Blue wall, what color suits the panel. Bedroom wall color

Wall color - how to choose? Photo

When arranging furniture or individual objects in a room, the choice of wall color is much more important. Moreover, the color of the walls can be changed at any time, and furniture is usually bought for a long time.

Wall color combinations in the interior

Sometimes there are doubts about the combination of different colors, but this is only at first glance. Try combining warm and cold shades, then you will achieve interesting effects. Contrast causes colors to enhance each other. Large contrasts should be avoided in small rooms, because in this way we optically reduce them.

How do wall colors affect the psyche?

White color creates a feeling of vast space, but if there is too much of this color in the room, you can feel uncomfortable and boring.
Red color activates, revitalizes, excites the senses.
Yellow is considered basic, as it expresses the need for disclosure, strengthens nervous system, tones, gives vitality.
Blue calms and helps increase concentration.
Green color has a beneficial effect on a person’s mood and promotes positive emotions.
Orange color warms, encourages a person to act, thereby eliminating unwanted complexes and stiffness.
Purple- promotes mental work, inspires.

Wall color - test painting is required

The same color looks different on different surfaces: on a rough surface it looks darker, on a smooth surface it looks lighter, on a polished surface it looks cooler, on a matte surface it looks warmer. If you're unsure about choosing a color, try painting a small section of the wall. Tired of plain walls? Choose a contrasting color and paint one wall. This simple method will change your interior and add freshness and brightness to your room.

The color of the walls can be more than just an ordinary background for the interior. Nowadays it is becoming increasingly popular to paint one of the walls in a different color, different from the rest, preferably in a contrasting color.

By painting your walls in contrasting colors you will get many benefits. Your room will gain the new kind,A You will also save money and time. And when the color becomes boring, you can easily change it to another.

Adjusting the size of the room using the color of the walls

By choosing the right color, you can visually adjust the proportions of the rooms - narrow, expand, make them lower or higher and highlight zones.

Large rooms can be optically reduced by painting a shorter wall with dark paint; Small rooms can be made larger by using light pastel colors, and in order to add coziness, choose dark, rich shades.

The color of the walls, or rather their painting, will help disguise the imperfections of the wall, hiding unevenness, stains and cracks. For such tasks, paints in delicate, desaturated shades are best suited. When choosing a color, consider the intensity sunlight.

Intense shades are better suited for rooms with windows facing south or east, and light shades for northern rooms. We should not forget that not only the walls are important, but also the floor, furniture and other interior details: they need to form a color unity.

White wall color

The white color of the walls is a universal background; it goes well with different colors. If before this it was the main one in your home, you can safely “dilute” it with any bright colors.

Pink wall color

By correctly using paints of different colors, you can visually change the architecture of the apartment - for example, divide an elongated room into zones (dining room and relaxation area). You can simply paint one of the walls a bright color.

If you have a large room in which the main light shades, do not be afraid to accept juicy and bright shades. These colors go well with neutral tones and give an excellent effect.

Wall color combination: light furniture and cream carpet covering combine with a fuchsia wall. Choose accessories in similar colors to complement the interior.

Orange wall color

Harmony is achieved due to the same intensity of colors. A skillful combination of such colors organizes the space: in a wide room there is a feeling that a wall painted orange brings the distant part of the room closer.

Wall color compatibility: the bright and rich orange color of the walls goes well with green floor covering or carpet. For this composition you can choose elements of yellow-green, cream or white shades.

Blue wall color

The blue color of the walls is an atmosphere of relaxation and peace. Cool colors such as grays and blue shades, which have a calming effect on the nervous system, balance feelings and thoughts, and promote good sleep.

Wall color compatibility: if the room in which you sleep is bright and large window, you can paint one wall (for example, at the head of the bed) in a rich blue color that goes well with shades of gray and blue colors the remaining walls and floor.

