How to form a hydrangea standard. DIY standard hydrangea tree

Hydrangea – beautiful plant, characterized by a long flowering period. If you know how to shape a bush, you can achieve even better results. Some varieties can even produce vines. Distinctive feature flowers - this is an amazing variety of shades of flowers. In this article, the reader will learn how to grow hydrangea on a trunk.

Features of agricultural technology

This plant should be planted in the fall or in early spring. Moreover, if the grower lives in the northern regions of Russia, then it is preferable to plant it in the spring so that the plant can grow, take root and take root. root system. The place for planting the flower must be chosen in advance and the soil prepared in time. Plants like it to be acidic and well-hydrated. The landing site should not be too shaded.

For planting, a hole is formed, approximately 30 cm wide, long and deep. Fertilizers (organic and mineral) and sand must be added to it. All this is mixed with the turf. After the seedling is placed in the hole by hand, it is additionally covered with peat. The planted bush is watered and mulched (best with humus). The plant grows equally well in light and partial shade.


For the winter, the plant, which grows in the northern regions of Russia, must be removed to a cool room where the temperature does not drop by less than 4ºC. This is due to the fact that the plant does not tolerate frost well. IN southern regions countries, the plant tolerates winter better, and therefore can be planted in the fall. It can be grown in open soil with shelter (spruce branches are suitable for this).

On a note! To increase soil acidity, special fertilizers are used (for example, Pokon). You can prepare it at home by mixing ammonium nitrate, potassium sulfate and superphosphate.

Plant propagation

There are several options for propagating this plant. Each of them gives good results if the basic rules of agricultural technology are observed.

Using cuttings

Hydrangea can be propagated using cuttings. Best time their preparation is April-June. To do this, choose annual and bright shoots, no more than 12 cm long.

Note! Cuttings should only be cut at right angles.

Leaves are removed from its lower part. This part is treated with a growth stimulator. Then the cutting is planted in the soil in a greenhouse. Planting is carried out for the winter; the plant must be protected from frost.

There is a way winter cuttings. It is carried out only for large-leaved hydrangea varieties. For this purpose, in October it is dug mother plant. It is planted in a pot and placed in a room where the temperature does not exceed 2ºC. In mid-winter it is slowly raised to 10ºС.

Hydrangea cuttings

By February, last year's shoots are already ripening. Cuttings are cut from them. It is necessary to ensure that they have two internodes. The sections are treated with a growth stimulator and planted in nutritious soil.

Dividing the bush

This plant can also be propagated by division. The hydrangea needs to be dug up and divided into several parts. Divide so that each part has a bud, otherwise a new plant will not grow from it.

After division, each part is planted in a previously prepared place.

By layering

This propagation method is used if the shoots are more than one year old. They are carefully bent to the surface of the earth and dug in so that the tops, no more than 20 cm high, remain on the surface of the earth.

In the spring of next year, the shoot must be separated from the mother bush and replanted according to the usual rules.

Propagation of hydrangea by layering

Standard hydrangea

Paniculate, large-leaved and tree varieties Hydrangeas can be grown on a trunk. There is no need to bury such seedlings at all. Hydrangea paniculata on a trunk looks very beautiful and impressive with an even trunk and bright inflorescences. To create a trunk, you need to carefully monitor the plant for about three years.

The advantages of this growing method are:

  1. Hydrangea on a trunk is very attractive and decorative.
  2. The plant is winter resistant. Only in severe winters should young shoots be covered with spruce branches.
  3. Standard forms of hydrangea are excellently grown in landscape design. With their help, gardens are formed in a unique Japanese style. It is with the help of trunks that beautiful and unique vines can be formed.
  4. This hydrangea can even be grown on balconies in city apartments.

Standard paniculate hydrangeas are best suited for creating a standard. To create a support, a wooden or metal stake is driven into the ground. The plant is strengthened on it in several places. Side shoots pinched 2 times throughout the summer. They are cut out the next summer.

Note! It is best to plant the trunk near a wall or fence so that it does not break off due to the wind.

