Monetary allowance for military personnel under contract calculator. The military pension calculator will help you calculate the size of a serviceman’s pension according to current legislation

There is not a single state that does not worry about its defensive strength.

In particular, the Russian Federation, like many other countries, has been developing and honing a system of payment for military personnel throughout its existence, thereby stimulating them to serve for the good of their homeland and conscientiously fulfill their duty.

What are these payments?

Today, for all military personnel without exception, serving under contract, conscription, etc. have the right to claim monetary compensation for work performed. Such remuneration is called monetary allowance.

For those liable for military service, these funds are the main means of material security for their lives. This allowance is an excellent incentive to ensure that each contract military member conscientiously performs his duties in preparing and retraining for the armed defense of his country.

Providing for military personnel is a guarantee from the state to those serving in monetary terms. The allowance that is supposed to be paid to a military personnel consists of several parts, the main part of which is salary. This sum is unchanged, due to each military man, depending on his position.

As a rule, a soldier's salary includes a monthly salary, which is equal to the assigned military rank. Also, this amount includes the salary for the month according to the military position occupied, as well as the amount of maintenance of the military personnel for the month, additional payments of a monthly nature.

Every year, a recalculation is carried out taking into account the inflation index, and the salary is separated by position, by rank and by additional payments.

Legislative regulation

The issue of calculating allowances for military personnel is regulated in accordance with Federal Law 306 “On monetary allowances for military personnel and provision of individual payments to them”. According to this document, both the allowance itself and individual payments for it are established, taking into account established military ranks and positions.

Also, the issue is regulated on the basis Orders of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation“On approval of the procedure for ensuring the allowance of military personnel”, “On the establishment of salaries for military personnel serving under a contract”, “On increasing the monetary allowance of military personnel and employees of certain federal executive authorities”.

Components of payment

Monetary allowance consists of the following parts:

  1. Salary according to rank.
  2. Salary according to position.
  3. Additional payments and allowances.

Latest distributed to these:

  1. For years of service. Can vary from 10 to 40%. In particular:
    • when serving from 2 to 5 years, a serviceman has the right to receive a 10% bonus;
    • serving from 5 to 10 years entitles you to receive a 15% bonus;
    • service from 10 to 15 years gives the right to receive a 20% bonus;
    • serving for a period of 15 to 20 years entitles you to receive a 25% bonus;
    • serving from 20 to 25 years gives the right to receive a 30% bonus;
    • Service for more than 30 years entitles you to a 40% bonus.
  2. For classification by class:
    • for the 3rd grade a bonus of 5% of the salary for the position is assigned;
    • for 2nd grade, 10% of the official salary is assigned;
    • For 1st grade, a 20% bonus is assigned to the salary for the position.
  3. For working with information that is a state secret. The rate of such a premium is 65%.
  4. For the specifics of the work. Such a bonus can reach 100% of the salary for the position. The assignment of this allowance can only be under the strict control of the state.
  5. For special merits.
  6. For the implementation of tasks in peacetime that put at risk own health and the life of a soldier.

In addition, each military man can apply one-time for financial assistance, which is equal to his monthly salary according to position and rank, as well as bonuses for conscientiousness and efficiency in performing duties.

Additional payments can be made in the form of a one-time remuneration at the end of the year, in the form of vacation pay, lifting and daily allowances, as an interest-free loan and as travel allowances. All these payments are specified in the Government Decree “On certain payments to military personnel and their families.”

Military personnel can apply for bonuses for conscientious and efficient execution job responsibilities, the amount of which does not exceed three times the salary per year.

Features of the calculation for different categories of military personnel

By contract

Allowance for those serving under contract, the same provision and incentive to perform the duties of military service.

On conscription (conscript service)

Conscription service is also distinguished by the fact that those serving in the service receive an indexation of allowance depending on the inflation index, for working with information, for excellence and knowledge of a foreign language, as well as for serving in remote areas or places with a difficult climate. In addition, quarterly bonuses and allowances of various types can be established.

Calculation of the salary of conscripts, as they are commonly called, includes such payments How:

  1. Salary.
  2. Allowances. They include payments for:
    1. qualifications;
    2. conditions for military training and retraining;
    3. solving dangerous problems;
    4. activities related to state secrets.

Moreover, after completing service, each military personnel has the right to receive double pay, as well as indexed material assistance.

