White interior doors in the interior. Interior renovation or wallpaper in the hallway under light doors, photo

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Many people mistakenly believe that the use of white doors in the interior of premises is banal. There are also those who consider such a solution boring and unfashionable. However, as practice shows, more and more designers are choosing white doors in interior design. This is not surprising if you take into account that such products help to correctly place accents and realize the most daring ideas.

Advantages of white doors in the interior

It’s worth mentioning in advance that white doors in the interior look impressive not only as interior solution, but also as entrance structures. This approach is often used in countries with a warm, sunny climate, because white heats up significantly less when exposed to direct sunlight.

However, white interior doors, which are distinguished by their outstanding functionality and have excellent aesthetic characteristics, are much more often used. Such a choice has a number of obvious advantages, among which there are several outstanding ones.

First of all, white is a universal color and allows doors to be used in any room. Such designs look harmonious in the bathroom, in the hallway or living room, and in the kitchen. In addition, this design solution is relevant for any style. Many designers consider white to be neutral, which allows products of this color to fit into any interior.

White interior doors look gentle and light, without overloading the room or putting pressure on it. This feature makes these designs the most rational decision for use in oversized corridors. This is especially true for layouts where the hallway has several exits to other rooms.

It is well known that dark colors create a gloomy atmosphere and visually make rooms smaller, while white, on the contrary, visually expands the space.

Another important advantage of white doors is their cost. The price of such products is significantly lower than that of wood-trimmed or painted structures.

At the same time, when choosing a door, there is no need to combine it with existing furniture, other interior items and finishing materials for walls, floors and ceilings. Such designs look harmonious against any background. You can verify this by looking at how white interior doors look in a variety of interiors in the photo in our article.

As already noted, white color has the ability to visually increase the area, while adding lightness and airiness to the room. This quality is especially important for small rooms.

Do not forget that today on the market you can find a white door of any texture and structure, ideally combined with appearance furniture. Such products will easily fit into the interior of a nursery, office or bedroom.


Probably the only drawback of white doors for rooms is their susceptibility to contamination. After all, even a small amount of dirt will be very noticeable against a white background. Although surfaces made in dark colors have a number of disadvantages. So, for example, dust and fingerprints are very noticeable on them. In such a situation, it can be recommended to maintain constant cleanliness in the living space in order to minimize the possible contamination of the door.

Many consider the disadvantage of white doors in the interior to be their rustic appearance. Of course, such designs are not as impressive as options made under oak or wenge. Often, white doors remain as if apart from the rest of the interior, absolutely not drawing attention to themselves. However, it is often precisely this effect that designers strive for, thereby bringing other interior items to the fore.

White doors in various styles

There are several common styles in which white doors are made.

Classic style includes the most refined elements from different world cultures. Using the door leaf, interior designers try to emphasize their own original ideas. At the same time, the main task performed by white interior classic doors, often consists of playing in contrast with the color scheme interior decoration premises. An example is the Scandinavian style, in which the main role belongs to lighting and light tones, which gives white doors relevance as a decorative element.

At the same time, classic English style notable for the combination of white doors with marsh or “dirty” shades of decoration and interior. At the same time, the combination of these colors gives the room a solid and complete look. In addition, it is worth emphasizing that white interior doors create a feeling of nobility and aristocracy in rooms designed in a classical style.

White doors fit perfectly into modern decoration and interior styles. Few elements can also effectively complement a high-tech design. White doors perfectly emphasize the presence of chrome components, glass and the laconicism of this style. Often, such structures are used in the design of premises designed in the Art Nouveau or neoclassical directions.

In addition to the above styles, white doors are successfully integrated into Provence and Country interiors. These romantic trends are distinguished by the lightness and naturalness of the materials used in the design. White doors will allow you to fill your home with the warmth of home and the coziness of the village, emphasizing the simplicity and tenderness of the interior.


