elongated.
  4. Groundwater: when sufficient high level you should think about water drainage.
  5. Climatic conditions.
  6. Illumination.

It is better to orient all large buildings and trees towards the north. This approach will reduce the influence of shadows, and the view from the house will be maximally illuminated throughout the day.

Zones on the territory of the dacha

The layout of a summer cottage depends precisely on the zones that will be included here. In every individual case there will be a list, but you can consider the largest example and list of zones:

  • residential;
  • recreation;
  • outbuildings;
  • garden.

Each of them should have its own area depending on total area. Yes, when correct implementation zoning, the residential part should be up to 20%. If it is planned to build outbuildings, then this percentage should not exceed 15%. At the same time, the largest plot is allocated to the vegetable garden and garden - 75%. This approach will allow you to diversify your landscape design and fill it with a wide variety of flower varieties and plant species.

  1. The house is placed first. Most often, a central zone is allocated for it, but buildings are most often located somewhere in the depths. In an interesting and original way, they can be disguised with the help of decorative plantings that are not afraid of shadows.
  2. The place to relax should be the most comfortable and best. In this case, the nature of the zone can be arranged or scattered. Here you should not forget about the place for a children's playground.
  3. The garden should be well lit, so it is given sunny side. The shadow of buildings should not obscure the territory.

Shapes of plots

Options for planning a summer cottage can be very diverse, but almost everything will depend on the shape of the land plot. The most common type of plot is a rectangular shape, on which it is possible to implement a wide variety of solutions and ideas. There is also an L-shaped type of plot. It is quite complex, so you will need to think and think about where and how to place everything. The part that protrudes can be used as a place to relax or as a playground.

On a triangular-shaped site, you can consider an asymmetrical approach when planning and dividing the territory. The emphasis should be on round elements:

  • lawns;
  • bodies of water;

It is best to place outbuildings in remote corners.

Planning is a creative endeavor. Experts advise considering the most various options, but do not copy them completely, but make some changes.

After having been determined important points and studied various options layouts, you need to sketch everything on a piece of paper. You can seek help from specialists, landscape designers who use special programs to develop the project. But to save money, a regular sheet of A4 paper and a pen (pencil) will be enough.

To sketch the plan, consider an example - a 10-acre dacha plot. It is best if you take a scale of 1:100 and a sheet of whatman paper of the appropriate size - a square of 50x50 cm. For convenience, it is better to arm yourself with a pencil and a ruler in order to line the entire sheet into a grid in increments of 1 cm. Next - a flight of fancy: arm yourself with colored pencils, clippings from magazines and felt-tip pens, with the help of which you can create a real collage.

When working with the diagram, you must take into account:

  • location of the house taking into account all exits;
  • places allocated for outbuildings and auxiliary buildings;
  • rest zone;
  • playground;
  • paths;
  • fence;
  • flower beds, rock gardens and front gardens;
  • bodies of water;
  • engineering Communication.

When preliminary placing objects, you should select the optimal location that will suit the purpose.

So, as already mentioned, the main elements in the following categories should first be placed on the site:

  • the basis is the house;
  • additional buildings and outbuildings: summer kitchen, garage, well, barn, cellar and others;
  • recreational buildings: terrace, patio, gazebo, playground, swimming pool and outdoor shower;
  • garden and vegetable garden: flower beds, front gardens, beds for vegetables and root crops, greenhouses.

It is important to pay attention not only to their placement and shape, but also to decide on the materials that will be used during construction. Only in this case the site will achieve a harmonious garden style. The children's playground is no less important: when choosing a place, you should opt for the most visible area, so that the kids are always under the visual control of their parents.

We also take into account the legal requirements regarding distance standards:

  • from the house to the red line of the street - 5 m;
  • from the house to the neighbor’s fence – 3 m;
  • between houses made of stone - 6 m, wood - 15 m, mixed - 10 m;
  • from the fence for garden house– 3 m, buildings for animals – 4 m, outbuildings – 1 m, trees – 4 m;
  • from the windows of the house to the neighbor’s utility parts – 6 m.

At the end of the article are the most different examples finished projects layouts summer cottages. Check them out and draw your own conclusions.

Plot of 12 acres

A garden area of ​​12 acres will allow you to place a larger number of objects and allocate additional space for recreation areas in comparison with the previous option. In this case, the layout will be distributed as follows:

  • House with a spacious veranda – 150 m2.
  • Household part 50 m2.
  • Recreation area and playground – 200 m2.
  • Vegetable garden and greenhouse – 200 m2.
  • garden plot– 550 m2.
  • Paths and paths – 50 m2.

