Marking of drainage trays according to GOST. Public automobile roads trays road drainage control methodspreface

To protect communications from mechanical and corrosive destruction, strong and durable devices are needed. These properties have iron concrete trays— they are indispensable when installing cable systems and pipelines, providing free access to them in emergency situations. In addition, reinforced concrete products serve to drain rain and melt water from buildings.

Purpose, features and varieties

Trays are made of concrete grade M-200 and higher, strengthening it with steel rods from reinforcement class A-I, A-II or wire Bp-I. The technological process of vibration pressing makes it possible to obtain dense reinforced concrete that is resistant to aggressive factors external environment. According to GOST 21509-85, it is subject to requirements in the following areas:

  • frost resistance and moisture resistance;
  • technical characteristics of reinforcing steel;
  • concrete layer thickness;
  • anti-corrosion qualities;
  • starting materials concrete mixture;
  • uniform structure without voids;
  • mechanical resistance.

In terms of design, purpose of use, and method of installation, trays fall into three main types:

  • drainage;
  • cable;
  • for heating mains.

Drainage concrete trays

They serve to transport water, differ in purpose and design and perform the following functions:

  • drainage – removal of soil and rain moisture from ground floor and the foundation of the building;
  • edge - drainage of water from the road to the slopes;
  • telescopic - channel removal of moisture from bridges and slopes;
  • stormwater – collection and disposal of stormwater;
  • sewer - moving Wastewater to the collectors;
  • culverts (gutters for drainage) - drainage of water by gravity.

Classification of drainage trays by shape:

  • parabolic;
  • trapezoidal;
  • U-shaped;
  • trapezoidal and U-shaped with a round gutter.

Depending on the conditions set by the drainage project, solid or with an opening for vertical drain. Trays for drainage can be solid or prefabricated, of various sizes (they are listed in the 3.006.1-2/87 series). The marking contains the letter L and two numbers: the first indicates the number in the series, the second indicates the vertical load for which the tray is designed (the larger it is, the deeper it is mounted). Manufacturers produce them in various sizes, for example, the ERBA company offers products with the following parameters: length 0.72 - 6 m; width 0.4 – 1.84 m; height 0.38 – 1.32 m.

Heat supply pipes are protected from corrosion, rodents, and heat loss by installing special channels of two types:

  • KLP - trays are covered with removable lids;
  • KLS - the structure is formed by upper and lower trays connected by channels.

Advantages modern devices in front of previously used brick structures:

  • ease of installation;
  • low cost;
  • high load-bearing capacity;
  • the possibility of installation in seismically active areas, with weak soil and groundwater - this is ensured by expansion joints and waterproofing their bitumen mastic.

The marking of the tray for heating mains indicates the letter (L or LK), its number from the series 3.006.1, and the design load. If the length differs from the standard (6 m), put a number indicating the proportion of the standard size (2 means ½). The width of the products varies from 0.57 to 2.46 m, and the height - from 0.36 to 1.32 m.

Cost of reinforced concrete trays

Before you buy reinforced concrete trays, you should select the product according to the calculated data: maximum load, size and shape. After this, the products are selected according to cost, checking whether the manufacturer has certificates for them. Average prices for trays are given in the table.


Concrete drainage trays are one of the most necessary parts in the construction and organization of systems for draining rainwater from buildings and in the organization of cable systems. Let's look at what types of trays there are and how they are used.

Types and purpose

The strength and durability of concrete structures is ensured by the quality and water resistance of the brand of concrete that is used to fill the form. That is why the trays are based on a mixture of a grade no lower than M-200. In addition, the base is made of class A reinforcement rods or Bp-I grade wire base. Quality finished product regulated by the requirements of GOST 21509-85.

Here are the main parameters that are specified in GOST:

  • moisture resistance and ability to withstand frost;
  • corrosion resistance metal parts and fittings;
  • thickness and density of the concrete layer;
  • general characteristics of the concrete mixture;
  • resistance of the finished product to mechanical stress;
  • the presence of voids in the cavity of the product.

Depending on the ratio of all the above parameters, there are three directions for using concrete drainage trays:

  • drainage - function;
  • for laying cables;
  • to protect the heating main.

Let's take a closer look at drainage trays

From the name of the product it is clear that they are used to organize drainage systems and drains. Functions performed by these products:

  1. Providing drainage, that is, removing excess moisture from the surrounding soil.
  2. Moisture redistribution. Removing water from road surface and transporting it to the roadside or slopes.
  3. Organization of channels for water outflow.
  4. Ensuring the outflow of storm water.
  5. Sewage function - connections of drainage systems with collectors.

Types of drainage trays

In accordance with GOST, there are three main types:

  • in the form of a trapezoid;
  • in the form of the letter P;
  • in the form of a parabola.

At the same time, the first and second types can be either with a flat, flat internal base, or in the form of a round gutter.
All the main characteristics, as well as the scope of their application, can be found out from the markings. It is especially important to study the markings during the construction or installation of pipelines in complex natural conditions. For example, when laying tracks in soil subject to seasonal fluctuations: swampy terrain, the presence of a clay layer, the presence of groundwater.

This also includes work that is carried out in the far north. Here is the most important requirement- this is resistance to low temperatures.
Drainage trays are marked with the letter L, and two numbers indicate the series number and the maximum vertical load.

For ease of installation, trays come in two types: prefabricated and integral.
Common models: length ranges from 0.72 meters to 6 meters, width from 0.4 meters to 1.84 meters, edge height from 0.38 meters to 1.32 meters.

Concrete trays for the construction of heating mains

The main purpose of these trays is reliable protection pipelines from corrosion, reducing heat loss and protecting pipes from rodents. For sewerage and heating mains I use two types of trays:

  • GOST Klp - these trays are covered with removable lids;
  • GOST Kls - connection using channel fasteners.

The advantage of concrete trays over their brick counterparts:

  • saving time and effort during installation due to the simplicity and integrity of the structure;
  • significant cost reduction due to reduction of consumables;
  • significant superiority in load-bearing capacity;
  • ability to withstand sudden changes temperatures and soil fluctuations.

