What color to choose for the walls in the apartment. Wall color in the living room: good options for home and apartment

Whatever style the room is decorated in, the central color load is carried by the walls. In fact, the interior design begins with them. Walls are responsible for psychological comfort, the degree of illumination, and harmonious combination all interior elements. What is it, the right palette of paints for walls, what are its secrets and what should be taken into account so as not to make a mistake in choosing.

Wall paint: individual color features

The basis of the spectrum, which is familiar to human vision, is the rainbow, which is familiar to us. A delightful natural phenomenon consisting of seven starting sectors of color. The desire of any of them for lightness leads to the appearance of white, while going into darkness produces black. At each of these stages, new shades are born that are widely used by people in their homes. There is even a whole science, colorimetry, that studies color. But we will not dive into complex scientific research and consider the palette of colors more sublimely, using the practice of Feng Shui.

Since the rainbow is the spectral middle, their properties also apply to the shades of colors. Here are the explanations Feng Shui gives them:

  • Red(coral, burgundy) is the energy of life. It stimulates and excites, attracts the eye and enhances passion. Its positivity is rebirth, dynamism, creation and gratitude. Negativity is expressed in destruction, cruelty, violence, stubbornness and shamelessness. The interior is easily perceived by energetic people leading an active lifestyle.
  • Orange (tangerine, honey, amber) is the color of optimism, good nature, sociability and freedom. Positivity is expressed in mercy, tolerance, generosity. An excellent option for rooms where people often communicate. It promotes openness and goodwill.
  • Yellow(cream, fawn, lemon) - this is laughter, joy, rebirth and love. Has a positive effect on mental capacity helps a person to concentrate. Ideal for decorating a schoolchild's or student's room. The main thing is not to overdo it with saturation, otherwise negative signs will appear in the form of talkativeness, critical views, and absent-mindedness.
  • Green(mint, light green, pistachio) - this is absolute harmony. Symbolizes life, freshness, peace, balance. Universal for any room.
  • Blue(sea wave, azure, lavender) - associated with cold, but also brings peace, wisdom, balance. In the negative there is complacency and superstition. Indicated for the interior of bedrooms and lounges.
  • Blue(indigo, electric blue, aquamarine) – the color of independence, justice and devotion. Organic as color accents, when saturated it causes depressing feelings. Gives the interior seriousness and respectability.
  • Violet(purple, heliotrope, lilac) is a power that raises kindness, wisdom and love to their highest manifestations. We love people who are creative and prone to mysticism. Often used in the interior of bedrooms and personal offices.

Choosing the right paint color for the walls is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. It is necessary to rely not only on the feeling of comfort of a particular color, but also on many other circumstances, including the compatibility of colors, the size and purpose of the room. Below we will look in more detail at the nuances of choosing paint colors.

A little color theory

There are three types of colors: primary, compound and additional. Primary colors include red, yellow and blue. Composite colors are (for example, pink). Complementary colors are achromatic colors: black, gray and white.

Contrast is a sharp contrast of colors, expressed in noticeable combinations. When two contrasting colors are placed next to each other, they highlight and enhance each other. Examples of significant contrasts are red-green or blue-orange combinations. There are special tables indicating the contrast of colors in relation to each other.

Color theory chart

Colors are warm (yellow, green, red) and cool (blue, purple). Warm tones are associated with summer warmth, fire and sun, and cold ones - with cold, gray sky and depth. However, this division is rather arbitrary, since it is largely based on the emotional perception of a particular person.

General rules

When choosing a color, you should adhere to a number of simple rules:

  1. First of all, you need to correlate the chosen color with a specific room. It is especially important to consider the strength and nature of the lighting, since light can significantly distort the color of the coating.
  2. The maximum number of flowers in a room is three. If you exceed this norm, the room will seem too colorful. It should be noted that the shades are not included in the specified standard, but black, white, chrome colors will look organic in any color scheme, since they do not appear as independent colors, but rather as their absence.
  3. You should decide on the main color that will dominate the range.
  4. Bright colors are usually not worth using to paint large areas. Brightness is more suitable for highlighting small details.
  5. You can make a monochromatic surface more varied not only multi-colored paints, but also texture. For example, if you process the same paint with different types of rollers, you will get an interesting patterned coating.
  6. Adjacent rooms will be perceived as a continuation of each other if they have at least one identical design element. If you place moldings that are equally colored on both sides between multi-colored rooms, adjacent rooms will be more harmoniously combined with each other.