The principle of placing buildings will be similar to the option of a plot of 6 acres, but in this case there appears additional opportunity for the implementation of various landscaping ideas. Thus, a large number of not only fruit trees and shrubs are connected, but also decorative ones. They can be planted around each object, as well as along paths.

In addition, additional square meters allocated for the recreation area will allow you to build a gazebo, swimming pool, and barbecue. It is very important to think about decorative lighting here, which will make spending time in the evening possible.

Plot of 15 acres

First of all, we note that 15 acres is as much as 1500 m2 of free territory, on which a wide variety of landscape combinations can be implemented. Most often, the plot has the shape of a rectangle 30x50 m or 25x60 m. There is enough space to include in the project everything necessary for comfortable and functional living not only in summer, but also in winter.

  1. Residential building with attic and veranda – 200 m2.
  2. Summer cuisine– 30 m2.
  3. Guest house – 50 m2.
  4. Bathhouse – 50 m2.
  5. Outbuildings– 70 m2.
  6. Garage with access for a car - 30 m2.
  7. The recreation area includes a gazebo, a children's playground, a barbecue and picnic area, as well as benches throughout the area - 300 m2.
  8. Decorative structures (fountain, artificial or natural pond, garden bridge, stone sculptures) – 100 m2.
  9. Vegetable garden – 200 m2.
  10. Flower beds and mixborders – 70 m2.
  11. Garden – 400 m2.

There are no special recommendations for such a site, so pay attention to the first and second options. Everyone will be able to realize any idea here, and even more than one - it’s enough to rationally weigh and develop everything so that everything fits and harmonizes very well with each other.

A country house should be surrounded by greenery, so a lot of time and effort is devoted to this stage. A large number of flower beds are planned and laid out, and a large front garden is set up in front of the house.

When independently developing a plan for your summer cottage, you need to take into account many nuances and points that will help you complete all the work correctly and efficiently. Please take note of the recommendations and advice given in the article, and also review the sketches of the site plans. As a result, you will be able to create the summer cottage of your dreams, where it will be comfortable to spend all seasons, regardless of weather conditions.


A lot of useful tips is given in the following video:


Most of our readers have a dacha or a plot of land that we definitely want to keep in order and beauty. Therefore, many begin to plant gardens or vegetable gardens within the boundaries of their summer cottage, as far as the hundred square meters allow. But in order to do everything beautifully and efficiently, you need to know the rules and features. Some have a developed imagination and love very much creative ideas, which means it won’t be difficult for them. What about everyone else? We want to help you with this. In this article you will find tips on how to carry out planning on your own, what rules exist, how to find suitable plants and how to plant them correctly, how many beds are needed and how to place them taking into account your acres. And also which ones can be used decorative elements and is it worth doing this at all? We will post several photos in the article that you can use to create your own ideas.

First, it’s worth understanding what planning is and where to start. Layout is the optimal layout for the site, which will ensure the most rational use usable area for productive beds. But where to start? Many owners want to plant fruit trees and plant a vegetable garden, but the question arises: is it possible to combine all this? You can always combine everything, you just need to know how to do it correctly. Therefore, we would suggest that you start by creating your own unique garden bed arrangement idea that seems ideal to you.

In order to create something of your own, look at several ideas on the Internet, photos on websites or in landscape design magazines. You can also find several video tutorials on design basics. Please note that you can create everything yourself, but if you think it is difficult and laborious, you can use the ideas of designers or their direct services.

Step-by-step instructions for planning

We want to help you organize your planning work correctly summer cottage so that there are no unaccounted moments. If you decide to make a complex of vegetable and fruit plantings, then you should start with planning.

  • Create a sketch of your initial idea that will reflect general features that you want to see on the site. You can make a color scheme in two versions to immediately see what your site will look like in the spring and autumn.
  • Calculate the size of the plot in advance, find out how many acres it contains (the most common plots are 4 and 6). You should know not only the general dimensions, but also some features, including the size to which plants can grow; planting should not be very dense.
  • Think about where you can place your vegetable garden. We want to say that many gardeners advise placing everything on the south side. If you do not have this option, then try to make sure that your place is sunny, but with periods of shade.