Groundwater resistance

For the use of sewer trays, the letter K is indicated, and for heating mains, the letter L.
Let's compare the cost of different concrete trays.
When buying a tray, you need to analyze in detail all the parameters of the product you have chosen: load, dimensions, assembly method and availability of a certificate.

The average price for one LK type tray measuring 350 mm by 350 mm and 2970 mm will be 1,700 rubles. It can be used to provide drainage systems. For example, during the construction of highways or bridges.
Product L 2-8\2 with parameters 360 mm by 570 mm and 2970 mm will cost 2450 rubles. These trays are wider and are ideal for the construction of drainage systems for walking paths and drainage of rainwater from residential buildings.

LK 300. 4 5.30-1, has the following dimensions: 280 mm by 430 mm and 2990 mm. The price of this tray will be 3315 rubles. Such products are ideal for installing heating systems and laying cables.
The most expensive option is L 10-8\2 with parameters of 550 mm by 1480 mm and 2970 mm. The cost of this product is 6600 rubles.


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Delivery methods

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Applies to drainage trays made of concrete (reinforced concrete) and polymer concrete, used in highways common use, and establishes methods for monitoring the technical indicators of trays established by GOST 32955-2014.

The standard does not apply to methods of industrial technological control in the manufacture of trays, as well as to methods of control of the initial raw materials used for the manufacture of trays.

3 Terms and definitions

6 Monitoring the accuracy of measurement results

7 Control geometric parameters and sizes

16 Determination of specific effective activity of natural radionuclides

  • GOST 26433.0-85General provisions
  • GOST 26433.1-89System for ensuring the accuracy of geometric parameters in construction. Rules for performing measurements. Factory-made elements
  • GOST 8829-94Factory-made reinforced concrete and concrete building products. Load test methods. Rules for assessing strength, stiffness and crack resistance. Replaced by GOST 8829-2018.
  • GOST 10922-90Welded reinforcement and embedded products, welded connections of reinforcement and embedded products of reinforced concrete structures. General technical conditions. Replaced by GOST 10922-2012.
  • GOST 17625-83Constructions and reinforced concrete products. Radiation method for determining the thickness of the protective layer of concrete, the size and location of reinforcement
  • GOST 22904-93Constructions reinforced concrete. Magnetic method for determining the thickness of the protective layer of concrete and the location of reinforcement
  • GOST 23858-79Welded butt and tee connections for reinforced concrete structures. Ultrasonic quality control methods. Acceptance rules
  • GOST 12730.0-78Concrete. General requirements for methods for determining density, humidity, water absorption, porosity and water resistance
  • GOST 12730.3-78Concrete. Method for determining water absorption
  • GOST 13087-81Concrete. Methods for determining abrasion. Replaced by GOST 13087-2018.
  • GOST 22690-88Concrete. Determination of strength by mechanical methods of non-destructive testing. Replaced by GOST 22690-2015.
  • GOST 30108-94Construction materials and products. Determination of specific effective activity of natural radionuclides
  • GOST 12.1.007-76Harmful substances. Classification and general safety requirements
  • GOST 12.1.019-79System of occupational safety standards. Electrical safety. General requirements and nomenclature of types of protection
  • GOST 7502-98Metal measuring tapes. Specifications
  • GOST 166-89Calipers. Specifications
  • GOST 3749-77Test squares 90°. Specifications
  • GOST 427-75Metal measuring rulers. Specifications
  • GOST 3634-99Manholes for inspection wells and stormwater inlets. Specifications
  • GOST 18321-73Statistical quality control. Methods for random selection of samples of piece goods
  • GOST 10181-2000Concrete mixtures. Test methods. Replaced by GOST 10181-2014.
  • GOST 12.4.131-83Robes women's Specifications
  • GOST 12.4.132-83Robes men's Specifications
  • GOST 20010-93Rubber technical gloves. Specifications
  • GOST 25706-83Magnifiers. Types, basic parameters. General technical requirements
  • GOST 28846-90Gloves and mittens. General technical conditions
  • GOST 8026-92Straight lines. Specifications
  • GOST 18105-2010Concrete. Rules for monitoring and assessing strength. Replaced by GOST 18105-2018.
  • GOST 10180-2012Concrete. Determination methods strength according to control samples
  • GOST 10060-2012Concrete. Determination methods frost resistance
  • GOST 17624-2012Concrete. Ultrasonic method for determining strength
  • GOST 32955-2014Public roads. Road drainage trays. Technical requirements

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Roads for public use ROAD DRAINAGE TRAYS Control methods

Official publication



The goals, basic principles and basic procedure for carrying out work on interstate standardization are established by GOST 1.0-92 “Interstate standardization system. Basic provisions" and GOST 1.2-2009 "Interstate standardization system. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations for interstate standardization. Rules for development, acceptance, application, updating and cancellation"

Standard information

1 DEVELOPED by Progress Stroy Limited Liability Company (Progress Stroy LLC)

2 INTRODUCED by the Interstate Technical Committee for Standardization MTK 418 “Road Facilities”

3 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (protocol dated December 5, 2014 No. 46).

Short name of the country according to MK (ISO 3166) 004-97

Country code according to MK (ISO 3166)004-97

Abbreviated name of the national standardization body



Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia


State Standard of the Republic of Belarus


Gosstandart of the Republic of Kazakhstan






T ajikstandard


Main State Service "Turkmenstandartlary"



Ministry of Economic Development of Ukraine

4 By order Federal agency on technical regulation and metrology dated August 14, 2015 No. 1160-st interstate standard GOST 32956-2014 put into effect as a national standard Russian Federation from December 1, 2015


Information about changes to this standard is published in the annual information index “National Standards” (as of January 1 of the current year), and the text of changes and amendments is published in the monthly information index “National Standards”. In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this standard, the corresponding notice will be published in the monthly information index “National Standards”. Relevant information, notices and texts are also posted in information system for general use - on the official website of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology on the Internet

© Standardinform, 2015

In the Russian Federation, this standard cannot be fully or partially reproduced, replicated and distributed as an official publication without permission from the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

Editor AL. Bakanova Technical editor V.N. Prusakova Corrector M.S. Kabashova Computer layout P.A. Circular

Delivered for recruitment on December 15, 2015. Signed for publication on December 18, 2015. Format 60x84%. Arial typeface. Uel. oven l. 1.40. Academic ed. l. 0.95. Circulation 38 copies. Zach. 4208.