Today, in almost any store selling Construction Materials and products, you can find a huge number of different models of white doors. Such designs, as a rule, differ from each other in appearance and functionality. They can be single-leaf or double-leaf. In addition, the design of the doors requires the use of hinges or their absence in sliding models. You can buy a finished product standard size or order production to fit the dimensions of the doorway.

The most common and universal option are sleek simple white doors. Such products are made from painted canvas or finished with MDF or laminate. This simple solution is often found in both residential and office spaces. The main advantage of smooth white doors is the low cost of the products. These doors are a blank panel, but are sometimes decorated with additional glass inserts. Such designs, as a rule, are decorated with curves and smooth lines, which allows these products to be integrated into interiors made in a classic style. For loft and hi-tech, more laconic and angular versions of white doors are used.

A more respectable option is the one with glossy doors. Often this solution can be found in apartments or houses, as well as in the offices of serious companies, salons or various public institutions. It is not very appropriate to use such doors in bedrooms, because in this case they will reflect the sleeper, which is unlikely to please everyone.

A similar glossy effect can be achieved by repeatedly polishing the surface or by coating the white doors with a shiny varnish. In this case, there is no need to decorate the doors with additional decorative elements. Rather, they will look more impressive in combination with the most ordinary fittings.

To give the room an aristocratic feel, it is appropriate to use white doors in an antique-style interior. To achieve the effect of antiquity, the top layer of wood is eliminated during the manufacture of products. This technique exposes the upper coarse fibrous layer of the material and is called brushing. Using this technology, it is possible to achieve the effect of natural wood grain. Then the formed depressions and recesses are saturated with a contrasting shade, after which the wooden canvas is lightened and tinted. Such designs go well with antiques, antiques or handmade items.


There are many effective techniques aimed at giving white doors in the interior an aesthetic appearance. Designs decorated with carvings of the same design as those on furniture, walls or textile elements look very original. Good decision Stained glass will be used in the door design. In addition, it should be emphasized that you can either order ready-made decorated door, or make an individual order with the required design or pattern that harmoniously matches the interior of the room.

IN Lately The use of plastic and metal as decoration has become popular. Such materials look very harmonious in modern design solutions such as high-tech or modern. Great importance has a selection of suitable fittings. Antique lovers can equip their doors with ancient locks and door handles made by craftsmen from Europe several centuries ago.

Fittings and glazing

To bring a white door to life, there is no need to come up with something out of the ordinary. It is enough to place the right emphasis on the fittings used. Unusual door handles can change the appearance of a structure almost beyond recognition. A classic interior requires the use of elegant carved models coated with materials that imitate gilding or patina. But for modern styles it is more appropriate to use white metal doors, and colored plastic looks harmonious on the doors to the nursery.

To make the room brighter and lighter, you can use stained glass windows of various colors or glass inserts. At the same time, doors designed in this way allow you to play with the dimensions of the room.

Bright, creative people with individual tastes and preferences can order white interior doors, decorated with engraving or with glass. With this solution, the product turns from an item of necessity into a true work of art. You can come up with your own pattern or ornament, or choose some unusual hieroglyph from catalogs. In addition, floral patterns and natural patterns are in demand. natural themes. Decorated with glass the door aesthetically looks much lighter, which is important for narrow corridors and small rooms. This solution for such premises can be called ideal.

Combination with walls

It’s very cozy in rooms that feature a combination of white doors with walls made in warm colors. For example, with beige, coral, sand or yellow-orange. The combination of white with black, gray or brown will create a memorable interior in an ultra-modern style. Color solutions from deep purple to rich green are perfect for an interior in the Art Nouveau style. And soft pink, golden or turquoise walls will help decorate the room with oriental motifs. White doors in combination with pistachio wallpaper will create a feeling of peace and tranquility, and chocolate colors will impart reliability and confidence.

Blue walls in combination with white doors will perfectly help cope with depression; the combination of bright yellow and white activates intellectual activity. But white doors in combination with blue walls will calm and relax, and also help lower blood pressure. You can also choose suitable white interior doors from photos in manufacturers’ catalogues, but do not forget that the color may be slightly different in real life.

