Does chipboard emit harmful substances? Is chipboard harmful? Myth about the harmful properties of chipboard

Today, furniture made from chipboards is still quite popular, although it has more practical substitutes; it is inexpensive and this attracts buyers. The health hazards of chipboard were recognized by the World Health Organization back in 1985. Manufacturers and sellers of particle boards have the opposite opinion: they insist that this decision was politicized and has no evidence base.

Chipboard – chipboard. Laminated chipboard is a similar board, only laminated.

Is there a wolf?

Like chipboard, it is dangerous due to potential formaldehyde emissions. This substance is officially recognized as a carcinogen. Studies have proven that excess formaldehyde in the environment can cause cancer. The fiberboard material also has the same problem.

The fact is that the composition of chipboard is shavings and glued with resin, which releases a dangerous carcinogen. They are constantly trying to improve the environmental friendliness of chipboard by prohibiting dangerous species resins for gluing. Uncertified slabs, which are made in semi-legal workshops, are considered especially dangerous. Formaldehyde can be released from low-quality products for up to 10 years.

In order to protect the consumer from negative effects on the body, manufacturers cover the slabs:

  • KDSP (laminated): paperless coating method, varnish (melamine) is applied.
  • Chipboard (laminated): a method of applying plastic to wood.

The coating really makes sense if it does not have the slightest damage. If you see on laminated furniture mechanical damage, then you need to eliminate them immediately. The problem is especially relevant for children's room furniture.

Experts note a sharp deterioration in the health of people suffering from asthma. Formaldehyde, which is part of chipboard, causes irreparable harm to the respiratory organs (nose, nasopharynx, larynx). noted negative impact on the skin and nervous system person.

Table of the harmful effects of formaldehyde included in chipboard:

How to protect yourself from harm

The harmful properties of chipboard can be reduced by covering all mechanical damage resistant material. If the furniture is not sufficiently protected, you will definitely smell the characteristic odor of formaldehyde. You need to be wary even if the smell is pleasant to the nose.

When purchasing, ask the seller for a product certificate. Be sure to pay attention to the class, choose only a product with class E-1, it has the lowest permissible formaldehyde vapor value.

After just a week of using such furniture at home, you may no longer feel the smell. However, if after this time you notice a strong odor, you should immediately contact the seller and, if possible, return the purchased product.

Pros of use

We doubt that any advantages that we describe can force a person to risk their health. However, among the advantages there are the following features:

  • Moisture resistance.
  • Low price.
  • Easy to process and use.

We strongly do not recommend buying furniture made from chipboard. In our opinion, products from of this material Can only be used outdoors.

We are trying to defend ourselves

According to experts, formaldehyde can be released for up to 14 years. The most active discharge occurs in the first 2 years. We strongly advise against placing furniture close to heaters. Furniture made from chipboard is harmful to health even without heating, and with increased ambient temperatures, the harm can increase significantly.

Despite the fact that according to GOST, up to 10 mg of formaldehyde per 100 grams of dry weight of the material is allowed, choose E1 class boards. In this class of products, up to 8 mg of carcinogen is allowed. Carefully check the corners of your furniture for damage; if any are found, seal them with insulating materials.

If you see E2 type markings on furniture, remove it from your apartment immediately. This marking means that the furniture cannot be used in residential areas. Making such items is illegal.


If you have already decided to buy furniture from using chipboard technologies, cooperate only with large companies. Usually, high-quality certified products are difficult to find in small provincial warehouse stores. If it allows you financial situation– you shouldn’t skimp on your health, natural furniture much safer.

Decoding abbreviations

Chipboard - chipboard

laminated chipboard - laminated chipboard

Fiberboard - fibreboard

MDF - fibreboard medium density(eng. Medium Density Fiberboard, MDF / MDF

Another thing is that many of them have a pungent odor and are harmful to humans and animals. For this reason, even small concentrations of these substances (formaldehyde, primarily) can cause discomfort, pain in the eyes, irritation of the respiratory tract, etc.

In addition, there is increased sensitivity to these substances, which makes being in a room with new furniture unbearable.

Products differ according to formaldehyde emission classes and low-grade materials should not be allowed for the manufacture of furniture.

Moreover, the more resin in the material, the stronger and more durable it is, but also the more dangerous from the point of view of the release of toxic substances!

Should you avoid buying chipboard furniture if possible?

It is very important that the ends are sealed well. I would definitely read reviews on the Internet from people who bought the products. of this manufacturer(furniture makers do not change suppliers of board materials very often).

People will not remain silent if they have problems and troubles due to the release of toxic substances.

How long does it take for old furniture to stop releasing formaldehyde?

Deterioration in health due to unsafe chipboard furniture

Toxicity is divided into acute and chronic. I don’t think that buying new furniture can lead to chronic intoxication (I note that working in a furniture store or furniture factory- another thing…)

But with the signs acute poisoning, if you're unlucky, you might collide.

What technology violations make chipboard furniture unsafe?

