Fertilizer "Krepysh": what we need to know about it. How to use water-soluble fertilizer “Krepysh”? Krepysh fertilizer for seedlings

I welcome you, my dear friends, to the page of my column. Today we continue to swim through the whirlpools of the products offered domestic manufacturer, which is intended to maintain our green pets in good shape. And we will talk about fertilizers, because where would we be without them? The time for holiday gorging is behind us, it’s time to think about “dishes” for our plants. And we will talk about fertilizers of the Krepysh series from trademark“Fasco”, because it is about this line that I am not ashamed to have my own opinion, since I have honestly tested it.

So what can I tell you, my friends. Well, first of all, it’s really, really decent quality for a very reasonable price. I was very pleased with the price-quality ratio. Secondly, I liked what they produced fertilizers Krepysh both in dry and liquid forms - that is, for everyone. As they say, you, darling, look good in all your outfits. I, of course, chose liquid, since I have no time to play with calculations correct proportions and other fertilizer wisdom. But let's take a closer look at both available forms at specific examples, so that later there will be no offense from those of you who have more time than I do.

Seedling support

Now is the time to think about seedlings, so what could be more important than fertilizer for seedlings? So let’s turn our burning eyes to the water-soluble fertilizer for seedlings Krepysh ( all pictures are clickable). Is it possible to grow full-fledged seedlings without complex fertilizer, enriched with microelements, which was specifically developed for the successful cultivation of vegetable seedlings, as well as flower and ornamental crops?

The macroelements and microelements that make up this fertilizer are carefully balanced, which only helps to improve health and immune system barely growing seedlings. This type of fertilizer must be dissolved in water before use. Based on the experience of friends who have used the strong drink in water-soluble form, I take the liberty of saying that it dissolves surprisingly quickly and easily. Fertilizer is applied during irrigation. If you are interested in a more detailed composition of the fertilizer, you can carefully study the packaging - everything is indicated on it very clearly and in detail.

I have not used this form of fertilizer on my flowers, but my friend had to deal with it when she was trying to grow cucumber seedlings. Although, actually, why did you try? Grew it up! And she says that this fertilizer helped her in many ways. I decided to ask her in more detail and found out the following information. Firstly, she never starts fertilizing before at least one or two true leaves have formed on the seedlings - this rule is observed very strictly, regardless of the crop being fertilized. She fertilized at intervals of ten days to two weeks. Moreover, she says that ideally it is necessary to maintain the same interval, but due to her work schedule (and she worked in shifts, also with night duty at the pier), it did not always work out.

The main thing is that she was clearly within the permissible limits all the time. In addition, which is also very important for you and me, my friend several times emphasized the cost-effectiveness of this fertilizer. This particular aspect brought her into a state of childlike delight. She says that she did not use it strictly in accordance with the instructions, using only half a teaspoon per two liters of water, and this while consuming literally one hundred grams of fertilizer for each pot.

By the way, you may find this information useful: cucumber seedlings, based on a friend’s experience, you should not feed in the evening. All procedures related to recharge should be carried out strictly in the morning, or, at most, in the daytime. And it is used exclusively for irrigation warm water, otherwise diseases of the root system cannot be avoided.

But let's return to our fertilizer. If you look at the instructions, then for ten liters of water we will need two teaspoons of fertilizer in dry form (one teaspoon is equal to approximately five grams, so all costs are invested in a ten-gram amount). And the resulting solution is used to fertilize seedlings. After the seedlings are planted in the ground, fertilizing is carried out once every two weeks. If we talk about indoor plants, fertilize them at least once a week, from spring to autumn. In winter, the frequency of fertilizing is reduced to once every month and a half, and even then only in cases of urgent need. Moreover, if you have the opportunity to provide additional lighting to your plants, the effectiveness of fertilizing will increase significantly. Please note that if your plant is, by all indications, low in calcium, it must be added to the soil as a separate fertilizer - say, calcium nitrate. When working with fertilizer, you should wear gloves or special mittens: God protects the gentle, you know!