Published and printed by FSUE STANDARDINFORM, 123995 Moscow, Granatny per., 4. [email protected]

GOST 32956-2014

1 Scope of application...................................................1

3 Terms and definitions...................................................2

4 Safety and environmental requirements...................................2

5 Requirements for test conditions....................................................2

6 Monitoring the accuracy of measurement results...................................3

7 Control of geometric parameters and dimensions...................................3

8 Control appearance and surface quality........................4

9 Control of strength and crack resistance of trays and gratings....................................5

10 Determination of the strength of structural materials................................5

11 Determination of the volume of entrained air in a concrete mixture...................................6

12 Determination of frost resistance of a structural material...................................6

13 Determination of the water resistance of a structural material...................................6

14 Determination of water absorption of structural material.................................6

15 Determination of abrasion of a structural material...................................6

16 Determination of specific effective activity of natural radionuclides..........6

17 Reinforcement quality control...................................................6


Roads for public use ROAD DRAINAGE TRAYS

Control methods

Automobile roads of general use. Road drainage trays. Methods of testing

Date of introduction -2015-12-01 with the right of early application

1 area of ​​use

1.1 This standard applies to drainage trays made of concrete (reinforced concrete) and polymer concrete (hereinafter referred to as trays), used on public roads, and establishes methods for monitoring the technical parameters of trays established by GOST 32955.

1.2 This standard does not apply to methods of industrial technological control in the manufacture of trays, as well as to methods of control of the starting raw materials used for the manufacture of trays.

Note - Industrial technological control in the manufacture of trays is carried out on the basis of the manufacturer’s production documentation, and control of the initial raw materials used for the manufacture of trays is based on the relevant standards and technical specifications for these materials.

2 Normative references

This standard uses references to the following interstate standards: GOST 12.1.007-76 System of occupational safety standards. Harmful substances. Classification and general safety requirements

4 Safety and environmental requirements

4.1 When carrying out tests and measurements, you must comply with the electrical safety rules in accordance with GOST 12.1.019 and the operating instructions for the equipment.

4.2 When working with trays, use protective clothing in accordance with GOST 12.4.131 or GOST 12.4.132. To protect hands, gloves are used in accordance with GOST 20010 or GOST 28846.

4.3 Samples destroyed during testing are disposed of as solid construction waste corresponding to hazard class no higher than IV according to GOST 12.1.007, unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer in the accompanying documents or on the packaging.

4.4 After measurements, trays selected for control of shape and size in accordance with the requirements of Section 7 and/or for control of surface quality in accordance with the requirements of Section 8 can be used to control other indicators.

5 Requirements for test conditions

5.1 The rooms in which measurements and tests are carried out must have an air temperature of (25 + 10) °C.

5.2 Assessment of the appearance and surface quality of trays is carried out in natural daylight or artificial lighting.

7.3.2 Trays selected for measurements are placed on a flat, cleaned surface, based on the conditions for ensuring free access to them when performing measurements.

7.3.3 The surface of the trays is cleaned wire brush and remove burrs and adhered particles that could interfere with measurements.

7.3.4 Measuring instruments are checked and prepared in accordance with the instructions for their use.

7.4 Measurement procedure

7.4.1 Measurements are carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 26433.0, GOST 26433.1 and this standard.

7.4.2 Measurements of external and internal dimensions The tray is made with a ruler or tape measure.

The length is measured on the external and internal horizontal surfaces, as well as on the lateral external and internal vertical surfaces at a distance of 10 mm from the upper (lower) horizontal and vertical surface of the tray.

The width is measured at both ends of the tray on the external and internal horizontal surfaces at a distance of 10 mm from the upper and lower horizontal surfaces.

The height is measured on external and internal vertical surfaces at a distance of 10 mm from both ends.

7.4.3 Deviation from straightness is controlled along the front edges of the tray by measuring the deviations of the edge of the face from a conventional straight line - a straight edge laid on the edge of the tray.

7.4.4 Deviation from perpendicularity of the tray edges is checked using a calibration square and a wedge probe or a set of probes.

When carrying out measurements, the test square is applied with its short side to the surface of one of the faces being checked for perpendicularity so that its other side is in maximum contact with the mating face. The maximum gap is measured using a wedge feeler gauge or a set of feeler gauges.

When measuring deviations from perpendicularity of the faces of the front surface, as well as the base and vertical walls of the tray, measurements are taken from both edges of the tray at a distance of 10 mm from the ends and in the middle of the tray.

When determining the perpendicularity of the end faces, measurements are taken in the middle part of the vertical walls.

7.4.5 The flatness of the faces of the front surface of the tray is controlled by measuring the gaps between a conventional straight line - a straight edge applied along the diagonals of each face being checked, and the surface of this face.

7.4.6 The measurement results are recorded in the test log. In this case, all dimensions and deviations are indicated with an accuracy of 1 mm.

7.5 Processing of measurement results

The actual values ​​of the geometric dimensions and shape parameters of the trays calculate the arithmetic mean value of the measurement results.

7.6 Registration of measurement results

Test date;

Name of the organization that conducted the tests;

Name and nominal values ​​of the controlled parameters for which the measurements were performed;

Actual values ​​of monitored parameters and their deviations from nominal parameters.

8 Control of appearance and surface quality

8.1 Requirements for measuring instruments and auxiliary devices

When performing measurements, the following measuring instruments and auxiliary devices are used:

Metal measuring ruler according to GOST 427;

Magnifying glass with a measuring scale with a division value of 0.05 mm according to GOST 25706;

Use a wire brush to clean the surface of the tray.

8.2 Control methods

8.2.1 Assessment of conformity of appearance, including the absence of oil and rust spots on the front surface, etc., performed visually.

8.2.2 Quality control of the surface of trays is carried out through observations and measurements of controlled indicators and defects.

8.3 Preparation for testing

Preparation for testing is carried out in accordance with 7.3. For testing, samples selected to control the shape and size of the trays are used.

8.4 Control procedure

8.4.1 The presence of technological defects on the surface of products in the form of cracks, cavities and sagging, as well as damage in the form of chipped ribs, is checked visually. At the same time, products that have the indicated defects are noted.