  1. The color scheme should not be discordant with the ceiling. The best option- painting the ceiling with the same paint as used for the walls, however, in a lighter tone.
  2. You should not choose a color based on the fact that the room is empty. Out of touch with furniture, carpets, textiles and decorative elements right choice impossible to do.
  3. It's difficult to make the right choice while in the store. Surely the rack will be illuminated by fluorescent lamps, which will distort the true tone of the paint.
  4. The same paint composition will look different on various surfaces. For example, on a smooth surface the paint will appear lighter, on a rough surface it will appear darker, and on a matte surface it will appear warmer. Moreover, the matte surface can add warmth even to cold tones. Polished finishes impart freshness even to hot colors (for example, red).
  5. To add brightness to the room, you can paint adjacent walls in sharply contrasting colors.
  6. Usually walls serve only as a background for interior items. However, you can take a different route, making the walls the main design element, and furniture and other elements only an addition to the main theme.

Note! During sunset and dawn, the light spectrum differs significantly. The difference between natural and artificial lighting is even more noticeable. For example, a fluorescent lamp gives a yellow tint, while dawn lighting gives a soft pink tint.

Color perception

To decide what color to paint the walls, you need to understand that each color carries an emotional component and unconsciously evokes a certain reaction in a person.

For example:

  1. White color makes the room feel more spacious and voluminous. However, the significant presence of white creates a feeling of complete dominance. In addition, large-scale white surfaces do not correspond to the concept of comfort, are quite boring and create the atmosphere of a government-owned, for example, office space.
  2. Red is the color of aggression, passion, anxiety. It has been proven that red surfaces help increase human metabolism and also stimulate sexual arousal. You can’t overdo it with red, otherwise a person will quickly get tired in such a room.
  3. Blue and green color and they look very natural, as they resemble water, leaves and the sky. The abundance of such tones gives a calming and relaxing effect. Green and blue are ideal for bathroom decor. It is also worth noting that, despite the relaxing effect, green color helps to concentrate.
  4. Yellow tones are a great option for a living or dining room. They have the same beginning with sunlight and give a feeling of security, without having a soporific effect.
  5. Gray and brown allow you to focus. The brown palette looks noble, expensive and elegant.
  6. If the color range of paints contains Orange color, the body receives a positive emotional charge. However, if you overdo it with orange, a person falls into a drowsy state.
  7. Purple promotes mental work while relaxing nervous system. The color is considered especially suitable for decorating children's rooms.
  8. Black color can be perceived as a source of danger and depression, but when used in moderation, it gives the room solidity and solemnity.

If you need a comfortable, relaxed atmosphere, it is better to prefer warm neutral tones: peach, cream, yellow, milky coffee, lilac, etc. If the goal is to create an interior that is invigorating, it is recommended to choose more energetic tones: green, red, orange, royal blue or pink. Cool colors such as blue, white, and emerald will bring coolness to the interior.

Room dimensions

With the right selection of colors, you can adjust your perception actual sizes rooms.

Basic Rules:

  1. For a small room (for example, a kitchen), it is advisable to choose light colors and bright artificial lighting - this will visually enlarge the space.
  2. If the ceiling is too low, you can paint it White color, causing him to appear taller. Light-colored ceiling plinths will help enhance the effect.
  3. High ceilings also create a feeling of discomfort for many people. Will help correct the situation dark ceiling in combination with light walls. Moreover, this can achieve a double effect: the ceiling will appear lower and the area of ​​the room larger. The desired effect can be further enhanced by using appropriate lighting.
  4. Cool colors best help visually expand a room: green and blue. A pale blue tone is particularly effective at creating the impression of a higher ceiling.
  5. The wall will appear taller if you paint the ceiling moldings in a similar color.
  6. IN small spaces Too contrasting solutions should be avoided.
  7. If the room is too small, you should not paint the walls or decorate them with eye-catching elements, as this will only emphasize the cramped space.
  8. In large rooms it is recommended to use deep and dark colors.
  9. If you need to visually reduce space, use yellow, red or orange colors.

