A product for cleaning glossy kitchen facades. How to care for glossy kitchen furniture

Without knowing how to clean the entire kitchen from old grease, you can damage the covering of the furniture. To quickly and easily deal with persistent stains, use laundry soap, vegetable oil, soda, mustard, ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. With these handy ingredients you can get rid of stains of any age. Combine the products and prepare a solution, apply it to the surface to be treated, let it absorb and rinse off after 15-30 minutes with a soapy sponge.

The kitchen is the most polluted part of the house, because during cooking, fat splashes and settles on the surface of the walls, furniture, stove, becomes covered with a layer of dust and dries out. No housewife will thoroughly wash the kitchen after each meal preparation due to lack of free time, but, spending general cleaning, it is important to know how to clean the kitchen from grease using household and folk remedies quickly, without damaging the integrity of the kitchen unit.

Cleaning with detergents

The most popular is cleaning with household chemicals. Specially formulated grease-dissolving cleaners safely remove stubborn dirt from surfaces with minimal effort.

The only drawback of these products is their high cost, since to clean the entire kitchen you need several different cleaners and ones designed for washing furniture and kitchen utensils.

Popular and highly effective household products are:

  • Amway;
  • "Shumanite";
  • "Silit Beng";
  • "Mister Muscle".

Note ! Products containing abrasives and chlorine are strictly contraindicated for use on plastic or MDF surfaces, as they can scratch or discolor the coating.

Having selected a cleaner based on the type of contamination and type of surface, start cleaning, following these recommendations:

  • read the instructions for use;
  • follow the dosage so as not to damage the color and coating of the headset;
  • Wear protective gloves when cleaning to avoid burns and allergic reactions;
  • ensure optimal flow fresh air, since some products can be toxic and cause dizziness.

When treating grease from cabinets, use special kitchen wipes that have a soft structure and absorb a minimal amount of product. Simply apply the cleaner to a cloth and wipe down your wood door or countertop. To remove heavy dirt, leave the surface treated for 20 minutes, then thoroughly rub and polish.

Types of MDF facades and cleaning methods

Before cleaning your kitchen from accumulated grease and dirt, it is important to understand what material it is made of. This will allow you to choose the right cleaning product.

The most popular cuisines are from:

Each material has its own cleaning methods. It is convenient to wash plastic and glass facades with alkaline, salt and soda agents; with oil and soda, ammonia and hydrogen peroxide – wooden, MDF, chipboard and laminated chipboard.

Cleaning using traditional methods

With the advent household chemicals faith in folk remedies began to disappear, but, despite everything, they are a worthy and economical substitute for expensive ones.

They can clean almost all surfaces; the main thing is to combine the components correctly and assess the degree of contamination.

Mustard powder

Our grandmothers cleaned grease from kitchen furniture with ordinary powdered mustard. The principle of processing with this ingredient is simple:

  • Wet the contaminated area with water.
  • Sprinkle on wet surface furniture, stoves or household appliances mustard powder.
  • Rub with a dry kitchen cloth.
  • Wash the napkin with water, soap it with laundry soap and remove the remaining mustard from the panel being treated.

IN in this case mustard is a mild abrasive fat solvent. It delicately scrapes off fat deposits from the surface without damaging the headset's coating. However, this method is only suitable for cleaning fresh stains or minor old ones.

We wash the greasy ceiling in the kitchen with soap and soda

Soda-soap solution works on the principle of mustard, but is more effective means. Easily cleans home cutlery and kitchen appliances, ceilings and.

To clean the kitchen this way, follow the sequence:

  1. Grind the laundry soap (1/2 bar) using a food grade grater.
  2. Fill with water until you obtain a cloudy, slightly viscous, homogeneous solution.
  3. Spray the dirty panel with soapy water.
  4. Immediately sprinkle some baking soda on the sponge.
  5. Rub onto the soaped area.
  6. Leave the stain to sit for about 20 minutes.
  7. Wet a clean rag and wash off the baking soda and soapy water.

Note ! If treatment was carried out wooden surfaces, laminate, don't forget to reduce panel contamination and increase the service life of the headset.

Soap and soda can clean and disinfect almost the entire kitchen, including. But if the furniture is glossy or varnished, choose a different cleaning method. Such surfaces should not come into contact even with soft abrasives to avoid scratches.

Cleaning natural wood furniture with oil and soda

Combination of baking soda and vegetable oil cleanses grease well in the kitchen, as it relates to folk remedies, allowing not only to remove dirt, but also to care for the wood.

