You can wipe off the adhesive tape. Did the tape leave a sticky residue? Choosing the appropriate cleaning method

Adhesive tape called “scotch tape” is often used in everyday life and in production as a packaging material or for joining surfaces. Thanks to the applied adhesive layer, it is easily attached to any objects. The only drawback of adhesive tape is the sticky residue left after removing the tape. It is very difficult to get rid of them. But with the help modern means household chemicals or traditional methods it is quite possible to do this.

Typically, unsightly tape marks remain on cabinets and other items after moving. Doors and drawers are secured with adhesive tape to prevent them from opening. After removing the tape, a noticeable mark remains on the surface. Over time, dust settles on it and a dirty spot forms. To remove such traces use different ways.

Sunflower oil

This is the easiest way to clean furniture and linoleum from dirt. When vegetable oil is combined with glue, the structure of the latter changes and it easily comes off the furniture surface. To remove residual adhesive, simply pour the product onto the contaminated area or apply a rag soaked in oil to it.

After 2 hours, the structure of the glue will change and it will be easily erased an ordinary rag. After this, just wash off traces of oil with warm soapy water. Then there will be no fat left on the surface.


Vegetable oil should not be used on unpainted or unvarnished wood. The oil will be absorbed into it and remain indelible. grease stain.

Instead of regular oil, some housewives use essential oil with their favorite scent. The principle of operation remains the same. The only difference is that after washing away traces of oil, the room is filled with a pleasant aroma.

White Spirit

To effectively clean furniture from dirty marks, use white spirit. Refined gasoline is also suitable for this purpose. Moisten a cotton swab with the chosen product and wipe the tape mark with it until it disappears. White spirit is a solvent. Therefore, it is used with caution on painted or varnished furniture. Together with traces of glue, the furniture's coating may be destroyed. Then a matte stain will remain on the surface. Therefore, before starting work, it is recommended to test how the solvent works in an inconspicuous area.


If the stain is not removed immediately, traces of glue will become firmly attached to the coating after some time. Then they are very difficult to wipe off. To simplify the task, heating with hot air is used. This method is suitable if the furniture is not polished. It is convenient to do this at home using a regular hair dryer. Hot air will soften the remaining glue. Then to complete the cleansing use vegetable oil or solvent.

School eraser

If for some reason you cannot use oil or solvent, use a regular eraser to clean the furniture surface or linoleum. They need to wipe off the sticky residue and brush off the resulting pellets. This product effectively removes fresh traces of tape and old stains. The only inconvenience is that large stains have to be scrubbed for a long time and with effort.

The eraser removes dirt from the tape from different surfaces:

  • plastic;
  • wood;
  • glass;
  • metal

Cleaning plastic windows

Here you will need products that deal with stains on plastic and glass. In most cases, glasses are washed with household solvents, since they are not exposed to chemicals. Laundering agents plastic parts choose carefully, since many of them contain aggressive substances.

Glass cleaning liquid

This product quickly removes glue residue from windows. It is used for glass and plastic parts. Any liquid that contains ammonia. It is better to buy liquids sold in a convenient spray bottle. The liquid is sprayed onto the stain and wiped with a hard sponge. The remains are then removed paper napkin. In addition to window cleaning liquid, car glass cleaner is also used in this way.


This effective solvent will successfully remove stains from adhesive tape on glass. plastic window. To do this, soak a piece of cotton wool in the liquid and wipe the contaminated area with it. Use nail polish remover in the same way.


Acetone can break down some types of plastic. It leaves dull spots on them. Therefore, the window frame is washed with caution.


This liquid can dissolve the remaining adhesive layer from adhesive tape on plastic and glass. It is better to use already purified gasoline, which is used to refill lighters. Apply the product to a cotton pad and wipe the stained area with it. Then wash the traces of gasoline with soap and water.

Gasoline is a highly flammable substance. Therefore, be careful when working with it. After completing the cleansing, the room must be ventilated.

