Sandwich panel for window slopes. How to make slopes from sandwich panels in your apartment

Final stage window installations, door designs- finishing of internal niches in the walls, which can be filled with sandwich panels for slopes. The material looks like a panel consisting of three layers:

    facial - plastic that is safe for health;

    intermediate - foamed polyurethane, polystyrene;

    worker - plastic, similar in composition to the front one.

In addition to finishing openings for translucent structures, such plates are also used for installing partitions, cladding walls, ceilings, and other purposes related to interior finishing work. In order to give the opening an attractive appearance, panels with a thickness of 10 mm are often used. Work surfaces are easily laminated with RENOLIT film in the desired shades that match the color of the frame profile.

Pros and cons of using sandwich panels

    plastic panels;

    plaster mixtures;

    slopes made of chipboard, MDF;

    other materials based on their availability and price.

You can easily list the advantages of using sandwich panels for arranging slopes:

    attractive appearance of the opening (window, door);

    heat preservation indoors due to the foam layer with low heat transfer;

    ease of installation (you can easily cut the panel with a handy tool);

    low weight (when installing a large number of glass blocks does not significantly affect the load on the foundation and load-bearing elements building design, ease of transportation, storage);

    long service life - the outer layers of plastic do not fade or turn yellow in the sun, the minimum service life is 10 years;

    safety - there are no releases of toxic substances that negatively affect human health.

TO negative points include:

    higher price compared to plastic panels for slopes;

    the need to use additional Supplies(initial, finishing profiles);

    low resistance to mechanical damage(the thickness of the outer plastic does not exceed 1 mm).

Installation Rules

If it is not possible to entrust the finishing of the slopes to professionals and the homeowner decides to do this work himself, he will need:

    cutting tools (hacksaw, jigsaw, metal scissors, side cutters);

    drill (perforator);

    screwdriver (electric screwdriver, hand screwdriver for working with self-tapping screws);

    at least 6 m of F-profile, the same amount of initial (U-shaped) profile, depends on the size and type of built-in structure;

    polyurethane foam;

    silicone sealant in the color of the profile;

    measuring instruments (tape measure, ruler).

The window or door installed on the anchors is pre-foamed - carefully filled polyurethane foam all gaps through which cold air, dust, and moisture can enter the room. It is better to postpone installation of slopes until the next day: the foam will swell and harden. After that:

    protruding parts of the foam are cut off with a knife;

    to the edges plastic frame The initial profile is secured with self-tapping screws (on the sides, on top);

    carefully measure the niches that need to be covered with slopes;

    cut off the sandwich panels covering the side slopes;

    insert them into the slots formed by the starting profiles;

    measure, cut and install the upper slope;

    attached to the nearest edges wooden planks up to 1.5 cm thick, necessary for fixing the near edges of the slopes;

    finally fix the slopes from sandwich panels with self-tapping screws;

    F-profiles are measured, cut and placed on the ends of the panels.

Helpful information

Windows play an important role in the aesthetic perception of the interior. Beautiful window blocks give the room neatness, protect from exposure external environment and visually increase the space. Sandwich panels for slopes will help to achieve high decorativeness of window structures plastic windows presented on the pages of the TBM-Market catalog. We offer clients exclusively quality products, which will radically transform the room and make it more comfortable to live in.

Construction of sandwich panels for window slopes

Sandwich panels - comparatively new technology in the construction market, which has already gained widespread consumer recognition. Their unique design has excellent noise and heat insulation properties, and also allows you to quickly and without unnecessary hassle window openings stylish and attractive look.

Based on sandwich panels for window slopes lies the principle of a multi-layer “pie”. Between two plastic sheets there is a dense thermal insulation layer made of extruded polystyrene foam. The thickness of the plates is usually 10 mm, which makes them quite rigid and not susceptible to mechanical damage. The width of the panels varies between 250–1500 mm, so buyers can choose the appropriate option depending on the dimensions of the slope.

Benefits of use

Compared to other finishing materials, window slopes made from sandwich panels have many undeniable advantages:

  • on plastic structures cracks do not appear, as happens on plaster;
  • after installing the panels, there is no need for additional surface decoration;
  • Unlike plasterboard, sandwich panels are not afraid of moisture, so when outdoor installation do not become moldy and are not destroyed by exposure to precipitation;
  • Even a beginner in the construction business can handle the installation of products;
  • plastic is resistant to ultraviolet radiation, does not fade in the sun and does not deform under sunlight;
  • the internal porous layer of sandwich panels for window slopes provides protection from noise from the street and the penetration of cold air into the room;
  • the structures have a long service life corresponding to the service life of the window.