You need to cut the ring so that the trunk thickens all the time. At the beginning of the growing season it shortens. The establishment of the crown begins when the main shoot grows to one and a half meters. Then skeletal branches are formed.

Standard hydrangea as a tree is fully formed only in the eighth year. But all the care taken is made up for by the plant’s lifespan – over 40 years. This hydrangea is easy to form a crown. Sometimes shrubs and other low-growing plants are planted under the tree.

Standard hydrangea

To obtain a standard form, grafting is used. To do this, a split is made in the standard part, into which the cutting is grafted. It must have at least three living buds.

The most important point in caring for a standard plant is pruning. Flowering, the shape of the crown and its grooming depend on it.

Plant care

The basic rules for caring for hydrangea are:

  • feeding mineral plants and fertilizers (they should be taken in moderation, since hydrangea does not like excessive amounts of fertilizer);
  • use slurry and humus;
  • water the flower regularly (and you need to make sure that the acidity value of the water used for irrigation is about 5.6);
  • loosening the soil (this procedure makes it possible to retain moisture; this plant does not like drying out).

The rules for pruning a plant are as follows:

  • You need to trim the shoots at a time when the buds are already swollen;
  • young shoots are cut to 4 buds;
  • if the bush is old, then it needs to be renewed by cutting it off at the root;
  • in the first year of flowering, the flowers are removed: this will help to get very beautiful and abundant inflorescences the next year.

Important! If you purposefully and constantly prune the bushes, then after 5 years you can achieve stunning beauty of the tree.

Hydrangea flowers can change color. Dyes are used for this. If you add a little potassium permanganate to the water for irrigation at home, the flowers will acquire a beautiful pink color.

Covering the plant for the winter allows for earlier flowering.

Hydrangea shelter

Why doesn't hydrangea bloom?

Even though it's relative unpretentious plant, not all gardeners manage to have beautiful flowers.

The most common reasons for the lack of flowers on hydrangeas:

  1. Wrong fertilizer. If large amounts of nitrogen fertilizers are added to the soil, they will promote more intensive foliage growth. To achieve flowering, you need to use potassium and phosphate fertilizers. Moreover, for the winter you need to add fertilizers that contain phosphorus.
  2. Excessive pruning. If you cut off all the branches for the winter, then the plant will definitely not bloom next year. You only need to remove old and dried branches from the bush.
  3. Incorrect sheltering of the plant in the cold winter leads to its buds becoming very frozen.
  4. Poor watering. The plant does not tolerate dry soil.
  5. Plant in a place where the sun's rays fall intensely. They can burn the buds and they will not bloom well.
  6. Buying a flowering specimen from a nursery in a store results in it not blooming the next year. This is because drip irrigation and weak root system.

Hydrangea's neighbors

The best neighbors for this plant are those that have well-developed tubers. Boxwood, hosts, and astilbe are used.

Astilbe flower

Hydrangea is not placed next to plants that have a poorly developed root system. They will inhibit the growth of flowers. It is strictly forbidden to plant hydrangeas under trees. Such hydrangeas will suffer from dehydration and will soon die.

Top dressing

After two years, the plant needs feeding. To stimulate growth, use a solution of 25 g of urea, 35 g of potassium sulfate and 10 g of superphosphate. All this must be dissolved in 10 liters of water.

During the budding period, 50 g of potassium sulfate and 80 g of superphosphate are added per 1 m2 of soil. In July, you need to pour 10 liters of mullein solution under each bush. The same is done in August.

Growing standard hydrangea is quite labor-intensive, especially for novice gardeners. But the labor expended is worth it, because in a few years you can get a very beautiful flowering plant. You can plant a flower on any garden plot, then in a few years the eye will be pleased with beautiful and unique landscape compositions.