Plan where best to make your beds

  • Write a list of plants that you would like to see on your site. These can be vegetable beds, fruit trees, or ornamental plants and flowers. Later we will talk about the most common schemes that currently exist.
  • Consult with experts or read for yourself to find out whether the plants you choose are compatible with each other. To do this, you need to study the soil and fertilizer needs for each type of plant. And also the frequency of their watering, the need for solar energy and other.
  • Find out what the acidity of the soil is, whether there is groundwater, what the relief is, and the orientation of the area relative to the sun.
  • Consider how many beds you can create. Think in advance which processes you will carry out yourself, and which ones you will need help with.
  • Plant plants in a specific order. Seedlings cannot be in the shade, and bushes and low plants should be closer to the sun.
  • It is necessary to find out the fruiting dates of all trees and shrubs. And place all plants according to their ripening dates.
  • Take a photo of your work.

What should be indicated on the diagram, what plants should be used?

What should be indicated on the diagram

The planting scheme should be developed as correctly as possible and can easily be done with your own hands, without the help of experts. In order for you to take everything into account and not forget anything, we decided to develop special recommendations for you.

  1. To start planting, you should always have a photo of the site. Since you cannot always be in close proximity to it, and your circuit will often require it.
  2. Draw on the diagram the location of the house; if the site has not yet been developed, then the estimated size and location.
  3. Indicate not only the size of the plot, but also its distance from the boundaries of the plot. If you decide to combine several types of plantings into one composition, then it is worth indicating what size each of them will be and at what distance they will be located.
  4. Pay attention to painting everything with flowers. This is only important for decorative look. Thanks to this, you will be able to see from a new perspective.

What plants can be used for the garden?

For your garden, you can use any plants you need:

  • cabbage,
  • carrot,
  • potato,
  • cucumbers,
  • tomatoes,
  • greenery,
  • beet,
  • eggplants,
  • pumpkin.

What site planning models are there?

In order to outline only the main points of planting, we decided to show you three main options for planning a vegetable garden and including a garden. It is worth noting that the choice should be influenced not only by the “liked” factor, but also by the topography of the site, the number of acres, and the expected number of beds.

  1. Decorative model. This model is designed exclusively for lovers of unpretentious site management and assumes the presence of ornamental plants and plantings. Most often, this model is embodied in the shape of a circle. Inside there are plantings of flowers and only ornamental plants (preferably tall ones to show off all the beauty). Outside, a kind of “frame” is created from fruit plants (currants, raspberries, strawberries). Very often bought low bushes, which will not hide decorative flowers too much. If the site allows, then they plant in a semicircle behind fruit trees(their number depends on the size of the model). For example, you can look at photos of planting on the Internet.
  2. Rectangular model. Its peculiarity is that here you do both a garden and a vegetable garden at the same time. Most often used for summer cottages square shape. The peculiarity is that you plant several beds of vegetables (as many hundred square meters of land as possible). There are several garden beds nearby berry bushes(currants, raspberries), selected to your taste. For best view Fruit trees are also planted, but a little further away. The peculiarity is that despite the abundance of species, the square or rectangular shape is preserved.
  3. Free model. Here the shape and size depend solely on the area and your capabilities. The scheme is the same: combine several vegetable and berry beds with fruit and decorative trees. As you can see in the photo, only your imagination plays a role here.

Planning is a very important thing, so we would like to give some tips for those who will do everything themselves. To begin with, it is worth noting that it is necessary to take into account all the natural and geographical factors of the site: size, lighting, temperature changes. If you still have a small area for a garden, then use the method more vertical beds, on nets and supports, cucumbers, beans, peas, tall tomatoes, etc. feel great. Always pay attention to the compatibility of garden plants and their need for lighting. Also, you should not use old trees for the site; seedlings are quite suitable for you. If some process becomes unclear to you, we recommend looking at photos on the Internet, where you can also find instructions on the optimal number of beds and the correct calculation of acres. Planning on your own is a lot of work, but once you get into the process, you'll love it!

Inexperienced summer residents, having planted their own garden, often complain that it does not have the abundance of fruits that they expected. And they begin to cut down trees, replacing them with cutting-edge seedlings. But in 90% of cases people themselves are to blame for poor fruiting! Probably, the planting was carried out chaotically, according to the principle “the more, the better”, there was no garden layout, and the result is useless diseased trees.

Video: how to properly plan a summer cottage

Creating a garden, like creating a house, begins with design. Remember how a building design is chosen: they study the climate, the terrain, the availability of free space, family members, etc. And only taking into account all factors allows you to create the most comfortable and warm house.