National Guard

The salary of a National Guard soldier is calculated based on established salary. Since salary is the main component. Plus, an amount is added to it for military and special rank, for length of service and the complexity of the service. An allowance for class, for working in secrecy, etc. can also be added to the calculation amount.

For non-standard military ranks and positions, salary levels can be set by the heads of federal executive authorities, where this is provided for by law.

Payment and retention procedure

Today, there is a procedure according to which monetary allowances are paid, namely, payments occur monthly, with the exception of December. As a rule, the payment amount is due to be received by the middle of the next month for the previous one.

According to general rule, salary is paid at the place of regular service. Payment must be made upon provision of a certificate, it is indicated in the relevant document - distribution sheet.

Holds from monetary allowances occur on the basis established order. In particular, deductions take into account income tax in the amount of 13% of the allowance amount.

Besides, may apply such deductions for:

  • for treatment;
  • for education;
  • for the purchase of housing;
  • payments for children;
  • deductions under a writ of execution;
  • other deductions.

Military personnel can apply for an increase in pay in connection with indexation - annually. Indexation makes it possible to equalize military wages in accordance with rising price levels, raising a serviceman’s income to the level of market prices.

For information about cash payments to military personnel, see the following video:

Military salary Russian army in dry official language it is called monetary allowance. But regardless of the name, it is she who is the main motivating factor that influences the decision to serve under a contract. Therefore, before devoting their lives to the Armed Forces, many potential defenders of the Fatherland would like to know the size of their future salary. How to calculate it and what data to use for this? We will talk about this in detail in this article.

Main components of monetary allowance

For each contract employee without exception, a salary is provided, which is paid monthly. It can be called the basic indicator for calculating monetary allowance. But, in addition to salary, the formation of salaries is also influenced by such factors as:

  • military rank. The higher it is, the higher the monetary allowance;
  • position held. This is one of the main factors. For example, a captain holding a major position receives significantly more than his rank;
  • life time. In addition to their salary, each military personnel must be paid a bonus for length of service;
  • conditions for military service;
  • specific tasks performed by an officer or contract sergeant.

Also for contract soldiers performing any tasks that in one way or another involve risk to life (not necessarily in war time), additional allowances are provided, the amount of which can reach 100 percent of the salary.

How to calculate salary

Above we examined the main factors that influence the formation of the amount of monetary allowance. Now let’s put our knowledge into practice and try to find out what share of the salary is made up of certain allowances:

  • as already mentioned, the basis is the salary of the military personnel. All other components represent a percentage of its amount;
  • for length of service, up to 40 percent of the salary is added monthly to the salary;
  • for work with documents or any data constituting a state secret, an increase of up to 65% of the basic amount is provided;
  • for any special achievements, additional payments may be 100 percent of the salary;
  • 5-30 percent is added to the salary for class;
  • The various talents of an officer or warrant officer are also quite adequately assessed. If he is an excellent student in combat and physical training, he knows foreign languages or has other useful skills, then he may well count on an additional payment, the amount and frequency of which is determined by the command;
  • for the performance of combat missions that are carried out outside one’s military unit, an increase of up to 100 percent of the salary is provided.

In addition, by honorably fulfilling his duties, a serviceman can count on a bonus, paid once a year and ranging from one to three salaries. Additional payments include financial assistance, the amount of which is set by the commander of a particular unit.

Additional payments upon change of duty station and dismissal

In addition to the salary and all the above allowances, there are two more types of additional payments that cannot be ignored when talking about a military personnel salary:

  • “lifting cards” issued to an officer, warrant officer or long-term conscript upon transfer to another unit or to another duty station. Their amount can be 100 percent of the salary plus 25% for each family member;
  • a one-time benefit for military personnel retiring to the reserve. Its size is calculated depending on the service life. If it is more than 20 years, the payment reaches 7 salaries. Otherwise, the officer will receive 2 salaries.

If you add up all the allowances, as well as additional payments, it turns out that the salary of a military personnel today can range from 10 to 50 thousand rubles.

Monetary allowances for conscripts

The salary received by military personnel called up for military service is several times less than that of contract soldiers. However, there are clear improvements here too. If relatively recently the amount of their allowance was only 500 rubles, today soldiers and sergeants can count on receiving a salary of two thousand rubles.

This is not much, but it should be remembered that conscripts, firstly, are fully supported by the state, and secondly, have a number of benefits. For example, they can ride public transport for free and use other services, the cost of which is covered by special payments.

