Reliable methods for removing stains from a plastic window sill. How to wash pvc doors

Immediately after installation, plastic windows look attractive, decorating the room with their snow-white appearance. Over time, dirt from accumulated dust, marks from cups and flower vases appear on the windowsill. The frames may show black mold accumulation or just a yellow discoloration. Housewives are trying to wash and even bleach the plastic. But in order not to make things worse, you need to know exactly how to clean plastic windows without damaging their surface.

The window sill is most often subject to contamination. More dust accumulates on a horizontal surface and is sometimes used as a stand for various objects, which results in many stubborn stains of dirt. Before you start washing the window sill, it is better to remove the side decorative plugs. This will eliminate the accumulation of small particles of dirt at the joints. A stain-free surface can simply be washed with a microfiber cloth soaked in warm water. Then wipe dry to avoid streaks.

To clean old stains or marks after repairs, you will have to resort to the use of cleaning products. It is better to purchase them in the store, but you can also prepare them at home.

Homemade Cleaning Products

The appearance of yellowness or gray spots extraneous factors often contribute. This includes exposure to sunlight, changes in temperature, or simply changes in the structure of impurities added to the plastic.

All these unpleasant marks can be easily cleaned with home remedies:

These simple remedies, available in every housewife, will help keep PVC window sills clean.

Industrial cleaning products

For people who do not trust home remedies, manufacturers household chemicals offer a variety of cleaning pastes, solutions and powders. But they can be no less dangerous for plastic if used unreasonably, plus cause allergic irritations to the skin of the hands.

The most popular means that can be used to clean PVC window sills are the following:

Sometimes housewives try to clean very dirty surfaces with powders intended for caring for hobs. Yes, they are effective, but before you wash the window sill with powder, you need to make sure that it does not contain abrasive substances. Solid particles will leave a lot of scratches, ruining the appearance.

To wash PVC frames, use almost the same products as for window sills, since the material being cleaned is homogeneous. If after renovating an apartment you have to wash the frame just installed windows must be removed protective film. Over time, it will stick and it will be difficult to remove it. After this, ordinary dirt is washed off with water with the addition of laundry soap, dishwashing liquid or washing powder. It is important that any composition does not contain acids or abrasives. Even new frames may show minor scratches. They can be easily hidden by treating the area with polish.

Store-bought care products for PVC frames

You can clean the PVC frame with the same “Mr. Proper" or similar products used for window sills. However, this list can be expanded a little:

  • Domestos gel, specially developed for toilets and baths, can whiten yellowed frames;
  • The basis of Pemolux cream is soda. It is safe for PVC surfaces and can easily clean stubborn dirt after repair;
  • It is good to wash off grease from kitchen frames with Comet gel. When used, it is diluted at the rate of 60 ml of the drug per 5 liters of water;
  • Mr Muscle cream will help whiten frames. The preparation is rubbed onto the PVC surface and washed off with a wet sponge after 3 minutes.

When using any chemical, you must remember safety precautions and use personal protective equipment.

Folk remedies for caring for PVC frames

You can clean PVC frames at home, just like window sills. folk remedies. Let's look at the two most popular recipes:

  1. Equal proportions of chalk and tooth powder are diluted with water to form a paste. This mixture is applied to a dirty surface and after drying, simply wiped with a dry soft cloth.
  2. To remove a stubborn stain, sprinkle it with baking soda and immediately rub it with a sponge soaked in vinegar. The reaction that occurs will clean out the dirt, after which the frame must be washed clean water.

When using an unfamiliar folk remedy, you must first test it on small area, and then rub it all over the frame.

Removing aggressive stains

Often after renovation PVC windows aggressive traces remain that cannot always be removed with store and home remedies. They can also be removed at home.

Scotch tape marks

After removing the tape, they remain on the plastic. sticky marks. They cannot be removed with a dry cloth. Folk remedies will help here:

  • Glue a piece of fresh tape onto the remaining mark and tear it off with a sharp jerk. The process continues until a positive result is achieved;
  • any vegetable oil lubricate the sticky spot. After 10 minutes, the dirt is wiped off with a paper napkin;
  • the sticky trace is erased with cotton wool or gauze soaked in ammonia or ordinary alcohol.

If small traces of tape remain, do not immediately resort to aggressive cleaning methods. You can try to erase the stain with a regular eraser.

Traces of paint

On plastic, traces of paint are a serious problem that requires immediate removal. First, you need to resort to a gentle method, smearing the dried paint with silicate glue. As the glue dries, it will begin to shrink, pulling the bulk of the paint with it.