The “responsibility” of interior doors during operation is not as great as their entrance counterparts. But this does not negate the importance of their function as a visual and noise barrier, and in some cases, a heat insulator. Typically, the elements of the house that perform a utilitarian role have an inexpressive stylistic design. In other words, their decorativeness takes second place. Why did white interior doors become an exception in the interior? Everything is very simple - in most cases they are in a visible place, which provides for a certain design load. After all, it is difficult to imagine a luxurious living room or bedroom whose doors are frankly disharmonious with the surrounding decoration. At the same time, it is not necessary for it to dominate. Still, people who decide to use snow-white doors should know some of the features of such a stylistic decision.

What are the advantages of white doors?

Light shades are associated with characteristics such as airiness, tenderness and serenity. And white doors in a white interior only enhance these properties of the home, adding to them a feeling of harmony and purity. The advantage of such doors in the form of versatility is also important. They, regardless of design and textural content, can be combined with almost any setting. If with bright shades you have to find common points of fusion with the interior, then white color significantly expands the possibilities of forming design ensembles.

Another advantage is the creation of a beneficial visual effect. Bright hues increase the amount of space, which is especially beneficial for small rooms. Thus, the white doors in the interior, photos of which are presented below, demonstrate an example of an organic addition to the bedroom due to an unobtrusive visual effect.

Are white doors practical?

Perhaps the main, if not the only factor that stops you from purchasing white doors is the myth about their impracticality. Of course, there is some truth in the fact that a snow-white surface is not the best option for use in areas prone to contamination. But there are several points that will help you look at this problem a little differently. Firstly, the fact that white doors in the interior of an apartment contrast more strongly with marks and stains does not make them dirtier than dark surfaces. Color does not in any way affect the ability of the material to become covered with dust. Secondly, the visibility of dirty areas will become a kind of reason for cleaning the surface of the doors, while the dark background will remain longer without proper care. And thirdly, the advantage of a snow-white door from the point of view of care is due to the fact that regular cleaning surface will not cause its color to fade.

What styles do they correspond to?

Such doors fit into a wide variety of styles without restrictions. But there are also designs that are more suitable for light colors. For example, white doors in a white interior designed in a minimalist style will emphasize the sophistication and laconicism of the decor. This is an amazing feature of surfaces of this color - they not only fit into the environment, but also enhance its advantages. So, in the case of Empire or Baroque, it is already revealed back side white shades. They give the atmosphere of the room that same tenderness, airiness and nobility, and these qualities are again gaining value in modern homes.

Returning to minimalism, it is worth mentioning the ascetic Scandinavian style, which is characterized by neutral, calm shades. Northern peoples consider white doors in a white interior as a way of recreating a natural and, in a sense, natural environment.

Combination with furniture

Unlike the flooring and ceiling, the furniture is at the same visual level as the door. This means that strong contrasts in colors can be overwhelming to the eye. Of course, there will be no gross mistake if light surfaces are located next to dark chairs, cabinets or cabinets. Don’t forget about the versatility that white doors distinguish in the interior. The photo below, for example, shows an example of radical contrast.

However, the designer may have two options when creating a visual door-furniture combination. Either try to minimize disharmony by choosing light-colored furniture, or it is beneficial to use different shades in order to achieve acceptable contrast, as shown in the example above.

Combination with floor and walls

Again, it would be nice if the floor covering matches the interior door. Despite the prevailing opinion that the floor should be dark, today there are many options for light finishing options. Moreover, there are models that recreate the texture of wood. As a result, white doors and floors in an interior with such finishing will not only match in color, but also reproduce the feeling of unity of materials. And this will not be a false impression, but a genuine one - if you lay out laminate or parquet. However, the desire for an overall snow-white interior can create a boring atmosphere due to monochromatic colors. In this sense, the floor covering can act as a completely natural contrasting surface. By the way, the white door goes well with the traditional brown texture.

How to choose the optimal model?