Income tax for military personnel

Like other Russian citizens, military personnel are required to pay income tax, the amount of which is fixed at 13 percent. Its amount does not increase in 2016-2017, despite the fact that the salary level has increased significantly.

Income tax is calculated from contract workers and conscripts at the time of payroll, which eliminates the need for them to independently contact the relevant authorities and waste time visiting the tax office.

In addition to taxes, they reduce wages and various deductions of funds that can be carried out from any other individual. These include:

  • alimony for the maintenance of a former spouse or minor children, the amount of which can reach 25, 33 or 50 percent of the monetary allowance;
  • deductions established for a military personnel in court. This could be, for example, a fine not paid on time or payments on an overdue loan;
  • tax deductions that we mentioned above.

The best way to accurately calculate a military personnel salary

Are you not very good with mathematics or simply cannot afford to waste precious time calculating the amount of your salary with all the allowances and deductions listed in the article? In the age of the Internet and high technology This process will take you just a few minutes, without forcing you to find a piece of paper, a pen or an ancient abacus.

For four years now, military salaries have not been increased or indexed. It is planned to increase the pay for the military in 2018, the rise in prices across the country has risen by 46%, the cost of a set of minimum food products has jumped to 60%, expenses have increased, therefore the financial maintenance of military personnel should be indexed on an increasing basis.

What is military pay?

The total amount of salary income (DS) consists of monthly salaries: military rank, military position and accrued additional cash payments. The amount of DD for military personnel and military pensions is established by federal authorities and must increase annually at the rate of inflation. The current average military salary level is presented in the table:

What factors influence its size?

New system material support, started in 2011, was aimed at increasing the prestige of the industry and the income of people performing combat duty. According to the law, the following factors influence the increase in pay for military personnel:

  • Salary. Depends on the rank and position held.
  • Territorial location of the military unit. There are surcharges for regions.
  • Secrecy. The bonus under this item may exceed half the salary.
  • Qualification certifications. Successfully passing the exam increases your salary by one-third of your salary.
  • Risk conditions. The bonus can reach the salary amount.
  • Awards for personal achievements.
  • Rewards for excellent service.
  • Compensation for living expenses, one-time payments of start-up assistance for living in a new place.

Until 2012, each of the listed factors was subject to an additional established size. After the reform, these factors began to determine the size of military personnel's salaries. The mechanism for calculating wages became more transparent, and income was commensurate with the rate of inflation. The system played a role in the prestige of military service and attracted new people to the profession.

When will the military pay be indexed in 2018?

The Russian Ministry of Finance recently announced that the state budget includes indexation for military personnel for the next three years. The payment is planned to be indexed annually according to inflation forecasts. We can only wait until January, when the legislative authorities adopt a corresponding resolution, and hope for an increase in military pay in 2018.

By what percentage will it increase?

The official document indicates that the government will index the amount of payments by 4 percent. The State Duma Committee on Defense is confident of the opposite and focuses on the stability of wages for the military. There is information that the change in 2018 will be resolved at the level of inflation and will be the same percentage as other public sector employees in the country.

How will salaries change according to military ranks?

The amounts of payments for positions of military ranks are established by the government of the Russian Federation on the basis provided by the heads of the executive branch, in part of which military service is prescribed by federal law.

Given comparative analysis by individual ranks, where you can track changes in average salaries and conclude that the indexation of military pay in 2018 is increasing:

Military rank Monthly amount for 2018, thousand rubles
Sailor/Private 5 5,2
Senior Seaman/Corporal 5,5 5,72
Second Class Sergeant Major/Junior Sergeant 6 6,24
Petty Officer First Class / Sergeant 6,5 6,76
Chief Petty Officer / Senior Sergeant 7 7,28
Chief Petty Officer / Petty Officer 7,5 7,8
Midshipman/Ensign 8 8,32
Senior Midshipman/Senior Warrant Officer 8,5 8,84
Ensign 9,5 9,88
Lieutenant 10 10,4
Senior Lieutenant 10,5 10,92
Lieutenant Commander/Captain 11 11,44
Third Rank Captain/Major 11,5 11,96
Second Rank Captain / Lieutenant Colonel 12 12,48
First Rank Captain/Colonel 13 13,52
Major General / Rear Admiral 20 20,8
Vice Admiral/Lieutenant General 22 22,88
Colonel General/Admiral 25 26
Admiral of the Fleet/General of the Army 27 28,08
Marshal of the Russian Federation 30 31,2

Military salaries for military positions

The size of the DD of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for military positions will increase. Using the example of some public service:

  • Primary positions of military soldiers and sailors from 10 thousand increase to a salary of 10.4 thousand rubles.
  • Foreman 18 thousand - 18.72 thousand rubles.