How to adjust plastic windows with your own hands if the sashes sag or there is draft from the windows.

If this does not help, take a piece of cotton wool, soak it in nail polish remover and wipe the painted area. It is important to pay attention that the liquid does not contain acetone. Otherwise, this substance will corrode the plastic.

Polyurethane foam

Sticky polyurethane foam is not where it should be - common occurrence after repair. Cosmofen is sold specifically for PVC windows. Uncured foam is cleaned off with a plastic scraper, and the remaining stain is wiped off with a rag soaked in this solution.

Dry foam should be cut off as much as possible with a sharp knife, and the remaining stain should be moistened with Dimexide medical solution. After 5 minutes, loose residues are wiped off with the hard side of a dishwashing sponge.

The store sells special foam solvents. Before using them, you must carefully study the instructions, otherwise the aggressive solution will do more harm than good. The most harmless product for plastic and the skin of the hands is SOL OFF Delicat Barton’S.


From the street side to PVC frames a lot of soot settles. It is formed during the operation of factories and from vehicle exhaust gases. Inside the room, soot settles from tobacco smoke and food burnt during cooking. A soap solution or baking soda. They simply wipe the window, then rinse with clean water. You should not use aggressive anti-soot products.

Construction mud

After the renovation is completed, traces of cement, wallpaper paste or plaster remain on the windows. All these residues are easily washed off with soapy water. Very hard fractions can be pre-soaked in vinegar, then washed off.

Having cleared the window sills and frames of dirt, all that remains is to wipe off the glass. There are many things for this store supplies like “Second” or simply add ammonia to the water. Traditional crumpled newspaper will help add shine to glass.

In contact with

Plastic has long become one of the most popular materials for the manufacture of various things. It is found in toys, electronics, household appliances, cars and interior items. But over time, any white plastic products begin to acquire yellow tints. The reason for this is exposure to sunlight, sudden changes in temperature, improper care and natural reactions with oxygen. In such situations, you can try to bleach the yellowed plastic to restore it to its former beauty.

The windows deserve special attention. Plastic structures, used in conjunction with glass, very often turn yellow under the influence of ultraviolet radiation emitted by the sun. Bright rays can illuminate them all day long. If this happens regularly over several years, then the appearance of a yellow tint is inevitable. Additional factors sudden temperature changes and improper operation occur.

The plastic used for window elements includes: various substances that can extend its service life. Therefore, you should clean the window sill with care. You cannot use:

  • Dishwashing detergents;
  • Hard sponges;
  • Abrasive powders;
  • Acetone and similar products;
  • Alkaline substances;
  • Hot water.

All other means of getting rid of yellow spots can be used without fear.

How to bleach plastic

It is not so difficult to return plastic products to their original appearance. This can be done at home without outside help. You just need to stock up on all the necessary means that will be used to achieve the goal. There are several cleaning methods.

Useful video on bleaching plastic - video:

Simple but very effective remedy. Laundry soap will help renew old plastic, again giving it white shade. This method shows maximum effectiveness when color changes are caused by exposure to fatty deposits.

How to proceed:

  1. Grate (½ bar).
  2. Fill warm water(150 ml), stir.
  3. Apply the prepared solution to the problem area. Wait 30 minutes.
  4. Wipe with a clean sponge, wash away soap marks with clean water.

You can use this method in any case, because soap is harmless.

Special napkins

Electronics stores sell special wipes. They contain various substances that can cleanse without any harm. computer equipment from pollution. They also help with yellowing.

How to clean:

  1. Every 6 hours, wipe the yellow mark with a napkin.
  2. Repeat daily for several days until the yellowness disappears completely.

This option is ideal for household appliances and plastic window sills.

Tooth powder with chalk

This unusual mixture allows you to return White color things, if shades of yellowness appeared quite recently. You can try it for old stains, but you are unlikely to achieve significant results.

What do we have to do:

  1. Mix a small amount of chalk and tooth powder.
  2. Add water to make a thick paste.
  3. Spread over the entire surface of the plastic and wait until dry.
  4. Remove any remaining powder with a dry cloth.

The procedure can be repeated many times.

Soda and washing powder

Baking soda is very often used to clean dirty stains from various things. It also copes well with yellowness.

How to use it:

  1. Mix soda (1 tbsp.), washing powder(1 tbsp) and water (500 ml).
  2. Apply liquid to plastic object. Wait 8 hours.
  3. Wash off all traces with a damp cloth.