  1. Prepare a creamy mixture of baking soda and sunflower oil, mixing the ingredients 1:2.
  2. Treat congealed grease to a wooden dresser.
  3. Use a soft brush to scrub away any excess fat using gentle movements.

If stains from furniture items are difficult to wipe off, let the mixture penetrate into the structure of the stain for about 15 minutes, rub again and wash off the residue with a damp sponge and detergent.

Watch the video to see how effective this recipe is:

We clean glass, plastic, furniture with vinegar

Vinegar is used to clean various surfaces and other types of dirt. The ingredient has this effect due to the acid, which effectively dissolves splashes of fat. Easy to use: just pour a little table vinegar for contamination, let the stain soak for 15–20 minutes and wash off with a sponge treated with detergent.

It is impossible to pour the product onto vertical cabinets and doors, so apply vinegar to a sponge (amply), wipe the surface and leave for 15 minutes, then rinse. In this way you can also.

Note ! To enhance the effect, you can combine detergent with vinegar, pouring the acid onto a sponge, along with a drop of dish soap.

Cleaning the kitchen hood

Ventilation system prevents the spread of odors throughout the house and absorbs most of the grease splashes, accumulating them on the grill.

We wash the most difficult parts - handles and other fittings with steam cleaners

Hardworking housewives acquire special ones. This technique removes all types of contaminants from various surfaces and disinfects them. The device is suitable for processing any type of wood, plastic, small fittings, cutlery, etc.

The device acts on contamination with steam, which affects the structure of the fat deposit, making it soft and liquid. As a result of operation, you will be able to clean:

  1. kitchen facade, electrical appliances, tables and walls from grease splashes;
  2. restore shine to glass or stainless steel utensils;
  3. remove scale;
  4. , bacteria and fungi.

The device does not require the use of oilcloth, but allows you to wipe off stains of varying complexity and age from the table, walls, cabinet handles, gas boiler, chipboard, MDF and chipboard.

You can clean your kitchen from greasy stains using household and folk ways. Before processing, be sure to determine what material it is made of. If the furniture is varnished, avoid using abrasives such as soda and mustard. For other kitchens, as well as walls, tiles, and ceilings, any cleaning method is suitable.

Larisa, June 10, 2018.

The great advantage of glossy facades in the kitchen is their appearance. However, on such facades various contaminants very quickly appear: from grease stains to fingerprints. In addition, if you wash the coating incorrectly, noticeable stains will remain on it. Therefore, when purchasing glossy kitchen facades, you should know how to properly care for them.

Glossy facades, which are used to decorate the kitchen, can be coated different materials: plastic, paint, PVC film, acrylic.

To clean facades without harming the surface, you need to select cleaning products depending on the material.


Cheap kitchens are made of plastic by gluing a plastic sheet to the front side of the facade. The advantages of plastic coating include water resistance. It will not get wet and will remain durable for a long time. However, this material also has disadvantages. Over time, glossy plastic becomes dull. Therefore, you need to choose correctly detergents. To begin with, the effect of the composition is checked on an inconspicuous area of ​​the facade.

Do not use hard rags or brushes. Products with abrasive properties may damage the material. It will be impossible to repair such damage.

A soap solution is perfect for cleaning glossy plastic facades.

The cloth used for cleaning should be soft and lint-free.


MDF boards are often used to make facades. These are fibreboards medium density, for the creation of which the method of dry pressing of fine wood shavings at high blood pressure and temperature.

Often such slabs are painted in specific color, and then covered with several layers of varnish. As a result, that same glossy effect is achieved. When cleaning painted surfaces, it is important to use products that do not have abrasive properties. You should also use only soft microfiber cloths.

You can clean a painted glossy facade, just like a plastic one, using a soap solution. In addition, you can use . It will help deal with various stains on the gloss. After cleaning, you need to wipe the facade with a dry soft cloth to get rid of stains.

PVC film

Another way to cover kitchen facades- gluing PVC film using vacuum press. Such kitchens, just like plastic ones, are considered an economical option.

The film is quite resistant to mechanical impact and is able to maintain color brightness for a long time.

However, such a coating may peel off due to excess moisture. Therefore, when cleaning facades covered with film, you need to carefully wring out the cloth.

You can use either soap or glass cleaner for cleaning.