Another tape

This method is very simple. It is based on the fact that the old adhesive composition is combined with a new base. To remove a stain, perform the following steps:

  1. Cut a small piece of adhesive tape.
  2. Glue it over the old stain.
  3. They tear it off sharply.
  4. If the old residues are not completely removed, the procedure is repeated.

This method does not harm glass or plastic surfaces. Its effect can be supplemented by finally removing the stain with vegetable oil or white spirit.


To wipe off adhesive stains from the surface of plastic or glass, regular medical alcohol or alcohol-based solvents are suitable. Soak a rag in the liquid and wash off the stain. With this method old plastic becomes a little lighter, so it can also be used to remove yellowness.

Cleaning powder

You can remove adhesive tape residues from some plastic surfaces using a powder containing abrasive particles. Required area moisten and apply the cleaning agent using a sponge. Then, use gentle movements to wipe away the dirt. If the plastic is soft, abrasive particles may leave scratches on it. Therefore, it is better to first check the effect of the powder on small area.

Special means

In hardware stores you can find special pencils for removing glue residues. They will clean plastic, glass, ceramics, linoleum and other materials. To do this, just run a pencil over the stain and wipe off the residue with a rag.

In addition to pencils, there are liquid products on sale that remove remnants of tape and labels. They come in the form of a spray or liquid in a bottle. The product is sprayed onto the dirt or applied with a cotton swab. After a few minutes, wipe off the residue with a damp cloth.

There are many ways to get rid of sticky stains. Many of them are suitable for cleansing different materials. Therefore, choosing the most effective one will not be difficult.

Scotch tape is an incredibly useful and sometimes even irreplaceable thing, both in household, and at work. However, despite all its positive traits, adhesive tape has its drawbacks and the most noticeable of them is the sticky marks that remain after its use. Over time, dust sticks to the remaining adhesive from the adhesive tape and black spots remain at the place where it was used. We bring to your attention several ways on how to use improvised means to remove glue and tape from plastic windows and glass.

Idea No. 1. Using oil for cleaning
Absolutely any oil is suitable here, be it tea tree oil, mint oil, vegetable oil or sunflower oil. Apply the selected oil with a sponge to the surface with traces of tape, then leave for 10 minutes so that the glue is saturated with oil and swells, and at the end wipe the window with a paper towel.
When choosing an oil, keep in mind that the aroma from it will remain in the room for some time, so it is better to stick with pleasant aromas, for example, citrus essential oils are a great option.

Idea No. 2 . Cleaning plastic on windows with medical alcohol
95% alcohol is suitable for cleaning. It is especially good to use not only for removing tape residues, but also for cleaning yellowed plastic. For cleaning already ingrained plastic surface For stains, medical alcohol is ideal, which should be applied to the plastic using a cotton swab.
But first it’s better to try using an alcohol solution on a small area - plastic different types and density may react differently to this type of impact.

Idea No. 3. Scotch tape vs. tape
Another very simple solution that, thanks to simple manipulations, allows you to remove remaining tape from the window. You should stick a new piece of tape to the surface with the old marks and tear it off sharply. If once is not enough, this procedure must be repeated several times.
This method can be used first and if it does not help, then use alcohol and oil.

Scotch tape is used everywhere in the household. But not everyone knows how to remove glue from tape, which leaves unpleasant marks on things and objects. Scotch tape is made from acrylic or rubber. The specifics of removing adhesive from tape will depend on the material of the surface where the marks were formed.

The main types of tape that usually do not leave marks include:

  • Stationery adhesive tape.
  • With logo.
  • Painting.
  • Mounting thick rubber.

All these types of tape do not leave any traces of glue after application and use.

Glue marks will be present after applying the following varieties:

  • Packaging.
  • Color.

  • Double-sided.

  • Reinforced adhesive tape.

Important! It will be very difficult to clean the glue from these types of tape. Therefore, the use of special tools and techniques will be required.