An excellent option for cleaning window sills.


No less effective way returning the whiteness to plastic products is acetic acid. To do this you will need a 70% solution.

Cleaning process:

  1. Moisten soft cloth or a large cotton pad in vinegar.
  2. Wipe down the plastic.
  3. Wash the surface of the object with water.

When using acid, wear rubber gloves and ventilate the area. It is also not recommended to use the yellow remover on sensitive plastic.

Citric acid with chlorine

A powerful yellowish whitening product that can be used on fine plastic products, without fear for their integrity.

How to use:

  1. Mix equal amount citric acid and chlorine.
  2. Apply to stains. Wait 30 minutes.
  3. Remove any remaining product.

This mixture can be used repeatedly until you can return the yellowed plastic to its usual appearance.

Hydrogen peroxide

This medical product very popular and present in every first aid kit. It helps not only to disinfect wounds, but also to tidy up the surface of yellowed plastic.

Mode of application:

  1. Wet a soft sponge with peroxide.
  2. Rub yellow stains repeatedly.
  3. Wash off any remaining traces of peroxide.

The product does not harm plastic. Therefore, long-term and repeated use is allowed until the desired result is obtained.


Alcohol has become very popular in cleaning stains. It destroys the composition of any dirt, making things clean again. It helps to whiten heavily yellowed plastic no less effectively. Its composition not only removes yellowness, but literally destroys the structure upper layers subject. Therefore, it should be used with caution.

How to use alcohol:

  1. Soak a rag in it.
  2. Wipe the yellow parts of the surface.
  3. Remove all traces of alcohol with clean water.

This method is suitable for rough, dense plastic on household appliances and various devices.


Another very aggressive solvent that can not only lighten the plastic, but also damage it. Before use, it is recommended to apply a small amount of acetone to an inconspicuous area of ​​the item to check the reaction. If everything is in order, then it can be used. Nevertheless, caution will still not be superfluous.


  1. Soak a thick cotton pad with acetone.
  2. Wipe down the plastic.
  3. Scrub off damp cloth traces of the product.

Instead of acetone, you can use nail polish remover. Its composition is not so harmful to the coating, but shows less effectiveness.

Special products for plastic restoration

You can return white plastic objects to their original appearance using special products that are designed to restore plastic in cars. You can buy them at auto repair shops and spare parts stores.

How to use:

  1. Apply to the problem area following the instructions.
  2. Wait until dry.

Before use, be sure to read the instructions.


Option for items small sizes. It involves completely soaking the item in chlorine.

How to do it:

  1. Dilute bleach or bleach (1 tbsp) in water (1 l), adding a little soda (1 tbsp).
  2. Place the item to be restored into a container with liquid. Leave overnight.
  3. Remove and rinse the item thoroughly under cool water.

If the yellowing is very strong, soaking in pure bleach without diluting it with water is allowed.


The methods listed should be enough to cope with the problem and get your white plastic back. If the yellowness turns out to be very old and does not respond to any remedy, then you can simply carefully cover it with paint that best matches the shade, or paint the entire product. This way you can hide all problem areas.

Carrying out general cleaning activities affects all aspects of life. We remove dust from all surfaces, wipe floors and windows, and Appliances. Among standard procedures, no less important, but less frequently performed processes are easily lost.

Today we will talk about doors, or rather, what means to wash them and how to do it. We will provide answers to the most popular questions in the field of quality care for door panels, glass and fittings.

Doors are an integral part of our home

Basic moments

Interior doors, no less than other objects in the apartment, accumulate dirt and dust. This is especially noticeable if door leaf not monolithic, but has various carved parts and glass. Traces of dirty hands immediately appear on light-colored doors, and the fittings become covered sticky layer dirt mixed with dust.

Eco-veneer is especially vulnerable to contamination, because by and large, it is just a textured film with which the canvas is covered. Eco-veneer film is produced in different countries, enough quality material obtained by Koreans, Japanese, Italians.

In order for the door to please us with its cleanliness and be pleasant to touch, we will have to take care of it during operation. In addition, blank canvases are not so popular now, because the door is most often an integral attribute of the overall picture of the interior of the room, therefore it must be colorful and beautiful, and therefore clean.