Acrylic sheets are sometimes glued to MDF boards. It is quite easy to care for this coating. However, for cleaning, you cannot use aggressive agents that can deprive the facades of their glossy shine.

You can wash acrylic with soapy water, glass cleaner and other non-abrasive detergents.

Rules of care

  1. After cleaning, wipe the surface dry. Otherwise, the facade may swell and become moldy. The PVC film may peel off due to excess moisture.
  2. It is advisable to install kitchen set so that it is not exposed to direct sunlight. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation causes the color of glossy facades to fade.
  3. Concentrated detergent compositions must be diluted with water. Recommended to purchase special means for the care of glossy kitchen facades.
  4. During the cleaning process, only non-abrasive products and soft cloths can be used. Cannot be used powdered formulations that can scratch the surface.
  5. Aggressive substances can corrode the coating and leave cloudy stains on the surface white, which will be almost impossible to get rid of.

How to wash kitchen facades?

As already mentioned, the glossy surface can be cleaned using non-abrasive detergents.

There are several ways to remove dirt from gloss.

Soap solution

Regular laundry soap can cope with many types of stains on kitchen furniture.


  • dissolve shavings of laundry soap in warm water;
  • moisten a soft cloth with the resulting solution;
  • wipe the surface to be cleaned;
  • Wipe the coating dry and polish it until shiny with flannel.

Grease stains from gloss can be easily removed with dishwashing detergent. Required:

  • mix water with a small amount of dishwashing liquid;
  • beat the mixture until foam appears;
  • treat the most contaminated areas with foam;
  • wait 10 minutes;
  • wipe off stains with a sponge;
  • wipe the surface with a clean damp cloth;
  • wipe with a dry cloth.

You can wash glossy kitchen facades with soap and dish gel quite often without harming the material. Therefore, cleaning with these products is recommended to be carried out regularly.


You can also remove grease stains with mustard. To do this you need:

  • mix mustard with water to a paste;
  • apply the resulting mixture to the dirt;
  • leave for a few minutes;
  • wash off the composition with a sponge moistened with warm water.

Do not press too hard on the sponge, as the gloss is susceptible to scratches.


If old dirt has formed on the glossy surface, you can remove it with steam. You will need to use a special steam cleaner or an iron with a steam function.

Stains should be treated with steam. When the stains have softened, you need to carefully wipe them off with a sponge or soft cloth. Then you need to wipe the facades dry and polish them with flannel or suede.

Special means

You can purchase special cleaning products for glossy facades at a household chemical store. They are capable of creating on the surface protective film, repelling dust and other contaminants. Such formulations are available in different forms: gel, liquid, paste. You should not take a powdered product, as the granules can scratch the coating.

Not all ready-made detergents can be used to clean gloss. In no case should they have abrasive properties or contain chlorine, alcohol or wax. Products containing chlorine and alcohol may discolor the glossy finish. And wax can make facades sticky. As a result, dust and other contaminants will stick to the surface.

Therefore, you need to take the choice of cleaning product for glossy facades seriously. Do not use products for stoves, bathtubs, sinks, etc.

You can maintain the glossy shine of kitchen facades if you follow the rules of caring for them. Incorrectly chosen products can lead to dulling of the material and leave untidy stains on it. Gloss required regular cleaning. It is necessary to wash off dirt and greasy spots, which very often appear in the kitchen during the cooking process.

We tried very hard to do spectacular interior kitchens and gave preference to glossy furniture facades, and now you are frantically wondering how much time you will have to spend on caring for them? Are you thinking in the right direction, since any glossy surface requires the most scrupulous attitude and frequent cleaning. But not everything is so tragic, so leave your gloomy thoughts about constantly spending time as a “prisoner” for cleaning the kitchen. In this article, we will give you some valuable tips on how to wash glossy kitchen facades so that they stay clean longer and free up your time for a well-deserved rest.

Where does gloss come from?

Before you wash the glossy facades in the kitchen with the first product that comes to hand, do something useful for yourself - find out what exactly your set is made of. Ideally, this should have been done at the time of purchase, carefully thinking through further care. But now you definitely shouldn’t ignore this step, otherwise all the money spent on stylish interior may be literally thrown away, and after the first cleaning of the furniture it will look at least unpresentable.

Important! The choice of a suitable product will directly depend on what material was used for decoration.