Spicy wall color

If you want to create a truly exotic project with a warm color palette, try using the bright colors of oriental spices. Soft, subtle tones of turmeric, cardamom and spicy cinnamon create a stunning combination in a room reminiscent of North African homes.

Wall color compatibility: It is possible to vary the spice palette with many alternative mild shades.

Earthy wall color

Earthy tones echo the natural colors of our surroundings and can be safely mixed and matched. They are usually successful due to their softness and naturalness.

Wall color compatibility: the warmth of textured wood is combined with muted tones of sand and brown colors, which in turn create a natural, soothing color that is pleasing to the eye.

Wall color in the interior photo

The apartment or house in which a person lives is a separate little world, where it has its own character, a set of feelings and emotions, which together influence all spheres of life of their household. Therefore, it is very important in the process of planning future repair work determine a palette of colors and shades that will decorate all the walls of the home.

Colors in the interior work real miracles, because in addition to the fact that different shades influence the psycho-emotional state of a person in different ways, they can also modify the proportions of rooms, divide them into functional areas, and simply create a certain feeling from visual perception.

Features of choice

To make it easier to decide what color to choose for the walls, you need to soberly evaluate all the features of the room. Here you need to take into account the size of the room with the height of the ceilings, the lighting, and the presence of any defects in the form of cracks, protruding beams, etc.

When choosing a color scheme for a room, you should know that there are 3 options for combining the color of the walls in the interior:

  • similar colors are combined, for example, blue and sky;
  • a combination of tones of different saturations of one a certain color, for example, turquoise and indigo blue;
  • contrasting duets.

There are also some tricks when working with the color wheel. So dark tones perfectly hide any defects and imperfections of surfaces, while at the same time visually making the room smaller.

A light palette increases the area, filling the room with light and lightness. But multicolor can overload the space. Here it is important to choose one dominant shade, and the rest should be a harmonious complement to it.

As for the illumination of the room, for areas facing the darker northern side it is better to choose light colors. Whereas the colors of the walls in the interior of southern rooms can be chosen from a bright, intense palette of tones.

A very important note is that the same shade looks different on different surfaces. On smooth textures the paint looks lighter, on rough textures it looks darker. On matte canvases the color appears warm, while on polished ones it appears cold.

If there are any doubts before covering the walls with paint, then it is advisable to carry out a test painting small area surface to ensure the correct choice.

Basic combinations

Charcoal is a universal color. It goes well with all shades. The most best companions for black, it is traditionally snow white, rich red, shades of green, lemon and orange.

Red is considered a shade of passion and activity. It harmonizes perfectly with snow-white, charcoal, yellow, gray and green.

Lemon – tones the body and strengthens the nervous system. Goes well with sky, blue and lilac.

The color of greenery is fresh and inspiring. Combines with a golden brown background, run.

Blue is associated with infinity, the depths of the sea or the expanse of heaven. Helps increase concentration. Harmonizes with steel, yellow and purple.

Room decoration


The designers claim that it is the hallway that conveys the full impression to guests about the owners of the apartment. To decorate it, you can safely choose shades that inspire confidence, namely the color of dark cherry, copper, “mahogany”.

With the correct placement of accents, such a palette will not affect visual perception small corridor space.

Rich shades needs to be diluted light colors. Beige will match so perfectly, snow-white details with selected bright colors. A dark background, complemented by a large mirror of strict shapes, will seem endless.

It is also important to arrange furniture correctly without cluttering narrow hallway. To do this, you should limit yourself to a stylish steel hanger.


To decorate wall surfaces in the bedroom, it is advisable to use halftones. Smoky, slightly blurry shades will help you set the mood for rest and relaxation. Here it is appropriate to use a snow-white background in combination with soft purple, lilac and heavenly shades.


This room should set the mood for awakening and activity, because this is where household members meet after morning awakening. Combinations with juicy lemon, pink and orange tones will completely drive away drowsiness.