High-quality slopes for windows made of sandwich panels in the TBM-Market store

The TBM-Market company specializes in the sale of high-quality window fittings and offers customers finishing products from both its own Bauset brand and from third-party manufacturers. Our collection includes reliable sandwich panels for slopes on plastic windows, which are distinguished by their versatility, ease of installation and ease of maintenance.

Depending on your preferences, you can choose structures from 1.5 to 3 meters long and up to 1500 mm wide. The presented products are supplied in whole slabs or slices, which will be convenient for both retail and wholesale buyers. Regardless of the size of the purchase, you will certainly be pleased with the favorable purchasing conditions and affordable prices for any types of structures.

To achieve comfortable installation of slopes for plastic windows made of sandwich panels, you can purchase a wide range of auxiliary accessories in our catalog:

  • strips for facing seams in the form of self-adhesive tape;
  • F-shaped and L-shaped profile for decorative finishing corners;
  • PVC corners;
  • fasteners.

If you have any questions about choosing a product, please contact our consultants by phone or online. We will help you choose a suitable sandwich panel design for window slopes and organize its delivery to any destination in Moscow and regions of Russia.

The procedure for finishing slopes is a rather important process on which the quality of window functioning directly depends. Enough popular material Sandwich panels are used to finish the slopes. This is explained, first of all, by their light weight, ease of care and resistance to everyday stress. Let's look at how to independently install slopes from sandwich panels below.

Sandwich panels characteristics and material features

Sandwich panel is a finishing building material that consists of three layers. The top and bottom layers of the sandwich panels have the form of a rigid base, such as plastic, wood, metal, and the inner layer is insulation.

In order to tightly glue all the components of the sandwich panels, two methods are used - cold and hot pressing. There are two options for sandwich panels: wall and roofing.

The scope of use of sandwich panels is most often associated with the construction of prefabricated buildings.

Sandwich panels differ from each other in their main components and in the type of insulation that is placed between the sheets.

Most often, mineral wool is used as insulation for the manufacture of sandwich panels. For its production, molten basalt fibers and their combinations are used. Such panels are excellent for constructing slopes, as they are characterized by high thermal and sound insulation. In addition, they are resistant to mold, mildew, moisture, aggressive substances, temperature fluctuations, etc.

Polyurethane foam panels are also a fairly common option, as they have the following positive characteristics:

  • resistance to insects, fungus and mold;
  • non-flammability;
  • Fire safety;
  • hydro-, heat and sound insulation.

Expanded polystyrene sandwich panels are practically not used for the construction of slopes due to lower sound and thermal insulation characteristics. In addition, this material is less resistant to moisture than previous types of insulation.

The last option is fiberglass sandwich panels. This type of insulation has unsurpassed sound absorption properties. Among the disadvantages, we note instability at high temperatures and the heavy weight of the overall structure.

In relation to the type of material that is located on the outside of the sandwich panel, they are:

1. Made of galvanized steel - the material is easy to use and easy to install, not suitable for making slopes.

3. The use of plasterboard for the manufacture of sandwich panels is clearly suitable for the installation of slopes. This material is easy to handle and easy to finish. Such slopes will look very harmonious.

4. The plastisol coating is also quite durable, since it contains special additives that improve the strength characteristics of the material and its resistance to exposure to adverse conditions. This material is highly resistant to mechanical influences, at the same time, does not contain harmful additives, therefore it is recommended for use both indoors and outdoors.

5. Plastic sheets made of polyvinyl chloride or polypropylene are recommended for use for arranging slopes.

There is a wide variety of sandwich panels in relation to their texture and color.

In addition, this material has the following advantages:

  • ease of operation;
  • light weight;
  • high level of sound absorption;
  • excellent thermal insulation;
  • resistance to moisture, and, accordingly, to fungus and mold;
  • no need for additional finishing;
  • Fire safety;
  • wide scope of use;
  • environmental Safety;
  • wide choose the desired model, colors, shapes and configurations.

But at the same time, sandwich panels have the following disadvantages:

  • instability under enormous loads;
  • instability to scratches.