Gloss on furniture facades is obtained in the following way:

  1. They use plastic. Despite their cheapness, they are the most practical types of material. The basis for such furniture is inexpensive chipboard, onto which plastic sheets are applied. As a result, the question of how to wash glossy kitchen facades is solved very simply. Water in any quantity, low-aggressive household chemicals, moderately hard washcloths and sponges, even brushes are suitable here. It is this type of material that is characterized by optimal mechanical strength, completely waterproof.
  2. Open the base material with paint or varnish. A set with such a finish will require a lot of work, since due to the peculiarities of the manufacturing technology, it is not cheap. Large amounts of water, aggressive chemicals and others are too negative impacts unacceptable for such material. Caring for the glossy facades of a kitchen of this model should be extremely careful. The only good thing is that if you make a mistake and even a piece of paint or varnish flies off the surface, the defect can be corrected. Just pick up the right solution- by quality and color and apply it.
  3. Acrylic is applied. Another type of expensive kitchen. As a rule, the base is made of high-quality MDF boards, with acrylic plastic placed on top of polyurethane glue. Such materials can be washed with water, as well as thoroughly polished. But you cannot use aggressive household chemicals when cleaning.
  4. Cover with PVC film. Since there are no special adhesive solutions It is not used for fixing the film on the base material, unless proper care The glossy finish may peel off. In general, it has excellent resistance to sunlight and mechanical stress, so you can easily scrub with a sponge or use non-abrasive cleaning agents. But from liquid solutions and large quantity In order to wash the glossy facades of the kitchen, you will have to refuse water.

What is glossy material afraid of?

From the description possible materials to create a shiny surface for the headset, it was already possible to draw a conclusion about what exactly such a material is afraid of. To summarize, this is:

  • excess moisture;
  • ultraviolet;
  • abrasive cleaning agents with aggressively active ingredients.

Based on this, we get information about what should not be used to wash a glossy kitchen:

  • solvents;
  • alcohols;
  • nitroglycerine;
  • compositions based on synthetic resins;
  • rough brushes;
  • powders.

Important! When choosing a suitable product in a household chemicals store, you can study the composition yourself or simply give preference to those products that are labeled “for glossy surfaces.” The second way will be simpler, and the quality of cleaning will directly depend on the reliability of the brand.

How to clean glossy kitchen facades?

In fact, at least wash glossy kitchens need to be careful, they may be suitable for this purpose different means. Based on the information received above, you can choose a more convenient option for yourself and use it to care for the glossy kitchen facades easily and naturally.

For this purpose the following will be useful:

  • ordinary weakly concentrated soap solution, suitable even from hypoallergenic, safe means for dish washing;
  • glass cleaner in the form of a spray, but without ammonia in the composition;
  • wet wipes - useful for daily care when you need to remove fat and fingerprints from the surface in 5 minutes;
  • shampoos or shower gels - they will more carefully and gently help you care for your glossy kitchen;
  • special polishes for glossy surfaces - used as a prophylactic agent to prevent the appearance of dirt;

Important! Cleaning with any means should be carried out using lint-free rags. Soft cotton, flannel or modern microfiber cloths are best suited for this purpose.

Advantages of a glossy kitchen

So that you don’t focus on the problem of caring for a glossy kitchen and inflate it to unsolvable and complex proportions, let us remind you why you decided to buy just such a set:

  • the gloss perfectly reflects light, making your kitchen look lighter and more spacious;
  • since the furniture is based on several materials, and the surface has a protective layer, such kitchens last much longer with proper care due to their low susceptibility to mechanical damage;
  • glossy facades always bring special glamor to the interior, emphasizing sophisticated style and add some elegance to even the most ordinary surroundings.

There are different ones - both cheap and very expensive, but they need to be looked after equally carefully. Moreover, the features of care are related to the finishing material, and the plastic used in the manufacture of kitchen sets can have a wide variety of properties.

What not to clean the kitchen

Plastic, even the strongest and most durable, is a rather inert material, but at the same time porous. This combination limits the choice of care products; otherwise, you will have to update the set after several cleanings.

  • It is strictly forbidden to wash facades finished with any type of plastic with abrasive agents. The substance scratches and damages even the most durable surface - for example, steel, let alone plastic. This method of cleaning has an especially bad effect on...

Abrasives include both preparations containing solid particles and tools - metal brushes, sponges and more.

