Work log. The best example of filling out a general work log that is available on the Internet


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Article: 00202732
Year: 2019
Format: A4 (210x290 mm)
Binding: Paperback
Bonding method: Clip

Setting up a block of pages

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Pages: 10 (sheets: 20) (Recommended 60 pages )

Select number of pages

Paper density: ?

48 gr./sq.m- thin, inexpensive paper with a slightly grayish or woody tint. Used for printing newspapers or similar products. It has low density and, accordingly, low wear resistance. The advantage of this paper is its low price.

65 gr./sq.m- bleached paper. Widely used in printing books, magazines, etc.

80 gr./sq.m- bleached paper. Used for printing books, magazines, etc. Used in household printers. The strength of this paper is significantly higher than the previous two types of paper. It is recommended to order magazines from such paper for production (dust, dirt), catering units ( wet hands) etc.

Number, lace, seal: ?

You receive printed products numbered, laced and prepared for sealing in accordance with the current regulatory documents:

The cost of lacing and fastening is 45 rubles.

9 out of 10 customers order lacing and sealing
And 7 out of 10 additionally order page numbering


Page numbering starts with title page to the last page of the magazine. Page numbers are located in bottom corners magazine.


The magazine block is punched with two holes with a diameter of 6 mm, which are located at a distance of 80 mm from each other, from the spine side in the middle of the magazine.


The magazine is laced with a special lavsan thread threaded through the holes of the hole punch. Secure with a cardboard insert and a printable sticker.

Setting up the cover

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Sewing-adhesive bonding ? Sewing binding

(makes binding more durable)

Sewing binding During the manufacturing process, printed sheets are used that are folded, assembled with notebooks and stitched together with threads, which gives the block high strength. Next, this block is inserted into the binding cover. (One binding cover is used, consisting of 2.5 mm cardboard covered with paper vinyl). Then the block is connected to the lid using a flyleaf - a sheet of paper. To the top and bottom part A captal is glued to the spine of the block for visual beauty and completeness of the product.

Emboss on the cover: ?

The name of the magazine is completely transferred by embossing to the cover; gold foil is mainly used (but silver, blue, and red are also available). You can emboss: the name of the organization, logo, any combination of letters, numbers and drawings.

The cost of embossing work is 80 rubles.

If you have uploaded your company logo, we can emboss it along with the magazine name

Number, lace, seal: ? According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 N 225 “On work books” Receipt and expense book for accounting of work book forms and inserts in it And traffic record book work records and inserts in them must be numbered, laced, certified by the signature of the head of the organization, and also sealed with a wax seal or sealed.

More about softcover Softcover- one of the most inexpensive and quickly produced bindings.

The binding cover is made of thick paper with a density of 160 g/m2; at your request, the cover can be laminated.

After the cover is ready and the block is printed, they are fastened with a paper clip, and if there are more than 60 pages in the block, then the bonding is carried out using a hot-melt adhesive machine.

Soft binding due to ease of execution and affordable price is the most popular and one of the most affordable types of binding.

Cover color: white

Laminate the cover: ?
Lamination- This is the coating of printed products with film. Lamination will allow you to maintain an attractive look for a long time. appearance printed products and will reliably protect them from contamination and mechanical damage. We carry out single-sided and double-sided lamination up to A1 format using special devices - laminators. The main purpose of hot lamination is to protect the image from various external influences, which may include spilled coffee, all kinds of attempts to wrinkle, scrape, scratch the image, wet cleaning of premises, rain, snow. But experienced users also know something else valuable property Lamination: It can greatly improve image quality. When using glossy films, the image “appears” and the colors become more contrasting and richer. The "develop" effect gives inexpensive laminated paper the appearance of luxurious photo paper.

The general work log is a summary document filled out in relation to the construction work carried out installation work for a specific object or group of similar objects. For registration, you should use the standard unified form KS-6. In the article we will tell you about KS-6 General Work Log and give recommendations for filling it out.

What is the work log used for?

The document is endowed with legal grounds, therefore all information contained in it should be certified using signatures.

Who fills out the KS-6 form

Filling out the sections of the journal is carried out directly by the manager (boss, foreman, etc.) from the contracting organization who is responsible for the performance of work in the field of construction of the facility. This person maintains the document from the beginning of construction and installation work, and information about his identity is located on the title page general journal works KS-6.

In addition to the above employee, other managers may take part in filling out sections of the document:

  • from among the directors of the organization carrying out a complex of works in terms of development;
  • employees who are official representatives of the customer;
  • representatives of the designer who were involved in the development and implementation of design solutions for a specific facility to be built.