The opening width of surface cracks is measured using a magnifying glass with a measuring scale, and the length of cracks is measured using a measuring ruler.

8.4.3 The results of measurements of the sizes of shells and sagging, chips of ribs and the length of cracks are recorded with an accuracy of 1 mm, and the width of the opening of cracks - with an accuracy of 0.1 mm.

8.5 Processing of test results

8.5.1 Compare the sizes of shells, beads and the depth of chips of the ribs with acceptable values.

Calculate the total length of chips per 1 m of each edge of the tray and compare with the permissible ones


8.5.2 Count the total number of cracks on each individual surface and determine their number per 1 m2 of each surface of the tray.

8.6 Registration of test results

The test results are drawn up in the form of a protocol, which must contain:

Test identification number;

Date of the test;

Name of the organization that conducted the test;

Test results.

9 Control of strength and crack resistance of trays and gratings

9.1 Load testing of trays to control their strength and crack resistance is carried out in accordance with GOST 8829 and the diagram given in the working drawings, taking into account the requirements of this standard.

9.2 Load testing of concrete and reinforced concrete trays is carried out after the concrete trays have reached a strength corresponding to the standardized class of concrete for compressive and tensile strength in bending.

Testing of trays with the tempering strength of concrete should be carried out no earlier than 4 hours and no later than 2 days after the end of the heat and moisture treatment.

9.3 Load testing of polymer concrete trays is carried out after the polymer concrete trays reach the standardized compressive and tensile strength in bending, but not earlier than 7 days after their manufacture.

9.4 It is allowed to use for testing trays that have cavities, local sagging and chipping of ribs in excess of those permissible according to GOST 32955, if these surface defects do not have a significant effect on the strength and crack resistance of the trays.

9.5 The values ​​of the control (test) load when testing trays for strength and crack resistance are taken in accordance with GOST 32955.

9.6 Trays of types 2 - 4 are installed on concrete base or placed in a concrete lining, which is made in accordance with the requirements of the design documentation.

9.7 Loading the tray during testing is carried out in stages. The share of the load of each stage should be no more than 10% of the control load, and the share of the last two stages should be no more than 5%.

After applying each stage of the control load, the tray is kept under load for at least 10 minutes, and after applying the full control load - for at least 30 minutes.

9.8 The width of the cracks is measured in the places of their greatest opening in accordance with GOST 26433.1 using a magnifying glass with a measuring scale with a division value of 0.05 mm.

9.9 Load testing of gratings to control their strength is carried out in accordance with GOST 3634. The control (test) load values ​​are taken according to GOST 32955.

10 Determination of the strength of structural materials

10.1 The compressive and tensile strength of concrete in bending is determined according to GOST 10180 on a series of samples made from a concrete mixture of the working composition and stored under conditions in accordance with GOST 18105.

It is allowed to determine the actual strength of concrete trays using the ultrasonic method according to GOST 17624 in the places specified in the working drawings, mechanical methods non-destructive testing according to GOST 22690

10.2 The compressive and tensile strength of polymer concrete during bending is determined according to GOST 10180 on a series of samples made from a polymer concrete mixture of the working composition.

11 Determination of the volume of entrained air in a concrete mixture

The volume of entrained air in the concrete mixture used for the manufacture of concrete and reinforced concrete trays and lining is determined according to GOST 10181 or according to the requirements of national standards operating in the territory of the states that voted for the adoption of the standard.

12 Determination of frost resistance of structural material

12.1 Frost resistance of concrete is determined according to GOST 10060 or according to the requirements of national standards in force in the countries that voted to adopt the standard, using a series of samples made from a concrete mixture of the working composition and stored under conditions in accordance with GOST 10180.

12.2 Frost resistance of polymer concrete is determined according to GOST 10060 or according to the requirements of national standards in force in the countries that voted to adopt the standard, using a series of samples made from a polymer concrete mixture of the working composition.

13 Determination of the water resistance of a structural material

The water resistance of concrete and polymer concrete is determined according to GOST 12730.0, GOST 12730.5

14 Determination of water absorption of structural material

Water absorption of concrete and polymer concrete is determined according to GOST 12730.0, GOST 12730.3 on a series of samples made from a concrete or polymer concrete mixture of the working composition.

15 Determination of abrasion of a structural material

The abrasion of concrete or polymer concrete from which the trays are made is determined according to GOST 13087.

16 Determination of specific effective activity of natural


The specific effective activity of natural radionuclides and materials is determined according to GOST 30108.

17 Reinforcement quality control

17.1 Quality control and testing of welded reinforcement and assembly-butt products is carried out in accordance with GOST 10922 and GOST 23858.

17.2 The position of the reinforcement products in the products, the thickness of the protective layer of concrete up to the reinforcement is determined according to GOST 17625 or GOST 22904 in the places indicated in the working drawings.

Are you planning to quickly and profitably purchase concrete drainage trays for drainage installations? As a manufacturer, the ZhBI 11 plant company offers to buy a reinforced concrete tray for drainage, choosing the desired option from products with various operational parameters.

We always have the following types of trays on sale:

Prices for drainage concrete trays

Prices in the table are indicated in rubles, including VAT (18%).