Additional factors when choosing a color

Before you decide what color to paint the walls, you should ask yourself a number of questions:

  1. Do you travel often? Perhaps something you saw during your trip will inspire you to create a specific color palette.
  2. Do you have a hobby? Using a background associated with a hobby (a green golf course, White snow on the ski slope), will give the room additional comfort.
  3. Do you like to spend your leisure time in an apartment or house? If so, then perhaps you should think about calm, pastel colors.
  4. Do you spend a lot of time at work? Keep in mind that white walls are easily soiled and require careful care.
  5. Does work often bring stress? Flashy bright colors do not contribute to peace of mind.
  6. Do you have small children? Calm midtones appeal to children and do not have a stimulating effect on their psyche.

Choosing colors depending on the room

  1. Living room. If you like to watch movies, it is recommended to use deep tones - they will help create the feeling of a cozy cinema. If the room is often used for games, you can add a wow factor, i.e. use elements that attract special attention (for example, accent wall or decorative painting). Deep red or orange tones are conducive to conversation.
  2. Dining room. To give the room a formal atmosphere, gilded moldings are suitable, but this applies more to a dining room with banquet functions. Neutral, muted tones are more suitable for a family atmosphere.
  3. Bedroom. Most often, the greatest comfort can be achieved with pastel colors.
  4. Bathroom. As mentioned above, best colors for this room - green and blue. However, women who apply makeup in the bathroom should take into account that the color green disrupts the perception of complexion when displayed in the mirror.
  5. Kitchen. On light walls traces of dirt are more noticeable. The blue tone reduces the feeling of hunger.

The tips above will help you deal with correct selection colors. The most important recommendation is to take your time when choosing a color palette, not to succumb to the momentary mood and approach the choice systematically, taking into account all possible factors.

The apartment or house in which a person lives is a separate little world, where it has its own character, a set of feelings and emotions, which together influence all spheres of life of their household. Therefore, it is very important in the process of planning future repair work determine a palette of colors and shades that will decorate all the walls of the home.

Colors in the interior work real miracles, because in addition to the fact that different shades have different effects on a person’s psycho-emotional state, they can also change the proportions of rooms, divide them into functional areas, and simply create a certain feeling from visual perception.

Features of choice

To make it easier to decide what color to choose for the walls, you need to soberly evaluate all the features of the room. Here you need to take into account the size of the room with the height of the ceilings, the lighting, and the presence of any defects in the form of cracks, protruding beams, etc.

When choosing a color scheme for a room, you should know that there are 3 options for combining the color of the walls in the interior:

  • similar colors are combined, for example, blue and sky;
  • a combination of tones of different saturations of one a certain color, for example, turquoise and indigo blue;
  • contrasting duets.

There are also some tricks when working with the color wheel. So dark tones perfectly hide any defects and imperfections of surfaces, while at the same time visually making the room smaller.

A light palette increases the area, filling the room with light and lightness. But multicolor can overload the space. Here it is important to choose one dominant shade, and the rest should be a harmonious complement to it.

As for the illumination of the room, for areas facing the darker northern side it is better to choose light colors. Whereas the colors of the walls in the interior of southern rooms can be chosen from a bright, intense palette of tones.

A very important note is that the same shade looks on different surfaces differently. On smooth textures the paint looks lighter, on rough textures it looks darker. On matte canvases the color appears warm, while on polished ones it appears cold.

If there are any doubts before covering the walls with paint, then it is advisable to test coloring small area surface to ensure the correct choice.

Basic combinations

Charcoal is a universal color. It goes well with all shades. The most best companions for black, it is traditionally snow white, rich red, shades of green, lemon and orange.

Red is considered a shade of passion and activity. It harmonizes perfectly with snow-white, charcoal, yellow, gray and green.

Lemon – tones the body and strengthens the nervous system. Goes well with sky, blue and lilac.