Where does the garden begin?

The garden also begins with a study of the land on which the plants will live and the climate, which directly affects the number of fruits. If the soil is too clayey or only sandy, it is necessary to enrich it with chernozem, peat and other useful components, on which the nutrition of the roots will depend.

In the climate, the main factors that destroy fruiting are frosty winters, late spring frosts and excess humidity. Therefore, it is necessary to select an assortment of trees based on climatic conditions specific area.

Choosing trees

Apple trees, pear trees, cherry plums and cherries of local selection are the most temperature-resistant trees. They adapt to almost any area and bear fruit, if not annually, then every other year.

Southern guests - apricot, peach - are afraid of wet springs because early flowering at high humidity does not end with pollination. Pollen, along with moisture, settles on the ground. Spring frosts, which occur during apricot blossoms, are also dangerous.

Cherries absolutely cannot tolerate nearby groundwater, and if reclamation is not carried out, then in a couple of years it will wither. A wet spring also leaves its mark: the fruits crack and rot before they even have time to ripen.

Therefore, when selecting an assortment of trees, take into account their future productivity. Is it necessary to devote precious meters on five to six hundred square meters to trees that can bear fruit once every six years (under optimal weather conditions!). Isn’t it better to go to the nearest supermarket and buy a couple of kilograms of apricots or peaches, which will not be very expensive during the season, and plant in the garden only those plants that will provide seven vitamins in winter?

Making the markings

To decide how many trees to plant and how to do it correctly, you need to draw on paper all the existing and planned buildings on the site: a house, a bathhouse, a gazebo, a fence, electric poles with wires (if any) and old trees that you do not plan to uproot.

Garden on a small dacha plot

Why is this necessary? Each object rising above the ground casts a shadow, which affects the development of nearby plants. Trees, bushes, garden plants will begin to stretch into the zone of constant illumination, spending their energy not on laying fruits, but on fighting for light. This will continue until the top becomes higher than the obstacle. And since trees are not always able to outgrow a house or a bathhouse, you won’t see any fruit even after 10 years. Therefore, on your plan, mark with a number the height of each building, as well as the cardinal directions. Shadows will be located to the west and east of objects, tapering towards the south. Draw with strokes the places where there will be shade for more than half of the day. This distance is equal to half the height of your buildings.

Everything that turns out to be shaded on paper is not suitable for the garden. There you can lay paths, arrange flower beds, create a lawn, a pond, etc. In order for the trees to produce a harvest, the shade zone is excluded from the plan of the future garden.

Planting plants

First, decide how many trees and shrubs you plan to plant. If you don’t want to prune pears or apple trees, then you can “plant” a maximum of 7 trees per acre. Why not thicker? Because as they grow, they will begin to cast a shadow, interfering with each other’s normal development.

If pruning is still planned, then the number of trunks can be increased to 15 (per hundred square meters). The most “advanced” summer residents should splurge on columnar trees, which are planted at meter intervals.

Layout option for a rectangular plot with a garden and vegetable garden

It should be noted!
Pruning reduces the number of fruits only in cherries and apricots, because they are located throughout the branch. It is not customary to trim them. The remaining trees are in dire need of pruning. This will make the fruits larger, and the extra branches will not take away the light. It is best to keep trees about 2 meters in size, forming the crown like a ball or a flat wall (if planting trees near a fence).

Trees are planted after four meters if it is planned to restrain their growth in the area of ​​2 m with a ball shape, and after three meters if planted with a wall. The distance between bushes (currants, gooseberries, etc.) is 1.5 m.

The rows should be arranged from south to north. This way, the plants will cast less shade, and shade-tolerant crops can be planted between the rows.

Vegetable garden layout

Modern layout garden and vegetable garden is no longer strictly rectangular. And all because right angles are inconvenient to go around when moving with a wheelbarrow. That's why garden paths and mark out the garden beds in such a way that it is convenient to walk with the equipment. Interesting examples of garden and vegetable garden planning can be found from other summer residents, on the Internet or specialized reference books.

But there are general laws that should be followed so that a minimum of beds produce a maximum yield.

Those owners who haven’t bothered with planning are struggling with growing garden crops. By taking a thorough puff once when planning your garden and vegetable garden, you will save yourself from unnecessary work.