Doors support the interior of the room

Let's highlight the main points in caring for doors:

  • It is necessary to devote time not only to washing the door leaf itself, but also to cleaning and adjusting the fittings. If it is loose, you need to tighten it, if it creaks, you need to lubricate it.
  • If your home has doors made of natural wood, array, it is worth adjusting the microclimate in the room. It is undesirable to allow the temperature to rise above 25°C and the humidity to exceed 70%.
  • Severe damage to quality doors it will not be possible to hide, there is no way to hide any scratches or dents, so try to treat the material with care.
  • If soiled and stained, try to wash your interior doors immediately; it is better not to wait for the dirt to be absorbed into the structure of the material.
  • The old doors are not the best best quality, or modern eco-veneer, can be additionally protected from dirt by coating with varnish. Not the smartest solution, but accessible to everyone.
  • During repairs, cover the doors with plastic, like other pieces of furniture, to prevent them from getting dirty.

Doors are made from different materials: PVC, laminated, eco-veneer, natural veneer, solid wood. For each material in ideal your own detergent composition, or just clean water. To properly wash and clean fabrics, you can use the following tips:

Pay attention while cleaning door fittings
  • Many modern doors equipped with glass, to wash them without smudges or streaks, add a couple of drops to the water ammonia, provided that they are not matte.
  • Metal parts on the doors can be easily washed with ordinary soapy water.
  • So as not to spoil door covering, it is best to wash and wipe the surface with a soft cloth, such as suede or microfiber.
  • On decorative inserts and carved elements of doors, dust will certainly accumulate, so do not forget to remove it during weekly cleaning of the house.
  • When finishing washing the door leaf, pay attention to the fittings, wash and disinfect the handles.

Most often, the door fails or loses its aesthetically attractive appearance through our fault, due to poor handling and lack of proper care. But we want the door to serve us faithfully long time, so we choose the right product and wash it.


Door cleaning products are selected taking into account the material from which it is made, the degree of contamination and the presence decorative elements on the surface of the canvas.

Universal detergents sold in spray form are very popular. They are very convenient to use, they do not have pronounced chemical odors and help clean stains and other contaminants from surfaces of different quality: glass, wood, pvc, eco-veneer. You can purchase cleaning products for a specific type of door covering in the same stores where you bought your doors.

White and bright doors requires more care

Wooden doors require more attention than veneer or eco-veneer panels (3D films). They don't like huge amounts of moisture, so when wet cleaning, make sure the cloth is slightly damp. Wooden doors can be rinsed plain water, without using detergents, but in most cases dry cleaning will be sufficient. To protect the canvas from contamination, use polish.

Among the folk detergents with which our compatriots try to wash doors, the following compositions can be distinguished:

  • Dishwashing liquid does an excellent job of removing dirt from the veneer surface. Eco-veneer can also be wiped with a similar surfactant composition.
  • Grease stains can be removed using potatoes; to do this, cut a fresh potato in half and rub it on the stain. After removal, rinse the cleaned area with plain water and wipe dry with a cloth.
  • For doors made of solid wood and natural veneer, which are not particularly fond of wet cleaning, housewives have found good way removing greasy and dirty stains. Talc is poured onto the dirt, it absorbs the dirt, and then wiped off with a dry cloth.
  • To make a veneer door shine, you can add apple cider vinegar to the clean water used for washing. Approximate proportion: 1 tablespoon per liter of water. Some types of eco-veneer can also be treated with this composition.

Don't forget to remove after washing detergent from the door with clean water, and then wipe the canvas dry. Do not use abrasive cleaning tools and compounds: brushes with iron bristles, scourers, washing powders; with such a product you will definitely damage the decorative surface.

Working with glass

If frosted or regular glass is inserted into the door, you should start washing the door with it, and only then move directly to the canvas. Smooth glass can be washed with ordinary soft cloths with a minimum amount of lint, frosted glass It is permissible to rub with a brush with soft bristles.

Frosted glass is produced using the sandblasting method. Knocks off a smooth surface with sand upper layer, causing the glass to take on a cloudy appearance with a frosty effect. Frosted glass allows you to hide what is happening behind the door starting from a distance of 30-40 centimeters.

Frosted glass is easy to clean greasy stains and fingerprints using dishwashing liquid or starch solution. To prepare the solution, in warm water starch is added, 3-4 teaspoons per 1 liter.

If desired, you can install it completely in the house glass doors

Complex, stubborn stains are removed using alcohol, acetone, and nail polish remover based on it. Frosted glass does not lose its decorative qualities. However, when working, make sure that drops of solvents do not fall on rubber elements box seal or silicone filler next to the glass.

There is no need to treat frosted glass with solvents, gasoline, or ammonia. You also don’t need to scrape them with sharp objects, for example, to pick off traces of silicone.

If there are some defects on the door, they can be masked using polish. If cracks and scratches wear more a strong character, then they will help hide them. Choose a suitable shade for your door, and rub the pencil into the surface of the canvas, letting the wax fill its flaws.

While maintaining proper cleanliness in your apartment, you will have to take care of your doors one way or another. Make sure that they always look clean and tidy, because there is nothing complicated about it.

Door cleaning- the ability to maintain an attractive appearance and integrity of the coating on for a long time. At the same time, care must be regular and correct. Doors, like any other household item, need to be cleaned. For this purpose, suitable cleaning agents are specially selected depending on the material of the door surface, its color and some other parameters. Let's figure out how to properly care for the interior and front door.

  • Before washing, adjust the doors;
  • lubricate special means locks and hinges;
  • make sure that the room humidity is up to 65% and the temperature is up to 24 degrees;
  • remove any fresh stains from the door surface as quickly as possible, without delaying;
  • cover door structure varnish, especially if it is a low-quality fabric;
  • cover the doors with film if repair work is planned;
  • In general, you need to use the door very carefully so that you do not have to try to remove serious dents or deep scratches.

You need to choose the right cleaning product. In particular, veneer and natural wood They clean completely differently. If you do not take this into account, there is a possibility of hopelessly damaging the door covering. In addition, it is recommended to consider the following tricks:

  • Use cool water with a few drops of ammonia to wash the glass in decorative door frames;
  • use a soap solution to wash metal door elements;
  • wipe the doors only with soft cloths;
  • get special microfiber cloths for cleaning doors;
  • once every 3-4 days, wipe the decorative elements, handles and inserts of the structure from dust;
  • use a disinfectant (a fairly weak solution).

The main reasons that lead to door coverings losing their aesthetics are insufficient or improper care and careless handling of the door.

Important! Sprays, aerosols and products specially designed for this are excellent for cleaning doors. They are applied to the door covering through a spray bottle, allowing you to wash off any dirt.

Fight fat

Fighting fat wooden doors- a necessity, especially if they are located in the kitchen opening. The easiest way is to use folk remedies that are effective and safe to use. You can give preference to the following methods:

  1. Use a solution of water and a surfactant or dishwashing detergent if you need to get rid of stains. The method is effective for wooden and MDF doors.
  2. Use a slice raw potatoes, if you need to quickly get rid of greasy drops or stains. Finally, wipe the area with a slightly damp cloth.
  3. Mix clay and vinegar in equal proportions. You should get a mixture that resembles a paste. It is applied to the stain and waited for 20-30 minutes. After that, you just have to wash it off. This method effectively fights stains of any type, including greasy marks. For the most serious stains, you can repeat the cleaning procedure 2-3 times. The method is suitable for cleaning unpainted wooden doors.
  4. Pour talc onto a napkin and press it onto the stain on the door for 5-10 minutes (you can use tape). After this time, wipe the talc off the surface of the door and wipe the surface with a dry cloth.

To restore the glossy shine of the surface, you need to wash the door with a solution of water and vinegar (1 tablespoon per liter of water is enough).

Remember that all solutions must be washed off the door surface using cool water. Finally, the door leaf is thoroughly wiped dry. Application metal brushes, hard sponges and products containing abrasive substances are unacceptable.

It is important! By the way, getting rid of dust is very easy. To do this, just wipe the door leaf with a dry and damp (but not wet) cloth. Finally, it needs to be polished using door polish.

Glass cleaning

Glass cleaning is not the best simple task. It always seems that you can easily wipe the glass insert on the door and it will shine clean. In reality, there are always divorces, and eliminating them is a real problem.

  1. Onion juice or soap solution will help remove greasy stains.
  2. The matte surface can be washed with a starch solution (add 20 grams of starch to 500 ml of water).
  3. Alcohol, thinner, acetone and even nail polish remover will help you quickly get rid of traces of glue, coffee and tea. However, you need to act carefully so that the products do not come into contact with the box, rubber seals, as well as the skin of the hands.

There is no need to use alkalis, acids, gasoline and ammonia in concentrated form to clean frosted glass. Scraping off dirt with a knife or scraper is taboo.

It is important! First you need to clean it glass inserts interior door, and then the door leaf.