The main choice has already been made - determined decorative design in the form of white color. Next, you should decide on the characteristics on which other qualities depend. For example, the texture of the coating can be glossy or matte. IN in this case You should rely just on the interior. To create a spectacular atmosphere in the living room, for example, it is better to use white glossy doors. In the interior of a bedroom or recreation room, matte surfaces are still preferable. The base of the material itself may also differ. Among the most pressing issues that arise when choosing interior paintings is the presence of veneer. Such doors are cheaper and can provide different textures - by the way, the snow-white shade in high-quality veneer looks most advantageous. However, the reliability of such surfaces is not as high as in the case of an array. On the other hand, strength is an essential selection criterion, rather for input models.

Selection of accessories

Many people do not use white color for the reason that it is boring and unattractive. This is partly true, so it is worth initially thinking about possible means of strengthening decorative advantages canvases. It will be nice if white doors and baseboards in the interior create contrast. To do this, you can use floor fittings in natural wood texture. Of course, you should make maximum use of the aesthetic advantages of the door paraphernalia itself - handles, trims, inclusions of chromed metal and other elements will diversify the visual impression.


Despite the many identified advantages, white door surfaces are not something special or original. This is quite traditional solution, which was used in the past and is now regaining popularity. If you consider the options that can replace white doors in a white interior, there will be few of them. Bright shades, in principle, are not recommended for registration door leaves, and black is a very specific color and is suitable only in certain cases. What remains are neutral pastel shades, which, by the way, are inferior to white because of their inexpressiveness. However, they can be used with the same success in a bedroom or nursery. In the living room the best option the color will be white.

White interior doors in the interior are universal - no matter what style the room is decorated in, with rare exceptions, they will look appropriate. White goes with almost any wall color, supports calm and elegant patterns on wallpaper, and is suitable for any room - children's room, living room, bedroom, office, as well as for the kitchen and bathroom.

  • We change accessories
  • Choosing glazing

  • White + green
  • White + purple
  • White + chocolate
  • White + black

“What are the advantages?”

The undeniable advantage of light-colored doors is the visual increase in the size of the room. If you want to visually raise the ceiling and create the illusion of an elongated room, you won’t find a better color than white. Snow-white doors do not attract attention as much as doors, which allows the use of the most budget models.

"Choosing a style"

Snow-white interior doors are a popular option for both offices and residential premises. It's all about their emphasized neutrality and even invisibility. In the end, the color of the doors always obliges us to comply certain rules in the design of rooms - but not white!

White doors are typical for Scandinavian interiors, where light decoration “makes” the appearance of the entire room. If the Swedes can afford to install in spacious rooms, then for small rooms the verdict has been rendered in advance. Light floors, white walls, windows, ceilings and doorways. Thus, the furnishings do not look enclosed in a strict frame, the view is diffused, and the rooms visually look more spacious.

By the way, milk doors in the interior are not a fundamentally new solution! If you remember Soviet apartments, you will understand that in almost every one of them the interior doors were painted white. Now it’s difficult to say what caused such unanimity among the builders, but the passages in the tiny Khrushchev buildings really looked larger than they actually were.

"Course on originality"

Do you think white doors in the interior are banal and simple? It's up to you to make them look more interesting! Like any piece of furniture, a door can be decorated with accessories to attract attention or fit more organically into the space.

"Changing accessories"

  • To somehow diversify a light door, you don’t need to reinvent the wheel. It is enough to purchase original accessories. Interesting handles can completely transform your door! For a classic elegant interior, choose thin carved models with imitation gold or patination; for a modern brutal interior, choose heavy cast iron; for a teenager’s room, multi-colored translucent plastic.