Stylization and coloring

Stylization also influences the choice of wall color. Thus, minimalism is characterized by cold tones in the form of pale sea, snow-white. Gray walls are often used in minimalist interiors.

Baroque is distinguished by its multi-layered nature, so the finishing palette can contain 3 shades at once. For walls, as a rule, noble red and golden colors, emerald and natural brown are chosen.

For antiquity, the characteristic tones are beige, azure, olive and snow-white. This calm palette is complemented by plaster decor in the form of frescoes and stucco.

Modern style gives you the right to choose any shade for decorating wall surfaces. Modern design walls in the interior is considered to be painting one contrasting wall with a different color from the general background.

The main thing here is to choose this combination wisely. For example, a coal wall can visually lengthen a room, while an orange surface, on the contrary, brings the distant part closer.

A competent selection of color palettes for painting walls will help achieve complete comfort in the perception of the living space.

Photo of wall colors in the interior

The most important room in the house is the living room, where the family spends their free time and receives guests. It should be designed in such a way that it feels warm and cozy. The first thing that catches your eye when entering a room is the walls. The future design of the room, its mood and style depend on them. Therefore, it is important to choose the right finishing method and color scheme for them.

Features of the room

The living room is the face of the apartment. They not only spend their leisure time and receive guests here, but sometimes also work and live there. The design and furnishing of this space must be done with great responsibility and care in order to fill it with an atmosphere of calm and comfort.

Often, home residents want to make the living room special, so they resort to ways to change its functionality. Thus, it can be divided into several zones that are designed to perform specific functions. So, living space can serve as a kitchen, office, bedroom and playground. Depending on the size of the apartment, the number of zones can vary from 2 to 4, but some residents manage to increase this number.

Used to divide a room various ways. These can be partitions, screens and pieces of furniture. But the most interesting and simplest is zoning using color.

Having designed each zone in a certain color scheme, you can visually divide the space without creating physical obstacles.

Various styles

Today, the living room can be decorated in any style you like. The main thing is to know the features of the chosen direction so as not to make serious mistakes.

  • Classic– this is furniture made of mahogany, an abundance of natural shades and the absence artificial materials. Most often, a modern classic style that values ​​naturalness is used to design a guest space. Massive paintings are welcome as decorations. wooden frames, stucco and bronze decorative elements. The walls should have warm pastel shades. It can be milky, beige or pale yellow.

  • High-tech style implies snow-white painting of the walls in combination with bright interior items. Metallic gloss, lurex curtains and silver decorations help complement the style.

  • Baroque intended for the stylistic decoration of large living rooms. The walls here often have three-dimensional patterns that smoothly flow into the ceiling, creating the illusion of deception. As for color, Baroque combines white and golden shades. Instead of white It is possible to use beige or peach, but in this case the stateliness of the room will change.

  • For modern characterized by soft pastel colors. Its furnishings combine the monotony of wall surfaces with floral patterns. The walls are usually made of concrete, glass or metal, which can be mixed with asymmetrical patterns.

  • If you choose country, then the design of wall coverings should consist of natural shades. Often, to decorate walls they resort to aged decorative plaster, complementing it with colorful elements.

  • Minimalism appreciates space, and therefore the main color for surface design should be as light as possible. The use of mirror coatings is encouraged, which will visually expand the space.

  • Lilac surfaces are characteristic for romantic Provence. For it, you can choose delicate shades of pink or blue, which can be diluted with aged furniture.


The color design of the walls allows you to visually adjust the parameters of the living room. Warm tones will bring the wall surfaces closer, and cold tones will move them away. Saturated shades can make a room smaller, while light shades, on the contrary, can expand it.

You can choose the color of the walls, focusing on the side of the world to which the windows of the hall face. If the windows are on the north side, then it is necessary to use warm colors, and if on the south, then it is better to give preference to cool, light shades. Wall surfaces that face east should be painted in muted pastel shades. Western rooms are preferably decorated in cool colors.