product nameDimensions, mmWeightPrice per piece,
Concrete trays LV series SUPER DN 100 with cast iron grate, class D 400 (40 tons) and class E 600 (60 tons)- - - - -
SUPER LV-10.16.08 concrete with slotted cast iron grating HF, class. D/E1000 163 80 24.30 Dog.
SUPER LV-10.16.10 concrete with slotted cast iron grating HF, class. D/E1000 163 100 30 Dog.
SUPER LV-10.16.10 concrete with slotted cast iron grating HF, class. D/E, with vertical overflow1000 163 100 26 Dog.
SUPER LV- concrete with HF slotted cast iron grating, class. D/E1000 163 165 43.70 Dog.
SUPER LV- concrete with HF slotted cast iron grating, class. D/E, with vertical overflow1000 163 165 41.70 Dog.
SUPER LV-10.16.19 concrete with slotted cast iron grating HF, class. D/E1000 163 190 47.50 Dog.
SUPER LV-10.16.19 concrete with slotted cast iron grating HF, class. D/E, with vertical overflow1000 163 190 45.50 Dog.
SUPER LV- concrete with HF slotted cast iron grating, class. D/E1000 163 215 51.20 Dog.
SUPER LV- concrete with HF slotted cast iron grating, class. D/E, with vertical overflow1000 163 215 49.20 Dog.
Concrete sand trap SUPER PU-10.16.51 with HF slotted cast iron grating, class. D/E500 163 510 55.70 Dog.
Universal end cap for concrete drainage tray Super DN100 series, galvanized steel160 2 172 0.40 130
End cap for concrete drainage tray Super DN100 series, galvanized steel, with horizontal weir160 2 172 0.50 250
Set: SUPER LV-10.16.17-21.5 concrete drainage trays with HF slotted cast iron grate, class. D/E, with a slope of 0.5%1000 163 165-215 - Dog.
Concrete trays LV series SUPER DN 110 with cast iron grate, class D 400 (40 tons) and class E 600 (60 tons)- - - - -
SUPER LV-11.20.27 concrete with HF slotted cast iron grating, class D/E1000 200 270 83.50 Dog.
SUPER LV-11.20.27 concrete with a vertical drain with a slotted cast-iron HF grate, class D/E1000 200 270 83 3698
Concrete sand trap SUPER PU-11.20.49 with HF slotted cast iron grating, class D/E500 200 490 68.50 Dog.
Concrete trays LV series SUPER DN 150 with cast iron grate, class D 400 (40 tons) and class E 600 (60 tons)- - - - -
SUPER LV-15.21,3.10 concrete with HF slotted cast iron grating, class D/E1000 213 100 42 Dog.
SUPER LV-15.21,3.10 concrete with slotted cast iron grating HF, class D/E, with vertical drain1000 213 100 38.30 Dog.
SUPER LV-15.21,3.21.5 concrete with HF slotted cast iron grating, class D/E1000 213 215 67.70 Dog.
SUPER LV-15.21,3.21.5 concrete with slotted cast iron grating HF, class D/E, with vertical drain1000 213 215 64.70 Dog.
SUPER LV-15.21,3.24 concrete with HF slotted cast iron grating, class D/E1000 213 240 71.20 Dog.
SUPER LV-15.21,3.24 concrete with HF slotted cast iron grate, class D/E, with vertical drain1000 213 240 68.20 Dog.
SUPER LV-15.21,3.26.5 concrete with HF slotted cast iron grating, class D/E1000 213 265 74.70 Dog.
SUPER LV-15.21,3.26.5 concrete with slotted cast iron grate HF, class D/E, with vertical drain1000 213 265 71.70 Dog.
SUPER LV-15.25.13 concrete with slotted cast iron grating HF, class D/E1000 250 130 66 4950
SUPER LV-15.25.13 concrete with a vertical drain with a slotted cast-iron HF grate, class D/E1000 250 130 65 Dog.
SUPER LV-15.25.31 concrete with slotted cast iron grating HF, class D/E1000 250 310 117 5110
SUPER LV-15.25.31 concrete with a vertical drain with a slotted cast-iron HF grating, class D/E1000 250 310 115.50 Dog.
Concrete sand trap SUPER PU-15.21,3.69 with HF cast iron mesh grate, class D/E500 213 690 87.90 Dog.
Concrete sand trap SUPER PU-15.25.60 with HF slotted cast iron grating, class D/E500 250 600 99.90 Dog.
Universal end cap for concrete drainage tray Super DN150 series, galvanized steel213 2 255 0.60 240
End cap for concrete drainage tray Super DN150 series, galvanized steel, with horizontal weir213 2 255 0.70 410
Set: SUPER LV-15.21,3.22-26.5 concrete drainage trays with HF slotted cast iron grate, class. D/E, with a slope of 0.5%1000 213 215-265 - Dog.
Concrete trays LV series SUPER DN 200 with cast iron grate, class D 400 (40 tons) and class E 600 (60 tons)- - - - -
1000 263 100 49.40 Dog.
SUPER LV-20.26,3.10 concrete with slotted cast iron grating HF, class D/E, with a vertical slope1000 263 100 42.70 Dog.
SUPER LV-20.26,3.28 concrete with HF slotted cast iron grating, class D/E1000 263 280 98.10 Dog.
SUPER LV-20.26,3.28 concrete with HF slotted cast iron grating, class D/E, with vertical drain1000 263 280 92.10 Dog.
SUPER LV-20.26,3.30.5 concrete with HF slotted cast iron grating, class D/E1000 263 305 102.10 Dog.
SUPER LV-20.26,3.30.5 concrete with slotted cast iron grating HF, class D/E, with vertical drain1000 263 305 96.10 Dog.
SUPER LV-20.26,3.33 concrete with HF slotted cast iron grating, class D/E1000 263 330 106.10 Dog.
SUPER LV-20.26,3.33 concrete with HF slotted cast iron grate, class D/E, with vertical drain1000 263 330 100.10 Dog.
SUPER LV-20.30.23 concrete with slotted cast iron grating HF, class D/E1000 300 230 120 6145
SUPER LV-20.30.23 concrete with a vertical drain with a slotted cast-iron HF grating, class D/E1000 300 230 118 Dog.
SUPER LV-20.30.30 concrete with slotted cast iron grating HF, class D/E1000 300 300 143 6233
SUPER LV-20.30.30 concrete with a vertical drain with a slotted cast-iron HF grating, class D/E1000 300 300 143 Dog.
SUPER LV-20.30.36 concrete with slotted cast iron grating HF, class D/E1000 300 360 155 6350
SUPER LV-20.30.36 concrete with a vertical drain with a slotted cast-iron HF grating, class D/E1000 300 360 153 Dog.