A plan for a garden is like a pattern for sewing a dress. First, let's measure the area or take as a basis the plan issued to you by the BTI. Next, we will transfer the site plan on a scale of 1:100 to a sheet of graph paper, that is, 1 cm on paper will correspond to 1 m of land. The plan should indicate the boundaries of the site, gates and gates, the house and other garden buildings (sauna, shed, gazebo, etc.), those trees and large shrubs that you decided to leave, hedges, if any, doors and windows of the house. Be sure to mark the location of the well on paper, electrical cables, sewer hatch and other necessary things. We will transfer paths and paved areas to the plan, but only those that we intend to leave. Let's outline it on the plan functional areas. Routes for moving around the garden should connect them with the house and with each other, as well as provide access to those places from where we will admire the garden.

Preliminary sketch after site survey


  • mask a bad view of neighboring buildings from the windows of the house;
  • check the views from the windows onto the garden, make them especially picturesque;
  • find a place for a pond and a gazebo near it;
  • arrange small garden herbs near the patio;
  • plant two apple trees (early and mid-ripening).

The house is the dominant element of any site. It sets the style and scale of the garden, for example: if the house is large, the paths cannot be narrow and the flower beds cannot be small. The garden and the house should look organically together. Trees and shrubs that cover the house when viewed from the gate, as well as decorating its facade with the help of vines, will not only not damage your house, but will also make the overall impression of the garden more interesting, and if the house is very modest, this is the only way to improve it. Ideally, one should strive to ensure that the house does not stick out like a finger, but is as if dissolved in the landscape, forming a worthy duet of architecture and wildlife. It does not at all follow from this that the house should be small, and it does not have to be one-story, even if the plot is tiny.

But it is important to decorate the corners of the building, this can be done with the help of a group of trees and shrubs, it is also necessary to cover the base of the house, plants should not cover the windows of the house, and taller plants can be placed in the walls.

Founder of Muskau Park, the largest landscape park in english style V Central Europe, Hermann von Pückler-Muskau believed that in order for buildings to make a harmonious impression, they must be visually covered by plants by at least a third.

There is another extreme, when the house is completely hidden from view by vegetation. Such a house gives the impression of abandonment; you don’t even want to look inside.

A unified color scheme for the house and the space around it helps to create a particularly cohesive impression of this part of the garden. White balusters of the terrace, flowering bush jasmine, the white border of the leaves of the Elegantissima tree, the still greenish but soon whitening caps of the tree hydrangea inflorescences - what a harmonious and elegant garden picture, and the plants are the simplest and most ordinary.

A large, solid house looks very dignified, but does not overwhelm the space around it due to the fact that adult conifers hug it, visually covering a considerable part. The house and its respectable surroundings do not compete with each other, but produce exactly the impression that is required.

You can fit the house into the garden with the help of plants formed like palmettes, as well as with the help of vines.

You need to put on the plan everything that you want to add to it. After the plan has been sketched out, at least roughly, we’ll try to wander around it. A harmonious garden is a series of changing views. It is very important to control which garden pictures open from the gate, from front door and windows of the house, from the recreation area, etc.

In the garden, you should not plant every square centimeter of space; it is important to ensure alternation and the correct ratio of open and closed spaces. Open space is anything that is below human eye level, such as a lawn, paving, or pond. Closed space- what is above eye level are trees, tall hedges, etc. There is a rule: in northern countries, including middle lane Russia, the ratio of closed and open spaces should be 1:2 (the area of ​​the house is excluded from consideration), that is, the area of ​​open spaces should be approximately twice as large as the area of ​​closed spaces.

In a well-planned garden you want to take a walk, sit in those places from which the most beautiful views, see interesting garden plants.

When starting to plan a garden with your own hands, you need to correctly balance the size of the area adjacent to the house with the ideas you have. How smaller size plot, the more difficult it is to plan the garden, since you will have to take care to carry out proper zoning without overloading the area with excesses. Here landscape tricks will come to the rescue; they are simply irreplaceable when planning a garden. And one of them is planning using a scale grid.

How to properly plan a garden on a site (with photo)

Before you can properly plan a garden that pleases you with proportionate proportions and strict cleanliness of lines, you need to carry out functional zoning and thereby make the space suitable and comfortable specifically for your family.

When planning a garden, the design of which is dominated by clear lines, convenient, logical and comfortable, geometric solutions are especially suitable for small plots besides this good way connect the house with the garden. How smaller area garden, the more concise its plan should be.

Photo gallery

Look at the photo: the garden layout using simple geometric shapes such as a circle or square is typical not only for the classic regular version, it is also suitable for a completely modern garden.