  • Do not use chlorine-containing substances. Even in cases where you need to clean old grease stains with your own hands. Chlorine destroys the coloring pigment, and the plastic loses its color and shine, and eventually deteriorates.
  • It is undesirable to use alcohol-based medications. At the same time, glossy facades in the kitchen quickly fade, and matte ones take on the appearance of being dusted with dust.
  • Do not use aggressive household chemicals, intended for washing stoves, plumbing fixtures, ovens and so on. The formulations often contain very potent ingredients.
  • A general requirement when caring for kitchen furniture is keeping it dry. Constant contact with water is even more destructive than splashes of hot fat or dye. That's why The best way look after plastic kitchen with your own hands is to immediately wipe away dirt with a dry or slightly damp cloth made of flannel, plush or microfiber.

Care of laminated surfaces

Of all kinds plastic trim lamination is the least durable. Whether melamine film or PVC film is used for this, the result is the same: the coating is not resistant to mechanical damage and aggressive substances, so cleaning the kitchen set is not so easy.

  • The best and practically universal remedywarm water with soap. Baby soap is used as a washing component, since it is guaranteed not to contain fragrances or “extra” additives, or dishwashing gel. The latter is effective in the fight against fat, as it includes ingredients that dissolve fat and oil. This is the most easy way“update” the headset.

The solution is prepared literally “by eye”. Optimal composition It foams slightly, but removes dirt well.

To wash, use a soft sponge or cloth made of soft fabric– flannel, microfiber. For heavy dirt, you can use a special soft brush.

  • Pre-wetting of contaminants is not allowed - prolonged contact with water has a negative effect on the plastic. You can wash longer or increase the pressure slightly.
  • If the grease is absorbed, then in order to wash the stain, use cleaning agents that include ammonia. This is a fairly weak alkali that can be used to wash off grease without causing damage to the plastic. Products containing alcohol and acids are excluded.
  • To clean kitchen furniture, you can use many ready-made care products - “ABC of Cleanliness”, “Grosh” and so on. This preparation can be used with preliminary wetting. The holding time is specified in the instructions.
    To clean the kitchen clean without leaving streaks, after washing you should clean the facades with a sponge soaked in clean water and always with a dry cloth.
    You also need to take care of your furniture from the inside: drawers and shelves also need to be washed with warm soapy water and wiped clean with your own hands. At the same time, pay attention not only to dirt, but also to the smell: the latter can be removed by wiping the box with a rag soaked in a vinegar solution and leaving the set open for ventilation.

Caring for glossy surfaces

It is necessary to “update” the appearance of glossy surfaces much more often. The shiny plastic shows traces of grease even from the touch of your fingers. However, such a surface is easier to clean.

  • Do-it-yourself major cleaning is carried out regularly and in exactly the same way as in a kitchen with laminated facades. However, in this case it is impossible to remove grease using products containing ammonia: ammonia will “eat” the gloss.
  • To clean such a kitchen without streaks, be sure to use a completely dry cloth at the end of cleaning.
  • But for daily cleaning they use special care products or glass cleaning products. The latter perfectly remove grease from a glossy surface, which allows you to update the appearance of the facade at any time.
  • To restore the shine of a glossy kitchen, it is best to use a special polish and a microfiber cloth.

How to update a plastic kitchen

Sometimes, despite all efforts, and sometimes thanks to them, plastic kitchens lose their attractiveness. Discolored spots, traces of dyes or contact with hot objects, traces of grease, and so on appear. You can cope with this problem with your own hands.

  • You can radically update and replace the appearance of your kitchen using self-adhesive vinyl film. The material is simply glued to smooth facades. The film is very diverse: the color, the pattern, and even the texture can be chosen differently. It is as easy to care for as regular PVC film.
  • You can update the look of the facade by gluing the molding yourself. Whether or not to paint the set depends on the chosen solution.
  • A glossy kitchen can be updated using a special polishing paste: it completely removes scratches, abrasions, traces of grease and soot. You can save money and use regular tooth powder for polishing yourself - the result is the same.

Caring for a plastic kitchen is not difficult, you just need to follow a few simple rules: Avoid prolonged contact with water and grease and wash with products that do not contain abrasives.

We wanted to create a very impressive kitchen interior and gave preference to glossy furniture facades, but now you are frantically wondering how much time you will have to spend on caring for them? You are thinking in the right direction, since any glossy surface requires the most meticulous treatment and frequent cleaning. But not everything is so tragic, so leave your gloomy thoughts about constantly spending time as a “prisoner” for cleaning the kitchen. In this article, we will give you some valuable tips on how to wash glossy kitchen facades so that they stay clean longer and free up your time for a well-deserved rest.