Upon reaching agreement with supervisory structures, maintaining a general work log can be carried out in an electronic version. The only requirement is the fact of ensuring appropriate security for the information resource contained in this type of document.

Who signs the magazine at the enterprise?

The document (if completed correctly) requires signature by the following persons:

  • first manager (CEO);
  • chief accountant of the contracting company.

Filling out the general work log for KS-6

The form is presented with a title page and six sections, which consistently reflect:

  • A list of names of persons involved in construction and installation work at the site, indicating the corresponding area of ​​responsibility;
  • Details of acts generated for the acceptance of intermediate stages of construction or installation work, including hidden work. Read also the article: → "".
  • Generated statements based on the results of assessing the quality of accepted work, as well as the results of this assessment;
  • List of special work logs;
  • Data on the work performed indicating the person responsible;
  • Comments from supervisory authorities on the quality of work performed and their compliance with established requirements.

Filling out the title page of form KS-6

Filling out the title page is carried out before the start of a complex of construction or installation work, where representatives of the management staff of the organizations participate:

  • acting as a general contractor;
  • being a designer;
  • positioned as a customer.

The filling process begins with indicating in the journal a list of basic information located on the title page. The following lines fit here:

  • information about the full name of the contractor, full name of its authorized representative, code according to the OKPO system (according to registration data);
  • indication of the exact legal address of the facility where construction and installation work is being carried out;
  • the name of the design office, where the initials of the person representing it are written next to it;
  • the name of the customer company and the full name of its delegated person (data is entered on the start and completion dates of work (according to schedule or contract and actual);
  • personal information about the manager construction company, acting as a contractor;
  • the date regarding the issue of the journal is indicated, secured by the appropriate seal.
  • information about the main parameters of the object to be constructed;
  • date of completion project documentation;
  • information on the availability of subcontractors;
  • marks confirming the fact of making changes regarding the title page.

Filling out sections of the KS-6 form

The journal is filled out in the following order:

Section number and name Recommendations for design
First section

“List of engineering and technical personnel engaged in the construction of the facility”

The section form, consisting of four columns, requires the following information:
  • name list of employees in in full force, engaged in construction on a specific site;
  • work start dates;
  • availability and characteristics of employee certification certificates regulating admission to construction work;
  • dates of expected completion of the construction process.

This section is completed by a person from the contractor who supervises the work at the site.

Second section

“List of acts of intermediate acceptance and examination of hidden work”

The section form includes three columns where you need to reflect:
  • serial numbering of lines;
  • information regarding all intermediate acts with the help of which the implementation of specific stages was recorded during construction work ah, including during the examination of works called hidden;
  • dates indicating the fact of signing the specified acts with the designation of the full name and positions of the persons who performed this action.
Third section

“Statement of results of monitoring and assessment of the quality of emergency medical services”

This section contains the most important information, relating to the entire list of construction and installation work performed at certain construction sites, indicating the time frame for completion.

The section columns record the following data:

  • indication of the required date;
  • Name components structural elements the object or it as a whole, indicating their location, drawing numbers in accordance with brand specifications, as well as geodetic axes;
  • results of a qualitative assessment of an object or its structural element;
  • Full name and position of employees who carried out supervisory activities in terms of determining the quality conditions of specific construction projects.
Fourth section

“List of special work journals”

The section requires designation of a list of journals or other documentation accompanying the implementation of a set of works. The section column includes information about:
  • the name of a specific journal and the date it was entered into force;
  • information regarding identification data about the organization maintaining the journal and indications of its persons (full name and position) who performed the recordings.
  • a fixed date indicating the moment when the transfer of the journal and the signature of the transferring employees took place.
Fifth section

“Information on the production of work”

This section provides data on contract control over the implementation of processes associated with construction work, as well as a description of the relevant conditions.

Section items include:

  • date of monitoring action;
  • brief information about the work and the conditions of its production, as regards the activities of subcontractors, indicating the date and initials of the employee who conducted the control mission;
  • identification data regarding employees performing journal maintenance on behalf of the contractor.
Sixth section

“Remarks from regulatory authorities and services”

The provisions of this section are addressed to employees of regulatory authorities who have the right to carry out supervisory activities at sites and enter into the journal all information relating to the list of identified violations of the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation. They have the right to demand from the heads of departments performing a range of construction works at the site to promptly eliminate identified deviations from the regulatory framework.

After properly filling out all the sections of the KS-6 magazine regulated by the form, it is stitched using a white nylon thread with a mark on back side about firmware, numbering, certification with a seal and signature of management.