Before you plan your garden on your property, have a scale grid available. Its step can be selected based on architectural features houses, if any, is often the distance between the windows of the house. The size of the mesh may vary, but it is always based on the size of the house: if the house is large, then the mesh is large, and vice versa. You can take the distance between fence posts as a step.

A garden plot designed using an unreasonably fine grid will be overloaded with details. For small gardens up to 6 acres, its size is 2-3 m.

The grid is just a tool, but an extremely important one, with its help you can try to create a harmonious and logical garden project, she will tell you where to start designing.

Types of garden layout using a scale grid

There are three types of layout using a scale grid. The most common is the rectangular version, it is the most obvious, often very simple, sometimes almost primitive, but extremely functional.

The grid in the rectangular version always starts from the facade of the house; in this version, all lines of the garden (paths, borders of flower beds, paving, lawns) are parallel or perpendicular to the facade of the house.

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Pay attention to the photo on how to plan a garden using diagonal lines: this type of layout not only allows you to come up with original design solutions, but also helps to visually enlarge the garden space, as if to expand its boundaries, because the diagonal is always more sides rectangle. In this case, the garden lines are also straight, but located at an angle of 45° to the facade of the house. Plans made using diagonals add lightness and dynamics to garden design; they are always interesting.

The third option for planning a garden is circular. Designing a garden using circles is not easy, but the result is impressive, so it’s worth trying.

When designing your own garden, I advise you not to be lazy, make all three possible options and even their combinations, and then choose the most impressive one.

If you're thinking about how to lay out your garden but don't like straight lines, by designing your garden using a grid, you can easily create smooth lines by rounding the corners.

Shape is the most important part of any object; information about color, texture, size in relation to shape is secondary. Any design work should begin with the choice of form. Of all the existing forms, the circle and the ball are closest to man, because such forms are created by nature itself - let’s remember, for example, an apple, the sun, the full moon, the wheel and the millstone have long been known and familiar. The circle symbolizes enlightenment, perfection, the yin-yang symbols are also enclosed in the circle.

The round shape is suitable for decorating any garden element- lawn, paved area, flower arrangement, reservoir. If the recreation area or lawn is shaped like a circle, and the paths are designed in the form of smooth lines that are parts of circles various diameters, such a garden looks spacious and cozy.

The round-shaped area looks great against the background of a round-shaped lawn; it is paved with rectangular clinker bricks in a circle, which once again emphasizes its shape. Circle as an element garden design creates much-needed intimacy and privacy in this place. By the way, there is also a round umbrella, which not only protects the owners of the garden and their guests from the sun, but also follows the shape of the paved area. Paving is not the only option for covering a recreation area; a round wooden deck, slightly raised above the ground, is also very good.

IN modern garden Pergolas are widely used, most often their pillars are located in a straight line, but this is not the only possible variant, pergolas look interesting, the bases of the pillars are located in a circle.

Circle - perfect shape for the lawn. It is this geometric figure that organizes the effect of spaciousness even on small area. A dense environment of shrubs and herbaceous perennials creates ideal conditions for private life in such a garden.

Garden layout: landscape design tricks

If you are designing a garden using geometric lines and shapes, they should be clearly legible not only on the plan, but also when taking it out into nature, everything should be checked down to the centimeter, even a little negligence in this case is absolutely inappropriate.

For proper garden planning, a combination of two options is often used. For example, in the case of a rectangular pond with quarter-circle cutouts at the corners, this is a combination of rectangular and circular options. Spectacular cutouts are emphasized by trimmed “hemispheres” of bushes. In our climatic zone they can be made from Thunberg barberry, Japanese spirea, brilliant cotoneaster, alpine Schmidt currant, snowberry, thuja occidentalis is also good for this purpose spherical, for example the variety "Globosa". Almost adjacent to one of the corners of the pond is a recreation area in the shape of a circle with a round table with chairs in the middle.

Another illustration to the theme good combination rectangular and circular layout. The paved area is shaped like a rectangle combined with an adjacent semicircle. Adjacent to it is a reservoir consisting of two symmetrical parts, each also using straight lines and quarter circles. The “roundness” of the composition is emphasized by boxwood balls in ceramic pots; in our climate, the same effect can be achieved by pruning the dwarf Japanese spirea of ​​the Little Princes variety, the leaves of which are as small as boxwood leaves.

Whether we realize it or not, our eye identifies geometric shapes in the garden; they are good for harmonizing space; the repetition of such elements can make any design more stylish and calm.