Therefore, I would not talk about violations in technology that ultimately lead to a decrease in the safety of furniture - there are simply a number of reasons, each of which can significantly deteriorate the quality of chipboard.

At the same time, if you carefully consider the choice of furniture made from chipboard, MDF, etc., then it is quite possible to avoid causing harm to health.

Hello, we talked about this in the past excellent material for furniture like chipboard, for those who missed it, the article was called, . Today the question arose before us again “Is chipboard harmful?” or is it just a myth about harmful properties Chipboard like building material. So, let's figure it out.

The abbreviation itself, an abbreviation for the word chipboard, stands for chipboard. She gained her popularity in furniture production due to its low price, that is, availability and, of course, variety of types. So today, it is a good competitor to natural wood, but many people are increasingly wondering whether chipboard is harmful.

Today, such furniture as desks in any school, most often laminated, sliding wardrobes, which are becoming more and more popular due to their simplicity, as well as kitchen sets for housewives are made only from chipboard. This is all thanks to the fact that chipboard is very practical to assemble, but this does not detract from the aesthetic appearance. But as usual, everything that becomes popular sooner or later begins to be criticized, so there were rumors about chipboard about its harmful properties for humans, but if we look into it, we will find the truth, somewhere between the rumors and the false.

Is chipboard harmful? – Harmful features of the manufacturing process.

Most often, the myth about whether chipboard is harmful to people arises after people learn the so-called production technology of these particle boards. For those who don’t know, chipboard is made from shavings from other products, more often they are called “waste”, shavings and sawdust are simply glued together and pressed, formaldehyde glue is usually used as glue.

This is where the answer to the question of whether chipboard is harmful lies; its harmfulness depends on how much formaldehyde is contained in the glue, but remember that the glue used when gluing chipboard comes in many types. In the scientific language that manufacturers use, this level is called the E1, E2 markings, which will determine the level of emission, that is, harmfulness.

Many domestic, that is, Russian manufacturers listen to European standards, standards that say that if the emission of a given chipboard board does not exceed degree E1, then everything is fine, that is, such boards can be used even when assembling furniture for children and teenagers. The level of evaporation of formaldehyde vapor during operation will be so minimal that it will not cause harm to the human body.

Is chipboard harmful? – We check the safety of chipboards when purchasing.

Once upon a time, when chipboards, also known as chipboards, were just conquering the market, they were purchased en masse, according to low prices for the manufacture of various furniture. The quality of chipboard at that time was very terrible, since furniture manufacturers used the most cheap materials, even though it is already waste. They chose the cheapest adhesive compositions, which, as we understand, contained more formaldehyde substances, which are dangerous in large quantities.

At the moment, the entire situation of this market has changed radically, fortunately for the better for the consumer. Buyers have become much smarter, they began to be interested in the environmental friendliness of materials in chipboard, about its harmful qualities, and so on. The manufacturer is especially perplexed by the request for a quality certificate for chipboard. In general, consumers themselves forced manufacturers to treat chipboard production more conscientiously. And in general, if domestic production will not comply high standards qualities that appeared in Europe will not be able to compete in the world market.

In general, ladies and gentlemen, in the modern century the answer to the question “Is chipboard harmful?” negative. But be careful with rare furniture. Sincerely, the administration of the construction and repair portal

Filming of furniture chipboard production:

To date, find an apartment or a private house, in which the furniture is made exclusively from natural wood, very difficult. This is due to the high cost of this material.

An alternative to natural raw materials in furniture production is laminated chipboard, which is cheaper and more accessible. True, so office furniture If you make the wrong choice, it can be harmful to your health. To prevent this, you should scroll through laminated chipboard catalog and choose non-toxic and inexpensive materials for your furniture.

Many will ask why such furniture is toxic? The thing is that the fastening agent of particle board sheets contains formaldehyde, which, when reaching a certain concentration in the air, can be harmful to health. Most people believe that only recently purchased furniture has negative properties. But in fact, you shouldn’t hope that after a couple of months everything harmful substances"will fade away." Indeed, even in this case, the owners of the premises will breathe formaldehyde fumes.

Naturally, the risk of being poisoned by harmful fumes can disrupt the well-being of all residents of the apartment. Formaldehyde emitted by laminated chipboard furniture can cause irritation to the eyes, upper respiratory tract and skin. If he will long time impact on a person, the development of cancer, depression, asthma, headaches and insomnia is possible.

True, for the sake of fairness it is worth noting that the sheets Laminated chipboard Rostov and other regions, the release of formaldehyde is very different from chipboard sheets. That is, laminated chipboard, due to its environmental friendliness, can be used for furniture in medical institutions and children's rooms without fear for health.

If we consider laminated chipboard catalog and other materials used for furniture, the main advantage is immediately visible. It's about about the cost of laminated chipboard, which is significantly lower than the cost of all its analogues. Naturally, those who have the opportunity to purchase more expensive furniture will choose valuable tree species. But in this case, cheaper does not mean worse, since laminated chipboard sheets have high resistance to mechanical impact, exposure to thermal factors and moisture.