Where does gloss come from?

Before you wash the glossy facades in the kitchen with the first product you come across, do something useful for yourself - find out what exactly your set is made of. Ideally, this should have been done at the time of purchase, carefully considering further care. But now you definitely shouldn’t ignore this step, otherwise all the money spent on a stylish interior may literally be thrown away, and after the first cleaning of the furniture it will look at least unpresentable.

Important! The choice of a suitable product will directly depend on what material was used for decoration.

Gloss on furniture facades is obtained in the following way:

  1. They use plastic. Despite their cheapness, they are the most practical types of material. The basis for such furniture is inexpensive chipboard, onto which plastic sheets are applied. As a result, the question of how to wash glossy kitchen facades is solved very simply. Water in any quantity, low-aggressive household chemicals, moderately hard washcloths and sponges, even brushes are suitable here. It is this type of material that is characterized by optimal mechanical strength and complete water resistance.
  2. Open the base material with paint or varnish. A set with such a finish will require a lot of work, since due to the peculiarities of the manufacturing technology, it is not cheap. Large amounts of water, aggressive chemicals and other too negative influences are unacceptable for such material. Caring for the glossy facades of a kitchen of this model should be extremely careful. The only good thing is that if you make a mistake and even a piece of paint or varnish flies off the surface, the defect can be corrected. Just choose the right solution - based on quality and color - and apply it.
  3. Acrylic is applied. Another type of expensive kitchen. As a rule, the base is made of high-quality MDF boards, with acrylic plastic placed on top of polyurethane glue. Such materials can be washed with water, as well as thoroughly polished. But you cannot use aggressive household chemicals when cleaning.
  4. Cover with PVC film. Since no special adhesive solutions are used to fix the film on the base material, when improper care The glossy finish may peel off. In general, it has excellent resistance to sunlight and mechanical stress, so you can easily scrub with a sponge or use non-abrasive cleaning agents. But you will have to give up liquid solutions and large amounts of water in order to wash the glossy kitchen facades.

What is glossy material afraid of?

From the description of possible materials for creating a shiny surface of the headset, it was already possible to draw a conclusion about what exactly such a material is afraid of. To summarize, this is:

  • excess moisture;
  • ultraviolet;
  • abrasive cleaning agents with aggressively active ingredients.

Based on this, we get information about what should not be used to wash a glossy kitchen:

  • solvents;
  • alcohols;
  • nitroglycerine;
  • compositions based on synthetic resins;
  • rough brushes;
  • powders.

Important! When choosing a suitable product in a household chemicals store, you can study the composition yourself or simply give preference to those products that are labeled “for glossy surfaces.” The second way will be simpler, and the quality of cleaning will directly depend on the reliability of the brand.

How to clean glossy kitchen facades?

In fact, although glossy kitchens must be washed carefully, different products may be suitable for this purpose. Based on the information received above, you can choose a more convenient option for yourself and use it to care for the glossy kitchen facades easily and naturally.

For this purpose the following will be useful:

  • an ordinary weakly concentrated soap solution, suitable even from a hypoallergenic, safe dishwashing detergent;
  • glass cleaner in the form of a spray, but without ammonia in the composition;
  • wet wipes - useful for daily care when you need to remove grease and fingerprints from the surface in 5 minutes;
  • shampoos or shower gels - they will more carefully and gently help you care for your glossy kitchen;
  • special polishes for glossy surfaces - used as a prophylactic agent to prevent the appearance of dirt;

Important! Cleaning with any means should be carried out using lint-free rags. Soft cotton, flannel or modern microfiber cloths are best suited for this purpose.

Advantages of a glossy kitchen

So that you don’t focus on the problem of caring for a glossy kitchen and inflate it to unsolvable and complex proportions, let us remind you why you decided to buy just such a set:

  • the gloss perfectly reflects light, making your kitchen look lighter and more spacious;
  • since the furniture is based on several materials, and the surface has a protective layer, such kitchens last much longer with proper care due to their low susceptibility to mechanical damage;
  • Glossy facades always bring special glamor to the interior, emphasize sophisticated style and add a certain elegance to even the most ordinary surroundings.

We hope you are convinced that despite all the pitfalls, you did right choice. Follow the recommendations provided, choose the appropriate product for cleaning glossy kitchen facades from those suggested above and enjoy the comfort of your home.