“Choosing glazing”

  • If a blank white door seems too simple and artless to you, look for an option with glass inserts or even multi-colored stained glass windows. By the way, white doors with glazing look even more weightless than solid models. For playing with room sizes, they may be more suitable - it's worth trying them out!
  • For those who value individual style, numerous workshops offer glass engraving. Thus, you can turn a banal piece of furniture into a real art object! You can choose a non-binding elegant design, Japanese characters, delicate flowers or any photorealistic image of your choice.
  • The illustration below shows two white doors in the interior. One of them is smooth and solid, the second is made with horizontal glass inserts. Which option do you think looks more interesting? A door with glass is visually lighter, so for small apartments and narrow corridors it is better to prefer it.

"Light doors and wall color"

The most popular question that arises among owners of white doors is what color of wallpaper will go with them? Is it possible to decorate the walls in dark colors or are you forced to stick to neutral pastel finishes? Let's explore specific examples, to clarify this difficult point.

"White + green"

  • Don't think that white doors in the interior are combined only with clean, simple colors. Complex and even dirty shades look no less good. An example of one of these is in the photo below. The dusty green-pistachio color of the walls looks especially interesting in combination with a door decorated with mirrored rectangles. Such interior doors perfectly reflect light and are used just to enliven a dark interior.

"White + purple"

  • The majestic and luxurious interior can be seen in the photo below. In a room where dark tones dominate, white is supported by the mantel and marble floor. You can adopt an excellent method that will be useful for classic style. If you think that the door is rustic and does not match the lush decoration, hang a curtain rod above it, and the doorway can always be draped with a curtain. But this door is distinguished by the subtlety of its finishing - take a closer look, its casing is made exactly by analogy with the edge of the fireplace.

"White + chocolate"

  • Still think that white doors and dark walls don’t go together? We hope next example will dispel all your doubts! For cozy interior in the Art Nouveau style, a light door will always be relevant, especially if the walls are painted in contrasting combinations. Please note that this is your ally in playing with any interior solution. The drawing applied to them (we described above where to do this) can subtly repeat the shape of the objects in the room, thus linking all the details of the decor into a single whole. In this case, it is the oval shape of the carpet and lampshade. As a result of this correspondence, the room is filled with smooth lines, looking softer.

"White + black"

  • When you are building an achromatic interior, the question arises - what color door should you prefer? When choosing between a black and white door, as in the interior in the photo, pay attention to the priority color in the room. If the main space is painted white and black acts as an accent, as in the photo below, install white doors and you can't go wrong. If black clearly dominates, choose dark. But since black doors are a rather strict option, you can try replacing it with gray.

  • There is a misconception that white can only be combined with a light floor. In fact, this is not entirely true. Yes, often this option looks more harmonious, you can be sure that it will suit a light interior. But a dark wood floor and a snow-white door can look no less interesting. True, the mood of such an interior is quite specific - the format of the room should be classic, where an atmosphere of rigor and restraint hovers.

And yet, when choosing white doors for your apartment, remember that the main thing is not the color, but the style. As you can see, smooth doors, stained glass or with plain glass inserts, covered with or without small decor, with brass or chrome handles, look completely different. Therefore, pay attention to details, and your interior will look unforgettable!

White doors are often found in the interiors of apartments and houses. Products in this color go well with most shades of furniture and finishing materials. Often white doors are also used to create unusual interiors. What are the advantages of such products, their features we will learn from the article, we will look at interesting photos modern products to create an original interior.

Stylish and modern

White doors have been used in interiors for a long time. At one time, many considered this combination boring. Some time later, white interior doors again became popular in the design of an apartment or house. Modern designers offer many original solutions, very unusual and beautiful. Product models amaze with the variety of materials, sizes and large palette of shades. They will look harmonious in combination with dark and light floors, with pastel walls.

It is believed that white interior doors have three main differences, which is why they remain at the peak of popularity:

  • beauty;
  • versatility;
  • low cost.

Modern models are distinguished by their bizarre shapes. This color is the most classic and versatile to create an interior in a house or apartment. It differs in that it can become invisible and also draw attention to itself. This will depend on the idea behind the style. A room with such a door leaf will always seem light and spacious, even with a dark floor.

Light door designs are always visually increase space. Regardless of the style direction, they can become a good decoration for any room.