Slopes made of sandwich panels: advantages and properties

The most important advantage of sandwich panels made of plastic is their 100% resistance to moisture, and accordingly the formation of mold and mildew on their surface is unacceptable. Since the slope area is characterized by the presence of unstable temperatures, due to cold air outside the window and warm air inside the room, condensation in the form of moisture is often present on the slopes. The use of plastic sandwich panels allows the slope to resist condensation. However, plastic sandwich panels do not have insulation inside, since they are filled with ordinary air, so their heat and sound insulation properties are significantly reduced.

If we compare sandwich panels made of plastic with plasterboard, then the latter option certainly loses both in moisture resistance and in weight. A sandwich panel is much easier to install as a slope than plasterboard; in addition, after installing a sandwich panel, there is practically no debris or dirt left.

Using sandwich panels white makes the window visually larger and more attractive, and the ease of care of this material makes it easy to wipe the slopes with a slightly damp cloth.

In addition, working with sandwich panels does not require special tools. All work is carried out quickly and easily. To remove household contaminants, simply wash the slope with soapy water or any detergent.

The price of a sandwich panel for slopes is quite reasonable, considering all its positive characteristics.

If we compare classic plastic slopes with sandwich panels, the first option is more different high stability before moisture, and the second - the best thermal insulation characteristics. Thermal insulation is provided by extruded polystyrene, which fills the space between the plastic panels.

The use of a sandwich panel for arranging the slopes of a metal-plastic window significantly increases its performance characteristics and has a positive effect on the duration of use of the window.

The structure of the panel implies the presence of:

  • J and C-shaped profiles;
  • guide wooden slats;
  • polystyrene as insulation;
  • top decorative panels.

The main function of the C-shaped profile is to secure the panel to the inside of the slope. Thus, the corner in the room does not require additional repairs or finishing after installation of the sandwich panel.

The rail is connected to another profile on which a panel made of plastic is located. Main function insulation is filling the voids in the cavity between the main part of the slope and the plastic panel. Thus, the flow of cold air entering the insulation encounters a barrier and does not penetrate into the room.

Any means that do not contain abrasives are suitable for washing panels. In addition, sandwich panels for slopes are resistant to impact ultraviolet radiation, do not change color during operation and are not able to emit harmful substances during the heating process.

Installation of slopes from sandwich panels: structural features of the material

If we consider design features slopes made of sandwich panels, then they have much in common with plastic slopes. The main components of both slopes are the following:

1. U-shaped profile - called starting; all work on installing slopes begins with this type of profile. It is mounted horizontally and vertically of the window and connects the slope and its other sections.

2. The panel itself is a composite material, inside of which there is insulation in the form of polystyrene or polyurethane, and on the outside it is covered with two plastic panels. Standard thickness the panel most often used for arranging slopes is 2.4 cm. Although its size depends on factors such as the size of the window, the material from which the walls are made, the load, etc.

3. Profile in the form of the letter F - called platband. It has the same shape as the starting profile. However, it has a wide protruding stripe that overlaps assembly seams between the outer corners of the window and the panels.

There are other options for manufacturing and fastening sandwich panels. For example, to fix the front section of the panel, various kinds of fasteners are used in the form of brackets, into which plastic trims in the form of slats are installed.

Installation of slopes from sandwich panels: technology

To carry out work on finishing slopes with sandwich panels you will need:

  • sandwich panel directly;
  • starting U-shaped profile;
  • roof profile;
  • liquid plastic, if available;
  • roulette;
  • stationery knife;
  • self-tapping screws, size 0.25x0.7 cm;
  • screwdrivers;
  • electric drill.

A tape measure will help you measure the width and height of the slope. It is according to these values ​​that three sections should be cut out of the panel, which will correspond to the side parts and the window sill.

If you plan to carry out finishing work on only one slope, then you do not need to buy a whole sandwich panel, just take measurements and order the required size slope directly from the manufacturer.

Using a sharp utility knife, cut off the foam in the slope areas, if any. Pay special attention to the areas located near the end groove, since this is where the starting profile will be installed.

The main factor influencing the quality of work is correct execution pruning. Since it is this process that helps to minimize the gaps between the slope and the surface of the window. First, one section of the side strip is trimmed and installed in the groove. Next is mounted top part profile, for joining, use exclusively factory edges. After installing the top profile, the last side starting profile should be installed.

Then carry out additional sealing of the window blocks. It is this that will help securely secure the starting strip on the slope section. This will require a polyurethane-based sealant. After it has dried, proceed to the next stage of constructing a sandwich panel of slopes with your own hands.