So, you purchased paniculate hydrangea. When planting, be sure to keep in mind that this is a fairly large plant that can be grown as a shrub or small tree. Paniculate hydrangea, formed in the form of a standard, is also very impressive.
In the year of planting, you should not prune the plant at all - let it take root in its new place. A year after planting, before the growing season begins, take a closer look at your pet and decide how you will shape it.
In order to get a two to three meter bush, select 3-5 of the strongest shoots directed in different directions, cut off the remaining shoots. How many branches you leave and how they are located will depend appearance your plant. If you want to get big, lush bush, there is no need to shorten the shoots until the plant gains the right size. After this, shortening the shoots by one third each year will help the hydrangea form larger flower heads.
If small sizes your garden and the desire to have a lot different varieties paniculate hydrangeas do not allow you to allocate enough space for each bush; you can form the hydrangea into a small bush. To do this, in the second year after planting (if planting in autumn - in the third year) in the spring, before the start of the growing season, do low pruning, leaving 2 buds from the ground. It stimulates education large quantity new shoots growing from the ground itself. During the season, remove all weak shoots, as well as shoots growing inside the bush. You can leave 6-12 skeletal shoots on the plant. In the future, trim the branches by one third every spring. In addition to the fact that with this method of plant formation you will have a compact bush shape, the inflorescences will be much larger.
To form paniculate hydrangea as a tree, select one strong shoot directed vertically. Cut out the remaining shoots. Pinch out the side shoots coming from the main trunk throughout the season. At a height of 0.5 - 1 meter, select several (3-4) strong side shoots directed in different directions, in the form of a bowl. Pruning skeletal shoots for more lush flowering You can start when the tree reaches the desired shape.
When pruning hydrangeas, there is a lot of material left for cuttings. Spring cuttings take root well and allow you to practice forming plants of different shapes.
Try forming one of the rooted cuttings into a standard form, and you will get a charming plant that will attract your attention during flowering. True, this will take several years, but the result is worth it!
Choose the strongest and tallest rooted cutting. All shoots, except the main one, are pinched to half their length several times during the first two years. Such shoots contribute to the formation of a strong central shoot. After two years they need to be cut out completely. The main shoot is pruned annually to a well-developed bud.
When the main shoot reaches the desired height, they begin to form the crown. Cut the trunk and form skeletal branches from the lower 4-6 buds. In the first years, the trunk needs strong support. Before winter, remove all inflorescences to avoid branches breaking under the weight of snow.

Hydrangea is a real decoration of our garden. The most common varieties of hydrangea are tree and paniculate. They are unpretentious and frost-resistant. The most the best example tree hydrangea has proven itself. At minimal care it overwinters well without shelter and annually pleases us with its beautiful flowers; its inflorescences reach 30 cm in diameter. Hydrangea paniculata reaches, on average, 2 meters in height. It blooms in June-August, the inflorescences resemble those of lilac. At the beginning of flowering they are white, and closer to autumn they acquire pink-raspberry shades. Some varieties of hydrangeas smell. But the most interesting thing is that you can grow a real tree from hydrangea. And with my own hands. This tree is called a standard tree. It is very interesting to see it in the garden. It is very unusual and beautiful. So how to grow it.....

We select a seedling and plant it separately. Over the course of 3-4 years, we regularly devote increased attention. - we are engaged in pinching and trimming the selected hydrangea to develop a “standard”.




The selected seedling has a main shoot from the base, which will be the trunk. We pinch the remaining shoots 1-2 times in the summer. This helps to increase the diameter of the hydrangea stem, which is why such branches are called thickening shoots. And when they fulfill their role, they are then cut into a ring. Every year, at the beginning of new growth of hydrangea, the “leader” shoot is shortened to a well-developed bud.

The crown of standard hydrangea is laid at a height of 1-1.5 meters. To do this, the trunk is cut off, and skeletal branches develop from several buds (4-5) located below the cut.

The next year, the crown of the hydrangea trunk is formed. To do this, leave 2-4 pairs of eyes on all annual shoots of the plant. This operation is repeated for the next 1-2 years until the selected hydrangea seedling produces a “tree” with a strong trunk and a beautiful crown.

After planting the resulting standard tree on permanent place, you should still pay regular attention to it. You need to monitor the crown and pay attention to the trunk, pay attention to all unnecessary shoots and cut out the shoots from the base of the plant.