Removing traces of glue from standard, double-sided masking tape

The easiest way to remove traces of glue from rubber-based adhesive tape. There are different ways to remove glue residue for each type of tape. You also need to take into account the material of the surface that needs to be cleaned.

Metal surfaces

If we talk about how to remove glue from metal surface, then we can distinguish two main effective ways: oil and solvent.

  • If acrylic-based adhesive tape is used, then it is highly likely that contamination will remain on the metal. The easiest way in this case is to use sunflower oil. This product contains fats that change the properties adhesive composition, reduce its stickiness. To clean the surface from glue residues, you just need to pour oil onto the contaminated area and, after waiting a little, remove the oil along with traces of glue with a rag or napkin.
  • You can wash off traces of adhesive from tape from a painted metal surface with an alcohol-based solvent, vinegar, or nail polish remover.

Plastic surfaces

You can wash and remove traces of adhesive from tape from plastic products using an eraser, solvent, or heat.

  • Eraser. A good product for removing adhesive from tape if the marks are new and small. The eraser is suitable for removing adhesive residues from children's toys, household appliances, armchairs, sofas, cabinets, and window structures.
  • Solvent. If the glue is stuck strongly, you can remove it using the same solvents that are suitable for working with metal. It should be taken into account that some types of plastic are not compatible with alcohol compounds and other types of solvents, so before starting cleaning you need to drop a drop of the product onto the surface to see the reaction.
  • Thermal impact. Old and dried glue from plastic is cleaned using heat. IN living conditions you can use a regular hairdryer or table lamp. After heating, you can wipe the glue off the tape using a soap solution.
  • If adhesive traces were formed recently, they can be removed using another tape. You need to choose a better one duct tape so that no new adhesive traces form on the material. To remove dirt, you need to stick a new piece of tape and quickly tear it off. The process of gluing and peeling must be repeated until the traces are completely removed.

If we talk about how to clean traces of tape from plastic, then you should choose the method with an eraser or other adhesive tape.

On video: How to clean plastic windows from tape.

How to remove traces of adhesive tape from natural fabrics and synthetics?

If adhesive stains from adhesive tape appear on textiles, then you need to try to remove them as quickly as possible - once the substance hardens and is absorbed into the structure of the fabric, it will be very difficult to remove it.

Alcohol and acetone compounds

First you need to try to remove traces from textiles using any alcohol or acetone composition. To do this, you can soak a cotton swab or cotton pad in it and generously wipe the stained area with it.

Important! You can use alcohol- or acetone-based cleaning products if the adhesive from the tape has formed on thick textiles or fabrics that are not subject to shedding.

Soap solution, soda solution, washing powder

If traces of tape remain on clothes, then it is recommended to soak them for a short time (no more than an hour) in a basin with soap or soda solution (you can also use regular washing powder). After soaking, try to remove traces of glue from clothing with your hands as carefully as possible.

Important! You should not rub sections of fabric together, because... this can cause the adhesive contamination to penetrate the fabric structure and become ingrained.

Washing machine

If solvents and soap solutions do not help, then you can wash the item normally. washing machine by selecting the appropriate washing mode. It is strongly recommended to wash without spinning, which will allow you to immediately check whether adhesive stains remain on the fabric or not.

Attention! It is not recommended to use kerosene, gasoline or other oil-based solvents if you need to clean fabric from traces of glue, because after using them there will always be grease stains on the textile, which are extremely difficult to remove.

What to do if there are traces of adhesive from the tape on the upholstery or carpet?

Often in such situations, people do not have any difficulties, since traces of tape can be removed from furniture or carpet using specialized cleaning products. Traces of adhesive from tape are usually washed off using popular products: Vanish, Help, Drop of Vox, etc. All cleaning work in this case must be carried out strictly according to the instructions indicated on the packaging with the cleaning agent.