Walls painted in regular colors will help add sophistication to the room. In combination with a bright chandelier or colorful accessories, simple plain surfaces will be filled with life. In this case, the walls can be blue, pistachio, blue, pink, and so on.

Orange tones refresh the space, while green tones add freshness. But it is advisable to paint only one wall with bright colors so that they do not create an imbalance in the interior. For example, a black surface in combination with a dark floor and light walls will look interesting.

Chocolate surfaces look quite impressive. They can be decorated with turquoise furniture and white accessories.

Green, yellow, brown, olive, red, lavender, burgundy and mint colors. White color harmonizes well with any shades, so it can even be combined with khaki or ivory.

When choosing a color palette for any living room, you need to remember the rule of five shades:

  • dark pieces of furniture should be on a light background;
  • You cannot use more than five colors within one space.

Before painting the walls, you need to check and make sure that the chosen colors will highlight the interior of the room well. It is necessary to think through the design of the room in advance and take into account color scheme all its components.

How to paint?

The renovation of the hall should begin with preparing all surfaces for painting or pasting. Often for decorative finishing use water-based or oil paint what requires careful preparation walls Even subtle defects in untreated surfaces will be very visible after painting.

To prepare the walls for painting, you need to go through several stages. First you need to remove the old coating and then go over the plaster. Only after this are the wall partitions ready to be painted with enamel or paint. The final stage consists of cleaning the room.

The choice of the base color of the walls should begin with taking into account the intensity of natural light, the size window openings, style and dimensions of the living room. The color scheme should suit all residents, so you can choose a combination of shades. For example, divide a wall into two equal parts using contrasting colors.

In a large room

Large and spacious living rooms do not need to be visually enlarged, so any colors can be used to decorate them. These can be light shades of blue, gold, yellow, gray or green.

In a small room

Much in painting walls depends on the zoning of the room. Thus, the recreation area is better perceived in calm tones, and the playing area can be full of bright colors. The monotony of surfaces can be diluted with colored elements. These could be paintings or unusual lamps.

The office should be conducive to work, so its design should consist of calm beige, brown or gray shades. The dining area looks good in light green tones, as green helps control appetite. Red and orange walls, on the contrary, they make you want to eat.

Blue or greenish tones can create a feeling of coolness and visually enlarge the space. And in order for the chosen color to become especially saturated, it is necessary to use a colorant to dilute the paint.

Beautiful examples in the interior

There are many interesting solutions for getting original interior hall

One of the most popular options is to create an accent wall. It always stands out with its color and texture, since its main task is to attract attention. The emphasis is only on the surface that is opposite the entrance to the room. At the same time, the color of the accent part of the room always echoes color design other interior elements.

Photo wallpaper, painting, original drawing or pattern are used as an accent. If a wallpaper arrangement is used to paste the wall, then the unity of their quality is adhered to.

The chosen color of the walls in the living room sets the overall character of the house. The living room is a place for personal relaxation, where you can relax and escape from the daily hustle and bustle, as well as gather with your friends and loved ones. Choosing the optimal shade can lift your mood and help you cope with stress. There is a whole science for this, called Feng Shui.

Features of choice

By choosing the color scheme of the walls, you can visually increase or decrease the size of the living room.

Factors influencing color choice:

  • Room area
  • Lighting
  • Personal preferences
  • Functional requirements

For compact living rooms, light colors are suitable, making the area of ​​the room seem larger. A pattern on one of the walls will successfully complement the interior, in harmony with the overall color.

In spacious rooms there are much more opportunities for realizing fantasies. The color palette can be soft or contrasting.

They will stretch out the space, and the horizontal ones will expand it.

Wall color and cardinal directions

When choosing the color of the walls for the living room, you should pay attention to the lighting of the room. The same shade will look completely different in natural and artificial light.

Turning the room towards any of the cardinal directions also affects the overall “picture”. For north side Soft and warm shades are suitable, they compensate for the lack of sunlight. It can be yellow, green, beige or chocolate.