Hydrangeaperennial shrub with large flower caps of various shades: from cream to lilac. Gardeners' love for it is not accidental. The plant is valued for its variety of varieties and species, high decorative characteristics, flowering from mid-summer to the first frost, and ability to grow in partial shade. Now you can buy hydrangea seedlings in Moscow for decorating a garden or plot. Unpretentious green pets adapt to the soil without any problems and bloom beautifully.

Planting hydrangea

The delicate crop does not tolerate a place in the sun, so you will have the opportunity to improve the darkest and most boring areas of the garden. In direct sunlight, the plant does not grow as intensively, and the inflorescences become smaller and become pale. Hydrangea seedlings are planted in early May in partial shade, in soil saturated with organic and mineral fertilizers. However, the plant does not tolerate alkaline soil well. As companions, hydrangea sees shade-tolerant perennials, including conifers, aquilegias, and hosts.


Rainwater or pre-settled water is ideal for irrigation. Garden hydrangea Water abundantly in the morning or evening (two buckets each) once a week in the absence of drought.

Hydrangea is resistant to weather conditions and responds painlessly to pruning. Before wintering, hydrangea is fed and protected with covering material.

You will not at all regret the decision to buy hydrangea seedlings, because over time the bush will turn into a real one. garden queen. Hydrangea will decorate various styles personal plots, cottages and public park areas, creating a unique landscape design. Call us the best prices for hydrangea seedlings!

Hydrangea A very beautiful, long flowering plant. But it will become even more decorative if you pay a little attention to the formation of the bush.
It depends on how you want to grow your hydrangea.
If in the form of a bush, then it is advisable to bury the seedling a little into the soil. Then, from the buds that end up in the ground, shoots will emerge, forming a lush bush. Weak shoots need to be removed.
On next year form a crown by cutting the branches to 2-3 pairs of buds. The weak ones are removed again.
They form in the form of a bush.
Hydrangea paniculate and tree-like quite possible grow in the form of a tree - on the standard.
In this case, it is not necessary to bury the seedling.

Very impressive tree and paniculate hydrangea grown in standard form. By targeted formative pruning of a rooted cutting over four seasons, you can grow an original standard hydrangea tree.

Hydrangea grown on a trunk , very decorative. For forming a hydrangea trunk Among the rooted cuttings, the strongest and tallest are selected, planted separately and practiced for 3-4 years.” raising a standard " Besides the main thing leader escape , coming from the base, the rest are pinched 1-2 times in the summer. This helps to increase the diameter of the stem, which is why such branches are called thickening shoots. When they have fulfilled their role, they are cut out in June “for the ring.” Every year, at the beginning of the growing season, the “leader” is shortened to a well-developed bud. The crown is laid at a height of 1-1.5 m. The trunk is cut off, and skeletal branches develop from the underlying 4-5 buds.

Hydrangeas formed by a standard tree , very winter-hardy. But in harsh winters, especially young plants in the first years after planting, it is advisable to cover them with dry leaves or spruce branches. To protect against frost damage, the trunks of standard specimens are wrapped in several layers of burlap. With age, the winter hardiness of hydrangeas increases, and then the shelter can be abandoned.

Hydrangea is a very beautiful, long-flowering plant. But it will become even more decorative if you pay a little attention to the formation of the bush.

Standard form of hydrangea are used landscape designers for creating “Japanese gardens” and mixed borders of almost any style. These plants look good both in tapeworms and in groups on lawns, near a gazebo, veranda or porch. If you have a long fence, then plant paniculata hydrangea along it along with vines (petiolate hydrangeas, maiden grapes, princelings, climbing honeysuckle). Hydrangea in standard form can also be grown in tubs on the balcony.

Hydrangea in standard form can also be grown in tubs on the balcony
Paniculata hydrangea it’s a miracle how beautiful it is, no matter how you shape it and deserves to take its place in your garden!

Many gardeners love to grow hydrangeas. However, in order for her to delight you with her beauty, her gorgeous bushes need to be able to be formed correctly. The splendor of flowering, the size of the inflorescences, and whether it will ornamental plant bloom at all and how it will fit into your landscape.