In order for all these advantages of the material to allow the furniture made from it to serve for a long time, it is important to carry out proper care. All sustainability LDSP Rostov tied on a laminated film. It protects the chips from which the main slab is made from moisture, and if the protective layer is damaged, it can fall directly into the slab, which will be the main cause of swelling and destruction.

So the first rule of using and caring for such furniture is to preserve the protective layer. In case of damage, you should try to restore the properties using wax. Also, although the material is resistant to moisture, it is still worth protecting it from frequent and excessive moisture, since the wood that serves as the basis for the material does not like moisture.

Used in many businesses laminated chipboard catalog allows the customer to choose the most suitable option furniture both in terms of properties and appearance. But at the same time, it is important to try to organize a certain amount of furniture in the room for such furniture. temperature regime, which should be in the range from -1 to +25-32 degrees Celsius. This suggests that even the most reliable things in a person’s life need proper care for high-quality and durable service.

It is estimated that a person spends 80% of his life indoors - at home, at work, in various institutions. Scientists are interested in whether this closed environment healthy?

Scientists compared indoor air with open air and came to the conclusion that the air in apartments is seven times more polluted than outside. This difference is explained low quality buildings and objects around us. Often we choose what is cheaper. But not everything is about money - sometimes we didn’t know about something, didn’t think about something, or simply trusted the sellers.
What material is your furniture made from? The table is most likely from particle board(chipboard), bookshelves and the closet too, even the bed on which you sleep is made of chipboard... Modern furniture Great for your dream home. But you probably never thought about how harmful it is.
Almost 30 years ago it was discovered that chipboard has a harmful effect on the human body. This was recognized by the World Health Organization in 1985. Some well-known European enterprises no longer use chipboard in furniture production. In Russia back in 1996 it was banned use of chipboard in the production of furniture for preschool institutions and in construction. However, according to public health specialist R. Vaidginas, in Lithuania General requirements health protection is not limited to the use of chipboard in preschool institutions and schools.

The production of chipboard began 80 years ago in Germany and Switzerland; its production made it possible to conserve forest resources and use wood waste more efficiently.
Chipboard is compressed sawdust, which in itself is not dangerous. But they are glued together with a resin containing special dangerous substance- formaldehyde, which, according to chemists, can be released into the air for 14 years. Formaldehyde evaporates especially actively during the first year and a half. An analysis of the air in residential premises showed that sometimes the concentration of formaldehyde in apartments exceeds the norm by 25 times. According to experts, long-term exposure to this substance can cause headache, nausea, allergies, asthmatic attacks, harm endocrine and immune system. In addition, formaldehyde is difficult to remove from the room, being absorbed into carpets, upholstered furniture, curtains.

Everything that goes on sale is subject to certification and, it would seem, should not be dangerous. But experts recommend not to rely on traders alone and to think for yourself. Many have noticed that brought home New furniture emits a pungent odor. But if it does not disappear over time, you should pay special attention to it. Maybe the chipboard from which the furniture is made is not laminated carefully enough. Consider whether it would be better to return such furniture to the store. This concern for one's health may make some people smile, but research shows that careless handling of the things around us puts people at risk of developing serious illnesses.
With a request to measure the concentration of formaldehyde and other vapors in the room, according to R. Vaidginas, residents can contact the National Laboratory for Public Health Surveillance. However, according to the specialist, such studies are carried out extremely rarely.
Public health experts emphasize that any furniture covering must be completely sealed. In apartments, especially in children's rooms, materials are used from pressed sawdust, glued with formaldehyde-containing resin, which must be laminated, i.e. covered using a hot press with laminate - paper impregnated with melamine resin. The ribs of the slab should also be laminated carefully - this reduces the release of formaldehyde.
Therefore, when purchasing furniture made from chipboard, you need to carefully inspect it. Particular attention should be paid to the joints of slab elements, ribs and corners.

Burning chipboard, according to experts, is even more dangerous. In conditions high temperature she especially highlights a large number of formaldehyde, which can cause sudden poisoning. The release of formaldehyde is also activated under the influence of moisture. Therefore, the premises must be well ventilated - at least two hours daily in any weather. Good ventilation should be installed at home.
If the house is equipped with a heating system solid fuel, don’t even think about throwing unnecessary pieces of chipboard into the boiler firebox. Resin containing harmful formaldehyde will not only clog the chimney, but harmful fumes will spread throughout the house, which will turn you into a sick person.

If you want to live in a healthy environment, choose furniture from natural wood. Wooden furniture must be processed natural oils, beeswax and not paints or varnishes containing solvents. Furniture varnished with ordinary chemical varnish should stand for at least two weeks and be ventilated. Of course, not everyone can afford solid wood furniture; it is several times more expensive than that made from modern materials.
But if you still decide to buy cheap furniture, experts advise looking for one that is marked with the eco-labels “Gėlė”, “Gulbė” or “Mėlynasis angelas”. In such furniture the content of harmful substances is minimal. And least of all problems with old furniture, which has already served for 10 years or more. Such furniture is probably not hazardous to health, even if it is made of chipboard.