If the windows face south, then the living room can have cool shades, since there is enough daylight in the room. Sky blue, turquoise and white.

For east side It is better to use warm light colors, for example, soft pink, honey, peach.

For a living room whose windows face west side, preference should be given to cool colors. The walls can be painted gray, blue, mint.

Feng Shui wall color

Feng Shui is an ancient and very interesting theory, the purpose of which is to have a beneficial effect on life with the help of objects and colors. It is believed that any colors affect the energy of the house and affect the spiritual state of a person.

According to the rules of Feng Shui, the color palette of the living room can be chosen based on the principle of masculine or feminine, or based on which side of the world the room is facing.

Light and warm colors, such as red, yellow, green and white, are considered masculine.

Dark and deep colors are assigned to the female part, such as blue, purple, black.

For a living room located on the north side, blue color is suitable. Shades of blue promote relaxation and reduce activity. For interior decoration, you can choose paintings depicting bodies of water.

For the southern part, it is better to choose orange and red wall colors; it protects against negative energy and increases vitality. These colors should be treated with care. According to Feng Shui theory, the color red can increase blood pressure and has Negative influence on the nervous system. For the living room, it is better to use more muted shades of these colors, soft coral and peach. Red color

For north-eastern and western rooms it is better to use a cream, beige and honey palette. Colors help improve mood, cheerfulness and inspire optimism.

Popular colors for the living room


Beige color is universal; it looks harmonious in almost any style. The living room will be warm and cozy; the character of the room can be changed with the help of decor. Can serve as finishing brickwork or unusual application paints.


Modern and fashionable color, which is often used to create loft, classic, and modern styles. The walls of the room can be complicated with a variety of textures and geometric shapes.


Various shades of blue have a relaxing effect. For people with high load it will be the best solution for decorating the living room. Corresponds to oriental, maritime, Mediterranean and shabby chic style.


White color is considered neutral, but by playing with colors you can create absolutely any interior. It has a lot of shades, and thanks to the complex application on the walls, the living room will turn out to be original and completely unusual. White walls will become the basis for creating the character of the living room. For a dark living room, white color will be a salvation; there will be more light in the room.

Decorative elements will make the interior strict and refreshing, or, on the contrary, will give comfort and warmth.


Relevant for recent years a color that is associated with greenery and nature. The walls can be painted in different shades, zoning the space of the room. Wallpaper with a bright print will highlight the eco style of the living room.

In addition, green has a beneficial effect on vision and has relaxing properties.


A bright, summer and sunny color, it is subconsciously associated with something warm and pleasant. Suitable for covering the walls of a spacious living room.

Too bright and toxic shade of yellow in the living room small area will press, and pastel and light colors will promote communication, increase attention and mood.


Olive is a shade of green; it envelops you with its noble shade and gives a state of comfort.

Wall decoration in olive color will look harmonious in classic, Scandinavian and country style.


Peach-colored walls will fill the interior with rich colors of summer and early autumn. Suitable for classic, modern and fusion styles.

Peach is combined with gray, turquoise and burgundy.


Painting the walls turquoise will give a feeling of freshness and spaciousness to the living room. It has different depths of color from weightless pastel to rich and deep. Combines with almost any paint without overloading general interior rooms.

A color scheme

Monochromatic Using shades of the same color allows you to visually preserve and increase the area of ​​the room. Each color has many shades; combinations of them will allow you to create an original and unique interior of the living room.

Without overloading the interior, by painting the walls in different shades, you can zone the space or focus attention on a certain area.

The neutral color of the walls gives more opportunities for flight of fancy. Muted and delicate shades are suitable for classic style living room decoration.

Furniture or decorative elements that become boring over time will allow you to change the character and style of the living room. Walls in a neutral color can be shaded bright accents in the decor of the living room. For example, light gray in combination with beige will give home comfort. The calm colors of the walls will relax you after have a hard day and will play in the evening sunset.