If it is not possible to use special remedy, it is recommended to use solvents. For example, adhesive stains can be removed from furniture upholstery using acetone compounds (for example, nail polish remover), but after treatment, you must thoroughly wipe the material with a rag soaked in a soapy solution.

In some cases, it is possible to remove the upholstery from the furniture, soak it in a basin or wash it in the washing machine. This opportunity is worth taking advantage of, because it is often impossible to completely remove contaminants using a solvent.

How to remove glue residue from glass and mirror surfaces?

To remove traces of glue from plastic windows and other glass/mirror surfaces, it is recommended to use by specialized means, which are used to clean windows. If they are not available, alcohol or acetone compounds can be used as an alternative.

If you need to remove the adhesive from the tape from the mirror, it is recommended to moisten an ordinary kitchen sponge hot water from the tap, apply it to the dirty area for 2-3 minutes, then wipe the soaked dirt with a soft, dry cloth. If this does not help, then you should use sunflower oil.

How to remove tape adhesive from rubber surfaces?

If traces of adhesive tape have formed on the rubber, it is recommended to use Coca-Cola or traditional solvents like 646 or White Spirit. If you don’t have anything like this at hand, then, as in the case of mirror surfaces, you can try to wipe off the adhesive dirt using hot water and a soft, dry cloth.

From linoleum

If you need to remove adhesive traces from linoleum, you can use household cleaning products. These could be: “Sanox”, “Pemolux”, “Pemosol”, etc. The same products can be used if adhesive stains from adhesive tape have formed on other types of flooring (parquet, solid board, plug, etc.).

If you have laminate flooring in your house, then you need to be as careful as possible with it, because the surface of this flooring is laminated, presented in the form of hardened resin. It is sensitive to mechanical stress, so you should not use cleaning products containing abrasive substances when cleaning laminate flooring.

The best option in the case of laminate is to use alcohol solvents and soap solution. It is also not recommended to over-wet the surface of the laminate, as... the material does not withstand moisture well. If the laminate has been heavily wetted, then you need to remove all moisture from it as quickly as possible.

Important! If cleaning products that contain abrasive substances in their composition are chosen for cleaning linoleum, then the work must be carried out as carefully as possible so that floor covering no abrasions occurred.

With polished or laminated surface

Quite often, traces of adhesive tape remain on the polished part of the furniture (table legs, chair legs, elements of armchairs, sofas, etc.). The polished surface is extremely sensitive to mechanical impact, therefore it is recommended to use a soap solution, a regular non-abrasive dishwashing detergent (“Drop”, “Fairy”, “Sorti”, etc.).

Important! If contaminants remain on chipboard products, then you can safely use the traditional Uit Spirit solvent.

From wood

Wooden surfaces are too susceptible to various negative impacts, so you need to work with them extremely carefully. Experts recommend using oil products, household cleaners, or a simple eraser to remove adhesive stains from wood:

  • Oil compositions. If you need to remove glue residue from adhesive tape from wood, it is recommended to use simple sunflower oil or baby cream. Before starting work, you need to treat an inconspicuous area with the selected composition. wooden product to check the reaction.
  • Kitchen cleaning products. Cleaners that come in gel form (such as Cif) usually work well for cleaning wood.
  • Eraser. A regular eraser is also a good solution for removing tape adhesive from wood, glass and other delicate surfaces.

Important! Under no circumstances should you use products containing abrasives to clean wood. This will most likely lead to scratches.

From a painted surface

If the surface is painted water-based paint, then the remnants of the adhesive composition are removed from it with an alcohol solution or hot water. Paint, unlike the adhesive substance of adhesive tape, does not react at all with solvents and does not react to temperature changes, so dirt can be removed in any convenient way.

If after initial treatment no results were obtained, it is recommended to soak the contaminated area for a while with soapy water or water mixed with a cleaning agent. This should help.