Concrete sand trap SUPER PU-20.26,3.74 with HF slotted cast iron grate, class. D/E500 263 740 103.40 Dog.
Concrete sand trap SUPER PU-20.30.60 with HF slotted cast iron grating, class D/E500 300 600 104.90 Dog.
SUPER LV-20.26,3.10 concrete with slotted cast iron HF grating, class D/E1000 263 100 49.40 Dog.
Set: SUPER LV-20.26,3.28,5-33 concrete drainage trays with HF slotted cast iron grate, class. E, with a slope of 0.5%1000 263 285-330 - Dog.
Set: SUPER LV-20.29,8.30-34.5 concrete drainage trays (with cast iron nozzle) with HF cast iron mesh grating, class E, with a slope of 0.5%.1000 298 295-345 - Dog.
Set: SUPER LV-20.26,3.28,5-33 concrete drainage trays with HF slotted cast iron grate, class. D, with a slope of 0.5%1000 263 285-330 - Dog.
Concrete trays LV series SUPER DN 200 with cast iron grate, class F 900 (90 tons)- - - - -
SUPER LV-20.29,8.29.5 concrete (with cast iron nozzle) with HF slotted cast iron grating, class F1000 298 295 138 Dog.
SUPER LV-20.29,8.29.5 concrete (with a cast iron nozzle) with a slotted cast iron HF grate, class F, with a vertical drain1000 298 295 131 Dog.
SUPER LV-20.29,8.32 concrete (with cast iron nozzle) with HF slotted cast iron grate, class F1000 298 320 143 Dog.
SUPER LV-20.29,8.32 concrete (with cast iron nozzle) with HF slotted cast iron grate, class F, with vertical drain1000 298 320 136 Dog.
SUPER LV-20.29,8.34.5 concrete (with cast iron nozzle) with HF slotted cast iron grating, class F1000 298 345 148 Dog.
SUPER LV-20.29,8.34.5 concrete (with a cast iron nozzle) with a slotted cast iron HF grate, class F, with a vertical drain1000 298 345 141 Dog.
Concrete sand trap SUPER PU-20.29,8.74 (with cast iron nozzle) with HF slotted cast iron grate, class. F500 298 740 117 Dog.
Universal end cap for concrete drainage tray Super DN200 series, galvanized steel298 2 335 0.65 360
End cap for concrete drainage tray Super DN200 series, galvanized steel, with horizontal weir298 2 335 0.75 510
Set: SUPER LV-20.26,3.29.5-34.5 concrete drainage trays with HF slotted cast iron grate, class. F, with a slope of 0.5%1000 298 295-345 - Dog.
Concrete trays LV series SUPER DN 300 with cast iron grate, class D 400 (40 tons) and class E 600 (60 tons)- - - - -
SUPER LV-30.39,9.39.5 concrete (with cast iron nozzle) with HF slotted cast iron grate, class D/E1000 399 395 199 Dog.
SUPER LV-30.39,9.39.5 concrete (with cast iron nozzle) with HF slotted cast iron grating, class D/E, with vertical drain1000 399 395 192 Dog.
SUPER LV-30.40.41 concrete with slotted cast iron grating HF, class E1000 400 410 195 10850
SUPER LV-30.40.41 concrete with a vertical weir with a slotted cast iron grating HF, class E1000 400 410 193 Dog.
Sand trap SUPER PU- concrete (with cast iron nozzle) with slotted cast iron HF grate, class. D/E500 399 990 229 Dog.
Concrete trays LV series SUPER DN 300 with cast iron grate, class F 900 (90 tons)- - - - -
SUPER LV-30.39,9.39.5 concrete (with cast iron nozzle) with HF slotted cast iron grate, class F1000 399 395 226.60 Dog.
SUPER LV-30.39,9.39.5 concrete (with a cast iron nozzle) with a slotted cast iron HF grate, class F, with a vertical drain.1000 399 395 219.60 Dog.
Sand trap SUPER PU - concrete (with cast iron nozzle) with slotted cast iron HF grate, class. F500 399 990 242.80 Dog.
Universal end cap for concrete drainage tray Super DN300 series, galvanized steel399 2 385 2.30 1150
End cap for concrete drainage tray Super DN300 series, galvanized steel, with horizontal weir399 2 385 2.50 2090
Concrete trays LV series SUPER DN 400 with cast iron grate, class D 400 (40 tons) and class E 600 (60 tons)- - - - -
SUPER LV-40.49,9.49.5 concrete (with cast iron nozzle) with HF slotted cast iron grate, class. D1000 499 495 - Dog.
SUPER LV-40.49,9.49.5 concrete (with cast iron nozzle) with HF cast iron cellular grating, class. E1000 499 495 - Dog.
Concrete sand trap SUPER PU-40.49,9.99 (with a cast iron nozzle) with a high-frequency cast iron grate for heavy loads, class. D500 499 999 - Dog.
Concrete sand trap SUPER PU-40.49,9.99 (with cast iron nozzle) with HF cast iron mesh grate, class. E500 499 999 - Dog.
Concrete trays LV series SUPER DN 400 with cast iron grate, class F 900 (90 tons)- - - - -
SUPER LV-40.49,9.49.5 concrete (with cast iron nozzle) with HF cast iron cellular grating, class. F1000 499 495 - Dog.
Concrete sand trap SUPER PU-40.49,9.99 (with cast iron nozzle) with HF cast iron mesh grate, class. F500 499 999 - Dog.
Universal end cap for concrete drainage tray Super DN400 series, galvanized steel- - - - 1700
End cap for concrete drainage tray Super DN400 series, galvanized steel, with horizontal weir- - - - 2500
Concrete trays LV series MAXI DN 110, class D 400 (40 tons) and class E 600 (60 tons)- - - - -
Maxi LV-11.19.23 concrete with slotted cast iron grating HF, class D/E1000 190 230 70 Dog.
Maxi LV-11.19.23 concrete with vertical drainage with slotted cast iron grating HF, class D/E1000 190 230 70 Dog.
Maxi LV-11.19.18 concrete with slotted cast iron grating HF, class D/E1000 190 180 60.50 Dog.
Maxi LV-11.19.18 concrete with vertical drainage with HF slotted cast iron grate, class D/E1000 190 180 60.50 Dog.
Maxi LV-11.19.13 concrete with slotted cast iron grating HF, class D/E1000 190 130 50.50 Dog.
Maxi LV-11.19.13 concrete with vertical drainage with HF slotted cast iron grate, class D/E1000 190 130 50.50 Dog.
Maxi LV-11.19.23 concrete with a slope with slotted cast iron grating VC-50, class E1000 190 130-230 51-71 Dog.