  • Fertilizer for seedlings: how to choose the right one

Now let’s move on to liquid fertilizers Krepysh. I would recommend you to use organo mineral fertilizer (picture above right), which eliminates the need to use additional supplements in the form of individual microelements. This fertilizer already contains all the humates necessary for the plant. In addition, it is enriched with natural stimulants, which were specially developed for growing seedlings of any crops, be it vegetables or ornamental flowering plants. Macro- and microelements are balanced in the required concentration, which eliminates the need to waste time on tedious calculations so that the seedlings do not suffer from burns to the root system, which inexperienced gardeners so often encounter, or do not wither from a lack nutrients.

You can also simply soak the seeds in liquid fertilizer before planting them to force seedlings. It is suitable for any type of seedlings: tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, zucchini, cabbage, eggplant, physalis and other crops. If you have a so-called winter garden on the windowsill with salad crops, you can safely use the Krepysh fertilizer - it will give your “plantings” lushness and allow you to harvest throughout the winter season. Well, and, of course, fertilizer is applied when planting seedlings in pots or transplanting them into open ground.

This fertilizer is universal– it is perfect for all types of plants, increasing their natural resistance to adverse factors external environment, which lie in wait for delicate plants literally at every step. The growth and development of all plant organs is significantly accelerated by fertilizers - this also applies to the root system, which is very important for seedlings. And now the icing on the cake: Krepysh fertilizers do not contain chlorine! And they can be used throughout the entire calendar year. In addition, I liked the fact that the packaging of this fertilizer is very impressive - there are 250 grams of substance in a bottle! And the design is very nice. And in combination with affordable price This fertilizer looks more than worthy in the conditions of market competition - I tell you this as a person with economic education I say.

So I can confidently vouch for the quality of this product., because based on my own experience, as well as the experience of friends, I know that quality justifies itself one hundred percent. Try it and report back on your results – I’m sure all the reviews will be extremely positive!

See you here! And I hope to see you very soon.

PS: When geranium is flowering, try feeding it with an iodine solution (a drop of iodine per liter of water) - flowering will be significantly extended.

Gardeners make the most of allocated plots of land by planting them with a variety of vegetables and garden crops. Over time, the soil becomes depleted, acidity changes, and yields drop. Normal seedling growth occurs at a pH level of 6.5.

Mineral fertilizers are sold in stores, and vegetable growers find organic additives in the form of manure, peat and ash at nearby livestock farms, peat mines, or extract them themselves by burning old grass and leaves.

It is difficult for a person unfamiliar with the basics of soil science to choose a fertilizer that will not lead to an increase or decrease in soil acidity and will not damage vegetable crops. An excess of any chemical compounds affects the health of the owner.

Purchasing a ready-made mineral-organic additive from Fasco will relieve the vegetable grower of doubts about the correct choice. The fertilizer is called “Krepysh”. Its peculiarity is manifested in the balance of micro- and macroelements. Top dressing is used for all types of gardening vegetable crops. High solubility makes the additive most effective for feeding seedlings.

“Strong” includes three main elements, without which development and fruiting are impossible: N, P and K.

If adding phosphorus cannot overfeed the seedlings, since the plants do not absorb the excess, then the situation with nitrogen compounds is more complicated.

Balanced fertilizer with the correct dosage will help an inexperienced vegetable grower avoid mistakes.

Potassium, which is responsible for the photosynthesis of cells and the adaptation of seedlings to unfavorable factors, does not contain chlorine, which has a depressing effect on potatoes, salads, grapes and other plant species.

Contains: essential microelements, which are needed for the normal development of garden and vegetable crops: iron, molybdenum, zinc, manganese, boron, magnesium.

Average composition of “Krepysh” (in percentage terms):

  • potassium (K) – 22;
  • phosphorus (P) – 8;
  • nitrogen (N) – 17;
  • other microelements – 1.