Upon completion of the entire list of construction work scheduled for implementation within a specific facility, the log is subject to transfer to the supervisory authority. After checking the correctness of its completion and if there is a fact confirming the absence of identified violations of regulations within the construction site, the supervisory authority returns the document to the contractor, where it is subject to careful preservation in accordance with the procedure regulated by law.

Errors in filling out the KS-6 form

You must be very responsible when filling out the journal, since the document is checked by supervisory and regulatory authorities. First of all, the signatures of all responsible persons, representatives of all participants in construction, installation and design work must be present.

  • Information included in the journal must be reliable and must correspond to reality.
  • It is important to correctly indicate the time parameters regarding the start date, completion date of work, and inspections.

Mistakes made can be corrected if adjustments are made in accordance with the rules established for primary documents. Each correction must be certified by the signature of the responsible person.

Which document is most often drawn up by any responsible construction worker? Of course, this is the general work log (GW), do not confuse it with the work production log.

In general, this document is the face of the construction project. It contains all the key records from the first days of construction until completion.

But despite this, young specialists often do not know how to formalize it correctly.

Usually, foremen and foremen at sites maintain only section 3, but there are many more sections - as many as 7, plus title pages, which are the most difficult to fill out. Let's start with them. But first, I would like to recommend that you read RD 11-05-2007 - this is a guiding document on the preparation of a general work log.

Required reading. There is also the KS-6 form, but in this article we will look at the RD sample.

First, we write down the number, since there can be several magazines, we number them in order. Next, we indicate the type of activity: construction, reconstruction or major repairs. The next step is the name of the object and its address.

It can be simpler - the developer is the one for whom the building permit is issued.

Here you must indicate the name of the developer’s organization, the number and date of issue of the state certificate. registration (often not indicated, since few people pay attention to this), ORGN, TIN, postal details and telephone.

If the developer individual, then indicate your full name, passport details, place of residence and telephone number. Everything is according to the wording.

The next stage, similar to the developer, is registering the customer. It should be noted here that the concept of customer is absent in the Town Planning Code, there is only the concept of technical customer. This is indicated in Part 22 of Art. 1 GrK RF:

That is, instead of the customer, we indicate the technical customer, or the state. customer. But this is only if you have them. If not, then we do not document anything in these lines and tables.

And we format it as follows:

The next step is filling in the designer’s data. In the table itself we indicate representatives of the author's supervision. You can specify several representatives. We draw up a table if there is an author's supervision agreement. Since author's supervision is not always required, we draw up the table only if author's supervision is available.

Finally, we have reached the stage of completing the examination of the design documentation. Here again you need to fill out if you have an examination. Do not pay attention to the fact that the screenshot indicates state expertise, it’s just that when RD 05/11/2007 was issued there was only the concept of state expertise. And at the moment, a project can undergo both state and non-state examination. If you want to find out more about this, then read article 49 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

The next item is the data of the person carrying out the construction. Here everything is drawn up in the same way, but due to changes in the Town Planning Code from July 1, 2017, I advise you to indicate the chief engineer of the project (construction organization specialist), who is in the National Register of Specialists, as an authorized person carrying out construction.

Also, as the second representative, indicate the responsible manufacturer of the work, since according to the requirements of clause 8 of RD 11-05-2007, the persons indicated on the title pages must keep records in the general work log. And section No. 3 will accordingly be led daily by the responsible work performer.

And here is an example of the design:

And now there are authorized representatives of the developer or customer on construction control issues and an authorized representative of the person carrying out the construction on construction control issues. According to Part 2 of Art. 53 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, construction control is carried out by the person carrying out the construction, but if construction or reconstruction is carried out on the basis of a contract (that is, the developer and the person carrying out the construction are different persons), then construction control must also be carried out by the developer or the technical customer.

Therefore, we format it as follows:

We are moving towards the end of the title page and the next stage is “other persons carrying out …”. This is data on subcontractors.

Next comes information about state construction supervision. Here, mostly specialists from state construction supervision make entries themselves. These records are made only in the case of state construction supervision in accordance with the requirements of Art. 54 Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

The next point is general information about the object capital construction.

Next, indicate the start date. We do not have an end date yet. We also indicate how many pages. Before this, we number the sheets of the magazine, stitch it and secure it with the signature and seal of the organization developer.

If the developer is an individual face, then we confirm it only with a signature.

We also put the developer’s signature and seal on the title page in the indicated place.

That is why the general work log should always be kept by the developer and handed over to the contractor for completion.

Next comes the registration data of the state construction supervision body. In general, the general work log and all special logs are submitted with notification of the start of construction to the state construction supervision authorities for registration. This is only in cases where the implementation of the GOS is provided for in accordance with Art. 54 Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

There are cases when authorized representatives change, or you simply have to make changes to the title pages. There is a special table for this at the end of the title page.

We are done with the design of the title pages.

Magazine sections

In section No. 1, a list of engineering and technical personnel of the person carrying out the construction is filled out in tabular form. Try to include everyone.

In the second section we indicate all the special journals that you keep in the process. You fill out this section as you create special journals.

The most basic section is section No. 3. How to fill it out correctly is indicated in clause 8.3 of RD 11-05-2007:

A small example of the design of section 3. This section must be completed daily.

In section 4, a representative of the developer or customer makes entries regarding construction control issues (technical supervision in the old fashioned way). Writes comments and sets deadlines for their elimination.

Section 5 is similar to the fourth, but only entries and comments are made by a representative of the person carrying out the construction on issues of construction control.

The sixth section is very labor-intensive and dreary. Although few inspectors even look at this section.

And the last section No. 7. Representatives of state construction supervision make their notes here if necessary.

Well, that’s all, now you know how to fill out a general work log, and this site will always be a help for you.

Subtleties of maintaining a general work log

  1. The general work log is started by the developer or the customer and transferred to the person carrying out the construction for maintenance.
  2. In section 3, records are kept by a representative of the person carrying out the construction, indicated on the title page.
  3. It is desirable that the magazine be printed in A4 format. This follows from clause 7 of RD 11-05-2007.
  4. You cannot cover up records or tape them up. It’s better to cross it out and correct it and make a mark “corrected to believe”, etc.
  5. Often, GOS inspectors prohibit leaving blank lines in section 3 after daily entries.
  6. In section 6 there is often not enough space to make all the entries. Therefore, plan in advance how and how much you will write (it is possible to make two entries in one line), or immediately order a magazine from the publisher with an enlarged 6 section.
  7. Before receiving a building permit, do not fill out sections 3, 4, 5, 6; you may have to rewrite everything. It’s better to make all your notes in a separate document or in a notepad.
  8. Keep the magazine in a place inaccessible to others, and do not give it to anyone again. It's better not to lose it. Keeping a journal is a troublesome task, but imagine if you have to rewrite everything. But what to rewrite from? There must be order in everything. Therefore, periodically scan and take photos of section 3.

Download for free:

  1. RD 11-05-2007
  2. Electronic version of the general journal of work: , .
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Greetings, friends! Have any of you come across a general work journal, and if so, do you remember the first time you picked it up? I’ll tell you honestly, when I first encountered it, I had no idea how to manage it and how to fill it out. But to date, hundreds of such magazines have passed through my hands, and now I can certainly teach you how to fill it out correctly so that you never have difficulties with it again.

After the fourth year, we were all told to get internships in a construction organization as understudy masters. I got a job in one of the many construction organizations our city in SU-12 LLC. On the third day, as the youngest of the engineering and technical personnel, the head of the site instructed me to keep a general journal of work every day. On this day I met him for the first time. In principle, I didn’t see anything difficult in this, since I filled out only one of the 7 sections every day, or rather section 3.

What does it consist of

The general work log is form KS-6, a sample and example of its completion is established in RD 11-05-2007. Having read the above guiding document Much will become clear to you and most questions will disappear by themselves, but in this article I will try to explain in more detail. Go...

The magazine consists of 7 sections and a title page. It is the design of the title page that causes the greatest difficulty; the rest is intuitively quite understandable. So let's start with the title page.

Title page

It should be noted that the journal is started and the title pages are filled out by the developer or the customer of the capital construction project; you will understand why later.

The first thing you need to fill out is “Authorized representative of the developer.”

In short, the developer is the one who owns it land plot on which a capital construction project is being built.

That is, an “Authorized Representative of the Developer” is an employee of the developer’s organization authorized on the basis of an order or some other document. This may be the legal representative of the organization - the director, or another authorized employee (deputy director, Chief Engineer etc.).

Next, fill in the column “customer” and “authorized representative of the customer” by analogy. Basically, the customer and the developer are the same person, but there are exceptions. In particular, the customer may be any government agency, for example, at budgetary facilities. The developer can also transfer its functions to a technical customer; the definition of a technical customer is established in Part 22 of Article 1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

In the column “information about the issued construction permit”, fill in the date of issue of the construction permit, the permit number and who issued it. The concept of a construction permit is established by Article 51 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

The next item is a table where information about who conducts supervision during the construction of the facility is filled out. Also filled in by analogy. I think it should be noted here that designer supervision is not always carried out.

When design supervision is not carried out during the construction of an object, then this table is not filled in. Design supervision is required only during the construction of particularly dangerous and unique objects. And which objects are considered especially dangerous and unique are indicated in Article 48.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Information about the examination is entered in the following paragraph. Here the date and number of the examination report and the name of the authority that issued it are entered. It should be noted here that it is not always necessary to undergo an examination of design documentation.

For which capital construction projects an examination is required is indicated in Article 49 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. In general, I recommend everyone to study the Town Planning Code; at first it will not be clear, but this is the main legislative document in town planning legislation.

Next, information about the person carrying out the construction is entered. Simply put, this is the general contractor of a capital construction project. Fill in by analogy. This person can also be the developer himself if he carries out the construction on his own.

The next 2 tables provide information about the persons responsible for construction control on behalf of the developer or customer and the person carrying out the construction. According to Article 53 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, construction control is carried out by the person carrying out the construction.

But when construction is carried out on the basis of a contract (the developer does not carry out construction on his own but hires a person carrying out construction on the basis of a contract), that is, the developer and the person carrying out the construction are different persons, then the developer must also exercise construction control.

When the developer and the person carrying out the construction are one person, then only the second table needs to be filled out, which indicates “Authorized representative of the person carrying out the construction for construction control issues.”

The following table contains information about other persons carrying out construction. In short, these are all subcontractors.

Next comes information about state construction supervision. Do not confuse this with the concept of technical supervision. We have already filled out the technical supervision. These are those responsible for carrying out construction control during the construction of facilities. Nowadays there is no longer the concept of technical supervision; now they are called construction control engineers.

State construction supervision are those guys who supervise construction from the state, periodically come to the site and issue numerous fines. 🙂

State construction supervision is described in detail in Article 54 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Basically, this section on state construction supervision is filled out by representatives of state construction supervision themselves.

It should be noted that this section is not always filled out, but only in cases where the legislation provides for the implementation of state construction supervision during the construction of capital construction projects.

You can determine the need for State Construction Supervision, again by reading Article 54 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

The magazine is laced, numbered and information about the number of pages is entered in the next paragraph.

The next item is the personal signature of the legal or authorized representative of the developer, a transcript of the signature and the position of the signatory. The stamp of the developer or the customer is affixed. That is why I wrote that the general work log is drawn up by the developer.

I think we’ve figured out how to fill out the title page, if you have any questions, ask in the comments.

Sections of the general work log

Section 1 is a list of engineering and technical personnel who participate in the construction of the facility. This section lists all organizations and responsible persons these organizations involved in the construction of the facility. The date of commencement of work and completion of work at the site of a particular person is also indicated.

This section is already filled out by an authorized representative of the person carrying out the construction.

Section 2 contains information about all special logs of work that were carried out during construction: log of architectural supervision, log of pile driving, log welding work, magazine concrete works, installation log building structures, anti-corrosion treatment log, etc.

The main section of the general work log is section 3. This section must be filled out daily. Usually it is filled out by the responsible performer of the work (foreman, site manager, etc.) of the person carrying out the construction.

Here the date of completion of the work, the name of the work must be entered and the signature of the authorized representative (responsible performer of the work) must be entered with a transcript and indication of the position. It is necessary to make entries carefully to prevent the information entered from being edited.

Section 4 is a section intended for those responsible for construction control issues on the part of the developer or customer. Here, the person responsible for construction control issues the deficiencies identified during the inspection and sets a deadline for their elimination.

Based on the results of their elimination, indicates the actual date of elimination. All entries in this section are made only by the person responsible for construction control.

Section 5 is filled out in the same way as section 4. Only entries here are already made by the person responsible for construction control on the part of the person carrying out the construction.

It should be noted that these sections 4 and 5 are often looked at by the inspector of state construction supervision. Therefore, filling them out must be taken very seriously.

Section 6 is a kind of register of executive documentation. To be completed as the as-built documentation progresses.

Section 7 is completed by an inspector of state construction supervision only in the case of state construction supervision.

So we went through all aspects of filling out the general work log. I hope I was able to explain the main points to you. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments, subscribe to the blog, and like.

You can also download the general work log at in electronic format, which I have prepared for you. By printing it out and filling it out according to the recommendations specified in the article, you can easily use it in the construction of objects.

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