From wallpaper

The method for removing adhesive contamination will depend on the type of wallpaper:

  • If the canvases are made of vinyl or silk, and they are not fibrous, then no dirt from the adhesive tape will remain on them.
  • If the wallpaper is paper, then the adhesive from the tape will most likely remain. To clean it, the canvas must first be heated with a lamp or hairdryer, and then wipe the area with a dry cloth. The same can be done with other types of wallpaper.

Work must be carried out extremely carefully so as not to damage the canvas. Special problems usually do not arise with non-woven, vinyl and other types of wallpaper, which have a denser structure than traditional paper products. Paper webs usually very thin, so traces of glue must be removed from them carefully so as not to damage the material itself.

Reading time: 4 minutes. Published 03.11.2018

Scotch tape is a useful invention that you simply cannot do without at home and in production. But this adhesive tape, in addition to many advantages, has one drawback - it leaves various surfaces traces that are quite difficult to remove.

Scotch tape on furniture

How to remove traces of tape on furniture without ruining it? There are several pretty effective ways solutions to this problem:

  • White spirit or gasoline solvent removes glue well from varnished and polished furniture. But these substances can cause stains and leave a persistent unpleasant odor.
  • A safe way to remove tape marks is to heat it with a hairdryer. Subsequently, the dirt is wiped off with a swab dipped in vegetable oil. Wash off oil from furniture with regular soap. It does not damage the coating and does not leave marks or abrasions.

Any essential oil purchased at the pharmacy will help remove glue without special effort. Mechanism of action essential oil consists in violating the adhesive properties of the tape. Sticky marks are wiped off with a dampened cloth, and the oil remaining on the surface evaporates.

  • The easiest way to clean the surface from glue is to use a soap solution and hot water. foam into hot water and moisten the sticky area with it. After a few minutes, the remaining tape is easily removed, and the surface is wiped dry with a cloth.
  • WITH upholstered furniture Traces of tape are removed with acetone. They use it to treat the upholstery, wipe it with a rag soaked in soapy water, and then dry it with a dry cloth.

Scotch tape on plastic

You can remove traces of tape on plastic using the same methods as on furniture:

  • Effective means are White Spirit and refined gasoline. Moisten a cotton swab with the solvent and gently wipe the sticky area with it. It is recommended to first test the effect of the solvent on a small area of ​​plastic.
  • You can remove traces of adhesive tape from plastic using dishwashing gel or vegetable oil.
  • With a lot of effort and patience, you can wipe the glue off the plastic with a regular eraser.

It will help solve the problem and baking soda. It is mixed with a small amount of water until a paste-like mass is obtained, applied to a sponge and wiped off the stains. Finally, wash the surface clean water and dried.

  • You can clean hard plastic surfaces with powder.
  • Special pencils and liquids allow you to remove remaining adhesive tape from household appliances.

Scotch tape on glass

Some housewives seal the cracks in the windows with tape during the winter, but in the spring they cannot completely remove it from the glass.

The simplest and accessible remedy– windshield wiper. It is applied to the sticky area, left for a while, and then wiped off the glass with soft paper.

You can remove the trace left by the tape on the glass with nail polish remover, alcohol or acetone. The smell of the solvent will quickly dissipate, and household chemicals will not damage the glass.

Universal technical aerosols are an excellent tool for removing glue from glass. Currently, there is a special “Label Remover” product on sale that removes adhesive tape well.

Scotch tape on clothes

You can remove traces of tape on clothes with acetone, alcohol or gasoline. A cotton pad is soaked in solvent and wiped over the contaminated area.

If the stain does not come off the first time, repeat the cleansing procedure again. After the glue has completely disappeared, wash the clothes with any detergent. It is better to avoid using vegetable oil, as it will only spoil a good thing.

Before you start cleaning, you need to check all the labels on the clothes so that chemicals do not damage the fabric.

When you have tried all the means and still have a trace of the tape left, you can try to remove it with the same tape. To do this, take a new piece of adhesive tape, stick it on the stain and sharply tear it off.