Fertilizer "Krepysh" is produced using the unique technology of the company "Fasco". The development of the manufactured product has no analogues. The main disadvantage inherent in mineral compounds is the high volatility of nitrogen, while phosphorus and potassium do not have time to saturate the soil during decomposition due to their prolonged action. “Krepysh” has no such drawback, since the substance is completely soluble, and the seedlings have time to absorb the fertilizer before the nitrogen evaporates or is washed out with watering and rain. The same applies to potassium and phosphorus compounds. With high solubility of the fertilizer, these elements are consumed faster and more efficiently by the cultural flora.


Krepysh contains potassium in the form of humates. These natural compounds are also called humic acids and humus. They are obtained as a result of postmortem, or posthumous, transformation of organic matter.

The humification of organic residues occurs not only as a result of redox reactions, condensation and hydrolysis, but also during the life of living organisms.

They are the ones who give fertility to the soil. Humates are extracted from manure, sludge, plant organic matter or peat extract. Active or ballast-free substances in the composition of humic acids are stimulants of plant life, causing their rapid growth and maturation. Ballast compounds fertilize the soil.

The main property of humates is to create easily soluble salts with potassium and nitrogen.

When adding these natural fertilizers to the soil:

  1. the density, porosity of the soil, and the volumetric mass of the solid phase change;
  2. soil structure improves;
  3. is changing chemical composition and hydrological properties of the soil, characterized by gravitational and capillary water;
  4. the types and numbers of beneficial microorganisms responsible for increasing fertility increase;
  5. heavy metals and radionuclides bind, providing protective protection for plants.

Due to the listed properties, humates are used in agriculture as sorbents and ameliorants. They help restore depleted and damaged soils.


Gardeners and agricultural technicians note the following advantages of using “Krepysh”:

  • versatility of fertilizer;
  • Ease of use;
  • the effectiveness of fertilizing and the economic effect associated with increased productivity and low price.

Fertilizer is used at all stages of crop development:

  1. When processing seeds.
  2. For growing strong seedlings
  3. When feeding an adult plant.

The savings lie in obtaining 50 liters of high-quality liquid fertilizer after dissolving one package of substrate weighing 50 g.

When using "Krepysh" there is no need for other mineral supplements.

The product is convenient to store and easy to use, and the resulting effect after feeding exceeds expectations. Visually, the plants become stronger, and the pale greenery acquires an emerald hue.

Fertilizer affects vegetable crops as follows:

  1. The development of green mass and root system is stimulated when growing seedlings.
  2. The period from the formation of an adult plant to fruiting is reduced.
  3. The taste characteristics and quality of the crop are improved.
  4. The resistance of seedlings to diseases increases.
  5. Garden and ornamental crops respond with abundant flowering.
  6. Seedlings are easier to transplant from boxes to a greenhouse, and then to open ground.

Types of fertilizer

The substance is available in three forms:

  1. Fertilizer "Krepysh" with potassium humate.
  2. For seedlings.
  3. Liquid universal fertilizer.

The variety of proposals is caused by the need to change the quantitative content of elements at different stages of development. In terms of the basic composition of micro- and macroelements, all three types of “Krepysh” are the same. When it is necessary to grow a strong plant, liquid fertilizer “Strong for Seedlings” is used: it contains an increased content of nitrogen compounds. If it is necessary to improve the taste of the fruit, use an additive with potassium humate.

“Krepysh” in the form of a universal fertilizer is used at any stage in order to get rid of the need to purchase several types mineral supplements. Liquid universal contains sulfur, which is necessary in the process of protein synthesis.

Instructions for use of "Krepysha"

Mineral-organic additive is highly concentrated useful substances, therefore, the use of one package of water-soluble fertilizer weighing 50 g is enough to obtain 50 liters of ready-to-use fertilizer for seedlings.

The easy solubility of the product does not require stirring or additional heating.

The calculation of the solution is obtained by dissolving one gram of fertilizer per liter of water.

Farmers use "Krepysh" for root and foliar feeding seedlings.

The substance is classified as toxicity class three due to its high content chemical elements Therefore, it is recommended to carry out the entire process of preparing and dissolving the substrate using rubber gloves.