Increase in pay for military personnel in 2018 for positions suitable for replacement by officers:

  • Platoon commander from 20 thousand to 20.8 thousand rubles.
  • Motorized rifle corps officer 22.5 thousand - 23.4 thousand rubles.
  • Combined arms army officer 24.5 thousand - 25.48 thousand rubles.
  • Deputy army commander 35 thousand - 36.4 thousand rubles.

Will there be an increase in pay for military personnel in 2018?

On the one hand, there is a new state bill with a register of expenditure obligations under the Ministry of Defense, carried out using funds from the draft budget. The document indicates the annual fixed amount of DD for the period 2017-2018, from which it can be concluded that no clear increase is planned.

On the other hand, in the spring it is planned presidential elections, good sign for the projected increase in pay for the military in 2018 and citizens of other budget sectors. If indexation resumes, it will not exceed 6% and will correspond to the degree of inflation. It is impossible to predict how such growth will affect the quality of life support for military personnel.


The state is in dire need of strong army. For this reason, today we are actively recruiting contract soldiers. They are capable of successfully replacing conscripts. In order to attract as many new contract employees as possible, it is planned to increase the salaries of military personnel this and next year.

Russia has a huge amount of weapons of mass and local destruction. Against this background, there is a need for specialists capable of providing proper maintenance.

Approximately 1/3 of the state budget is spent on servicing the military forces. Part of it is spent on developing the latest weapons. The second part goes to payments to the military.

The total salary of military personnel consists of:

  1. Salary.
  2. Additional payments.
  3. Premium.

What influences

The salaries of Russian military personnel are affected by the following:

  • length of service;
  • personal merits;
  • time of service;
  • rank.

A military man receives a salary depending on his length of service. Persons serving beyond the Arctic Pole receive bonuses.

12 months of service count as 24 months.

Personal merits are understood as accomplished feats. It also matters where the soldier served. Persons serving in hot spots are paid more.

Pros and cons of contract service. Watch the video.

Other allowances

There are also other allowances. They contact:

  • speaking several languages;
  • presence of VO;
  • excellent physical preparation.

It also takes into account the extent to which a person is able to make decisions in critical situation.


The amount of monthly salary allowances in the Russian Federation looks like this:

  • length of service - 11-39%;
  • high qualifications - 6-29%;
  • secrecy - 66%;
  • specific conditions - 100%;
  • fulfillment of special tasks - 100%;
  • special achievements - 100%.

Gunner's salary

A rifleman means a private with two years of service. You can find out how much he earns from the sign.

Squad commander salary

A squad leader is understood to be a junior sergeant of the 3rd class, whose length of service varies from 2 to 5 years.

The salary of a squad commander, who is a 2nd class sergeant and has 5 to 10 years of service, looks like this:

Deputy platoon commander salary

A deputy platoon commander is a senior sergeant 1st class with 10 to 15 years of service. The sign shows how much he receives:

Platoon commander salary

A platoon commander is understood to be a foreman, a foreman, whose length of service is 15-20 years. The sign shows how much he earns.

How much a sergeant major, a master with 20-25 years of service, earns is shown in the table:

Officers' salaries

This position requires having higher education. With bonuses, the salaries of officers look quite impressive. Without them wage military officers with an officer rank looks like this:

  1. Platoon commander - 20.0 thousand rubles.
  2. Deputy company commander - 21.0 thousand rubles.
  3. Company commander - 22.0 thousand rubles.
  4. Deputy battalion commander - 23.0 thousand rubles.
  5. Battalion commander - 24.0 thousand rubles.
  6. Deputy com. shelf - 25.0 thousand rubles.
  7. Command regiment - 26.5 thousand rubles.
  8. Deputy com. brigades - 27.5 thousand rubles.
  9. Brigade commander - 29.0 thousand rubles.
  10. Deputy com. divisions - 29.5 thousand rubles.
  11. Command division - 30.5 thousand rubles.
  12. Deputy com. housing - 31.0 thousand rubles.