Next, the sandwich panels themselves are installed, pre-cut to the specified dimensions. Please note that the panel cut must be made strictly at a right angle. If this rule is not followed, cracks will form between the slopes, leading to the appearance of drafts and cold bridges.

Installation of the sandwich panel itself is quite simple; to do it, just install the panel into a previously installed profile. First, the side panels are installed, and then the top. There are several ways to fix the panel in the opening. The first one is polyurethane foam, quite convenient option, which will easily and quickly fix the panel. In this case, you need to choose low-deformable foam. Thus, it is not able to create pressure that deforms the slope. Carrying out such fixation requires special experience, since if too large quantities foam, swelling of the slope will occur.

It is possible to fix the panel using self-tapping screws. For these purposes you will need a screwdriver. The second method is more reliable, but less aesthetically pleasing.

The next stage involves the installation of platbands. When fixing the panels with foam, you first need to wait until it hardens. Interior the slope is subjected to making a small incision, then the casing is covered with glue and installed on the wall. Can be used as an adhesive liquid nails.

The last stage of installing slopes is sealing the joint areas between the slopes and the window sill. For this, it is recommended to use silicone of the same color as the slope and window sill.

If the panels were fixed using self-tapping screws, then in order to provide additional sound and heat insulation of the window, the following steps should be performed:

  • temporary dismantling of the F-shaped profile;
  • filling the cavity between the slope and the sandwich panel using polyurethane foam;

  • polymerization of the material;
  • trimming excess;
  • installing the profile in place.

Slopes made from sandwich panels video:

Sandwich panels are good material for finishing facades, walls of premises and slopes, used as office partitions, and are also used in the production of window and door structures. Sandwich panels are able to provide optimal sanitary and hygienic conditions and indoor microclimate, but they are also excellent for finishing external surfaces.

Name Color Unit. Dimensions (m) Cost, rub.
retail (from 1 sheet)
Cost, rub.
wholesale (from 10 sheets.)
Cost large, rub.
wholesale (from 50 sheets)
Sandwich panel 10x1500x3000 PPS White PC. 1.5 x 3.0 1185 948 880
Sandwich panel 24x1500x3000 PPS White PC. 1.5 x 3.0 1792 1536 1425
Sandwich panel 32x1500x3000 PPS White PC. 1.5 x 3.0 1988 1704 1580

Sandwich panels are 3-layer polymer blocks with insulation - a two-component polyurethane adhesive composition. A PVC sheet with a thickness of 1 or 1.5 mm covers the block on one or both sides. Linear dimensions sheet - 1,500 x 3,000 mm. Materials with various properties give the panels special characteristics.

Extruded polystyrene foam (ST) or free foam polystyrene foam (PSV) can be used as insulation. The insulation has grooves on the surface that promote bonding (they allow excess air to escape and improve the mechanical bond of the glue and the surface of the polystyrene foam).

The closed-porous structure gives polystyrene foam unique physical and mechanical properties:

  • low weight;
  • low thermal conductivity,
  • resistance to temperature influences;
  • big mechanical strength for tension and shear;
  • low moisture absorption.

Main types of products produced

Sandwich panels for windows and doors:



panels, mm

covers, mm

Width, mm

Length, mm


Sandwich panels for slopes:



panels, mm

covers, mm

Width, mm

Length, mm


Types of outer plastic:
G - glossy; M - matte; T - hard

Technical characteristics of sandwich panels


With thickness of extruded polystyrene foam filler
(ST), mm

With thickness of expanded polystyrene foam (PSV) filler, mm

Test methods

Compressive strength at 10% linear deformation. MPa, no less clause 4.4. GOST 15588
Bending strength. MPa, no less clause 4.4. GOST 15588
Water absorption over 24 hours, % by volume, no more clause 4.4. GOST 15588
Strength of adhesion between layers with uniform tear-off. Kgs/cm 2, not less clause 4.5. GOST 22695
Thermal conductivity in a dry state at (25+/-5) C. W / (m 2*o K), no more clause 4.6. GOST 7076

Sandwich panels GG, MM (white)

On both sides the panel is lined with solid sheets of hard PVC with a matte or glossy surface. Three-layer panels MM (matte double-sided) and GG (glossy double-sided) are used primarily for the installation of windows and doors, and are used as the outer surfaces of enclosing elements in offices, shopping pavilions, billboards.