Advantages and disadvantages

White color goes well with any furniture, flooring and almost any different interiors. Modern designers willingly use white door leaves because they have many advantages:

  • versatility in design - they always fit harmoniously into any interior;
  • suitable for decorating any room - suitable everywhere, from the bedroom to the bathroom;
  • visually expand the space - light interior doors perfectly visually increase the space of the room and have a positive effect on the perception of a room with a limited area;
  • a large assortment and a low price - compared to products with complex painting and wood design, although they are also expensive when made from valuable wood species.

If we talk about the disadvantages of such products, there is only one - rapid surface contamination. Although here you can find a way out of the difficulty, for example, buy a door leaf with a glossy surface. Dirt can be easily removed with a sponge and soap solution.

Types of white interior doors

Available in construction stores a wide range of various models of light doors. All of them differ not only in their appearance, but also in functionality. They look like:

The most popular manufacturers of light doors are Italy and Finland. Italian craftsmen will always be able to transform even inexpensive models so that they become stylish and original in design. Finnish manufacturers always give preference to light-colored door leaves, since this color can fill the room lightness and lightness.

The most popular among buyers are veneer products. In terms of their characteristics, they are superior to models from artificial materials. In terms of price, they are much more attractive than analogues from natural wood. Modern manufacturers offer doors of different textures and external coverings:

  • veneered;
  • paneled;
  • white smooth;
  • white paneled;
  • plastic;
  • glass;
  • laminated;
  • laminated - a more budget-friendly option for laminated products.

Application in design

White color is considered universal for use in the most different styles interior design. We will look at several basic styles where interior doors of this color are successfully used.

Classic style is the most common and oldest. It embodies the best of many cultures. In this style, the door leaf can successfully emphasize design ideas. For example, a white door can set off or emphasize the shade, color of finishing materials, or a dark floor. The style is distinguished by grace and elegance. It contains elements of luxury:

  • large beds;
  • mirrors;
  • floor flowerpots.

In combination with mirrors, white doors will successfully expand the space.

Scandinavian style It is impossible to imagine without the use of white door panels. This color is the main distinguishing characteristic Scandinavian style. Combined with simple and functional furniture light colors and floors natural wood such a door will always be in its place, as it will complement the interior of the room. It should be made of simple wood, painted with regular white paint, without flashy fittings or additional decorations.

For style minimalism a light door will also be a great addition. This cannot be affected by the chosen color that predominates in the interior. White can successfully dilute a dark color without focusing attention on it. The room must be supplemented with white baseboards and window frames to create a single ensemble.

Artsy and luxurious baroque style A white glossy door can also be decorated. It will highlight the decoration and focus on every element of the room. Light colors always harmonize well with gold, which dominates the Baroque style. Stucco molding and carvings in the door leaf, as in the photo, will only complement the overall picture.

In a romantic style with soft and airy objects, dark shades are rarely found in the decoration. A white door will fit perfectly into such a pastel space. It will help make the overall picture more complete in light and pleasant colors.

Choice of door leaves in white

White interior doors are widely available in construction stores. They are made from different materials, decorative elements. It is possible to order the product according to your own sketch. Today's technological capabilities make it possible to give the coating any shade from snow-white to ivory.

Standard options look like smooth door panels, most often made of MDF. They are used in demand for installation in office premises and residential premises. Their prices are low. Glass and mirrors are used as finishing at the request of buyers.

White doors are very popular with glossy surface. This option is often used in design modern interior. However, designers recommend using such designs in the design of restaurants and offices. For rooms, it is best to use doors with a patina effect, a hand-aged surface. Such door leaf options will create coziness, add calmness and elegance to the living space.

A successful solution would be decorated white door. Modern decor has a wide variety. These can be inserts made of glass, mirrors, in the form of various patterns. Such options are presented in the photo gallery, where you can see photos and choose the desired model door design white color to your taste with decorative elements. Buyers, if desired, can order their own version of the decor.