Breeding order

The preparation of the base solution is carried out according to the scheme 1 g per 1 liter of water. The additive has a five-year shelf life, so the unused remainder can be used for feeding next summer.

Liquid fertilizer “Krepysh” should be diluted in a ratio of 1 cap per 1 liter of water.

After reading the instructions on the package, the gardener wonders: how to measure required amount substrate? For this purpose, you can use available containers of a fixed volume: 1 tsp. 5 g of fertilizer is placed in a st. l. – 15 g, in matchbox– 20 g. The glass has a volume of 200 ml.

Using these means, you can easily dilute the substrate when preparing a base solution for seedlings: 1 tsp. product for 5 liter cans of water.

Application rates and timing for various crops

According to the instructions for use, “Krepysh” fertilizer for seedlings should be applied weekly. They begin to use seedling fertilizer when the first 2 leaves appear. They focus on the ratio of 1 liter of basic solution per 10 bushes.

In winter, houseplants are fed no more than once every 30 days, and during the period of active life and development - every week.

Each plant species needs its own dosage of feeding and time of use.

Below is a detailed list of garden and vegetable crops with recommendations for the amount and time of application of the additive.

Vegetable seedlings and ornamental plants

Berry, coniferous and ornamental plant species




Yandex Market has many offers of mineral-organic fertilizer “Krepysh” for seedlings and other types of fertilizing. The price range ranges from 40 to 78 rubles and depends on the volume of packaging and additional additives in the form of peat.

Code: 12062

In stock


For soaking seeds;


Does not contain chlorine.

Application rates for the drug:

- Seeds and seedlings vegetable and flower crops+cuttings

- Vegetables

- Flower crops

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Fertilizer type organic

Liquid complex organomineral fertilizer with humates and natural stimulant specially designed for use in growing seedlings of vegetable and flower and ornamental crops. Contains a balanced set of macro- and microelements necessary to obtain developed and healthy seedlings.

Composition: nitrogen 3%; phosphorus 1.5%; potassium 3%; organic matter - not less than 3%. The presence of sediment does not affect the nutritional properties of the fertilizer.

Method for preparing watering solution:
Dilute 10 ml (1 cap) in 1 liter of clean water.


For soaking seeds;

For growing seedlings of all vegetable crops (tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, zucchini, cabbage, eggplant, physalis and others);

To grow a “winter garden” on a windowsill ( green onions, lettuce and other spicy greens);

When picking seedlings into separate pots and open ground.


Universal product for all types of plants;

Increases resistance to adverse environmental factors;

Accelerates the growth and development of plants;

Stimulates the growth of the root system;

Efficiency is confirmed by tests;

Does not contain chlorine.

Application rates for the drug:

- Seeds and seedlings vegetable and flower crops+ cuttings fruit and berry and flower and decorative: 5 ml/l of water (soaking seeds for 12 hours) or 25 ml/10 l of water until the soil is completely moistened - root feeding after the appearance of the first true leaf with an interval of 7-10 days.

- Vegetables: 25ml/20 l of water, working solution consumption 4-10 l/m2. Root feeding after planting in the ground 2-4 times with an interval of 7-10 days.

- Flower crops: 25ml/20 l of water, working solution consumption 4-10 l/m2. Root feeding after planting in the ground (for annual crops) and the beginning of the resumption of vegetation in the spring (for perennial crops) 5-6 times with an interval of 10-14 days.

Every gardener will agree that good seedlings is the basis of the future harvest. To grow healthy and strong plants, you need not only high-quality seeds, but also timely application of fertilizer designed specifically for young shoots. In this case, liquid and instant products are considered the most suitable and effective, which include “Krepysh” - a complex fertilizer for seedlings of the “Fasko” brand. "Krepysh" for seedlings is a highly effective balanced mixture designed to stimulate the growth of young plants on initial stage their development. Fertilizer promotes the formation of a powerful and developed root system, making plants stronger and more resistant to diseases. And this, in turn, certainly affects the quantity and quality of the harvest.