A contrasting combination is suitable for a more modern stylistic direction.

Such option will do for brave owners. When executed correctly, the most unexpected combinations can occur.

Harmonious combination of two colors one half of the spectrum will give the living room the interior of a garden of Eden. The walls of the room can be made using a gradient method or a smooth transition of colors from one part of the living room to another.

Using this method is preferable for spacious rooms, although if you use light shades, a small living room will also be harmonious.

How to combine wall color with furniture color

When creating the interior of a living room, it is worth deciding what the focus will be on. If the walls of the living room are rich and bright colors, then it is better to choose the furniture elements in restrained and monochromatic colors.

White furniture can be decorated with pillows that match the color of the walls.

If you choose more restrained shades for painting the walls, the main accent in the interior can be bright furniture. A sofa, as an independent element of the living room or in tandem with brightly colored armchairs, will become the main object of attention in the room.

Also, the entire living room concept can be made in one color scheme. The interior will be discreet, but tasteful.

Interior color and style


The classic style corresponds to restrained and muted colors, such as green, blue, pear. As a rule, the walls are painted in one color or covered with wallpaper with a discreet pattern.


Living room made in modern style, will allow you to use more colors. The walls can be bright colors such as turquoise, grey, blue or emerald.

Most often, only one wall of the living room is painted in a bright color; in this case, the space is not overloaded and an oppressive feeling is not created. Light furniture will look interesting in contrast with the bright color of the wall.


Country style is directly associated with nature and rustic themes. Accordingly, the use of any natural shades is suitable.

Distinctive feature The stylistic direction is considered to be ceiling beams.

The colors of the walls can be painted in any natural shades, green, brown, gray.


A trendy trend used to create a modern living room. Literally, loft translates as attic or basement. Accordingly, the interior is done primarily in cool colors.

The photo shows a loft-style living room, accent wall decorated with brickwork.


The walls of the living room are made in light colors, white, beige, blue. A distinctive feature of the style is maximum functionality and simplicity of the interior.


Provence style has a restrained palette. The walls are decorated in olive, lavender and others. pastel colors.

Features of choosing colors for the kitchen-living room

For creating perfect interior You should adhere to a number of rules:

  • General color palette
  • The choice of wall color depends on the lighting
  • How lighter color, the more spacious the room seems

Features of choosing colors for a small living room

The design of a small room should be as functional as possible. The walls can be decorated with a beautiful, discreet pattern.

    For small rooms it is preferable to use light colors

    Bright colors will add decorative elements to the interior

    Each room in the house has its own function and should be as comfortable as possible for staying in it. They spend a lot of time in the living room. The color of the walls should be pleasing to the eye and not cause an irritating effect.

Color design plays an important role in modern interior. The color of the walls is much more important than the arrangement of furniture or the design of individual objects in the room. At the same time, the walls are easy to repaint or wallpaper, and furniture is bought to last for several years...

Wall color combinations in the interior

Sometimes colors don't go together at first glance. By combining warm shades with cold ones, you can achieve interesting effects. Contrast causes colors to enhance each other. Strong contrasts should be avoided small spaces, since in this way we optically reduce them.

How do wall colors affect the psyche?

  • White color creates a feeling of spaciousness, but if there is a lot of white color, then the room will be boring and uncomfortable.

  • Red - revitalizes, activates, excites the senses.

  • Yellow - tones, strengthens the nervous system, gives strength.

  • Blue - calms, increases concentration.

  • Green - puts you in a lyrical mood.

  • Orange - restores, warms, awakens the vital forces of the body.

  • Violet - inspires, calms nerves, promotes mental work.

Wall color - test painting is required!

The same paint looks different on different surfaces: on a smooth surface it looks lighter, on a rough surface it looks darker, on a matte surface it looks warm, on a polished surface it looks cooler. If you are not completely sure of the chosen color, paint a small fragment of the wall as a test.