The color of greenery is fresh and inspiring. Combines with a golden brown background, run.

Blue is associated with infinity, the depths of the sea or the expanse of heaven. Helps increase concentration. Harmonizes with steel, yellow and purple.

Room decoration


The designers claim that it is the hallway that conveys the full impression to guests about the owners of the apartment. To decorate it, you can safely choose shades that inspire confidence, namely the color of dark cherry, copper, “mahogany”.

With the correct placement of accents, such a palette will not affect visual perception small corridor space.

Saturated shades need to be diluted light colors. Beige will match so perfectly, snow-white details with selected bright colors. A dark background, complemented by a large mirror of strict shapes, will seem endless.

It is also important to arrange furniture correctly without cluttering narrow hallway. To do this, you should limit yourself to a stylish steel hanger.


To decorate wall surfaces in the bedroom, it is advisable to use halftones. Smoky, slightly blurred shades will help you set the mood for rest and relaxation. Here it is appropriate to use a snow-white background in combination with soft purple, lilac and heavenly shades.


This room should set the mood for awakening and activity, because this is where household members meet after morning awakening. Combinations with juicy lemon, pink and orange tones will completely drive away drowsiness.

Stylization and coloring

Stylization also influences the choice of wall color. Thus, minimalism is characterized by cold tones in the form of pale sea, snow-white. Very often used in minimalist interiors grey colour walls

Baroque is distinguished by its multi-layered nature, so the finishing palette can contain 3 shades at once. For walls, as a rule, noble red and golden colors, emerald and natural brown are chosen.

For antiquity, the characteristic tones are beige, azure, olive and snow-white. This calm palette is complemented by plaster decor in the form of frescoes and stucco.

Modern style gives you the right to choose any shade for decorating wall surfaces. Modern design walls in the interior is considered to be painting one contrasting wall with a different color from the general background.

The main thing here is to choose this combination wisely. For example, a coal wall can visually lengthen a room, while an orange surface, on the contrary, brings the distant part closer.

A competent selection of color palettes for painting walls will help achieve complete comfort in the perception of the living space.

Photo of wall colors in the interior

A skillful designer saves the customer a lot of money by using paints instead of expensive decor. And an inept person can reduce any budget to cacophony. Let's figure out how to be like the first one with the home improvement portal Houzz.ru.

Fall into white spaces

White walls are a trend that came along with the fashion for minimalism and Scandinavian style. White is a universal color; it expands any room, adding light and air to it. If you get carried away by this color, you can easily find yourself in a lifeless interior that requires constant cleaning. Do not overuse: either a white background or white accents. Colored details, furniture, accessories, natural textures will dilute the emptiness and fill it with life.

Consider a beige background to be good

Insecure people subconsciously strive for compromise when choosing a color. Hence the popularity of “beige”: light (but not white), warm and discreet. The color, which seems universal, makes the interior dull, devoid of character, reminiscent of an office and a hotel. Design stylish interior It’s difficult in beige tones; you will need to choose bright - red, yellow, blue - accents for a specific shade and depth of beige. Advice: the more modest the palette, the richer and more varied the textures should be.

Confusing "white" with white

Snow-white interiors look cold even with bright details. And if there is not enough sun, then it is also gray - not at all like in the picture in the magazine. In interior design, “white” means a dozen shades: “cream”, “baked milk”, “ Ivory", "Arctic snow", etc. They differ in the admixtures of other colors. For example, in traditional Scandinavian interior the walls are painted not boiling white, but “Stockholm white” (Stockholmsvit), where a little gray and yellow pigment is mixed. The result is a warmer shade.

Consider that ceiling and white are synonymous

If you paint the ceiling the same color as the walls, you can visually expand the room, since the boundaries of the space dissolve. In the case of dark tones, this technique will create the feeling of a cozy box. This technique requires caution only with bright colors: a closed space has a strong impact on the psyche. You can even paint the ceiling a contrasting or bright color with neutral walls, especially if you have a room with disproportionately high ceilings.