Sandwich panels GT, MT (for slopes)

Sandwich panels for slopes are all used a large number manufacturers of plastic windows for complex finishing of window openings. Methods and schemes for insulation are different, but almost all of them require a lot of time and labor. The TALAN company offers you a simple and effective solution- sandwich panels for finishing slopes with one or two lined surfaces. You can choose plastic that completely matches the texture and color of the window profile. The products have the following dimensions:

  • thickness - 10 mm;
  • width - 1,500 or 1,540 mm;
  • length - 2,000 or 3,000 mm.

These dimensions allow for precise and accurate cutting and subsequently avoid joints when installing on slopes.

Panels for finishing GT (MT) slopes are covered with a glossy or matte PVC sheet on one side only, and on the other they are lined with a hard and durable material.

PVC sandwich panels and corrugated sheets

Easy to install, inexpensive and high-tech materials - The best decision for finishing residential and commercial premises and building facades. These materials include corrugated sheeting and sandwich panels for PVC slopes. Let us characterize each of these materials.

PVC sandwich panels

They are a structure of three layers: the outer ones are rigid polyvinyl chloride sheets, and the inner one is extruded or free-foamed polystyrene foam. All three layers are firmly and reliably glued together with a one-component polyurethane glue. Sandwich panels are used for finishing window-door panels and slopes, making partitions in offices and solving a number of other similar problems. The following main qualities determine the great popularity of the material:

  • low weight;
  • durability;
  • vapor tightness;
  • simplicity and speed of installation;
  • resistance to mechanical stress;
  • good noise insulation properties;
  • beauty.

Corrugated sheet

Corrugated sheets are embossed sheets of galvanized steel. Additional polymer coating gives the material increased resistance to physical and chemical influences, as well as excellent aesthetic characteristics.

Currently, corrugated sheeting is extremely popular as a roofing and cladding material. The corrugated sheet covering can be one of the colors presented in the RAL table. This variety gives the material ample opportunities for use in individual construction. Also, using corrugated sheeting, you can successfully create and finish roofs of almost any geometric complexity, erect fences, cladding walls and much more.

Hi all! In this article we’ll talk a little about finishing the window unit after installing a double-glazed window. Namely, about finishing slopes with plastic sandwich panels.

This is a fairly budget-friendly, versatile and attractive finishing method that even a housewife can do.

Windows must fully perform their functions. A comfortable microclimate in the house is created after high-quality sound and heat insulation of window structures.

To achieve this goal, they are installed on the windows. How to make slopes on plastic windows? Very simple - you can do it this work yourself, or you can hire professionals to help.

Slopes are the inner walls of the window opening niche. Finishing various materials or plastering of internal and external slopes is an integral part of window installation. The opinion that by foaming the window you have solved the problem of thermal insulation of the house is wrong.

Foam that is not protected by slopes quickly picks up moisture and then breaks down. Slopes not only provide the room with the necessary insulation, but also give the window a finished look.

The design of the entire house or apartment depends on the aesthetic appearance of the window opening. The slopes also protect the installation seams, which prevents the windows from fogging up.

Types of slope finishing for plastic windows

The list of main services of companies installing metal-plastic windows includes measurement, installation, etc. Next, the customer independently decides what slopes there will be.

There are several types:

  • plastering;
  • plasterboard;
  • plastic;
  • metal;
  • from foam plastic;
  • wooden.

Let's take a closer look at the most common of them.

Plaster slopes

The construction of these slopes takes place in several stages. To increase adhesion, the surface is first treated with a primer.

Then several layers of plaster are applied, each of which must be allowed to dry.

Plaster is the cheapest, but ineffective way to finish slopes, since the lack of heat-insulating properties of this finish leads to hypothermia and further fogging of the windows.

The plaster is applied using a mesh, and the gap between the window and the plaster must be sealed with silicone.

Plasterboard slopes

When installed correctly, plasterboard slopes will delight you with quality, aesthetic appearance and durability. Proper insulation with mineral wool or foam will create high thermal insulation properties of slopes.

After installation, the drywall is primed and puttied. The paint is applied last after the previous layers have dried. Remember, drywall is very sensitive to moisture. Therefore, they are not recommended to finish the external slopes of PVC windows, but they can install such slopes on the balcony if it is glazed and insulated.

Finishing window slopes with plastic is the most versatile option. Ease of installation, reliable design, high noise and heat insulation qualities combined with an attractive appearance are the main advantages of not only internal but also external plastic slopes.