The drug "Krepysh" is a complex organomineral fertilizer with potassium humate, designed specifically for growing seedlings of garden and flower crops. The product contains an optimally balanced composition of vitamins, micro- and macroelements necessary for the development of young plants at the starting stage: potassium - 22%, nitrogen - 17%, phosphorus - 8%, as well as magnesium, zinc, calcium, copper, iron and others important elements. “Krepysh” is a universal fertilizer; it can be successfully used for various purposes:

  • for feeding vegetable crops: tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, zucchini, cucumbers - according to reviews from summer residents, cucumbers grow especially well and bear fruit after watering with the product;
  • for pre-soaking and germination of seeds before sowing;
  • for growing greens and garden plants on window sills, balconies;
  • while planting seedlings in separate pots or open ground;
  • for watering young plants after planting in the soil;
  • for caring for decorative indoor plants and flowers.

All substances present in the fertilizer mixture are in a form accessible to plants, which ensures its 100% digestibility by crops. The high effectiveness of the drug “Krepysh” has been repeatedly confirmed during many years of testing. The fertilizer is available in the form of a highly concentrated liquid and soluble granules. Before use, a liquid product must be diluted with water to the required concentration; a granular product must also be dissolved in water, after which it is used for irrigation.

Informational video from useful tips for fertilizing seedlings.

Advantages and disadvantages

When creating the drug "Krepysh", the main emphasis by the developers was on the presence large quantities easily soluble potassium in water, which significantly activates the development of the root system of plants. It is powerful, well-developed roots that help crops take root in the soil faster and better after transplantation. Also strong root system increases the resistance of seedlings to diseases and weather factors. The high concentration of nitrogen in the preparation promotes active plant growth, and phosphorus is necessary as a foundation for the future harvest.

Due to its well-balanced composition of useful elements, fertilizer has many advantages over other means:

  • universality - the drug is suitable for almost all plants;
  • all components contained in the mixture are in ideal proportions and are easily absorbed by plants;
  • the fertilizer is enriched with potassium humate, which helps improve soil quality;
  • does not contain chlorine or components containing it;
  • significantly accelerates growth and improves plant properties;
  • increases the immunity of crops, making them resistant to drought, cold, bacteria and pests;
  • promotes growth and better rooting of the root system in the soil;
  • combines well with other mineral and organic products;
  • dissolves quickly in water and is easy to dose.

It has practically no disadvantages. However, when using it must be taken into account that the product contains a high concentration chemical substances, especially nitrogen and potassium, so it is recommended to wear rubber gloves when diluting and watering. Also, many gardeners noted that frequent watering contributes to the accumulation of nitrates in fruits, so you should not exceed the recommended norms and water garden crops after the formation of the ovary.

How to apply for seedlings

As indicated in the instructions for use, the granular water-soluble product should be diluted at the rate of 2 teaspoons (10 g)/10 l of water, the liquid product is diluted with water in the proportion of 10 ml/1 l of water. The resulting solution is used primarily for watering seedlings, but you can also feed houseplants. Feeding seedlings begins with the appearance of the first leaf. During this period, crops need a lot of potassium, so watering is carried out at intervals of 1 time/7-10 days. For plants already planted in the soil, watering is carried out 1 time/2 weeks. Fertilizer is consumed at the rate of 100-110 ml of the prepared solution/1 plant.

In liquid form, “Krepysh” can be used for soaking seeds. At the same time, it does not need to be diluted with water, but simply pour the solution over the seeds for a day, and then sow them into the soil. When picking young plants, water the soil in which they are planted with an aqueous solution. The effectiveness of the drug "Krepysh" increases with the use of additional lighting.

Video “How to choose fertilizer”

Fertilizer Krepysh for seedlings instructions for use. Fertilizer for seedlings Krepysh is a universal material for feeding. The manufacturer made sure that it contains all the elements that the plant requires.