Create an interior in different shades of the same color

By relying on monochrome, you deprive the space of volume, depth and pleasant complexity. The exception is the magical gray color, but even that is not for everyone. Try to keep it varied. Add contrasting accents. Play with the undertones of your favorite color: combine a strongly bleached pastel shade with a rich dark or expressive bright one.

Act according to the principle of “everything equally”

The opposite error is to select good combinations flowers and saturate the space with them equally. The result is diversity instead of harmony. Stick to a percentage ratio of 60/30/10 for the main color, secondary color and others.

Use one contrasting item

If you bought a beautiful bright red sofa to go with the soft blue walls, add a few more small orange accessories to the rest of the room, otherwise the sofa will fall out of context and look alien and out of place. This is called "maintain color." It is better to break up the color spot itself with small details of other colors, primary or secondary: this way it will fit better into the decor.

Use pure colors in contrasts

Using contrasting combinations - a win-win. Red will always look expressive with green, yellow with purple, and blue with orange. But contrast itself is such an expressive technique that it can easily tire. Let one of the colors be more saturated than the second, whitened or darkened. This will soften the effect and help avoid intrusiveness.

Ignore the color of the floor

When thinking about the color palette of the interior, many people forget about the floor. And in vain: it accounts for about a quarter of the space that we see. This is especially true for large rooms.

Ignore lighting

The same apartment in Valencia and Murmansk will need completely different color schemes. Northern lovers of Provence suffer the most from this injustice. Soft pastel colors, so gentle and refreshing when bright sunlight, without it they become faded, cold and boring. There is one rule here: the cloudier the region, the warmer and more saturated colors in the interior.

Consider red to be warm and blue to be cold

Common mistakes also involve incorrect assessment of color warmth. Red, yellow and orange are definitely on the warm side of the spectrum, while blue, violet and green are considered cool. Everything is more complicated. Each color has warm and cool versions. Red with an admixture of purple - blackberry, berry, magenta - is colder, and those close to orange tones - scarlet, cinnabar - are much warmer. The same goes for traditionally cool blues: turquoise and sea green are warmer than sky and steel shades. Green is generally a multifaceted color, easily transitioning into both warm and cool shades.

Mix warm and cool shades of the same color

More precisely, this can be done, but it is difficult: you need to take into account proportions, combinations of each shade with other colors. In most cases, the result is disharmony. If you have doubts that the item falls into the desired color temperature, it is better not to risk it and choose a contrasting or neutral color. This solution will definitely be more successful than, for example, grassy green against a background of cold mint shades.

Abuse pure colors

The purer the color, the more intrusive it is. Voiced bright colors They are good in the nursery, in the kitchen and in the bathroom - and then in a reasonable dosage. In other cases, it is better to prefer complex mixed colors with the addition of black or gray (darkened, dusty) and white (bleached, pastel). This interior looks nobler and more mature. Pure, bright color usually requires a neutral background and a strict, minimalist setting.

Make large areas bright

It’s easy to overdo it and slip into a carnival: bright colors will soon begin to tire you and will greatly oblige you in the future. It is more appropriate to choose softer, muted shades for large objects and entire walls, and add rich ones through accessories that can be easily replaced if desired. In non-residential areas (bathroom, corridor, hallway), color therapy can be used without fear. You don't spend much time in these rooms.

Be afraid of dark colors

It is gloomy, not for small rooms, it narrows the space - these are the main misconceptions associated with dark colors. Yes, they seem closer than the light ones. But dark shades also envelop, give depth, nobility and comfort. A small room will not look cramped if you avoid contrasting solutions and do not clutter the interior with details. The space is made cramped by the confusion of colors and the enthusiasm for decor.

The huge variety of different shades and options for their combination when choosing room decoration can cause some difficulties. Color in the interior, or rather the rules for choosing and combining wall colors in the interior, is the topic of this review. Choose optimal solution For beautiful design home or apartment, you can learn information about the properties of colors and their effect on space.

From a practical point of view, color can change the perception of space, create different moods and even influence the sense of size and shape of rooms. If, for example, you change the room color scheme decoration and furniture, it will be difficult to recognize a familiar room. It will change dramatically, and all because each shade has individual characteristics and properties. Taking them into account, you can easily learn how to effectively use different colors to decorate the walls of certain rooms of the house.