Sheet plastic slopes are often replaced with sandwich panels. Installing slopes made of this material is an excellent option for cladding the sides of window openings.

The three-layer panel consists of two external decorative layers of plastic and internal insulation. Extruded polystyrene foam is used as the internal thermal insulation layer.

The big advantage of this material is the huge selection of color shades. It will not be difficult to choose a panel to match any window color. The structure of sandwich panels is very similar to the surface of plastic windows, so additional decoration with plastic slopes is not required.

To install slopes from sandwich panels with your own hands, it is enough to have the desire, or better yet, a little experience in carrying out this work and following the technological instructions. Purchasing sandwich panels almost ready-made will greatly speed up and simplify their installation.

Foamed PVC panels are also used to finish window slopes. Thanks to its porous structure, this material creates additional thermal insulation of the room, does not deform due to temperature changes and does not delaminate due to prolonged heating. Let's take a closer look at independent PVC installation slopes on plastic windows.

Do-it-yourself installation of PVC slopes

Like all construction works, installation of plastic slopes begins with preliminary preparation, during which the materials and tools necessary for this work are purchased.

What materials and tools are needed:

  • Plastic for slopes with a thickness of at least 8 mm.
  • U-shaped starting line made of plastic.
  • F-shaped plastic profile.
  • Insulation material: mineral wool, polyurethane foam.
  • Wooden slats.
  • Drill for self-tapping screws.
  • Building level.
  • Roulette.
  • Putty knife.
  • Cement mortar.
  • Long screws - 95 mm, self-tapping screws - 4.5 mm.
  • Painting knife.
  • Silicone sealant.
  • Metal scissors.
  • Construction stapler.

If during installation metal-plastic window cracks have formed on the street side and need to be sealed with cement mortar. This procedure is necessary to protect the polyurethane foam from harmful sun rays and seal the external assembly seams.


As a rule, renovation of an apartment begins with the replacement of old ones and the subsequent installation of slopes for new plastic windows.

There are several options. In this article we will look at how to make slopes from sandwich panels with your own hands. The photographs in the article clearly reflect the course of action.

Preparing for work

To install plastic slopes from sandwich panels you will need:

  • sandwich panel;
  • “P” profile (starting);
  • “F” profile (slope cover);
  • liquid plastic (optional);
  • roulette;
  • sharp knife;
  • self-tapping screws 2.5x7mm;
  • screwdriver, drill or screwdriver.

Using a tape measure, you need to measure the length and width of the slopes. Taking this data into account, three strips are cut out of the sandwich panel: the top (parallel to the window sill) and two side strips.

One caveat: if you plan to finish just one slope in panel house, then in order to reduce costs, the strip required sizes can be purchased from the seller without purchasing the entire sandwich panel sheet.

Using a sharp knife, carefully cut off the excess layer of polyurethane foam around the perimeter of the plastic window block. It should be borne in mind that the work is carried out after the foam has completely dried, that is, at least a day must pass from the moment the window is replaced.

Fastener "P" profile

A starting profile is cut according to the dimensions of the slopes, resembling the letter P in cross-section. It is attached using self-tapping screws exactly along the edge of the window profile.

The distance between the screws is approximately 10-15 cm. In this case, first of all, the profile should be installed at the top, while the side elements are brought close to the top, leaving no gaps.

A nuance: it is possible to install slopes using a sandwich panel without using a starting profile. In this case, the strips of sandwich panels are inserted closely behind window profile 1 cm deep with step-by-step foaming of the niche to fix the slope. This process is more labor-intensive than using a “P” profile, but the result is more aesthetically pleasing.

Installation of strips of sandwich panels

The top panel is inserted into the starting profile already secured with self-tapping screws.

After this, 4 more parts of the starting profile are cut off, the length of which is determined by the width of the slopes. The segments are inserted into the side starting profile at the top and bottom on both sides, secured with self-tapping screws to the top of the sandwich panel and to the window sill, respectively.

Nuance: most masters specializing in these types finishing works, exclude this stage. In this case, the sandwich panel strips simply adjoin the top strip and the window sill.

The gap at the joints closes special means– liquid plastic, which, when hardened, acquires the same characteristics as ordinary plastic. There are also negligent workers who use regular sealant, and after a short time the slopes lose appearance: joints treated with sealant darken and become dirty.

Any of these two methods reduces work time and material consumption, and has its supporters and opponents. Therefore, the choice of option is a matter of taste.