Tired of walls of the same color? Take a contrasting color of paint and paint one wall with it. This simple change will make your interior look summery!

The color of the walls does not have to be a calm background for the interior. It is becoming increasingly fashionable to paint one wall in such a way that it is different from the rest - for example, it would be a contrasting color.

The contrasting technique of painting walls has many advantages. You will give the room a new look, while saving time and money. And if you get tired of the color, you can quickly change it to another.

Adjusting the size of the room using the color of the walls

By choosing the right color, you can visually adjust the proportions of the rooms - expand, narrow, make it higher or lower and highlight zones.

Long rooms can be shortened optically by painting a shorter wall with dark paint; small rooms can be enlarged by using light pastel colors, and to add intimacy and comfort, choose dark, rich shades.

The color of the walls, or rather their painting, helps to hide the imperfections of the wall, masking unevenness, cracks and stains. Paints in soft, desaturated shades are best suited for this. When choosing a color, consider the intensity of sunlight.

Intense shades are better suited for rooms facing east or south, while light shades are better for rooms facing north. Do not forget that not only the walls are important, but also the floor, furniture and other interior details: they must form a color unity.

Consider the texture of the wall. Textured plaster makes the wall color darker. This effect can be explained by the fact that an uneven surface darkens the shades and creates a grayish shadow.

The final color will be revealed after drying.

The saturation and shade of a larger range of paints will appear only after complete drying. Even in ideal conditions Water-soluble paint dries within 5 hours. However, it is better to wait a few days to ensure the final result.

White wall color

White is a universal background and goes well with other colors. If it has dominated your apartment so far, feel free to “dilute” it with all the colors of the bright palette!

Pink wall color

By skillfully using paints, you can simulate the architecture of an apartment - for example, divide an elongated room into zones (dining room and relaxation area). It is enough to paint one of the walls with a bright color.

If you have a large room in which light shades predominate, do not be afraid to use rich colors, which in combination with neutrals will give an excellent effect.

Wall color compatibility: combine cream carpeting and light furniture with a fuchsia wall. Choose accessories in the same colors to complement the interior.

Orange wall color

Harmony is achieved through colors of equal intensity. Their skillful combination organizes the space: in a wide room it seems that a wall painted orange brings the distant part of the room closer.

Wall Color Matching: A rich orange wall color will pair well with green flooring or carpet. For this composition you can choose elements of yellow-green, white or cream shades.

Blue wall color

This color scheme will create an atmosphere of peace and relaxation. Cool colors, such as blue and gray tones, which have a calming effect on the nervous system, balance thoughts and feelings, and induce sleep.

Wall color matching: If you sleep in a bright room with a large window, for painting one wall (for example, at the head of the bed), choose a rich blue color that goes well with shades of blue and gray colors the remaining walls and floor.

Spicy wall color

If you want to create a truly exotic project in a warm color scheme, we can recommend using the bright colors of oriental spices. Soft, unobtrusive tones of turmeric, spicy cinnamon and cardamom create a beautiful combination in a room that is reminiscent of the interiors of North African homes.

Wall color compatibility: the spice palette can be varied with many other subtle tones.

Earthy wall color

Earthy tones echo the natural colors of our environment and can be safely combined and mixed. They are often successful due to their naturalness and softness.

Wall color compatibility: the warmth of textured wood is combined with muted tones of brown and sand, which in turn create a natural, soothing color that is pleasing to the eye.

Elegant warm wall color

The warm, soft tone of the plastered walls - milky, baked milk, soft pink - will definitely be an excellent starting point when decorating the living room.

Wall color compatibility: a great combination with a dark blue curtain and a chair in an elegant tan color will look better than ever!

Neutral color

The most reliable and widespread is the use of pastel desaturated shades. If there is already some kind of decoration or furniture in the room, be guided by their shade. If the tiles or carpet in the room are not colored, neutral tones will look great on the walls in the room.

Decoration of wall colors in the interior. Photo