Individual color characteristics

All colors can be divided into warm and cold. The first include red, orange and yellow, the second - blue and blue. Green and purple are notable for the fact that they can change their “temperature”. For example, yellow-green feels warm, and blue-green feels cold; violet, which is close to blue, feels cool, and red-violet feels warm. It is the “temperature” of color that prevails in the interior that forms the main impression of it. Let's look at each color:

Red- the hottest and most “active”. It is associated with the power of life and passion, while occupying large surfaces and being too bright, it can cause nervous overexcitation and even aggression.

Orange- life-affirming, positive and mischievous.

Yellow- sunny and warming. These colors are not as provocative as red, but they are bright shades still interfere with complete relaxation and rest.

Cold colors, on the contrary, have a calming effect.

Blue and cyan— Calming, contemplative colors, they also feel like the coolest.

Green- the color of natural harmony, freshness and health. It calms, but does not contribute to distraction and drowsiness.

Violet- the most complex and not often used color. The feeling it creates depends on the shade.

Magenta (red-violet)- the color of strength and self-confidence. In ancient times it was considered an attribute of kings and is still associated with power and luxury. Blue-violet indoors it is calming like the night sky, but with prolonged exposure it can be depressing with its gloom. The bright crimson shade of purple evokes positive emotions, but only when used in moderation. It is rarely found in nature and is unusual for humans, so using this color as the dominant one is difficult to create a comfortable space.

Useful rules for interior design

To inner space felt harmonious, it should contain both cold and warm colors. In this case, to avoid contradictions, one is chosen as the main one, and the color of the opposite “temperature” is carefully added either in the form of several small bright accents, or on larger areas, but using less flashy, pale shades.

Before choosing a color scheme for the walls of the room, you should determine in which direction it is directed. The heat of the southern rooms will be warmed up even more by the warm range, and the coolness of the northern ones will be cooled by the cold range. If the house is located in a cold region, dark blue decoration of walls, ceilings and furniture is contraindicated for rooms with small, north-facing windows. In a house with large southern windows, you should carefully use bright shades of red and yellow.

Warm colors attract the eye, so a room decorated in interesting shades of this range will seem smaller. Cold, dim colors, on the contrary, expand the boundaries of the room and visually enlarge it. Thus, if we consider, for example, elongated, oblong rooms, then to give them more naturalness, the far wall can be decorated in a bright, warm color. The room will be visually smaller, but will become more harmonious.

In the elongated room, the far wall was made red to visually give the room the correct shape. A bright wall at the head creates a positive mood in the bedroom, while the rest of the walls are decorated neutrally.

To choose the right shade of paint, you need to remember three basic rules:

  • When using the same color, a large painted surface will appear darker than a small one. This is important to consider when choosing a shade based on a tiny square on the color fan.
  • A rough painted surface appears darker than a smooth one.
  • A cool spectrum of lighting brightens the coating, while a warm spectrum makes it darker and more saturated.

To understand how the walls will look after finishing, find a suitable surface (a sheet of drywall) and paint it in the chosen color. Putting it to the wall in different time days and in different parts of the room, you can get an accurate idea of ​​what the final finished result will look like.

What wall color to choose for the hallway

This room is usually small and lacks natural light. However, she is the first to greet those entering, so in most cases she is made to be bright, warm and positive. Shades of yellow (from light cream to caramel and apricot) will help create a pleasant impression of your home right from the start. The peculiarity of the hallway is that people often enter it, but spend little time there. Therefore, this room in the house is the only one with which you can experiment and decorate it very brightly. If you doubt the advisability of such a design, you can, within the same framework, reduce the “temperature” to the desired tones. It is always worth remembering that in small hallways it is better not to decorate all the walls with the same warm colors. This will visually make the room smaller. Therefore, a combination is more acceptable. But in an elongated room, as discussed earlier, this technique of highlighting will allow you to visually bring closer and hide the elongation of the corridor.

Color design hallway

As for the hallway floor, you should avoid the temptation to make it light. Since this is the first room that encounters shoes and the street, the coating will be difficult to constantly keep clean.