Maxi LV-11.19.23 concrete with a slope with cellular cast iron grating VCh-50, class E1000 190 130-230 50-69 Dog.
Maxi LV-11.19.23-B concrete with a slope with slotted cast iron grating VC-50, class D1000 190 130-230 44-60 Dog.
Maxi LV-11.19.23-B concrete with a slope with cellular cast iron grating VCh-50, class D1000 190 130-230 55-66 Dog.
Sand trap Maxi PU-11.19.49 concrete with slotted cast iron grating HF, class D/E500 190 490 45.50 Dog.
End cap TZ-11.18,3.2,04 OS-LV-B-MAXI for drainage tray MAXI DN110 galvanized steel- - - - Dog.
Concrete trays LV series MAXI DN 160, class E 600 (60 tons) and class F 900 (90 tons)- - - - -
Maxi LV-16.25.31 concrete with slotted cast iron grating HF, class E/F1000 250 310 107.40 Dog.
Maxi LV-16.25.31 concrete with vertical drainage with slotted cast iron grating HF, class E/F1000 250 310 105.40 Dog.
Maxi LV-16.25.26 concrete with slotted cast iron grating HF, class E/F1000 250 260 95.40 Dog.
Maxi LV-16.25.26 concrete with vertical drainage with slotted cast iron grating HF, class E/F1000 250 260 94.40 Dog.
Maxi LV-16.25.21 concrete with slotted cast iron grating HF, class E/F1000 250 210 83.40 Dog.
Maxi LV-16.25.21 concrete with vertical drainage with slotted cast iron grating HF, class E/F1000 250 210 82.40 Dog.
Maxi LV-16.25.10 concrete with slotted cast iron grating HF, class E/F1000 250 100 47.40 Dog.
Maxi LV-16.25.10 concrete with vertical drainage with slotted cast iron grating HF, class E/F1000 250 100 46.40 Dog.
Maxi LV-16.25.31 concrete with a slope with HF slotted cast iron grating, class E1000 250 210-310 82-107 Dog.
Maxi LV-16.25.31 concrete with slope with slotted cast iron grating HF, class F1000 250 210-305 - Dog.
Sand trap Maxi PU-16.25.60 concrete with slotted cast iron grate HF, class E/F500 250 600 45.50 Dog.
End cap TZ-16.24,3.20,8-OS-LV-B-MAXI for drainage tray MAXI DN160 galvanized steel- - - 0.90 Dog.
Concrete trays LV series MAXI DN 200, class E 600 (60 tons) and class F 900 (90 tons)- - - - -
Maxi LV-20.29.33 concrete with slotted cast iron grating HF, class E/F1000 290 330 128 Dog.
Maxi LV-20.29.33 concrete with vertical drainage with slotted cast iron grating HF, class E/F1000 290 330 127 Dog.
Maxi LV-20.29.28 concrete with slotted cast iron grating HF, class E/F1000 290 280 116 Dog.
Maxi LV-20.29.28 concrete with vertical drainage with slotted cast iron grating HF, class E/F1000 290 280 115 Dog.
Maxi LV-20.29.23 concrete with slotted cast iron grating HF, class E/F1000 290 230 104 Dog.
Maxi LV-20.29.23 concrete with vertical drainage with slotted cast iron grating HF, class E/F1000 290 230 103 Dog.
Maxi LV-20.29.33 concrete with a slope with HF slotted cast iron grating, class E1000 290 235-335 104-123 Dog.
Maxi LV-20.29.33 concrete with a slope with HF slotted cast iron grating, class. F1000 290 235-335 - Dog.
Concrete sand trap Maxi PU-20.29.60 with HF slotted cast iron grate, class E/F500 290 600 63.70 Dog.
End cap TZ-20.28,5.33,5-OS-LV-B-MAXI for drainage tray MAXI DN200 galvanized steel- - - - Dog.
Concrete trays LV series MAXI DN 300, class E 600 (60 tons) and class F 900 (90 tons)- - - - -
Maxi LV-30.38.41 concrete with slotted cast iron grating HF, class E/F1000 380 410 190.60 Dog.
Maxi LV-30.38.41 concrete with vertical drainage with slotted cast iron grating HF, class E/F1000 380 410 189.60 Dog.
Maxi LV-30.38.36 concrete with slotted cast iron grating HF, class E/F1000 380 360 176.60 Dog.
Maxi LV-30.38.36 concrete with vertical drainage with slotted cast iron grating HF, class E/F1000 380 360 175 Dog.
Maxi LV-30.38.31 concrete with slotted cast iron grating HF, class E/F1000 380 310 161.60 Dog.
Maxi LV-30.38.31 concrete with vertical drainage with slotted cast iron grating HF, class E/F1000 380 310 160 Dog.
Maxi LV-30.38.41 concrete with a slope with HF slotted cast iron grating, class E1000 380 310-410 163-182 Dog.
Maxi LV-30.38.41 concrete with a slope with HF slotted cast iron grating, class F1000 380 405-410 - Dog.
The upper part of the rainwater well 30.38.44/1 is concrete with a slotted cast iron grating HF-50 class E/F510 380 440 91.80 Dog.
The middle part of the rainwater well 30.38.44/2 is concrete510 380 440 74.00 Dog.
The lower part of the rainwater well 30.38.44/3 is concrete510 380 440 89.00 Dog.
End cap TZ-30.38,6.41,0-OS-LV-B-MAXI for drainage tray MAXI DN300 galvanized steel- - - - Dog.
Concrete trays LV series MAXI DN 500, class E 600 (60 tons) and class F 900 (90 tons)- - - - -
Maxi LV-50.64.61 concrete with slotted cast iron grating HF, class E/F1000 640 610 457 Dog.
Maxi LV-50.64.61 concrete with vertical drainage with slotted cast iron grating HF, class E/F1000 640 610 450 Dog.
Maxi LV-50.64.56 concrete with slotted cast iron grating HF, class E/F1000 640 560 - Dog.
Maxi LV-50.64.56 concrete with vertical drainage with slotted cast iron grating HF, class E/F1000 640 560 - Dog.
Maxi LV-50.64.51 concrete with slotted cast iron grating HF, class E/F1000 640 510 - Dog.
Maxi LV-50.64.51 concrete with vertical drainage with slotted cast iron grating HF, class E/F1000 640 510 - Dog.
Maxi LV-50.64.61 concrete with a slope with HF slotted cast iron grating, class E/F1000 640 510-610 - Dog.
The upper part of the rainwater well 50.64.65/1 is concrete with a slotted cast iron grating HF-50 class E/F640 640 650 281 Dog.
The middle part of the rainwater well 50.64.65/2 is concrete640 640 650 225 Dog.
The lower part of the rainwater well 50.64.65/3 is concrete640 640 650 257 Dog.