Tips for caring for an iron front door will help keep it clean:

  • napkin soaked in hot water, will get rid of traces of adhesive tape;
  • acetone-containing liquids will help get rid of old tape residues;
  • White spirit or another solvent will help remove traces of paint;
  • sandpaper will help get rid of traces of lime and whitewash (this method cannot be used for cleaning iron doors with vinyl or leather covering);
  • a vinegar solution will help to cope with stains and traces of whitewash;
  • A solution of water and kerosene will help remove plaque;
  • products containing acetone or alcohol will help get rid of polyurethane foam, which did not have time to harden.

How to clean plastic?

How to clean plastic? It's very simple. It is enough to use a soap solution. You can give preference to the other compositions listed above, but in most cases there is no need for this, since all dirt can be easily wiped off.

You can also use vinegar solution, liquid washing powder, soda. Special sprays and cleaning products for plastic surfaces are effective for cleaning.

It is important to note that plastic cannot be rubbed or washed. metal jaws, rub with a brush. This leads to its damage and the appearance of microcracks, into which dirt subsequently gets clogged.

What about defects?

Defects that may appear on the door during use can also be combated. In particular, it is recommended to listen to the following advice:

  1. Use sprays that contain beeswax, and polish to get rid of small cracks and barely noticeable other defects.
  2. Use a special wax pencil suitable color range for elimination deep scratches. It is enough to rub the damaged area to fill the void of the crack.

Door care - feasible task for each. The procedure is not complicated and does not require serious economic costs. Regular care- the ability to extend the service life of the door surface and take care of its aesthetics.

Many people neglect such important processes as cleaning, repairing and washing. metal plastic windows. The main advantage of metal-plastic windows is their tightness, and in order to preserve it and extend the service life of the component parts of a plastic window, you just need to remember a few basic principles for caring for such windows. There are many special tools designed exclusively for repairing and correcting parts and appearance plastic windows, you can also save money and use available means that you will find at home.

A PVC plastic frame can be cleaned with the most common soap solution, and you can also use special products that are designed exclusively for the purpose of cleaning and caring for metal-plastic frames. It is strictly prohibited to use solutions containing solvent, acids, acetone or powdered dishwashing detergents. The store that sells plastic windows sells special products for washing and cleaning plastic windows. Take a napkin or thin cloth, apply the prepared solution to the cloth and wipe with it window frame, do not rub, but only apply a layer of solution, after which you should rinse the solution with water.

Take any window/mirror/glass cleaner and add a little of it to plain water. Gently wipe the glass unit with a cloth soaked in this solution.

Cleaning the seal in plastic windows
Behind the seals you need at least minimal care, since they are subject to destruction and drying out over time, losing their elastic and water-repellent properties. It is enough to clean it two or three times a year from various types of dirt and dust, and wash it with a special product. These procedures will extend the life of your seal and its properties.

Accessories for metal-plastic windows
The fittings will last you much longer without losing their fresh appearance if you lubricate them and all moving parts with a special oil that is free of both resins and acids at least a couple of times a year. If the handle is a little loose, simply lift the bar that is located on it.
In the frames, namely, in their lower part, there are special channels, the function of which is to remove moisture that accumulates in them to the outside. It is advisable to clean these channels from time to time.

Correcting irregularities in metal-plastic windows
The best way to fix various types unevenness, as well as scratches and abrasions on the surface of plastic windows, is grinding.

Kits for caring for such windows include the following products:
1. ARTEC-M (Aerosol for fittings)
2. Plastic cleaner
3. Hardware cleaner.

Metal-plastic door and how to care for it
Plastic doors are quite resistant and weakly susceptible to external influences. natural factors, but just like the window, the door also requires care. To care for the door, you will need cleaning and washing complexes such as Fonosol, this is an emulsion for complete and thorough cleaning of various types of contaminants. Seals should be treated with a special Fenoflex product at least once every 1-2 years; this product preserves important properties seal and extends its service life.
If the door has damage such as drill holes, cracks, dents, you should use a special Fenoplas complex, it is applied to the problem area, after which it hardens, then it is ground and polished.
It is necessary to lubricate profile cylinders with graphite lubricant 2-3 times a year. Do not use liquid lubricants!

There is a list of prohibited actions in relation to the profile cylinder:
- When inserting the key into the cylinder, avoid lateral forces
- When you open the door, do not pull it with the key that is in the lock
- Do not use keys made of weak steel or damaged
- Do not use excessive force when turning the key in the lock.
- It is not advisable to insert several keys into the lock at the same time

By following these basic rules, you can avoid problems with plastic doors and windows.