What color to choose for the living room

The living room is the most spacious room in the house and, accordingly, it opens up the most opportunities for playing with color. This is not to say that there are shades that are absolutely not suitable for the living room. But you should definitely take into account that this is a multifunctional room in which you can relax and unwind after work, as well as arrange fun party. Therefore, you need to set priorities and decide in what capacity the living room will be used more - for relaxation or entertainment. In the first option, the main color of the walls in the interior can be calm or neutral (beige, sand, gray-blue or other soft shade).

If an active holiday mood comes first, use a combination of more intense warm colors, shades of yellow, orange and even red. Just keep in mind that when decorating a bright living room, it is important not to overdo it, otherwise it will be difficult to stay in it for a long time.

Cozy living room with bright accents

The secret to a harmonious living room that suits all purposes is to use mostly neutral colors on the walls, complemented by bright details. These could be unusual carpets, paintings, vases, pillows, curtains or wallpaper on one of the walls. Bright spots will give the room personality, while a calm background will allow this space to rest and relax.

What color to choose for the dining room and kitchen

For these rooms, it is best to choose the following colors - universal cream, shades of orange and yellow. Dosed red color is also acceptable, as it stimulates the appetite. By the way, the most “unappetizing” are considered blue colors. If desired, they can be used in the decoration of walls and furniture. But under no circumstances use blue dishes or blue curtains. Black is also not particularly acceptable, despite the fact that it is often used in combination with white to decorate kitchen floors.

Kitchen color scheme

Practicality in choosing colors is very important for the kitchen. Only easily washable materials - stone and tiles - can be light. High-quality glossy laminated and painted surfaces also tolerate washing well. Therefore, they also do not have to be made dark and dull.

What color to choose for the walls of the bedroom and nursery

When decorating these rooms, it is especially important to maintain a balance, not making them too bright, but at the same time not slipping into boring, dull colors of the walls in the interior. Good for decorating a bedroom pale blue, turquoise, lilac, soft green, gray-pink, peach. When using cool shades, dilute them with warm accents in red or orange.

Bedroom color scheme

The nursery should also be both bright and calming. For the development of a child, the presence of all colors in his environment is necessary, but this does not mean that they should occupy a large area and be very intense. It is optimal to use neutral soothing colors for the walls and floor, and make it bright, for example, by painting on one wall and adding a large colorful rug. It is better not to use colored chandeliers - they distort the color luminous flux, and this will tire the child.

You can even use color to correct children's behavior. So, for very restless people, it is recommended to decorate the room in cool colors - this will allow them to calm down and concentrate faster. Quiet children will benefit from a brighter color in the interior.

Table of colors, their combinations and features

To systematize and facilitate the perception of information about the colors used in the design of premises, consider the following table:

GREY blue, pink, brown, yellow, red, black, blue, lilac green, orange gives the room despondency and sadness
LILAC grey, chestnut, light purple red, orange, yellow, brown, black mystical, mysterious, mysterious interior
VIOLET light green, golden, orange, yellow dark green, brown, gray, red allows you to calm down, the color of wisdom and inspiration
PINK brown, gray, burgundy yellow, orange, black romantic interior
BROWN golden, gray, beige, pink, yellow chestnut, burgundy, lilac causes depression with long-term exposure
BLUE red, gray, burgundy, golden green, lilac, brown makes the room cool, sometimes uncomfortable
BLUE red, orange, blue, light purple golden, yellow, burgundy makes the interior cold
GREEN red, black, burgundy, yellow, orange grey, purple, blue calms and relaxes
YELLOW grey, purple, brown, green, black lilac, blue, burgundy, pink gives good mood, warmth and cheerfulness
RED blue, green, gray, golden, yellow, black purple, chestnut, brown invigorates
WHITE goes with any colors and shades instills a feeling of superiority, makes the room cold
BLACK red, grey, white, yellow, green pink, lilac, beige narrows the space, alarms

It should be remembered that the color combinations of the walls in the interior are much more important than the arrangement of furniture or the design of individual objects in the room. Therefore, when developing the design of rooms, pay more attention to this issue.