The process of working with the panel on the other side is completed in a similar way. As a result, the plastic slope is almost ready, and all that remains is to give the appearance to the outer sections.

The last stage of installing slopes made of sandwich panels

To give a finished look plastic slope use an “F” profile, or, as it is also called, a slope cover.

The profile is cut into strips of the required length, based on the following calculations: slope length + profile width for the side parts and slope length + 2 profile widths for the upper slope.

It is advisable to leave a length greater than required, since in the end the excess will still be cut off, but a shortage of even one centimeter will require a complete redo.

Using a ruler and pencil, mark a cutting line along which the excess edging is trimmed. The result is neat right angles.

Nuance: for many slope installers this stage is the final one. However, it is preferable to fill the niches between the sandwich panels and the wall with foam. To do this, the “F” profile prepared for installation is temporarily dismantled.

The voids are filled with foam, the next day the excess is carefully cut off, and the slope covers (“F” profile) are returned to their places. This creates additional heat and sound insulation in the apartment.


Window slopes made of sandwich panels are a three-layer panel in which the two outer layers are decorative plastic, and the inner layer is insulation (expanded polystyrene).

The material used as insulation can be of two types - free foam or extruded polystyrene foam.

The plastic used for cladding sandwich panels has big choice color palette, so choosing a panel to match the color of your window will not be difficult. Plastic sandwich panels are considered the most optimal choice for cladding window slopes.

With this finish wooden window it will look attractive, will not freeze even in severe frost, and condensation will not accumulate on the window. Today there are several ways to finish window slopes, and these are considered the most popular: plaster slopes; plasterboard finishing; slopes made of sandwich panels.

And as mentioned above, it is the latter method that is most popular. What is this popularity based on? And the answer lies on the surface - slopes made of sandwich panels have many advantages.

Advantages of window slopes made of sandwich panels

  • Thermal insulation - due to the presence of insulation, sandwich panels have good thermal insulation properties;
  • No special additional tools are required for their installation;
  • Do not rot;
  • They tolerate temperature changes well;
  • Durability;
  • They have soundproofing properties;
  • Moisture resistant;
  • With not much weight, excellent strength;
  • Easy to care for - just wipe regularly with a damp cloth.

Just like any other finishing material, sandwich panels for slopes also have disadvantages.

Disadvantages of slopes made of sandwich panels

  • Can't stand it too high temperatures, while changing color and deforming;
  • If exposed to ultraviolet rays for a long time, they may lose their whiteness;
  • Inconvenient to transport, sandwich panels are produced big size(3 meters by 1.5), so they have to be cut on site or ordered delivery.

Dimensions of sandwich panels for window slopes

Such panels for slopes are produced in several sizes. Panel thicknesses of 10, 24 and 32 mm are considered standard. Some companies produce sandwich panels with a thickness of 6, 8 or 16 mm. The size of the panels in width and height is 3 by 1.5 m or 3 by 2 m.

The maximum size of sandwiches is 3 x 2 m, this is due to the size of the plastic sheets produced and the pressing machines on which they are glued together.

Stages of installation of slopes made of sandwich panels

At the first stage, the window slopes are cleaned of dirt and all voids are sealed. Then measurements of the slope and cutting of the panels are made, after which they proceed to installation.

First, the slope is fixed on top of the window, the starting “U” or “J” shaped profile is attached using self-tapping screws.

The panel is then inserted into the profile with a slight slope. The gap between the jumper and the sandwich panel is filled with polyurethane foam. Using liquid nails, the front part of the slope is attached to the opening. The side window slopes are also installed.

After installing slopes made of sandwich panels, your windows will take on a finished look, and your home will delight you with warmth and comfort.

Cost of sandwich panels for window slopes

The price of such panels is quite affordable, so almost everyone can afford window slopes made from sandwich panels. One panel measuring 1500 x 3000 x 10 mm will cost an average of 800 - 900 rubles.

If you order the installation of slopes from a company, then installing a slope made of sandwich panels will cost around 500 rubles per square meter.

Today there is a lot of talk about the dangers of some building materials and one of them is polystyrene. And many are trying to explain their reluctance to use Decoration Materials from plastic in that it releases substances harmful to health, while drinking water from plastic glasses, which was boiled in a plastic kettle, eating food packaged in plastic.

Of course, all this is harmful, but we have been living surrounded by plastic for a long time and therefore it is up to you to decide whether to install slopes for windows made of sandwich panels or not.