If the question of how to remove adhesive tape from plastic is being decided, both the helpers and store products. Cleaning methods may be more or less aggressive, and the choice should be made based on the age/severity of contamination. The peculiarity of plastic surfaces is their high adhesion to various substances. This complicates the cleaning process, but if you act consistently, using different types of products intended for such material, you can get the desired result.

Wipe off the double-sided tape

In case of plastic products, you need to act carefully, because this material does not always tolerate the effects of aggressive substances well. You can remove double-sided tape using heat. Use a hair dryer or iron. The second option requires the use of a backing, since in direct contact with a hot surface, part of the adhesive composition will transfer to the sole of the iron, and the plastic may be damaged. Sequencing:

  1. The area to be cleaned is heated in any convenient way for several minutes.
  2. Use a dull knife or spatula to remove the sticky substance.
  3. If the glue strips are difficult to wipe off, you need to decide how to remove them. Are considering different variants: vegetable oil, toothpaste, white spirit, acetone, solvent, gasoline, alcohol. Any of these substances helps soften the adhesive composition. The selected product is applied to a napkin and any remaining dirt is removed.

7 ideas for how to remove tape from plastic

Stains of various types may remain on the surface. This happens when products were used without taking into account the fact of their harmful effects on the material. Since it is not always easy to remove traces of tape on plastic, you need to consider the following methods:

  1. Baking soda. It is taken in any quantity. Add a little water. You need to get a mixture of creamy consistency. The composition is applied to the contaminated area with a rag. Using this method, you can remove traces of adhesive and tape on plastic. If after completing the procedure, contamination is still visible in some places, repeat the steps. When the work is completed, remove the soda from the surface with a damp cloth. Then you need to wipe the plastic dry.
  2. Vegetable oil and soap solution. If you need to know how to remove tape marks, it is recommended to apply a little oil to the contaminated area. This is done using a napkin. The product is left for several hours. It will soften and then remove the glue from the label from the plastic. The greasy film is removed from the surface with a soap solution. It can be prepared using washing powder, any soap or dishwashing liquid.
  3. A stationery eraser or drill attachment with similar properties. The first of these methods is less effective; it will not clean a large area. A drill with an attachment allows you to remove glue from plastic stickers and masking tape. The principle of the eraser is similar to removing pencil marks on paper. In addition, fresh adhesive is difficult to wipe off, since the substance is partially retained on the eraser. This means that it is better to remove the remaining tape from those areas that have been dirty for a long time.
  4. A method that operates on the principle of “knocking out a wedge with a wedge”: apply adhesive tape over the old strip, lightly press it, then sharply remove it. If you do everything correctly, you won’t have to think about how to wipe off the marks from the tape. Contaminants will be removed along with a strip of adhesive tape. This method is not suitable for cases when it is necessary to wipe off dried glue from tape. In this case, there is a high probability that most of the contamination will remain.
  5. When choosing a way to wash off the remaining sticky layer, aggressive agents are also considered, for example, ethyl alcohol, ammonia. Substances are applied with caution, as they can damage the structure of the plastic. You should check how the material will withstand exposure to alcohol. This test is done in an area hidden from view. If plastic window sill was painted, this method cannot be used, because alcohol will remove the layer paint and varnish material. The product is applied to the object, you can rub the contaminated area a little. After getting rid of traces of tape, wipe the surface with a damp cloth.
  6. Solvent and gasoline. These substances are applied pointwise using a cotton swab. This measure avoids deformation of the material structure. For the same reason, it is impossible to fill the entire surface and soak the tape in aggressive agents. You can use purified gasoline, which is used to refill lighters. This substance is less aggressive. In addition, purified gasoline does not leave streaks or traces and evaporates quickly. If the stain has been wiped off, the plastic product can be cleaned with a damp cloth.
  7. Soap solution. This method is suitable for small items (children's plastic toys) because they can be soaked in liquid. The solution is prepared from laundry soap. Water is added in arbitrary quantities. The soap should soften, so add hot liquid. And to remove the tape, use warm solution. If you need to remove traces of glue from the window sill, you can apply more soap foam and leave it to soak. After some time, the liquid is washed off along with the dirt using a sponge.