What you will learn from this material:

It's quite easy to use. Fertilizer can be used in for different purposes. The description includes the properties of the product, as well as its composition and instructions for use. In our article we will tell you everything about the Krepysh fertilizer.

What are organomineral fertilizers

Such fertilizers, as the name suggests, are a complex mixture consisting of two types of components. Humus or manure (chicken, horse, cow) is usually used as their organic component.

All these elements can not only replenish nutrient deficiencies in the soil, but also improve its structure. However, unfortunately, such supplements do not contain the entire complex of macro- and microelements.

Therefore, they are supplemented with various mineral components. This could be potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus, magnesium, etc.

All these substances are very good and short time are absorbed by plants, and therefore have a rapid effect in terms of crops gaining green mass, development of ovaries and fruits. View necessary for plants macro- and microelements depends on their age, the type of soil on the site, etc.

Thus, organomineral fertilizers simultaneously improve the structure of the soil and saturate it with all the necessary nutrients for crops, and quickly absorbed ones.

Advantages and disadvantages of Krepysh fertilizer

Is it possible to grow full-fledged seedlings without a complex fertilizer enriched with microelements, which was specifically designed for the successful cultivation of vegetable seedlings, as well as flower and ornamental crops?

The macroelements and microelements that make up this fertilizer are carefully balanced, which only helps to strengthen the health and immune system of barely growing seedlings. This type of fertilizer must be dissolved before use.

Based on the experience of friends who have used the strong drink in water-soluble form, I take the liberty of saying that it dissolves surprisingly quickly and easily. Fertilizer is applied during irrigation. If you are interested in a more detailed composition of the fertilizer, you can carefully study the packaging - everything is indicated on it very clearly and in detail.

Advantages: versatility, ease of use, cheap, quality. Disadvantages: third class of danger (fire hazardous).

Types and composition of fertilizer Krepysh

The mineral-organic additive “Krepysh” contains all the macro- and microelements necessary for the normal development of plants. The main one is the nitrogen-potassium-phosphorus complex. Additional elements - iron, magnesium and manganese, molybdenum, copper, boron, zinc. Potassium is found in humate.

It does not contain chlorine, and therefore is considered a harmless preparation for plants, especially in relation to chlorophobic crops - tomatoes, grapes, tobacco.

There are three types of fertilizer brand “Krepysh”:

  • mineral-organic fertilizer “Krepysh with potassium humate”;
  • mineral-organic fertilizer “Strong for seedlings”;
  • universal mineral fertilizer “Krepysh” in liquid solution.

Depending on the type, the composition of mineral preparations may differ slightly. For example, for seedlings the nitrogen content will be increased compared to the universal preparation.

Sulfur is additionally added to the liquid fertilizer, and the product with potassium guamate has a high content of easily digestible potassium.

On average, all “Krepyshi” contain about 22% soluble potassium, up to 17% nitrogen and 8% essential phosphorus. Total quantity additional elements does not exceed 1%.

How to apply Krepysh fertilizer for seedlings

Now is the time to think about seedlings, so what could be more important than fertilizer for seedlings? So let’s turn our burning eyes to the water-soluble fertilizer for Krepysh seedlings.

As indicated in the instructions for use, the granular water-soluble product should be diluted at the rate of 2 teaspoons (10 g)/10 l of water, the liquid product is diluted with water in the proportion of 10 ml/1 l of water. The resulting solution is used primarily for watering seedlings, but you can also feed indoor plants.

Feeding seedlings begins with the appearance of the first leaf. During this period, crops need a lot of potassium, so watering is carried out at intervals of 1 time/7-10 days. For plants already planted in the soil, watering is carried out 1 time/2 weeks. Fertilizer is consumed at the rate of 100-110 ml of the prepared solution/1 plant.

In liquid form, “Krepysh” can be used for soaking seeds. At the same time, it does not need to be diluted with water, but simply pour the solution over the seeds for a day, and then sow them into the soil. When picking young plants, water the soil in which they are planted with an aqueous solution.

The effectiveness of the drug "Krepysh" increases with the use of additional lighting.