Drainage trays are made of high-quality concrete LV SUPER series and equipped with cast iron grates, which prevent debris, leaves, branches, etc. from entering the drainage system. Precast concrete products have attractive aesthetics and high throughput, because their surface is quite smooth and does not have irregularities that can interfere with the effective flow of water.

Concrete gutters are produced in accordance with the current GOST 21509-85 using the dry pressing method, so various sizes of reinforced concrete products are ideal for laying drainage systems of any length and configuration in private households, public parks, in pedestrian areas and roadways with heavy traffic. This type of drainage products can be purchased at direct manufacturer prices.

Buy drainage concrete trays: sizes and prices

Before you buy drainage concrete trays, we suggest you study the range in more detail. Existing sizes and prices are directly dependent: when standard length 1 meter and 16.3 cm wide, their height can vary from 8 to 21.5 cm, and along with the height, the cost slightly increases.

Concrete trays are produced in various sizes, and the buyer has the opportunity to buy both standard and non-standard drainage products of this type, while the price of high-quality reinforced concrete products remains low and does not include retail markups and interest from resellers.

Why else buy concrete products from major manufacturer more profitable?

  • A concrete drainage tray is always available in unlimited volumes with horizontal and vertical drainage, which is designed for both small loads A-C, and high A-F.
  • All reinforced concrete products undergo careful control, including compliance with regulated GOST standards.
  • Consultations provided technical experts for selection optimal option drainage for a specific drainage system.
  • Prompt delivery of orders to any region of Russia is carried out.

If the site is located in a problem area, for example, an uneven surface, then it is necessary to install special concrete trays. Such structures prevent the formation of water stagnation. A structure of concrete gutters and channels directs wastewater into the general sewer system.

The design of this system is quite simple. Base - concrete trays, drainage traysthemselves are simple and represent gutters of a simple shape, which are selected depending on the direction of the wastewater.

A drainage tray is a container that can be of different shapes (rectangular, square or rounded), used to provide a level of safety for some objects from storm drains. Concrete drainage trays with gratings are sometimes equipped with valves and locks.

There are two types of trays:

  • edge;
  • telescopic.

They differ in shape and are used in different fields.

At proper installation drainage system there will be no puddles or dirt on the site, in addition, this will extend the service life of the nearby surface

Can also be divided drainage products according to the load class they can withstand:

All concrete drainage trays can be divided by size. Concrete drainage and drainage trays are currently being manufactured. standard sizes(1 meter), and different cross-sectional levels (10-50 cm).

Manufacturers also offer water intake trays. They are very popular in the field of collection and drainage of rain and melt water. They, like drainage ones, are made of concrete. The scope of application is very wide: private construction, parking lots, sidewalks, roadsides. Concrete storm water inlets are equipped with gratings and can be equipped with a vertical overflow.

Production of concrete drainage trays according to GOST

During the manufacture of concrete drainage trays with gratings manufacturers adhere to the requirements of GOST 21509-85. According to it, there are several types of products, installation methods, types of equipment, sizes and shapes. The rules for transportation, production and installation are prescribed separately.

The scope of application of trays is quite wide, they are:

  • cable;
  • drainage;
  • heating mains.

The dimensions of the gutter determine its throughput and depend on the standard value of precipitation in the area

All products must comply with GOST requirements:

  • frost resistance;
  • strength;
  • anti-corrosion properties;
  • uniform structure without voids;
  • moisture resistance.

Nowadays two methods of making concrete trays are also used:

  • vibration pressing;
  • vibration casting.

Production methods

Vibration pressing

The process of making trays using this method is not complicated. It happens as follows:

The concrete mixture consists of cement and fine aggregate, which is subsequently secured with fibers consisting of polymer, steel or fiberglass. Previously all used hardware treated for rust. Thanks to this production technology, ready-made drainage trays have not only many advantages, but also some disadvantages.

A table where you can see a number of basic qualities:

For drainage patches the most important indicators- frost and moisture resistance


Vibratory casting is a simple, but rather slow and expensive method of producing concrete drainage trays. The products are of insufficient quality. The manufacturing process is as follows: the drainage tray in the form is placed on a special vibrating table and begins to be compacted by vibration. In this case, the greatest load is placed on the outer part of the tray, while the inner part remains insufficiently pressed. In the future, this will lead to its rather rapid destruction.

DIY installation of concrete trays

The process of installing trays in drainage systems almost the same for both private and industrial construction.

Do-it-yourself installation of concrete drainage trays begins with preparing the necessary documentation and searching for suppliers with reasonable prices for products. If the drainage system will be installed on road surface, then the equipment must be prepared taking into account galvanized and reinforced products. It is better to install concrete plates in the arrangement of the pedestrian zone.

Main stages of installation work:

  • digging or digging a trench, which should be twice the size of the trays themselves;
  • filling the trench with concrete;
  • if there is a sand catcher, a recess is prepared in advance into which the string is pulled;
  • assembly of the drainage system structure and its installation. To connect them, it is better to use tongues or grooves;
  • if the products are installed on a slope, the joints are sealed with concrete - this prevents leakage;
  • fixing the trays with stones on both sides to reduce the risk of swinging;
  • the remaining space is filled with sand and crushed stone, if this is not possible, it is filled with concrete.

Price category

Concrete channels and drainage trays with gratings are made from inexpensive raw materials, so the finished product can be purchased at a low price.

Concrete drainage tray is sold in wide range, so the price will depend on the size of the product.

Cost depends on technical characteristics and strength

For example, a reinforced concrete drainage tray weighing 7 kg can be sold at a price of 200 rubles, and a product weighing 25 kg can cost 400 rubles.

Concrete drainage trays for blind areas can be bought in a specialized store from 300 rubles per meter.

The video shows how to install a drainage system with your own hands at your dacha: