Do I need to trim the mustache on garden strawberries? When to do this? Is it necessary to cut off the mustache of cucumbers or is this a myth? Should I cut off my mustache?

Inexperienced gardeners often ask whether strawberries need to be trimmed. In the fall, of course, everything can be cut off and treated with drugs against diseases. Or even mow down all the foliage.

But what about in the summer, because the mustache appears already in June and takes away the strength of the mother bush. Is it possible to trim the mustache during fruiting? Let's answer this: if you are not going to propagate a certain variety of strawberries (strawberries), then it is better to trim your mustache without waiting for autumn, at any time. Never cut off the mustache, but cut it with scissors or pruners, otherwise you can damage the uterine bush.

Strawberry propagation by mustache

On those bushes whose tendrils you need for propagation, we suggest performing the following procedure:

  • take plastic cups(better 0.5 liters),
  • fill with earth
  • bury them half or 3/4 into the soil,
  • Place the rosette of the mustache in a glass and secure it with a hairpin.

This way the mustache will take root in a separate container. When is the time to transplant the rooted bush to permanent place, then you simply cut it off from the mother bush and transfer it along with the glass to new bed. Carefully remove the plant from the glass along with the lump of earth and plant it, this way it is not a replanting, but a transshipment of the bush. With this method there is no injury root system, the plant takes root and develops much faster.

If your bed with strawberries is covered with some kind of inorganic mulch and there is no place for the tendrils to take root, then you can do as in this photo - root the tendrils in plastic bags with soil.

For breeding, it is best to take only the first rosette on the whisker; the rest must be mercilessly cut off.

When to trim strawberry whiskers

In principle, it cannot be said unequivocally that it is necessary to remove all mustaches in the fall. Many gardeners do this in the spring, and in winter their bushes disappear along with the old leaves and tendrils. How best to overwinter strawberries in your garden, everyone decides for themselves, based on experience. There is no clear answer here.

But it is necessary to process strawberries. Doing so folk remedies or using chemicals, too - decide for yourself. It often happens that the plantings are so neglected, and there are already so many diseases on them that it is not possible to cope with “lotions and powders” alone.

Advice from us: replant strawberries more often, replant plantings every 3 years and you will always be pleased with the harvest, and there will be fewer diseases.

How to properly trim mustaches on strawberries, video

Please write your methods for propagating strawberries. When do you trim your mustache?

Hello! Please explain, is it necessary to cut off the mustaches of cucumbers in a greenhouse? Neighbors remove them, saying that the yield will be higher. Is it so? If it is worth deleting, then how to do it correctly?

There are conflicting opinions about whether it is necessary to cut off the mustache of cucumbers in a greenhouse.Many vegetable growers believe that the mustache draws juices from the plant and shortens the fruiting time. Therefore, it is necessary to pick them, thereby increasing the yield.

This opinion is erroneous and has been refuted by many years of observations. In addition, when pruning, the stem is injured, a wound is formed at the cut site, through which infection penetrates into the stem, especially during humid air greenhouses

However, pruning also has its advantages. Cucumber is a climbing plant, so it is often called a vine or a vine. The mustache is necessary for the greenhouse vine to be strengthened on a vertical support or trellis. But they cling to all objects, including neighboring plants. Their excess leads to the fact that the lashes get tangled, making it difficult to care for. vegetable crop and picking cucumbers. Therefore, it makes sense to remove excess mustaches, especially the lower ones. The upper ones promote the growth and formation of the lash.

There is another reason why you should cut off your mustache. The tendrils of one plant cling to the leaves of another and twist them. Such a leaf is an ideal refuge for pests.

If there is a need to trim the mustache, then this should be done not with your hands, but with scissors or pruning shears. Trim should be at a distance of 1 cm from the stem. The tool and hands must be clean, it is advisable to sprinkle the cut with wood ash or crushed coal, and treat it with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

To avoid this labor-intensive procedure when growing cucumbers in a greenhouse, you need to plant the plants at a sufficiently large distance from each other (about 40 cm). It is better to grow low-growing varieties with a small amount of tendrils. The most popular varieties for planting in a greenhouse: First class, Amur, Regina, Ostrovok. In this case, they must be tied to the trellis.

Conclusion: removing the whiskers does not affect the yield; it is only necessary for the convenience of caring for plants and harvesting.

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The mustache is the main way of propagation of varieties, easy and perfectly conveying all the characteristics of the mother plant. Seeds for propagation are used much less frequently, since seedlings require painstaking care and a certain level of knowledge. During cross-pollination, the characteristics of the variety may be lost.

Whiskers appear immediately after flowering. Their number varies depending on various types. There are also varieties of strawberries without mustache: “Coquette”, “Bolero”, “Merlan”, etc. If strawberries do not produce runners, you can actually propagate them by dividing an overgrown bush or germinating seeds.

When choosing a variety, keep in mind that the best planting material Only a time-tested nursery can provide. When buying seedlings from hand, there is a high risk of planting plants infected with viral and fungal diseases, whose yield parameters, even with ideal agricultural practices, will be far from the declared ones.

Propagation of strawberries is possible with the help of whiskers.

You can separate the tendrils in late spring or summer, depending on your goals and the characteristics of the plant. The last treatment is postponed until cold weather.

A competent gardener will regularly trim the mustache of strawberries, achieving increased yield and growing excellent planting material.

To increase the yield of strawberries, it is necessary to remove excess whiskers.

Increased yield

The plant spends a large number of energy and nutrients for the development of young rosettes. Since the time of intensive growth of mustaches and fruiting coincides, growing new bushes affect the harvest. Removing the whiskers immediately after flowering will improve the quality of fruiting.

It's more difficult with . Treatment of fruit-bearing crop beds several times per season is done frequently - after the first flowering and during the ripening of the berries with an interval of 1-2 weeks.

Growing planting material

Leave no more than three tendrils per seedling mother plant, otherwise it will be weakened and may die.

Use the first young rosette from the main bush for planting. To quickly root the mustache, the plant with the first pair of true leaves should be lightly buried, without deepening the growing points.

Strawberries can be transplanted after the rosettes have rooted.

The second and subsequent bushes from one mustache have much less vital potential. It is advisable to cut them to enhance the growth of selected specimens.

Strawberry tendrils should be replanted in mid or late August. Then during the autumn period young plant will have time to take root well and. Fruiting begins next year.

The soil is loosened, vermicompost and ash are added. The beds are formed with a distance between rows of up to 60 cm. Now you can transplant the bushes into rows, distancing the plants from each other by 15–20 cm. After transplanting, the strawberries can also be fed with foliar fertilizers.

You can treat strawberries against pests using ash.

Preparing strawberries for winter

Growing points are treated with insecticides and fungicides.

For areas with probable frost, strawberry beds must be covered with a special covering material. The use of fallen leaves is undesirable.

How and what to prune strawberries with

There are several mandatory rules:

  1. It is important to choose the right weather. A dry, sunny morning or evening is perfect. In hot weather, plants become stressed and are more susceptible to disease. Fungal and bacterial infections can penetrate dampness through the cut.
  2. Simply tearing off the mustache is not recommended. They are very durable and stick well to the bush. Together with the tendril, you can completely pull out the plants or partially tear off the tender roots.
  3. Pruning is done with garden shears or pruning shears, making a cut at a distance of 10 centimeters from the mother outlet.

Follow the simple rules of strawberry farming, and you will have a wonderful harvest of juicy, aromatic berries every year.

The main feature of pumpkin plants is that their long stems have tendrils, which are necessary for strong fixation on the support.

Otherwise, the lashes will not be able to stay upright, creeping along the ground. In this regard, gardeners offer different approaches to growing cucumbers.

Some arrange trellises for them in the form of wire stretched along the bed, others are considering the option of buying bush-type varieties that do not branch very much. However, almost all summer residents ask the question: “Is it necessary to cut off the mustache?” Let's try to figure it out.

How do cucumber mustaches behave?

Speaking about the need to cut off the mustache, you should first understand how exactly this part of the plant behaves? Cucumbers have the following quality - they cling to anything, not just trellises.

In addition to the fact that the mustache entwines a variety of objects, they, as practice shows, also wrap around leaves, twisting them. What is the result?

By curling, the leaves become a favorable environment for the development of bacteria and microorganisms.

Getting to them will not be easy, because they are protected, and very well. In this regard, a certain category of specialists believes that from time to time the mustache should be trimmed, or at least it should be made a little shorter.

Is it advisable to trim your mustache?

This issue still provokes many discussions, disputes and controversial opinions.

Some, without going into details, declare with all confidence that the mustache must be cut off without fail.

Moreover, in in this case gardeners do not take into account the consequences, continuing to insist on their own, explaining this by the unnecessary and senseless desire of the mustache to cling to something.

According to adherents of this theory, by trimming the mustache, caring for the crop becomes much easier. This is a fact, but it is necessary to consider one more point of view, because no one will argue with the fact that opposite judgments can be made in this case. How many people, so many opinions. And questions regarding growing and caring for cucumbers are no exception.

There are many supporters of the idea that there is no need to cut off the mustache. And this opinion has a place to be, since cucumbers, as noted earlier, belong to the category of climbing plants, and therefore they have a fairly strong stem. Thanks to the mustache, they, in turn, are able to firmly attach themselves to the support.

Several myths about the need to trim your mustache

Myth 1. Cutting off the tendrils affects the fact that the harvest volume becomes much larger. However, if cultivation experience is taken into account, removal of runners does not affect the amount of yield.

In order to harvest more cucumbers, gardeners are considering some other methods of processing bushes.

Myth 2. Excess tendrils take away all the nutrients from plants. It is important to remember that if a certain part of the crop is removed, there is a high probability of penetration of a wide variety of fungal microorganisms, infections and other elements that negatively affect the development of the plant. As a result, it may suffer much more.

Myth 3. Cutting off the mustache can prolong not only the reproductive period, but also the life of plants. This myth has absolutely no basis, since there are no facts to prove this assertion.

The presence of tendrils can be used to judge the reproductive capacity of a particular plant. That is, if the mustache is formed, the crop will definitely produce a harvest. If they stop growing, then in the near future the growing season will come to an end.

How to trim whiskers correctly in a greenhouse?

If you decide to cut your mustache, it is strongly recommended that you take our recommendations into account.

It must be said that, first of all, it makes sense to carry out this procedure if cucumbers are grown in a greenhouse on trellises.

  1. Anyone who has at least once encountered this process knows very well that if you have an impressive number of mustaches, it is quite difficult to care for plants and then harvest them. Moreover, it is also problematic to move around the greenhouse, because, as a rule, the whiskers from one row cling to another.
  2. They also need to be removed because the tendrils are temporary; after a month they dry out, and the plant may fall, break and die as a result.
  3. The tendrils should not be pulled off with your fingers, because the stem can be damaged, causing it to rot.
  4. You should take scissors and very carefully, leaving a stump of one centimeter, cut off the tendril.

By trimming the mustache, the plant will develop much faster and better.

How to trim mustaches in the garden?

In order not to tear off the mustache, some gardeners install special trellises so that the cucumbers climb up along them and grow vertically.

This may be effective, but in this case we should not forget that the tendrils live for about a month, become weak, and tear off, as a result of which the entire plant falls to the ground, the stem breaks and the harvest may not be harvested at all.

Therefore, it is better to provide support - a trellis, for example. By the way, in a greenhouse the presence of a trellis is prerequisite. But on open ground Until recently, cucumbers were grown without such wire. Today, as practice shows, a reverse trend has emerged. This is due to the fact that it is on it that the plant can be held by its thick stem.

Experience shows that most gardeners still prefer to get rid of mustaches, not only when growing cucumbers in greenhouses, but also when planting them in the ground.

This is due to the fact that all the mustaches are quite grippy: taking a lot of water from the cucumbers and nutrients, they delay the development of the fetus.

When working with the mustache, you do not need to tear it off completely; it is strongly recommended to leave a small stump, which, when dried, does not damage the main stem.

The final stage of mustache trimming

The procedure does not end with the above operations. The wound should be treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or ordinary ash. Treat those mustaches that you consider necessary to remove at the base, and immediately. For these purposes, you can use cotton swabs, which are found in every home.

Moreover, before trimming your mustache and holding cucumbers further actions, it is advisable to wash your hands thoroughly. In conclusion, I would like to say that there is still no consensus on whether it is worth plucking a cucumber mustache. That is why every person has the right to choose for himself whether to do this or not. Have a good harvest!

All climbing plants that do not have a strong stem are forced to “move” in space with the help of tendrils. Nature has endowed cucumbers with this convenient help, but Lately gardeners often argue about the need to trim off excess mustache, relying not only on facts, but often on outright myths.

Myths and facts about whether to cut off the mustache of cucumbers

Myth 1. Cutting the mustache increases the yield of cucumbers. But experience is experience - removing the whiskers does not in any way affect the abundance of the crop; to improve the yield, several other types of bush treatment are used.

Myth 2. Excess tendrils take away nutrients from the plant. But removing any part of the plant is fraught with the risk of dirt, infection, and fungal microorganisms entering its tissue, and the plant in this case may suffer even more.

Myth 3. Cutting off the mustache prolongs life and the reproductive period. But this myth is also groundless. But by the presence of whiskers, you can predict the “age” of the cucumber vine - if whiskers are formed, it means that the plant is reproductive (that is, capable of bearing fruit). If the whiskers have stopped forming, the growing season of the plant is nearing the end.

If you decide to pick off the mustaches of cucumbers - how to do it correctly

Despite the obvious facts against cutting off mustaches, there are certain conditions under which gardeners still resort to this procedure.

If cucumbers are grown in greenhouses or on trellises, for ease of movement between rows, caring for the bush (extra tendrils often try to get caught in an adjacent row or create an impenetrable thicket inside the bush) and harvesting, it makes sense to cut off the excess tendrils.

But in this case, you should take care of treating the “wound” with weak solution of potassium permanganate, crushed charcoal or ash. Excess mustaches should be torn off at the very base, and immediately treat the removal site with a cotton swab, dipping it in one of the substances.

Whether or not to pinch the mustache of cucumbers is up to each gardener to decide for himself, based on the growing conditions, planting location and variety of cucumbers.