3 ways to remove traces of glue from a plastic window

If you need to remove old stains remaining after removing the adhesive tape, consider the following methods:

  1. A sponge with a cleaning surface or a metal one, a scraper with a blunt cutting edge, or another object that can be used to easily clean off dried glue residues. Any of these items will remove dirt from plastic windows, but there is a high probability that scratches will appear. To prevent the surface from being deformed, you can wipe off any remaining glue or old tape using some of the products discussed: vegetable oil or soap solution. With these substances it will be easier to wash the plastic with a hard sponge.
  2. Traces of adhesive tape respond well to toothpaste. It is applied to the contaminated area in an arbitrary amount and left for 10-15 minutes. The paste penetrates the structure of the adhesive and breaks it, which facilitates the process of removing contaminants. After some time, wipe off the glue with a dry cloth, then use a damp cloth to treat the surface.
  3. Steam generator. If you are deciding how to remove tape from a plastic window, it is recommended to consider the heat method. At high temperatures, it is much easier to clean objects from dirt, which is based on old stains of adhesive. The steam generator is directed to the area where the tape was recently located; under the influence of a stream of hot air, the glue will soften and it will be easier to remove it using dry or wet wipe. At this stage, any of the above-described means will also be suitable, which will help facilitate the cleaning process.

In an effort to remove adhesive from plastic, you need to remember that you cannot use abrasive powdered substances or compounds containing acid. Both methods can cause surface deformation.

Special chemicals

Cleaning agent can be purchased at the store. Available and effective ones include:

  1. Bingo, Palmyra. The last of these has a weak abrasive effect. For this reason, it should be used when you need to remove tape from inconspicuous areas. With short-term exposure to mildly abrasive compounds, the product does not deform.
  2. Cilit, Mr. Muscle - special compositions for cleaning glass and other surfaces. First, they check how they remove traces of tape from plastic, for which the product is applied to small area where the defect will not be visible in case of failure. If the procedure provides a good result, a larger area is treated. You need to apply the drug and leave for a few minutes. Then it is washed off along with the dirt with a damp sponge.

There is a line of products designed to remove tape and glue residues that linger on plastic after a failed cleaning procedure. The most common options:

  1. Aerosol Scotch remover. The desired area is treated with the composition and after some time the adhesive tape is removed. The special composition is moderately aggressive, so before use you should read the instructions to understand what surfaces it is intended for.
  2. Mellerud works well with all types of tape.
  3. Liquid composition AntiScotch (ChemBox). It is offered in bulk containers, for this reason it is often used in newly built facilities. IN in this case I have to remove the adhesive tape from all the windows. The cost will depend on the volume of container (1-1000 l).
  1. Considering that most of these compounds are characterized by an aggressive action, you should perform work with rubber gloves.
  2. The substance is applied to the surface of the object that needs to be cleaned, or a sponge is first treated. Then they move on to cleaning. It is recommended to treat strictly the area that is contaminated with glue/adhesive tape.
  3. Rinse the sponge periodically to remove adhesive particles. If this is not done, the abrasive layer will become covered with glue and will no longer clean the surface.
  4. On last stage remove washed particles of adhesive and wipe the plastic with a damp cloth.

After using special medications containing aggressive chemical substances, it is recommended to open the window and ventilate the room. This need is due to the fact that volatile compounds are released into the air, high concentrations of which can adversely affect human health. After completing the procedure for removing the tape, you need to inspect the surface.

Sometimes the shade of the plastic changes in the cleaned area. The reason for this lies in the fact that the material is already old, has lost color, and exposure to aggressive agents has led to bleaching. In such cases, it is recommended to return light shade the entire surface of the object.